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Outside the Sea Fox's Inn, Port of Vensponic

Despite the downpour, Amber felt the splash. The obvious cheerfulness in the woman’s voice didn’t help either. But Amber held her temper.

“We’re outside now,” she reminded the woman pointedly, “So unless you would like me to continue following the innkeeper’s advice, I suggest you keep your trap shut-”

“Ow, hey!” Something barreled into her side at top speed, and she sprawled out on to the cobble-stone street. “Watch whe-” she started angrily when the girl, a frightened look on her face, cut her off. She spoke in French – that much Amber could recognize, but beyond that, she came up blank.

“Sorry, don’t speak French,” she replied unhelpfully, clambering to her feet with some difficulty. She looked to the other two beside her, “Any of you happen to- oh.”

Three men in hot pursuit rounded the corner.

Amber started reaching for her guns before remembering the rain. Her guns and the bullets inside them were drenched and more than likely completely useless. “Shoot. I hope you can fight…”

Amber Sommers 'Angel'
Name: Amber Sommers
Nickname: Angel (something of a joke from the locals)
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: N/A
  1. Gunslinger: An expert marksman and incredibly fast on the draw.
  2. Sleight of Hand: Amber is known to dabble in the tricks of thieves and magicians, and is not above employing any sort of deceit or ploy to achieve her ends.
  • Melee combat: While not totally inept (you have to have some ability to be able to survive in the dog-eat-dog world out there…), in any serious encounter, Amber is a liability.
  • Personality: Brave, reckless, and mouthy, a combination that’s more likely to get you killed than anything else.

Appearance: Link: Lithe and slender like some predatory cat, with uncomfortably long blonde hair and deep amber eyes. She wears mostly black, revealing in a way that is most definitely scandalous, and always sports that kooky hat.
Weapons: Identical twin pistols each with five rounds per reload, a knife in her right boot, and a hidden blade strapped onto her left forearm which becomes a handy wrist-blade with a quick bend of a hand.
Personality: Bold, Fiery, Impetuous, Haughty, Flippant, Roguish
Biography: The fifth child and third daughter of a reputable British nobleman, Amber grew up in the upper districts of the British Shoal, receiving all the education and instruction that was proper for a pampered young lady of the times. It was not the life she wanted, however. The pretentious manner in which the nobility carried themselves, the endless feuding between noble families, and the way everyone expected her to live and act – it was almost as if they had already planned out her entire future! And they did, as she found out to her intense displeasure on her seventeenth birthday: they had arranged her marriage to another promising young noble, one whom she knew nothing about, and had never even met in her life.

It was all too much, and Amber had never been one to think clearly before acting - she left. Left behind the rules and restrictions of the nobility, left behind their petty games and politics, left behind the world of endless parties and ball gowns, left behind the shadow of her siblings and her parents who did not love her, to pursue something more, something different – her own life: a life of adventure and freedom.

She did miss her siblings now and again, especially Christian, who had been the eldest, and Elizabeth, who had been her closest friend and confidant, but the decision was made, and she was never going back.


~Choco Coronet~ Omnomnom
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Outside the Sea Fox's Inn, Port of Vensponic

Emilie looked up. The princess said something in English in an unhelpful tone. Perhaps she wouldn't help her. The three men turned corner. It was time to run again. The princess, however, with blinding speed reached for her guns, before reaching away and obviously cursing. She was actually going to help. It was no time to run, Emilie couldn't just leave now. From behind the Princess, Emilie pulled out a knife from her boot and tossed at one of the men, hitting him in the chest. The man, dropped down, unmoving. The other two men hesitated and looked at their fallen friend, but were quickly interrupted by Emilie's voice. ''Nya nya, i've got a warrior princess on my side!'' she exclaimed hugging her (The Princess) gently from behind. The two men had murder in their eyes.

Name: Emilie de Lorme
Nickname: Black Saber (Although she never uses it)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Tattoos: None
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: French
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: None.

1. Light on her feet – When Emilie moves she makes next to no sound, a trait she developed from her occupation as a Thief.
2. Acrobat – Emilie can climb almost anything and balance on thin ledges with ease. She is also a fairly fast runner.
3. Knives Mastery – The only weapons she ever uses are knives and daggers, being able to throw them very well, and fight better than an average knife user.
4. Good Senses – Working mostly at night, Emilie has adapted to hear smell and see things far better than most. She makes an excellent lookout, a skill which had her working on seven pirate ships.


1. Tiny – Due to her Tiny frame, Emilie can not perform feats of strength well. Furthermore she can be easily picked up and even thrown.
2. Can't handle Guns – If Emilie ever got a gun to fire, she would probably shoot herself in the leg than do anything else. She also dislikes guns and is a bit afraid of them.
3. Childish – Her personality gets her into a lot of trouble with pirates, as she gets easily bored and tends to do other things, like climbing and jumping around the boat and making a mess, before being a lookout. She also likes trinkets and is known to take or steal things if she wants them.
4. Illiterate – Due to her uneducated childhood she can not read nor write. Furthermore, anyone attempting to teach her would fail due to her short attention span.

Appearance: Link. Emilie has a tiny frame, weighing only 39 kilograms (86 pounds) and being 143 cm tall (4 feet 7 inches). She dresses up in clothes that usually don't hinder movement, with
knee high boots. Her favourite dress colours are blue and green, and she likes wearing trinkets. She never takes of her green pendant, a memory from her childhood.
Weapons: 8 Daggers. The longest one is in the front of her skirt. She has four more throwing daggers in her boots (2 in each), one on each side of her chest, hidden under her top, and a stilleto dagger hidden in the back of her skirt.
Personality: Emilie is very carefree and mischievous. She is generally distrusting, although she doesn't show it. She dislikes water and guns. Due to her very short attention span she has difficulty obeying orders and tends to get bored easily, which several times got her near killed. She also likes to rasp and taunt her opponents, sometimes even when she shouldn't do so. Emilie also likes to sleep a lot.
Biography: Emilie's mother died giving birth to her. While she was an infant, her father was miserable with his life in France, so he decided to move and leave everything behind. They started a journey to New Paris on the island of St. Dominique on board a merchant ship. Emilie was 6 at the time.

The ship was intercepted by Pirates loyal to the British crown, near the island of Logos. The ship was boarded, and Emilie's father hid her under the decks. After the shouting and guns stopped, there was only the voices speaking an unfamiliar language. A pirate searched the bottom decks and found Emilie hiding in a cupboard. He took pity on her and let her live. He smuggled her in a box on a French smuggler ship headed to New Paris.

With no one to take care of her, she wandered the streets of New Paris. Some took pity and gave the poor beggar child with the wavy blue hair food, and somehow, she was able to survive the next few years of her life.

At the age of 10, she started Thieving. At first, just to survive, stealing food. But as life went on for Emilie she became better and better her newfound hobby. She soon started stealing jewels, trinkets, blankets and anything else she wanted. She worked at night, and developed good vision and stealth. Everyone had forgotten the beggar child with the wavy blue hair, she was now known as Black Saber, a legendary thief.

At the age of 14 she was recruited by a captain of a small sloop as a lookout. Her skills were unbelievable, as she was able to spot ships miles away without a looking glass, as well as feel storms coming. However, due to her nature she quickly became a bother, then a nuisance to the pirates on board. The next time they came to port, she disembarked and was forced to quit. While on land, she thieved, and while recruited by pirates she served as a lookout. During this time she was forced to walk on the plank twice, as well as disembark in the nearby ports and make a run for her life.

Her skills as a thief kept rising and soon, everyone knew the name Black Saber. It was rumored she could even steal the beard of Blackbeard if she wanted to. Yet her personality and her attitude never made it clear she was Black Saber. In fact, she didn't even use her nickname, nor did she ever want to be called that.

Now at the age of 17, after passing through the service of several pirate ships, she finds herself again on the island of New Paris, looking for her next adventure.


Just Smile.
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Outside Sea Fox’s Inn, Port of Vensponic

Three men drew in towards them after the woman. They looked rather dangerous, even she could tell. Yet, the young French girl tossed a knife, landing right on one of them, piercing their chest, causing them to fall over dead. The two remaining men drew their cutlasses and approached slowly, as they did Pandora met them, step by step until she was past the two women. The men were roughly ten feet away when she drew her twin cutlasses in each hand, spinning them a full circle around her fingers before gripping tightly at the handle and raising them up towards the men who simply laughed and drew closer.

The rain poured down hard, a diluted stream of blood flowed from the body on the ground, running through the streets. One of the men struck first, coming in high and strong, Pandora met his charge, holding a blade up to intercept his strike, momentarily later the second man struck low, trying to sweep her legs. She planted her second sword down to the ground to parry the assault. Then in a flash she twisted her wrists, raising her arms, and flung both swords from their hands, they clearly had a poor grip of their blade, most likely from the rain. As the men watched the sword spiral from their hand Pandora crossed her cutlasses across her chest.

Isabella Sanzio 'Pandora'
Name: Isabella Sanzio
Nickname: Pandora
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Tattoo: Two cutlasses forming a cross on her shoulder.
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: Spanish
Alignment: None
Affiliation: None
  1. Sword Fighting: Pandora is an expert in sword fighting, she is a force to fear in hand to hand combat where she can dance and slash circles around even the most trained opponents, it would be an understatement to call her good.
  2. English:She is able to speak English, a language she learned from her adoptive brother.
  1. Interpretation: Despite her great combat abilities, Pandora is clueless in anything that would require signals. She constantly confuses them, and she has a hard time differentiating any body language or tones people send her way.
  2. Emotional: She is also a very emotional person, she acts on how she feels, not on how things would work out logically, yet she refuses to acknowledge it as such, and will try to logically reason her emotional response to others, to appear as a logical thinker and to convince them her was is the correct way.
Appearance: Link – Pandora usually has one eye covered by a golden-brown eye patch, though her eye works perfectly fine, for when night comes her eye will be adjusted to the dark and she will have no problems finding her way around. As well, she carries a amulet around her neck at all times, a thin silver chain attached to a strange bird like symbol made of sapphire. Her eyes typically have black make up around them, making the blue stand out more, but only for cosmetic reasons.
Weapons: On each of Pandora’s hips is a scabbard holding a cutlass; she is well trained and prefers to fight while using two cutlasses over any other method. Although she does carry with her a pistol attached to her leg n cause of an emergency. Lastly the heels of her boots have a blade running the length of the heel along the back. This allows her two cut people with just a kick if she was caught empty handed. The blade is black steel making it blend in with her boots and help to avoid any detection.
Personality: Isabella is a woman that can act and feel comfortable either alone or in the presence of others, though she much prefers being alone. When in front of people she acts tough and puts up fronts to seem like she’s unbreakable, though while she’s alone that front will break and she becomes a different more sensitive person. Although she is against murder, she has no qualms about killing in self defense. She has a soft spot for animals, and cares more for their safety than most living people.
Biography: Isabella was born to Ana Sanzio and Ricardo Sanzio in the Harbor of the Queen. Her father worked as a Representative to the Port of Isabella, and her mother was a baker in a small bakery. Both of her parents were out of the house much of the day. Her mother worked twelve hour days and her father was gone for weeks at a time to the port of Isabella on work. This left Isabella at home with a caregiver for most of her life. That was until the day her mother found a boy on the streets begging for money or food. Her mother always had a soft spot for kids, and at this time it was very unusual for beggars or the homeless. Especially in the harbor, most people had jobs, and nearly all children had parents. But not this boy, her mother adopted the child and gave him shelter in their home. His name was Jonathan and he was of British decent.

Over the weeks following he would do all sorts of chores around the house, mostly cleaning and cooking. Isabella began to resent him, he got all the attention from her parents because of how well behaved and how much he helped around the house. After a few more weeks her parents thought that they wouldn’t need the caregiver anymore, and fired her. Her new adoptive brother would be the one who was to take care of her from then on out, despite her reluctance.

She started to make messes on purpose, reject his food, and all the while he would keep cleaning and keep cooking, never saying anything to her. She was seven when Jonathan came to live with them, he was only twelve. Over the year Pandora’s hate for her adoptive brother withered and they started to become closer. He would read her books if she asked, and they would teach each other to speak their languages, Pandora learned English from him. They because close as if they were brother and sister since birth, Yet, when she was twelve and Jonathan turned 16, she ran to his room to see him, yet she found nothing there. He was gone, and he never even said good bye. She cried all day, and was one of the last times anyone would see her that way again. She started growing distant from others, and started to appear tougher and less sensitive.

She never got another caregiver; he parents believe she was old enough to care for herself. He wait dropped drastically, she wouldn’t cook herself any food, and she seemed to do absolutely nothing anymore. But as she laid in bed one night she began to change. She told herself to start acting independently and to not rely on others to do the work for her. She started to cook for herself, and secretly taught herself sword fighting. On her sixteenth birthday She woke early morning when the sun was still raising, to find a small box at the foot of her bed. It was from her parents, inside was a small note written in Spanish.

Isabella, we both know, and we want you to never forget who you are or where you are from, never forget your family, though I’m sure you won’t, after all, your going after your family today aren’t you?

Below the note was a small amulet, silver chain with a symbol carved of sapphire on it. It had been granted to her father for his work by the king of Spain himself. Her father was responsible for improving connection between the harbor of the queen, and port Isabella. He improved both of their economies with her various plans and strategies, and there was talk of making him a Advisor to the Colonial leader.

Her parents were right of course, she was headed out to find her brother, Jonathan. But it was more than that, she wanted to be free, to do as she wanted; and she wanted to be independent. She started off taking any trade ships she could to travel around to find her brother, and when the ships were attacked by pirates she would defend with them with two Cutlasses she was given by the ships crew. At first she had troubles, but she learned quickly and could fight well, but she only got better and better after each fight. When she landed in Engova and said her good byes to the ship and its crew, they were never seen or heard of by anyone ever again. He next ship brought her to the British Shoal, and that ship sank a few hundred feet from the shore.

In the shoal, she was watched carefully and given no freedoms, she eventually joined a pirate ship and became a bandit of the waters herself. She was a pirate for the many years to follow. Yet, ever ship she was ever on faced hardships, and soon she was left abandoned in Vensponic, no ship wanting the cursed Pandora. Over this time, Engova had become the sought after target or France and Britain, the shoal was hit with a powerful wave, and much of the docks were rebuilt. Everywhere she had been was hit with misfortune it seems.

She gave up her hunt for Jonathan long ago, believing him to be long dead, as no one has ever heard of him.


Reaction score

Outside Sea Fox’s Inn, Port of Vensponic

"Pandora..." Arlen replied back to the woman who was in distraught about something. It was hard to tell, especially when her tongue was that of another, the finely pronounced words made no sense to Arlen; actually he wasn't sure if it made sense to anyone there. As everyone turned to see her clench the psychopathic wench that was nearly his murderer in desperation, trying to plead for her to help. The woman "Pandora" didn't seem to take much of a gander at it, as if she was unable to understand what these unusual gestures could mean. It wasn't until Arlen saw up the street a party of two or three men turned the corner. Of course it was none of their business to interfere, however privateers were known for butting in at the wrong times.

He was waiting for the furious and raging sharpshooter of a woman in front of him to shoot them down before they could make their stance, but she merely stood there. Her pistols in her holsters. It was than, lacking the previous knowledge of pistols, assumed she was just going to let the woman get taken to who knows where.

Arlen than try to take a gander at Pandora, who was already charging to the front, fighting the men head on. At most times, he would have ran away into the alleyway or inside the Inn once more, hiding from the situation. The fear of not wanting to get arrested by any strolling Vensponic Guard, even though the likelihood of that in the rain was insignificant, was trying to make his legs move, but it wasn't until Pandora, unarmed the two men, their silver laced cutlasses falling to the wet cobblestone road that Arlen ignoring all instinct ran in front of the pistol woman, and cut between Pandora and the two unknown pirates.

Quickly dashing he swooped down in attempt to retrieve the two swords but after just narrowly escaping the grasp of one of the pirates and grabbing the first sword he saw, he slid from the wet stones of the road right on his ass. Sending the other blade skidding away in the second pirate's direction.

