Save/Load Code

Yes your right Martin. All i do normally is print screen and write down whats in the picture of the save/load code... But that still come up with errors as the long line of code often confuses me... What your talking about seems very advanced, possibly more than world editor can handle. lol.
Yes, I wouldnt use the world editor. Should be possible to write some script that can read text out of a bitmap. Users would then have to use it outside of Warcraft of course. Would just be a helper for writing down long savecodes..
Problem is... in most games the length of the code is different... Plus wat if you saved twice, and the program reads the one at the top, the least recent. Another problem, wat if other script or messages written by players interfere with it? For example: you save your game, then someone types 'blah blah blah' and covers over your save message. Just things you might need to consider... It sounds like a great idea, and if you put it on a website like you could get lots of downloads...

Another idea: You could have the program running in the background, instead of opening it when you want the code... Then you could let it find the lastest saved screenshot, and copy it automatically. And seeing as its a automatic programme, you could have it advertising where they could download it and get it themselves!
For example:
martin1710 says: -load02nng8rfndf88sua8sdfn29
martin1710 says: download auto save/loader at
Saving Spells

Hi, I am currently making an RPG and I came across your save/load code and it is really good. The only problem is, I dont know how to make it so u can save custom spells and attributes. It would be really nice if u where to help me with that. Also, do u think that u could post your advanced save/load code thing so i could import it into my map?
Weird problem..

Hello, I've got a map that is about half way done, I'm having trouble with the Save/Load Code. My problem is that I've loaded all of my heroes (9) into the array and have set up everything according to the advice from Effane and others on the forum, however it will not place the heroes when it loads. It loads the gold and lumber and everything, but not the hero. It tells me that the load is successfull, but the hero doesn't show up. I have placed a region for the hero to spawn and have assigned it to the trigger as a place to spawn it. I don't know what I'm doing wrong and I've spent days trying to fix it :banghead: . someone please respond if you can. I can send you a copy of the map to look at if it will help.
Ok NiteWalker first. Effanes save/load trigger doesnt support this... You could either read his FAQ or see Chocobos elaboration on saving and loading for help ( This page is EXTREMELY USEFUL) ... Also check the end of Effanes tutorial posts for the finished map code.

Spartan, Effane doesnt seem to be responding so attach your map in the next post for me and ill take a look at it for you... I understand most of it and I'm sure I now what your problems are (same kinda thing happened to me lol).
Hello, I've got a map that is about half way done, I'm having trouble with the Save/Load Code. My problem is that I've loaded all of my heroes (9) into the array and have set up everything according to the advice from Effane and others on the forum, however it will not place the heroes when it loads. It loads the gold and lumber and everything, but not the hero. It tells me that the load is successfull, but the hero doesn't show up. I have placed a region for the hero to spawn and have assigned it to the trigger as a place to spawn it. I don't know what I'm doing wrong and I've spent days trying to fix it :banghead: . someone please respond if you can. I can send you a copy of the map to look at if it will help.

I have had the exact same problem and i solved it on my own..
The problem is that the variable wrong is.. there is one wrong variable that is: SaveLoadPlayerHeroSingle[(Player number of {Triggering player))] so i have created my own variables which do work contact me if you want to have the solution
Hope this helps:D

Greetings H34DhUnT3r
Can some 1 give me advanced support

ok, im ok at world edit, ive written a C++ trans for it so it can read some of my files which makes skins easy 4 me, and done other stuff, usualy i make 800megabyte campagins and e-mail them 2 my mates ,
but i been inspired for an awesome RPG, i studied all that ^^^ and wrote it out a few times from mem to make sure i got the jist of it , i can do all tht , and i made a custom item database 4 my game of about 3,000 items today, you only get 1 hero in my RPG but it improves durasticly and u can create your own spells and items,

heres the problem, the unique parts of my RPG will be (plx dont nik them)

Custom spells, a high level player can acsess his or her ocult reasorces and make himself a spell, he must go thru a 86 megabyte trigger system , alowing him to place his occult items in positions, and a skilled player will find the pattern and know where to place items to modify his spell,

a person had the ability to construct their camp, a camp is all custom done , how u want ur buildings , its like the sims almost

and a person can design their own wepaons , off the basic concepts, one of my mates managed to make a massive seige bow,

i can put all this stuff into variables , but i dont know how to save or load code it, i realy need to be able to do this :

take all units in multiple regions that = structure belong to player, and encode

so i wud need:
what regoin, what structure, what player, and repaeat this aprox 7-8 times (camps hae limmit to buildings)

how do i encode this ...
Btw, while effane's tutorial is AMAZING there are a few typos that if you are new to WE you will not understand to correct them making save/load fail.

At the very end you MUST set saveload has loaded equal to TRUE and NOT false as shown in the tutorial, if it is false people can keep loading. I put BOTH saveloadhasloaded for integer A off AND playernumber to true at the end of my load trigger (if successful load).

Integer A: Makes sure the code is correct, meaning if you simply turn this one to true, it can still load again but it will indicate that you correctly did it.
PlayerNumber: Is very important, this indicates that that specific player may not load again because it was successful.
Just make a note of where the typos are and I will fix them in time.

