Ghost Lake RPG



If you're too stubborn ( :mad: )to the idea of the girl, I'll play along:
You could use many events that lead to the main story, but OMG, don't only get the drowned girl starring!!!!!!
For the cinematic, though, I like the sound of it


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NiKaNoRoU_Dr said:
You could use many events that lead to the main story, but OMG, don't only get the drowned girl starring!!!!!!
For the cinematic, though, I like the sound of it
Of course its not ONLY the girl, but she is one of many events. You can make it so, that beside the lovers problem she had, her life in the village wasn't too good, and when she drowned, her last wish was to curse the village she hated so much, and so her being was the start to the whole ghosts and curse thing, giving her a lot more importance. :D
And besides her there can be more quests (I already gave two ideas above) :) .


That's the Stavious-Genius, YEAH! we should not concentrate around the girl, that's right.


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OK my next idea:
The lake is foggy (since its spooky and all ;) ). But the Hero needs to get across. The captain, who can take you through the lake on his boat, dares not sail while it is this foggy. So the mission is (wait don't laugh) to remove the fog :rolleyes: . It's more than it seems. The fog is coming a huge tree somewhere in the forest. The tree gives off this fog, as part of its magical being. The Hero must go and cut down that tree (though ghost protects it, and the tree can be alive; like an anceint), in order to remove the fog and let the captain take him through the lake. :)


First I laughed :D , then I realised :rolleyes: .Very good.
OK, MY next idea:
The captain is truly a thief and after he steals u, he leaves u in a deserted island :cool: (creepy one).U try to survive, and u finally are helped by a mysterious man.U fight the captain, kill him and take back your treasury and more.
Optional quest can occur while deserted:the mysterious man (if u talk 2 him again he says something about the (sth Chocobo would add) and u help him...


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I will never run out of Ideas ;)

Going even further ;) :
The huge fogging tree is not only causeing fog, it is also giving certain type of ghost a special power. While walking through the woods, the Hero meets these ghosts (let's call the Sheild Swingers :p ). When he sees them he notices that they are invunerable, since they all carry a special sheild. The Hero quickly turns around and barely escapes (this would be a cool cinametic). The ghosts are blocking an important route in the forest so while going back to the village, an old man will now tells you that the foggy tree is the one providing the ghosts' sheild with the powerful magic which sets them invunerable. At that point the tree is not reachable, but it will introduce it well to the players. Then after talking with the captain, you can kill the tree at last, and not only giving you the chance to travel with the captain, but also opens the chance to kill the Sheild Swingers (though they are vunerable, they are not weak at all, but rather a tronger type of ghosts) and conintue exploring the mysterious forest. :D
NiKaNoRoU_Dr your idea about the captain is good, but I think he should first take the players to a new region to explore, where they find something important that fits in with the main mission, and only drop them on the way back (cause it can be disappointing otherwise). But great stuff. :)


Stavious+NiKaNoRoU_Dr=Unlimited suggestions!!!!!

I will continue, then:
The Lakeside Woods :eek: :
The herogos through the woods, when suddenly he jumps in terror(not really :D )watching a whole army of undead marching before him.They don't see him, continuing the march.He sees then a hut.Inside it there's a man trapped.U release him and he tells u about the wretched army of the village, former soldiers cursed by the girl.They now are marching towards the village!The only way to defeat them is the holy ankh, well stored within the Fallen cave.The hero marches for the cave before the army reaches the vilage!!!!


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Great I'm continuing

The old man (maybe a different one of the villagers, but someone that the players already know), is already in the cave when the Hero arrives, and he is holding the Ankh :eek: ! He reveals himself to actually be a powerful ghost (who has a human form abilty), and tells you that HE commands the army (in part) and will not let you have the ankh (there's a great cinametic for you again). He can also be a mini boss, which you must fight, and kill before the timer runs out (something like 1-3 minutes) and the cave falls on you (he won't be harmed, cause he's a ghost... but you're not... yet... ;) ). He has an ability (or by triggers) that he summons skeleton warriors with, to help him fight you, and if that's not enough, he has an ability that makes him invunerable (for about 20 secs only though otherwise it's too long) so that'll surely give the players a real stress for time. :D
After you get the ankh, you get an abiltiy that lets you kill the attacking ghost with one shot of the ankh's light (the ghosts should be a new type, so it only effects them and not all the ghosts in the game).
Then here come some of the connections:
The area you travel with the captain to ontains markings on cave walls concerning the existance of the ankh. :D


