vile's Map Making Tips!


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Hi there everyone. I've been scripting with jass on warcraft 3 for 5 years now,
making several maps that me and my friends had alot of fun with, Age of Myths
is one of them.

During my experience with my map making, I learned alot, and I'd like to share
that knowledge with you, map makers that mess with jass or gui, so you won't have to
make the same mistakes that I made. I am not comparing my skills to famous known
brilliant jassers and coders like Vexorian/PitzerMike/PipeDream, but I have more experience
when it comes to map bugs, and that's where I'm getting at.

Map making is a bitch, I can tell you that. You should avoid the things I am listing
now, do whatever you want, but I feel I should say this.

Before I start though I want to point out that you should use Vexorian's NewGen Jass
pack, download it from
and use it, to avoid lame crashes from the editor for minor coding mistakes and avoid triggeraction leaks for jass users.
Therefore, I will only post here bugs in the game itself, and not with world editor
crashing, since it can be easily avoided by using something else then the usual
world editor.

(Bug) Using a different buff for a spell that isn't its original buff will most likely
cause crashes in multiplayer gaming.
(Solution) Don't use a Freezing Breath buff on a War Stomp spell for example.
Modify the original buff that War Stomp uses and change whatever you want there.

(Bug) Don't ever try to move nullified lightning effect variables, it will instantly
cause a crash.
Always set a lightning variable to null whenever you finish using it and
destroying it, and use the following function(s) to move them:
function LightningMove takes lightning l, boolean checkvisibility, real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns nothing
    if l!=null then
        call MoveLightning(l,checkvisibility,x1,y1,x2,y2)
function LightningMoveEx takes lightning l, boolean checkvisibility, real x1, real y1, real z1, real x2, real y2, real z2 returns nothing
    if l!=null then
        call MoveLightningEx(l,checkvisibility,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2)

(Bug) Using an item ability that has a chance to affect summons/units/heroes, you need to use
an ability to cause that effect. If you use the same chance within the chance, the map will
crash once you get that item.
(Solution) Don't do it :) Make sure you put an ability and not the chance itself.

(Bug) Moving a unit with SetUnitX and SetUnitY outside the map bounds can cause
(Solution) Don't use the original SetUnitX and SetUnitY to move units, use this function
instead to avoid moving the unit outside the map bounds and cause a crash:
function SetUnitXY takes unit u, real x, real y returns nothing
     if x<GetRectMaxX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea) and x>GetRectMinX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea) and y<GetRectMaxY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea) and y>GetRectMinY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea) then
       call SetUnitX(u,x)
       call SetUnitY(u,y)

(Bug) Boolean Expressions (boolexpr) usually fails ALOT in the map. They will sometimes
cause your conditions to behave in a weird way.
(Solution) Don't use them, use null instead and then in the trigger actions themselves
use an if/then/else comparision.

(Bug) If you use alot of game cache functions, your map will behave in a weird way
and will bug out most timers and functions.
(Solution) Don't use game cache. I learned it the hard way with alot of version
releases. Don't use handle vars. Don't use the return bug (H2I). Don't
use tables. Use GLOBAL VARIABLES. Use Vexorian's Jass New Gen Pack on and then you can declare globals through triggers
and you can avoid triggeraction leaks by declaring them as globals,
something you cant do through GUI's variable making interface.
It's your call, I just recommend what I experienced.

(Bug) Destroying timers is problematic with jass. Using them just caused me trouble. I learned
not to trust that method.
(Solution) If you need a timer that you use constantly, you can declare a global timer,
create it and then just pause/start it whenever you use it, without destroying
it. For spells, I personally used triggers. When destroying them I didn't have
any weird problems. TriggerRegisterTimerEvent does the trick. Also, don't
ever null timers, triggeractions, triggerconditions, or triggers. It will
leak but it's a very minor leak, unnoticable. Again, your call. I'm just
saying from experience.

I recommend reading for known
world editor bugs if you're still using it.

MANY MANY of you will not agree with me on several cases here, and I completely understand, but everyone has their own opinions on how to make their map, I just recommend what I think; you should do what you think.

I also want to say that without any offense to Vexorian, I do NOT recommend using
vJass newgen pack's features other then global declerations. Don't use structs
for example; every struct variable you create will be set as a global array. Who needs
an array for every variable? I dont. It just eats up memory. Just make your own
stuff, that's what I think anyways.

Thanks for reading, and I hope I saved you alot of time in your mapmaking.

Tom Jones

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>(Bug) If you use alot of game cache functions, your map will behave in a weird way
and will bug out most timers and functions.
(Solution) Don't use game cache. I learned it the hard way with alot of version
releases. Don't use handle vars. Don't use the return bug (H2I). Don't
use tables. Use GLOBAL VARIABLES. Use Vexorian's Jass New Gen Pack on and then you can declare globals through triggers
and you can avoid triggeraction leaks by declaring them as globals,
something you cant do through GUI's variable making interface.
It's your call, I just recommend what I experienced.

