A Map To Pawn!! help..


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yeah long.. if u read it all u get a free cookie :D ah huhs, dont belive me? 1 way to find out.. :p

Hey pplz, me and my freind, are making a map!! wewt!! :O. to give u a basic outline of wut itz gonan b like .. imagen this.. alright ready? ... a hell vs heaven arena and hero choosing.. and while in the arena.. it feels like an rpg, with a defiance spell system (11 spells). and the items are going to be like dota.. with recepies... dunno if we should make it down to the smallest items like, stone + stick = stone hammer, stone hammer + fire orb = fire hammer :O] and so on...

if your thinking wtf is this guy on about? then leave.. :D nar jks, read :) , not a bad idea i rekon ;) i have made 1 hero (LAWL) and 1 quarter of the map... the more i think about it... balencing spells and dmg so on, is gonan b a b1tch. so yeah.

The game is gonna b a low dmg/hp kinda game.. instead of like 23-40 dmg, its gonna b like a 5-10 dmg, u know? yeahs, and modified the attributes, and so on.

mostly basing the gameplay on hell vs heaven, its gonna b Human vs Beast, 1 side arena gonna b city-ish like... and the others going to be foresty like... makes sence yeah?, in the middle, is gonna b black (undead kinda area) and dark and so on... thiers goign to b a few caves around the area leading from 1 side to the other. and like thiers a boss in the mid... and once a team kills him, hell opens... creeps get harder, and you can now go to hell (YAY!). hells has harder creeps, note heros will b around the lv30-40 area when gogin to hell... [max lv 50], around that lv heros have liek 800hp.. and 20-200 dmg [depending on thier att speed, str agi or intel type.. :O]. this is not including items. thatz all i got up to for gameplay

Creeps will have like 100-800 hp and 20-50att on top at begining [in numbers], and hells gonan b like 500-1500hp, and 50-200 att. i'm not very good at triggering creeps exp and spawn... and creep making... fk i'm just not good with creeps.

Duelings gonna occur every 10 or so min... you can choose how many people are gonna duel. (1v1 2v2 3v3 or 4v4, in case sum1 leaves). and i was thinking of team duels as well [ as in vs a ally], but we would have to disable the money u get, and exp so u cant feed your teammate.

Thiers going to be sercret heros as well... but u have to make certain items to get them. thier not gogin to be massivly over powered [like in hell vs heaven (but good game :) )],but non the less strong, and trying to aviod a riggers char... or 1 stronger thn the rest. At start each team [human and beast] get to choose from 12 heros each ... over all 24 heros and some secrets [around 8,]

i'm trying to get a huge!! item system going, by huge i mean not to big :p (lolwtf!?), unless thier are people who are good at balencing... then that would b great!!

11 spells each hero is a lot? hell yeah, and alot of triggering and balencing [i might reduce this].

Yeah absicly thatz it.. i would pareciaite people taking part in this... ideas, triggering, terraining [mines not that bad... :( ], unit balencing, item making people (lawl...), spell makers, skins... so on.. ^_^ we can call ourself team FMA!!!... kakakas nar.. we'll just call it team for the time being, post if u want in, or ideas, or think this idea sucks.. nar actually dont poast that keep it to yourself ;) . yeah...

this is my first map btw =X kakakas. but gots a small ammout of triggering skills from SC [[best game... til wc3 ahahs]]

we'll probs make a few heros.. and then test it out... and chnage w/e we need to and releas a BETA!! and see how it goes...lols...if itz going alright, we'll keep making it ^_^. if its shit [LOL SIFF] then we'll stop hahahas, u'll all get the same ammout of credit for this map as me. i'm basicly getting every1 together, and making an idea of mine... =T

ahhas no free cookies for u's ... gz free cookies? :nuts:


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ok first things first: Try checking over your post for errors and such ok? A little editing can go a long way...

So about your game, correct me if I'm wrong:
-Your map is team-based
-Fairly heavy RPG elements
-Periodical PvP Matches between teams

Would it be safe to say its a mix of the World of Warcraft custom map (minus the questing) and a Team vs Team custom maps (DoTA, AoS maps, etc.)? If so, sounds like a pretty ambitous project for your first map.

My advice to you is for each concept create a practice map for each seperate part of the game to practice using the commands and see what the limits are of the editor. For example, to practice working with creeps you could make a small map where the creeps periodically spawn and level up. Then, once you feel like you've gotten a grasp of the concepts start triggering the actual game map. I've found this has helped me with my own maps as it helps create a map that is well-rounded in terms of quality. Also, by making practice maps you have a template to base future maps on.

Good Luck,


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whoawhoa dude im insulted no cookie??? :mad: kk lol :eek: erm advice 8 secrets too much lets older players pwn noobs not good 1 ,2 non rigged ones maybe


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rtatpi said:
ok first things first: Try checking over your post for errors and such ok? A little editing can go a long way...

