Tutorial Tooltips


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This is a tutorial about tooltips and other things that maybe in tooltips.

So you may ask these:

What are "TOOLTIPS"?
Tooltips are those what you see and read when you try to learn an ability, try to buy a unit or item, try to use an item or ability and information of a certain item or ability, passive or active.

Why do we need to know anything about tooltips?
Tooltips are the essential parts of a skill of which it will identify both you, and the seer, know what this certain ability, item or other objects do. If you cannot understand the tooltip, then you wouldn't really know what it does unless it is your second or third time to do it.

Kinds of Tooltips


There are at least 3 types of tooltips. These are Learn tooltips, Normal tooltips, and Turn Off tooltips. All of these tooltips are found with Hero type of abilities


LEARN = These tooltips are seen when you try to learn an ability


NORMAL = These tooltips are seen when you look at the information of an already learned ability or a unit ability


TURN OFF = This tooltip has 2 uses which has different effects on Activate/Deactivate Abilities (e.g. Immolation) and Auto-cast abilities (e.g. Cold Arrows)

@ Activate/Deactivate = This is quite simple. It is seen when you want to deactivate it from its effect such as immolation


@ Auto-cast = There are 2 parts in Turn Off, one is simply just "Turn Off" and the other is "Turn Off - Extended". Now they are seen below your "Normal - Extended" tooltip (commonly shown in light blue). What you right in Turn Off alone is when your activate its auto-cast and Turn Off - Extended is the opposite, it is when you deactivate the auto-cast.



There are 3 or 4 types of tooltips. These are Revive, Extended and Basic. All these tooltips are found with Hero type of unit.


BASIC - These tooltips are seen when you try to Buy a unit (with hotkey)

EXTENDED - These tooltips are seen when you try to buy a unit as information


REVIVE - This tooltip is seen when you try to revive a hero



There is only 2 which is Basic, Extended and nothing else



Codes are strings and things like that to create a special effect to your tooltips such as colors and spacing. Very widely known codes in Warcraft III are |cffffcc00, |r, and |n

Simple Codes

|c-colorcode- ~ This is a code which would give the text color than just white (or plainly #FFFFFF). |cffffcc00 is usually used in hotkeys, Level emphasis (see above) and other things.
Want more colors? Go to this link:
PS: |cff must be the suffix and also remove the # sign to make the color code properly work.

|r ~ This code ends the color codes or is a full stop of a color code. Typing Hel|cffffcc00l|ro will only "yellow" the l, but if you type Hel|cffffcc00lo, it will "yellow" o as well or even until the end of the tooltip (or messages in the trigger editor).

|n ~ Rather simple. It doesn't relate anything to color but it is helpful in spacing and acts as a line breaker in the World Editor, both tooltips and Trigger Editor. See below for an example:


Very Uncommon!
%d = This gets the integer level of a current skill + 1, which is used in Tooltip - Learn such as "Learn |cffffcc00R|ressurection" - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]". If, for example, the current level is 3, so it would look like this = "Learn Ressurection - [Level 4]

Raw Codes

Raw Codes are codes seen in raw detail rather than the real and simple name itself (such as Water Elemental = Simple).

When you see some tooltips, you'll see gibberish somewhat like this which, when you look for that data, you don't know where to get it.

We will use "Bash" as our skill


Now, go the View Menu of the Trigger Editor and check "Display Values as Raw Data" or simple Ctrl + D


Now you'll see more gibberish. The left side is not seen in reality, but edited by yours truly.


If you have understood above, let us see again the "Normal - Extended" tooltip for Bash and let us identify what the gibberish (let's call it Raw Codes now) are.


PS: To make your custom spells work, you have to change the left (before the comma) raw code to the raw code of the custom spell.

Now let's go to summon spells. Summon spells has different raw codes than the other skills because their raw data doesn't some from the skill, but a unit (specifically, the unit being summoned)

Let's have "Summon Water Elemental" based.