Arlen Williams
Name: Arlen Williams
Nicknames: Shark Bait
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Tattoos: None
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: None, at this present time
  1. Sword Fighting, one of the only thing, Sir Amen's taught him purposely. Alren is good with many kinds of swords and is able to wield two swords but he is far from being called a master and could easily be beaten if the enemy cheats.
  2. Agility, Alren is fast, and can quickly escape from matters if he starts sprinting. Making catching up to him, quite hard, and for those old slow pirates, nearly impossible.
  3. Blood of Nobility, Arlen closest kept secret is that he is one of the central heirs of the Williams Nobility. His name can be useful on British Shorelines, and save himself from the gallows; but could be his death among pirates
  1. Illiteracy, Alren or Shark Bait, can barely read individual letters correctly, let alone complex words of English and other languages used by nobles and sometimes, pirates.
  2. Poor navigation, Alren is unable to read a compass, and is horrible in finding directions, whether this be Left and Right, or North, East, South and West. No one should listen to Alren in the navigation front, as he will surely lead everyone in the wrong direction
  3. Weight & Height, Arlen can easily be picked up or manhandled, because of his height and light weight. Meaning any semi-musculuar pirate could easily grab Arlen and keep him quiet.
  4. Alcohol Lightweight, Arlen is a lightweight with alcohol, especially the amount of it in Rum. He will easily become sick, drunk or pass out with only a few glasses.
Appearance: Link - Arlen is average height for his age, which is short compared to most pirates on the sea and his weight is somewhat under what it could be and overall he has some muscle strength. He wears an over large white tunic, that has been cut in a V formation showing most of his chest and torso and can fall off during battle (because its worn so loosely). His pants are also too big for him, forcing him to wear a belt. The only thing that does properly fit him is his Brown Bandanna like most pirates with their hats, he treats his bandanna with respect and will go back to find it if he ever loses it in a location.
Weapons: A silver dagger, the last remembrance of his home in Port Britannia and his family, that wasn't lost to the storm; crested with the seal of the William's Nobility, it is his most prize possession and a common sword he got stealing from an unconscious drunk.
Personality: Arlen, or what he prefers to call himself, Shark or Shark Bait, is a loud and cheerful lad. He is easily amused with stories, legends or jokes, (even though he usually doesn't understand them) as if nothing could tear him down. However, in reality Arlen can be very serious and requires moral support of others and acceptance into a group to do anything right. Whether that be a crew of pirates, or a group of prisoners, he hates being alone in any circumstance.
Biography: Arlen Williams, the name Arlen keeps to himself; son of the Late Commodore Rodger Williams of England and his wife, Lady Victoria Williams, the daughter of the former Governor Williams of the British Colombia and central heir to the Williams Nobility. In childhood, well younger childhood (5 or 6), Arlen was suppose to grow up like any male in his nobility and follow after his father; becoming a Navy Officer. His cousins all much older already being ship commanders and lieutenants while his female cousins prepared to be courted and his older relatives dealt with the nobility and nation-wide issues. However that so-called prophecy that would be his career was cut short after Arlen's family moving to a newly functioning island of Euphya - that lacked a commandeering officer - from the heavily guarded Port of Britannia. A voyage such as this was followed by an entire fleet, after all, the admiral and nobility were on board, yet it is usually requested that ships go north, but unusual weather, assumed to be a hurricane, didn’t allow that option. In a rush to get to Euphya the fleet turned to the south.
It was an excellent move in the beginning, as the winds guided them swiftly around the island of British Shoal, but quickly after losing sight of shore, disaster struck the fleet in the open waters of the sea, as the weather quickly changed from a calm cloudy day to a perfect stormy night that turned winds in any so direction. The last thing Arlen remembers, is being on deck with his father, who ordered him to go back inside the ship, but before he could do so, the masts came undone and he was pushed aside before being struck across the head, and causing him to fall unconscious, only to wake up marooned, on a floating piece of wreckage, forsaken to be devoured by the sea. To his luck a group of Privateers loyal to the Former governor and the King of Britain, found him along the route to Euphya only a day after the event. The captain of this crew was known as “Sir Amens”, his name a joke for being a so-called "Pirate Knight" that hunted other pirates as a duty. While welcoming the boy to their fleet, it took almost a year before Sir Amens realized that his Cabin Boy, whom they rescued was of his noble family he served, but he knew it was already too late, the damage to him was already done and the crew could not recall the names of any relative in the nobility, or where they would be located. Speaking that all of his relatives assumed he would be dead, and trying to find a new place for him would be too dangerous, as a central heir. They did the only reasonable thing they could and kept him aboard the ship as a crew member, to learn the basics to piracy. It is now at the age of 12 that Arlen, or now called, Shark Bait, wished for more then Sir Amen's fleet and was granted the permission to leave the crew, even though odds were not on his side. Hoping to return as his own legend.


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Outside the Sea Fox's Inn, Port of Vensponic

The French girl was quicker than them all. The knife – which had seemed to appear from nowhere – sprouted from one of the pirate’s chest, and he collapsed without a sound. Amber blinked. Amazing.

The remaining men hesitated as a pool of blood crept out from beneath their fallen friend, eyeing the odds. It looked as if they just might turn and leave when the girl spoke up, hugging her (she stiffened momentarily in bewilderment) from behind. It was unnecessary to understand exactly what she was saying, but it was clearly taunting in nature. That did it for the pirates. They certainly weren’t going to just walk away now. Amber grimaced, wishing the girl had kept quiet, but also smiling a little inside at their resemblance.

She sized up the two men and wondered if Woman beside her could fight as well as she could talk, or indeed if she was going to help them at all. She also wondered what she would do without her guns.

Luckily it seemed as if the Woman’s misguided sense of righteousness would not let her leave this “poor girl” to be set upon by two such thugs. What did surprise her, however, was the deadliness with which she wielded her cutlasses. She glanced at the girl, and then at the Woman. The world was full of surprises today.

And then the little would-be-thief went ahead and proved her right.

She didn’t stop to think. The moment the pirate bent to pick up his fallen sword, she leapt forward. She elbowed the man in the head. The pirate stumbled back a step or two, but there wasn’t enough strength in the blow to leave him dazed. Elbowing throbbing, she kicked the cutlass away with her feet, never taking her eyes off the man before her.

He struck first, but she saw the blow coming and dodged it neatly. What she didn’t see was that it was only a feint. His knee came up hard and she doubled over in pain. His hand shot up instantly and grabbed her by the hair, knocking off her hat off in the process. Clenching her teeth from the pain, she looked into his eyes and saw murder there. She stared back in defiance and then snaking her left hand beneath his gaze, she gave it a quick bend and tore him open at the belly with her blade

He let go of her and fell to his knees, staring with a mixture of disbelief, disgust, and horror at his emerging guts.

Amber took two shaky steps back and turned her eyes away from the sight. Instead she focused in on the one remaining man.

“Go on, get out of here, unless you want to die too,” she snarled with a harshness and strength which she did not personally feel. The man’s eyes passed over hers, and that of the entire group, and then weaponless and friendless, but not witless, he fled into the night.

Amber Sommers 'Angel'
Name: Amber Sommers
Nickname: Angel (something of a joke from the locals)
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: N/A
  1. Gunslinger: An expert marksman and incredibly fast on the draw.
  2. Sleight of Hand: Amber is known to dabble in the tricks of thieves and magicians, and is not above employing any sort of deceit or ploy to achieve her ends.
  • Melee combat: While not totally inept (you have to have some ability to be able to survive in the dog-eat-dog world out there…), in any serious encounter, Amber is a liability.
  • Personality: Brave, reckless, and mouthy, a combination that’s more likely to get you killed than anything else.

Appearance: Link: Lithe and slender like some predatory cat, with uncomfortably long blonde hair and deep amber eyes. She wears mostly black, revealing in a way that is most definitely scandalous, and always sports that kooky hat.
Weapons: Identical twin pistols each with five rounds per reload, a knife in her right boot, and a hidden blade strapped onto her left forearm which becomes a handy wrist-blade with a quick bend of a hand.
Personality: Bold, Fiery, Impetuous, Haughty, Flippant, Roguish
Biography: The fifth child and third daughter of a reputable British nobleman, Amber grew up in the upper districts of the British Shoal, receiving all the education and instruction that was proper for a pampered young lady of the times. It was not the life she wanted, however. The pretentious manner in which the nobility carried themselves, the endless feuding between noble families, and the way everyone expected her to live and act – it was almost as if they had already planned out her entire future! And they did, as she found out to her intense displeasure on her seventeenth birthday: they had arranged her marriage to another promising young noble, one whom she knew nothing about, and had never even met in her life.

It was all too much, and Amber had never been one to think clearly before acting - she left. Left behind the rules and restrictions of the nobility, left behind their petty games and politics, left behind the world of endless parties and ball gowns, left behind the shadow of her siblings and her parents who did not love her, to pursue something more, something different – her own life: a life of adventure and freedom.

She did miss her siblings now and again, especially Christian, who had been the eldest, and Elizabeth, who had been her closest friend and confidant, but the decision was made, and she was never going back.


~Choco Coronet~ Omnomnom
Reaction score

Outside the Sea Fox's Inn, Port of Vensponic

The two men had advanced slowly, but so did the black haired beauty. She fought with grace and precision and easily managed to best the two pirates. Then all of a sudden, everyone was fighting, and Emilie just watched, amazed. This was one of the rare times people actually helped her.

As the British Princess fought, Emilie saw she wasn't very strong. She had learned a strength of a pirate through numerous encounters, and the princess did not have it. But, similar to Emilie, she was agile. She easily dodged what seemed to be a sure hit, but as it was just a feint and she got hit pretty badly it seemed. Emilie twitched. She was feeling guilty that someone else got hurt, and afraid of what may happen next. In the next moment Emilie smiled, as the Princess pulled out a hidden blade and slashed through the pirate. The last pirate stood there for a second, probably in shock as three women and a child killed two of his comrades. The princess said something that sounded scary to Emilie and the other pirate ran away.

The Princess bent down a bit, holding herself in pain. Emilie ran up to her and hugged her and said: ''Thank you! Thank you for saving me Princess''. Then Emilie kissed her gently on the forehead (barely reaching even though the Princess was bent a bit), and then turned to the black haired beauty. As she was about to thank her, she heard a familiar voice. The captain was approaching. He was the only one who could be heard, as he was shouting ''WHERE? WHERE YOU IGNORANT FOOL!''. The other voice was much calmer but stuttered as he replied in an unknown language. The black haired beauty winced as the two men turned the corner. The captain, oblivious now to his surroundings did not even notice the two men who lay in pools of blood nor the four figures standing in the storm. He just kept walking. Slowly, Emilie grabbed and pulled the Princess out of the way.

Name: Emilie de Lorme
Nickname: Black Saber (Although she never uses it)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Tattoos: None
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: French
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: None.

1. Light on her feet – When Emilie moves she makes next to no sound, a trait she developed from her occupation as a Thief.
2. Acrobat – Emilie can climb almost anything and balance on thin ledges with ease. She is also a fairly fast runner.
3. Knives Mastery – The only weapons she ever uses are knives and daggers, being able to throw them very well, and fight better than an average knife user.
4. Good Senses – Working mostly at night, Emilie has adapted to hear smell and see things far better than most. She makes an excellent lookout, a skill which had her working on seven pirate ships.


1. Tiny – Due to her Tiny frame, Emilie can not perform feats of strength well. Furthermore she can be easily picked up and even thrown.
2. Can't handle Guns – If Emilie ever got a gun to fire, she would probably shoot herself in the leg than do anything else. She also dislikes guns and is a bit afraid of them.
3. Childish – Her personality gets her into a lot of trouble with pirates, as she gets easily bored and tends to do other things, like climbing and jumping around the boat and making a mess, before being a lookout. She also likes trinkets and is known to take or steal things if she wants them.
4. Illiterate – Due to her uneducated childhood she can not read nor write. Furthermore, anyone attempting to teach her would fail due to her short attention span.

Appearance: Link. Emilie has a tiny frame, weighing only 39 kilograms (86 pounds) and being 143 cm tall (4 feet 7 inches). She dresses up in clothes that usually don't hinder movement, with
knee high boots. Her favourite dress colours are blue and green, and she likes wearing trinkets. She never takes of her green pendant, a memory from her childhood.
Weapons: 8 Daggers. The longest one is in the front of her skirt. She has four more throwing daggers in her boots (2 in each), one on each side of her chest, hidden under her top, and a stilleto dagger hidden in the back of her skirt.
Personality: Emilie is very carefree and mischievous. She is generally distrusting, although she doesn't show it. She dislikes water and guns. Due to her very short attention span she has difficulty obeying orders and tends to get bored easily, which several times got her near killed. She also likes to rasp and taunt her opponents, sometimes even when she shouldn't do so. Emilie also likes to sleep a lot.
Biography: Emilie's mother died giving birth to her. While she was an infant, her father was miserable with his life in France, so he decided to move and leave everything behind. They started a journey to New Paris on the island of St. Dominique on board a merchant ship. Emilie was 6 at the time.

The ship was intercepted by Pirates loyal to the British crown, near the island of Logos. The ship was boarded, and Emilie's father hid her under the decks. After the shouting and guns stopped, there was only the voices speaking an unfamiliar language. A pirate searched the bottom decks and found Emilie hiding in a cupboard. He took pity on her and let her live. He smuggled her in a box on a French smuggler ship headed to New Paris.

With no one to take care of her, she wandered the streets of New Paris. Some took pity and gave the poor beggar child with the wavy blue hair food, and somehow, she was able to survive the next few years of her life.

At the age of 10, she started Thieving. At first, just to survive, stealing food. But as life went on for Emilie she became better and better her newfound hobby. She soon started stealing jewels, trinkets, blankets and anything else she wanted. She worked at night, and developed good vision and stealth. Everyone had forgotten the beggar child with the wavy blue hair, she was now known as Black Saber, a legendary thief.

At the age of 14 she was recruited by a captain of a small sloop as a lookout. Her skills were unbelievable, as she was able to spot ships miles away without a looking glass, as well as feel storms coming. However, due to her nature she quickly became a bother, then a nuisance to the pirates on board. The next time they came to port, she disembarked and was forced to quit. While on land, she thieved, and while recruited by pirates she served as a lookout. During this time she was forced to walk on the plank twice, as well as disembark in the nearby ports and make a run for her life.

Her skills as a thief kept rising and soon, everyone knew the name Black Saber. It was rumored she could even steal the beard of Blackbeard if she wanted to. Yet her personality and her attitude never made it clear she was Black Saber. In fact, she didn't even use her nickname, nor did she ever want to be called that.

Now at the age of 17, after passing through the service of several pirate ships, she finds herself again on the island of New Paris, looking for her next adventure.


Just Smile.
Reaction score

The Streets, Vensponic

The two of them, Scribbles and the captain walked through the streets, drenched with rain. The winds picked up faster and faster, to the point that they were leaning forwards to even walk. The captain followed Scribbles strides as he brought him through maze after maze of back alleys and streets, seemingly at random. The captain yelled at scribbles, but to no avail, he simply followed behind him, until they seemingly went into circles and circles. After a long while they turned down a street leading to the main street, the cobble stones were slippery as they walked against the wind and turned right down the main street. There were people outside, three woman and a kid, and two bodies on the ground, flooding the streets with diluted blood.

They were the captains men, and knew saw them, but he didn’t care. He wanted Gull and he wanted them now. He grabbed scribbles by the back of his shift and pushed him forward screaming something in French he didn’t understand. “We-were n-nearing the nest of the bird now.” Scribbles pointed to the Sea Foxes Inn and continued to walk towards it, the captain working far quicker than him to reach their, he was inside the building before long, passing the woman without giving them a second glance. Scribbles himself walked past the girls and into the bar a short while later.

