Need Hero/Item ideas for my HLW/AOS Map.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Do you still need ideas? Sorry that I haven't been posting here. Been busy these days. :D


Well-Known Member
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Yes, i am still taking ideas, but most wont be implemented in the first vers., as i am only aiming for 5 heroes per team. Still needing ideas, as I always will :D.


Make a wish
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Name: Kil'jaden
Second Name: The Diaoblist

1. Demonic Fire
Description: Kil'jaden creates a nova of fire around him that deals damage and has an AoE of 600. The fire also stays behind not as strong, but good enough to deal damage per second. The fire lasts 10 seconds.
Level 1: 10 damage per nova, 1 damage per second
Level 2: 15 damage per nova, 3 damage per second
Level 3: 30 damage per nova, 4 damage per second
Level 4: 60 damage per nova, 6 damage per second
Level 5: 150 damage per nova, 15 damage per second
Level 6: 300 damage per nova, 30 damage per second
Level 7: 400 damage per nova, 60 damage per second
Level 8: 600 damage per nova, 100 damage per second
Level 9: 900 damage per nova, 190 damage per second
Level 10: 1150 damage per nova, 500 damage per second

2. Demonic Portal
Description: Kil'jaden creates a portal sending in creatures from the burning legion to aid him and his ally's in battle. Creatures last 2 minutes. 
Level 1: 1 fellhound, 10 attack, 5 defense, 700 life
Level 2: 2 fellhound, 20 attack, 5 defense, 1000 life
Level 3: 2 fellhound, 40 attack, 7 defense, 1300 life
Level 4: 1 Infernal, 100 attack, 13 defense, 2000 life
Level 5: 1 Infernal, 180 attack, 30 defense, 3000 life
Level 6: 1 Infernal, 400 attack, 37 defense, 3400 life
Level 7: 2 Infernal, 600 attack, 40 defense, 3800 life
Level 8: 1 doom guard, 1200 attack, 80 defense, 5000 life
Level 9: 1 doom guard, 1600 attack, 100 defense, 10000 life
Level 10: 2 doom guard, 1600 attack, 100 defense, 10000 life

3. Demonic Regeneration Aura
Description: Kil'jaden lets out his demon fire to all ally's in an AoE of 400 giving them extra mana regeneration.
Level 1: Restores 4 mana per second
Level 2: Restores 8 mana per second
Level 3: Restores 12 mana per second
Level 4: Restores 15 mana per second
Level 5: Restores 23 mana per second
Level 6: Restores 27 mana per second
Level 7: Restores 30 mana per second
Level 8: Restores 34 mana per second
Level 9: Restores 37 mana per second
Level 10: Restores 40 mana per second

4. Reign of Chaos
Description: Kil'jaden summons many meteors to fall from the sky not creating an infernals, but dealing more damage than usual. Has an AoE of 600 and lasts 25 seconds.
Level 1: Each Meteor deals 50 damage
Level 2: Each Meteor deals 300 damage
Level 3: Each Meteor deals 600 damage
Level 4: Each Meteor deals 800 damage
Level 5: Each Meteor deals 1000 damage

Only the first spell needs to be triggered and if you want any, all make them for you on the weekend or if I get some more spare time from homework. Hope they help :).


Well-Known Member
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Very nice hero, +rep... again lol. I might make my own "Freezing field" Type ability for the first spell. Of course, changing the effect >> lol.


Make a wish
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Lol ok. Btw, why doesn't my rep change? It stays at 10. Do I have to wait till it goes to 15?


