New Map Import System!

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I am now accepting all sorts of files to go into the patch... of your own models that aren't posted online right now... here are the reqs:
The Model must be of exceptional quality, no bugs

You are not limited on size, you can go all out

As many texture files as you want, if you have broken links, I'll fix them, just make sure you have all the files -.-

Please, state the race of the model, or if it doesn't have a race, just state what the model is or is supposed to be =). Also include the name of the model along with the name you'd like to go by as the author of the unit

All Models Must Have Portraits

All Models Must Have Enabled Icon, Disabled Icon, Autocast Enabled Icon, and AutoCast Disabled Icon. Please understand that some models, even if it's some crazy tower, might be used as anything. Even a unit.

Models should have a Sound... if they don't, it's ok...

tx, hoping for submissions. Right now the models are just coming from online... I'll list some models that do need icons to go with them at some point... along with sounds, etc =)

txtx ^_^


Heavy is credit to team!
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So now we can even take advantage of the patch if nobody else in game has it? (higgher definition of skins for example)


So many apples
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Whoa, your Project is realy well thought through.
Well, i have Models, which i made by myself, but i won't post them, because they have some Problems with Geoset-/animations.
Anways, why not Contact The Hive Workshops Admin or so, and tell them about your Project.
I bet they will help you out, because it's in interest of all Mappers, plus, they won't have to use up so much bandwidth.

- edited to add by The Helper -
Hive Workshop


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Games that use this patching system need the patching system to be played. It's like any warcraft 3 game. You can't play a TFT map without TFT... RoC just doesn't have the directories for it.

So you can't play a special patch game without the patches to go with it.

Now, the patches will be pretty straight forward under 3 categories. They will be split up into different packs, you just download the packs in order. A map can say MP3 (Model Packs 1-3), PP5 (Program Packs 1-5), and SP2 (Sound Packs 1-2) as an example to show what packs are required.

Also, the packs will have an automatic quest adder for any map you decide to make with the patch that will list all of the authors and that will state that the map uses this patch organized by me of course.

Now, we're still testing and figuring out how to do everything, well, I am... Elmstfreddie is helping me test by downloaded winrars I make and extracting them to his Wc3 folder, lolz... not a hard job, no, but he spent an hour doing this, shutting down WE, starting it up.. so far, I made 2 models appear in WE, 1 archmage and 1 unknown custom model. Yes, I can pretty much change WE to include as many or as little models as I wish.

Now, I'm asking you guys, what do you want the new categories to be for the Unit Editor? Keep in mind that I might even add new tabs for the Object Editor, lol. I'm working on Object Editor right now, and first thing I need to do is categories...

Now, all of the originals will still be there, ok, otherwise you wouldn't be able to play maps that don't use the patch.

So, ideas anyone?

I'm thinking of adding a Tower category (TD/TW maps), Dwarf Race, Elf Race, Tauren Race, and whatever else I can think up : ). Pretty much, the more categories we get, the better we can organize our models in Warcraft 3. There aren't enough main categories atm. 4 just doesn't cut it -.-

Now, right now, to add a new model, I have to add it to the Object Editor List. I'm trying to figure out how to add it in without adding it to the Object Editor List. Extra Models are like this, but... I cna't categorize them then...

Now, for Icons, planning the same sort of deal... I doubt the categories I listed above will be the real categories, it's going to be better, probably not 20 either, that's a bit much, oh well.

So, Step 1 for the Model Pack Patch: Categories, adding in models, and translating some stuff...

Now, understand that we have not done expirements with custom Database names yet or custom .txt names... If custom database names and custom .txt names don't work, this could be tough... but I know we can do them if I look more into where WE loads up the files... I can't seem to find the .ini file for WE... =P

So, next, The Program Pack (GUI editing, new commands, etc, including engines that are popular. This is all to decrease map size of course).