Jonathan Sanzio (Wills) 'Scribbles'
Name: Jonathan Sanzio [Wills]
Nickname: Scribbles
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Tattoos: A Jolly Roger is tattooed on his Shoulder blade.
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: None
Affiliation: None
  1. Cartography: Scribbles is an expert in cartography, the creation of maps. He has many maps he uses that were drawn and created by himself of different regions of the Colombian he has been too.
  2. Navigation: He is an expert in navigation, he can lead a ship from anywhere to any other island in the Colombian.
  3. Charismatic: He has no problems talking to people, and finds getting his message across easy. He can distinguish between proper and improper etiquette when face with a person quickly and effectively.
  4. Spanish: He can speak and write Spanish, which he learned from his foster family many years ago.
  1. Strength: Scribbles is weak physically, he can be over powered simply enough, and has trouble with heavy lifting.
  2. Combat: He cannot defend himself in a fight with anyone who is trained in combat, and prefers to slink away to the back when a fight starts.
  3. Sanity: He is completely insane from his close encounter with the Kracken leaving his mind destroyed and insane. He speaks gibberish mostly and has problems focusing for long periods of time.
  4. Obsessive: When ever something catches his interest he races off to find out all he can about it, where it is, how to get there, then for months he can talk about nothing else but what he’s obsessed about, often letting important things go.
Appearance: Link – All over his arms are various sketches of maps and doodles he has done when no paper was near him, and stranger still, he uses them as a map of he areas he has sketched on himself. On his belt is a pouch attached to it which carries various inks and pens that he uses when creating his maps, and on the other is a tube that holds all sorts of papers and finished maps in it.
Weapons: Scribbles has a rapier that he can use incase of an emergency, though it is hardly a match against most opponents. He also has a pistol he can use, though rarely does.
Personality: Scribbles is a lover of treasure and freedom. He will travel the globe for the thrill and excitement of treasure hunting. In his days as a pirate it became quite clear that harming people was something Scribbles was not comfortable with, and refused any training in combat, saying he could defeat most opponents with his tongue alone. But above treasure are his friends and family, valuing them above all else, at least he believe he would. But after the assault of the Kraken he was never the same. His attitude was all over the map, he became unpredictable and careless, and the things he used to love were nothing more than shiny trinkets now. Anywhere he goes, it’s impossible to know what he would do next.
Biography: Jonathan was born to Edward Wills and Helen Wills back in England – which is where he spent a great portion of his childhood. As a young boy he spent most of his life attending fancy schools built only for Britain’s brightness and richest to attend. His family was certainly not poor, that was sure. They had plenty of money, and when he asked his parents how they got so much money, they would typically tell him how they were all heirs to the Williams nobility and laugh. He never understood it for a long time, though eventually as he grew older he learned that he was currently fifty-third in line for the Williams nobility. It wasn’t till even later he learned that it was much more of a joke than any real chance. As it stood, over fifty people would need to be killed for him to claim the title.

Many of the other kids at the school were masters of many different things, math, science, yet Jonathan was unique from them all. He was a master of geography – more over, a master of navigation and cartography. It didn’t prove to help him in school, his grades were poor over all, though he had been told numerous times he would make a good navigator on a naval ship. He considered that a possible goal, but it was a dangerous life, full of fighting and pirates. His parents moved out to the Colombian to Port of Britannia, with him in toe when they had good job offerings there, and a chance to get even richer. They told him it would be a good chance for him to learn and get experience in what he did best.

Unfortunately a storm brought them along the southern tip of the British Shoal where the ship was ambushed by French pirate slavers. All the adults were killed in the raid and the children cuffed and taken away, the ship they were aboard was burnt to the ground. They brought them far south past Devils Cay to the Bandits Reef. Plenty of coral and tropical fish swam around, the land was mostly beach, a few buildings and some trees, it looked beautiful, aside from the rows and rows of tied up slaves. Many were bought everyday, and even more came. After a week at the reef the French pirates who took him decided to take him as their own slave, and sent him to work on their ship, chained up the whole time, with the barrel of a gun in his face. This continued for a few weeks before the ship was run down and boarded by the Spanish navy. The pirates were defeated in the end, yet the captain escaped; he was Captain Pierre Gaspar. Jonathan was a free man again.

The problem was he was only eleven at the time, and he was left to scavenge the streets of the Harbor of the Queen, he bagged for food and did any job he could. He was bagging on the streets when a woman took notice of him, he could only speak a few phrases of Spanish, and she spoke very little English, but she decided to take him to her home. Jonathan had no idea what to take of this encounter, but the woman seemed nice enough. He worked hard everyday; he had to show them his gratitude. He cleaned and cooked and looked after their daughter, she was younger than he; she was only 7 when he came but his birthday came before his. It felt like she resent him, and it wasn’t unreasonable of her, a stranger came in to her home.

The caregiver in charge of Isabella was fired a few weeks after he came in to live with them, leaving him in charge of her. It took a long while before Isabella took to him, he had learned much Spanish by this point and he could talk the language fairly well. She started to eat the food he made, and ask him favors or to read to her, often she would ask him to create a story or tell her one, and not to read it. Over the years he tried to teach her English and she did what she could to help him along with learning Spanish. By the time he was fifteen they could both speak either language fluently.

This last year for Jonathan was the most influential on his life. He learned more and more about his family. As he was up and about doing chores, or gathering groceries his adoptive parents were always a hot topic. Ricardo Sanzio was a famous man, he was growing in popularity among the population, and he was building favor among the people, ready to take a leap forward to become an Advisor to Governor Francisco II. Yet many people would question him, after all he adopted someone of British decent, as such his rival Geraldo Romez played off this, building up his support and working his way ahead. Jonathan couldn’t tolerate it for ever.

He could overhear his adoptive parents talking about it occasionally, and they agreed they wouldn’t disown him or anything of the sort, yet he wasn’t alright with that. On his sixteenth birthday he snuck out of the house and left on his own adventure. He knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to explore the world, and collect treasures. He took the first ship he could out of the harbor and it had brought him to Vensponic. The place was filled with pirates, and he looked hard for a ship to become a crewman off, a navigator perhaps. He looked long and hard for a treasure hunter as well, not a bandit. He lived in Vensponic for a few months doing odd jobs and practically lived in the Sea Fox. His room had his name carved into it along with different notes he wanted to take. It wasn’t unusual; many patrons of the bar did such things.

Eventually he found a treasure hunting vessel docked and he talked to the captain, asking to be a member of his crew. It took much convincing, but the captain allowed him aboard the ship, under a strict trial period. They set sail a few days later, and Jonathan proved himself time and time again, leading the ship and backtracking with the maps he created on the go; causing everyone to call him scribbles, so much that his real name was long lost to all. They traveled the entire Colombian, collecting treasures where ever they traveled.

When Scribbles was twenty his ship went after a prized treasure, one said to be divided into three pieces far to the west. Jonathan and the captain learned the tale from another, and were told that the treasure was alright sought after by a man with a far greater reputation than they could hope to match. Captain Gull, a fairly old man, with many amputations it appeared. Scribbles and the captain began talking to this Old Gull, and showed their interest in the treasure where they agreed to a challenge, a race to the treasure. Both parties agreed and departed the port for the search of a powerful artifact. The ships were close together though most of the voyage; they aided each other if either came to any troubles, a very friendly race. Yet the two ships split paths in the final departure of the race leaving from the Eagle Coast. Scribbles headed north to the frozen ice sheet. Tragedy struck in the open ocean to the ship unfortunately.

As the water began to bubble around the ship huge tentacles wrapped themselves around the hull of the ship, constricting it; an attack by the fabled kraken. The ship was under great stress, crew men shot and stabbed the appendages with all they had yet it was all in vain. The hull snapped and filled with water. Next the ship was torn in half and everyone fell strait into the water. Scribbles sank far. He stared into the beak of the creature He swam with all his might to flee, to the point he could stare the beast in the eye, its eye far larger than his whole body. A tentacle lashed to him and sent him flying though the water into the sea floor, watching as people were sucked into its maw, and blood slowly drifted to the surface. He felt a tug at his collar and he was getting dragged through the water away from the kraken, to his side he saw what looked to be a long fishes tail, yet a human hand gripped his collar he saw beautiful golden hair flowing to him, he didn’t remember much past that, he fell unconscious from a lack of air.

When he awoke he was on a beach over looking the ocean. He slowly sat up, and looked out over the horizon to see what appeared to be a golden haired person sing into the water never to emerge. He stumbled though the beach until he found civilization, Puerto del Sol. Unfortunately he suffered greatly from the attack, his mind couldn’t perform as it used to be able to. He had gone insane. He spoke ridiculously and found the strangest things of interest.

Over the following years he lived though charity and traveled over the waters by ships willing to bring him with them. He did eventually find a ship willing to have him aboard full time, for he was still an expert navigator just far more interesting than most would enjoy. Over the many years the ship docked though many ports across the sea, it was a small trade ship, controlled by no country, buying and selling as they saw fit. The ship was docked in New Paris when many of the crew was arrested for unlawful trafficking of slaves, and indeed, they did sell and trade slaves. Scribbles didn’t fully understand what slaves were; any they believed Scribbles himself to be a slave. He ended up staying in New Paris waiting for the Captain, Joshua Breton, to return to him and tell them to leave port. He didn’t realize that the captain was long since hanged and he would not see him again.

Outside Sea Fox’s Inn, Port of Vensponic

The last of the men retreated leaving his friends in the streets. The wind picked up harder and harder, the rain became heavier, the storm was starting in full swing now. In an hour at most it could be deadly the leave shelter. The young French woman started to… Pandora had no idea. Bust before she came to her, two men came down the street, one of the older and angry, yelling something, the other was fairly young, and getting pushed around. The younger man seemed oddly familiar to her, but she wasn’t sure… until it hit her, she winced slightly. Was it Jonathan? Could it be?

She watched him as he walked into the Inn after the older man, and she raced in behind them. She reached her hand out around the door know as she ran, but never turned it around fully, causing her to ram herself into the door as high speed. She stumbled backwards before falling down onto her ass. Slowly she propped herself back up and opened the door properly this time, as she came in, patrons all over stared at her. Her face grew crimson with embarrassment.

Isabella Sanzio 'Pandora'
Name: Isabella Sanzio
Nickname: Pandora
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Tattoo: Two cutlasses forming a cross on her shoulder.
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: Spanish
Alignment: None
Affiliation: None
  1. Sword Fighting: Pandora is an expert in sword fighting, she is a force to fear in hand to hand combat where she can dance and slash circles around even the most trained opponents, it would be an understatement to call her good.
  2. English:She is able to speak English, a language she learned from her adoptive brother.
  1. Interpretation: Despite her great combat abilities, Pandora is clueless in anything that would require signals. She constantly confuses them, and she has a hard time differentiating any body language or tones people send her way.
  2. Emotional: She is also a very emotional person, she acts on how she feels, not on how things would work out logically, yet she refuses to acknowledge it as such, and will try to logically reason her emotional response to others, to appear as a logical thinker and to convince them her was is the correct way.
Appearance: Link – Pandora usually has one eye covered by a golden-brown eye patch, though her eye works perfectly fine, for when night comes her eye will be adjusted to the dark and she will have no problems finding her way around. As well, she carries a amulet around her neck at all times, a thin silver chain attached to a strange bird like symbol made of sapphire. Her eyes typically have black make up around them, making the blue stand out more, but only for cosmetic reasons.
Weapons: On each of Pandora’s hips is a scabbard holding a cutlass; she is well trained and prefers to fight while using two cutlasses over any other method. Although she does carry with her a pistol attached to her leg n cause of an emergency. Lastly the heels of her boots have a blade running the length of the heel along the back. This allows her two cut people with just a kick if she was caught empty handed. The blade is black steel making it blend in with her boots and help to avoid any detection.
Personality: Isabella is a woman that can act and feel comfortable either alone or in the presence of others, though she much prefers being alone. When in front of people she acts tough and puts up fronts to seem like she’s unbreakable, though while she’s alone that front will break and she becomes a different more sensitive person. Although she is against murder, she has no qualms about killing in self defense. She has a soft spot for animals, and cares more for their safety than most living people.
Biography: Isabella was born to Ana Sanzio and Ricardo Sanzio in the Harbor of the Queen. Her father worked as a Representative to the Port of Isabella, and her mother was a baker in a small bakery. Both of her parents were out of the house much of the day. Her mother worked twelve hour days and her father was gone for weeks at a time to the port of Isabella on work. This left Isabella at home with a caregiver for most of her life. That was until the day her mother found a boy on the streets begging for money or food. Her mother always had a soft spot for kids, and at this time it was very unusual for beggars or the homeless. Especially in the harbor, most people had jobs, and nearly all children had parents. But not this boy, her mother adopted the child and gave him shelter in their home. His name was Jonathan and he was of British decent.

Over the weeks following he would do all sorts of chores around the house, mostly cleaning and cooking. Isabella began to resent him, he got all the attention from her parents because of how well behaved and how much he helped around the house. After a few more weeks her parents thought that they wouldn’t need the caregiver anymore, and fired her. Her new adoptive brother would be the one who was to take care of her from then on out, despite her reluctance.

She started to make messes on purpose, reject his food, and all the while he would keep cleaning and keep cooking, never saying anything to her. She was seven when Jonathan came to live with them, he was only twelve. Over the year Pandora’s hate for her adoptive brother withered and they started to become closer. He would read her books if she asked, and they would teach each other to speak their languages, Pandora learned English from him. They because close as if they were brother and sister since birth, Yet, when she was twelve and Jonathan turned 16, she ran to his room to see him, yet she found nothing there. He was gone, and he never even said good bye. She cried all day, and was one of the last times anyone would see her that way again. She started growing distant from others, and started to appear tougher and less sensitive.

She never got another caregiver; he parents believe she was old enough to care for herself. He wait dropped drastically, she wouldn’t cook herself any food, and she seemed to do absolutely nothing anymore. But as she laid in bed one night she began to change. She told herself to start acting independently and to not rely on others to do the work for her. She started to cook for herself, and secretly taught herself sword fighting. On her sixteenth birthday She woke early morning when the sun was still raising, to find a small box at the foot of her bed. It was from her parents, inside was a small note written in Spanish.

Isabella, we both know, and we want you to never forget who you are or where you are from, never forget your family, though I’m sure you won’t, after all, your going after your family today aren’t you?

Below the note was a small amulet, silver chain with a symbol carved of sapphire on it. It had been granted to her father for his work by the king of Spain himself. Her father was responsible for improving connection between the harbor of the queen, and port Isabella. He improved both of their economies with her various plans and strategies, and there was talk of making him a Advisor to the Colonial leader.

Her parents were right of course, she was headed out to find her brother, Jonathan. But it was more than that, she wanted to be free, to do as she wanted; and she wanted to be independent. She started off taking any trade ships she could to travel around to find her brother, and when the ships were attacked by pirates she would defend with them with two Cutlasses she was given by the ships crew. At first she had troubles, but she learned quickly and could fight well, but she only got better and better after each fight. When she landed in Engova and said her good byes to the ship and its crew, they were never seen or heard of by anyone ever again. He next ship brought her to the British Shoal, and that ship sank a few hundred feet from the shore.

In the shoal, she was watched carefully and given no freedoms, she eventually joined a pirate ship and became a bandit of the waters herself. She was a pirate for the many years to follow. Yet, ever ship she was ever on faced hardships, and soon she was left abandoned in Vensponic, no ship wanting the cursed Pandora. Over this time, Engova had become the sought after target or France and Britain, the shoal was hit with a powerful wave, and much of the docks were rebuilt. Everywhere she had been was hit with misfortune it seems.

She gave up her hunt for Jonathan long ago, believing him to be long dead, as no one has ever heard of him.


Reaction score

Inside the Sea Fox's Inn

Whether or not Scotty Van heard the matter outside, the screaming of a french woman, and the moaning of a sailor crying for his mother or the swinging of blades. He wasn't going to move an inch from his glasses of Rum, all of the varying in degrees of volumes, some were half-full, some were empty and some barely touched. "Ah, that poor beautiful basilisk. She charmed me with her eyes and now her magic has worn off." He commented as he took some notice to events earlier on. "Hehe, but tis a shame, nonetheless. Her bite especially her venom is far stronger than any remedy I have for myself. Even so I would gamble parts of my fortune to see her once more..." Gull continued to mumble to himself in a drunken speak that only a few known bartenders could truly translate.

His poorly worded monologue was interrupted by a ramming to the head by what felt to be a wooden rod that quickly battered his face against the bar counter. Shattering the dozens of glasses cased in front of him as they scattered around the perimeter of the old pirate.
Scotty Van, still as intoxicated could barely look up or even hear the attacker until another grabbed him by the neck and met him face to face.
"Old Geezer, do you have the chance of knowing the name of a man who goes by 'Old Gull'." the Pirate interrogating him in french.
"Yes, I am aware of that man's name and face." Scotty Van returned in his native English which only served to infuriate the pirate; to the point where he was going to take another swing at the man but instead a much older man, intervened on the behalf of Scotty Van. This time the rancid breath of the man spoke a tone of English mixed with French.
"What is your name!" the old man retorted. "What is your name!" he said again his English becoming more and more with a French accent. "Tell me! Tell me the name of your birth right, the name of your legacy!" he announced in French.

