This spell stops functioning normally...


Imma firin mah lazer!!!1!1
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[del]As the title says, my jass spell I'm working on stops after some 30+ uses. And I'm having trouble finding the exact cause...I am still relatively new to any help would be appreciated. According to the debugger, it is unable to allocate a new id for the struct then causing it to die when trying to destroy a null object. The units still manage to get created at the right angle some how.[/del]

My spell is my favorite off of Diablo 2, Ice Orb, I had to make it myself, I never found one so far to be the same as Diablo 2's.

// Used ideas from the Frost Sphere by Hanky aka OrkOfMordor aka MDZ-OrkOfMordor and used functions from Vex's Caster System
// Made this one a self contained orb and closer to that of the original Diablo 2
// This is all hand written by me, only copied and pasted Caster System's functions
// Cidzero
scope IceOrb
        private constant gamecache cache = InitGameCache("IceOrb")
        // These are all you need to change to make the orb go further faster or different end effect
        private constant integer DumID = 'd000' // Must use the dummy.mdl
        private constant integer SpellID = 'A000' // Your Spell
        private constant integer ColdID = 'A003' // Your cold spell (base it off shadow strike, 0 cost, 0 cooldown, 0 casting time, 0 damage, no animation, your buff choice)
        private constant real maxOrbDist = 1200
        private constant real maxBoltDist = 800
        private constant real OrbSpeed = 5
        private constant real BoltSpeed = 10
        private constant real orbDmg = 0.1
        private constant real boltDmg = 15
        private constant real specialAngle = 35.0
        private constant real height = 50.0
        private constant real periodicCheck = 0.02
        private constant real spawnRate = 0.10
        private constant real boltHitRadius = 50.0
        private constant real orbHitRadius = 100.0
        private constant real orbSize = 1.00
        private constant real boltSize = 0.50
        private constant string orbMdl = "Abilities\\Weapons\\FrostWyrmMissile\\FrostWyrmMissile.mdl"
        private constant string boltMdl = "Abilities\\Weapons\\LichMissile\\LichMissile.mdl"
        private unit tu = null
        private real tl = 0
//=================== Some functions from Vex's Caster System =========================\\      
    private function H2I takes handle h returns integer
        return h
        return 0
    private function HS takes handle i returns string
        return I2S(H2I(i))
//=================== Checks the spell being casted =========================\\ 
    private function Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
        return (GetSpellAbilityId()==SpellID)
//=================== This checks to make sure the unit is not immune to magic (From Vex's Caster System) =========================\\    
    private function IsUnitNotImmun takes unit c,unit u returns boolean
        return ((c!=u) and not (IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE)==true) and not (IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_MAGIC_IMMUNE)==true) and (IsUnitEnemy(u, GetOwningPlayer(c))==true) and ((GetUnitState(u,UNIT_STATE_LIFE)>0.00)==true))
    private function notDead takes nothing returns boolean
        return (not (IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(),UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE)==true) and not (IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(),UNIT_TYPE_MAGIC_IMMUNE)==true) and ((GetUnitState(GetFilterUnit(),UNIT_STATE_LIFE)>0.00)==true))
//=================== The struct =========================\\  
    private struct Missile
        unit missile
        real angle
        real dist
        real special
        real stime
        real ttime
        real lvl
        real x1
        real x2
        real y1
        real y2
        effect mdl
        timer t
        boolean hit
        boolean d
        method make takes real x, real y, real a,real h, real s, string m, player p, real l returns nothing
            set this.missile = CreateUnit(p,DumID,x,y,a)
            call UnitAddAbility(this.missile,ColdID)
            call SetUnitAbilityLevel(this.missile,ColdID,R2I(l))
            call SetUnitFlyHeight(this.missile,h,0)
            set this.mdl = AddSpecialEffectTarget(m,this.missile,"chest")
            call SetUnitScale(this.missile,s,s,s)
            set this.angle = a
            set this.dist = 0
            set this.special = 0
            set this.stime = 0
            set this.ttime = 0
            set this.lvl = l
            set this.hit = false
            set this.d = false
            set this.t = CreateTimer()
            call StoreInteger(cache,HS(this.t),"missile",this)
        method move takes real speed returns nothing
            set this.x1 = GetUnitX(this.missile)
            set this.y1 = GetUnitY(this.missile)
            set this.x2 = this.x1+speed*Cos(this.angle*bj_DEGTORAD)
            set this.y2 = this.y1+speed*Sin(this.angle*bj_DEGTORAD)
            if (RectContainsCoords(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea,this.x2,this.y2)==false) then
                set this.d = true
                call SetUnitX(this.missile,this.x2)
                call SetUnitY(this.missile,this.y2)
