[Need]Item - Ideas


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I think recipes are good enough, since most warcraft players played dota and are used to that kind of system.
I've played EotA, which uses an upgrade system instead, and every noob player is like "OMFG WHERE ARE THE FUCKING RECIPES THIS GAME SUCKS".
I think you should maybe just add a small introduction to the game and stuff. Like in dota, the -tips command gives you small pointers to how to use the hero you picked.

I think you are right.. but I'll also use Viikuna's ideas with potions. :)


Stand against the ugly world domination face!
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Oh that's for sure, I like that idea. Im just telling for recipes.


You can change this now in User CP.
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How about:

Thunder Bringer: 15 percent chance to cast chain lightning dealing 75 damage, bounce 3 times (no damage reduction). - + 30 damage
Recipe: 2 Mauls of justice

Syphoning mask: 20% Life steal 50% mana regeneration, steals 40 mana from the target per attack
Recipe:2 Masks of death, Sobi mask

Superhero Outfit: All stats +25, Active ability: Heat vision, deals 200 damage, and reveals the target for ten seconds.
Recipe: Helm of Valor, Flute of Accuracy, Septer of Wisdom, Crystal Ball

Godly plate of the whale: 600 Health, 20 armour, 40% chance to block 40 damage.
Recipe: Shoulders of the moon, Wooden buckler, 3 Periapt of vitality

The Sages Crown: Plus 25 intelligence, Active ability: Frost nova - Deals 200 damage and slows units by 10 percent in an area of 300.
Recipe: Mantle of Intelligence, Robe of the wizard, Sceptre of wisdom.

Ninjas Shroud: 12 agility, 30% magic damage reduction, 20% chance to deal 1.6 times damage, 20% evasion.
Recipe: Ruined Bracer, Flute of Accuracy, Sharpened Blade, Talisman of evasion.


Basic Items

Orb of Frost
Orb of Fire
Orb of thunder

Would allow some elemental variation on items.


No Marlo no game.
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I think recipes are good enough, since most warcraft players played dota and are used to that kind of system.
I've played EotA, which uses an upgrade system instead, and every noob player is like "OMFG WHERE ARE THE FUCKING RECIPES THIS GAME SUCKS".
I think you should maybe just add a small introduction to the game and stuff. Like in dota, the -tips command gives you small pointers to how to use the hero you picked.

Those guys are only satisfied to DotA and only DotA anyways. If you start to do stuff in one way, just because DotA does so, you just create a poor DotA clone in the end.
People just say: "Hey, this map has DotA like gameplay, so cool, I know how to play it". But your map can never have DotA like gameplay that is better than DotAs gameplay, because DotA is the DotA and it determines DotA like gameplay.

Just focus on thinking what would be cool in your opinion, and what youd like to see in AoS maps, and forget how DotA does it. Do it in your own way.

Then you might actually invent something original and IceFrog might even steal it from you. ( And of course most of people will think that DotA did it first, and dont believe when you tell opposite, but thats how it works in unjust world of wc3 modding. )

edit. Actually, most of warcraft players are DotA players and they play wc3 because of DotA and dont really care about other custom maps, other than sometimes randomly joining them. So no wonder that they whine about not having repices. They simply havent seen anything better than repices, so they think that repices are the only way to do stuff.


--- wraith it ! ---
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@Viikuna, you got a point there but recipes are just very common now.

I have to admit that I'm NOT creative, I just make some items that I myself think that "it's cool" or "it's useful". The bonus, the effects (passive or active),... they are just something that I have seen in the other game or something that I'm capable of making. (example: an ability that deal damage to self then give you a duration of Stun Immune, well, it would be useful sometimes, right ? or passive ability causes debuff that prevent your opponent from regenerating,... )

also I think about the recipes, for example: I have an item that costs 5000 gold, you can't save that much gold just to buy that item right ? (except when your opponents "leave you alone" :p) so recipe is needed, right ? buying many "small" items that cost about 1000 -> 1500 gold is easier than buying a 5000 gold item, right ?

about the recipe is cool (in someone's opinion), I think it's not that cool, I use it just because it's common.

if someone think of a new item system (that's cooler than the recipes, maybe) I will definitely use that :D

p.s: the idea of potions is good, maybe I will use it :)


No Marlo no game.
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also I think about the recipes, for example: I have an item that costs 5000 gold, you can't save that much gold just to buy that item right ? (except when your opponents "leave you alone" :p) so recipe is needed, right ? buying many "small" items that cost about 1000 -> 1500 gold is easier than buying a 5000 gold item, right ?