It was to which, Scotty Van only replied in his humblest of terms, the name not even crossing his mind. The Old Gull.

Almost immediately after the last word muttered by Scotty Van's lips were heard; the four or five men nearest to the old captain like figure drew their own swords. While the captain only gave a smirk and wavered a gesture of halting. He spoke even french that Scotty could not comprehend and the two men grabbed him and removed his legendary rusted blade. Attempting, to lug the drunken privateer who could barely stumble without falling outside of the Inn.

Scotty Van Ellis
Name: Scotty Van Ellis
Nicknames: Gull or Old Gull
Age: 63
Gender: Male
Tattoos: One on his fore arm, that is so stretched out that it is hard to tell that it is a Sea Gull. Given to him by the Vensponic Navy and narrowly escaping execution.
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: The Crew of the Ocean Drifter
  1. French, Scotty Van knows two languages, his primary birth language of English and horribly accented French, that he learned from his French Captives when he was a hostage in his youth.
  2. Navigation, Scotty Van knows the location of nearly every stars, in every month of the year that reside over every sea in the four corners of the Earth. His abilities of navigation are so impressive he has strange rituals to avoid bad luck on the seas, and find ways out of storms.
  3. Knowledge, Scotty van knows many old legends and demons of the sea, and by the number of limbs and organs he has lost in his life. It is obvious he knows them 'personally'.
  1. Disability, Scotty Van has lost many of his limbs, such as his right leg and left arm, and has lost other parts of his body such as his left ear, and left eye.
  2. Alcohol Problem, Scotty Van has a tremendous problem with Alcohol, as if he is not telling stories about his adventures or the legends of the ocean, he is most likely drunk.
  3. Memory Problems, Scotty Van has problems with remembering the timing of events, and people. Sometimes, especially when he is under the influence of alcohol he will just make up things that supposedly happened to him in the past. Making his true journeys that made him a legend from his fake ones kind of to distinguish.
Appearance: Link
Weapons: An ancient sword that he received since he was a child, a sword so practiced upon on the sea, every piece of it is rusted and falling off. Though he keeps it as a treasure he says, as the ancient sword was lost for three years in the mouth of the creature know as Kraken.
Personality: Scotty Van is an unsocial old man, seldom does he talk to his loyal friends and crew mates. His unresponsiveness can make people feel a tad suspicious and a bit paranoid of his nature, but Scotty Van won't harm anyone unless you threaten first.
Brief Bio: Scotty Van Ellis, grew up as a peasant in the northern lands of Scotland, back in the time when Scotland and England were separate kingdoms and the new world seemed to be a threatening place, and this 'America' intimidating, but at the age of sixteen the Ellis' left the homeland of Scotland and headed to the British Colombia, a newly found colony at the time. Though Scotty Van did not become a privateer just like that, at first he was on the opposite side of the spectrum, a Tradesmen, but it wasn't till he was twenty-one that his trade ship was raided and looted for all its good, and he was taken as a hostage by a group of pirates.
Though, Scotty Van wasn't killed or forced to walk the plank, he was a mere pet, for French pirates for an entire year. In this year, he learned the basics of French and by the time of his release he was able to speak nearly fluently to the pirates (that barely knew the language themselves). When the pirates discovered this, they grew tired of the man and tried to kill him, but in a struggle of power. Scotty Van was able to murder the entire ship by lighting the ship aflame and narrowly escaping into the sea and entered into the world of Privatizing. He than set off to become part of a Crew on the shores of Blackmoor, however he got more than he bargained for, as he became Captain of the Legendary "Sea Urchine", also known as "The Ship with Metal Spikes", in only a two years, after killing the former captain in a Munity. This prized ship used its metal spikes to carve its way through enemy ships by charing into them and than hopping across to steal plunder and loot before the ship gave way to the sea. It was this unusual strategy vested most navies at the time and even fended off Kraken, on more than one occasion, by so-called legend. However, little is known about what truly happened to the ship fifteen years ago when Scotty Van took his crew to uncharted lands, hoping to find a mysterious cursed treasure, supposedly so powerful it was spilt into three. Many legends have sprouted about what happened to the ship, but only the survivor, Captain Scotty Van could tell someone the truth, but even he has remained silent about the endeavor. Now Days, Scotty Van is a traveler on many ships, spending the last of his golden treasure on booze and cheap ladies, to make his days fonder. He mainly is hired to tell tales, and aid his patrons in the Arts of Navigation for the discovery of legendary items and places, all for a certain price.
Pet's Name: Scott
Nickname's: None
Owner: Scotty Van
Species: Dog
Appearance: Link
Notes: Scott, the trusty sidekick of Scotty Van, will only response to Scott and nothing else. Just as a warning, he has been known to attack when tempted.​


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Outside the Sea Fox's Inn, Port of Vensponic

Shouting around the corner. Amber straightened, groaning as she did, half out of pain, half out of anticipation. French. Was it more men? Part of the same gang they’d just scattered? She sure wasn’t up to any more fighting if that was the case. What had this little French girl done to have an entire horde of pirates after her?

It turned out, however, that her fears were misplaced. The pirates who turned the corner were not after her or them, indeed, the old, grizzled one who seemed to be the leader did not appear to notice them at all – or oddly enough the two dead bodies either. He had eyes only for the inn, eyes burning with hunger, one which would not be satisfied by food or ale. The girl seemed to recognize them though, as did the Woman too. Amber wished then that she knew or could ask what exactly she had gotten herself into.

The men entered the inn, and the Woman followed. The thought of a warm fire, dry clothes, a hot drink, and a good explanation crossed Amber’s mind then, but before she had a chance to act upon it, the doors of the Sea Fox’s inn burst open once again, and the lecherous old fart from earlier was thrown out into the rain – violently. The men from earlier followed him out. Their weapons were drawn. Amber sighed.

Amber Sommers 'Angel'
Name: Amber Sommers
Nickname: Angel (something of a joke from the locals)
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: N/A
  1. Gunslinger: An expert marksman and incredibly fast on the draw.
  2. Sleight of Hand: Amber is known to dabble in the tricks of thieves and magicians, and is not above employing any sort of deceit or ploy to achieve her ends.
  • Melee combat: While not totally inept (you have to have some ability to be able to survive in the dog-eat-dog world out there…), in any serious encounter, Amber is a liability.
  • Personality: Brave, reckless, and mouthy, a combination that’s more likely to get you killed than anything else.

Appearance: Link: Lithe and slender like some predatory cat, with uncomfortably long blonde hair and deep amber eyes. She wears mostly black, revealing in a way that is most definitely scandalous, and always sports that kooky hat.
Weapons: Identical twin pistols each with five rounds per reload, a knife in her right boot, and a hidden blade strapped onto her left forearm which becomes a handy wrist-blade with a quick bend of a hand.
Personality: Bold, Fiery, Impetuous, Haughty, Flippant, Roguish
Biography: The fifth child and third daughter of a reputable British nobleman, Amber grew up in the upper districts of the British Shoal, receiving all the education and instruction that was proper for a pampered young lady of the times. It was not the life she wanted, however. The pretentious manner in which the nobility carried themselves, the endless feuding between noble families, and the way everyone expected her to live and act – it was almost as if they had already planned out her entire future! And they did, as she found out to her intense displeasure on her seventeenth birthday: they had arranged her marriage to another promising young noble, one whom she knew nothing about, and had never even met in her life.

It was all too much, and Amber had never been one to think clearly before acting - she left. Left behind the rules and restrictions of the nobility, left behind their petty games and politics, left behind the world of endless parties and ball gowns, left behind the shadow of her siblings and her parents who did not love her, to pursue something more, something different – her own life: a life of adventure and freedom.

She did miss her siblings now and again, especially Christian, who had been the eldest, and Elizabeth, who had been her closest friend and confidant, but the decision was made, and she was never going back.


Reaction score
Outside the Sea Fox's Inn, Port of Vensponic

The Inn Doors were flung open, as if rammed forward and a heavy splash soon followed. A muddy puddle of the cobblestone path, was soon sent scattered as Scotty Van, his bones somehow still intact, was thrown into the street.
A heavy splash, replaced a muddy puddle of the cobblestone path as Scotty Van, surprisingly his bones still intact, was thrown into the streets.

Almost immediately after this, the strangely straight figure of the old captain appeared out of the doorway, his small army of three or four leftover goons trailed behind. Who now surrounded their 'pray'. He had no where to run but the sea, and in his condition he would easily drown. But the Captain looked once more and told his men to drop their arms, he than looked directly at Scotty's Face, eye to eye they met.
"You took everything! I gave you my trust, but you threw it away for your own pride and gains. My life as the great adventurer, my dreams cut short. Now we will decide who is the true owner of the island, and the titles you have gained in this community of piracy." he yelled drawing his own cutlass. "Draw you blade Gull, or meet your end!"

However, Scotty Van, probably too drunk to even break a stumble couldn't withdraw his blade and sat awkwardly in the muddy puddle below him. His opponent only chuckled as he practiced swinging his sword, in a manner that would slice a mans head off. It wasn't till the tip of his blade was two feet away that he was cut off, intercepted by another cutlass between him and Scotty van.

Its position was not very steady and trembled in the small hands of Arlen, because of its heavier size and longer length it was awkwardly place in his right hand's grasp. His other smaller blade in his left, it was a strange combination, that made him slightly off balanced, but he still managed to hold off the elderly attacker.
"So this is your savior, Gull? A boy?" bursting into laughter, harder than anytime, but as one of his goons reached to grab Arlen, the Captain stopped him. "If this inexperienced wielder wishes to duel on Gull's behave let him. However, I hope you know, boy, you are fighting for deceiving pirate, and you will die by his side."

Arlen only smirked at the old man. "Bloody Confident you are, I can't read them maps or directions across the sea, and this old sap is the only thing I can use." he explained as he swung his heavier cutlass against his new opponent causing him to become out of balance and miss step. The Captains taking advantage of this missed attack, flung him to the side. Right into the reaches and the grasps of one of his few more muscular crew members that was outside of the Inn, who grabbed Arlen around the torso and arms squeezing him and restraining his movements.

Arlen Williams
Name: Arlen Williams
Nicknames: Shark Bait
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Tattoos: None
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: None, at this present time
  1. Sword Fighting, one of the only thing, Sir Amen's taught him purposely. Alren is good with many kinds of swords and is able to wield two swords but he is far from being called a master and could easily be beaten if the enemy cheats.
  2. Agility, Alren is fast, and can quickly escape from matters if he starts sprinting. Making catching up to him, quite hard, and for those old slow pirates, nearly impossible.
  3. Blood of Nobility, Arlen closest kept secret is that he is one of the central heirs of the Williams Nobility. His name can be useful on British Shorelines, and save himself from the gallows; but could be his death among pirates
  1. Illiteracy, Alren or Shark Bait, can barely read individual letters correctly, let alone complex words of English and other languages used by nobles and sometimes, pirates.
  2. Poor navigation, Alren is unable to read a compass, and is horrible in finding directions, whether this be Left and Right, or North, East, South and West. No one should listen to Alren in the navigation front, as he will surely lead everyone in the wrong direction
  3. Weight & Height, Arlen can easily be picked up or manhandled, because of his height and light weight. Meaning any semi-musculuar pirate could easily grab Arlen and keep him quiet.
  4. Alcohol Lightweight, Arlen is a lightweight with alcohol, especially the amount of it in Rum. He will easily become sick, drunk or pass out with only a few glasses.
Appearance: Link - Arlen is average height for his age, which is short compared to most pirates on the sea and his weight is somewhat under what it could be and overall he has some muscle strength. He wears an over large white tunic, that has been cut in a V formation showing most of his chest and torso and can fall off during battle (because its worn so loosely). His pants are also too big for him, forcing him to wear a belt. The only thing that does properly fit him is his Brown Bandanna like most pirates with their hats, he treats his bandanna with respect and will go back to find it if he ever loses it in a location.
Weapons: A silver dagger, the last remembrance of his home in Port Britannia and his family, that wasn't lost to the storm; crested with the seal of the William's Nobility, it is his most prize possession and a common sword he got stealing from an unconscious drunk.
Personality: Arlen, or what he prefers to call himself, Shark or Shark Bait, is a loud and cheerful lad. He is easily amused with stories, legends or jokes, (even though he usually doesn't understand them) as if nothing could tear him down. However, in reality Arlen can be very serious and requires moral support of others and acceptance into a group to do anything right. Whether that be a crew of pirates, or a group of prisoners, he hates being alone in any circumstance.
Biography: Arlen Williams, the name Arlen keeps to himself; son of the Late Commodore Rodger Williams of England and his wife, Lady Victoria Williams, the daughter of the former Governor Williams of the British Colombia and central heir to the Williams Nobility. In childhood, well younger childhood (5 or 6), Arlen was suppose to grow up like any male in his nobility and follow after his father; becoming a Navy Officer. His cousins all much older already being ship commanders and lieutenants while his female cousins prepared to be courted and his older relatives dealt with the nobility and nation-wide issues. However that so-called prophecy that would be his career was cut short after Arlen's family moving to a newly functioning island of Euphya - that lacked a commandeering officer - from the heavily guarded Port of Britannia. A voyage such as this was followed by an entire fleet, after all, the admiral and nobility were on board, yet it is usually requested that ships go north, but unusual weather, assumed to be a hurricane, didn’t allow that option. In a rush to get to Euphya the fleet turned to the south.
It was an excellent move in the beginning, as the winds guided them swiftly around the island of British Shoal, but quickly after losing sight of shore, disaster struck the fleet in the open waters of the sea, as the weather quickly changed from a calm cloudy day to a perfect stormy night that turned winds in any so direction. The last thing Arlen remembers, is being on deck with his father, who ordered him to go back inside the ship, but before he could do so, the masts came undone and he was pushed aside before being struck across the head, and causing him to fall unconscious, only to wake up marooned, on a floating piece of wreckage, forsaken to be devoured by the sea. To his luck a group of Privateers loyal to the Former governor and the King of Britain, found him along the route to Euphya only a day after the event. The captain of this crew was known as “Sir Amens”, his name a joke for being a so-called "Pirate Knight" that hunted other pirates as a duty. While welcoming the boy to their fleet, it took almost a year before Sir Amens realized that his Cabin Boy, whom they rescued was of his noble family he served, but he knew it was already too late, the damage to him was already done and the crew could not recall the names of any relative in the nobility, or where they would be located. Speaking that all of his relatives assumed he would be dead, and trying to find a new place for him would be too dangerous, as a central heir. They did the only reasonable thing they could and kept him aboard the ship as a crew member, to learn the basics to piracy. It is now at the age of 12 that Arlen, or now called, Shark Bait, wished for more then Sir Amen's fleet and was granted the permission to leave the crew, even though odds were not on his side. Hoping to return as his own legend.

