Various questions


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hi i need a bit help with some problems i have with trying to trigger smth.
Because i have SOOO much questions i wrote all down to make just one threath. Plz take time and try to help me :p. I prefer GUI.

1. How can i make units belong to an player but be uncontrollable for that player? (player gets bounty and vision but cant give orders)

2. How can i make units unattackable for allies? (Turn off friendly fire that you cant attack an allied hero even if u force the attack with "a")

3. How can i make negative auras?

4. How can i make custom orb effects?

5. How can i make an additional auto attack for an unit that attacks 1 target permanently? (Phoenix Fire changes target after it hit an enemy.)

6. How can i make my dummies not to be seen on the minimap?

7. How can i trigger a "first target it hits" spell? (e.g an arrow that stuns the first enemy it hits)

I really hope you can help me :D


I lurk for pizza
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A unit Is attacked

Trigering Unit is an ally of Attacking unit == false

Unit - Order Attacking Unit to Stop

3. Preferences - Allow Negative Reals. Then create an aura ( sample: Endurance Aura) with -0.50 Movement speed increase.

4. Explain? Try Orb of Lightning.

5. Phoenix Fire will work. Just set the furation to 0.01

6. Abilities - Locust

7. Try this. Its in GUI


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You could make another player own it, but retain it's real color, and have 100% tax rate for that player. (Bounty effect won't show when a unit dies.)

For example: Player 1 (Red) owns five footmen. Player 2 (Blue) is Player 1's "dummy player". -You give ownership of the five footmen to Player 2 (Blue), but retain their color. (They will now look Red, but be owned and controlled by Blue.)
Then set the tax rate for Blue towards Red to 100%. (Then Red will automatically recieve all the gold Blue earns.)
Also set the alliance between Red and Blue to 'Allied with Shared Vision'.

Not perfect, but I think it's the closest you'll come. (You need one player for each "real" player, though..)

Another way of doing it would be to add Locust to the units. = You can't select the unit.

>6. Abilities - Locust
-Then the units won't be selectable, which he might not wont.

Try setting "Hide on Minimap - True", in the Object Editor (F6) for each unit that you want to hide.


