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Island of Souls (previously "Wrecked")

Island of Souls previously "Wrecked"

If a moderator sees this could they please change the name of the thread to "Island of Souls (previously "Wrecked")". Thanks :)

New information will be in Red.

Basically, a ship is marooned on an island. You play as either one of the survivors or one of the islands inhabitants; a Soul Fiend. As a survivor you must rely on your powers of human ingenuity and some strategic abilities to fight off the island beasts. As a Soul Fiend you must satisfy your hunger for human souls with brute force or complicated spells. Below is a more in-depth description:

- There is preferably a 1:2 ratio of Soul Fiend (SF) to human players and SFs are NOT on the same team. This means there are three game possibilities: 2v1, 4v1v1 or the most preferable 6v1v1v1.
- SFs are weaker during daylight than at night. This is hopefully going to create a 'hunters become the hunted' style of gameplay.
- When a survivor is killed by an SF or otherwise it's soul is released from it's body under the control of the dead player (very slow move speed).
- After a period of time the soul may re-enter it's body, hence reviving the dead player. This is the 'magic' of the island.
- An SF can ingest the soul of a dead player. This causes a temporary power boost, as well as a 'phase up' (see 'Soul Fiend Phases')
- If an SF is killed, any ingested souls are released to their respective bodies and the SF returns to it's first phase.
- Independent of the survivors and their souls, an SF can physically level up by creeping the various creatures around the island
- There is an 'Ancient Relic' in the centre of the island. If this relic is destroyed anyone who dies from that point onwards remains dead as the island has lost it's power.
- An attempt to destroy the Ancient Relic is a strategic move made by the survivors when they feel they are strong enough. The relic has a multi-shot tower-like attack that fends off any 'early' destruction attempts.
- Each survivor class has a 'craft' that allows them to create helpful items from objects found around the map (see 'Survivor Crafts').
- Each SF has the ability "Curse of the Souls" which is used as the activated ability to consume souls as well as giving a passive chance to freeze survivors in terror.
- Each survivor has a "Panic" ability that increases movement and attack speed for a short period of time but increases the risk of freezing up.

Possible Ideas:
- The game could be 'timed'. If the survivors do not kill the relic in a certain amount of time they lose their souls regardless?
- When a survivor leaves the game, he has "Succumbed to the Curse of the Island" and his soul is released?


Just forrest shots at the moment. I'll post some beach/ruins soon.




Human Classes:
There are three human classes. Pathfinder, Guardian and Shaman. Human classes are chosen in-game. Below are the abilities available to each class:

Panic (all classes):
- activated
- increases movement and attack speed
- if a unit is panicking near a Soul Fiend it has a greater chance to be frozen in terror

**********Pathfinder (Toolcraft)**********

Silent Steps:
- activated
- chance to not be detected
- slowed movement

- passive
- chance to spot an out of sight enemy if in range

Train Beast (lvl 5):
- long cast
- brings target creep under your control

**********Guardian (Weaponcraft)**********

Battle Shout:
- activated
- AoE buff

- activated
- requires a weapon equipped
- stuns for short period of time
- some weapons lengthen stun

Interpose (lvl 5):
- activated
- switches position with an ally
- enemy's target changes to you
- additional damage taken for a period of time

**********Shaman (Herbcraft)**********

Earthen Resistace:
- passive
- spell resisitance

- removes a positive buff from an enemy
- removes a negative buff from an ally

Spiritual Reanimation (lvl 5):
- takes temporary control of a survivors corpse

Human Crafts:
Each human class has it's own 'craft'. Pathfinders have Toolcraft, Guardians have Weaponcraft and Shamans have Herbcraft. The items are crafted from various 'raw items' scattered about the island (similar to Island Troll Tribes). Some are not used in many recipes and can be easily found but others, Soul Stones for example, are very rare and must be used efficiently.

Items made using the Toolcraft ability are used in conjunction with Weaponcraft in early game. At later levels Toolcraft is able to build powerful wards that can altar the game drastically.

Weapons made using the Weaponcraft ability can be equipped and unequipped by any survivor. "Magic" weapons however, are soulbound and cannot be unequipped.