So about your game, correct me if I'm wrong:
-Your map is team-based
-Fairly heavy RPG elements
-Periodical PvP Matches between teams

Would it be safe to say its a mix of the World of Warcraft custom map (minus the questing) and a Team vs Team custom maps (DoTA, AoS maps, etc.)? If so, sounds like a pretty ambitous project for your first map.

My advice to you is for each concept create a practice map for each seperate part of the game to practice using the commands and see what the limits are of the editor. For example, to practice working with creeps you could make a small map where the creeps periodically spawn and level up. Then, once you feel like you've gotten a grasp of the concepts start triggering the actual game map. I've found this has helped me with my own maps as it helps create a map that is well-rounded in terms of quality. Also, by making practice maps you have a template to base future maps on.

Good Luck,

i have ^_^, just not on creeping part.. thatz just troublesom... ^_^ but i'll try
PS. yeah i editied alot after ^^

rayquaza218 said:
whoawhoa dude im insulted no cookie??? :mad: kk lol :eek: erm advice 8 secrets too much lets older players pwn noobs not good 1 ,2 non rigged ones maybe

yeah... like i said thier not goiing to b massivly over powered, trying to avoide 1 hero pawning all... and trying to make it mostly team co-op to kill creeps, rather then 1 person going off pawning every creep they see...


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huh? Rayquaza im not sure i understood at all what you were saying. lol.

Anyways i forgot to mention that if you need help with heroes just tell me any parameters you have (total starting attribute points, spells, etc) and I could probably cook up a few heroes for you.


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Well, my first hero, is a defender.. so his str per lv will b heaps more then other units..

-------Hero - Defender - Human
Att cooldown - 4
dmage base -1
Damage Number of idce - 1
Damage Sides per Die - 10
Defence Base 3
Agi per lv - 0.05
Gold Bounty Awarded - 50
" " " Number of dice - 0
" " " Sided per die - 0 (dunno how dices work well... just give 50 gold.. per kill.
Hit Points Maximum (Base) - 70
Hit Points Regen rate - 0.25
Int per lv - 0.75
Mana Initial Amount - 10
Starting Agi - 2
Starting Intel - 2
Starting Str - 8 (they equal to 12.)
Str per lv - 2.20

-------Gameplay Constants
Att Bounes per primary Att. Point - 0.08
Att speed bounes per agi point - 0.02
Defence base Value (b4 agi bounes) -2.00
Defence Bounes per agi point - 0.20
HP regen per str - 0.05
Hit points per str - 12
Mana point per intel - 8
Mana regen per Intel - 0.03
Move ment per agi point - 0.05
Max level - 50
creep reduction table - 100


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spells to.. i'll just post the map ^_^.

i g2g sleep soons... in a few min.. i'll post more 2morrow at skewl :) . and 2morrow arvo.


  • ARENA.w3x
    230.2 KB · Views: 175


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take in mind that, that hero is not perfect, he might have to b editied more. to b more easly balenced. and again... the spells could be reduced.

*edit, and if you dl the map.. and wondering wtf is that thing in the lake? itz the way to hell ... duh :p


well i think this map sounds wicked. ive been looking for a map like this for along time and all the ones i find i dont like much, so hopefully this one is better than the rest . :D


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Regicid3 said:
well i think this map sounds wicked. ive been looking for a map like this for along time and all the ones i find i dont like much, so hopefully this one is better than the rest . :D

haha i hope to, because me and my freind had decided on making this map because Hell vs Heaven was so unbalenced, and does not have much team co-op, and items such as +1k status.. is just annoying, especially if thier is only 1.


Ultra Cool Member
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This seems like a big project for a first map. Also shouldn’t this be in members projects?

For anyone that had a very hard time reading his post, here it is with a few spelling fixes. Its not perfect but it’s a lot better.

Hey people, me and my friend, are making a map! To give you a basic outline of what its going to be like. Imagine this--a hell vs heaven arena with hero choosing, and while in the arena, it feels like an rpg, with a defiance spell system (11 spells), and the items are going to be like dota, with recipes. I Dunno if we should make it down to the smallest items like, stone + stick = stone hammer, stone hammer + fire orb = fire hammer and so on.

The game is going to be a low dmg/hp kind of game. And will have modified the attributes, and so on.

I’m mostly basing the game-play on hell vs heaven, its going be Human vs Beast, one side arena going to be city-ish like, and the others going to be foresty. In the middle, is going to be black (undead kind of area) and dark and so on. There is going to be a few caves around the area leading from one side to the other. Also there is a boss in the middle, and once a team kills him, hell opens. Creeps get harder, and you can now go to hell. Hell has harder creeps, heros will be around the level 30-40 area when going to hell (max being level 50). Around that level heroes have like 800hp and 20-200 damage (Depending on their attack speed, attribute type. Note that this is not including items.) That’s all I’ve thought up for game-play.