Scotty Van Ellis
Name: Scotty Van Ellis
Nicknames: Gull or Old Gull
Age: 63
Gender: Male
Tattoos: One on his fore arm, that is so stretched out that it is hard to tell that it is a Sea Gull. Given to him by the Vensponic Navy and narrowly escaping execution.
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: The Crew of the Ocean Drifter
  1. French, Scotty Van knows two languages, his primary birth language of English and horribly accented French, that he learned from his French Captives when he was a hostage in his youth.
  2. Navigation, Scotty Van knows the location of nearly every stars, in every month of the year that reside over every sea in the four corners of the Earth. His abilities of navigation are so impressive he has strange rituals to avoid bad luck on the seas, and find ways out of storms.
  3. Knowledge, Scotty van knows many old legends and demons of the sea, and by the number of limbs and organs he has lost in his life. It is obvious he knows them 'personally'.
  1. Disability, Scotty Van has lost many of his limbs, such as his right leg and left arm, and has lost other parts of his body such as his left ear, and left eye.
  2. Alcohol Problem, Scotty Van has a tremendous problem with Alcohol, as if he is not telling stories about his adventures or the legends of the ocean, he is most likely drunk.
  3. Memory Problems, Scotty Van has problems with remembering the timing of events, and people. Sometimes, especially when he is under the influence of alcohol he will just make up things that supposedly happened to him in the past. Making his true journeys that made him a legend from his fake ones kind of to distinguish.
Appearance: Link
Weapons: An ancient sword that he received since he was a child, a sword so practiced upon on the sea, every piece of it is rusted and falling off. Though he keeps it as a treasure he says, as the ancient sword was lost for three years in the mouth of the creature know as Kraken.
Personality: Scotty Van is an unsocial old man, seldom does he talk to his loyal friends and crew mates. His unresponsiveness can make people feel a tad suspicious and a bit paranoid of his nature, but Scotty Van won't harm anyone unless you threaten first.
Brief Bio: Scotty Van Ellis, grew up as a peasant in the northern lands of Scotland, back in the time when Scotland and England were separate kingdoms and the new world seemed to be a threatening place, and this 'America' intimidating, but at the age of sixteen the Ellis' left the homeland of Scotland and headed to the British Colombia, a newly found colony at the time. Though Scotty Van did not become a privateer just like that, at first he was on the opposite side of the spectrum, a Tradesmen, but it wasn't till he was twenty-one that his trade ship was raided and looted for all its good, and he was taken as a hostage by a group of pirates.
Though, Scotty Van wasn't killed or forced to walk the plank, he was a mere pet, for French pirates for an entire year. In this year, he learned the basics of French and by the time of his release he was able to speak nearly fluently to the pirates (that barely knew the language themselves). When the pirates discovered this, they grew tired of the man and tried to kill him, but in a struggle of power. Scotty Van was able to murder the entire ship by lighting the ship aflame and narrowly escaping into the sea and entered into the world of Privatizing. He than set off to become part of a Crew on the shores of Blackmoor, however he got more than he bargained for, as he became Captain of the Legendary "Sea Urchine", also known as "The Ship with Metal Spikes", in only a two years, after killing the former captain in a Munity. This prized ship used its metal spikes to carve its way through enemy ships by charing into them and than hopping across to steal plunder and loot before the ship gave way to the sea. It was this unusual strategy vested most navies at the time and even fended off Kraken, on more than one occasion, by so-called legend. However, little is known about what truly happened to the ship fifteen years ago when Scotty Van took his crew to uncharted lands, hoping to find a mysterious cursed treasure, supposedly so powerful it was spilt into three. Many legends have sprouted about what happened to the ship, but only the survivor, Captain Scotty Van could tell someone the truth, but even he has remained silent about the endeavor. Now Days, Scotty Van is a traveler on many ships, spending the last of his golden treasure on booze and cheap ladies, to make his days fonder. He mainly is hired to tell tales, and aid his patrons in the Arts of Navigation for the discovery of legendary items and places, all for a certain price.
Pet's Name: Scott
Nickname's: None
Owner: Scotty Van
Species: Dog
Appearance: Link
Notes: Scott, the trusty sidekick of Scotty Van, will only response to Scott and nothing else. Just as a warning, he has been known to attack when tempted.​


~Choco Coronet~ Omnomnom
Reaction score

Outside the Sea Fox's Inn, Port of Vensponic​
Rain fell heavily down onto the ground. Five men, Emilie counted, not including the captain, who was at this point grimacing with a grin so wicked it could shatter a mans soul. She watched the scene unfolding. Something in her gut told her, no, urged her to save the man on the ground, as he looked up pitifully. She had grown to hate the captain and the entire crew for using her skills and then abandoning her, like many before did. Then the boy, brandishing a sword a bit too heavy it seemed, or maybe it was just the rain that gave him a hint of clumsiness as he held it, stood before the captain. Certainly for a boy he held a firm stance, but as he swung his inexperience, or the rain, or just damned luck on the captains side made him miss a crucial step. The captain hit him aside, forcing him into the crowd of men. One of them grabbed his chest from behind, firmly holding his shoulders so that he couldn't move. Another man held his sword arm to the point of breaking it seemed and the boy twitched in pain, dropping his sword.

Common sense went away. She would not abandon someone who at least tried to help her. In a brisk movement Emilie pulled two knives from her chest tossing one at the pirate who held the young boys hand. The knife hit the man, almost piercing his lower arm, as he screamed for pain and let go of the boy. The other knife flew and Emilie gasped as she realised it was off target. The rain had made her fumble her throw and the knife headed straight towards the neck of the boy.

Name: Emilie de Lorme
Nickname: Black Saber (Although she never uses it)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Tattoos: None
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: French
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: None.

1. Light on her feet – When Emilie moves she makes next to no sound, a trait she developed from her occupation as a Thief.
2. Acrobat – Emilie can climb almost anything and balance on thin ledges with ease. She is also a fairly fast runner.
3. Knives Mastery – The only weapons she ever uses are knives and daggers, being able to throw them very well, and fight better than an average knife user.
4. Good Senses – Working mostly at night, Emilie has adapted to hear smell and see things far better than most. She makes an excellent lookout, a skill which had her working on seven pirate ships.


1. Tiny – Due to her Tiny frame, Emilie can not perform feats of strength well. Furthermore she can be easily picked up and even thrown.
2. Can't handle Guns – If Emilie ever got a gun to fire, she would probably shoot herself in the leg than do anything else. She also dislikes guns and is a bit afraid of them.
3. Childish – Her personality gets her into a lot of trouble with pirates, as she gets easily bored and tends to do other things, like climbing and jumping around the boat and making a mess, before being a lookout. She also likes trinkets and is known to take or steal things if she wants them.
4. Illiterate – Due to her uneducated childhood she can not read nor write. Furthermore, anyone attempting to teach her would fail due to her short attention span.

Appearance: Link. Emilie has a tiny frame, weighing only 39 kilograms (86 pounds) and being 143 cm tall (4 feet 7 inches). She dresses up in clothes that usually don't hinder movement, with
knee high boots. Her favourite dress colours are blue and green, and she likes wearing trinkets. She never takes of her green pendant, a memory from her childhood.
Weapons: 8 Daggers. The longest one is in the front of her skirt. She has four more throwing daggers in her boots (2 in each), one on each side of her chest, hidden under her top, and a stilleto dagger hidden in the back of her skirt.
Personality: Emilie is very carefree and mischievous. She is generally distrusting, although she doesn't show it. She dislikes water and guns. Due to her very short attention span she has difficulty obeying orders and tends to get bored easily, which several times got her near killed. She also likes to rasp and taunt her opponents, sometimes even when she shouldn't do so. Emilie also likes to sleep a lot.
Biography: Emilie's mother died giving birth to her. While she was an infant, her father was miserable with his life in France, so he decided to move and leave everything behind. They started a journey to New Paris on the island of St. Dominique on board a merchant ship. Emilie was 6 at the time.

The ship was intercepted by Pirates loyal to the British crown, near the island of Logos. The ship was boarded, and Emilie's father hid her under the decks. After the shouting and guns stopped, there was only the voices speaking an unfamiliar language. A pirate searched the bottom decks and found Emilie hiding in a cupboard. He took pity on her and let her live. He smuggled her in a box on a French smuggler ship headed to New Paris.

With no one to take care of her, she wandered the streets of New Paris. Some took pity and gave the poor beggar child with the wavy blue hair food, and somehow, she was able to survive the next few years of her life.

At the age of 10, she started Thieving. At first, just to survive, stealing food. But as life went on for Emilie she became better and better her newfound hobby. She soon started stealing jewels, trinkets, blankets and anything else she wanted. She worked at night, and developed good vision and stealth. Everyone had forgotten the beggar child with the wavy blue hair, she was now known as Black Saber, a legendary thief.

At the age of 14 she was recruited by a captain of a small sloop as a lookout. Her skills were unbelievable, as she was able to spot ships miles away without a looking glass, as well as feel storms coming. However, due to her nature she quickly became a bother, then a nuisance to the pirates on board. The next time they came to port, she disembarked and was forced to quit. While on land, she thieved, and while recruited by pirates she served as a lookout. During this time she was forced to walk on the plank twice, as well as disembark in the nearby ports and make a run for her life.

Her skills as a thief kept rising and soon, everyone knew the name Black Saber. It was rumored she could even steal the beard of Blackbeard if she wanted to. Yet her personality and her attitude never made it clear she was Black Saber. In fact, she didn't even use her nickname, nor did she ever want to be called that.

Now at the age of 17, after passing through the service of several pirate ships, she finds herself again on the island of New Paris, looking for her next adventure.


Reaction score

Outside the Sea Fox's Inn, Port of Vensponic

Arlen only realized his miscalculation when he was struggling to get away from his keeper, kicking and screaming, the crew member would not release Arlen. Actually he preferred the squirming and his screaming, as he held Arlen tighter and covered his mouth so that he could not bite freely to escape. The tighter he held the harder it was for Arlen to handle his two blades that soon escaped his grasp. It was at that time the Captain turned to face his man, and told him to release the grip, as he laughed at Arlen and pointed his blade towards Gull.
"Like I concluded Boy, you're emaciating your time and unfortunately you gambled at the incorrect time. For you are next..." he said and started to do a practice swing near Gull's face which actually seemingly conscious of his surroundings. "You will see your beloved 'hero' perish."

Arlen wanted to say something back to the captain, but he felt strangled, but almost in an instant, the man's grasp loosen and released Arlen from his trap. Screaming in pain, Arlen could break free unaware of what was going on he tried to move forward only to get hit by an incoming projectile, a dagger that stabbed the outer part of his right shoulder. Not going all the way through it resting atop his shoulder blade it was not a lethal move, a minor injury at best, but it certainly felt as he had been shot and he could see the red blood go through his shirt. Unable to move his right arm without pain, he was knocked right into the cobble street again, except this time not on his face.

The Captain, looked at the situation with disdain. Seeing the small navigator they hired before throwing her blades at one of his men and of course his hostage. He turned away from Gull, but in doing so made a misjudgment and gave Gull a gaze on his glass eye instead of his real one, and the rusted legendary blade that supposedly survived Kraken twice was revealed, wielded in the hand of Scotty Van.

Arlen Williams
Name: Arlen Williams
Nicknames: Shark Bait
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Tattoos: None
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: None, at this present time

1. Sword Fighting, one of the only thing, Sir Amen's taught him purposely. Alren is good with many kinds of swords and is able to wield two swords but he is far from being called a master and could easily be beaten if the enemy cheats.
2. Agility, Alren is fast, and can quickly escape from matters if he starts sprinting. Making catching up to him, quite hard, and for those old slow pirates, nearly impossible.
3. Blood of Nobility, Arlen closest kept secret is that he is one of the central heirs of the Williams Nobility. His name can be useful on British Shorelines, and save himself from the gallows; but could be his death among pirates


1. Illiteracy, Alren or Shark Bait, can barely read individual letters correctly, let alone complex words of English and other languages used by nobles and sometimes, pirates.
2. Poor navigation, Alren is unable to read a compass, and is horrible in finding directions, whether this be Left and Right, or North, East, South and West. No one should listen to Alren in the navigation front, as he will surely lead everyone in the wrong direction
3. Weight & Height, Arlen can easily be picked up or manhandled, because of his height and light weight. Meaning any semi-musculuar pirate could easily grab Arlen and keep him quiet.
4. Alcohol Lightweight, Arlen is a lightweight with alcohol, especially the amount of it in Rum. He will easily become sick, drunk or pass out with only a few glasses.

Appearance: Link - Arlen is average height for his age, which is short compared to most pirates on the sea and his weight is somewhat under what it could be and overall he has some muscle strength. He wears an over large white tunic, that has been cut in a V formation showing most of his chest and torso and can fall off during battle (because its worn so loosely). His pants are also too big for him, forcing him to wear a belt. The only thing that does properly fit him is his Brown Bandanna like most pirates with their hats, he treats his bandanna with respect and will go back to find it if he ever loses it in a location.
Weapons: A silver dagger, the last remembrance of his home in Port Britannia and his family, that wasn't lost to the storm; crested with the seal of the William's Nobility, it is his most prize possession and a common sword he got stealing from an unconscious drunk.
Personality: Arlen, or what he prefers to call himself, Shark or Shark Bait, is a loud and cheerful lad. He is easily amused with stories, legends or jokes, (even though he usually doesn't understand them) as if nothing could tear him down. However, in reality Arlen can be very serious and requires moral support of others and acceptance into a group to do anything right. Whether that be a crew of pirates, or a group of prisoners, he hates being alone in any circumstance.
Biography: Arlen Williams, the name Arlen keeps to himself; son of the Late Commodore Rodger Williams of England and his wife, Lady Victoria Williams, the daughter of the former Governor Williams of the British Colombia and central heir to the Williams Nobility. In childhood, well younger childhood (5 or 6), Arlen was suppose to grow up like any male in his nobility and follow after his father; becoming a Navy Officer. His cousins all much older already being ship commanders and lieutenants while his female cousins prepared to be courted and his older relatives dealt with the nobility and nation-wide issues. However that so-called prophecy that would be his career was cut short after Arlen's family moving to a newly functioning island of Euphya - that lacked a commandeering officer - from the heavily guarded Port of Britannia. A voyage such as this was followed by an entire fleet, after all, the admiral and nobility were on board, yet it is usually requested that ships go north, but unusual weather, assumed to be a hurricane, didn’t allow that option. In a rush to get to Euphya the fleet turned to the south.
It was an excellent move in the beginning, as the winds guided them swiftly around the island of British Shoal, but quickly after losing sight of shore, disaster struck the fleet in the open waters of the sea, as the weather quickly changed from a calm cloudy day to a perfect stormy night that turned winds in any so direction. The last thing Arlen remembers, is being on deck with his father, who ordered him to go back inside the ship, but before he could do so, the masts came undone and he was pushed aside before being struck across the head, and causing him to fall unconscious, only to wake up marooned, on a floating piece of wreckage, forsaken to be devoured by the sea. To his luck a group of Privateers loyal to the Former governor and the King of Britain, found him along the route to Euphya only a day after the event. The captain of this crew was known as “Sir Amens”, his name a joke for being a so-called "Pirate Knight" that hunted other pirates as a duty. While welcoming the boy to their fleet, it took almost a year before Sir Amens realized that his Cabin Boy, whom they rescued was of his noble family he served, but he knew it was already too late, the damage to him was already done and the crew could not recall the names of any relative in the nobility, or where they would be located. Speaking that all of his relatives assumed he would be dead, and trying to find a new place for him would be too dangerous, as a central heir. They did the only reasonable thing they could and kept him aboard the ship as a crew member, to learn the basics to piracy. It is now at the age of 12 that Arlen, or now called, Shark Bait, wished for more then Sir Amen's fleet and was granted the permission to leave the crew, even though odds were not on his side. Hoping to return as his own legend.

Scotty Van
Name: Scotty Van Ellis
Nicknames: Gull or Old Gull
Age: 63
Gender: Male
Tattoos: One on his fore arm, that is so stretched out that it is hard to tell that it is a Sea Gull. Given to him by the Vensponic Navy and narrowly escaping execution.
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: The Crew of the Ocean Drifter

1. French, Scotty Van knows two languages, his primary birth language of English and horribly accented French, that he learned from his French Captives when he was a hostage in his youth.
2. Navigation, Scotty Van knows the location of nearly every stars, in every month of the year that reside over every sea in the four corners of the Earth. His abilities of navigation are so impressive he has strange rituals to avoid bad luck on the seas, and find ways out of storms.
3. Knowledge, Scotty van knows many old legends and demons of the sea, and by the number of limbs and organs he has lost in his life. It is obvious he knows them 'personally'.


1. Disability, Scotty Van has lost many of his limbs, such as his right leg and left arm, and has lost other parts of his body such as his left ear, and left eye.
2. Alcohol Problem, Scotty Van has a tremendous problem with Alcohol, as if he is not telling stories about his adventures or the legends of the ocean, he is most likely drunk.
3. Memory Problems, Scotty Van has problems with remembering the timing of events, and people. Sometimes, especially when he is under the influence of alcohol he will just make up things that supposedly happened to him in the past. Making his true journeys that made him a legend from his fake ones kind of to distinguish.