Woohoo!!! We're on a story frenzy!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, for now:
Just in time! :eek: :
The hero must now run as fast as he can to reach the village before the army does but he's still far away from it.On the way to the vil. he meets a ghost.He tries to attack with the ankh (in cinematic)but the ghost evades the attack.It gives the hero a scroll of travel with 2 charges (one to go to the village instantly and one to return) in exchange that the hero will complete 3 wishes to the ghost when he returns with the scroll (if he returns on foot the ghost won't be there, only with the scroll).The hero nervous agrees the terms and quickly uses the scroll (in cinematic) without noticing the ghost laughing :D .Your turn, Stavs.


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It is my turn :p

OK well first of all the Hero must choose if to do what the ghosts wants, or avoid and try reaching the village before the time is up (cause otherwise its not fair for the players). But as for the missions the ghosts gives the Hero they can be:
1. Slay a Roaring Boar (a special and rare type) of pig that lives in the forest. The ghost must have its heart (for purposes he said are none of your buisness ;) ).
2. Set fire to one of the houses in the village which has been abonded for years, which again at first you don't know why, but later you discover this: the house was the one that belonged to the ghost, and since he died it has been protected by special magics that did not allow him to enter it (dispite the fact that he is a ghost). After the house is burnt he goes there, and picks up an item which he finds in the ruins.
3. The last mission is this: go to the lake, and find a special artifact that protects mortals from ghosts (which the old man that commanded the army of dead soldiers, which you already killed in the cave, threw into the lake so no one will ever find it. (I think ghosts can go into water right??)). So you must get a spell that lets you breathe under water, meaning submerge. And (the item can be found in water, or on an island if it too hard to make it underwater). Then you need to return it to the ghost.
Here comes the finalle:
The ghosts laughs as you give him the necklace which protects humans from ghosts. Then he commits a sacred ritual in front of your eyes. He takes the holy knife (the object from his house) and cuts with it threw the pig's heart, then stabs it into himself (yeh I know he's a ghost but still :eek: ). This gives him elite powers (and yeh, another possible mini boss). Now he claims him self an elite ghost and his first action is to destroy the protectng necklace. His second is to kill YOU :eek: . But you were smarter than the ghost, fearing the worst. The necklace you gave him was a fake, and you kept the real one. This gives you the chance to fight him (since without it you would be toast in a second) yet it doesn't protect you entirely, since he is an elite ghost now.
So there is a whole new mission for you. :D


Man, we're a DAMN TEAM!!!!!!!!!!

(sth 1st:the time for the hero isn't actually going to end, just if he arrives on foot, it'll be late, but if he arrives by the scroll, he makes it just in time)
The War :eek: :
The hero kills the ghost and it gives him an elite tome (tome of str,agi,int+5 e.g) and he quickly teleports to the village.The whole Army is there (by cinematic) and he start slays them with the ankh (not by cinematic :p ) until he reaches their leader: Falcon (e.g for mini boss).The ankh is broken by him and u are left with a wound (cinematic again).U kill him by doing this to his belly: :banghead: (haha).He disappears saying it's not over yet, he will return with priscilla's army (priscilla e.g for the drowned girl :rolleyes: ).U now start optional quests (optionally) by repairing the damages done to the village.Ur turn.
(thanx 4 the item suggestions, i'll give ur name in my map ;) ).


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The Endless Ones ;)

Well the quests for the ghost who gives you the item still apply right?
So when you kill him he drops the blade and the heart you got for him. Luckly for you they are not used out. An optional (but hidden mission) would be to go and kill another pig like the rare type you got for the ghost, and use the special knife on him in order to gain some new cool abilty yourself (since the knife isn't done being used, but the dropped heart is useless and can't be reused).
Now it might be time to pass the area where the Sheild Swinger ghosts once were. Traveling deeper into the forest, the Hero discovers an ancient graveyard that once belongs to the village, but is no longer in use, since it became huanted. After defeating some of the cursed ghosts there the Hero discovers a grave with the name of the girl's lover. This would add on to the main plot, and the Hero recognizes that his uncle's grave ( :eek: ) is being protected by ghosts (under orders from the dead girl who won't leave her lover unprotected) and begins to suspect quite a bit. Hmm... :rolleyes:
That's my stuff for now. The turn is yours. ;)


Where will chocobo put all these??????