                set this.dist = this.dist+speed
        method remove takes nothing returns nothing
            call RemoveUnit(this.missile)
            set this.missile = null
            call DestroyEffect(this.mdl)
            set this.mdl = null
            call PauseTimer(this.t)
            call FlushStoredMission(cache,HS(this.t))
            call DestroyTimer(this.t)
            set this.t = null
            call this.destroy()
//=================== This tells the bolts what to damage =========================\\    
    private function dmgTrgBolt takes nothing returns nothing
        local unit t = tu
        local real l = tl
        local unit u = GetEnumUnit()
        if IsUnitNotImmun(t,u) then
            call UnitDamageTarget(t,u,(l*boltDmg),false,false,ATTACK_TYPE_MAGIC,DAMAGE_TYPE_COLD,null)
            call IssueTargetOrder(t,"shadowstrike",u)
            call StoreBoolean(cache,HS(t),"hit",true)
        set u = null
        set t = null
//=================== This tells the orb what to damage =========================\\    
    private function dmgTrgOrb takes nothing returns nothing
        local unit t = tu
        local real l = tl
        local unit u = GetEnumUnit()
        if IsUnitNotImmun(t,u) then
            call UnitDamageTarget(t,u,(l*orbDmg),false,false,ATTACK_TYPE_MAGIC,DAMAGE_TYPE_COLD,null)
            call IssueTargetOrder(t,"shadowstrike",u)
        set u = null
        set t = null
//=================== This Controls the Bolts =========================\\
    private function BoltMotion takes nothing returns nothing
        local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
        local Missile bolt = GetStoredInteger(cache,HS(t),"missile")
        local group g = CreateGroup()
        call bolt.move(BoltSpeed)
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g,bolt.x2,bolt.y2,boltHitRadius,Condition(function notDead))
        if (CountUnitsInGroup(g)>0) then
            set tu = bolt.missile
            set tl = bolt.lvl
            call ForGroup(g,function dmgTrgBolt)
            set bolt.hit = GetStoredBoolean(cache,HS(bolt.missile),"hit")
            call FlushStoredMission(cache,HS(bolt.missile))
        call DestroyGroup(g)
        set g = null
        if ((bolt.dist>=maxBoltDist) or bolt.hit or bolt.d) then
            call bolt.remove()
            call TimerStart(t,periodicCheck,false,function BoltMotion)
        set t = null
//=================== Creates a Bolt without constantly making a Missile =========================\\      
    private function CreateBolt takes real x, real y, real a,real h, real s, string m, player p, real l returns nothing
            local Missile bolt = Missile.create()
            call bolt.make(x,y,a,h,s,m,p,l)
            call TimerStart(bolt.t,0,false,function BoltMotion)
//=================== The final boom as seen in Diablo 2 =========================\\      
    private function Final takes real x, real y, player p, real l returns nothing
        local real c = 1
            exitwhen (c>24)
            call CreateBolt(x,y,(c*15.0),height,boltSize,boltMdl,p,l)
            set c = c + 1
//=================== This controls the orb =========================\\      
    private function IceOrbMotion takes nothing returns nothing
        local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
        local Missile sphere = GetStoredInteger(cache,HS(t),"missile")
        local group g = CreateGroup()
        call sphere.move(OrbSpeed)
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g,sphere.x2,sphere.y2,orbHitRadius,Condition(function notDead))
        if (CountUnitsInGroup(g)>0) then
            set tu = sphere.missile
            set tl = sphere.lvl
            call ForGroup(g,function dmgTrgOrb)
        call DestroyGroup(g)
        set g = null
        if (sphere.dist>=maxOrbDist or sphere.d) then
            call Final(sphere.x2,sphere.y2,GetOwningPlayer(sphere.missile),sphere.lvl)
            call sphere.remove()
        elseif (sphere.ttime>=sphere.stime) then
            set sphere.stime = sphere.stime + spawnRate
            set sphere.ttime = sphere.ttime + periodicCheck
            set sphere.special = sphere.special + 1
            call CreateBolt(sphere.x2,sphere.y2,(sphere.special*specialAngle+sphere.angle),height,boltSize,boltMdl,GetOwningPlayer(sphere.missile),sphere.lvl)
            call TimerStart(t,periodicCheck,false,function IceOrbMotion)
            set sphere.ttime = sphere.ttime + periodicCheck
            call TimerStart(t,periodicCheck,false,function IceOrbMotion)
        set t = null
//=================== Starts it all right here =========================\\          
    private function IceOrbActions takes nothing returns nothing
        local real cx
        local real cy
        local real tx
        local real ty
        local Missile sphere = Missile.create()
        set cx = GetUnitX(GetTriggerUnit())
        set cy = GetUnitY(GetTriggerUnit())
        set tx = GetLocationX(GetSpellTargetLoc())
        set ty = GetLocationY(GetSpellTargetLoc())
        call sphere.make(cx,cy,(bj_RADTODEG*Atan2(ty-cy,tx-cx)),height,orbSize,orbMdl,GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()),I2R(GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetTriggerUnit(),SpellID)))
        set sphere.stime = spawnRate
        call TimerStart(sphere.t,0,false,function IceOrbMotion)