Now, the boxed raw codes do not exist in the skill. So you have to look for it. You will find it in the unit section. Since we are basing the skill to "Summon Water Elemental", then we get the Water Elemental unit


As you see above, the raw code in the tooltip has the raw code of water elemental. The only problem is, how do we get mindmg1, maxdmg1 and realHP? Well, they do not exist in the unit (in my knowledge) and maxdmg1 and mindmg1 is set on a unit, which is unknown for me to change as well. Only realHP can get the HP of a unit but (I think) there is no way to get mindmg and maxdmg

mindmg1 = Minimum Damage of based unit
maxdmg1 = Maximum Damage of a based unit
realHP = Total Base Hit Points (HP) of a unit

Extra: Auto-Fill

Auto-Fill is used to automatically fill all the tooltips or values at one time depending on the desired increment (otherwise, tooltips are consecutives, 1, 2, 3 etc..)

This is an image to where you'll find Auto-Fill, we are using an edited "Avatar" skill which has 5 levels.


When you press the one highlighted blue, a window will open (image is below).
"Start from level" states what number will start first
"Replace with level" is the number or text (CASE SENSITIVE) that it will be replaced with numbers. Example is changing it to Capital A. All capital As will be replaced with the number, raw coded or not.


After doing so, you'll have a result of this:



Well, the tutorial is done! Very simple isn't it? Well, good luck at your future mapping!


This has been brought by yours truly,

Thy FuKiN n0oB

Update Log
• Gave the full (in my knowledge) use of |r and |n, as stated by [B][I]~GaLs~[/I][/B] ~ 1/21/08
• Added Raw Codes (simple for now) ~ 1/21/08
• Added Summon spell Raw Codes ~ 1/21/08
• Added Auto-Fill (Thanks to [B][I]~GaLs~[/I][/B] for stating what it does to tooltips, give her some rep, not me) ~ 1/21/08
• Fixed some wrong points (Thanks to [I][B]Terrabull[/B][/I] ~ 1/22/08
• Fixed a really retarded wrong point. I should get a -rep ~ 1/22/08


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Firstly, it's flipped o_O (Blizzard should be top, Brilliance Aura should be bottom)

A very long space takes so much time and only is a limit (in my knowledge) to only 1 space, unlike |n which can be repeated as many and will space with the same value..


( ゚ε ゚)
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Simple, helpful, and to the point! Awesome screen-shots! Good job, I will probably relate back to this many times.
Thanks for the good work.


Shh I didn't edit this, go away.
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ehh i dont really need this kinds tutorial, but i just like to look at them.
So far its an ok tutorial, more for the newbies really.


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
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Teach people about what |r and |n stands for.

It is like a fullstop for a color code.

Acts as line break in object editor. (\n in trigger editor)


Because none of us are as cruel as all of us.
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Really nice tutorial! :D

Maybe you should go more in-depth with RawCodes, for example, stats of Summons (Feral Spirit, Water Elemental, etc.).


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Teach people about what |r and |n stands for.

It is like a fullstop for a color code.

Acts as line break in object editor. (\n in trigger editor)

I said what it simply does, which I would not interpret what it fully does. There are still some codes (I think, like the raw codes?) which maybe not that essential, so I just gave a short meaning of what |r and |n states (i didn't know \n works =P) But if you want to, then fine I will ^_^ (EDIT: but I dun see the difference between you and my saying o_O)

Maybe I'll put the rawcodes o_O.


Gone but not forgotten
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> Maybe I'll put the rawcodes
You should.
And also mention about the Auto Fill Levels option, can save lots of time.

The screenshots are great, but those borders are hardly visible, especially the blue ones. Maybe increase their width or use some color that provides more contrast to the background?


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
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>>%d = This gets the integer level of a current skill + 1, which is used in Tooltip
False, only 1 letter. "%" will do.
Ex - Learn SkillA - Level %

>>Not "like".
You like to catch small errors in my sentence.
I repeat myself again, English is not my first languange and I may have alot spelling error when you forces me to write it out.
I hate your manners.

>>Both |n and \n work for trigger editor.
If I'm not mistaken, it is either one. Didn't re-test it thought.


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> Maybe I'll put the rawcodes
You should.
And also mention about the Auto Fill Levels option, can save lots of time.

The screenshots are great, but those borders are hardly visible, especially the blue ones. Maybe increase their width or use some color that provides more contrast to the background?

Added the raw codes thing.

About the Auto Fill Levels, isn't that already for the skill, not the tooltips?


