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Just updated my old Effect-library for my requirements.

Maybe someone else is interested in this too

library Effect requires optional AutoFly

    // ========== Effect ==========
    // Introduces the type "Effect"
    // This type allows you to color,scale,move,time and hide ground effects
    // And to time widget-attached effects.
    // If you want to destroy a non-timed effect use : RemoveEffect() / Instance.remove()
    // If you want to destroy a     timed effect use : RemoveTimedEffect() / Instance.removeTimed()
    // Do not color,scale,move or hide widget-attached effects, but you may time em
    // Author: Executor alias Lord_Executor
    // ====== Implementation ======
    // Make a new trigger called "Effect"
    // Convert it to custom text
    // Paste the whole code in the empty page
    // IMPORTANT: 
    // Import Vexorian's dummy.mdx
    // adjust the "war3mapImported\dummy.mdl" (beneath) to your custom import path
    // finally save the map once, close it, reopen it and AFTER that remove the '!' of the '//!' beneath this line
    // runtextmacro Effect_MergeDummy("Visible Dummy","vdum","war3mapImported\dummy.mdl")
    // ========== Credits =========
    // Vexorian: vJass & Dummy.mdx & recycle idea
    // Azlier: Autofly
        private constant integer  DUMMY_ID            = 'vdum'
        private constant real     RECYCLE_DELAY       = 2.
        private          player   DUMMY_OWNER         = Player(14) // neutral
        private constant real     RECYCLE_X           = 5000.
        private constant real     RECYCLE_Y           = 5000.
    struct Effect   
        private unit        carrier
        private effect      sfx
        private thistype    next
        private real        schedule
        private static group DUMMIES
        private static timer NOW
        private static timer recycleTimer
        private static timer removeTimer
        private static thistype recycleStart
        private static thistype recycleEnd
        private static thistype removeStart
        private static thistype removeEnd
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            set .DUMMIES        = CreateGroup()
            set .NOW            = CreateTimer()
            set .recycleTimer   = CreateTimer()
            set .removeTimer    = CreateTimer()
            set .recycleStart   = 0
            set .recycleEnd     = 0
            set .removeStart    = 0
            set .removeEnd      = 0
            call TimerStart(.NOW,999999999.,false,null)
        method scale takes real size returns nothing
            call SetUnitScale(.carrier,size,size,size)
        method scalePercent takes real size returns nothing
            set size = size * 0.01
            call SetUnitScale(.carrier,size,size,size)
        method color takes integer r, integer g, integer b, integer alpha returns nothing
            call SetUnitVertexColor(.carrier,r,g,b,alpha)
        method move takes real x, real y , real z returns nothing
            call SetUnitX(.carrier,x)
            call SetUnitY(.carrier,y)
            call SetUnitFlyHeight(.carrier,z,0.)
        method operator dummy takes nothing returns unit
            return .carrier
        method operator facing takes nothing returns real
            return GetUnitFacing(.carrier)
        method operator x takes nothing returns real
            return GetUnitX(.carrier)
        method operator y takes nothing returns real
            return GetUnitY(.carrier)
        method operator z takes nothing returns real
            return GetUnitFlyHeight(.carrier)
        method operator visibility takes nothing returns boolean
            return not IsUnitHidden(.carrier)
        method operator facing= takes real f returns nothing
            call SetUnitFacing(.carrier,f)
        method operator x= takes real x returns nothing
            call SetUnitX(.carrier,x)
        method operator y= takes real y returns nothing
            call SetUnitY(.carrier,y)