Hey Listen!!
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1. How can i make units belong to an player but be uncontrollable for that player? (player gets bounty and vision but cant give orders)
Add Locust ability to the unit, or make unit unselected in trigger
  • Selection - Remove (Triggering unit) from selection<div class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--screenLimited bbCodeBlock--code"><div class="bbCodeBlock-title">Trigger:</div><div class="wc3trigger"><ul class="wc3" id="wc3_2">
    • <li class="lastopen"><span class="default">&lt;blockquote data-attributes=&quot;&quot; data-quote=&quot;&quot; data-source=&quot;&quot;</span>
    • <ul>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">class=&quot;bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch&quot;&gt;</span></li>
    • <li class="open"><span class="default">&lt;div class=&quot;bbCodeBlock-content&quot;&gt;</span>
    • <ul>
    • <li class="open"><span class="default">&lt;div class=&quot;bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent &quot;&gt;</span>
    • <ul>
    • <li class="lasttree"><span class="default">2. How can i make units unattackable for allies? (Turn off friendly fire that you cant attack an allied hero even if u force the attack with &amp;quot;a&amp;quot;)</span></li>
    • </ul>
    • </li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">&lt;/div&gt;</span></li>
    • <li class="lasttree"><span class="default">&lt;div class=&quot;bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink&quot;&gt;&lt;a role=&quot;button&quot; tabindex=&quot;0&quot;&gt;Click to expand...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</span></li>
    • </ul>
    • </li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">&lt;/div&gt;</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">&lt;/blockquote&gt;Just use conditions</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">&lt;div class=&quot;bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--screenLimited bbCodeBlock--code&quot;&gt;&lt;div class=&quot;bbCodeBlock-title&quot;&gt;Trigger:&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div class=&quot;wc3trigger&quot;&gt;&lt;ul class=&quot;wc3&quot; id=&quot;wc3_1&quot;&gt;</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">&lt;li class=&quot;lastopen&quot;&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;if&quot;&gt;If - (Attacking unit) is ally of (Attacked unit) equal to (=) True&lt;/span&gt;</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">&lt;ul&gt;</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">&lt;li class=&quot;lasttree&quot;&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;ifthen&quot;&gt;Then - Order (Attacking unit) to Follow (Attacked unit)&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/li&gt;</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">&lt;/ul&gt;</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">&lt;/li&gt;</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">&lt;/ul&gt;</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">&lt;/div&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</span></li>
    • <li class="open"><span class="default">&lt;blockquote data-attributes=&quot;&quot; data-quote=&quot;&quot; data-source=&quot;&quot;</span>
    • <ul>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">class=&quot;bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch&quot;&gt;</span></li>
    • <li class="open"><span class="default">&lt;div class=&quot;bbCodeBlock-content&quot;&gt;</span>
    • <ul>
    • <li class="open"><span class="default">&lt;div class=&quot;bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent &quot;&gt;</span>
    • <ul>
    • <li class="lasttree"><span class="default">3. How can i make negative auras?</span></li>
    • </ul>
    • </li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">&lt;/div&gt;</span></li>
    • <li class="lasttree"><span class="default">&lt;div class=&quot;bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink&quot;&gt;&lt;a role=&quot;button&quot; tabindex=&quot;0&quot;&gt;Click to expand...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</span></li>
    • </ul>
    • </li>
    • <li class="lasttree"><span class="default">&lt;/div&gt;</span></li>
    • </ul>
    • </li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">&lt;/blockquote&gt;File &amp;gt; Preferences &amp;gt; [x] Allow negative real values in the Object Editor</span></li>
    • <li class="open"><span class="default">&lt;blockquote data-attributes=&quot;&quot; data-quote=&quot;&quot; data-source=&quot;&quot;</span>
    • <ul>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">class=&quot;bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch&quot;&gt;</span></li>
    • <li class="open"><span class="default">&lt;div class=&quot;bbCodeBlock-content&quot;&gt;</span>
    • <ul>
    • <li class="open"><span class="default">&lt;div class=&quot;bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent &quot;&gt;</span>
    • <ul>
    • <li class="lasttree"><span class="default">4. How can i make custom orb effects?</span></li>
    • </ul>
    • </li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">&lt;/div&gt;</span></li>
    • <li class="lasttree"><span class="default">&lt;div class=&quot;bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink&quot;&gt;&lt;a role=&quot;button&quot; tabindex=&quot;0&quot;&gt;Click to expand...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</span></li>
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    • <li class="lasttree"><span class="default">&lt;/div&gt;</span></li>
    • </ul>
    • </li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">&lt;/blockquote&gt;More hard but with conditions if unit got some item and maybe you will need a damage detect system</span></li>
    • <li class="open"><span class="default">&lt;blockquote data-attributes=&quot;&quot; data-quote=&quot;&quot; data-source=&quot;&quot;</span>
    • <ul>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">class=&quot;bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch&quot;&gt;</span></li>
    • <li class="open"><span class="default">&lt;div class=&quot;bbCodeBlock-content&quot;&gt;</span>
    • <ul>
    • <li class="open"><span class="default">&lt;div class=&quot;bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent &quot;&gt;</span>
    • <ul>
    • <li class="lasttree"><span class="default">5. How can i make an additional auto attack for an unit that attacks 1 target permanently? (Phoenix Fire changes target after it hit an enemy.)</span></li>
    • </ul>
    • </li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">&lt;/div&gt;</span></li>
    • <li class="lasttree"><span class="default">&lt;div class=&quot;bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink&quot;&gt;&lt;a role=&quot;button&quot; tabindex=&quot;0&quot;&gt;Click to expand...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</span></li>
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    • <li class="lasttree"><span class="default">&lt;/div&gt;</span></li>
    • </ul>
    • </li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">&lt;/blockquote&gt;I&amp;#039;m not sure but maybe you need to make a aura and allow target only what you want to be hited, every X seconds if some unit got the buff of the aura, set &amp;#039;some variable&amp;#039; = triggering unit (or something like this) then create dummy, add &amp;#039;spell what you want to hit the target&amp;#039;, set level of the ability to level of the aura and order last created unit to &amp;#039;storm bolt&amp;#039; &amp;#039;some variable&amp;#039; (this is just a example), someone can explain it better then me.</span></li>
    • <li class="open"><span class="default">&lt;blockquote data-attributes=&quot;&quot; data-quote=&quot;&quot; data-source=&quot;&quot;</span>
    • <ul>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">class=&quot;bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch&quot;&gt;</span></li>
    • <li class="open"><span class="default">&lt;div class=&quot;bbCodeBlock-content&quot;&gt;</span>
    • <ul>
    • <li class="open"><span class="default">&lt;div class=&quot;bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent &quot;&gt;</span>
    • <ul>
    • <li class="lasttree"><span class="default">6. How can i make my dummies not to be seen on the minimap?</span></li>
    • </ul>
    • </li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">&lt;/div&gt;</span></li>
    • <li class="lasttree"><span class="default">&lt;div class=&quot;bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink&quot;&gt;&lt;a role=&quot;button&quot; tabindex=&quot;0&quot;&gt;Click to expand...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</span></li>
    • </ul>
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    • <li class="lasttree"><span class="default">&lt;/div&gt;</span></li>
    • </ul>
    • </li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">&lt;/blockquote&gt;Object Editor &amp;gt; Units &amp;gt;</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">Stats - Hide Minimap Display (uhom) True</span></li>
    • <li class="open"><span class="default">&lt;blockquote data-attributes=&quot;&quot; data-quote=&quot;&quot; data-source=&quot;&quot;</span>
    • <ul>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">class=&quot;bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch&quot;&gt;</span></li>
    • <li class="open"><span class="default">&lt;div class=&quot;bbCodeBlock-content&quot;&gt;</span>
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    • <li class="open"><span class="default">&lt;div class=&quot;bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent &quot;&gt;</span>
    • <ul>
    • <li class="lasttree"><span class="default">7. How can i trigger a &amp;quot;first target it hits&amp;quot; spell? (e.g an arrow that stuns the first enemy it hits)</span></li>
    • </ul>
    • </li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">&lt;/div&gt;</span></li>
    • <li class="lasttree"><span class="default">&lt;div class=&quot;bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink&quot;&gt;&lt;a role=&quot;button&quot; tabindex=&quot;0&quot;&gt;Click to expand...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</span></li>
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    • <li class="lasttree"><span class="default">&lt;/div&gt;</span></li>
    • </ul>
    • </li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">&lt;/blockquote&gt;I think this got more types, but you can use a dummy em move it instantly every 0,xx seconds and when some unit come X with range of the dummy, you do actions.</span></li>
    • <li class="tree"><span class="default">Sorry for my bad english..</span></li>
    • <li class="lasttree"><span class="if">If someone know how to explain better, please, do it.</span></li>
    • </ul>
    • </li>
    • </ul>
    • </div></div>


