Battle Ship Xtrm

um well you can make the combinng but I will do the doubling

And do you want to use the normal bships?
Or custom ones?
(normal are these with sailors, destroyers, dominators....)

I think to remember that I have heard "battleships a new era" once, but I do not remember wther it was my own one or one postet in Bnet...

I will see. If it is my map, plz do not call it so^^

And I think the combined weapon is to expensive....
Only thing that increases is range...

Well but of course it is a good Idea. I would make AC_Cannons (Anti- captain)
that can only attack heros. These are the type you told, but perhaps higher range, decreased cooldown and decreased damage^^

greetings Serra

ps: yeah really hot this time^^
I was just giving an Idea :)
You can easily change the stats, but the basis is of that :)

Anyway Good Luck with the future mapping. I hope this wil be the best EVER Battleships yet.
Do anyone understand why the model is not shown??? We have tyo fix this really fast if we want to make other things!!!
@ DoN

Terrain was much better than before I liked it. I try to implement my JASS tomorrow. Then I can send you map back.
Try looking import tutorials and make sure you got all nessesary files when downloading.

EDIT2: Ok I have implemented voting and fixed minor things also renamed variables so you can understand what does what. I send you map already DemonOfNight so take a look. I had to delete some of that odd Init trig, there isn' t point to pan cameras when map is loading, people see only loading screen at that time.
I really liked terrain, imported icons. That interior thing can be subproject it isn' t so important right now. Items and other things first. I now have all your done GUI so I convert it to JASS or make my own solution for combining things.
First of all: thanks for the flowers with the terran, hope you wrote all you did in the changelog^^
I want to know wich "minor things" you changed ;)

And with item doubling / combining :
Um no can I do that please?
I know JASS too.
This is the Trigger. Just copy paste, and add a condition...
It should only trigger if the manipulateditemitemtype == artifact.
It is too late for me now to post the condition :p

function serrascombineract takes nothing returns nothing
    local item manipulateditem = GetManipulatedItem()
    local unit gettingunit = GetManipulatingUnit()
    local integer actslot = 1
    local integer actweapon
    local integer manipulateditemitemtype = GetItemTypeId( manipulateditem )
        if manipulateditem != UnitItemInSlot( gettingunit , actslot ) and manipulateditemitemtype == GetItemTypeId( UnitItemInSlot( gettingunit , actslot ) ) then
            call RemoveItem( UnitItemInSlot( gettingunit , actslot ) )
                if manipulateditemitemtype == udg_weapons[ actweapon ] then
                    call UnitAddItemById( gettingunit , udg_weapons[ actweapon ] )
                    exitwhen true
                set actweapon = actweapon + 1
            call RemoveItem( manipulateditem )
        set actslot = actslot + 1
        exitwhen actslot == 7

//trigger init: 
function InitTrig_serrascombiner takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_serrascombiner = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( gg_trg_serrascombiner , EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM )
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_serrascombiner , function serrascombineract )

And then: Why did you delete the "pan camera" things? did you add a loading screen now?

Or have you never played the map yet oO?
First all is loaded, then the map initializes....

And now I know how to fix the problem with ship interior.
But it is too late, how I said ;)
I'll add it asap ( = asa I get map xD)

Greetings Serra

If you find any bugs fix and report them. I do not have WE here, neither any JASS syntax checker. I'll try this code tomorrow - or even later.

It is important that we can check all that the others did while they had map, or else you will look 5 times through a code you knew it was bugged before but no one told you that he has fixed it...

Greetings Serra

I've found the typos.
I have changed it now...

And i messed Itemtype with ItemId....
cuz in GUI itemtype = JASS itemId
and GUI itemclass= JASS itemtype

had another typo:
I forgot a c in endfunCtion xD
Im back with a SHIP idea!!! :eek:

Unique: BBS Beagle
Description: Since this Ship was destroyed, the ghostly remains of it stayed in the Physical world, everyday searching for new species. Eventually having learnt nearly almost every species, it bound there elements to the Beagle. Now being called upon towards Battle, this ship will be a devastating foe, worthy to even face the Black Pearl itself...

HP: 4500
Speed: 350
Armour: 10 + 2 per level
Cost: 12500

Fish Sonar:
Calls upon the deadly fish from the deep to attack the targeted ship.