        method operator z= takes real z returns nothing
            call SetUnitFlyHeight(.carrier,z,0.)
        method operator visibility= takes boolean vis returns nothing
            call ShowUnit(.carrier,vis)
        method operator zAngleRad= takes real value returns nothing
            local integer i=R2I(value*bj_RADTODEG+90.5)
            if(i>=180) then
                set i=179
            elseif(i<0) then
                set i=0
            call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(.carrier, i  )
        method operator zAngleDeg= takes integer value returns nothing
            set value = value + 90
            if value >= 180 then
                set value = 179
            elseif value < 0 then
                set value = 0
            call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(.carrier,value)
        method remove takes nothing returns nothing
            call .recycle()
        method removeTimed takes nothing returns nothing
            local thistype curr = .removeStart
            local thistype next = .removeStart.next
                exitwhen next == 0
                if next == this then
                    set curr.next = .next
                    exitwhen true
                set curr = next
                set next = next.next
            if .removeStart == this then
                set .removeStart = .next
            if .removeEnd == this then
                if .removeStart == 0 then
                    set .removeEnd = 0
                    set .removeEnd = curr
            call .recycle()
        private method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
            if .carrier != null then
                call SetUnitScale(.carrier,1.,1.,1.)
                call SetUnitVertexColor(.carrier,255,255,255,255)
                call SetUnitX(.carrier,RECYCLE_X)
                call SetUnitY(.carrier,RECYCLE_Y)
                call GroupAddUnit(DUMMIES,.carrier)
                set .carrier = null
        private static method onRecycleTimer takes nothing returns nothing
            local thistype this = .recycleStart
            set .recycleStart = .recycleStart.next
            call .destroy()
            if .recycleStart != 0 then
                call TimerStart(.recycleTimer,TimerGetRemaining(.NOW)-.recycleStart.schedule,false,function thistype.onRecycleTimer)
                set .recycleEnd = 0
        private method recycle takes nothing returns nothing
            call DestroyEffect(.sfx)
            set .sfx = null
            set .schedule   = TimerGetRemaining(.NOW)-RECYCLE_DELAY
            if .recycleStart == 0 then
                set .recycleStart  = this
                set .recycleEnd    = this
                call TimerStart(.recycleTimer,RECYCLE_DELAY,false,function thistype.onRecycleTimer)
                set .recycleEnd.next   = this
                set .recycleEnd        = this
        private static method onRemoveTimer takes nothing returns nothing
            local thistype this = .removeStart
            set .removeStart = .removeStart.next
            call DestroyEffect(.sfx)
            call .recycle()
            if .removeStart != 0 then
                call TimerStart(.removeTimer,TimerGetRemaining(.NOW)-.removeStart.schedule,false,function thistype.onRemoveTimer)
                set .removeEnd = 0
        static method newGroundEffect takes string modelName, real x, real y, real z returns thistype
            local thistype this = thistype.allocate()
            set .next    = 0
            set .carrier = FirstOfGroup(DUMMIES)
            if .carrier == null then 
                set .carrier = CreateUnit(DUMMY_OWNER,DUMMY_ID,x,y,0.)
                call SetUnitPathing(.carrier,false)
                static if not AutoFly then
                call UnitAddAbility(.carrier,'Amrf')
                call UnitRemoveAbility(.carrier,'Amrf')
                call GroupRemoveUnit(DUMMIES,.carrier)
            call SetUnitX(.carrier,x)
            call SetUnitY(.carrier,y)
            call SetUnitFlyHeight(.carrier, z, 0.)