//====================== You know what this is ============================\\
    public function InitTrig takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger FrozenOrb = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(FrozenOrb,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
        call TriggerAddCondition(FrozenOrb,Condition(function Conditions))
        call TriggerAddAction(FrozenOrb,function IceOrbActions)

Btw I looked at Diablo 2's Ice Orb over and over to verify - It is not random. They spawn at a set angle of 35, 50, 55, or any other angle that does not hit 360 normally, and it spawns according to the orb's direction.
Sounds like you are overloading some data there...

You have to remember structs are just an array of globals, so if you don't properly recycle the array you will hit the limit.

call Missle.destroy(bolt)
I don't see a custom defined method for your destroy.

I could be wrong though, someone else have a few bits they'd like to chime in with?
To eliminate struct related issues, compile using debug mode and test again.

don't see a custom defined method for your destroy.
It's not like he needs one....
Right, but it looks like somethings going wrong there Vex. The array isn't getting recycled for whatever reason.
Did that, tells me Cannot Allocate ID for Object of Type (my struct)

Then after it fails to allocate, it fails to destroy the non-created structs.

I don't see what is causing this issue...or what I can do to fix it.

I removed the Bolt Spawning function and added it properly to the Orb Control function (still works), but it only delayed the big stop.
You are always creating a bolt missile, even when you don't actually need it, so there are a lot of missile objects you never get to ever attach to a timer and never get destroyed.
Huh...didn't know it created a struct even without .create()

So I put bolt missiles creation in a function that has to be called.
+rep for Vex ^_^

[del]Would this ultimately solve the problem? Or did I do something else?
I have tested, I lagged myself to hell by doign 30 bolts within 30 seconds, so many units, but it never came up with the error so atm I think this worked...but just incase can somebody check the code?[/del]
Huh...didn't know it created a struct even without .create()

No, you were using .create unnecessarily.

It is not a good idea to remove the previous code in the original post should have posted the new code in a reply.

, I had to make it myself,
I wouldn't really say this is totally true, the basic algorithm structure of the spell looks very familiar to me not to mention some names.
"I had to" means, I WANTED TO (caps for how much i wanted to). I couldn't resist trying to make one myself ^_^ Using Hanky's as a template by looking at his ideas seeing how they worked and figuring out if they were necessary to do this spell. The timers and cache are the biggest thing I saw from his that worked out perfect.

I'm one of those people that doesn't like just using ppl's stuff, I rather try and make what I need.

And about updating the code rather than posting a reply with it...I was thinking about saving space.
I think you are missing from method 'make' mandatory 'Missile.allocate()' method call. If you would use BJDebugMsg before storing 'this' as a integer to game cache and display I2S(this) it would appear on screen always as 1. Your problem should be that method 'make' doesn't give unique struct id.
Right one (if you want you can try that allocate() method on 'this' too):
        method make takes real x, real y, real a,real h, real s, string m, player p, real l returns nothing
            local Missile data = Missile.allocate()
            set data.missile = CreateUnit(p,DumID,x,y,a)
            call UnitAddAbility(data.missile,ColdID)
            call SetUnitAbilityLevel(data.missile,ColdID,R2I(l))
            call SetUnitFlyHeight(data.missile,h,0)
            set data.mdl = AddSpecialEffectTarget(m,this.missile,"chest")
            call SetUnitScale(data.missile,s,s,s)
            set data.angle = a
            set data.dist = 0
            set data.special = 0
            set data.stime = 0
            set data.ttime = 0
            set data.lvl = l
            set data.hit = false
            set data.d = false
            set data.t = CreateTimer()
            call BJDebugMsg("Missile struct id is: " + I2S(data))
            call StoreInteger(cache,HS(data.t),"missile",data)
I'm one of those people that doesn't like just using ppl's stuff, I rather try and make what I need.

I did not say you shouldn't (although NIH is a bad idea) I am just saying that a lot of the code didn't sound original to me, can you tell me more about this Hanky guy? I want to see his implementation... Just saying some stuff in the code sounds very familiar to me.

And about updating the code rather than posting a reply with it...I was thinking about saving space.
I am sure thehelper appreciates the outstanding kilobyte you saved them... Just saying that it will confuse people... for example look at Sooda's attempt to fix the already fixed code.

BTW sooda, you are quite wrong. Mandatory allocate(), what?
Sorry if I sounded like I was attacking you with that "I'm one of those people", I was just letting you know a little more about as to why I "had to" make, understanding the person helps understand their actions :p

The space wasn't was reading space...

And the code I looked at is:
Frost Sphere -
//Frost Sphere by Hanky aka OrkOfMordor aka MDZ-OrkOfMordor

scope FrostSphere

     private constant integer SpellId='A005'
     private constant integer BuffSpellId='A006'
     private constant string BuffOrder="berserk"
     private constant real PerSecondCreate=0.1
     private constant integer DummyId='e000'
     private constant real SphereSpeed=10.00
     private constant real MissileSpeed=15.00
     private constant real PeriodicTime=0.03
     private constant real TurnSpeed=45.00
     private constant real MissileDistance=1000.00
     private constant real MaxSphereDistance=2000.00
     private constant string MissileMdl="Abilities\\Spells\\Undead\\FreezingBreath\\FreezingBreathMissile.mdl"
     private constant string MissileAttackPoint="chest"
     private constant string SMissileMdl="Abilities\\Weapons\\LichMissile\\LichMissile.mdl"
     private constant string ExplMissileMdl="Abilities\\Spells\\Undead\\FrostNova\\FrostNovaTarget.mdl"
     private constant string ExplSphereMdl="Abilities\\Spells\\Undead\\FreezingBreath\\FreezingBreathMissile.mdl"
     private constant string SMissileAttackPoint="chest"
     private constant string MCode="FS_MissileHit"

  private constant function FS_MissileDamage takes integer lvl returns integer
     return 90*lvl+5


  private function Trig_Frost_Sphere_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
      return GetSpellAbilityId()==SpellId


  private function FS_DamageOfMissile takes nothing returns nothing
     local unit caster  =I2U(GetStoredInteger(GC(),MCode,"c"))
     local unit missile =I2U(GetStoredInteger(GC(),MCode,"m"))
     local unit u       =GetEnumUnit()
        if IsUnitNotImmun(caster,u) and missile!=u then
             call UnitAddAbility(u,BuffSpellId)
             call IssueImmediateOrder(u,BuffOrder)
             call UnitRemoveAbility(u,BuffSpellId)
             call UnitDamageTarget(caster,u,I2R(FS_MissileDamage(GetUnitAbilityLevel(caster,SpellId))),true,false,ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL,DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL,WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
     set caster =null
     set missile=null
     set u      =null

  function FS_MissileHit takes nothing returns nothing
     local unit caster  =tc
     local unit missile =tm

     local real x       =GetUnitX(tm)
     local real y       =GetUnitY(tm)