While survivors are able to cook themselves meat to sustain themselves outside of combat, they are unable to consume such food when in a battle. Herbcraft can be used to create basic "healing" potions as well as various other buffs. It can also, however, be used to create "battle potions". These are not consumed but are thrown to apply various effects on an enemy.

The raw items and item combinations are as follows:

------------Raw Items-------------


- Flint
- Large Bone
- Raw Meat
- Shell
- Small Bone
- Soul Stone
- Stick
- Stone
- Vine


- Merrentill
- Sun Grass
- Gnoll's Leaf
- Avantoe
- Gnomeswood


Potion of Restoration (lvl 1):
- Sun Grass

Caustic Battle Potion (lvl 2):
- Avantoe

Potion of Antipoison (lvl 3):
- Gnoll's Leaf

Potion of Attackpower (lvl 4):
- Merentill

Potion of Shielding (lvl 5):
- Sun Grass
- Merrentill

Toxic Battle Potion (lvl 6):
- Gnoll's Leaf
- Avantoe

Potion of Spell Immunity (lvl 7):
- Gnomeswood
- Sun Grass

Arcanic Battle Potion (lvl 8):
- Gnomeswood
- Avantoe
- Merrentill

Elixer of Life (lvl 9):
- Gnomeswood
- Sun Grass
- Gnoll's Leaf


Sharpened Stone (lvl 1):
- 1 stone
req: knife

Hammerstone (lvl 1):
- 2 stone

Flint Blade (lvl 2):
- 1 flint
req: hammerstone

Knife (lvl 2):
- 1 flint blade
- 1 vine

Fire Kit (lvl 3):
- 1 stick
- 2 stone
req: knife

Arrow(x10) (lvl 4):
- 1 stick
- 1 shell
req: knife

Strong Flint Blade (lvl 5):
- 1 flint
req: hammerstone

Sentry Ward (lvl 8):
- 1 stick
- 1 stone
- 1 vine
- 1 flint
- 1 soul stone
req: knife

Assault Ward (lvl 9):
- 1 stick
- 1 stone
- 1 vine
- 1 flint
- 1 soul stone
req: knife


Small Spear (lvl 1):
- 1 stick
req: knife

Bone Axe (lvl 2):
- 1 flint blade
- 1 small bone
- 1 vine
req: knife

Short Bow (lvl 3):
- 1 stick
- 1 vine
req: knife

Heavy Spear (lvl 4):
- 1 heavy flint blade
- 1 stick
- 2 vine
req: knife

Heavy Bone Axe (lvl 5):
- 1 heavy flint blade
- 1 large bone
- 2 vine
req: knife

Long Bow (lvl 6):
- 2 stick
- 2 vine
req: knife

Magic Spear (lvl 7):
- 1 heavy flint blade
- 1 stick
- 2 vine
- soul stone
req: knife

Magic Axe (lvl 8):
- 1 heavy flint blade
- 1 large bone
- 2 vine
- soul stone
req: knife

Magic Bow (lvl 9):
- 2 stick
- 2 vine
- soul stone
req: knife


<Coming Soon>

Soul Fiend Heroes:
SF's do not choose a class as the survivors do. The three SF 'player slots' in game creation represent a different hero each. This means there is only one of each ever in a game. The three heroes are Argurak (agility based), Sharankan (intelligence based) and Galadakt (strength based). If ordered in difficulty, Galadakt is the easiest to used as he uses mainly self-buff and passive spells that increase his physical power. Argurak is the next difficult. He has some damage increases and such but also has some more complicated 'infection' type spells. The most difficult hero to use is Sharankan as the majority of his abilities involve careful manipulation of his enemies and himself. He is also the weakest physically.

Soul Fiend Phases:
As mentioned before, when an SF ingests a survivor's soul it undergoes a 'phase up'. This gives it both an increase in physical attributes, similar to a level up, as well as a 'phase point'. These points are spent on 'Soul Traits' (there are three for each hero). The entire system is similar to that of the invoker in DotA. The trait choices you make determine the spells and abilities your hero will have...