Well... adding a model isn't that difficult, even adding new races... GUI is another story... imagine a 10,000 line .txt file that is almost impossible to read because it's so terribely organized. Now imagine another, and another. There are no databases, it's all .txt for GUI... and they are nasty... 3 lines at the top, 3 lines at the mid, 3 lines at the bottom for each .txt for each new GUI thing... and that's just the half of it. I haven't really looked into it yet, but I'm going to figure out how it links the GUI to the JASS functions written in Blizzard.j etc =). Now, for JASS/GUI, we can add custom files, I know how to do that, that's not hard. It auto reads them as long as they are in the right folder. I don't know if it does that for the other stuff though, but so far with everything, I think it will. It auto reads model files, icon files, everything, so I think it might auto read custom database files and .txt files as well.... =)

Ok, that's all I have. I'll take volunteers to tackle and figure out different sections. We can share the information here.

You can sign up to volunteer for one of 3 sections:
Model Pack Section (Deals with everything in the Object Editor Section including new tabs, new races, categories, attack types, unit types, armor types, maximums and minimums, textures, tilesets, and so on. Pretty much anything to do with textures and models including creation)

Program Pack Section - Deals with GUI, WE Options, Different UI looks for Warcraft 3, Different UI looks for WE, new file menu areas... pretty much anything that the model pack section doesn't deal with.

Cinematics Section - Sound Files for Models that don't have Sound Files, Dialog Sound Files, Music Files (composed or gathered, and gathered must have proper approval and author names), Cinematic Movie Files (think of the Warcraft 3 Movies in the Single Player Campaigns, only for those who really want to trek on).

All of this has a lot to be looked into and tested. It's pretty much finding out everything about Warcraft 3 and everything about how Warcraft 3 works.

I'm sure there are some people here who know all the files behind Warcraft 3, but we are going to go above and beyond what others have done. We aren't making a new editor, we are simply adding to the old one. If we do it right, it won't affect the Blizzard Patches =). I know the Models won't affect the Blizzard Patches and the JASS parts of the Programs Sections won't impact the Official Blizzard Patches.

Now, for those going into the programming section, one of the primary things you will be doing is improving the JASS language and making sure that every JASS feature has a GUI command to go with it. We are also going to be improving the default code for WE and we are going to be improving how GUI writes the JASS code so that it isn't as terrible as it is right now. If you have looked into the exported Map Script file, you know what I'm talking about. I already know where that's all stored, so that should all be fixed.

Let's work to improve Warcraft 3. Remember, everything we do here can also be worked on in Starcraft 2. Everything we learn about Warcraft 3 will probably be similiar in Starcraft 2. Everything we do here can be xfered to Starcraft 2... well, the JASS might have to be changed around a bit, but not to worry.

Ok, I'm going to continue with my tests on getting things to work, I hope I have some volunteers =). You don't have to put in any time if you don't want to, I'm still going to continue this. But know that I'm the kind of person who starts on a project, puts it down, then picks it back up, then puts it down, etc, etc, etc. So when I end up putting this down when I've gotten tired of it, that's where volunteers would especially be helpful, so that this project gets done within a reasonable time.

This project is going to be constantly expanding because we can always add in new models, textures, JASS/GUI commands, and sounds.

Thanks to everyone, especially elmstfreddie and Chief for your continuing support.

By the way, we won't need The HiveShop for hosting. I have a full website with excellent bandwith and a high connection speed along with anonymous FTP hosting. THat's the main thing elmstfreddie is working on.

At one point, we will be accepting donations to help pay for the site. Right now, I'm just paying for it out of my own pocket.

Let's help improve Warcraft 3 together, as a community =) because Blizzard doesn't seem to really want to do much except Ladder : P

gawks at his long post and says, "wow..."


So many apples
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Games that use this patching system need the patching system to be played. It's like any warcraft 3 game. You can't play a TFT map without TFT... RoC just doesn't have the directories for it.

So you can't play a special patch game without the patches to go with it.

Now, the patches will be pretty straight forward under 3 categories. They will be split up into different packs, you just download the packs in order. A map can say MP3 (Model Packs 1-3), PP5 (Program Packs 1-5), and SP2 (Sound Packs 1-2) as an example to show what packs are required.

Also, the packs will have an automatic quest adder for any map you decide to make with the patch that will list all of the authors and that will state that the map uses this patch organized by me of course.

