Offering spell/triggering assistance.

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Grundy said:
no the plage does not move. it stays in 1 area. look at the "disease cloud (abomination)" ability. 1 data field is the damage per second, another one is the aura duration. the 35 second duration means the disease cloud ability has a 35 second duration. a unit comes comes to the plague ward, it gets a buff that does damage per second and the buff lasts for 35 seconds even if they move away from the plague ward.

never mind the thing i uploaded you just made my life easier, I am going to sleep and fullfill all requests by tomorrow afternoon, Im not taking any more until im done with all posted requests (kamehame thing, complete disease thingy, maybe 1 more i think.-)



Hi salempc & everybody

I'm desesperatly trying to make a skill that turns an ennemi passive for a certain amount of time and makes him wander around (if the ennemi is attacked he will be back to normal) and if this skill is used at night, it has a chance to charm the ennemi (makes you control it) until the ennemi dies.

I've spent a lot of time on this one but my triggers aren't working at all (I'm kinda newb with triggers :banghead: )




If it's not too much a trouble could you help me fix the trigger so that it does not hit friendlies and only the enemies? Thanks!

        Unit - A unit Begins channeling an ability
        (Ability being cast) Equal to Hellfire 
        Set caster = (Casting unit)
        For each (Integer A) from 1 to 30, do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Set casterloc = (Random point in (Region centered at (Position of caster) with size (800.00, 800.00)))
                Special Effect - Create a special effect at casterloc using Abilities\Spells\Human\FlameStrike\FlameStrike1.mdl
                Unit - Cause caster to damage circular area after 0.00 seconds of radius 150.00 at casterloc, dealing 100.00 damage of attack type Spells and damage type Fire
                Wait 0.10 seconds


Ultra Cool Member
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Nalex said:
Hi salempc & everybody

I'm desesperatly trying to make a skill that turns an ennemi passive for a certain amount of time and makes him wander around (if the ennemi is attacked he will be back to normal) and if this skill is used at night, it has a chance to charm the ennemi (makes you control it) until the ennemi dies.

I've spent a lot of time on this one but my triggers aren't working at all (I'm kinda newb with triggers :banghead: )



event: unit starts the effect of an ability

condition: ability being cast equal to (name of your ability)

action: if time of day is less than ____ and time of day is greater than ___ (you fill in the blanks, the max and min time of day for night time)
change ownership of target unit of ability being cast to owner of casting unit
set custom value of target unit of ability being cast to player number of owner of target unit of ability being cast
change ownership of target unit of ability being cast to neutral passive
add ability "Wander (Neutral)" to target of ability being cast

next trigger-
event: a unit is attacked

condition: attacked unit has buff (buff for your ability) equal to true
owner of attacked unit equal to neutral passive

action: remove specific buff (the buff of your ability) from attacked unit
change ownership of attacked unit to player number (custom value of attacked unit)


Ultra Cool Member
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Stratoss said:
If it's not too much a trouble could you help me fix the trigger so that it does not hit friendlies and only the enemies? Thanks!

        Unit - A unit Begins channeling an ability
        (Ability being cast) Equal to Hellfire 
        Set caster = (Casting unit)
        For each (Integer A) from 1 to 30, do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Set casterloc = (Random point in (Region centered at (Position of caster) with size (800.00, 800.00)))
                Special Effect - Create a special effect at casterloc using Abilities\Spells\Human\FlameStrike\FlameStrike1.mdl
                Unit - Cause caster to damage circular area after 0.00 seconds of radius 150.00 at casterloc, dealing 100.00 damage of attack type Spells and damage type Fire
                Wait 0.10 seconds

the only way i can think of to do that is by changing the "cause unit to damage area" action to "pick all units in region matching condition" and using owner of matching unit is an enemy to owner of casting unit for the condition and then inside that loop do the "cause caster to damage picked unit"


Okay I realize you said you wanted to finish the previously requested abilities so that is fine. If you get around to it, I'd like to see a black hole spell. The black hole spell I found on is really...not what i envisioned for this ability.