Saving gold for expensive item means that you cant buy so many items early, but then again when you get that expensive item you can pwn a lot.

Bying cheap items for starters means that you do better in early and if you do good enough you can get good items just after that guy who saves his money, or in best case before him.

This is how it works in DotA, aye? Repices have nuthing to do with it.

edit. Theres some new interesting item ideas in Tides of Blood O at least. In case you havent seen yet, check this. This should help you to realize that its possible to make items in some other style too, than in DotAs repice style.

DotA has items that make your hero stronger so you can auto attack your enemies dead. These items planned for Tides of Blood, are designed to work with your heroes abilities, by for example, refreshing cooldowns, or storing abilities to items, like reliquary does.


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Dragon Bow - +40 dmd,10 agi,only ranged heros,15 increased attack speed and 10% movement speed. I hope you like it :p


don't expect anything, prepare for everything
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I must say that the "Runed Bracers" is the most powerful item among those...

you should reduce the 25% to something like 15%

unless it costs much

anyway, here's my idea:


Arcane Buckler
Gives +200 mana, +75% mana reg, 6 armor and Mana Shield (can be turned on/off, absorbs some of the damage taken into mana, you can set the numbers).

Pendant of Energy, Sobi Mask, Wooden Buckler, Iron Shield.


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WOW! Just wow! I've never heard of ToB. As I am looking at their site.. those ideas are just wonderful! So original as I did not see in any map, so far.

I guess my map will look poor comapring to their map, this map makes me want to cry and stop making my maps. However I won't I started I want to finish at least one of my maps.

Thank you all!


No Marlo no game.
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Nonsense. You dont have to do anything neccesarily big and epic. Just do something little and cozy with your own style. Try some funny stuff and weird thingies you have always wanted to try and it might end up being more awesome than youd guess.

ToB was originally made to be the first AoS map in Frozen Throne, to take advantage the cool TFT spells and sunken ruin tiles almost noone had seen before. ( Those guys had got some hacked TFT version before its real release, so they already knew about all the cool stuff )

Then when Blizzards AI updates in patch 1.17 made 6v6 AoS possible, ToB was first to do this, because everybody else were still thinking that it simple could not be done.

This stuff doesnt sound so small and humble, but still every map needs to begin with something small and humble at least in some way ( Probably because no one masters the editor without some learning ).

Also, I saw your hero idea thread there.

Dont forget that when making AoS maps, Heroe are everything. Items dont really matter so much really, but Heroes do. I tell you to think all the cool characters of all the cool games, movies, books and other stories, and then try to think what makes them cool.

( Why is for example Gandalf so cool? He looks like an old cranky grandpa, but then again he pwns everybody with some serious PIFF POW POOF -magic and some skillfull enchanted elven sword -usage. Something you wouldnt expect from cranky grandpa. )

Dont just throw some random stuff together. Try to make some real cool characters.

( This should have probably posted to that other thread, but since you read both of these, I guess it doesnt matter so much )


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Yeah! Thank you Viikuna for posting. :)

I know heroes makes AoS's but I did not want to make a generic AoS and I just cannot start making heroes if there is no gameplay, yet. This week I'll finish systems and start making heroes.

You are right all big and epic things started as small un-famous ones. ;)


Cookie Be Awesome!
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Besides, big and epic is not everything. I personally prefer playing cosy maps rather than the epic ones. They have character, personality....like.....super mario world 2 for the SNES. I very much disliked TOB for its epicness. :D Please, continue making your map!


Starcraft II Moderator
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What I don't get however is... nah, you can't be rly that... wait

dude... you know what, I will just call you on skype.


Cookie Be Awesome!
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Here we go


Name: Whisperwind Vestment
Recipe: Talisman of Evasion, Iron Shield, Whisperwind Vestment Recipe (450 gold)
Description: This vest seems to emit a soft breeze.
Abilities: +6 armor, +15% evasion, Gust Barrier
Gust Barrier: 15% chance upon being hit to gain +25% evasion for 3 seconds.


Name: Ghostly Shoulderplates
Recipe: Runed Bracers, Helm of Valor, Periapt of Vitality
Description: Your hands seems to be able to go a couple of inches into this armor, strange....
Abilities: +10 strength, +200 health, +25% magic reduction, Fade
Fade: Upon being hit by a spell, the Ghostly Shoulderplates partially shift their bearer to an other dimesion. This reduces incoming spell damage by another 15% for 4 seconds.


