System Agent Stats


Good Idea™
Reaction score
Agent Stats​
Version 1.2.0​

- Jass NewGen

//        _   ___ ___ __  _ _____   ___ _____ _ _____ ___ 
//       /_\ / __| __|  \| |_   _| / __|_   _/_\_   _/ __|
//      / _ \ (_ | _|| \ \ | | |   \__ \ | |/ _ \| | \__ \
//     /_/ \_\___|___|_|\__| |_|   |___/ |_/_/ \_\_| |___/
//                                    By Jesus4Lyf. v1.2.0.
//      What is AgentStats?
//     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
//          AgentStats is a handle count debugging tool for monitoring the number of
//          handles in game, in debug mode.
//      How to implement?
//     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
//          Create a new trigger object called AgentStats, go to 'Edit -> Convert
//          to Custom Text', and replace everything that's there with this script.
//          Then, import the "trackagents.j" file to "war3mapImported\trackagents.j".
//      Commands Provided:
//     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
//          Type the following commands in game:
//          -count                  Displays the number of agents in the game.
//          -count <handle>         Displays the number of <handle>s in the game.
//          -stats                  Displays agent stats.
//          -stats <handle>         Displays <handle> stats.
//          Examples:
//             -stats timer
//             -count triggerevent
//             -stats
//             -count widget
//             -count
library AgentStats initializer OnInit
        private constant integer SEARCH_DEGREE=20
        private constant string COMMAND_CHAR="-"
        private constant integer COMMAND_CHAR_LENGTH=StringLength(COMMAND_CHAR)
        private constant string TRACKER_PATH="war3mapImported\\trackagents.j"
        private string array TypeName
        private hashtable NameToType=InitHashtable()
        private constant integer TYPE_UNKNOWN           =0
        private constant integer TYPE_WIDGET            =1
        private constant integer TYPE_TRIGGER           =2
        private constant integer TYPE_DESTRUCTABLE      =3
        private constant integer TYPE_ITEM              =4
        private constant integer TYPE_UNIT              =5
        private constant integer TYPE_TIMER             =6
        private constant integer TYPE_HASHTABLE         =7
        private constant integer TYPE_TRIGGEREVENT      =8
        private constant integer TYPE_TRIGGERCONDITION  =9
        private constant integer TYPE_TRIGGERACTION     =10
        private constant integer TYPE_PLAYER            =11
        private constant integer TYPE_GROUP             =12
        private constant integer TYPE_EFFECT            =13
        private constant integer TYPE_LOCATION          =14
        private constant integer TYPE_RECT              =15
        private constant integer TYPE_BOOLEXPR          =16
        private constant integer TYPE_SOUND             =17
        private constant integer TYPE_FORCE             =18
        private constant integer TYPE_UNITPOOL          =19
        private constant integer TYPE_ITEMPOOL          =20
        private constant integer TYPE_QUEST             =21
        private constant integer TYPE_QUESTITEM         =22
        private constant integer TYPE_DEFEATCONDITION   =23
        private constant integer TYPE_TIMERDIALOG       =24
        private constant integer TYPE_LEADERBOARD       =25
        private constant integer TYPE_MULTIBOARDITEM    =26
        private constant integer TYPE_MULTIBOARD        =27
        private constant integer TYPE_TRACKABLE         =28
        private constant integer TYPE_DIALOG            =29
        private constant integer TYPE_BUTTON            =30
        private constant integer TYPE_TEXTTAG           =31
        private constant integer TYPE_LIGHTNING         =32
        private constant integer TYPE_IMAGE             =33
        private constant integer TYPE_UBERSPLAT         =34
        private constant integer TYPE_REGION            =35
        private constant integer TYPE_FOGSTATE          =36
        private constant integer TYPE_FOGMODIFIER       =37
        private constant integer TYPE_ABILITY           =38
        private constant integer MAX_TYPE               =38
    private function InitTypeNames takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i=MAX_TYPE
        set TypeName[TYPE_UNKNOWN]          ="UNKNOWN"
        set TypeName[TYPE_WIDGET]           ="Widget"
        set TypeName[TYPE_TRIGGER]          ="Trigger"
        set TypeName[TYPE_DESTRUCTABLE]     ="Destructable"
        set TypeName[TYPE_ITEM]             ="Item"
        set TypeName[TYPE_UNIT]             ="Unit"
        set TypeName[TYPE_TIMER]            ="Timer"
        set TypeName[TYPE_HASHTABLE]        ="Hashtable"
        set TypeName[TYPE_TRIGGEREVENT]     ="TriggerEvent"
        set TypeName[TYPE_TRIGGERCONDITION] ="TriggerCondition"
        set TypeName[TYPE_TRIGGERACTION]    ="TriggerAction"
        set TypeName[TYPE_PLAYER]           ="Player"
        set TypeName[TYPE_GROUP]            ="Group"
        set TypeName[TYPE_EFFECT]           ="Effect"
        set TypeName[TYPE_LOCATION]         ="Location"
        set TypeName[TYPE_RECT]             ="Rect"
        set TypeName[TYPE_BOOLEXPR]         ="BoolExpr"
        set TypeName[TYPE_SOUND]            ="Sound"
        set TypeName[TYPE_FORCE]            ="Force"
        set TypeName[TYPE_UNITPOOL]         ="UnitPool"
        set TypeName[TYPE_ITEMPOOL]         ="ItemPool"
        set TypeName[TYPE_QUEST]            ="Quest"