I'd like to see a point castable black hole(and I do like the black hole model on, at least compared to anything else) which sucks units in at a reasonable rate. There is a violent and constant deformation at the point of the hole. Units don't spin in circles, they go straight toward the center. They take damage over time while they are caught in the pull. When they get to the center, they dissappear with a blink effect, and when the black hole's time runs out, it explodes with a deformation ripple, and the units which reached the center and dissappeared are thrown outward in the explosion and take additional damage. It should effect friendly units, but not the caster.


- The caster is healed while caught in the black hole and if he is sucked into it, will be healed a good amount when he is blown out.

- Units caught in the pull are not paused, but have their movement rate greatly reduced so that if a player tries to run, he can very slowly make it out of the pull.

- Units are pulled in at a faster rate depending on their proximity to the center of the hole. Closer units will be sucked in faster.

This would probably be a hell of a lot of work especially with the optional parts, but hey, if you're bored enough :p And this would be one to be damn proud of. If you'd like to change any of the things about it, feel free. It would be your work and therefore, all options are up to you in the end. Any questions just ask.

And I realize units being able to escape the pull doesn't exactly fit a black hole, but if it were truly a black hole, the entire map would be sucked in instantly, so this is more of a tear or a rift for effect's sake.


Grundy said:
the only way i can think of to do that is by changing the "cause unit to damage area" action to "pick all units in region matching condition" and using owner of matching unit is an enemy to owner of casting unit for the condition and then inside that loop do the "cause caster to damage picked unit"

Ok, since i wanted it to be splash i remade the skill, but i have no idea how to cause the spell to cancel if my hero gets interrupted while channeling it (moving, getting stunned)

Here's the new code:

Hellfire lvl1
        Unit - A unit Begins channeling an ability
        (Ability being cast) Equal to Infernus 
        (Level of Infernus  for (Triggering unit)) Equal to 1
        Set caster = (Casting unit)
        For each (Integer A) from 1 to 15, do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Set casterloc = (Random point in (Region centered at (Position of caster) with size (800.00, 800.00)))
                Unit - Create 1 Blood Mage for (Owner of caster) at casterloc facing Default building facing degrees
                Hero - Learn skill for (Last created unit): Human Blood Mage - Flame Strike
                Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Human Blood Mage - Flame Strike casterloc
                Wait 0.35 seconds
                Unit - Remove (Last created unit) from the game


There is a specific buff comparison you can use for stun(pause), also sleep(pause) and silence?. And there are order comparisons for your hero being ordered to move. Put those in conditions and cancel remaining actions.


Change can be a good thing
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Ruination said:
Okay I realize you said you wanted to finish the previously requested abilities so that is fine. If you get around to it, I'd like to see a black hole spell. The black hole spell I found on is really...not what i envisioned for this ability.

I'd like to see a point castable black hole(and I do like the black hole model on, at least compared to anything else) which sucks units in at a reasonable rate. There is a violent and constant deformation at the point of the hole. Units don't spin in circles, they go straight toward the center. They take damage over time while they are caught in the pull. When they get to the center, they dissappear with a blink effect, and when the black hole's time runs out, it explodes with a deformation ripple, and the units which reached the center and dissappeared are thrown outward in the explosion and take additional damage. It should effect friendly units, but not the caster.


- The caster is healed while caught in the black hole and if he is sucked into it, will be healed a good amount when he is blown out.

- Units caught in the pull are not paused, but have their movement rate greatly reduced so that if a player tries to run, he can very slowly make it out of the pull.

- Units are pulled in at a faster rate depending on their proximity to the center of the hole. Closer units will be sucked in faster.

This would probably be a hell of a lot of work especially with the optional parts, but hey, if you're bored enough :p And this would be one to be damn proud of. If you'd like to change any of the things about it, feel free. It would be your work and therefore, all options are up to you in the end. Any questions just ask.

And I realize units being able to escape the pull doesn't exactly fit a black hole, but if it were truly a black hole, the entire map would be sucked in instantly, so this is more of a tear or a rift for effect's sake.

i think that is pretty much what that block hole does if im not mistaken, atealst that is what teh one in Dota does and they took it from that spell map at wc3search

terrain deforms are easy to do urself, on top of the ability, throwing them out is also easy to add on top of it, as for the disapearing, i guess u could change the tranparency so that u can see em, but they would still be there, cuz if you removed em from game they would no longer take damage from teh black hole

anywho if you dont know how to do the above mentioned let me know

btw, veyr much looking forward to my kamehameha!!!...lots of eye candy ahoy!