Name: Ghostly Breastplate
Recipe: Ghostly Shoulderplates, Belt of Toughness, Ghostly Breastplate Recipe (1400 gold)
Description: Seems to partially appear and dissapear every second. Its best to wear something underneath them.
Abilities: +20 strength, +300 health, +25% magic reduction, Void
Void: Upon being hit by a spell, the Ghostly Breastplate partially shifts its surroundings to an other dimesion. This reduces incoming spell damage on the bearer and allies in 400 radius by another 25% for 5 seconds.


Name: Invitae Bracer
Recipe: Periapt of Vitality, Ring of Regeneration (2x)
Description: They seem to glow faintly red when their bearer is injured.
Abilities: +200 health, +2 health regeneration, Regenerate
Regenerate: Increases health regeneration by 1 for every 10% of health missing.


Name: Mask of the Madman
Recipe: Gloves of Haste, Flute of Accuracy, War Axe, Mask of the Madman Recipe (1250 gold)
Description: Even touching it sends a cold shiver of insanity down your spine.
Abilities: +15% attackspeed, +12 agility, +10 damage, Madness
Madness: Grants +5% movement and attackspeed for 6 seconds after killing an unit. Killing an enemy hero gives double for double the time. Does not stack.


Cookie Be Awesome!
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Name: Chronological Gauntlets
Recipe: Gloves of Haste, Boots of Quel Thalas, Slippers of Agility, Chronological Gauntlets Recipe (900 gold)
Description: Wearing these gloves, you seem to be given more time for everything you undertake.
Abilities: +12 agility, +15% attackspeed, Steal Time
Steal Time: Steals time from a target with every attack you make, reducing his attack and movementspeed by 1% while increasing yours by the same percentage after every hit. The buff lasts for 6 seconds or untill the bearer attacks an other target.


Name: Cape of the Acolyte
Recipe: Pendant of Energy, Robe of the Wizard, Cape of the Acolyte Recipe (850 gold)
Description: Sends a trickle of joy through its bearers body whenever a murder take place nearby.
Abilities: +10 intelligence, +200 mana, Sadism
Sadism: Restores 2 mana for every neutral or enemy creep death in 800 range. Heroes restore 50 mana.


Name: Fortified Belt
Recipe: Iron Shield, Periapt of Vitality, Ring of Protection
Description: Unfashionably oversized.....
Abilities: +6 armor, +200 health, Protect
Protect: Grants +5 armor for 6 seconds when the bearer takes more than 250 damage in 3 seconds.


Name: Essence of Life
Recipe: Periapt of Vitality, Helm of Valor, Belt of Toughness,
Description: Glowing and inmaterial, this orb makes one wonder what keeps it togather.
Abilities: +18 strength, +250 health


Name: Crystalized Essence of Life
Recipe: Essence of Life, Mask of Death, Crystalized Essence of Life Recipe (1700 gold)
Description: Its inside seems to be filled with every drop of blood shed by its owner.
Abilities: +20 strength, + 250 health, Crystalize
Crystalize: 5% of the damage the bearer deals is stored inside the Crystalized Essence of Life, reaching up to a maximum of 600 health. When clicked, it restores as much health as is stored to the user and resets to 0.

Note: Does not count as an orb effect.


No Marlo no game.
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I kinda like these ideas sjakie posted, especially these are cool ones:

Mask of Madman. Speed bonus when killing unit is great, but I think is should stack, so you can go mad big time when killing bunch of units at once.

Chronological Gauntlets. Again, a great idea. Stealing speed form unit when attacking. It should probably be active spell with bigger numbers.

Basicly with these two and many other items, I would go with some big numbers for bonus stuff, with not so long buff durations, because it kinda forces enemy to react when that stuff activates, which is good because it adds more action to game.

Of course its not wise to use big numbers with passive abilities and items, but only for active and situational ones, since those can usually countered somehow.

and Crystalized Essence of Life. This is cool. Limit should not be to low, but percent not too bg either, so it takes some damaging work to get healing up.


Cookie Be Awesome!
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Yeah, ballance is always an issue. I have been pondering over what were the best numbers for the crystal and came up with these. Surely enough though, they will need some adjustments.

As for the other items, please, do give suggestions about what would make them more effective, fun, and useful. I have a tendacy towards passive abilities (as you see, I barely produced any active ones). Second opinions are always welcome and greatly help reducing my blind spots and thus the flaws in my ideas.


No Marlo no game.
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Well, since these are just ideas, numbers dont really matter so much, because they are going to change anyways, when furby balances the map.

But some numbers are indeed nice, so we can get the idea how it would work approximately.

Anyways, Item spells should be usable for as many heroes as possible, so they cant be too specific. I dont really have that kind of spell ideas now, but if you got some spell idea thread, I can post them there.
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