The Crypt:
The hero now goes deeper in the graveyard, ignoring the ghosts (cinematic) until he finds an open tomb ( :eek: ).He walks in, and the crypt reveals before him.A massive lane of bones lies ahead, with many of them not so still as the hero would think...He cleaves his way through the forest of bone archers and mages to the master of the tomb...( :eek: :eek: :eek: )
The girl's lover (his corpse possessed by an evil spirit at least)awaits as the hero enter the pit (mini boss time).After the win, the hero takes a path behind the corpse, leading to the belly of the beast, the sleeping terror, the doom within a peaceful lake...It actually lead to the hero's doom...The Lake monstrosity!!!!!!!!!!! (next's turn please!)


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Thanks for Stories answers

Thanks to all who have posted to help me for the story : NiKaNoRoU (11 Posts ?!), and stavious (9 Posts).

C = Possess Chain (Which bounces)
Big Ghost = The Big Ghost (Check at The Power Ghost part)
Portal = A portal (Check at After the Starting Story)
Bottom Left Area (It is what I think, hmm it doesn't look as what I want!)
lBig Ghostllllll Portal llll      l
l    C      llllll   C     llll      l
l    C      llllll   C     llll      l
l    C      llllll   C     llll      l
l    C      llllll   CCCCCCC  l
l    C      llllll          lll  C  l
l    C      llllllllllllllllllllllllll  C  l
l    C      llllllllllllllllllllllllll  C  l
lllllllllllll         llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
lllllllllllll         llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

Now I will post the the Story for the map that is from all ideas. (I resumate)

The Starting Story

Camera : The game starts as Cinematic mode and all cameras will follow the travelling from the Starting Point (The bottom left of the map), to the up right of the terrain. There will be a massive number of units (Around 300 units) which are fighting but does no damage (I want them to don't die, they will have do 0 damage).
Story Messages : It starts with Thanks to : ... and made by .... , as normal message and not Cinematic Message. To begin, there will be a recapitulation of the First World War (1914 - 1918) that made a lot of losts souls. Then the recapitulation of the Second World War (1939 - 1945), the Third World War (1947 - 1991, also named "Frost War"), and the Fourth World War (2001 - Not already ended, named "War against the terrorism). This recapitulation of World Wars will end to a huge amount of deaths (8 millions of death for the First World War, 62 millions for the Second World War, 0 deaths for the Third World War [There was a small way that the Third World War started and the America may launched lot of Nuclear Bombs against the URSS?], 1 million for the Fourth World War : Count! There are 71 millions of deaths men on only 12 years!). Those Messages will take only 60 seconds of game-time.

After The Starting Story

Camera : There is young woman which is running from her village located at north-east and a ghost appears and strikes her down with Lightning Chain, and its bouncing up to 23 units (Random killing) which are around the woman. Then the camera blinks to the Portal located at the bottom left of the map (Take bottom left and go a little up-right). All dead units appears from the portal as souls and are moving to the location of a unit chain. All units make a chain and then, the last who came casts Possess on the unit which is facing him, then it chains to other units. (There are 50 souls)
Story Messages : Thanks to .. is not ended yet. At Cinematic Messages, it shows that the young woman is scared of that weird ghost which is following her. After, there is Soldier (Which doesn't appear) who says what happened : The Possess Bouncing to the more souls.

The Power Ghost

Camera : While the Possess Bouncing Chain is at its 25st kill, the camera pans to the position of big ghost at the up of the bottom-left (Take bottom-left and press up to the Third Wall you will see). Everytime a unit casts Possess on the next unit, the Big Ghost becomes bigger and gains power. The Camera stills there until the last unit casts Lightning Chain on itself (0 jump). Then when last unit dies we see a Swordsman which runs on the Big Ghost and the Big Ghost casts a huge shockwave on the Camera and it becomes totally BLACK.
Story Messages : The Soldier (HE DOESN'T APPEAR AGAIN) explains what is happening : The Big Ghost is stealing power of all dead humans in the planet, and also of all ghosts who are under his power (ALSO SOULS OR DEAD HUMANS) to cast powerfull spells, such as Shockwave Force Level 20 (Attack Spell List : 12 : Shockwave Force (Shockwave)), Flying Jump Level 20 (Attack Spell List : 14 : Flying Jump (Impale)), Stop Level 20 (Attack Spell List : 18 : Stop (War Stomp)), and Lightbolt Level 20 (Attack Spell List : 17 : Lightbolt (Starfall)).


(I can't wait to hear more details) :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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