Appearance: Link
Weapons: An ancient sword that he received since he was a child, a sword so practiced upon on the sea, every piece of it is rusted and falling off. Though he keeps it as a treasure he says, as the ancient sword was lost for three years in the mouth of the creature know as Kraken.
Personality: Scotty Van is an unsocial old man, seldom does he talk to his loyal friends and crew mates. His unresponsiveness can make people feel a tad suspicious and a bit paranoid of his nature, but Scotty Van won't harm anyone unless you threaten first.
Brief Bio: Scotty Van Ellis, grew up as a peasant in the northern lands of Scotland, back in the time when Scotland and England were separate kingdoms and the new world seemed to be a threatening place, and this 'America' intimidating, but at the age of sixteen the Ellis' left the homeland of Scotland and headed to the British Colombia, a newly found colony at the time. Though Scotty Van did not become a privateer just like that, at first he was on the opposite side of the spectrum, a Tradesmen, but it wasn't till he was twenty-one that his trade ship was raided and looted for all its good, and he was taken as a hostage by a group of pirates.
Though, Scotty Van wasn't killed or forced to walk the plank, he was a mere pet, for French pirates for an entire year. In this year, he learned the basics of French and by the time of his release he was able to speak nearly fluently to the pirates (that barely knew the language themselves). When the pirates discovered this, they grew tired of the man and tried to kill him, but in a struggle of power. Scotty Van was able to murder the entire ship by lighting the ship aflame and narrowly escaping into the sea and entered into the world of Privatizing. He than set off to become part of a Crew on the shores of Blackmoor, however he got more than he bargained for, as he became Captain of the Legendary "Sea Urchine", also known as "The Ship with Metal Spikes", in only a two years, after killing the former captain in a Munity. This prized ship used its metal spikes to carve its way through enemy ships by charing into them and than hopping across to steal plunder and loot before the ship gave way to the sea. It was this unusual strategy vested most navies at the time and even fended off Kraken, on more than one occasion, by so-called legend. However, little is known about what truly happened to the ship fifteen years ago when Scotty Van took his crew to uncharted lands, hoping to find a mysterious cursed treasure, supposedly so powerful it was spilt into three. Many legends have sprouted about what happened to the ship, but only the survivor, Captain Scotty Van could tell someone the truth, but even he has remained silent about the endeavor. Now Days, Scotty Van is a traveler on many ships, spending the last of his golden treasure on booze and cheap ladies, to make his days fonder. He mainly is hired to tell tales, and aid his patrons in the Arts of Navigation for the discovery of legendary items and places, all for a certain price.

Pet's Name: Scott
Nickname's: None
Owner: Scotty Van
Species: Dog
Appearance: Link
Notes: Scott, the trusty sidekick of Scotty Van, will only response to Scott and nothing else. Just as a warning, he has been known to attack when tempted.


~Choco Coronet~ Omnomnom
Reaction score

Outside the Sea Fox's Inn, Port of Vensponic​
The Captain glared at Emilie with a questioning look. ''Once we get to Vensponic you can do what you want with her''. She said this with an angry look on her face, the words that now backfired at the captain. She glanced at the Old man who had his sword raised and the captain straining his one good eye, quickly shifted his stance towards him, ignoring Emilie. She did not have much time either way. Pulling out the longest dagger from the front scabbard, she ran towards the boy who lay on the ground. The pirate closest to the boy swung his sword, but Emilie came just in time to divert the blades course, and the blade struck the ground next to the boys chest, tearing his shirt slightly. In a swift movement she cut the mans cheek, forcing him back.

She now stood in front of the five men bravely guarding the boy on the ground, her gleaming long dagger raised in a defensive position. She nudged the boy slightly with her boot and said: ''Take the two daggers from my boot and fight damn it!''.

Name: Emilie de Lorme
Nickname: Black Saber (Although she never uses it)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Tattoos: None
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: French
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: None.

1. Light on her feet – When Emilie moves she makes next to no sound, a trait she developed from her occupation as a Thief.
2. Acrobat – Emilie can climb almost anything and balance on thin ledges with ease. She is also a fairly fast runner.
3. Knives Mastery – The only weapons she ever uses are knives and daggers, being able to throw them very well, and fight better than an average knife user.
4. Good Senses – Working mostly at night, Emilie has adapted to hear smell and see things far better than most. She makes an excellent lookout, a skill which had her working on seven pirate ships.


1. Tiny – Due to her Tiny frame, Emilie can not perform feats of strength well. Furthermore she can be easily picked up and even thrown.
2. Can't handle Guns – If Emilie ever got a gun to fire, she would probably shoot herself in the leg than do anything else. She also dislikes guns and is a bit afraid of them.
3. Childish – Her personality gets her into a lot of trouble with pirates, as she gets easily bored and tends to do other things, like climbing and jumping around the boat and making a mess, before being a lookout. She also likes trinkets and is known to take or steal things if she wants them.
4. Illiterate – Due to her uneducated childhood she can not read nor write. Furthermore, anyone attempting to teach her would fail due to her short attention span.

Appearance: Link. Emilie has a tiny frame, weighing only 39 kilograms (86 pounds) and being 143 cm tall (4 feet 7 inches). She dresses up in clothes that usually don't hinder movement, with
knee high boots. Her favourite dress colours are blue and green, and she likes wearing trinkets. She never takes of her green pendant, a memory from her childhood.
Weapons: 8 Daggers. The longest one is in the front of her skirt. She has four more throwing daggers in her boots (2 in each), one on each side of her chest, hidden under her top, and a stilleto dagger hidden in the back of her skirt.
Personality: Emilie is very carefree and mischievous. She is generally distrusting, although she doesn't show it. She dislikes water and guns. Due to her very short attention span she has difficulty obeying orders and tends to get bored easily, which several times got her near killed. She also likes to rasp and taunt her opponents, sometimes even when she shouldn't do so. Emilie also likes to sleep a lot.
Biography: Emilie's mother died giving birth to her. While she was an infant, her father was miserable with his life in France, so he decided to move and leave everything behind. They started a journey to New Paris on the island of St. Dominique on board a merchant ship. Emilie was 6 at the time.

The ship was intercepted by Pirates loyal to the British crown, near the island of Logos. The ship was boarded, and Emilie's father hid her under the decks. After the shouting and guns stopped, there was only the voices speaking an unfamiliar language. A pirate searched the bottom decks and found Emilie hiding in a cupboard. He took pity on her and let her live. He smuggled her in a box on a French smuggler ship headed to New Paris.

With no one to take care of her, she wandered the streets of New Paris. Some took pity and gave the poor beggar child with the wavy blue hair food, and somehow, she was able to survive the next few years of her life.

At the age of 10, she started Thieving. At first, just to survive, stealing food. But as life went on for Emilie she became better and better her newfound hobby. She soon started stealing jewels, trinkets, blankets and anything else she wanted. She worked at night, and developed good vision and stealth. Everyone had forgotten the beggar child with the wavy blue hair, she was now known as Black Saber, a legendary thief.

At the age of 14 she was recruited by a captain of a small sloop as a lookout. Her skills were unbelievable, as she was able to spot ships miles away without a looking glass, as well as feel storms coming. However, due to her nature she quickly became a bother, then a nuisance to the pirates on board. The next time they came to port, she disembarked and was forced to quit. While on land, she thieved, and while recruited by pirates she served as a lookout. During this time she was forced to walk on the plank twice, as well as disembark in the nearby ports and make a run for her life.

Her skills as a thief kept rising and soon, everyone knew the name Black Saber. It was rumored she could even steal the beard of Blackbeard if she wanted to. Yet her personality and her attitude never made it clear she was Black Saber. In fact, she didn't even use her nickname, nor did she ever want to be called that.

Now at the age of 17, after passing through the service of several pirate ships, she finds herself again on the island of New Paris, looking for her next adventure.


Reaction score

Outside the Sea Fox's Inn, Port of Vensponic

As if something from a storybook the two legends of Pirate Lore fought in a battle of the wits and the blade. Standing uneasily, Scotty Van, the most notorious of the two fighters, positioned himself for a duel. His rusted old blade matched against the glimmering steel of his opponent, Robert la Roque. The Ripper; His disabilities just as great as the Old Gull's, yet both were experienced in the blade as one another, that it was clearly a fair fight between the two elders.
"So you have drawn your blade, its about time..." said Captain Roberts, "After this, all will acknowledge the isle of Ripper's Cove, and infamous Robert la Roque who struck down the noteworthy Old Gull, in a duel of the sword." He continued to chuckle almost with hysteria in his voice. Though all went silent as Scotty Van, in his not-so-drunk-voice replied with the fowl question of: "Do I know you?"
It was that question that threw the Captain over the edge, causing him to retort in sharp words. "Robert la Roque! The Ripper. Captain of the Rose and the true founder of Gull's Island. The prideful shoal in which you stole my name and reputation from... For that this shall be where you meet your end gull." he continued as he swung his blade that was deflected by Scotty's own. "It is a name, you will familiarize yourself with soon, my old friend..."

Completely blind in one eye, he usually swung in a position that would favor his left side over his right. Yet even without the perfect sight he could almost predict the movements of his opponent, as did Gull with his stiff movements of his competitor.
A step right from one would lead a step to the left from another. A foot forward would force the other to position himself one foot back. As the two blades between them flung and collided at one another indefinitely. Yet, their age was catching up to them, as heavy breathing from both could easily be heard but the two did not stop. Their blades always met with precession and nearly-perfect coordination (for their conditions).


Outside the Sea Fox's Inn, Port of Vensponic

Arlen, laid on the street, his blood staining his white tunic and his mind returning to consciousness as a long blade stuck itself in right near his torso, ripping his already worn and tattered shirt. Before he could access his own situation, he was nudged by the young woman who they had rescued earlier but she spoke words that Arlen couldn't understand, let alone, even heard before. He looked up at her and saw the stress on her face she prepared to stand her ground, the five larger men enclosing on her.

Arlen could see that she was asking for his help in some way, but returning to his feet, was no easy task for Arlen. He ordered his body to move but it laid on the ground in a stand still, and his vision seem to get blurry. After excruciating pain, he managed to use his right and left arms to push himself out of his fear-induced state and attempt to wobble to feet, yet it wasn't much as he had to use the long sword that nearly killed him after being deflected as leverage and lean against. Fighting against men like this seemed almost out of the question, but for his own and the girl's sake as well, he would attempt to stand his ground.

Arlen Williams
Name: Arlen Williams
Nicknames: Shark Bait
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Tattoos: None
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: None, at this present time

1. Sword Fighting, one of the only thing, Sir Amen's taught him purposely. Alren is good with many kinds of swords and is able to wield two swords but he is far from being called a master and could easily be beaten if the enemy cheats.
2. Agility, Alren is fast, and can quickly escape from matters if he starts sprinting. Making catching up to him, quite hard, and for those old slow pirates, nearly impossible.
3. Blood of Nobility, Arlen closest kept secret is that he is one of the central heirs of the Williams Nobility. His name can be useful on British Shorelines, and save himself from the gallows; but could be his death among pirates


1. Illiteracy, Alren or Shark Bait, can barely read individual letters correctly, let alone complex words of English and other languages used by nobles and sometimes, pirates.
2. Poor navigation, Alren is unable to read a compass, and is horrible in finding directions, whether this be Left and Right, or North, East, South and West. No one should listen to Alren in the navigation front, as he will surely lead everyone in the wrong direction
3. Weight & Height, Arlen can easily be picked up or manhandled, because of his height and light weight. Meaning any semi-musculuar pirate could easily grab Arlen and keep him quiet.
4. Alcohol Lightweight, Arlen is a lightweight with alcohol, especially the amount of it in Rum. He will easily become sick, drunk or pass out with only a few glasses.

Appearance: Link - Arlen is average height for his age, which is short compared to most pirates on the sea and his weight is somewhat under what it could be and overall he has some muscle strength. He wears an over large white tunic, that has been cut in a V formation showing most of his chest and torso and can fall off during battle (because its worn so loosely). His pants are also too big for him, forcing him to wear a belt. The only thing that does properly fit him is his Brown Bandanna like most pirates with their hats, he treats his bandanna with respect and will go back to find it if he ever loses it in a location.
Weapons: A silver dagger, the last remembrance of his home in Port Britannia and his family, that wasn't lost to the storm; crested with the seal of the William's Nobility, it is his most prize possession and a common sword he got stealing from an unconscious drunk.
Personality: Arlen, or what he prefers to call himself, Shark or Shark Bait, is a loud and cheerful lad. He is easily amused with stories, legends or jokes, (even though he usually doesn't understand them) as if nothing could tear him down. However, in reality Arlen can be very serious and requires moral support of others and acceptance into a group to do anything right. Whether that be a crew of pirates, or a group of prisoners, he hates being alone in any circumstance.
Biography: Arlen Williams, the name Arlen keeps to himself; son of the Late Commodore Rodger Williams of England and his wife, Lady Victoria Williams, the daughter of the former Governor Williams of the British Colombia and central heir to the Williams Nobility. In childhood, well younger childhood (5 or 6), Arlen was suppose to grow up like any male in his nobility and follow after his father; becoming a Navy Officer. His cousins all much older already being ship commanders and lieutenants while his female cousins prepared to be courted and his older relatives dealt with the nobility and nation-wide issues. However that so-called prophecy that would be his career was cut short after Arlen's family moving to a newly functioning island of Euphya - that lacked a commandeering officer - from the heavily guarded Port of Britannia. A voyage such as this was followed by an entire fleet, after all, the admiral and nobility were on board, yet it is usually requested that ships go north, but unusual weather, assumed to be a hurricane, didn’t allow that option. In a rush to get to Euphya the fleet turned to the south.
It was an excellent move in the beginning, as the winds guided them swiftly around the island of British Shoal, but quickly after losing sight of shore, disaster struck the fleet in the open waters of the sea, as the weather quickly changed from a calm cloudy day to a perfect stormy night that turned winds in any so direction. The last thing Arlen remembers, is being on deck with his father, who ordered him to go back inside the ship, but before he could do so, the masts came undone and he was pushed aside before being struck across the head, and causing him to fall unconscious, only to wake up marooned, on a floating piece of wreckage, forsaken to be devoured by the sea. To his luck a group of Privateers loyal to the Former governor and the King of Britain, found him along the route to Euphya only a day after the event. The captain of this crew was known as “Sir Amens”, his name a joke for being a so-called "Pirate Knight" that hunted other pirates as a duty. While welcoming the boy to their fleet, it took almost a year before Sir Amens realized that his Cabin Boy, whom they rescued was of his noble family he served, but he knew it was already too late, the damage to him was already done and the crew could not recall the names of any relative in the nobility, or where they would be located. Speaking that all of his relatives assumed he would be dead, and trying to find a new place for him would be too dangerous, as a central heir. They did the only reasonable thing they could and kept him aboard the ship as a crew member, to learn the basics to piracy. It is now at the age of 12 that Arlen, or now called, Shark Bait, wished for more then Sir Amen's fleet and was granted the permission to leave the crew, even though odds were not on his side. Hoping to return as his own legend.

Scotty Van
Name: Scotty Van Ellis
Nicknames: Gull or Old Gull
Age: 63
Gender: Male
Tattoos: One on his fore arm, that is so stretched out that it is hard to tell that it is a Sea Gull. Given to him by the Vensponic Navy and narrowly escaping execution.
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: The Crew of the Ocean Drifter

1. French, Scotty Van knows two languages, his primary birth language of English and horribly accented French, that he learned from his French Captives when he was a hostage in his youth.
2. Navigation, Scotty Van knows the location of nearly every stars, in every month of the year that reside over every sea in the four corners of the Earth. His abilities of navigation are so impressive he has strange rituals to avoid bad luck on the seas, and find ways out of storms.
3. Knowledge, Scotty van knows many old legends and demons of the sea, and by the number of limbs and organs he has lost in his life. It is obvious he knows them 'personally'.


1. Disability, Scotty Van has lost many of his limbs, such as his right leg and left arm, and has lost other parts of his body such as his left ear, and left eye.
2. Alcohol Problem, Scotty Van has a tremendous problem with Alcohol, as if he is not telling stories about his adventures or the legends of the ocean, he is most likely drunk.
3. Memory Problems, Scotty Van has problems with remembering the timing of events, and people. Sometimes, especially when he is under the influence of alcohol he will just make up things that supposedly happened to him in the past. Making his true journeys that made him a legend from his fake ones kind of to distinguish.