     local group g      =GetUnitsInRange(120,x,y,null,true)
     local effect gfx   =I2E(GetStoredInteger(GC(),HS(missile),"gfx"))

     if CountUnitsInGroup(g)>0 then
     call StoreInteger(GC(),MCode,"c",H2I(caster))
     call StoreInteger(GC(),MCode,"M",H2I(missile))
     call ForGroup(g,function FS_DamageOfMissile)
     call FlushStoredMission(GC(),MCode)

     call E2Null(AddSpecialEffect(ExplMissileMdl,x,y),1)

     call DestroyEffect(gfx)
     call AB_DestroyGroup(g)
     call FlushStoredMission(GC(),HS(missile))
     call RemoveUnit(missile)
     set caster=null

  private struct FrostSphereDatas
    unit sphere
    unit caster
    effect gfx
    real circ
    real angl
    real tdis
    real ttim

  private function FrostSphereMotion takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer t       =GetExpiredTimer()
    local FrostSphereDatas datas=GetStoredInteger(GC(),HS(t),"datas")

    local unit missile  =null
    local real mx       =0
    local real my       =0
    local real ux       =0
    local real uy       =0
    local effect mgfx

    call VUnitPolarXY(datas.sphere,SphereSpeed,datas.angl)
    set datas.tdis=SphereSpeed+datas.tdis

    set ux=GetUnitX(datas.sphere)
    set uy=GetUnitY(datas.sphere)

    if datas.ttim>PerSecondCreate and datas.tdis<=MaxSphereDistance then
         set datas.ttim=0
         call DestroyEffect(datas.gfx)
         set datas.gfx=AddSpecialEffectTarget(MissileMdl,datas.sphere,MissileAttackPoint)
         set datas.circ=datas.circ+TurnSpeed

         set mx=ux+MissileDistance*Cos(datas.circ*bj_DEGTORAD)
         set my=uy+MissileDistance*Sin(datas.circ*bj_DEGTORAD)
         set missile=CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(datas.caster),DummyId,ux,uy,A2PXY(ux,uy,mx,my))
         set mgfx=AddSpecialEffectTarget(SMissileMdl,missile,SMissileAttackPoint)

         call LaunchNormalCollisionMissileAtPointEx(datas.caster,missile,ux,uy,0,mx,my,MissileSpeed,90,MCode)

         call StoreInteger(GC(),HS(missile),"gfx",H2I(mgfx))
       elseif datas.ttim<=PerSecondCreate then
         set datas.ttim=datas.ttim+PeriodicTime

    if datas.tdis>MaxSphereDistance then
      call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(ExplSphereMdl,ux,uy))
      call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(MissileMdl,ux,uy))
      call DestroyEffect(datas.gfx)
      call RemoveUnit(datas.sphere)
      call FrostSphereDatas.destroy(datas)
      call FlushStoredMission(GC(),HS(t))
      call AB_DestroyTimer(t)
      call TimerStart(t,PeriodicTime,false,function FrostSphereMotion)
      set t=null

  private function Trig_Frost_Sphere_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer t       =CreateTimer()
    local location loc  =GetSpellTargetLoc()

    local FrostSphereDatas datas=FrostSphereDatas.create()
    local unit u        =GetTriggerUnit()
    local real x        =GetUnitX(u)
    local real y        =GetUnitY(u)
    local real lx       =GetLocationX(loc)
    local real ly       =GetLocationY(loc)

    local real angle    =A2PXY(x,y,lx,ly)

    local unit sphere   =CreateUnit(Player(14),DummyId,x,y,angle)
    local effect gfx    =AddSpecialEffectTarget(MissileMdl,sphere,MissileAttackPoint)
    call TimerStart(t,0,false,function FrostSphereMotion)

    call SetUnitX(sphere,x)
    call SetUnitY(sphere,y)

    set datas.gfx=gfx
    set datas.sphere=sphere
    set datas.caster=u
    set datas.angl=angle
    set datas.circ=0
    set datas.tdis=0
    set datas.ttim=0
    call StoreInteger(GC(),HS(t),"datas",datas)

    call RemoveLocation(loc)
    set t=null

function InitTrig_Frost_Sphere takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_Frost_Sphere = CreateTrigger(  )
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( gg_trg_Frost_Sphere, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT )
    call TriggerAddCondition( gg_trg_Frost_Sphere, Condition( function Trig_Frost_Sphere_Conditions ) )
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Frost_Sphere, function Trig_Frost_Sphere_Actions )

The Rest (the very bottom you'll find the functions he uses for the missiles)
//All functions are made by OrkOfMordor aka Hanky aka MDZ-OrkOfMordor!                                                   //
//                                                                                                                       //
// Thanx to Vexorian for his JassNewGenPack (download the modificated editor at: <a href="" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener"></a>)!                  //
//                                                                                                                       //
// This Spellpack uses:                                                                                                  //
//  - JassNewGenPack                                                                                                     //
//  - some Systems from OrkOfMordor aka Hanky aka MDZ-OrkOfMordor                                                        //
//                                                                                                                       //
// To use this spellpack you need:                                                                                       //
//  - JassNewGenPack                                                                                                     //

function H2I takes handle h returns integer
return h
return 0

function I2T takes integer i returns trigger
return i
return null

function I2F takes integer i returns fogmodifier
return i
return null

function I2Bo takes integer i returns boolexpr
return i
return null

function I2G takes integer i returns group
return i
return null

function I2Tx takes integer i returns texttag
return i
return null

function I2U takes integer i returns unit
return i
return null

function I2E takes integer i returns effect
    return i
    return null

function I2L takes integer i returns location
    return i
    return null

function I2It takes integer i returns item
    return i
    return null

function I2Li takes integer i returns lightning
return i
return null

function I2B takes integer i returns button
    return i
    return null

function I2Ti takes integer i returns timer
    return i
    return null

     gamecache cache=InitGameCache(&quot;cache&quot;)
     unit tu=null
     unit tc=null
     unit tm=null
     unit tv=null