Phase 4 is the final phase for a Soul Fiend. You therefore have 3 points to spend on 3 different traits; giving you the option to either spend 2 points in 1 trait and 1 in another, or you can spend 1 in each of the 3 different traits. I'll let these diagrams do the explaining.. 'A' represents trait A. 'B' trait B and so forth. 'AB' represents having chosen trait A first and then trait B.


"Ok, now wait a minute" you say, "Thats 40 different abilities! For one hero!"
Well not exactly. You may also notice that I have listed both 'AB' and 'BA' which actually mean the same thing. Let me explain.. Say you choose trait A as your first trait and gain the 'basic A' ability. You then, with your pwnage skillz, manage to kill a survivor and ingest a soul. You then choose trait B as your second phase trait and gain an ability that is a cross between both A and B. Your abilities at this point are: 1. The 'basic A' and 2. The 'AB hybrid'. If you had chosen the two traits the other way around, B first and then A, you would gained the basic B ability first and then the AB hybrid. This means AB=BA ! With this information in mind, we can cancel some stuff off of our tree and we are left with:



In words:

You have a total of 3 points to spend (Phase 4) and you can put a maximum of 2 points into any one trait

Choice 1: Each choice result in a base spell from one of the three traits (small cooldown/low manacost).
Choice 2: You can either continue down the same trait or choose another. Continuing results in a more 'pure' spell (longer cast/manacost), whereas crossing traits will give you a more 'hybrid' spell (similar to base spell).
Choice 3: There is now a choice between expanding on an existing trait (gaining a semi-pure and semi-hybrid spell) or choosing the last remaining trait and gaining the 'total hybrid' spell (all-purpose).
Choice 4: This is not really a choice; it is your 'ultimate' and is made for you by your previous choices. It is either a pure ultimate (if you had 2 points in any one trait) or it is the hybrid ultimate (if you had a point in every trait).

Something you may or may not have noticed at this point is this is still quite a lot of spells. There is 20 required for each hero. This shouldn't be a problem however, as some spells will be quite similar. Remember: a player is only going to use 4 spells from a list of 20.

Soul Fiend Traits/Spells


- Venom (A)
- Haste (B)
- Claw (C)

Base Ability: Ghost Walk - After a long fade goes invis with bonus dmg on exit

Phase 1:

(A) = Venomous Bite - infects with base venom
(B) = Quick Strike - periodical, attacks twice
(C) = Swing - attack in AoE

Phase 2:

(AB) = Crippling Poison - slows
(AA) = Infection - makes venom infectious
(BC) = Back Stab - bonus dmg when behind target
(BB) = Permanantly increases AS/MS
(AC) = Venomous Blows - chance to infect with base venom on attack
(CC) = Eviscerate - disembowels enemy, stuns

Phase 3:

(AAB) = Thought Poison - stops mana regen and spell casting
(AAC) = Tainted Immunity - makes venom last longer
(BBC) = Ghostly Strike - teleports to the target and deals damage, then teleports back.
(BBA) = Spit Poison - 'nets' enemy in poison and deals damage while trapped
(CCA) = Weakening Poison - stacks, increases damage dealt
(CCB) = Perforate - Jumps through enemy dealing damage
(ABC) = Piercing Scream - dazes in AoE


(*AA) = Inoculate - plants venom into target that if not dispelled will generate a Venom fiend
(*BB) = Energize - attacks without moving (ghostlike images, similar to omnislash but actual unit does not move)
(*CC) = Slit Throat - finishes off target if health is small enough
(ABC) = Countertoxin - Steals a poison from an enemy turning it into a buff

- Energy (A)
- Influence (B)
- Time (C)

Base Ability: Teleport - Sharankan instantly displaces himself a distance away.

Phase 1:

(A) = Energy Pulse - Sharankan emits a pulse of psionic force in all directions.
(B) = Aura of Weakness - Sharankan lowers the the willpower of anyone who nears him. Drains mana per second.
(C) = Time Shield - When activated, Sharankan bends time to avoid most attacks. Drains mana per attack avoided.