Appearance: Link
Weapons: An ancient sword that he received since he was a child, a sword so practiced upon on the sea, every piece of it is rusted and falling off. Though he keeps it as a treasure he says, as the ancient sword was lost for three years in the mouth of the creature know as Kraken.
Personality: Scotty Van is an unsocial old man, seldom does he talk to his loyal friends and crew mates. His unresponsiveness can make people feel a tad suspicious and a bit paranoid of his nature, but Scotty Van won't harm anyone unless you threaten first.
Brief Bio: Scotty Van Ellis, grew up as a peasant in the northern lands of Scotland, back in the time when Scotland and England were separate kingdoms and the new world seemed to be a threatening place, and this 'America' intimidating, but at the age of sixteen the Ellis' left the homeland of Scotland and headed to the British Colombia, a newly found colony at the time. Though Scotty Van did not become a privateer just like that, at first he was on the opposite side of the spectrum, a Tradesmen, but it wasn't till he was twenty-one that his trade ship was raided and looted for all its good, and he was taken as a hostage by a group of pirates.
Though, Scotty Van wasn't killed or forced to walk the plank, he was a mere pet, for French pirates for an entire year. In this year, he learned the basics of French and by the time of his release he was able to speak nearly fluently to the pirates (that barely knew the language themselves). When the pirates discovered this, they grew tired of the man and tried to kill him, but in a struggle of power. Scotty Van was able to murder the entire ship by lighting the ship aflame and narrowly escaping into the sea and entered into the world of Privatizing. He than set off to become part of a Crew on the shores of Blackmoor, however he got more than he bargained for, as he became Captain of the Legendary "Sea Urchine", also known as "The Ship with Metal Spikes", in only a two years, after killing the former captain in a Munity. This prized ship used its metal spikes to carve its way through enemy ships by charing into them and than hopping across to steal plunder and loot before the ship gave way to the sea. It was this unusual strategy vested most navies at the time and even fended off Kraken, on more than one occasion, by so-called legend. However, little is known about what truly happened to the ship fifteen years ago when Scotty Van took his crew to uncharted lands, hoping to find a mysterious cursed treasure, supposedly so powerful it was spilt into three. Many legends have sprouted about what happened to the ship, but only the survivor, Captain Scotty Van could tell someone the truth, but even he has remained silent about the endeavor. Now Days, Scotty Van is a traveler on many ships, spending the last of his golden treasure on booze and cheap ladies, to make his days fonder. He mainly is hired to tell tales, and aid his patrons in the Arts of Navigation for the discovery of legendary items and places, all for a certain price.

Pet's Name: Scott
Nickname's: None
Owner: Scotty Van
Species: Dog
Appearance: Link
Notes: Scott, the trusty sidekick of Scotty Van, will only response to Scott and nothing else. Just as a warning, he has been known to attack when tempted.


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Outside the Sea Fox's Inn, Port of Vensponic

The scene would’ve been hilarious if it weren’t so deadly. Two old buffoons, one drunk and one crazy dueling in the rain, while two children fought to save him.

This was none of her business, she needn’t get involved. In fact, she shouldn’t get involved. Her stomach was still hurting from the kneeing and she was no fantastic fighter without her guns. The odds weren’t pretty either. But what was she to do, leave two children to fight and die against five grown men, and then let the old fart be slaughtered as well, right in front of her eyes?

She cursed whatever twisted sense of morality made her do it, and then slipping her hidden knife into her right hand, she plunged it deep into the back of one of the pirates facing the children.

The man gave a roar of pain, and spun wildly his fists barely missing her head as they whooshed past. Making the most of her fading element of surprise, she ducked underneath his body and stuck her wrist blade straight into his chest. Like a stinging hornet, she thought as she watched him fall, the scene almost dreamlike to her now.

She caught sight of the pirate closest to the man she ambushed turning out of the corner of her eye. He had a snarl on his face, and his bare arms were marked with the scars of countless battles.

His sword lashed out with lightning speed, an upward cut which slid dangerously close to her neck. She leaned backwards – and then slipped. She almost laughed, what a silly way to die. His sword came plunging down in a finishing blow, but some stupid instinct made her shift.

Blinding pain. His sword had pierced her leg clean through. She wouldn’t be walking on that one for a while. Ha. Ha. Why didn’t she just stay still? It would’ve been much cleaner then. Less pain, she thought idly…

Where was the Woman when they needed her? Where were Christian, Elizabeth, Merry, and Julie…? Her parents. She wondered how they all were…

Amber Sommers 'Angel'
Name: Amber Sommers
Nickname: Angel (something of a joke from the locals)
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: N/A
  1. Gunslinger: An expert marksman and incredibly fast on the draw.
  2. Sleight of Hand: Amber is known to dabble in the tricks of thieves and magicians, and is not above employing any sort of deceit or ploy to achieve her ends.
  • Melee combat: While not totally inept (you have to have some ability to be able to survive in the dog-eat-dog world out there…), in any serious encounter, Amber is a liability.
  • Personality: Brave, reckless, and mouthy, a combination that’s more likely to get you killed than anything else.

Appearance: Link: Lithe and slender like some predatory cat, with uncomfortably long blonde hair and deep amber eyes. She wears mostly black, revealing in a way that is most definitely scandalous, and always sports that kooky hat.
Weapons: Identical twin pistols each with five rounds per reload, a knife in her right boot, and a hidden blade strapped onto her left forearm which becomes a handy wrist-blade with a quick bend of a hand.
Personality: Bold, Fiery, Impetuous, Haughty, Flippant, Roguish
Biography: The fifth child and third daughter of a reputable British nobleman, Amber grew up in the upper districts of the British Shoal, receiving all the education and instruction that was proper for a pampered young lady of the times. It was not the life she wanted, however. The pretentious manner in which the nobility carried themselves, the endless feuding between noble families, and the way everyone expected her to live and act – it was almost as if they had already planned out her entire future! And they did, as she found out to her intense displeasure on her seventeenth birthday: they had arranged her marriage to another promising young noble, one whom she knew nothing about, and had never even met in her life.

It was all too much, and Amber had never been one to think clearly before acting - she left. Left behind the rules and restrictions of the nobility, left behind their petty games and politics, left behind the world of endless parties and ball gowns, left behind the shadow of her siblings and her parents who did not love her, to pursue something more, something different – her own life: a life of adventure and freedom.

She did miss her siblings now and again, especially Christian, who had been the eldest, and Elizabeth, who had been her closest friend and confidant, but the decision was made, and she was never going back.


~Choco Coronet~ Omnomnom
Reaction score

Outside the Sea Fox's Inn, Port of Vensponic
The sound of sword clanging into sword was echoing in the seemingly never ending rain. Emilie had no time to watch the battle between the two old sea dogs, as she attempted to overthrow her attackers. The man in front attacked her furiously. She deflected the first blow and then dodged the second, giving way for a counter attack. She cut the mans arms twice, her blade making shallow cuts on the mans hands. Another strike and another deflection, as Emilie's arms began to shake violently with the blows. Another blow or two and her hands would probably let out. The boy got up slowly, leaning over the sword one size too big for him. A scream echoed as one of the man from behind fell. The man assaulting Emilie had lost his guard for a second and Emilie slashed his sword arm. He screamed in pain as another blow was forced into his thigh, making him fall on one knee.

Then she saw it. One of the man ran his sword straight through the leg of the Princess. Emilie gasped and ran towards her, with a frightened look. The crippled man grabbed Emilies ankle as she passed with his huge hands, and she tripped falling down. Knowing her hands wouldn't be able to take the blow she attempted to turn as she fell, but only managed to fall sideways, dislocating, or breaking, her shoulder. As she looked up desperately trying to stand, she saw a figure looming over her, with a black grin and a sword raised high.


Just Smile.
Reaction score

Outside Sea Fox’s Inn, Vensponic

The captain pulled another old man out into the rain, shouting quite furiously. Scribbles was quick to retreat back to the rain following them. As he reached the door he looked at a woman standing just inside of it, she was drenched and looked strangely familiar. “Afternoon ma’am.” Scribbles said as he walked past her, his hand seemingly to convulse as he waved at her. Once he was outside and in the rain a fight was quick to break out, scribbles watched as they all started to brawl amongst themselves. As he watched one woman stood out to him. He watched her closely and she eventually fell to the ground and a sword dug into her leg.

Scribbles was quick to draw his rapier. He straitened the blade towards the pirate and with a quick jumping thrust sent the sword though his heart. The pirate let go of his sword and grasped at the rapier. Scribbles pulled himself in, standing over the woman and pushed the man back, hi falling to the ground dead – and his sword slidig out of the small piercing hole in the pirates chest. He put his rapier away and offered his hand to the woman. “Do you come here often? Perhaps we can do this again some time?” Just as a pirate came around to scribbles back ready to strike.

Jonathan Sanzio (Wills) 'Scribbles'
Name: Jonathan Sanzio [Wills]
Nickname: Scribbles
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Tattoos: A Jolly Roger is tattooed on his Shoulder blade.
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: None
Affiliation: None
  1. Cartography: Scribbles is an expert in cartography, the creation of maps. He has many maps he uses that were drawn and created by himself of different regions of the Colombian he has been too.
  2. Navigation: He is an expert in navigation, he can lead a ship from anywhere to any other island in the Colombian.
  3. Charismatic: He has no problems talking to people, and finds getting his message across easy. He can distinguish between proper and improper etiquette when face with a person quickly and effectively.
  4. Spanish: He can speak and write Spanish, which he learned from his foster family many years ago.
  1. Strength: Scribbles is weak physically, he can be over powered simply enough, and has trouble with heavy lifting.
  2. Combat: He cannot defend himself in a fight with anyone who is trained in combat, and prefers to slink away to the back when a fight starts.
  3. Sanity: He is completely insane from his close encounter with the Kracken leaving his mind destroyed and insane. He speaks gibberish mostly and has problems focusing for long periods of time.
  4. Obsessive: When ever something catches his interest he races off to find out all he can about it, where it is, how to get there, then for months he can talk about nothing else but what he’s obsessed about, often letting important things go.
Appearance: Link – All over his arms are various sketches of maps and doodles he has done when no paper was near him, and stranger still, he uses them as a map of he areas he has sketched on himself. On his belt is a pouch attached to it which carries various inks and pens that he uses when creating his maps, and on the other is a tube that holds all sorts of papers and finished maps in it.
Weapons: Scribbles has a rapier that he can use incase of an emergency, though it is hardly a match against most opponents. He also has a pistol he can use, though rarely does.
Personality: Scribbles is a lover of treasure and freedom. He will travel the globe for the thrill and excitement of treasure hunting. In his days as a pirate it became quite clear that harming people was something Scribbles was not comfortable with, and refused any training in combat, saying he could defeat most opponents with his tongue alone. But above treasure are his friends and family, valuing them above all else, at least he believe he would. But after the assault of the Kraken he was never the same. His attitude was all over the map, he became unpredictable and careless, and the things he used to love were nothing more than shiny trinkets now. Anywhere he goes, it’s impossible to know what he would do next.
Biography: Jonathan was born to Edward Wills and Helen Wills back in England – which is where he spent a great portion of his childhood. As a young boy he spent most of his life attending fancy schools built only for Britain’s brightness and richest to attend. His family was certainly not poor, that was sure. They had plenty of money, and when he asked his parents how they got so much money, they would typically tell him how they were all heirs to the Williams nobility and laugh. He never understood it for a long time, though eventually as he grew older he learned that he was currently fifty-third in line for the Williams nobility. It wasn’t till even later he learned that it was much more of a joke than any real chance. As it stood, over fifty people would need to be killed for him to claim the title.

Many of the other kids at the school were masters of many different things, math, science, yet Jonathan was unique from them all. He was a master of geography – more over, a master of navigation and cartography. It didn’t prove to help him in school, his grades were poor over all, though he had been told numerous times he would make a good navigator on a naval ship. He considered that a possible goal, but it was a dangerous life, full of fighting and pirates. His parents moved out to the Colombian to Port of Britannia, with him in toe when they had good job offerings there, and a chance to get even richer. They told him it would be a good chance for him to learn and get experience in what he did best.

Unfortunately a storm brought them along the southern tip of the British Shoal where the ship was ambushed by French pirate slavers. All the adults were killed in the raid and the children cuffed and taken away, the ship they were aboard was burnt to the ground. They brought them far south past Devils Cay to the Bandits Reef. Plenty of coral and tropical fish swam around, the land was mostly beach, a few buildings and some trees, it looked beautiful, aside from the rows and rows of tied up slaves. Many were bought everyday, and even more came. After a week at the reef the French pirates who took him decided to take him as their own slave, and sent him to work on their ship, chained up the whole time, with the barrel of a gun in his face. This continued for a few weeks before the ship was run down and boarded by the Spanish navy. The pirates were defeated in the end, yet the captain escaped; he was Captain Pierre Gaspar. Jonathan was a free man again.

The problem was he was only eleven at the time, and he was left to scavenge the streets of the Harbor of the Queen, he bagged for food and did any job he could. He was bagging on the streets when a woman took notice of him, he could only speak a few phrases of Spanish, and she spoke very little English, but she decided to take him to her home. Jonathan had no idea what to take of this encounter, but the woman seemed nice enough. He worked hard everyday; he had to show them his gratitude. He cleaned and cooked and looked after their daughter, she was younger than he; she was only 7 when he came but his birthday came before his. It felt like she resent him, and it wasn’t unreasonable of her, a stranger came in to her home.

The caregiver in charge of Isabella was fired a few weeks after he came in to live with them, leaving him in charge of her. It took a long while before Isabella took to him, he had learned much Spanish by this point and he could talk the language fairly well. She started to eat the food he made, and ask him favors or to read to her, often she would ask him to create a story or tell her one, and not to read it. Over the years he tried to teach her English and she did what she could to help him along with learning Spanish. By the time he was fifteen they could both speak either language fluently.

This last year for Jonathan was the most influential on his life. He learned more and more about his family. As he was up and about doing chores, or gathering groceries his adoptive parents were always a hot topic. Ricardo Sanzio was a famous man, he was growing in popularity among the population, and he was building favor among the people, ready to take a leap forward to become an Advisor to Governor Francisco II. Yet many people would question him, after all he adopted someone of British decent, as such his rival Geraldo Romez played off this, building up his support and working his way ahead. Jonathan couldn’t tolerate it for ever.

He could overhear his adoptive parents talking about it occasionally, and they agreed they wouldn’t disown him or anything of the sort, yet he wasn’t alright with that. On his sixteenth birthday he snuck out of the house and left on his own adventure. He knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to explore the world, and collect treasures. He took the first ship he could out of the harbor and it had brought him to Vensponic. The place was filled with pirates, and he looked hard for a ship to become a crewman off, a navigator perhaps. He looked long and hard for a treasure hunter as well, not a bandit. He lived in Vensponic for a few months doing odd jobs and practically lived in the Sea Fox. His room had his name carved into it along with different notes he wanted to take. It wasn’t unusual; many patrons of the bar did such things.

Eventually he found a treasure hunting vessel docked and he talked to the captain, asking to be a member of his crew. It took much convincing, but the captain allowed him aboard the ship, under a strict trial period. They set sail a few days later, and Jonathan proved himself time and time again, leading the ship and backtracking with the maps he created on the go; causing everyone to call him scribbles, so much that his real name was long lost to all. They traveled the entire Colombian, collecting treasures where ever they traveled.

When Scribbles was twenty his ship went after a prized treasure, one said to be divided into three pieces far to the west. Jonathan and the captain learned the tale from another, and were told that the treasure was alright sought after by a man with a far greater reputation than they could hope to match. Captain Gull, a fairly old man, with many amputations it appeared. Scribbles and the captain began talking to this Old Gull, and showed their interest in the treasure where they agreed to a challenge, a race to the treasure. Both parties agreed and departed the port for the search of a powerful artifact. The ships were close together though most of the voyage; they aided each other if either came to any troubles, a very friendly race. Yet the two ships split paths in the final departure of the race leaving from the Eagle Coast. Scribbles headed north to the frozen ice sheet. Tragedy struck in the open ocean to the ship unfortunately.