//Main Functions

function GC takes nothing returns gamecache
    return cache

function CalculateMaxMotionTime takes real distance,real speed,real periodictime returns real
    return distance/speed*periodictime

function HS takes handle i returns string
    return I2S(H2I(i))

function AB_DestroyTrigger takes trigger trig returns nothing
  if trig!=null then
    call TriggerClearActions(trig)
    call TriggerClearConditions(trig)
    call DestroyTrigger(trig)

function AB_DestroyTimer takes timer t returns nothing
  if t!=null then
     call PauseTimer(t)
     call DestroyTimer(t)

function AB_DestroyGroup takes group g returns nothing
  if g!=null then
     call GroupClear(g)
     call DestroyGroup(g)

function AB_DialogDestroy takes dialog log returns nothing
  if log!=null then
     call DialogClear(log)
     call DialogDestroy(log)

function AB_DestroyMultiboard takes multiboard lb returns nothing
  if lb!=null then
     call MultiboardClear(lb)
     call DestroyMultiboard(lb)

function U2Death takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
call RemoveUnit(I2U(GetStoredInteger(GC(),I2S(H2I(t)),&quot;u&quot;)))
call FlushStoredMission(GC(),I2S(H2I(t)))
call AB_DestroyTimer(t)

function U2Null takes unit u,real duration returns nothing
local timer t = CreateTimer()
call TimerStart(t,duration,false,function U2Death)
call StoreInteger(GC(),I2S(H2I(t)),&quot;u&quot;,H2I(u))
set t = null

function T2Death takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
if I2T(GetStoredInteger(GC(),I2S(H2I(t)),&quot;t&quot;))!=null then
call DestroyTrigger(I2T(GetStoredInteger(GC(),I2S(H2I(t)),&quot;t&quot;)))
call FlushStoredMission(GC(),I2S(H2I(t)))
call AB_DestroyTimer(t)

function T2Null takes trigger tt,real duration returns nothing
local timer t = CreateTimer()
call TimerStart(t,duration,false,function T2Death)
call StoreInteger(GC(),I2S(H2I(t)),&quot;t&quot;,H2I(tt))
set t = null

function E2Death takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
call DestroyEffect(I2E(GetStoredInteger(GC(),I2S(H2I(t)),&quot;e&quot;)))
call FlushStoredMission(GC(),I2S(H2I(t)))
call AB_DestroyTimer(t)

function E2Null takes effect e,real duration returns nothing
local timer t = CreateTimer()
call TimerStart(t,duration,false,function E2Death)
call StoreInteger(GC(),I2S(H2I(t)),&quot;e&quot;,H2I(e))
set t = null

function L2Death takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
call DestroyLightning(I2Li(GetStoredInteger(GC(),I2S(H2I(t)),&quot;l&quot;)))
call FlushStoredMission(GC(),I2S(H2I(t)))
call AB_DestroyTimer(t)

function L2Null takes lightning l,real duration returns nothing
local timer t = CreateTimer()
call TimerStart(t,duration,false,function L2Death)
call StoreInteger(GC(),I2S(H2I(t)),&quot;l&quot;,H2I(l))
set t = null

function TT2Death takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
call DestroyTextTag(I2Tx(GetStoredInteger(GC(),I2S(H2I(t)),&quot;tt&quot;)))
call FlushStoredMission(GC(),I2S(H2I(t)))
call AB_DestroyTimer(t)

function TT2Null takes texttag tt,real duration returns nothing
local timer t = CreateTimer()
call TimerStart(t,duration,false,function L2Death)
call StoreInteger(GC(),I2S(H2I(t)),&quot;tt&quot;,H2I(tt))
set t = null

function VUnitPolarXY takes unit u,real distance,real angle returns nothing
    local real x=GetUnitX(u)+distance*Cos(angle*3.14159/180)
    local real y=GetUnitY(u)+distance*Sin(angle*3.14159/180)
    if RectContainsCoords(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea,x,y) then
    call SetUnitX(u,x)
    call SetUnitY(u,y)

function SUnitPolarXY takes unit u,real distance,real angle returns nothing
    local real x=GetUnitX(u)+distance*Cos(angle*3.14159/180)
    local real y=GetUnitY(u)+distance*Sin(angle*3.14159/180)
    if RectContainsCoords(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea,x,y) then
    call SetUnitPosition(u,x,y)

function GetUnitPolX takes unit u,real distance,real angle returns real
    local real x=GetUnitX(u)+distance*Cos(angle*3.14159/180)
    return x

function GetPolX takes real x,real distance,real angle returns real
    return x+distance*Cos(angle*3.14159/180)

function GetUnitPolY takes unit u,real distance,real angle returns real
    local real y=GetUnitY(u)+distance*Sin(angle*3.14159/180)
    return y

function GetPolY takes real y,real distance,real angle returns real
    return y+distance*Sin(angle*3.14159/180)

function GetTime2Distance takes real distance,real speed,real periodictime returns real
    return distance/speed*periodictime

function D2PXY takes real xA,real yA,real xB,real yB returns real
    local real dx = xB - xA
    local real dy = yB - yA
    return SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy)