Now, we're still testing and figuring out how to do everything, well, I am... Elmstfreddie is helping me test by downloaded winrars I make and extracting them to his Wc3 folder, lolz... not a hard job, no, but he spent an hour doing this, shutting down WE, starting it up.. so far, I made 2 models appear in WE, 1 archmage and 1 unknown custom model. Yes, I can pretty much change WE to include as many or as little models as I wish.

Now, I'm asking you guys, what do you want the new categories to be for the Unit Editor? Keep in mind that I might even add new tabs for the Object Editor, lol. I'm working on Object Editor right now, and first thing I need to do is categories...

Now, all of the originals will still be there, ok, otherwise you wouldn't be able to play maps that don't use the patch.

So, ideas anyone?

I'm thinking of adding a Tower category (TD/TW maps), Dwarf Race, Elf Race, Tauren Race, and whatever else I can think up : ). Pretty much, the more categories we get, the better we can organize our models in Warcraft 3. There aren't enough main categories atm. 4 just doesn't cut it -.-

Now, right now, to add a new model, I have to add it to the Object Editor List. I'm trying to figure out how to add it in without adding it to the Object Editor List. Extra Models are like this, but... I cna't categorize them then...

Now, for Icons, planning the same sort of deal... I doubt the categories I listed above will be the real categories, it's going to be better, probably not 20 either, that's a bit much, oh well.

So, Step 1 for the Model Pack Patch: Categories, adding in models, and translating some stuff...

Now, understand that we have not done expirements with custom Database names yet or custom .txt names... If custom database names and custom .txt names don't work, this could be tough... but I know we can do them if I look more into where WE loads up the files... I can't seem to find the .ini file for WE... =P

So, next, The Program Pack (GUI editing, new commands, etc, including engines that are popular. This is all to decrease map size of course).

Well... adding a model isn't that difficult, even adding new races... GUI is another story... imagine a 10,000 line .txt file that is almost impossible to read because it's so terribely organized. Now imagine another, and another. There are no databases, it's all .txt for GUI... and they are nasty... 3 lines at the top, 3 lines at the mid, 3 lines at the bottom for each .txt for each new GUI thing... and that's just the half of it. I haven't really looked into it yet, but I'm going to figure out how it links the GUI to the JASS functions written in Blizzard.j etc =). Now, for JASS/GUI, we can add custom files, I know how to do that, that's not hard. It auto reads them as long as they are in the right folder. I don't know if it does that for the other stuff though, but so far with everything, I think it will. It auto reads model files, icon files, everything, so I think it might auto read custom database files and .txt files as well.... =)

Ok, that's all I have. I'll take volunteers to tackle and figure out different sections. We can share the information here.

You can sign up to volunteer for one of 3 sections:
Model Pack Section (Deals with everything in the Object Editor Section including new tabs, new races, categories, attack types, unit types, armor types, maximums and minimums, textures, tilesets, and so on. Pretty much anything to do with textures and models including creation)

Program Pack Section - Deals with GUI, WE Options, Different UI looks for Warcraft 3, Different UI looks for WE, new file menu areas... pretty much anything that the model pack section doesn't deal with.

Cinematics Section - Sound Files for Models that don't have Sound Files, Dialog Sound Files, Music Files (composed or gathered, and gathered must have proper approval and author names), Cinematic Movie Files (think of the Warcraft 3 Movies in the Single Player Campaigns, only for those who really want to trek on).

All of this has a lot to be looked into and tested. It's pretty much finding out everything about Warcraft 3 and everything about how Warcraft 3 works.

I'm sure there are some people here who know all the files behind Warcraft 3, but we are going to go above and beyond what others have done. We aren't making a new editor, we are simply adding to the old one. If we do it right, it won't affect the Blizzard Patches =). I know the Models won't affect the Blizzard Patches and the JASS parts of the Programs Sections won't impact the Official Blizzard Patches.

Now, for those going into the programming section, one of the primary things you will be doing is improving the JASS language and making sure that every JASS feature has a GUI command to go with it. We are also going to be improving the default code for WE and we are going to be improving how GUI writes the JASS code so that it isn't as terrible as it is right now. If you have looked into the exported Map Script file, you know what I'm talking about. I already know where that's all stored, so that should all be fixed.