Knowledge of Life:
Since the BBS Beagle has information about nearly everything about life, it uses this knowledge to regenerate itself faster than any other ship.

Ghost Sails:
The BBS Beagles Sails are ghostly, allowing the ship to weigh less and sail faster.

Ultimate: Encasement
Calls upon all the dead fish in the sea to come up and encase around the targeted ship. If Friendly it grants a HP Bonus for 1 minute. If Eemy, will stun the enemy unit for 5 seconds.

Thats my idea :)
thats a good idea but there i little thing you will have to know... like i said in my firstr post, this game is like a (pick all the other maps and make one) as you couldve see, in like 50% of the other BShips, there are 4 PRIMARY Ablilities and 1 ultimate. SO the thing i want to say, is that you should make another ability. Right now, im working on the ships and other... weapons. I'll introduce your JASS trigger in your ancient trigger spot (you told me Copy it from here and paste it in the trigger thing?)... i hope because this is what i did (couldnt test it cause i got hockey and now, i have to go to bed ''22:50'')

Monsterous, thanks for your good ideas and you should give ideas about abilities... to complete the list of idea you gave!!!

Sooda, do you want me to do anything else then items... Did you knew that time trial makes the game crash?

Serra, sooda deleted the pan and appply camera because he want to do it in jass and because it was removing the sound and 50% of the model (see the picture at the pagfe before this one (tell me if the link is dead, i will make a new one :D )

Have a good weak (cause me, i have a bad one, full of exams and a lot of presentations in the front of the class!!! :mad: ) At least, the school ends in like 35-40 days :) ...

Greats, Demon Of Nightmar (+mar is my real nickname)

Btw, if someone could give me rep, i want to have an annimated avatar (did one with pivot and i really like it!!!) I already have 18!!! (Btw, i forgot to +rep you sooda so i will do it right now and tell me serra, did i forgot to +rep you too? cause you really helped me!!! +rep to you too Monsterous for your good ideas!!!
Heres the other ability. Forgot they had 4 normal ones.

Last Resort:
Having known about weapons for a long time since the BBS Beagle was born, the Beagle has an extensive knowledge on how to use them in the best way. When used, it will increase the % for the damages weapon for the % of the Beagles hp for 10 seconds.
YOu repped me at hte very beginning
I repped you as thanks for being allowed to work with you
I repped monsterous for his Ideas^^

How comes that I have 3 times the reputation you have O.O ??

And orry monerous but the last one will be VERY hard to be implemented...
It will only work for the basic weapon..

Well but I have another idea:
A pioneer.
Pioneers are crew members with lesser repair abilities and low fighting abilities, but they can assemble buildings. They can "colonize" an island, p. e.

They can build:
-A trade kontor ( where you gain resource the island has like bananas, coconuts, coffee, cacao.... )
-Goldmines (only at mountains, if posible - or do it like the "haunt gold mine" ability on predetermined places wich are just like a gold mine...), wich increase money / per second. they can be upgraded a certain value of times, each increasing the gold / second
- huts. In a hut, the people of a village can live.
- Plantations. Here, the resources are planted and taken away when they have grown. The plants are given to the trade kontor, from wich they can be taken by friendly ships

and much more. This i jut the basic Idea, I will change it anyway and implement it if you want...
But first you have to say wether you like this idea or not.

>weapons. I'll introduce your JASS trigger in your ancient trigger spot (you told me Copy it from here and paste it in the trigger thing?)... i hope because this is what i did

Umm well just create a new trigger, click on "custom text" at the left upper corner somewhere in the menu and copy - paste it there...
And will add the condition later, gtg to archive now...
@ SerraAvenger