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thank you for the quick answers :p it really helped me out.

I have 1 problem left with the custom orb effects. When i take the skill of slow orb or lightning orb in the object editor then i can enter 3 different % chances. The weird thing is even when i set all 3 chances to 100% nothing happens.
How does this work with the custom orbs?


Hey Listen!!
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In ability got:

Data - Chance To Hit Heroes
Data - Chance To Hit Summons
Data - Chance To Hit Units

this is chance to ability cast in Heroes, Summons and Units (of course, duh!)

Data - Effect Ability

Is the ability what will cast if the x% hit right

If you use other orb, maybe it will be replaced and don't will work. Orb Effect Don't Stack


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ok i understand now how it should work with the custom orb effect. But i set all 3 x % chances to 100% and it wont work a single time. If i set only the chance for units or heroes to 100% it wont work for units and heroes either. I want to make an orb skill for a tank hero that decreases the attack damage of the attacked unit. I chose "Cripple" for the effect ability. Is there anything i could have forgotten???


Hey Listen!!
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You remove the mana cost of ability? (Don't know if this care)


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1. How can i make units belong to an player but be uncontrollable for that player? (player gets bounty and vision but cant give orders)

Locust ability is one answer. Course, nothing can attack the unit either if its a multiplayer map and they need to be able to defend themselves from the unit.

Another way is to do clear the selection for the owning player any time he picks the unit. Like

  • Events
    • Player Selects a Unit
    • Conditions
    • Selected unit = Unit Type you want uncontrollable
    • Actions
    • Clear selection for Player

If your unit is just supposed to wander around killing things, a final way is to use the stop order trigger someone else posted. This will of course make your unit stop dead in it's tracks. You could use a wait and then order it to attack to a random point in the region, or you could set its acquisition range really high so it locks onto the nearest unit and hunts them down.
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