Obama Scandal and Today's Media

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everyone wants the biggest slice of the pie, in the end.
That's now. Because people believe they can get more. But in the long run, jealousy (which capitalism is based on) can be exterminated. It may take a hundred years or two, but possible.
During those long and many years - heavy law enforcement. As it was.
You must teach them to work together if you want to survive, as a species.
There must be no other option.

Most of the people will not share by themselves (I would). That's why the state comes, takes everything, and redistributes it. The communist states before 1990, in east europe were taken down, and communism withdrawn.
People say it "failed". If you want, we could say it failed here.
But failed why? Not because the state took everything and redistributed it.

And if you want to ride on "communism failzed bcuz mass loanz lol", just look up how much China loaned to the USA (the palace of capitalism) during this economic crisis of our days.


Future Tragedy
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Let me first take the opportunity to thank you for the ad hominid attacks. Up until today I had gone my entire life without realizing that being a realist made me a disease of humanity. Now onto the actual issue.

You seem to think that a basic human emotion like jealousy can be exterminated by the state. That's not reasonable. You seem to think that people yearn to be equal. That's false. People yearn to have what they want. If you think forcing them at gun point to do otherwise will work, you're not looking at the issue in a historical context. A government can't force a population to do what they don't want to do. Eventually civil unrest will bring it down.

It seems that you believe man is essentially a righteous and giving creature. Sadly that is not the truth. Man is neither good nor evil. Man simply wants to survive. As we have evolved this survival instinct has come to encompass emotions and desires. The truth is, while men exist there can be no peace or total unity. I'm sorry if that upsets you, but history is on my side.

King TonGoll

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That's now. Because people believe they can get more. But in the long run, jealousy (which capitalism is based on) can be exterminated. It may take a hundred years or two, but possible.
During those long and many years - heavy law enforcement. As it was.
You must teach them to work together if you want to survive, as a species.
There must be no other option.

Most of the people will not share by themselves (I would). That's why the state comes, takes everything, and redistributes it. The communist states before 1990, in east europe were taken down, and communism withdrawn.
People say it "failed". If you want, we could say it failed here.
But failed why? Not because the state took everything and redistributed it.

And if you want to ride on "communism failzed bcuz mass loanz lol", just look up how much China loaned to the USA (the palace of capitalism) during this economic crisis of our days.

you can't exterminate human nature, even after 200 years of brainwashing, there will be atleast one man who recognizes that he can take from others, and then he can show other people how, some of these people can not be shown otherwise, can not be taught otherwise.

and besides that point.
"Those who would sacrifice liberty for peace deserve neither" — Benjamin Franklin

you would have to, and i mean have to, brainwash society to achieve that kind of state.

futhermore, unity, would never exist for the above reasons. Humans are animals, FACT. and just like animals, when we where primates we had "pacts" if you will, as to survive, these pacts wouldgo around hunting and if they met another one theyd rob them if they could.

we still do this to this day, only our pacts have gotten bigger.

even in a global nation, we would still kill and rape etc etc for the same reasons, to survive better and better.


~=Admiral Stukov=~
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The problem, Faust, is that your conclusions come from nowhere. The video you posted came to the conclusion that the solution is through reforming the current system.

The issue with the logic of communists since the days of Marx is the assumption that the capitalist system lacks the ability to compromise. Flaws in the system have existed that were thought by various peoples to have been destroying human society before (early 19th century industry?), and the system compromises. It need not be brought down.


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Human is an animal? No.
An animal takes what he needs.
Not what he wants.
Everyone would kill for survival.
But how is MORE money required for survival?
People lust power so much?
I for one, don't need that. I want to have a valuable and decently paid job, to earn a honest living.
And there are others like me.

The people have to realize, no, they are not animals. We can issue control.
Then brainwash it is.
If everything as it should be, nobody will want more.
In the far future, money will be non existent.
The jealousy will always have to be controlled, but the farther we boat under the red sail, the least concern it will be.

A government can't force a population. It has happened. It is going on right now.
It will be obvious, that only those who try to undermine the honest unity will suffer, and who wishes to protect someone, who hurts others?

Unity must be taught. Taught to all the people possible.
The rest? They are evil. They can either die, or be forced.

Are you blind? I just gave an example.

Didn't I say the video has nothing to do with communism? (yes I did)

And it does not matter what you think.
Or what I think.
Unavoidable. Like it or not.

If you take what you do not need, you are pathetic.