Let's work to improve Warcraft 3. Remember, everything we do here can also be worked on in Starcraft 2. Everything we learn about Warcraft 3 will probably be similiar in Starcraft 2. Everything we do here can be xfered to Starcraft 2... well, the JASS might have to be changed around a bit, but not to worry.

Ok, I'm going to continue with my tests on getting things to work, I hope I have some volunteers =). You don't have to put in any time if you don't want to, I'm still going to continue this. But know that I'm the kind of person who starts on a project, puts it down, then picks it back up, then puts it down, etc, etc, etc. So when I end up putting this down when I've gotten tired of it, that's where volunteers would especially be helpful, so that this project gets done within a reasonable time.

This project is going to be constantly expanding because we can always add in new models, textures, JASS/GUI commands, and sounds.

Thanks to everyone, especially elmstfreddie and Chief for your continuing support.

By the way, we won't need The HiveShop for hosting. I have a full website with excellent bandwith and a high connection speed along with anonymous FTP hosting. THat's the main thing elmstfreddie is working on.

At one point, we will be accepting donations to help pay for the site. Right now, I'm just paying for it out of my own pocket.

Let's help improve Warcraft 3 together, as a community =) because Blizzard doesn't seem to really want to do much except Ladder : P

gawks at his long post and says, "wow..."

Well, I could make up some kind of Index, for Sounds, Models, Textures, etc...
With the other stuff i can't help out. Just tell tell me if you nee something like that. I'd work on it.


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So you know how to add new races categories etc? welcome aboard then =)

if you don't, I'll show you where to change it. ^_^

Also, there are some easier tasks you might be interested in, such as gathering high quality models that are already made out there along with the artist information and the site hosting it. I'll compile all the information into WE so everybody who made these models and all the sites who hosted them are shown =). If you gathered them, organized them, renamed them according to what they are/translated them, and fixed any broken links etc making sure all of the textures are in the textures folder, not with the model, not in some other crazy folder, but the textures folder, then that'd work perfectly ^_^

All you need are 2 programs to do it, the Wc3 model editor and a file path fixer compliments of warcraft campaigns

ANd btw, we tested custom named Database Files and it works! ^_^


Formerly Smith_S9
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AFAIK, it's hard to get new races in game... Daelin had this problem with his RotHE project a while ago.

You need to modify the DLLs, the launcher etc. There was a guy on Wc3Campaigns that knew how to do that, I can't remember his name tho, sorry.


knowledgeably ignorant
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May you please explain in more detail how to add custom models to the directory, or and explain how to access the directory? Cuz i didn't even know that was possible until just now... TY in advance if you do!


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This all heavily breaks forum rules. If these flames are removed, imma be pissed off. If I'm -repped for this and you don't know the guy who's getting heavily flamed, I'll do a -rep war with you because you really need to know who this guy is. If you notice, I did pay him some respect for his systems, but for him himself, you'll see : ). I copied this post so I will redo it if I must -.-.
#1: I heavily broke the forum rules in this post. Sue me, the guy deserved it, he won't even be here to read it. For those of you who know him or notice he made his account with his 1 post just to flame me, then you'll know what I'm talking about. I just saw the post, so I just posted this about him. Please remove him and ban his IP asap. Bloody ToadCop. You don't have to read the flames scattered thru this post that are all directed towards him... if you don't know him, please don't interfere. If you do, you probably feel the same that I do. If you like him, something's wrong with u. I have never met anyone who liked him.

#2.Yes, the end of this post is a flame, and the guy really deserves it. He bloody made his account with his 1 bloody post just to flame me. Yes, I hate his guts, he's a self-absorbed freak. I have flames thru out this post that are directed at him. Some of you might have met him, and you'll know what I'm talking about. He should be banned from this board because he will only tell others that they are crap. Mods, I suggest you leave the flames. I doubt he's ever going to read them. He's probably only ever logged on once just to flame me. I doubt he's ever logged in again, because as I said, he only has 1 post and it's on this thread.

Ok on to the post

Warcraft 3's directories are located in things called mpq files, something like winzip/winrar but much older and crappier. If you have the proper programs to open mpq files, then you can browse them.