As the water began to bubble around the ship huge tentacles wrapped themselves around the hull of the ship, constricting it; an attack by the fabled kraken. The ship was under great stress, crew men shot and stabbed the appendages with all they had yet it was all in vain. The hull snapped and filled with water. Next the ship was torn in half and everyone fell strait into the water. Scribbles sank far. He stared into the beak of the creature He swam with all his might to flee, to the point he could stare the beast in the eye, its eye far larger than his whole body. A tentacle lashed to him and sent him flying though the water into the sea floor, watching as people were sucked into its maw, and blood slowly drifted to the surface. He felt a tug at his collar and he was getting dragged through the water away from the kraken, to his side he saw what looked to be a long fishes tail, yet a human hand gripped his collar he saw beautiful golden hair flowing to him, he didn’t remember much past that, he fell unconscious from a lack of air.

When he awoke he was on a beach over looking the ocean. He slowly sat up, and looked out over the horizon to see what appeared to be a golden haired person sing into the water never to emerge. He stumbled though the beach until he found civilization, Puerto del Sol. Unfortunately he suffered greatly from the attack, his mind couldn’t perform as it used to be able to. He had gone insane. He spoke ridiculously and found the strangest things of interest.

Over the following years he lived though charity and traveled over the waters by ships willing to bring him with them. He did eventually find a ship willing to have him aboard full time, for he was still an expert navigator just far more interesting than most would enjoy. Over the many years the ship docked though many ports across the sea, it was a small trade ship, controlled by no country, buying and selling as they saw fit. The ship was docked in New Paris when many of the crew was arrested for unlawful trafficking of slaves, and indeed, they did sell and trade slaves. Scribbles didn’t fully understand what slaves were; any they believed Scribbles himself to be a slave. He ended up staying in New Paris waiting for the Captain, Joshua Breton, to return to him and tell them to leave port. He didn’t realize that the captain was long since hanged and he would not see him again.

Outside Sea Fox’s Inn, Port of Vensponic

As Pandora stood in the doorway the two old men went outside, one being dragged by the other. Behind them went the man she thought she knew, he seemed awkward to her though. His speech seemed bizarre and his actions were strange to say the least. Pandora went to follow them out the door yet she tripped on a raised plank on the floor. She tumbled around the bar before falling onto the lap of an older man. He gave her a huge grin showing off rotted and decaying teeth. Her throat clenched and she thought she would throw up. Quickly she stood up and went for the door. Once she reached it the man she fell onto chair broke, the two back legs snapped and he fell to the ground backwards. Even my curse is laughing at me.

As she pulled open the door and stepped into the rain she saw a giant brawl, the old men were fighting, and everyone else was fighting some pirate friends of his. She drew her cutlasses quickly and raced forward to engage the pirates. As she approached the melee she tripped over her own two feet, trying to keep her balance she started moving sporadically, she ran into a pirate about to slice the French woman, and the two of them tumbled into the other pirate about to cut the strange man from behind. All thee of them finally came to a halt when they finally collided with the young thief from the inn.

Isabella Sanzio 'Pandora'
Name: Isabella Sanzio
Nickname: Pandora
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Tattoo: Two cutlasses forming a cross on her shoulder.
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: Spanish
Alignment: None
Affiliation: None
  1. Sword Fighting: Pandora is an expert in sword fighting, she is a force to fear in hand to hand combat where she can dance and slash circles around even the most trained opponents, it would be an understatement to call her good.
  2. English:She is able to speak English, a language she learned from her adoptive brother.
  1. Interpretation: Despite her great combat abilities, Pandora is clueless in anything that would require signals. She constantly confuses them, and she has a hard time differentiating any body language or tones people send her way.
  2. Emotional: She is also a very emotional person, she acts on how she feels, not on how things would work out logically, yet she refuses to acknowledge it as such, and will try to logically reason her emotional response to others, to appear as a logical thinker and to convince them her was is the correct way.
Appearance: Link – Pandora usually has one eye covered by a golden-brown eye patch, though her eye works perfectly fine, for when night comes her eye will be adjusted to the dark and she will have no problems finding her way around. As well, she carries a amulet around her neck at all times, a thin silver chain attached to a strange bird like symbol made of sapphire. Her eyes typically have black make up around them, making the blue stand out more, but only for cosmetic reasons.
Weapons: On each of Pandora’s hips is a scabbard holding a cutlass; she is well trained and prefers to fight while using two cutlasses over any other method. Although she does carry with her a pistol attached to her leg n cause of an emergency. Lastly the heels of her boots have a blade running the length of the heel along the back. This allows her two cut people with just a kick if she was caught empty handed. The blade is black steel making it blend in with her boots and help to avoid any detection.
Personality: Isabella is a woman that can act and feel comfortable either alone or in the presence of others, though she much prefers being alone. When in front of people she acts tough and puts up fronts to seem like she’s unbreakable, though while she’s alone that front will break and she becomes a different more sensitive person. Although she is against murder, she has no qualms about killing in self defense. She has a soft spot for animals, and cares more for their safety than most living people.
Biography: Isabella was born to Ana Sanzio and Ricardo Sanzio in the Harbor of the Queen. Her father worked as a Representative to the Port of Isabella, and her mother was a baker in a small bakery. Both of her parents were out of the house much of the day. Her mother worked twelve hour days and her father was gone for weeks at a time to the port of Isabella on work. This left Isabella at home with a caregiver for most of her life. That was until the day her mother found a boy on the streets begging for money or food. Her mother always had a soft spot for kids, and at this time it was very unusual for beggars or the homeless. Especially in the harbor, most people had jobs, and nearly all children had parents. But not this boy, her mother adopted the child and gave him shelter in their home. His name was Jonathan and he was of British decent.

Over the weeks following he would do all sorts of chores around the house, mostly cleaning and cooking. Isabella began to resent him, he got all the attention from her parents because of how well behaved and how much he helped around the house. After a few more weeks her parents thought that they wouldn’t need the caregiver anymore, and fired her. Her new adoptive brother would be the one who was to take care of her from then on out, despite her reluctance.

She started to make messes on purpose, reject his food, and all the while he would keep cleaning and keep cooking, never saying anything to her. She was seven when Jonathan came to live with them, he was only twelve. Over the year Pandora’s hate for her adoptive brother withered and they started to become closer. He would read her books if she asked, and they would teach each other to speak their languages, Pandora learned English from him. They because close as if they were brother and sister since birth, Yet, when she was twelve and Jonathan turned 16, she ran to his room to see him, yet she found nothing there. He was gone, and he never even said good bye. She cried all day, and was one of the last times anyone would see her that way again. She started growing distant from others, and started to appear tougher and less sensitive.

She never got another caregiver; he parents believe she was old enough to care for herself. He wait dropped drastically, she wouldn’t cook herself any food, and she seemed to do absolutely nothing anymore. But as she laid in bed one night she began to change. She told herself to start acting independently and to not rely on others to do the work for her. She started to cook for herself, and secretly taught herself sword fighting. On her sixteenth birthday She woke early morning when the sun was still raising, to find a small box at the foot of her bed. It was from her parents, inside was a small note written in Spanish.

Isabella, we both know, and we want you to never forget who you are or where you are from, never forget your family, though I’m sure you won’t, after all, your going after your family today aren’t you?

Below the note was a small amulet, silver chain with a symbol carved of sapphire on it. It had been granted to her father for his work by the king of Spain himself. Her father was responsible for improving connection between the harbor of the queen, and port Isabella. He improved both of their economies with her various plans and strategies, and there was talk of making him a Advisor to the Colonial leader.

Her parents were right of course, she was headed out to find her brother, Jonathan. But it was more than that, she wanted to be free, to do as she wanted; and she wanted to be independent. She started off taking any trade ships she could to travel around to find her brother, and when the ships were attacked by pirates she would defend with them with two Cutlasses she was given by the ships crew. At first she had troubles, but she learned quickly and could fight well, but she only got better and better after each fight. When she landed in Engova and said her good byes to the ship and its crew, they were never seen or heard of by anyone ever again. He next ship brought her to the British Shoal, and that ship sank a few hundred feet from the shore.

In the shoal, she was watched carefully and given no freedoms, she eventually joined a pirate ship and became a bandit of the waters herself. She was a pirate for the many years to follow. Yet, ever ship she was ever on faced hardships, and soon she was left abandoned in Vensponic, no ship wanting the cursed Pandora. Over this time, Engova had become the sought after target or France and Britain, the shoal was hit with a powerful wave, and much of the docks were rebuilt. Everywhere she had been was hit with misfortune it seems.

She gave up her hunt for Jonathan long ago, believing him to be long dead, as no one has ever heard of him.


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Outside the Sea Fox's Inn, Port of Vensponic

What was minutes, even seconds, felt like hours to the two elders. It was obvious amongst the two of them. While both, successful in their heyday, it is certain that they may reach their limit in their aging bodies. Though they still decided to struggle between one another over blades. It wasn't until almost following a fencing reaction, that La Roque jumped to his behind that the even ground was broken and the long sword in his hands was flung out with a swing forward into the sky by Scotty Van's blade. This thrusting action forced the sword to spin in the air as it drifted back down to Earth and land right off the docks.
"It seems things aren't quite occurring accordingly." Roque spoke mustering all of his temper together to speak in a fashionable manner to the victor of their duel.
"Aye" Scotty Van replied. As he held his blade parallel to himself.
"So what are you waiting for? One last swing will do it Gull, so finish it!" La Roque exclaimed, "I have waited too many long years to see this fail and I am certainly not going to have my honor tarnished once again. So lunge your blade on my still beating heart Gull!"
Somewhat Confused, or in the haze of Intoxication. Scotty Van gave the Captain an unusual appearance on his face but mere shrug and agreed with a gentle sigh. Pointing his blade forward, aiming at the other gentleman's heart it would be done in seconds. Precision was important, he certainly wouldn't want to have to deal with a half dead Captain, especially one that squabbled as much as this one.
"Very well," he said. "I will grant your wish." As he charged forward aiming to pierce the heart of La Roque, but to his astonishment. The rusted old blade was flung into the sky, much like the sword previously. Risking an injury to his upper forearm. La Roque managed to thrust the sword sky-high. Except this time it didn't become part of the murky depths and instead landed in his other hand.
"Seems the shoe is on the other foot?" La Roque said smugly a smirk across his face. "You really thought I would let my revenge slip away from me that easily. Now Prepare yourself Gull as I unleash my wrath upon you." He said as he swiped Gull's legendary blade through the air.
Yet, his attack was interrupted by the familiar sound of muskets, and foot soldiers marching. Time seemed to have ran out, as the rain started to part. To La Roque, Killing Gull would have to wait, as he noticed from the corner of his working eye, his men running off from the battle field, cowardly running towards any building or to the shipyard as to appear innocent. Leaving him outnumbered, 5 to 1.
"You receive my mercy today, Gull. But I will swear it on my life I will find you, where ever you try to run. Any shore, I will follow you, and to insure it... I will take this blade as my souvenir." he announced running from the cobblestone streets as the first Vensponic Guards appeared around the block. Shouting, and ordering all the pirates there to stop in their tracks.

Scotty Van
Name: Scotty Van Ellis
Nicknames: Gull or Old Gull
Age: 63
Gender: Male
Tattoos: One on his fore arm, that is so stretched out that it is hard to tell that it is a Sea Gull. Given to him by the Vensponic Navy and narrowly escaping execution.
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: The Crew of the Ocean Drifter

1. French, Scotty Van knows two languages, his primary birth language of English and horribly accented French, that he learned from his French Captives when he was a hostage in his youth.
2. Navigation, Scotty Van knows the location of nearly every stars, in every month of the year that reside over every sea in the four corners of the Earth. His abilities of navigation are so impressive he has strange rituals to avoid bad luck on the seas, and find ways out of storms.
3. Knowledge, Scotty van knows many old legends and demons of the sea, and by the number of limbs and organs he has lost in his life. It is obvious he knows them 'personally'.


1. Disability, Scotty Van has lost many of his limbs, such as his right leg and left arm, and has lost other parts of his body such as his left ear, and left eye.
2. Alcohol Problem, Scotty Van has a tremendous problem with Alcohol, as if he is not telling stories about his adventures or the legends of the ocean, he is most likely drunk.
3. Memory Problems, Scotty Van has problems with remembering the timing of events, and people. Sometimes, especially when he is under the influence of alcohol he will just make up things that supposedly happened to him in the past. Making his true journeys that made him a legend from his fake ones kind of to distinguish.

Appearance: Link
Weapons: An ancient sword that he received since he was a child, a sword so practiced upon on the sea, every piece of it is rusted and falling off. Though he keeps it as a treasure he says, as the ancient sword was lost for three years in the mouth of the creature know as Kraken.
Personality: Scotty Van is an unsocial old man, seldom does he talk to his loyal friends and crew mates. His unresponsiveness can make people feel a tad suspicious and a bit paranoid of his nature, but Scotty Van won't harm anyone unless you threaten first.
Brief Bio: Scotty Van Ellis, grew up as a peasant in the northern lands of Scotland, back in the time when Scotland and England were separate kingdoms and the new world seemed to be a threatening place, and this 'America' intimidating, but at the age of sixteen the Ellis' left the homeland of Scotland and headed to the British Colombia, a newly found colony at the time. Though Scotty Van did not become a privateer just like that, at first he was on the opposite side of the spectrum, a Tradesmen, but it wasn't till he was twenty-one that his trade ship was raided and looted for all its good, and he was taken as a hostage by a group of pirates.
Though, Scotty Van wasn't killed or forced to walk the plank, he was a mere pet, for French pirates for an entire year. In this year, he learned the basics of French and by the time of his release he was able to speak nearly fluently to the pirates (that barely knew the language themselves). When the pirates discovered this, they grew tired of the man and tried to kill him, but in a struggle of power. Scotty Van was able to murder the entire ship by lighting the ship aflame and narrowly escaping into the sea and entered into the world of Privatizing. He than set off to become part of a Crew on the shores of Blackmoor, however he got more than he bargained for, as he became Captain of the Legendary "Sea Urchine", also known as "The Ship with Metal Spikes", in only a two years, after killing the former captain in a Munity. This prized ship used its metal spikes to carve its way through enemy ships by charing into them and than hopping across to steal plunder and loot before the ship gave way to the sea. It was this unusual strategy vested most navies at the time and even fended off Kraken, on more than one occasion, by so-called legend. However, little is known about what truly happened to the ship fifteen years ago when Scotty Van took his crew to uncharted lands, hoping to find a mysterious cursed treasure, supposedly so powerful it was spilt into three. Many legends have sprouted about what happened to the ship, but only the survivor, Captain Scotty Van could tell someone the truth, but even he has remained silent about the endeavor. Now Days, Scotty Van is a traveler on many ships, spending the last of his golden treasure on booze and cheap ladies, to make his days fonder. He mainly is hired to tell tales, and aid his patrons in the Arts of Navigation for the discovery of legendary items and places, all for a certain price.

Pet's Name: Scott
Nickname's: None
Owner: Scotty Van
Species: Dog
Appearance: Link
Notes: Scott, the trusty sidekick of Scotty Van, will only response to Scott and nothing else. Just as a warning, he has been known to attack when tempted.


~Choco Coronet~ Omnomnom
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Outside the Sea Fox's Inn, Port of Vensponic

Emilie tried to move as the black figure looked over her, but to no avail. The sword never struck down, instead the man was pushed away as the black haired beauty seemingly stumbled. Slowly, Emilie knelt up, regaining her strength. Her shoulder was not broken, nor dislocated, however, it was badly bruised and hurt like hell and back.

Then sounds of gunfire pierced the night. The sound Emilie disliked the most. With the adrenaline now surging in her body she took little care of the pain she was in and frantically looked around. She heard more men coming and then saw one dressed in some sort of a uniform. Guards. If there was something worse then pirates to Emilie, it was guards. She darted behind the Inn and then looked for cover. The men shouted, but the shouts were dampened by the rain. A couple of boxes stacked together provided Emilie with a way up a building, and she quickly climbed up top. However, the pain was catching up to her, and her hands were giving out. Barely managing to climb the building she did not even have a moment to look around and just passed out from the pain on the roof of the building.

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