Glad to hear you know JASS now, I spoted some minor errors and typos. I did my version of it:
    integer array udg_itemRawId
    integer array udg_upgradedWeaponRawId
    integer udg_itemRawIdIndex
    trigger gg_trg_serrascombiner

function GetItemClass takes itemtype itemToBeChecked returns boolean
    // Default is ITEM_TYPE_ARTIFACT
    return ( itemToBeChecked == ITEM_TYPE_ARTIFACT )

function ItemCombiner takes nothing returns boolean
    local unit triggeringUnit = GetTriggerUnit()
    local item acquiredItem = GetManipulatedItem()
    local itemtype acquiredItemType = GetItemType(acquiredItem)
    local boolean validItemClass = GetItemClass(acquiredItemType)
    local integer acquiredItemRawId = GetItemTypeId(acquiredItem) // manipulateditem
    local integer heroSlotIndex = 0
    local integer counter = 0

        exitwhen heroSlotIndex > 5
            if acquiredItemRawId == GetItemTypeId(UnitItemInSlot(triggeringUnit, heroSlotIndex)) then
                set counter = counter + 1
        set heroSlotIndex = heroSlotIndex + 1
    if ( counter >= 2 and validItemClass == true ) then
            exitwhen counter == 0
                call UnitRemoveItem(triggeringUnit, acquiredItem)
            set counter = counter - 1
            exitwhen counter > udg_itemRawIdIndex
                if ( acquiredItemRawId == udg_itemRawId[counter] ) then
                    call UnitAddItemById(triggeringUnit, udg_upgradedWeaponRawId[counter])
                    exitwhen true
            set counter = counter + 1
        set acquiredItemType = null
        set triggeringUnit = null
        set acquiredItem = null
        return false

    set acquiredItemType = null
    set triggeringUnit = null
    set acquiredItem = null
    return false

function InitTrig_ItemCombiner takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger itemCombinerTrig = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( itemCombinerTrig , EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM )
    call TriggerAddCondition( itemCombinerTrig , Condition (function ItemCombiner) )
    set itemCombinerTrig = null

I don' t plan to start pasting JASS here because it would be pointless, we got JASS zone for that. I didn' t test it but logically it seems ok. Leakless (I hope so.). Why in Condition function ? Well because it' s faster and better. Item name needs to be "ItemCombiner" (Without "" and wtch out it' s case sensitiveso don' t type "ItemCOMBINER" or "ItEmCoMbInEr".).

@ DemonOfNight
No, I don' t plan to remake InitTrig (Right now atleast because I even don' t understand what it should do. Tell me.) If you want just paste again from old version init trigger back. I didn' t knew Time Trial is buggy, I will fix it (There is one little tweak more what I have to add to dialog.)
Time trial is optional idea, what is just there because it is.

> I want to have an animated avatar.

You don' t need to have rep for that. Just get .gif avatar what is between allowed kb limit...

@ Monsterous
Ideas are interesting but have you read this thread from beginning and know what we have planned already to do ?
Why should it be faster as conditonfunc?

And you made two mistakes:
1.: You didn't remove the second item, just the first ( = acquiered one)call [qoute=sooda]"call UnitRemoveItem(triggeringUnit, acquiredItem)"[/quote]
2.: you made a segmentation violation with that!!!
It will mot probably cause war 3 to crash!
You want to delete an item that no longer exits....

Then you made some really useless (and inefficient) things: you had only to check for another item of the same type! so you can stop after the first item you have found....
Checking ALL the slot makes no sense...

And creating the trigger in a local variable makes no sense neither. Perhaps you want have acces on that trigger later?
You need to store it in a global variable ( gg_trg_serrascombiner )

And I didn't use any strings for "itemcombiner"...
sooda said:
Item name needs to be "ItemCombiner" Without ""
I never store strings in an item variable :confused:

And i'm very sorry if I forgot an s or two. the "s" button does not work properly anymore on my tastature...
What other ideas do you need? :)

Ill think of something for each one of them.
I Promise <3
sooda, yes, we need rep to have an avatar that is .gif or any else format for the animations...

Witch trigger am i supposed to take??? sooda's one or serra's one?

Monsterous, i forgot to say that you should read some of the first poist because you need to know that some boats are taken depending on your items in your inventory (see the post 1 to 5).

Serra, you have 3 times my reputation because Chocobo and Acehart - repped me!!! (- 18 rep because of those 2) i was a lil noob at the start, when i joined this forum (i was always spamming and double posting every 15 minutes!!!)
take mine, but with the condition Sooda has posted
Soodas will only remove the aqcuiered item and add the new one, it won't delete the odl one you had...
And it will have a segmentation fault, as he tries 1 time to delete an item that does not exist...
And if you ask me there are some things that arent needed.