Phase 2:

(AB) = Energy Link - Sharankan links two target units together. Any damage dealt to one is dealt to the other.
(AA) = Energy Infusion - Infuses a target enemy with raw energy stopping mana regeneration. If the unit becomes the target of a spell or ability it will be dealt additional damage and remove the infusion.
(BC) = Time Lock - Sharankan locks a target enemy in time. Unit is unable to attack, be attacked, move or cast spells.
(BB) = Drain - Sharankan steals life over time from a target enemy. Not channeled.
(AC) = Orb of Time - Sharankan conjures an orb of psionic energy contained by an envelope of time. Enemies who stray to near the orb will take damage and be momentarily stunned.
(CC) = Backtrack - Sharankan moves back in time, returning to a previous position, health and mana.

Phase 3:

(AAB) = Energy Wall - Sharankan creates a wall of energy at target location. Units that try to move through the wall will take damage and be knocked back.
(AAC) = Dimensional Rift - Sharankan tears a hole in the forth dimension. Deals damage over time to enemies, with closer enemies taking more.
(BBC) = Alternate Reality - Sharankan locks himself and a target enemy into an alternate reality. Both units become untargetable by others for a period of time.
(BBA) = Possession - Sharankan takes control of target enemy, retaining his own abilities but controling movement and attack.
(CCA) = Dimensional Split - Sharankan splits reality in half, gaining a reflected image of himself. Damage done to both the image and himself is spread to both equally.
(CCB) = Dimension Walk - Sharnakan retreats to another dimension. He can not see nor be seen by his enemies.
(ABC) = Mana Fiend - Sharankan summons a being of pure psionic energy to assist him in combat.


(*AA) = Psionic Explosion - Sharankan releases all of his available energy into the space around him. Uses all available mana and deals damage based on the mana lost.
(*BB) = Mass Telepathy - Sharankan has limited control of the minds of those around him. Units are unable to attack or cast spells but are moved by Sharankan.
(*CC) = Stasis Field - Time is slowed almost to a standstill in an area immediately around Sharankan. Those trapped in the field are unable to attack, move or cast spells.
(ABC) = Thoughtform - Sharankan projects an inlarged image of himself that is capable of dealing large amounts of damage but drains mana per second.

- Fortitude (A)
- Aggression (B)
- Power (C)

Base Ability: Slam Jump - Galadakt launches his massive bulk into the air before crashing down and dazing those around him. Click twice to jump straight up.

Phase 1:

(A) = Thick Skin - Galadakt's giant size and bulk lets him take less damage from attacks.
(B) = Fury - In a fit of rage, Galadakt attacks multiple times in quick succession.
(C) = Bash - With an enormous blow, Galadakt stuns an enemy for a time.

Phase 2:

(AB) = Infuriate - Galadakt is angered by the attacks of his enemies. He will burst into a fury on some attacks.
(AA) = Echoing Resolve - Galadakt never gives up, whatever the odds. If Galadakt should die, he will instead remain alive for additional time.
(BC) = Launching Strike - With an enormous blow, Galadakt launches his opponent into the air.
(BB) = Bloodlust - Galadakt thirsts for the blood of his enemies. His attacks will deal more damage until his thirst is quenched.
(AC) = Overpower - Galadakt squeezes the life out of his opponent with a mighty grip.
(CC) = Rent Earth - With his enormous strength, Galadakt rents an uncrossable fissure in the earth itself.

Phase 3:

(AAB) = Retaliate - On some attacks Galadakt will retaliate with an attack of his own.
(AAC) = Duress - When Galadakt attacks a unit he weakens thier resolve. Repeated attacks on the same unit deal more damage.
(BBC) = Berserk - Galadakt goes into a mighty rage dealing more damage and taking more damage.
(BBA) = Provoke - Galadakt provokes an enemy unit into attacking him.
(CCA) = Collision - With a mighty heave, Galadakt throws target unit into the nearest enemy, dealing damage and stunning both. If no other enemies are nearby, Galadakt will throw the enemy forward.
(CCB) = Pound - With a surge of power, Galadakt pounds an enemy into the ground, dealing damage and rooting them in place.
(ABC) = Stone Form - Harnessing an unknown power, Galadakt transforms himself into living stone. He takes less damage, attacks slower, moves slower and has a chance to stun on each attack.