Make a wish
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Name: Cenarius
Second Name: The Spirit of the Forest

1. Entangling Roots
Description: Cenarius entangles 9 units from the target unit and entangles the target unit. The roots stop the unit and deal damage per second. Last 10 seconds.
Level 1: 5 damage per second
Level 2: 10 damage per second
Level 3: 15 damage per second
Level 4: 40 damage per second
Level 5: 80 damage per second
Level 6: 150 damage per second
Level 7: 460 damage per second
Level 8: 900 damage per second
Level 9: 1300 damage per second
Level 10: 1500 damage per second

2. Star Fall
Description: Cenarius sends a huge star to fall at a target area dealing damage and dealing damage per second to all units in 200AoE. The damage has a 500 AoE.
Level 1: 30 damage,1 damage per second
Level 2: 40 damage,3 damage per second
Level 3: 60 damage,5 damage per second
Level 4: 140 damage,8 damage per second
Level 5: 350 damage,15 damage per second
Level 6: 600 damage,30 damage per second
Level 7: 1000 damage,70 damage per second
Level 8: 1800 damage,130 damage per second
Level 9: 3600 damage,260 damage per second
Level 10: 4000 damage,400 damage per second

3. Immortality
Description: Every time a unit in a AoE of 450 from Cenarius gets damaged, he has a chance to gain extra life and recover.
Level 1: 10% chance, 10 life
Level 2: 10% chance, 20 life
Level 3: 10% chance, 30 life
Level 4: 10% chance, 50 life
Level 5: 10% chance, 80 life
Level 6: 10% chance, 100 life
Level 7: 10% chance, 200 life
Level 8: 10% chance, 400 life
Level 9: 10% chance, 600 life
Level 10: 10% chance, 700 life

4. The Spirit of the Forest
Description: Cenarius becomes one with the forest and creates tree around him and makes spirits to fly around him killing and giving him life. Cenarius loses 100 life per second to hold the magic up and cannot leave the forest. Lasts 25 seconds.
Level 1: Forest deals 50 damage per second, spirits deal 100 damage each, 12 spirits
Level 2: Forest deals 150 damage per second, spirits deal 200 damage each, 12 spirits
Level 3: Forest deals 400 damage per second, spirits deal 300 damage each, 12 spirits
Level 4: Forest deals 700 damage per second, spirits deal 400 damage each, 12 spirits
Level 5: Forest deals 1000 damage per second, spirits deal 500 damage each, 12 spirits

The Forest, World Tree Aura, entangling roots and even star fall are all triggered. If you want triggers, I'll try t make them. The Star fall is triggered because you need to make the size bigger. Hope you like the hero :).


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Kul`Kirjan The Naturalist

Timed Offer When naturalist dies he will rescurrect instantly with "Timed Offer" Buff this will kill you in 30 seconds,but if you die othervise than to "Timed offer" you deal 250 "Nature" Damage to all units near
Nature Damage: This damage deals 200% more to "Unarmed"
Cooldown: 2 Minutes (Passive)

Trees Blessings This will destory all trees in area of 250.00 Giving you 25 health x trees destroyed this will also plant secret Blessing Soul to one of trees ,if enemy goes near of invisible "Blessing Soul" it explodes,and gives +50% attack speed and +100 attack ,and 10 Armor to naturalist for 10 seconds

Unhealthly (Passive) Fire heros deals 25% more damage to this hero

Planting Water heros will every 5 attacks heal this unit 100

Black-hole Naturalist,is not only an natural! He can also force Out-space to make black hole to target this will move every unit into it! This will prison them for 10 seconds,after it black hole explodes,Pushing all units inside hole out and deals 500 damage to them,at all they will also be "Limited speeded" This makes them move 95% slower for 20 seconds,and,pushbacks them 2000.00 when exploding (Ultimate) 5 minute cooldown


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Gul`Girdan Son of Gul`dan the warlock

Nightmare Shield Makes shield,this will absorb 1000 damage until exploding,after all when shield explodes,it deals 100 damage all units near exploding shield,Warlock is invulnerable until shield is breaked! (Cooldown: 1min 30 sec)

Nightmares This will deal +50% damage to Holy Heros

hellfire of soulwell (Ultimate) Makes hellfire of soulwell this traps all heros near to it for 30 seconds,they will suffer 30 damage / sec in it

Icy Weakness Warlock mind cannot suffer ice,ice spells and attacks will deal +20% damage to warlock If warlock is attacked by ice attacks for more than 7 times in 30 seconds he will suffer 400 damage

Ultimate Crass

Summons crass to ground when warlock enters this magic grass,he will be pefectly invisible! Crass area lasts 20 seconds


don't expect anything, prepare for everything
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Name: Lighting Zapper
Proper name: Blitzor
Model: Wisp with some lighting effects
Primary att: Agility

Zapper is a low-ranged support hero (missile art is like Razor's but with blue lighting). It has high agility but very low strength and half of agility is intelligence.