If you use mine with soodas condition, it will (should) work fine.
I'll check if i see some errors now

Will work now.
when i try to paste it, it work fine but the thing is there is no event... it desable the trigger and say (item doubleing ''name of the trigger'' must have an initialization functiun called InitTrig_item_doubleing)... can you tell me why this error apear so i can fix it!
> SerraAvenger

Ok, I rechecked your code and it made sense and was optimized as much has it can be. Well done.

Just in JASS most things start from 0 so slot nr 1 would be in JASS nr 0. It would loop 3 times more checking nonexistant slots.
 exitwhen actslot == 7

actslot > 5 ;)
local integer actslot = 0


Fix leaks:

    local item manipulateditem = GetManipulatedItem()
    local unit gettingunit = GetManipulatingUnit()

Both needs to be nulled when used.

> I never store strings in an item variable.

Me either, I typed it fast, it should had been "trigger name".

> Why should it be faster as conditonfunc?
Vexorian said:
* conditions are faster than actions since the don't have to create a new thread.

Do you want to create all triggers yourself from now on SerraAvenger ?
hu I did not know that the itemslots start at 0 too,
even if it was logical - as it does in both of the other programming languages I know a bit:
python <3 <- i love python xD
and C++

I then have a lil problem then, too - I miss the first item slot xD

ty for the flowers ;)

Just how you find time.
I wil translate all my triggers that arent translated till I get them, just post all the triggers you translated in your changelog

What did you think of reducing npc ships' hp by 50%??
Would make game faster.
And I think mnoney SHOULD NOT be distributed as usual under the left teammates... Just a lower %age, such as 70%
Else it will be Imba.

Or someone of us programms an AI...
Wich should be able to handle ALL of the ships and Weapons and Items then.

We could make it like this:
hull + sail + magic shield of the same type + any ship = A ship with the stats of the base ship + stats of the items + a small value

All of the items you have to have can be used as usual ( as hull, sails, etc.)

The basic ship has 200 hitpoints, 5% magical defense and 350 speed, the strongest sails rends + 150 to speed, the strongest magic shield has +45% magical protection.

And our hulls could be:

"fouled planks"
+200 hp
-25 speed
These planks have been in use several times... And the lots of water they carry bring a medium speed decrease with them...

-can be used to create "wreck"

"Oak planks"
+500 hp
-15 speed
Oak is very heavy and strong wood.

-can be used to craft "Houseboat"

"Aluminum bronze hull"
+1200 hp
-80 speed
These bronze claddings are very strong, but mean a high decrease of speed caused by their incredible mass.

-can be used to create "Bronze warship"

"Elven wood"
+1600 hp
+45 speed
Elvish hulls use special magic wood, wich weighs almost nothing while being very strong

-Can be used to create "Elvenship"

"Iron shell"
+2400 hp
-55 speed
While lighter than aluminum bronze, it is much harder wich rends incredible high endurance to ships forges of this metall.

-can be used to create "Ironcald"

"Diamond structure"
+4000 hp
-35 speed
One of the lightest materials, diamond has an incredible capability to resist damage.

- Can be used to craft "Crystal ship"

And these are the elite hulls:

"Serras Light"
+4300 hp
+60 speed
Ships engulfed by this light are the fastest ships on sea, whereas the light doesn't protect them that good.

-can be used to create "Serras Avenger"

"Soodas ???"
+5000 hp
+30 speed
The lot's soda this hull can carry rends their crew a very long life, but reduces their speed, too.

-Can be used to create Sooda's (sexy) avatar

"Night's blessing"
+8000 hp
-60 speed
The blessing of the night makes this almost Indestructible, but very slow, too.

-can be used to create "The Demon of nightmare"
> I know a bit: python and C++

Thats good, then you know how to make efficient triggers, start JASSing ! We would need:

1) Trigger for creating ships when required items are bought.

> What did you think of reducing npc ships' hp by 50 % ?

AI should not be there just for easy exping they should have moderate HP compared to human player ships.

> And I think mnoney SHOULD NOT be distributed as usual under the left teammates...

Lets better keep count of player kills & gold. Then when 2 players leave from same team we balance teams by sending strongest to other team (There could be math formulae what calculates most balanced new teams considering kills, items and & gold.).