I know I have been on hiatus for several months as real life has been incredibly busy for me (Still is in fact).
Can I send you my map and can you do the code system then I want to have?
I want :

Hero saved
Integer 1 saved
Integer 2 saved
thats all

I will give much credits then to you!
Its tempting, but if I start oddjobbing now I will get buried in it. I am just going to take it easy this time. I was putting in 70-80 hour weeks on all kinds of projects and work and needed to take a huge break to catch up and reorganize. Youre code would be very simple, you shouldnt have any issue modifying something like Aceharts save/load to do what you need.
lol, I'm not big on save/load triggers. I haven't worked with checksums and all of that before ><

Oi, I've just been studying this save/load trigger like crazy trying to get an integer to save on it, and a point. Just trying to get everything working. I barely understand what's going on, but I dunno, lol...

It just won't save and it's making me frustrated ><

I'm just trying to understand it so maybe I might be able to put in some compressors to decrease code size and some extra security...

But I'm so lost, lol. I don't know if I can teach myself all of this stuff.
I'm just trying to understand it so maybe I might be able to put in some compressors to decrease code size and some extra security...

But I'm so lost, lol. I don't know if I can teach myself all of this stuff.

Compressors? That's not so easy as you want.

Many Algorithms to compress data, RLE, LZW, ..

For RLE (Run Length Encoding), AAAAARRRRRROLLLLBBBBBUUTTTTTT becomes @5A@6RO@4L@5BUU@6T, decreasing 38% of original size.

LWZ (Lempel Ziv Welch) is unusable in BNet, since we need a library to declare each char.
Well, compression is the last thing I was worried about. If I can get to fully understanding how the code works so I can add to it, then I'll be happy and can start worrying about compression, lol..

Trying to explain JASS with JASS isn't working too well for me ><

I don't really know much JASS. All I know are memory leaks. that's it, lol

I know basic C# and C++, but not enough to fully understand all of this. I know enough of those programming languages to make something in the console, nothing very flashy, heh ><
Compression algorithms are generally useless for short data, aka they actually make it grow up in size.

You would at least need a kilobyte of size in order to start seeing results, in that case it would at most be able to half the size of the data, which would be 512 bytes, which is actually more than 600 characters even with the best bit 2 code convertors out there. Imagine telling your users to type 600 characters...
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  • jonas jonas:
    I agree that the effect of that would be to depress asset prices, but I think that's a good thing. Makes it easier for hard working young people to grow their retirement income
  • seph ir oth seph ir oth:
    Potential problem for a wealth tax for the US would be the ultra rich just offshoring assets in another country without a wealth tax. Those that would eat the wealth tax on, say, stocks, would be the middle class that puts money slowly into the market via the likes of funds.
  • seph ir oth seph ir oth:
    happy US election day btw!
  • Varine Varine:
    Oh election day
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Election day has come and gone now it is time to sit back and watch the liberals melt down. At least it should be peaceful around my house as my roommate is as trumper as you can get.
  • jonas jonas:
    curious what the next years will bring
  • jonas jonas:
    I think at least it's good that Trump has a solid lead in the popular vote
  • The Helper The Helper:
    It will depend on what happens with the house race. The Conservatives have the president and the senate, I believe the house majority is up too. With the conservatives stacked in the supreme court now would be the time they could really do something
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I just hope its not anything stupid like banning abortion nationally or doubling down on the border wall
  • jonas jonas:
    Well, the border wall at least doesn't really harm anyone. It's true that Trump only managed to add about new 80 miles to the 650 miles built by Obama and Bush, and that it didn't do much to reduce the number of illegal immigrants, but still, it's construction jobs and doesn't hurt anyone.
  • jonas jonas:
    One can of course argue whether the money is better spent somewhere else, like reducing taxes
  • jonas jonas:
    I'm more curious what Trump will do in foreign policy and how that will affect the US/European coalition, and the balance of power in europe and ME
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am more of a fan of fixing the broken immigration laws and looking at protecting border with drone tech or some other way I mean I just think its ridiculous to build a great wall of mexico
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Trump's foreign policy was fantastic in his last term. More of that, please. Finish the Abraham Accords. Get Saudi in. Build the coalition against Iran.
  • Lord of Bourbon Lord of Bourbon:
    Just a friendly reminder to watch your sodium intake, too much can result in harmful effects
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Thank you for the health tip Lord of Bourbon!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I hate to even say anything because it always seems to start again after I do it but the bots have been gone for like 3 days now. Looks like the AI scraping bots are onto better pastures, are done sucking us dry, or are taking a vactation :)
  • Lord of Bourbon Lord of Bourbon:
    The bots are probably mining salt else where right now, given that the mines have reopened.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Got a user online that has like 10 different accounts dating back like 7 years and he is cycling through them. I have too much time on my hands LOL
  • The Helper The Helper:
    like half of them are banned with no notes why
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I made this the other day it was Awesome! Chicken Pot Pie Pasta -
  • The Helper The Helper:
    New Thanksgiving Holiday Appetizer recipe Turking Stuffing Balls -

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