1. Spell

Energy override
The Zapper drains x mana every x seconds. The drained mana is converted into lighting energy giving the zapper attack and movement speed bonus. If the Energy override lasts longer than 15 seconds the Zapper explodes damaging and slowing nearby enemies.

Level 1: Drains 10 mana and gives 5% attack and 1% movement speed per 1 second.
Level 2: Drains 8 mana and gives 6% attack and 2% movement speed per 0,8 seconds.
Level 3: Drains 6 mana and gives 7% attack and 3% movement speed per 0,6 seconds.
Level 4: Drains 4 mana and gives 8% attack and 4% movement speed per 0,4 seconds. After the explosion nearest enemy unit is also killed.

2. Spell

Lighting form
The Zapper turns into a sphere of lighting for 5 seconds, giving him 50% movement speed and spell immunity, but it cannot attack or cast spells.
Every enemy unit that touches him during lighting form gets damaged and pushed back. If the zapper is attacked it has 15% chance to release chain lighting on attacking unit.

3. Spell

Static field
Creates a lighting charge at target point. Every unit (including the Zapper) loses 25% of current HP if gets hit. Random enemy unit that gets hit has lighting injection for 5 seconds (if it attacks it will cause chain lighting to be cast upon him).

4. Spell - Ultimate

Power nova
Turns every nearby non-hero and non-structure unit into lighting energy and the zapper uses the energy to cast a massive, powerful lighting nova that damages and slows enemies by 25% for 4 seconds. Unit with lighting injection takes 25% more damage!

Level 1: Nova damage = 3 x (zapper's inteligence) + 50 damage for every unit
Level 2: Nova damage = 4 x (zapper's inteligence) + 75 damage for every unit
Level 3: Nova damage = 5 x (zapper's inteligence) + 100 damage for every unit

this seems that zapper is more a int hero than agi but it should be like this (he would be too powerful)


Well-Known Member
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Wow, some great heroes, keep em coming!

BTW, if you want your name mentioned in my map, just ask me and I will see if I can give you a name in the Credits or something.


Cookie Be Awesome!
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Name: Necrotus
Proper Name: Nex
Model: Most undead things should do. I'd say a skeleton
Attribute: Strength

Peletruding Bone Spikes (activateable-deactivateable)
By adjusting the built of his ribcage, Nex can turn himself from a regular skeleton into a walking powerhouse of bone spikes. This 365 degrees piercing defense deals damage per second to all who dare to come close to the Necrotus. Those even brave enough to attack him receive a percentage of the damage they dealt themselves.

Level 1 - Grants +4 armor and +10% melee damage return, as wel as it deals 8 damage per second to enemy units on melee distance. Drains 4 mana per second.
Level 2 - Grants +6 armor and +15% melee damage return, as wel as it deals 12 damage per second to enemy units on melee distance. Drains 6 mana per second.
Level 3 - Grants +8 armor and +20% melee damage return, as wel as it deals 16 damage per second to enemy units on melee distance. Drains 8 mana per second.
Level 4 - Grants +10 armor and +25% melee damage return, as wel as it deals 20 damage per second to enemy units on melee distance. Drains 10 mana per second.

Parasitic intent (passive)
Being an undead, the Necrotus is used to feeding on the lifeforce of other beings to sustain his own existance. While in battle, Nex passively leeches life essence from the blood that is spoiled in combat nearby him.

Level 1 - Restores 5% of the damage gained by any enemy in a 200 radius around Nex in health. Also adds 10% lifesteal.
Level 2 - Restores 8% of the damage gained by any enemy in a 225 radius around Nex in health. Also adds 13% lifesteal.
Level 3 - Restores 11% of the damage gained by any enemy in a 250 radius around Nex in health. Also adds 16% lifesteal.
Level 4 - Restores 14% of the damage gained by any enemy in a 275 radius around Nex in health. Also adds 19% lifesteal.