> Or someone of us programms an AI...

Map needs to be finished before then we can start messing with AI. Who you are keeping in mind ?

> And our hulls...

Are they balanced ? Nothing about sexy hulls in game... I thought some more logical hulls. Different wood types what are light or heavy and can give you more or fewer HP bonus. Special Elven Magical hull sounds odd, I would not like to sail with fairy ship.

> I wil translate all my triggers that arent translated till I get them, just post all the triggers you translated in your changelog

What you mean ?


> We could make it like this:
hull + sail + magic shield of the same type + any ship = A ship with the stats of the base ship + stats of the items + a small value

We could do it like this you first build your own ship then you can' t upgrade it anymore, you have to sell it again to buy totaly new ship U( From pre made ship shop.) or again do a custom ship.
To build a ship you need:

1) framework - wooden, iron, metal. (Types for different frameworks can be discussed. Ok I do the research then about military or that era ship types. I will then post results.)
2) Wood type
3) Sail
4) Paddle (Used by few ship types.)
5) Screw propellers (Used by advanced ships.)
6) Steam engines (Used by paddle and more advanced ships.).

I don' t know what to add, please keep it logical, no diamonds. It should not be very hard to create new custom ship also so no 100 items required to create ship. If we agree with items what are needed we can modify Serras' combining trigger (I could do it.).

DemonOfNight how are things going ?

EDIT: My consept is that we make realistic BattleShips and when that is done we can start to add magical or fantasy elements into it. I' m right now browsing Wiki about battleship history.

Alpha list of ship types:

1) ship of the line (Oldest ships where made from wood and used wind to sail. " Basic design dating as far back as the 1400s" quote from Wiki.)
2) steam battleship ( ship of the line modification what used steam engine and had constant +12 knots without wind. Would mean in our game gives +12 movespeed but is more expensive.).
3) Ironclads (powered by steam, protected by metal armor, and armed with guns firing high-explosive shells. As a note high-explosive shells dealed massive damage to wooden battleships what means in our
game they have bonus damage against wooden armor (Wooden battleships). The first ironclads, of 1859-60, shared marked similarities of design with the sailing ships of the 18th century; triple-masted for speed under sail, and mounting many guns broadside.

4) The pre-dreadnought (These were heavily armored ships, mounting a mixed battery of guns in turrets, and without sails. Means you don' t have to buy sails :) though it fired slowly.)
5) Goes already too modern...

Subtypes of each main ship type:
Ship of the line

1) Carrack - West European ship in the 15th and 16th centuries. It was usually a merchant ship but there where also warships of that type.
2) Galleon - Large west European ship in the 16th century. , it was developed from the Carrack. Armed and often used for long-distance trade.
3) Flute ship - Merchant ship, The hull was carvel-built, the bow was flat, the stern was rounded and the deck was much narrower than the hull below.
4) 74-gun ship - The design had a good balance between firepower and sailing qualities. The largest guns were usually 36-pounders. Some 74-gun ships were still used in action as late as 1841 (It seems to give most firepower wit hlowest cost.).
5) Schooner - It was usually a two or three-masted sailing ship with a carvel built hull and a gaff rig on all masts (Lets make it with three-masted sailing ship so it gives more speed but don' t have so good firepower as 74-gun ships.).
6) Bark - Three or four-masted ship with square rig on fore and main mast (Fastest of all Ship of the line types.).

Steam battleship

1) Paddle steamer - The earliest steamships were paddle steamers (They can use steam engine with sails and also use iron plating. Boats with paddle wheels on the sides are also called sidewheelers.

2) Sternwheelers - The paddlewheel was enclosed in a casing with only that portion of the blades exposed which was needed to propel the vessel. This left the above-water portion of hull clear to mount guns as usual, while simultaneously protecting the propulsion system from gunfire.

NOTE: There isn' t much about them, they soon where replaced with screw propelled ships.
The sidewheel steamers of the 1850s were a transition ship between wooden sailing ships and steam-driven ironclads.