King TonGoll

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no, humans are animals, im not talking philisophically, im talking scientifically.

personally, i think the human race including myself is rott. i mean look at dr.manhattin (yeah i went there), goes to mars and shows how well it gets along without life. No war, no lust, nothing, perfect singularity.

and i do want to earn a honest living, well, i WANT to go around performing acts of justice, like removing all the corperations heads, and replacing all the corrupt government officials, but that wont be happening, so the later is fine too.

and btw, your not grasping the more phisilogical side to more money.

the more you have, the "greater you are" the longer your impression will stand in our world.

people do a lot of things as to prevent being forgotten. you have a son, make him take your name, so on and on.


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Can't purge a government with corrupt PEOPLE.
The government is you.
They are men and women. And most of them jealous.
But they were so jealous, they fought to achieve power.
So they can exploit others.

Does that sound to you like an advanced and conscious race?
Does that sound we conquered our instincts and stepped to deliberation?

I too took it scientifically. What is so unscientific about behavior?

This is why I love animals so much, and praise them above the stars, yet I could slaugther any amount of people with my own hands.

They are not jealous.

There is no animal species where one kills or eats or sleeps or whatever because he wants to. They do things, because they have to.

And you can't disregard this difference.

It's capitalism. You fight for a chance to work. To earn so much money, that you don't even know what to spend it on.
Yet if you fail to get a job, you die.
In communism, everyone had a job, there are enough places for everyone. They earnt less. So? No one died of starvation (except in the beginning in China or Russia).

Eastern Europe showed us that it is possible to shut people the hell up, to take everything, and to give back enough.

Communism is delicate, it must be kept under control, for ever.
And it was new. It didn't work for too long here.
Capitalism never ever worked... But instead of helping your brother, you laugh at him, and accuse him of being weak...

We are human. We are far more advanced that jealousy. Yet we still bathe in it.
We are human. We can make a living without stepping and walking on others.


Future Tragedy
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Mankind does not naturally desire equality. Say what you want and throw out as many baseless conjectures as you like but the fact remains that man always wants more. Since the times of cave men mankind has been picking up rocks and bashing one another for more. We are past the level of animals. Survival for us is different than survival for them. We feel a need for nice things, for luxuries. We feel a need for spiritual and intellectual fulfillment. Your fantasy society will never exist because it presupposes that men can reach a state of equality and total contentment. Jealousy is inherent to our nature.

You think brainwashing would be the solution. That alone shows how radical you are. Throughout history there have always been men who think they know better. Who believe their vision of the world is worth subjugating the masses, all for the "greater good." History has shown that such totalitarian regimes never last.

My main point, and the massive oversight on your part I would like to point out is the following. You believe that man will be content with simple physical survival. This is historically, scientifically, socially and categorically false. Man is beyond the point where he can gain contentment from simple survival. You think that if you provide a man with food and shelter he will be happy. You are simply incorrect. Man will always have a desire for the arts, for recreation for self-improvement and betterment. Unless you have a way to undo evolution and create man in the image you see fit, your vision of the future will never come to fruition.

I'll now take a step back so you can accuse me of being an "inhuman parasite" and make more fantastic and frankly, nonfactual, speculative statements.

King TonGoll

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ive seen animals do things out of want.

for example when i lived in panama i had 9 dogs, and i had one dog in particular, that would attack any dog that tryd to copulate with the females.

he did not NEED to do this, he wanted to.

futhermore, these same dogs where fed well beyond avredge, yet they still attacked any living thing that was on the property.


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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They are not jealous.

There is no animal species where one kills or eats or sleeps or whatever because he wants to. They do things, because they have to.

So animals don't fight with each other unless they are hungry?


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Or until they are defending their territory (where they get their food and sleep), or defending their mates, which is again not jealousy, it's an animal thing.

And we are different. Mankind is not an animal, it's not natural, we've been killing our instincts for very long now, and it continues - it must.
Thinking ahead, planning, is a human value.
And because of world economics, if you exploit something else, you are sawing the branch under you.

And this dog of havoc is a disgusting ignorant scum who I hope dies a horrifying painful death, soon. Our planet, species, values, are on a downward spiral because of ones like you.

If you think your dogs barked and attacked stranges on your property because they wanted to and they didn't have anyting to do and they waited for the chance for so long, you should not be able to keep any dogs, ever (as it is obvious you are unfit to take good care of them, lacking the minimum understanding they deserve).