Now, WE is just a big database. All of the units are in a database, everything's in a database. This is pretty normal for games. Well, actually, Blizzard does it in a crappier way. Some of the information is stored in .txt files, information that should be stored in databases -.-. Even the models are text models... lol, the model editors we use for models read the text and convert it to something we can see.

So, in this directory there are a "lot" of .txt files and a lot of .slk files (a 25 year old microsoft excel format).

Now, you can go into these files, and as long as they are stored into the right folders, Warcraft 3 will read them.

Now, it is yet to be verified as to whether these files can be named differently. The tests we did before... I am not sure if he did them right. I don't think he deleted the previous files like I told him too...

Well, for adding new GUI things, you need to go into the WorldEdit UI file, or something to that degree, just talking off the top of my head atm. Now, in that file, you will see where all the GUI things are stored.

For adding new models, you need to put them into the right directory based on where you want it to pop up (units folder and nothing else will put it under the default neutral passive). To add it into WE to show it up, you need to add it into the UnitEditor .slk file, I believe that is the name. It is the one with the model path in it... You will need to assign a Unit ID

Now, to make the information show up for it, the Model Name, etc, you will need to edit the other unit slk files, such as the unit name. Be sure to remember the unit ID, because you will need it for all of this. Now, to add it into the WEString .txt files, there is a special WEStrings declaration in one of the .slk files, I believe... I might be talking about something else atm, remember, I'm talking off of the top of my head.

By the way, I finally saw toadcop's crude comment. -.-: Flame #1
Fuck you, I hope you're fucking banned you piece of shit.

Toadcop, I only have one thing to say to you:
You are self-centered

If you fucking think you're better than everybody else, you're a piece of shit. Until you get that through your skull, I'll hate you. I hate anybody who thinks they're better than everybody else. You need to get a fucking clue.

Oh well, back to it! : D

Actually, I said almost everything, just the races..

Well, in a few .txt files, 2 to be precise, you will find 2 areas for races in one, and 1 area for races in the other. You need to declare the races in the first one in the first area. If you want them to be in the Triggers (the JASS) as a race, you need to declare them under the second area as well. In the second thingie, you need to declare them once ; ).

Now, add a race to it with the slk files and it should work. I haven't tested this out yet, but that should work. To the person who said you needed to edit the dll file and so on, I don't think so -.-

Wc3 really isnt' that difficult, they aren't so terrible to do that... hell, adding JASS code to Warcraft 3 is "extremely Easy." Models are quite easy as well. Adding GUI is another story : P, because we have to make the hints, what they will see, what code it will write, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, and so on, and shoot myself ><


Have fun, and hopefully you will help make these global patches for Warcraft 3 made by the Warcraft 3 map making community a reality.

Note to Toadcop
For those who aren't toadcop, this does have cursing in it which is why I spoiled it : ). Only read if you want to. Once again, there are flames thru out this post, and I don't really care.

For the non-curse version, it simply says this: ToadCop, everybody hates you, you suck, and you should go kill yourself.

And don't you dare -rep me if you don't know ToadCop. Imagine a guy who says you suck, especially when you ask him to show you how one of his many systems works. Someone who doesn't believe in anybody but himself really needs to get a clue.

A small example of toadcop. Yes, he basically said this forum sucked... and he said I suck. and he said I don't know how to do any of this.. -.-

well it suxx =\ the author don't got needed skill.
// this forum is loading 400KB for 1 page O_O
Fuck you ToadCop

Call me a noob again and I'll hurt you... Don't assume others don't have experience. You act like you're above everybody else and everyone sucks. The only one who sucks is the one who thinks that. Everyone has the same capacity to do something. Anything's possible as long as you try. Dude, don't call people shit anymore.... nobody likes you. You might make some amazing things, but still.. nobody likes you. I have not met one person that has liked you... just go dig a hole and die in it or learn how to talk to people...

I hope you get banned dude... I don't welcome you to TheHelper and I hope nobody else welcomes you either.

Once again, eat shit and die
End of Note to ToadCop


ɹoʇɐɹǝpoɯ ɹǝdns
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I'm pretty sure doing this is against the ToS of using BNET, you are modding or messing with client files when doing this.

Plus, the last post was more of a flame, and you swore at people. Closing this, as I feel is not going anywhere good, and this isn't the place to discuss this type of thing.
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