1) Monitor - A small number of guns mounted in one or two turrets, lacking masts entirely.
2) Pantserschip - Can be described as a coast-defence battleship which could operate at sea. Due to its weak armor and weaponry it was outclassed by the Dreadnought class ship.
3) Dunno :)

I found it interesting so I know what is what:
Shipboard terminology

Ships, particulalry sailing ships, involve a rich and varied vocabulary of many technical terms. Many of the following terms link to more detailed discussions of nautical jargon.

* Amidships - the middle section of a ship.
* Bow - the front of a ship. Compare prow .
* Stern - the rear of the ship -- also known in a directional sense as aft
* Starboard - the side of the ship which lies to the right when the observer faces forward.
* Port - the side of the ship which lies to the left when the observer faces forward. (A mnemonic to distinguish port and starboard notes that left and port both have four letters.)
* Bridge - a navigational command centre
* Bulkheads - internal "walls" in a ship. Many bulkheads have a structural function as well as dividing spaces. They serve to maintain stability, to prevent water from flooding the entire ship in the event of a breach of the hull, and to contain fire. Many bulkheads feature watertight doors which, in the case of certain types of ships, the crew may close remotely.
* Cabin - an enclosed room on a deck
* Capstan - pulley-oriented mechanism
* Decks - the "floor"s and also different levels of a ship.
* Deck Head - The "ceilings" inside a ship. Sometimes panelled over to hide the pipework.
* Figurehead - symbolic image adorning the bow of a traditional sailing ship
* Forecastle - an upper forward deck; or sailors' living quarters.
* Galley - the kitchen of the ship
* Gunwhale - the surrounding "wall" at the top of the hull.
* Hold - the lower part of the interior of a ship's hull, especially when considered as storage space for cargo.
* Hull - the shell or framework of the basic flotation-oriented part of a ship
* Keel - the central structural basis of the hull
* Mast - a pole designed for the suspension of one or more sails.
* Prow - alternative term for [bow]
* Scupper - a drainage opening
* Windlass - hydraulic winch mechanism used to raise and lower the ship's cable, and to heave in on hawsers.

Sorry SerraAvanger for that diamond thing I didn' t knew it was something to do with actual ship.
> I know a bit: python and C++

Thats good, then you know how to make efficient triggers, start JASSing ! We would need:

1) Trigger for creating ships when required items are bought.

> What did you think of reducing npc ships' hp by 50 % ?

AI should not be there just for easy exping they should have moderate HP compared to human player ships.

> And I think mnoney SHOULD NOT be distributed as usual under the left teammates...

Lets better keep count of player kills & gold. Then when 2 players leave from same team we balance teams by sending strongest to other team (There could be math formulae what calculates most balanced new teams considering kills, items and & gold.).

> Or someone of us programms an AI...

Map needs to be finished before then we can start messing with AI. Who you are keeping in mind ?

> And our hulls...

Are they balanced ? Nothing about sexy hulls in game... I thought some more logical hulls. Different wood types what are light or heavy and can give you more or fewer HP bonus. Special Elven Magical hull sounds odd, I would not like to sail with fairy ship.

> I wil translate all my triggers that arent translated till I get them, just post all the triggers you translated in your changelog

What you mean ?

>1) Trigger for creating ships when required items are bought.
Should't be that difficult.
You just need 4 integer variables, 3 for the items you need, one for the corresponding ship
Then you can use my itemcombiner with small changes....
You need to check if he has all of the three
With a local item array and an integer variable
counting wich items he has and remembering where they are

and if he has all 3 items needed, he gets the ship...

> What did you think of reducing npc ships' hp by 50 % ?

Ai allways ended as easy exp in bships when I played.
I mean we could reduce it by 50% so it is possible to kill them at the beginning clean and fast
ANd you could add a tech to increase hp by 150% on level 1 and 50% on following levels, wich would be just like them havinbg 100% and increasing their hp by 25% every level. only good at the beginning, but eill make game faster and more fun. I see you have to play Bships one time - what is your name in Bnet? I would like to challenge you to a Bships crossfire tomorrow or sunday :)

>Lets better keep count of player kills & gold. Then when 2 players leave from >same team we balance teams by sending strongest to other team (There >could be math formulae what calculates most balanced new teams >considering kills, items and & gold.).