function TerrainDeformationRippleXY takes real duration, boolean limitNeg, real x,real y, real startRadius, real endRadius, real depth, real wavePeriod, real waveWidth returns terraindeformation
    local real spaceWave
    local real timeWave
    local real radiusRatio

    if (endRadius &lt;= 0 or waveWidth &lt;= 0 or wavePeriod &lt;= 0) then
        return null

    set timeWave = 2.0 * duration / wavePeriod
    set spaceWave = 2.0 * endRadius / waveWidth
    set radiusRatio = startRadius / endRadius

    set bj_lastCreatedTerrainDeformation = TerrainDeformRipple(x,y, endRadius, depth, R2I(duration * 1000), 1, spaceWave, timeWave, radiusRatio, limitNeg)
    return bj_lastCreatedTerrainDeformation

function GetFlyParabelEx takes real x1,real y1,real z,real maxtime,real temptime,real maxheight,real speed,real x2,real y2,real x3,real y3 returns real
    local real tdist = D2PXY(x1,y1,x2,y2) / maxtime * speed
    local location l1 = Location(x1,y1)
    local real z1
    local real z2
    local real zxy
    set z1 = GetLocationZ(l1)+z
    call MoveLocation(l1,x2,y2)
    set z2 = GetLocationZ(l1)
    call MoveLocation(l1,x3,y3)
    set zxy = (GetLocationZ(l1)-z1) / D2PXY(x1,y1,x3,y3)
    call RemoveLocation(l1)
    return maxheight - maxheight / maxtime / maxtime * 4 * (temptime-maxtime/2) * (temptime-maxtime/2) + temptime / speed * tdist * zxy + z1 - z2

function CreateTextTagXY takes string s,real x,real y,real zOffset,real size,real red,real green,real blue,real transparency returns texttag
    set bj_lastCreatedTextTag=CreateTextTag()
    call SetTextTagText(bj_lastCreatedTextTag,s,size*0.023/10)
    call SetTextTagPos(bj_lastCreatedTextTag,x,y,zOffset)
    call SetTextTagColor(bj_lastCreatedTextTag,PercentTo255(red), PercentTo255(green), PercentTo255(blue), PercentTo255(100.0-transparency))
    return bj_lastCreatedTextTag

function CreateZ takes real x,real y returns real
  local location o = Location(x,y)
  local real z = GetLocationZ(o)
  call RemoveLocation(o)
  return z

function GetUnitsInRange takes real radius,real x,real y,boolexpr filter,boolean wantdestroy returns group
    local group g = CreateGroup()
    call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g,x,y,radius,filter)
    if wantdestroy then
    call DestroyBoolExpr(filter)
    set filter=null
    return g

function A2PXY takes real xA,real yA,real xB,real yB returns real
    return bj_RADTODEG * Atan2(yB - yA, xB - xA)

scope CountDestructable
     private rect dat_prove=null

  private function CountDestructableInRange_Rect takes nothing returns rect
    if dat_prove==null then
        set dat_prove=Rect(0,0,0,0)
  return dat_prove

  private function EnumCountDestructables takes nothing returns nothing
    if GetDestructableLife(GetEnumDestructable())&gt;0 then
        set bj_forLoopAIndex=bj_forLoopAIndex+1

  function CountDestructableInRangeOfXY takes real x,real y,real range returns integer
    call SetRect(CountDestructableInRange_Rect(),x-range,y-range,x+range,y+range)
    set bj_forLoopAIndex=0
    call EnumDestructablesInRect(CountDestructableInRange_Rect(),null,function EnumCountDestructables)
    return bj_forLoopAIndex

function IsUnitNotImmun takes unit c,unit u returns boolean
    if c!=u and not IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) and not IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_MAGIC_IMMUNE) and IsUnitEnemy(u, GetOwningPlayer(c)) and GetUnitState(u,UNIT_STATE_LIFE) &gt; 0.00 then
        return true
return false

constant function BugUse_FlyAbility takes nothing returns integer
    return &#039;Amrf&#039;

function BugUse_AddFlyAbility takes unit u returns nothing
    call UnitAddAbility(u,BugUse_FlyAbility())
    call UnitRemoveAbility(u,BugUse_FlyAbility())

//Passiv - Damage Skill
scope DamageSkill
private struct DSDat
    trigger GetDamage
    trigger GetOrder
    unit attacker
    timer t

private function DamageTrig_Conds takes nothing returns boolean
    local DSDat datas        =GetStoredInteger(GC(),HS(GetTriggeringTrigger()),&quot;datas&quot;)
    return GetEventDamageSource()==datas.attacker

function DestroyDamageTrig_Vars takes trigger tt returns nothing
    local DSDat datas       =GetStoredInteger(GC(),HS(tt),&quot;datas&quot;)

    call FlushStoredMission(GC(),HS(datas.GetDamage))
    call FlushStoredMission(GC(),HS(datas.GetOrder))
    call FlushStoredMission(GC(),HS(datas.t))

    call AB_DestroyTrigger(datas.GetDamage)
    call AB_DestroyTrigger(datas.GetOrder)
    call AB_DestroyTimer(datas.t)

    call DSDat.destroy(datas)

private function TimerDestroy_DamageTrigger takes nothing returns nothing
    local DSDat datas       =GetStoredInteger(GC(),HS(GetExpiredTimer()),&quot;datas&quot;)

    call FlushStoredMission(GC(),HS(datas.GetDamage))
    call FlushStoredMission(GC(),HS(datas.GetOrder))
    call FlushStoredMission(GC(),HS(datas.t))

    call AB_DestroyTrigger(datas.GetDamage)
    call AB_DestroyTrigger(datas.GetOrder)
    call AB_DestroyTimer(datas.t)