Skeletal Battlecry
The Necrotus possesses otherworldy powers, such as the famous Skeletal Battlecry. When the mighty skeleton lets out this terrifying howl, it intimidated nearby enemies as well as it boosts the morale of nearby allies of the Necrotus.

Level 1 - Reduces nearby enemies armor by 2 and increases nearby allies damage by 10%. Lasts 5 seconds.
Level 2 - Reduces nearby enemies armor by 3 and increases nearby allies damage by 15%. Lasts 6 seconds.
Level 3 - Reduces nearby enemies armor by 4 and increases nearby allies damage by 20%. Lasts 7 seconds.
Level 4 - Reduces nearby enemies armor by 5 and increases nearby allies damage by 25%. Lasts 8 seconds.

Hellfire Implosion
Said to be the most powerfull of all the Necrotus abilities, the Hellfire Imposion calls upon the fires of the inner circles of hell itself. As the hot flames rage on and scorch every opponent they encounter to the bone, they leave every ally unharmed. In addition, the flames stick to the Necrotus, adding their effect to his attack.

Level 1 - Sends out fire in a 400 radius nova around Necrotus, dealing 50 damage per second to and slowing every unit in this area by 30%, which lasts 5 seconds. Every unit hit by Necrotus during the next 12 seconds will have the duration of this hellfire increased by 2 seconds for every one of Necrotus hits. Units who have lost the effect already and are hit again, receive the buff again.
Level 2 - Sends out fire in a 400 radius nova around Necrotus, dealing 60 damage per second to and slowing every unit in this area by 30%, which lasts 5 seconds. Every unit hit by Necrotus during the next 12 seconds will have the duration of this hellfire increased by 2 seconds for every one of Necrotus hits. Units who have lost the effect already and are hit again, receive the buff again.
Level 3 - Sends out fire in a 400 radius nova around Necrotus, dealing 70 damage per second to and slowing every unit in this area by 30%, which lasts 5 seconds. Every unit hit by Necrotus during the next 12 seconds will have the duration of this hellfire increased by 2 seconds for every one of Necrotus hits. Units who have lost the effect already and are hit again, receive the buff again.


Well-Known Member
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Very nice. (Very Very Nice)

Here, have another cookie.

D.V.D. How would you like to be mentioned in my map? Quests credits, floating text... how?


Cookie Be Awesome!
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*Eats Cookie*, Homnomnomnom

Name: Thunder Elemental
Proper Name: Dedus
Model: A water elemental with some spoofy effects should do
Attribute: Agility

Full-Body Charge (activateable-deactivateable)
Dedus' entire body consists out of a giant mass of electricity. At will, he can leak out some of this energy and use it to shock nearby enemies, badly hurting them and causing their bodies to go numb.

Level 1 - Deals 10 damage per second no enemies in a 150 radius and slows them by 5% for every second they stay in this area. Slow lasts for 4 seconds and cant go below 35%, drains 10 mana per second.
Level 2 - Deals 15 damage per second no enemies in a 150 radius and slows them by 6% for every second they stay in this area. Slow lasts for 4 seconds and cant go below 35%, drains 13 mana per second.
Level 3 - Deals 20 damage per second no enemies in a 150 radius and slows them by 7% for every second they stay in this area. Slow lasts for 4 seconds and cant go below 35%, drains 16 mana per second.
Level 4 - Deals 25 damage per second no enemies in a 150 radius and slows them by 8% for every second they stay in this area. Slow lasts for 4 seconds and cant go below 35%, drains 20 mana per second.

Lightning Blink (active, single target)
Since the old days, thunder and lightning are known for the speed with which they strike. Dedus thankfully uses this speed to instantly move up to his opponent and strike them using lightning itself. This damages and paralyses them.