Don't think so. Players will send each other money, as soon as one of them leaves his former teammates cannot get the money back they lended players who now change the team...
Too, they might have a strategy that now is destroyed.
If you ask me, it would destroy teamplay....
And I can imagine such situations:
Situation 1:
Leav0r:"Hey sry I have to leave"
Timätone"No plz, teamateto has to give me my 500 back before!"
Teamateto:"Um yes you can go, won't bother me much"
Leav0r:"K I will w8..."
Teamateto:" k w8 5 minutes till I have money!"
Teamateto:"fuck I got killed - you have to w8 another two minutes till I'm repaired..."

Situation 2:
Leav0r:"Hey I'll leave now. rl friend just arrived!"
Timätone:"No plz! I have NO BUILDING ATTACK!!!"
Teamateto:" And I only can attack buildings!"
timatsri:"NO I only can repair ships!"
teamatfor:"And I'm trader! Cannot win without my teammates!"

Would be better if we make them stronger, but not THAT strong as done until now...

some minor bonusses lke + 20% HP and speed could be enough -.-

>Map needs to be finished before then we can start messing with AI. Who >you are keeping in mind ?

Nooo, not you xD
Well dunno, someone of us both

>Are they balanced ? Nothing about sexy hulls in game... I thought some >more logical hulls. Different wood types what are light or heavy and can give >you more or fewer HP bonus. Special Elven Magical hull sounds odd, I would >not like to sail with fairy ship.

There is a great difference between elves and fairies...
elves= strong, intelligent creatures wich are very associated with nature, like the dark elves in warcraft 3

And the sexy was just a juoke of mine - with your sexy avatars xD

won't be ingame

> I wil translate all my triggers that arent translated till I get them, just post >all the triggers you translated in your changelog

what of them didn't you get?
I will translate all my triggers in efficient JASS, not in this stupid BJ...

And I want to keep track of what you're doing...
so plz write all you change in a change log

Greetins Serra

just for fun:

int i;
for ( i = 20 ; i > 0 ; i = i * 10 )
{ malloc( i ) }

THIS is what i call a leak xD
> Should't be that difficult.
You just need 4 integer variables, 3 for the items you need, one for the corresponding ship
Then you can use my itemcombiner with small changes....

I don' t need teaching I just don' t want to do all myself if you could help and now I' m positive you could do as good JASS as me. So ? Check my update about creating your own ship (On page 15 somewhere middle.).

EDIT: I sadly must say that I find ship interiors still not appealing. I would suggest to make them even bigger and only inner ship (Like you would be in ship.). If I got time I will do demo screenshot of my idea. Keep up the good work !

I' m working right now with ship build triggers, sry for my rude behaviour.

EDIT: I have used up now all classifications what items have, most of them are needed for fast & optimized ship build trigger(s).

I Framework - Permanent
II Wood Type - Charged
III Sail - Power Up
IV Doubled Weapons - Artifact
V Paddles - Purchasable
VI Screws - Campaign
VII Steam Engines - Miscellaneous
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  • The Helper The Helper:
    It is weird seeing a way more realistic users online number
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Happy Tuesday Night!
    Happy Friday!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    News portal has been retired. Main page of site goes to Headline News forum now
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am working on getting access to the old news portal under a different URL for those that would rather use that for news before we get a different news view.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Easily done
  • The Helper The Helper: is a link to the old news portal - i will integrate it into the interface somewhere when i figure it out
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Need to try something
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Hopefully this won't cause problems.
  • Ghan Ghan:
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I have converted the Headline News forum to an Article type forum. It will now show the top 20 threads with more detail of each thread.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    See how we like that.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I do not see a way to go past the 1st page of posts on the forum though
  • The Helper The Helper:
    It is OK though for the main page to open up on the forum in the view it was before. As long as the portal has its own URL so it can be viewed that way I do want to try it as a regular forum view for a while
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Yeah I'm not sure what the deal is with the pagination.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    It SHOULD be there so I think it might just be an artifact of having an older style.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I switched it to a "Standard" article forum. This will show the thread list like normal, but the threads themselves will have the first post set up above the rest of the "comments"
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I don't really get that article forum but I think it is because I have never really seen it used on a multi post thread
  • Ghan Ghan:
    RpNation makes more use of it right now as an example:
  • The Helper The Helper:

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