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
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>>Added the raw codes thing.
Probably a nice thing to say with, if I'm not mistaken that the "AhcH" (rawcode) is not require. The only thing that require is the "DataA1" (Data). Hope, I didn't mistaken it.

>>About the Auto Fill Levels, isn't that already for the skill, not the tooltips?
If I had a spell that has 100 level, I'm gonna change the tooltip (value) one by one?
By using AutoFill will do what I need in 2 sec.


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>>Added the raw codes thing.
Probably a nice thing to say with, if I'm not mistaken that the "AhcH" (rawcode) is not require. The only thing that require is the "DataA1" (Data). Hope, I didn't mistaken it.

>>About the Auto Fill Levels, isn't that already for the skill, not the tooltips?
If I had a spell that has 100 level, I'm gonna change the tooltip (value) one by one?
By using AutoFill will do what I need in 2 sec.

Okay firstly, do not exaggerate like that to n00bs =.=/ It looks like you're insulting my stupidity, which I am not offended but some may do. Yes, I am stupid, but saying that to some people will let them care what you say o_O (for a reason that I dun' know)

Secondly, I did not know you can Auto Fill tooltips, which now makes me more stupid than usual.

Thirdly,.. Well, there's no thirdly but you get the point right?

~You have changed alot since the classroom of Purge&Fire ^_^, now more mature and sarcasm =P~

EDIT: Damn, must spread rep first T_T


Yours Truly,

Thy FuKiN n0oB


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
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>>Okay firstly, do not exaggerate like that to n00bs =.=/ It looks like you're insulting my stupidity, which I am not offended but some may do. Yes, I am stupid, but saying that to some people will let them care what you say o_O (for a reason that I dun' know)
Sorry to offended you. :(

>>Secondly, I did not know you can Auto Fill tooltips, which now makes me more stupid than usual.
If you did mapping alot, you would find out that most of the Data, Tooltip can be auto filled.

>>~You have changed alot since the classroom of Purge&Fire ^_^, now more mature and sarcasm =P~
I might apologise for that, sorry.

Edit -
You just explained about string auto fill, explain more. (Data auto fill)


Veteran Member (Done that)
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In the "Raw Data" section, you said that only built-in abilites can use them. That is not true. You can use Raw Data values for custom abilites. To do that, you need to change the ability code (the letters and numbers on the left side of the comma) to the ability code of the custom ability.

For example, I have a custom ability that has an ability code of A006 so my tooltip looks like.
Does <A006,DataA1> damage to the unit for <A006,DataB1> seconds.

Edit: nice tutorial, wish it had been around before I had to figure out all this stuff on my own. ;-)


I have the right to remain silent.
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Found out what it was now :p

Anyhoo it's a nice tutorial, although it didn't teach me anything it would probably do that to others :)


Veteran Member (Done that)
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mindmg1 = Minimum Damage of a unit
maxdmg1 = Maximum Damage of a unit
realHP = Total Base Hit Points (HP) of a unit

The number on the right of mindmg and maxdmg must always, and ALWAYS be 1.

One comment, and a couple questions about this section. First them always having to be 1 is not true. If you put 2 after it, it will look at the second attack of the unit (if it doesn't have one, it will be zero).

EDIT: Moved my question to a thread ABOUT that question.


You can change this now in User CP.
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In the "Raw Data" section, you said that only built-in abilites can use them. That is not true. You can use Raw Data values for custom abilites. To do that, you need to change the ability code (the letters and numbers on the left side of the comma) to the ability code of the custom ability.

For example, I have a custom ability that has an ability code of A006 so my tooltip looks like.
Does <A006,DataA1> damage to the unit for <A006,DataB1> seconds.

Edit: nice tutorial, wish it had been around before I had to figure out all this stuff on my own. ;-)

I'm so forgetful T_T.. VERY forgetful! I know the raw codes in the left side but I can't even remember to remember =O

One comment, and a couple questions about this section. First them always having to be 1 is not true. If you put 2 after it, it will look at the second attack of the unit (if it doesn't have one, it will be zero).

EDIT: Moved my question to a thread ABOUT that question.

That I did not know, I should thank you! +rep!!!
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