Globals can't replace handle vars. Structures can, which is the obvious choice if you allready got Jass NewGen Pack.


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Nope, its a fact, look at my map. I made the entire spells and systems Multi Instanceable without a single code of handle vars. Global arrays can help you achieve whatever you want, and in many many cases, you dont have to use arrays. Structs creates a whole list of functions, which arent really needed for every single spell.

STRUCTS -ARE- Global arrays. Look at the war3map.j after declaring structs and see what I mean.
Structs dont replace game cache, they're just global arrays as an alternative.


Gone but not forgotten
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> I made the entire spells and systems Multi Instanceable without a single code of handle vars.
Any example? I don't see how can you make certain spells completely MUI without H2I.

Tom Jones

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>STRUCTS -ARE- Global arrays. Look at the war3map.j after declaring structs and see what I mean.
Structs dont replace game cache, they're just global arrays as an alternative.

True, but they work differently. If you got a system that stores the values in the arrays properly, then yes global arrays can easily be used instead of handle vars. I can't see how declaring globals troughout the script can make anything MUI, or be better than handle vars.


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  • H2I doesn't cause any bug.
  • Gamecache does not cause any bug either
  • I2(Any handle type that gets ids larger than 0x10000) may cause errors if handled wrongly with local variables that are set to null. In fact it will even cause you issues with variables themselves. Just get rid of it. This includes all "Handle vars/Tables/csarrays" that return values other than integer, real, boolean or string.
  • DestroyTrigger causes issues.
  • DestroyTimer causes issues.
  • DestroyTrigger is a bigger threat than DestroyTimer, yes it is.
  • There is no need to attach anything to timers, there is no need to have more than 2 timers, this alone will make everything safer.
  • A global array declaration doesn't take any memory space until you use it. Indexes just take memory once assigned.
  • Don't call any natives on null / removed things, this is always a direct result of worse design, think before coding.
  • Not-nulling might appear to help, it is just an illusion, the problem is bigger and just not nulling stuff exchanges the symptons of your coding mistakes with memory leaks. And not-nulling just lowers the odds of problems doesn't completely prevent them.
  • Please don't ever use null as condition for enums, it causes serious issues including a very strange memory leak, in fact, GroupEnums must use a global group object that is not to be destroyed after the enum, and you must always use constant boolexprs like for example BOOLEXPR_TRUE or BOOLEXPR_FALSE (that would hold functions that return true or false)
  • Condition() doesn't "leak" it always creates the same handle.
  • Using DestroyBoolexpr on a boolexpr returned by Condition() causes issues.
  • TriggerAddCondition does not 'leak' there is no need to remove the condition , DestroyTrigger handles it.
  • It is possible that using Conditions instead of triggeractions fixes the problems raised by DestroyTrigger, no proof is available yet.
  • But using conditions over actions is certainly faster, and it is much less problematic.

Global arrays (or structs) are just better because they prevent the 3rd point and are also faster. Don't ever think that H2I or gamecache are problematic, they are not and we got proof. It is the typecast from integer to handle which may cause issues.

Because of this GetHandleHandle , GetHandleUnit , GetAttachedUnit , GetAttachedObject, GetTableItem, GetTableUnit, etc should be dismissed, but don't underestimate GetHandleInt , GetTableReal , and the such, gamecache is still the best way to have a 2D hash table.

structs are dynamic, globals are not. You may type everything manually, but is it worth it?


+ - b c * + a b - d c

The same as:
(b-c) + (a + b)*(d-c)

Do not underestimate the difference between sufix notation and prefix notation. Just like last sample shows how prefix is very different to infix.

And you are free to use or not use whatever you want. But there's absolutely not a good reason to prevent usage of structs, the "extra functions" are meaning less space, the extra variables are as well. And you do need a whole array for each value anyways. The only reasons I can think for not to use structs or wewarlock's 'classes' or anything equivalent would be to be a victim of the NIH syndrome . (Not Invented Here) or that you actually prefer BIGPREFIX_SMALLPREFIX_NAME[x] over . Or that you love typing the same code over and over and over.

Tom Jones: > Is great for emails, but in forums, for readability's sake, please use


Gone but not forgotten
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> DestroyTrigger causes issues.
> DestroyTimer causes issues.
> DestroyTrigger is a bigger threat than DestroyTimer, yes it is.
> typecast from integer to handle which may cause issues

Out of curiosity...what kind of issues might these be?


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The stack is corrupted, then indexes allocated for handles might repeat, then you have multiple handles with the same index and your map literally becomes chaos.