    call DSDat.destroy(datas)

private function TriggerDestroy_DamageTrigger takes nothing returns nothing
    local DSDat datas       =GetStoredInteger(GC(),HS(GetTriggeringTrigger()),&quot;datas&quot;)

    call FlushStoredMission(GC(),HS(datas.GetDamage))
    call FlushStoredMission(GC(),HS(datas.GetOrder))
    call FlushStoredMission(GC(),HS(datas.t))

    call AB_DestroyTrigger(datas.GetDamage)
    call AB_DestroyTrigger(datas.GetOrder)
    call AB_DestroyTimer(datas.t)

    call DSDat.destroy(datas)

function Add_DamageTrigger takes unit attacked,real duration,unit attacker,code func returns nothing
    local DSDat datas        =DSDat.create()

    set datas.GetDamage=CreateTrigger()
    set datas.GetOrder=CreateTrigger()
    set datas.t=CreateTimer()
    set datas.attacker=attacker

    call StoreInteger(GC(),HS(datas.GetDamage),&quot;datas&quot;,datas)
    call StoreInteger(GC(),HS(datas.GetOrder),&quot;datas&quot;,datas)
    call StoreInteger(GC(),HS(datas.t),&quot;datas&quot;,datas)

    //Trigger Settings
    call TriggerAddAction(datas.GetDamage,func)
    call TriggerAddCondition(datas.GetDamage,Condition(function DamageTrig_Conds))
    call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(datas.GetDamage,attacked,EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED)

    call TriggerAddAction(datas.GetOrder,function TriggerDestroy_DamageTrigger)
    call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(datas.GetOrder,attacker, EVENT_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER )

    //Timer Start
    call TimerStart(datas.t,duration,false,function TimerDestroy_DamageTrigger)

//Motion System
scope MotionSystem
   trigger motionsystem=null
   group motiongroup=null
   private constant string code=&quot;EnumAddTo_CollisionMissileGroup&quot;
   private constant real MinChaseRange=10.00
   private constant real MovementPerOfMissile=0.03

private struct MotionDatas
   real x1
   real y1
   real x3
   real y3
   real endh
   real begh
   real speed
   real tt
   real h
   real range
   real Zrate
   unit target
   unit attacker
   string endfunc
   integer mode

private function EnumAddTo_CollisionMissileGroup takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit caster=tc
    local unit u=GetEnumUnit()
    local group g    =I2G(GetStoredInteger(GC(),code,&quot;group&quot;))
      if IsUnitNotImmun(caster,u) and tu!=u then
         call GroupAddUnit(g,u)
    set g=null
    set caster=null
    set u=null

function RemoveUnitFromMissileGroup takes unit u returns nothing
    if IsUnitInGroup(u,motiongroup) then
     call GroupRemoveUnit(motiongroup,u)
       if CountUnitsInGroup(motiongroup)&lt;=0 then
        call AB_DestroyGroup(motiongroup)
        call AB_DestroyTrigger(motionsystem)
        set motionsystem=null

function EnumObjects_Motion takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit u          =GetEnumUnit()
    local MotionDatas MD  =GetStoredInteger(GC(),&quot;MD&quot;+HS(u),&quot;MotionDatas&quot;)
    local real distance   =D2PXY(MD.x1,MD.y1,MD.x3,MD.y3)
    local real angle      =A2PXY(MD.x1,MD.y1,MD.x3,MD.y3)
    local real curv
    local group coll
    if MD.mode==1 then
        if;distance/MD.speed*MovementPerOfMissile then
            call VUnitPolarXY(u,MD.speed,angle)
              if MD.begh!=MD.endh then
                set curv=GetFlyParabelEx(MD.x1,MD.y1,MD.begh,distance/MD.speed*MovementPerOfMissile,,MD.endh,MD.speed,GetUnitX(u),GetUnitY(u),MD.x3,MD.y3)
                set curv=MD.begh
        call BugUse_AddFlyAbility(u)
        call SetUnitFlyHeight(u,curv,0)
        call RemoveUnitFromMissileGroup(u)
        call MotionDatas.destroy(MD)
        call FlushStoredMission(GC(),&quot;MD&quot;+HS(u))

    if MD.mode==2 then
        set distance=D2PXY(GetUnitX(u),GetUnitY(u),GetUnitX(,GetUnitY(
        if distance&gt;MinChaseRange and GetUnitState(u,UNIT_STATE_LIFE) &gt; 0.00 then
           set angle   =A2PXY(GetUnitX(u),GetUnitY(u),GetUnitX(,GetUnitY(
           call VUnitPolarXY(u,MD.speed,angle)
           call BugUse_AddFlyAbility(u)
           call SetUnitFlyHeight(u,MD.h,MD.Zrate)
         call FlushStoredMission(GC(),&quot;MD&quot;+HS(u))
          if MD.endfunc!=&quot;&quot; then
              set tm=u
              set tc=MD.attacker
              call ExecuteFunc(MD.endfunc)
         call RemoveUnitFromMissileGroup(u)
        call MotionDatas.destroy(MD)