(*AA) =
(*BB) =
(*CC) =
(ABC) = Throw Boulder - When in Stone Form, Galadakt can conjure a mighty ball of stone to throw at his enemies. Deals AoE damage and stuns for a short duration.

So Far.....

Red = Working On
Blue = Finished

Gameplay: 90%
Humans: 100%
Soul Fiends: 100%

Human: 100%
Soul Fiend: 75%

Actual Work:
Terrain: 95%
Units: 5%
Triggers: 5%
Spells: 5%

How can I help?

Ideas! Lots of ideas! Spells, concepts whatever. Say whats on your mind. I will also list anyone who is interested in beta-testing here:

- WC3_man
- Viikuna
- Tukki


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Now officially a Super Lurker
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This sounds like a fun idea, sort of like a cat-and-mouse game.

What I suggest is that the sailors can fight, but must find or improvise weapons from around the island to defend themselves or hopefully wipe out the cannibals. The cannibals still must be dominant, but it gives the sailors a chance to use teamwork and win.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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This seems interesting. Unfortunately I have to go now but when I return from my epic quest to eat, I'll try it out.


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I've been working on putting together a quick cinematic at the beginning of the game and I've run into a problem; through the use of player groups I'm able to run two cinematics at the same time (one for each team)
Player Group - Pick every player in SurvivorPlayers and do (Camera - Reset camera for (Picked player) to standard game-view over 3.00 seconds)
But what if I want to fade in and out?
Cinematic - Fade in over 4.00 seconds using texture Black Mask and color (0.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%) with 0.00% transparency
This wouldn't work as a player group as it doesn't involve a specific player.. Or would it?


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I've uploaded a newer version of the map. I've pretty much finished the survivors cinematic now and am going to work on the survivor classes.

I'd love to hear what you think of the terrain. I think it worked out quite nicely but I'd appreciate some constructive criticism :)


Beer is Good!
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well for your fade in for specific player:

use the local player function:

CustomScript: if IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), udg_SurvivorPlayers) then
Cinematic - Fade in over 4.00 seconds using texture Black Mask and color (0.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%) with 0.00% transparency
CustomScript: endif

should fade only for players in SurvivorPlayers force.


is watching you! Ahh, fresh meat!
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Sounds good - a small project which is not determined to fail for 99.9% as most bigger projects do.

Have fun and good luck! ;)


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@darkbeer, thanks for the code :) I can get on with the cinematic now *+ rep*

@Cilla, Thanks. I never finish my bigger projects so I'm determined to finish this one :D


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Oh it's the regular story. School etc. But I'm going to put in some more work over the next few days. I do need some concept ideas though; I'm not entirely sure how the 'Soul Fiends' are going to work. Any ideas?


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When I get home from school I'll update my first post with some more information but for now; I've named to islands inhabitants 'Soul Fiends'. What I'm not sure of is what kind of system they will use for leveling up and whether you can, like the survivors, pick a 'class'. Another alternative is you use a premade beast similar to melee hero makeup; like island defence for example.

Aswell as weaponcraft and toolcraft I'm also adding herbcraft for potions and the like.


wow this seems really interesting, its the fact that you are having the "Soul Fiends", you call them, on different teams it will really bring some different variety to the game. I mean its like they are not only fighting with the survivors but with other distractions too.

Hmmm.... It seems as if games like this die before intrest in them is invested, i guess only the people who keep at it really figure stuff out. Well I hope this one doesn't die out! I'll be a beta tester lolz.

Have you done the updates yet or is that what you have so far?


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I've been working on the "toolcraft" ability at the moment but here are some concept updates:

- Camera is fixed to your character
- First release is going to contain 2 kinds of Soul Fiend, 2 crafts and 2 survivor classes

@WC3_man: thx for your comments and I appreciate any help with beta testing :)


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I like the abilities; they all seem very original and well-balanced. I look forward to reading about the cannibals. This is definitely a map I might play.

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