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wowee, man ur confused with plague ward?????? that must be easiest spell of all time to make.

now if u want a REAL challenge, then try and make some of MY crazy ideas.

i have 4 id like u to work with.

1:100dmg with 1.2sec stun
2:175dmg with 1.8sec stun
3:225dmg with 2.4sec stun
4:300dmg with 3sec stun
5:350dmg with 3.5sec stun

id like to make this compatible with the arthas model, he jumps at the enemy, does an attack animation, and stuns them for the alloted time.

Blade Beam
1:first projectile(large shockwave)200 dmgsmaller projectiles(2) 100 damage each
2:first projectile 250dmg, smaller projectiles(3) 150dmg each
3:first 300dmg,second(3) 200dmg each
4:first 350dmg, second(4) 250dmg each
5:first 400dmg, second(5) 300dmg each

this move is done by make the first projectile based from chain lightning with one target, and then creating a dummy caster that casts forked lightning from the first target, then replacing the graphics with shockwave, the first projectile a larger one and the second smaller ones.

(heheheheh try and make that one)

1:5 meteors doing area damge in a moderate area(50 dmg a meteor)
2:7meteors in a moderate area(55 dmg a meteor)
3:10meteors in a moderate area(60dmg per meteor)
4:13 meteors in a moderate-large area (65dmg a meteor)
5:15 meteors in a large area (70dmg a meteor)

make a spell off of inferno, to do the appropriate dmg, set the stun to 0.01
then make rain of chaos tomultiply the effect.(this is the easy one)


1:200% increase in attack speed add critical strike 25% to the mix for (duration 7 seconds)
2:230% increse in attack speed, add critical 30%(duration 7.5 seconds)
3 250% increase in attack speed,add critical35%(duration 8 seconds)

base this off of frenzy and use a trigger to add the critical

(last one)THIS one is the hardest and might keep u awhile


1: cause an explosion of effects in a large-huge area of effect, add flame strikes, lightning effects, frost novas, goblin sapper explosions and anything else you might like to add to make it look cooler.

(make each effect do damagelike this:flame strikes:150dmg asec for 3 secs and then smalldmg for 5 secs.frost novas:200 target dmg and 100 nova dmg. Lightnings 100 dmg to a small area. and the goblin explosions are just formore chaosand dont do dmg.)

Make the totallast for 10 seconds, with about 3 effects occurring in random places within the AOE each second


no seriously try id like to have those moves.

this should keep u busy for a week or so :D HAVE FUN!


Aerospace/Cybersecurity Software Engineer
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For MooMooMan:

1. Braver
Edit the Cluster Rockets ability's model to arthas, and change the stun and damage to yours, and then change the number of rockets and waves to 1. Then just make him use the animation in triggers, and change the arc to like 0.05.

2. ??? (will work on it)

3. Meteor Rain
Isn't this ability already made in Warcraft? Just try using Rain of Fire and change it.

4. Omnislash
I think you already have it down. Just make a trigger that when the ability is cast, add the critical strike, wait the Level's duration, and remove it.

Just add buffs/effects. :p


Change can be a good thing
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cherry blossom would be easy

jsut create the 3 dummy spells you want to use, set teh ability for the hero to channel

then just create loops that radomly create ur dummys and have them cast the dummy spells randomly in the target area, and ahve it turn off when the hero is done channeling

so you said like you want like say a thunderclap, nova, and flamestrike

create a thunderclap, flamestrike and nova dummy ability, and create 3 dummy units with 1 each of these

have a trigger liek when hero begins channeling abil turn on other trigger, which runs every .5 seconds, creates 1 dummy nova'er which novas a random spot in area, 1 dummy flamestriker whic hfalmestrieks a random point in area, and create a dummy clapper randomyl in teh region, have it cast thunder clap