            set .sfx = AddSpecialEffectTarget(modelName,.carrier, "origin")
            return this
        static method newTargetEffect takes string modelName, widget target, string attachPoint returns thistype
            local thistype this = thistype.allocate()
            set .next = 0
            set .carrier = null
            set .sfx = AddSpecialEffectTarget(modelName,target,attachPoint)
            return this
        static method newTimedGroundEffect takes string modelName, real x, real y, real z, real duration returns thistype
            local thistype this = .newGroundEffect(modelName,x,y,z)
            call .limitEffectDuration(duration)
            return this
        static method newTimedTargetEffect takes string modelName, widget target, string attachPoint, real duration returns thistype
            local thistype this = .newTargetEffect(modelName,target,attachPoint)
            call .limitEffectDuration(duration)
            return this
        private method limitEffectDuration takes real duration returns thistype
            local thistype curr = 0
            local thistype next = 0
            set .schedule = TimerGetRemaining(.NOW)-duration
            if .removeStart == 0 then
                set .removeStart  = this
                set .removeEnd    = this
                call TimerStart(.removeTimer,duration,false,function thistype.onRemoveTimer)
                return this
            elseif .removeStart.schedule<.schedule then
                call PauseTimer(.removeTimer)
                call TimerStart(.removeTimer,duration,false,function thistype.onRemoveTimer)
                set .next           = .removeStart
                set .removeStart    = this
                return this
                set curr = .removeStart
                set next = .removeStart.next
                    exitwhen next == 0
                    if next.schedule < .schedule then
                        set .next       = next
                        set curr.next   = this
                        return this
                    set curr = next 
                    set next = next.next
                set .removeEnd.next   = this
                set .removeEnd        = this
            return this
        //! textmacro Effect_MergeDummy takes NAME, ID, MODELPATH
            //! external ObjectMerger w3u ushd $ID$ unam "$NAME$" uabi "Aeth,Avul,Aloc" umvs "520" umvr 1 umvt foot umvh -500 uhpm 99999 uhom 1 ucol -10 umdl "$MODELPATH$" ucbs 0 ucpt 0 ushu "" umvh 0 ufoo 0
        //! endtextmacro
    function AddEffect takes string modelName, real x, real y, real z returns Effect
        return Effect.newGroundEffect(modelName,x,y,z)
    function AddTimedEffect takes string modelName, real x, real y, real z, real duration returns Effect
        return Effect.newTimedGroundEffect(modelName,x,y,z,duration)
    function AddEffectTarget takes string modelName, widget target, string attachPoint returns Effect
        return Effect.newTargetEffect(modelName,target,attachPoint)
    function AddTimedEffectTarget takes string modelName, widget target, string attachPoint, real duration returns Effect
        return Effect.newTimedTargetEffect(modelName,target,attachPoint,duration)
    function ScaleEffect takes Effect e, real scale returns nothing
        call e.scale(scale)
    function ScaleEffectByPercent takes Effect e, real scale returns nothing
        call e.scalePercent(scale)
    function ReColorEffect takes Effect e, integer r, integer g, integer b, integer alpha returns nothing
        call e.color(r,g,b,alpha)
    function MoveEffect takes Effect e, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
        call e.move(x,y,z)
    function HideEffect takes Effect e returns nothing
        set e.visibility=false
    function ShowEffect takes Effect e returns nothing
        set e.visibility=true
    function RemoveEffect takes Effect e returns nothing
        call e.remove()
    function RemoveTimedEffect takes Effect e returns nothing
        call e.removeTimed()