Lately it seems that the real issue is I2Handle and DestroyTrigger is just a catalysts on the bug raising, I just got a very stable spell that still uses DestroyTrigger too much but the bugs are gone (After casting a lot of times you would see it fail) , I actually think this is thanks to avoiding I2Handle stuff completelly . But there's no way to know this is highly undeterministic...


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So I guess having hundreds of users playing my map every single day while I play with them is not a proof for everything I say, yet when you say it without any proof, you're right?

Doesn't sound too good, the proofs are speaking out loud; trigger type timers are not problematic. H2I is problematic. Game cache is problematic. Handle vars are problematic. You should make a map yourself with your own systems and handle vars and play it for years, see it yourself. And i'm not the only one experiencing these things. Rising Dusk already did and already posted it on wc3campaigns. Fulla experienced it with his hero revival system.

Seriously, I just posted my opinions, you may post yours vex, but please don't say I have no proofs.
Every single thing you said is by your map making experience, or by coding experience? You just test stuff with test maps and dont actually get to play on heavy maps that uses all of that code.

I made and played it enough to know what bugs and what doesn't.

Please don't ever use null as condition for enums
I do and it works perfectly without a single flaw.
My map hasn't got a single crash in it, not a single timer is freezing like H2I causes them to, not a single projectile just hangs in the air like GC usually did on my older maps.

Not-nulling might appear to help
It does help, nulling caused the above errors.

You can't argue with results, or compare them to little test maps that you create.
The big fish are caught in a fish pool, not in the ocean.

A global array declaration doesn't take any memory space until you use it. Indexes just take memory once assigned.
Where are you getting this information from? I really don't get it.

For sums, everyone should use or not use what they want, you post you opinion against mine (and i knew you would), but you should base your opinions on facts, not myths.

Tom Jones

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For Vexorians sake:
H2I is problematic. Game cache is problematic. Handle vars are problematic.
No it isn't... If you experience problems using these, your simply doing something wrong. H2I isn't problematic, it's a blessing. Handle vars and gamecaches in general aren't problematic either, they are just slow.

And if you think that 100's of people playing your map every single day proves your point, have a look at DotA which uses game caches. That should prove my point, but it doesn't 'cause it's a ridiculous argument. Vexorians has proven, confirmed, and described all of the things he mentioned, the triggercondition part being the only exception. You are of course entitled to your opinion, as everybody else is, it just doesn't make it right. I can cope with the fact that you wan't to share your knowlegde with other people, but I can't cope with the fact, that your telling people what your saying is the only right thing to do. If that wasn't your intention, then we misunderstood each other along the way.


We are all noobs! in different states of Noobism!
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Vex & Vile: For about 5% of mappers this information is useful and understandable. But for the other 95%...we don't understand a word either of you are saying. I've seen you guys fight this kinda of thing out on WC3C as well. I don't really want to see TH become a battelground for your opinions on H2I, structs and etc.

It's obvious to me that both of you know FAR more about Jass and programming than I ever will (mainly because I can't be bothered learning it.) But you're both being silly about what's the best way/correct way/only way to code.

I have a huge respect for both of you for what you've done for the WC3 community, but I think you guys need to chill out. It only confuses the majority when two "experts" do this kind of thing.


Evil Overlord
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Well my only advice would be, to avoid using Tables when you can simply and easily substitute globals.

For example, a very basic revival trigger I had:
- A Hero dies
- Create a timer expired after 4 seconds * level of Hero.
- Upon expiration revive Hero

Ever few games a player would have his Hero not revive?
The trigger was very basic and simple with a few string/timer attachments. However, upon changing to global for timers & globals for heroes instead of using tables this problem vanished.


I still use gamecache for my item system and tables for alot of spells.
I try where I can to use globals instead, which is faster than tables anyways. So as previously said, id only use tables etc. where you have to.


Change can be a good thing
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i think some of these are more situational then anything else, or more dependant on who is doing the coding

I have no probs with boolexprs, timers, different buffs, or game cache, however the rest is pretty self intuitive

basically, don't do anything stupid, and you will end up ok


Heavy is credit to team!
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Me (the n00000b). Shall i follow those tipps? Or are they jsut for advanced users? you say many things i dont understand :D


Change can be a good thing
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if you dont understand them how could you possibly follow them

for now on lets not post stupid things, and the world will be a much better place


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Meh, I didnt "fight" or anything, I just stated my opinions and tips about map making, simply for one cause and one cause only: Not to let anyone else do the same mistakes and save others time.
Every time I try to help the community I get bashed in one way or another.
I told myself I wont do it again but I keep seeing mistakes and I say to myself it's just too bad.

Unfortunately some people tend to argue whenever they can. These are my opinions, and anyone can do whatever he wants with them. There is no need to eliminate them.


We are all noobs! in different states of Noobism!
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Well, Thank you for your tips. I do appreciate them. I read everything I can on anything to do with WC3 map making. I liked the Lightning tip. I use lightening lots so that'll help me.
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