    if MD.mode==3 then
         set tu=GetEnumUnit()
         call StoreInteger(GC(),code,&quot;group&quot;,H2I(CreateGroup()))
         set tc=MD.attacker
         set coll=GetUnitsInRange(MD.range,GetUnitX(u),GetUnitY(u),null,true)
         call ForGroup(coll,function EnumAddTo_CollisionMissileGroup)
         call AB_DestroyGroup(coll)
         set coll=I2G(GetStoredInteger(GC(),code,&quot;group&quot;))
         call FlushStoredMission(GC(),code)
             if;distance/MD.speed*MovementPerOfMissile and CountUnitsInGroup(coll)&lt;=0 then
                 call VUnitPolarXY(u,MD.speed,angle)
                 call BugUse_AddFlyAbility(u)
                 call SetUnitFlyHeight(u,MD.h,0)
               call FlushStoredMission(GC(),&quot;MD&quot;+HS(u))
                 if MD.endfunc!=&quot;&quot; then
                     set tm=GetEnumUnit()
                     set tc=MD.attacker
                     call ExecuteFunc(MD.endfunc)
               call RemoveUnitFromMissileGroup(u) 
               call MotionDatas.destroy(MD)
          call AB_DestroyGroup(coll)

  set u=null

function MotionSystem takes nothing returns nothing
   if CountUnitsInGroup(motiongroup)&gt;0 then
    call ForGroup(motiongroup,function EnumObjects_Motion)

function AddUnitToMissileGroup takes unit u returns nothing
    if not IsUnitInGroup(u,motiongroup) then
         if motionsystem==null then
           set motiongroup=CreateGroup()
           set motionsystem=CreateTrigger()
           call TriggerRegisterTimerEventPeriodic( motionsystem, MovementPerOfMissile )
           call TriggerAddAction( motionsystem, function MotionSystem )
     call GroupAddUnit(motiongroup,u)

function LaunchMissileAtPointEx takes unit u,real x1,real y1,real begh,real endh,real x3,real y3,real speed returns nothing
    local MotionDatas MD  =MotionDatas.create()
    set        =0
    set MD.begh      =begh
    set MD.endh      =endh
    set MD.x1        =x1
    set MD.y1        =y1
    set MD.x3        =x3
    set MD.y3        =y3
    set MD.speed     =speed
    set MD.mode      =1
    call SetUnitPosition(u,x1,y1)
    call AddUnitToMissileGroup(u)
    call StoreInteger(GC(),&quot;MD&quot;+HS(u),&quot;MotionDatas&quot;,MD)

function LaunchNormalChaseMissileAtPointEx takes unit attacker,unit missile,real x1,real y1,real h,unit victim,real speed,real Zrate,string colfunc returns nothing
    local MotionDatas MD  =MotionDatas.create()
    set        =0
    set MD.h         =h
    set MD.attacker  =attacker
    set    =victim
    set MD.speed     =speed
    set MD.endfunc   =colfunc
    set MD.mode      =2
    set MD.Zrate      =Zrate
    call SetUnitPosition(missile,x1,y1)
    call AddUnitToMissileGroup(missile)
    call StoreInteger(GC(),&quot;MD&quot;+HS(missile),&quot;MotionDatas&quot;,MD)

function LaunchNormalCollisionMissileAtPointEx takes unit attacker,unit missile,real x1,real y1,real h,real x3,real y3,real speed,real range,string colfunc returns nothing
    local MotionDatas MD  =MotionDatas.create()
    set         =0
    set MD.attacker   =attacker
    set MD.h          =h
    set MD.x1         =x1
    set MD.y1         =y1
    set MD.x3         =x3
    set MD.y3         =y3
    set MD.range      =range
    set MD.speed      =speed
    set MD.endfunc    =colfunc
    set MD.mode       =3
    call SetUnitPosition(missile,x1,y1)
    call AddUnitToMissileGroup(missile)
    call StoreInteger(GC(),&quot;MD&quot;+HS(missile),&quot;MotionDatas&quot;,MD)

I didn't steal anything...^_^ (The code is from a spell map from, SpellPackForNgO.w3x)
The space wasn't was reading space...

We all have page down keys, and if you are really worried about that, drop it into spoiler tags. Plus, if someone in the future has the same problem as you and does a search, he can't see the before and after code, so it might hinder his learning.
We all have page down keys, and if you are really worried about that, drop it into spoiler tags. Plus, if someone in the future has the same problem as you and does a search, he can't see the before and after code, so it might hinder his learning.

I'm just a wierd guy. And good point...ofc if they're like me, they still don't understand the problem fully.
> BTW sooda, you are quite wrong. Mandatory allocate(), what?

allocate() is mentioned in TH' s Struct tutorial by Andrewgosu, thought without that it doesn't work. I believe you because you made vJASS. What is purpose of allocate() then?
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    Happy Friday!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    News portal has been retired. Main page of site goes to Headline News forum now
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am working on getting access to the old news portal under a different URL for those that would rather use that for news before we get a different news view.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Easily done
  • The Helper The Helper: is a link to the old news portal - i will integrate it into the interface somewhere when i figure it out
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Need to try something
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Hopefully this won't cause problems.
  • Ghan Ghan:
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I have converted the Headline News forum to an Article type forum. It will now show the top 20 threads with more detail of each thread.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    See how we like that.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I do not see a way to go past the 1st page of posts on the forum though
  • The Helper The Helper:
    It is OK though for the main page to open up on the forum in the view it was before. As long as the portal has its own URL so it can be viewed that way I do want to try it as a regular forum view for a while
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Yeah I'm not sure what the deal is with the pagination.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    It SHOULD be there so I think it might just be an artifact of having an older style.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I switched it to a "Standard" article forum. This will show the thread list like normal, but the threads themselves will have the first post set up above the rest of the "comments"
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I don't really get that article forum but I think it is because I have never really seen it used on a multi post thread
  • Ghan Ghan:
    RpNation makes more use of it right now as an example:
  • The Helper The Helper:
  • The Helper The Helper:
    What do you think Tom?
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    I will have to get used to this.
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    The latest news feed looks good

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