Level 1 - Blinks to an enemy up to 250 distance away, dealing 40 bonus damage, 0,1 second ministun, and slowing them for 15% for 3 seconds.
Level 2 - Blinks to an enemy up to 300 distance away, dealing 60 bonus damage, 0,1 second ministun, and slowing them for 15% for 3 seconds.
Level 3 - Blinks to an enemy up to 350 distance away, dealing 80 bonus damage, 0,1 second ministun, and slowing them for 15% for 3 seconds.
Level 4 - Blinks to an enemy up to 400 distance away, dealing 100 bonus damage, 0,1 second ministun, and slowing them for 15% for 3 seconds.

Powerleak (passive)
Dedus is built up from nothing but pure energy. This electricy enery tends to leak out of his body from time to time, shocking nearby opponents.

Level 1 - Every 3 seconds, Dedus will become charged. The first enemy hitting him or he hits will be shocked for 40 additional damage, and Dedus will have to wait to become charged again. If Dedus remains charged for 6 seconds, the electricity will unleash itself and deal 60 damage to a nearby random opponent.
Level 2 - Every 3 seconds, Dedus will become charged. The first enemy hitting him or he hits will be shocked for 55 additional damage, and Dedus will have to wait to become charged again. If Dedus remains charged for 6 seconds, the electricity will unleash itself and deal 75 damage to a nearby random opponent.
Level 3 - Every 3 seconds, Dedus will become charged. The first enemy hitting him or he hits will be shocked for 70 additional damage, and Dedus will have to wait to become charged again. If Dedus remains charged for 6 seconds, the electricity will unleash itself and deal 90 damage to a nearby random opponent.
Level 4 - Every 3 seconds, Dedus will become charged. The first enemy hitting him or he hits will be shocked for 95 additional damage, and Dedus will have to wait to become charged again. If Dedus remains charged for 6 seconds, the electricity will unleash itself and deal 115 damage to a nearby random opponent.

Lightning Storm (active, no target)
After channeling his powers for 4 seconds, Dedus unleashes his power into the sky and uses it to generate a lightning storm in a 1500 radius around him. While in this storm, Dedus can charge his body with natural lightning and use it to regenerate himself and as a powerup. Also, opponents in these storm can be strikken by lightning anytime Dedus pleases.

Level 1 - Gains +5% MS, +5% AS, +4 mana per second regen, and +3HP regen while in the storm. Every 5 seconds Dedus gains the "Lightning" skill, allowing him to strike any target opponent underneath the thunderclouds for 100 damage. Lasts 15 seconds.
Level 2 - Gains +10% MS, +10% AS, +6 mana per second regen, and +4HP regen while in the storm. Every 5 seconds Dedus gains the "Lightning" skill, allowing him to strike any target opponent underneath the thunderclouds for 150 damage. Lasts 17 seconds.
Level 3 - Gains +15% MS, +15% AS, +8 mana per second regen, and +5HP regen while in the storm. Every 5 seconds Dedus gains the "Lightning" skill, allowing him to strike any target opponent underneath the thunderclouds for 200 damage. Lasts 20 seconds.


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Gold Dice

when u die holding this item depending on how much gold u have kill the unit / hero that killed you and chain lightning it for the more gold u had also takes all your gold


Make a wish
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Just put me into special thanks. Or you can put under Hero description bu D.V.D. Anyway you want:).


Well-Known Member
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Hmmm, I'm going to run out of cookies soon :D

Great hero, though if you could find a way to make this hero something other than thunder orientated (See Post 50) than it would be great. Maybe I can change it?


don't expect anything, prepare for everything
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Name: Time Walker
Proper name: Lethis'thul
Main att: Inteligence
Model: Optional

Short description: Time Walker is a support hero. Has high intelligence, but low agility and strength.

1. Spell

Time Curse
Curses a target location with time energy cursing enemies for 15 seconds. Any unit that gets cursed again while already being cursed will take damage depending on how long was he cursed.
Curse, Curse, Curse.....
Sounds senseless so here's an example:
I curse a unit. It will charge 30 damage per second within so after 5 seconds I will curse him again. If I succeed, he will take 150 damage (on level 1).

Curse lasts maximum 15 seconds so if I curse him after 14 seconds it will take 420 damage. This is maximum amount of damage for level 1.