you could even make it 1 trigger for each dummy abiltiy, so they would cast at diff times, or have soem cast mroe often then others, and such

then make anotehr trigger that when the heroes stops channeling turn off the dumym ability trigger/s

not to tough, and the rest are pretty much explain above

for blade beam i actually have an ability just liek that that I made a few days ago, an abiltiy based off shockwave, then created a dummy unit based off fan of knives with shockwave effects, and when the hero casts shockwave, it picks all enemy units in the AOE of the schokwave, creates a dumym caster on them, and has it cast the dummy fan of knives ability

that kinda what your looking for?, you could also do the same with forked lightning if you wanted

for braver you could kinda mybe do what is said above, remove the hero until teh arthas model hit, then place the hero at the spot and have it to attack anim

or you could check on wcsearch because there are about 5 good jump spells(which are actaully kinda toguh to make, you need to know either JASS well or some decent physics/math), and also Vex has made a jump template


To emjlr3

emjlr3, if you want to help me with this that would be great. It doesn't seem so simple to me. I havn't seen the blackhole in dota, just the blackhole spell I found on which spins targets around in circles. It also kills units in the center, and it doesn't explode. I wish dota was viewable, I could learn pretty much everything I wanted to know if I could take a look at the triggers of that map. Every ability I've thought of exists already in that damn map it seems. And about what actually is beyond me is not things like deformations but sliding the units smoothly and especially sliding them outward in circular directions when it explodes I have no idea how to do.

Don't bother trying to explain it here though, I would need quite a lot of help. Only messenger I have is aim and I am Andantyn0. If ya don't wanna help I understand. Or if anyone else would wanna help, I'd take any help i got. OR if I really would need to get myself a different messenger I would do that if need be.



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okee dokes guys youve confusedme a whole lot, the braver i was thinking more a blink with a slight angle to it, he comes out and does dmg and stun(cluster rockets?????y r there somany abilities that i want to make that ppl keep saying i need cluster rockets????)

meteorain, i was thinking more rain of chaos, with very small delays in between the meteors.(i had hell designing a meteor that would do only the dmg and not the if i wanted for the meteors to come in an orderly fasion and take a VERY long time to finish, yesi would base it off of rain of fire, but since i want it pulled off faster, this is the way i need to go.

need a trigger for omnislash to put crit there for 7 secs then remove it, since im not all that good with finding that out.

thats pretty nice for the blade beam guy, but(yes there is always a but)
i need an explanation on how dummy units work. just a unit that u give ability? or a special invisi-unit that warcraft has built into it?

cherry blossem now(wowee that hardest for me to under stand)
nowmaking the dummy units make sense(with the appropriate abilites of course) but then there is the prob of wat tobase the spell off of(the actual cherryblossem spell not the dummies) rain of chaosont wurk cuz ill have meteorain based off of that. so any ideas there(ill also need TONS of explanation in wat triggersto make them fire these spells off randomly throughout the AOE.) i think thats all of my troubles.


im back sorry for not being yesterday!

moomooman the plague thing should be easy if it werent autocast :D Or at least I dont know a spell that autocasts self when out of battle, only when the unit is in battle thats why it got me problems.

most of yor abilities should be easy but im finishing the first one and you wlould be the next hero (it looks kool)


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lol if you could do those abilities for me ill get the mods to give u some rep, id do it myself but(as you can see) i ahppen to be in negative for the moment.

ok, one thing i dont understand, y would anyone want an autocast plague ward? they giving it to a unit they dont control?

and couldnt you add "auto-cast" to the strings and reboot the editor?
strings do wonders:)

thank u alot! holy moley, i never thought id find anyone to do those abilities for me!, yeah how does this work anyway?do u email me the moves?


kame hame done I am taking new abilities now, please do not request more i have plenty on thins thread, making moomooman right now!


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sry guys i cant test anything till friday, im on my laptop at school right now, and it dosent have warcraft 3 installed and probably never will. ull have to wait, because for the moment, i can only type and dl VERY small things. :( wish i could c it, and i will in due time.

dont suspend the ideas tho! keep creating my minion of a toaster!
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