King TonGoll

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lol, my dogs loved me, and i loved them. so don't assume that i mistreated my animals, i spent hours at night tending to their wounds when they felt the need to attack porcupines so often -_-. we lived on a good 5 acres when i lived in panama and i played with them really often, they did not WAIT for anything. they just messed around, cornerd random animals, as many dogs do all over the planet and attack harmless defencless animals. its just how things work.

then sometimes they attack a animal that has defences, such as a porquipine, and theyr too stupid to know that -_-.

but even disreguarding that.

dolphins have sex for pleasure. and so do varius other animals, a clear want.

and i highly doubt a peacefull squirl is much of a threat to a dog.

theyr are animals that kill just as much as humans for the same reason's.
matter of fact, they can get away with it more due to them being a animal.


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Dolphins have sex to make the herd (or what the correct term with dolphins is) unity stronger. Proven scientific fact. :p

Dogs are playful. Playing in the animal world is learning, acting on instincts, getting ready for the "big thing", that hardly ever comes to domesticated species.
An animal doesn't know it kills. It just does something.
Don't you even know that ? :\


~=Admiral Stukov=~
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Dolphins have sex to make the herd (or what the correct term with dolphins is) unity stronger. Proven scientific fact. :p
Dolphins have been observed showing sexual behaviours towards just about everything there is. Not just other local dolphins.

This is why dolphin hybrid types exist.

Dogs are playful. Playing in the animal world is learning, acting on instincts, getting ready for the "big thing", that hardly ever comes to domesticated species.
I do hope you aren't arguing that humans don't have rampant playful tendencies, because, as much as idiots who like removing marry-go-rounds from playgrounds try to suppress it, we do.

An animal doesn't know it kills. It just does something.
Don't you even know that ? :\
While animals presumably don't look at killing in the same philosophical sense that we do, it's laughable to suggest that a cat doesn't know what it's doing or why it's doing it when it beats the crap out of a mouse. It understands that if it beats the crap out of another living thing, that thing will stop resembling a living thing. Likewise, they understand the concept of physical threats to themselves (this is quite obvious).
They don't go into some kind of oblivious trance every time killing is involved in something.


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Killing something else is quite different than killing each other.
Dolphins fuck. The sexual instinct have always been the strongest, in most of the species (if not all).

A cat also beats the crap out of a thread, or any small object that is moving. Or even a little pointed light on the wall.
They do the same with mouses, except we call the former playing, and call the latter killing.
A sheepdog chases cars.
Others chase small white things (rabbit racing), but it's not a rabbit...
Only a man can tell the difference (but even among humans there are similar things, like thinking about a snake it's poisonous and start running, whilst it's just a little Colubrid).

Do you think a man can do nothing against jealousy? We master all instincts but the worst property stays? Do you think a man doesn't know what he is doing when he kills someone, exploits someone?

King TonGoll

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Killing something else is quite different than killing each other.
Dolphins fuck. The sexual instinct have always been the strongest, in most of the species (if not all).

A cat also beats the crap out of a thread, or any small object that is moving. Or even a little pointed light on the wall.
They do the same with mouses, except we call the former playing, and call the latter killing.
A sheepdog chases cars.
Others chase small white things (rabbit racing), but it's not a rabbit...
Only a man can tell the difference (but even among humans there are similar things, like thinking about a snake it's poisonous and start running, whilst it's just a little Colubrid).

Do you think a man can do nothing against jealousy? We master all instincts but the worst property stays? Do you think a man doesn't know what he is doing when he kills someone, exploits someone?

no, we can diciplin ourselfs, but in the end, some people are just to strongly moved by their emotions or greed that they just can't ignore them.

and i still believe animals do err.

King TonGoll

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"Some" people are to be sacrificed.

well thats a bit cold.... id understand if they had aquired power and where being abusive, but if a avredge citizen was feeling greedy of how well of a rich person was that would be rather absurd to me.


Future Tragedy
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Faust is a monster. He thinks I should "die horribly" because I don't agree with his baseless assumptions. Simply because I don't look at the world as some little fantasy world where human nature can be changed I deserve pain and death.

Faust your rhetoric is the same kind of thing history's greatest abominations (Hitler to name one) have used to bring about what they see as best. You need to grow up and learn that you can't condemn someone because they don't believe what you believe. You're willing to "Sacrifice" people for your imaginary world. You need to do some serious growing up.


Frog blast the vent core!
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there are some sad realities we just have to face. I find it amazing that people are still shocked or confused by scandals in the government on either side, and nothing will be done about it, ever. We are all way to lazy to anything above talking about it.
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