Level 1: Unit charges 30 damage per second while being cursed.
Unit can take maximum of 420 damage.
Level 2: Unit charges 40 damage per second while being cursed.
Unit can take maximum of 560 damage.
Level 3: Unit charges 50 damage per second while being cursed.
Unit can take maximum of 700 damage.
Level 4: Unit charges 60 damage per second while being cursed.
Unit can take maximum of 840 damage.

2. Spell

Time cube
Creates a magical, time cube at target location. Any unit that enters it becomes invulnerable to physical attacks but takes extra damage from spells, his HP and mana regeneration stops and can only cast spells once (cooldowns are stopped so if 1 spell isn't ready yet the unit wont be able to cast it).
Every unit outside the cube is slowed by 50%.

Level 1: Creates a small Cube. Lasts for 5 seconds.
Level 2: Creates a medium Cube. Lasts for 7 seconds.
Level 3: Creates a large Cube. Lasts for 9 seconds.
Level 4: Creates a huge Cube. Lasts for 11 seconds.

3. Spell

Time Split
Time Walker starts creating copies around him. Every time it creates a copy it takes position of a random copy. Channeling.
If a copy is attacked, attacker takes 25% damage return (both melee and ranged attackers).
If the original "copy" is physically attacked (this means that spells don't work) all other copies disappear.

Level 1: Can create maximum 5 copies in a AOE of 800. Copies take 200% more damage.
Level 2: Can create maximum 10 copies in a AOE of 1000. Copies take 180% more damage.
Level 3: Can create maximum 15 copies in a AOE of 1200. Copies take 160% more damage.
Level 4: Can create maximum 20 copies in a AOE of 1400. Copies take 140% more damage.

4. Spell

Time Jump
When the Time Walker is attacked it has chance to avoid that attack or spell by returning in time 2 seconds (same position, hp and mana as it was 2 seconds ago) confusing the attacker by leaving a copy and becoming invisible for 5 seconds. This ability can be turned on/off any time.
However, while turned on, it drains 10 mana per second.

Level 1: Has 10% chance to Time jump.
Level 2: Has 15% chance to Time jump.
Level 3: Has 20% chance to Time jump.
Level 4: Has 25% chance to Time jump.

5. Spell - ULTIMATE

Time Distorsion
Time Walker cripples the time itself by slowing everything (except himself) for 5 seconds and making the time abnormal.
Enemies are in negative state - their damage, armor, hp and mana regeneration are in negative value.

For example:
Normal damage: 50
Abnormal damage: -50
Normal armor: 15
Abnormal armor: -15
Normal HP regeneration: 10 hp per second
Abnormal HP regeneration: -10 hp per second

Level 1: Units are slowed by 60%.
Level 2: Units are slowed by 80%.
Level 3: Completely stops the time (its like a global void's ulti)

EDIT: Ups! So you don't need anymore spell ideas? :(


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Name: Blade Mashine
Proper Name: -no idea-
Main Att: Str, Int or Agi (Everything is possible)
Model: Goblin Shredder

Blade Spray
The goblin locks on a target and starts a great weapon in hes machine. This weapon will shot blades out each 0.5 second, ministuns the enemy and dealing damage. Channeling ability.

Deals more damage, has more range and lasts longer each level.

Note: This is like drain life (U can run away so the effect gets canceled).

Giant Cut
The gobling swings the machine in a great tactic move that will turn the whole machine around, cutting everybody nearby down. Stunning, damaging and pushes them back in a small AoE.

Longer knockback and more damage each level.

Note: This spell should have an animation where the machine creates a slow attack and spins arounds very fast. Based on War Stomp.

Trapping Machinery
The great machine got alot of traps inside. Gives a small chance that an attack will activate these traps, sending out a giant glaive that cuts through target and enemy behind.

Each level increases chance.

Note: Creates dummys that sends out shockwaves.

Jumping Blade
The goblind throws out a controled glaive, that flyes to a target, heavily damages him and jumps to a new one. The glaive deals damage equal to its speed and gets always slower. If its movespeed reaches zero, it disapears.

Each level decreases its speed reducing.
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