Visitor (Welcome to the Jungle, Baby!)
Reaction score
It can be looked more "pro", if you change those method to method operator. scale, scale percent, color, visibility, x, y, z, facing.
For scale, it is not so good.
When someone want to magnify/minimize the dummy without interrupting it's height, he is forced to "hack" into your system to make a function to do so.
And also, I want zangle.


I see you
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Added operators.
Added access to the carrier unit.
Z-Axis now independent to ground height.


Good Idea™
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This stuff gets irritating because at what point does it become worth using a resource over scripting it yourself? If it's periodic usage, you should code your stuff right in for efficiency probably. If it's not, then you're probably not moving effects around, and you just need a time-out and destroy, or something else...

I dunno, requirements analysis is the difficulty around this.

Edit: Especially because this doesn't cover the main thing in my opinion, which is moving an effect by an x/y/z offset irrelevant to terrain. :p


I see you
Reaction score
Well, the benefit of mine is that I don need many struct vars and that you may time my effects.

xefx provides some additional disputable features, like flash, ability etc.

Well what about a little poll:

What should an Effect library using dummy units comprise?


Good Idea™
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Edit: Especially because this doesn't cover the main thing in my opinion, which is moving an effect by an x/y/z offset irrelevant to terrain. :p
That. With max efficiency. Because, let's face it, that's what we want to do periodically. :)

What you have to remember is this... It's rare somebody wants to set an effect's x/y coordinates. They want to add to them. You need a struct with two main methods: addXY(real,real) and addXYZ(real,real,real). "create" should take x/y/z with a z relative to terrain height (ie. not your fancy stuff) and the addXYZ should factor in terrain stuff (ie. fancy stuff). The current x/y/z/terrainheight should be stored in struct members. :)

I dunno, then you could add things like show/hide, set size, etc. That stuff is superfluous. You need to analyse your requirements. :)


I see you
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Well, the main point of this library is the efficient creation and destruction of effects. I'll add an integer userData for adding a struct containing xyz. Then you can still move the effect periodically and effectivly, but my struct only contains the minimum of vars needed.

I will revert the system to use only SetUnitFlyHeight without taking into account the terrain height. Because this is usually only needed when using projectiles and so you could add them in the above mentioned struct containing xyz data.


Visitor (Welcome to the Jungle, Baby!)
Reaction score
Actually function call is costy.
Benchmark result :
Hashtable -> 2.xxx
Table -> 19.xxx
You need to add some exciting features to attract people and overhelm the efficiency problem.


Good Idea™
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That. With max efficiency. Because, let's face it, that's what we want to do periodically. :)

What you have to remember is this... It's rare somebody wants to set an effect's x/y coordinates. They want to add to them. You need a struct with two main methods: addXY(real,real) and addXYZ(real,real,real). "create" should take x/y/z with a z relative to terrain height (ie. not your fancy stuff) and the addXYZ should factor in terrain stuff (ie. fancy stuff). The current x/y/z/terrainheight should be stored in struct members. :)

I dunno, then you could add things like show/hide, set size, etc. That stuff is superfluous. You need to analyse your requirements. :)
Functions should either inline, or blatantly not, for something like this. Stuff like show/hide can inline, and stuff like add offset should blatantly not. :)


I see you
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Well, for high frequency usage you can access the dummy unit directly without a function call.

//Ah, now I get what you meant with offset and addingXYZ, but as I said, this library mainly exists for static Effects and only workaroundwise for projectiles. I mean you can still use them as projectiles, but then you have to access the dummy unit directly as mentioned above.
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  • Varine Varine:
    I bought an Ender 3 during the pandemic and tinkered with it all the time. Just bought a Sovol, not as easy. I'm trying to make it use a different nozzle because I have a fuck ton of Volcanos, and they use what is basically a modified volcano that is just a smidge longer, and almost every part on this thing needs to be redone to make it work
  • Varine Varine:
    Luckily I have a 3d printer for that, I guess. But it's ridiculous. The regular volcanos are 21mm, these Sovol versions are about 23.5mm
  • Varine Varine:
    So, 2.5mm longer. But the thing that measures the bed is about 1.5mm above the nozzle, so if I swap it with a volcano then I'm 1mm behind it. So cool, new bracket to swap that, but THEN the fan shroud to direct air at the part is ALSO going to be .5mm to low, and so I need to redo that, but by doing that it is a little bit off where it should be blowing and it's throwing it at the heating block instead of the part, and fuck man
  • Varine Varine:
    I didn't realize they designed this entire thing to NOT be modded. I would have just got a fucking Bambu if I knew that, the whole point was I could fuck with this. And no one else makes shit for Sovol so I have to go through them, and they have... interesting pricing models. So I have a new extruder altogether that I'm taking apart and going to just design a whole new one to use my nozzles. Dumb design.
  • Varine Varine:
    Can't just buy a new heatblock, you need to get a whole hotend - so block, heater cartridge, thermistor, heatbreak, and nozzle. And they put this fucking paste in there so I can't take the thermistor or cartridge out with any ease, that's 30 dollars. Or you can get the whole extrudor with the direct driver AND that heatblock for like 50, but you still can't get any of it to come apart
  • Varine Varine:
    Partsbuilt has individual parts I found but they're expensive. I think I can get bits swapped around and make this work with generic shit though
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