Creeps will have like 100-800 hp and 20-50 attack on top at beginning [in numbers], and hell is going to be like 500-1500hp, and 50-200 att. I’m not very good at triggering creeps exp, spawn and creep making. I’m just not good with creeps.

Dueling is going to occur every 10 or so minutes. You can choose how many people are gonna duel. (1v1 2v2 3v3 or 4v4, in case someone leaves). I was thinking of team duels as well ( as in vs a ally), but we would have to disable the money you get, and exp so you cant feed your teammate.

There is going to be secret heros as well, but you have to make certain items to get them. They aren’t going to be massively over powered, but non the less strong, and trying to avoid a rigged character or one stronger then the rest. At start each team (human and beast) get to choose from 12 heros each, over all 24 heros and some secrets. (around 8)

I’m trying to get a huge item system going, by huge I mean not too big, unless there are people who are good at balancing, then that would be great!

11 spells each hero is a lot. and a lot of triggering and balancing (I might reduce this).

This is basically that’s it. I would appreciate people taking part in this, ideas, triggering, terraining (mines not that bad.), unit balancing, item making , spell makers, skins, so on. We can call our self team we'll just call it team for the time being, post if you want in, or ideas, or think this idea sucks. Actually don’t post that keep it to yourself.

This is my first map by the way, but I have a small amount of triggering skills from SC.

We'll probably make a few heros and then test it out, and than change whatever we need to and release a beta and see how it goes. If it going alright, we'll keep making it, if it doesn’t then we'll stop. You will all get the same amount of credit for this map as me. I’m basically getting everyone together, and making an idea of mine.


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Evan1993 said:
This seems like a big project for a first map. Also shouldn’t this be in members projects?

For anyone that had a very hard time reading his post, here it is with a few spelling fixes. Its not perfect but it’s a lot better.
Yeah, but i need help making some triggers, heros, creeps, and balenceing... unless thatz wut members projects fourum is all about.. =\, and lmao ty for fixing my spelling and stuff. =p i only type with 3 fingers :O. ah huhs ^^


Diversity enchants
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Oh, ouch whaf ? :D It is me, Sooda ! :cool: I have done abilities for a while already, your first introduce dosn' t seem so polished but you got some style doing things ( I read all the text through.).
Whats my point ? Lol did I have one ? Just doing huge things makes your head ace :eek: And doing it when you should study in school :rolleyes: aff, things get messy, lol- I meant doing homework... I have to get back on track somehow in school and with doing homework :D Idea is that if you get in trouble doing triggers or abilities post your question here and I will check in weekends here or evenings ( I really have to get my school things ok first :banghead: ) then I would solve some of your problems for sure.
Anyway here are so much people who want/ can/ know how to help that you will be helped here for sure.
First thought it is mix of:
1) Angel Arena
2) Dota
3) Hero arena
4) Unbalanced game
Lets see what comes out.
Maybe if you do it good it could be fun and interesting.'
Oh and don't get negative rep pls :p


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ahahas thanx!! , but my skewl stuff is getting in the way as well, lols *shakes fist*. so progress wont b that fast, but holidays in 1 week ^_^ wewt, stuff will b faster then :D.


Just another Helper
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seems alot like an Arena that everyhero can be made imbalance and gay
btw i m wondering how you can do this all alone :D
or are you not?


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hahas if u look closely... it say me and my freind ^_^. and may need beta testers. and good feedback. :)


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seems alot like an Arena that everyhero can be made imbalance and gay
btw i m wondering how you can do this all alone
or are you not?

Believe it or not there are solo map creaters like myself that would rather do it all myself ( apart from beta testing of course :rolleyes: ). Saves an original creators vision from being distorted by other peoples interpretations of your idea. :mad:

It may take a great deal longer, but at least I can say its mine. :)


To FMAlchemist:
Good luck! :) You'll need it. Try and keep motivated, especially on such a duanting project for a first map :( . I must admit though, my first map was also a big jump in the deep end, but hey it got finished. And the advantage in doing a high difficulty map is that, eventhough the learning curve is hidiously steep, if you can finish it successfully you'll learn a tonne along the way.

All I can say is Good Luck. :shades:


Just another Helper
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i know how it feels to release a map made by yourself.
Feels great lol
but perhaps a close friend, someone that thinks alike lol :D


I didn't bother to read it but It looks like you're really on to this map :) keep it up


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ahahs didnt read it ayes?... thier was no cookies anyways :p, yepps i',m back!!, i've got about 3 heros so far, but still learning a few triggers along the way ^_^. yepps big project indeed, hope it will become a largly played map someday. ^_^. 3 more das till holidays. and i'll get serious on this map. :D
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