        set TypeName[TYPE_QUESTITEM]        ="QuestItem"
        set TypeName[TYPE_DEFEATCONDITION]  ="DefeatCondition"
        set TypeName[TYPE_TIMERDIALOG]      ="TimerDialog"
        set TypeName[TYPE_LEADERBOARD]      ="Leaderboard"
        set TypeName[TYPE_MULTIBOARDITEM]   ="MultiboardItem"
        set TypeName[TYPE_MULTIBOARD]       ="Multiboard"
        set TypeName[TYPE_TRACKABLE]        ="Trackable"
        set TypeName[TYPE_DIALOG]           ="Dialog"
        set TypeName[TYPE_BUTTON]           ="Button"
        set TypeName[TYPE_TEXTTAG]          ="TextTag"
        set TypeName[TYPE_LIGHTNING]        ="Lightning"
        set TypeName[TYPE_IMAGE]            ="Image"
        set TypeName[TYPE_UBERSPLAT]        ="Ubersplat"
        set TypeName[TYPE_REGION]           ="Region"
        set TypeName[TYPE_FOGSTATE]         ="FogState"
        set TypeName[TYPE_FOGMODIFIER]      ="FogModifier"
        set TypeName[TYPE_ABILITY]          ="Ability"
            call SaveInteger(NameToType,0,StringHash(StringCase(TypeName<i>,false)),i)
            exitwhen i==0
            set i=i-1
        private hashtable Read=InitHashtable()
        private hashtable Count=InitHashtable()
        private integer CountInstance=-1
        private integer Sum=0
    //! textmacro AgentStats__Count takes TYPECAPS
        call SaveInteger(Count,CountInstance,TYPE_$TYPECAPS$,LoadInteger(Count,CountInstance,TYPE_$TYPECAPS$)+1)
        set Sum=Sum+1
    //! endtextmacro
    private function CreateInstance takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i=SEARCH_DEGREE
        local group g
            exitwhen i==0
            set i=i-1
            call DestroyGroup(CreateGroup())
        set g=CreateGroup()
        set i=GetHandleId(g)
        call DestroyGroup(g)
        set g=null
        set CountInstance=CountInstance+1
            exitwhen i==0x100000
            set i=i-1
            call SaveFogStateHandle(Read,0,i,ConvertFogState(i))
            if LoadWidgetHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                call SaveInteger(Count,CountInstance,TYPE_WIDGET,LoadInteger(Count,CountInstance,TYPE_WIDGET)+1)
                if LoadUnitHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                    //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;UNIT&quot;)
                elseif LoadDestructableHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                    //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;DESTRUCTABLE&quot;)
                elseif LoadItemHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                    //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;ITEM&quot;)
            elseif LoadTriggerHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;TRIGGER&quot;)
            elseif LoadTimerHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;TIMER&quot;)
            elseif LoadHashtableHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;HASHTABLE&quot;)
            elseif LoadTriggerEventHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;TRIGGEREVENT&quot;)
            elseif LoadTriggerConditionHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then    
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;TRIGGERCONDITION&quot;)
            elseif LoadTriggerActionHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;TRIGGERACTION&quot;)
            elseif LoadPlayerHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;PLAYER&quot;)
            elseif LoadGroupHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;GROUP&quot;)
            elseif LoadEffectHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;EFFECT&quot;)
            elseif LoadLocationHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;LOCATION&quot;)
            elseif LoadRectHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;RECT&quot;)
            elseif LoadBooleanExprHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;BOOLEXPR&quot;)
            elseif LoadSoundHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;SOUND&quot;)
            elseif LoadForceHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;FORCE&quot;)
            elseif LoadUnitPoolHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;UNITPOOL&quot;)
            elseif LoadItemPoolHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;ITEMPOOL&quot;)
            elseif LoadQuestHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;QUEST&quot;)
            elseif LoadQuestItemHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;QUESTITEM&quot;)
            elseif LoadDefeatConditionHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;DEFEATCONDITION&quot;)
            elseif LoadTimerDialogHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;DIALOG&quot;)
            elseif LoadLeaderboardHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;LEADERBOARD&quot;)
            elseif LoadMultiboardItemHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;MULTIBOARDITEM&quot;)
            elseif LoadMultiboardHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;MULTIBOARD&quot;)
            elseif LoadTrackableHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;TRACKABLE&quot;)
            elseif LoadDialogHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;DIALOG&quot;)
            elseif LoadButtonHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;BUTTON&quot;)
            elseif LoadTextTagHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;TEXTTAG&quot;)
            elseif LoadLightningHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;LIGHTNING&quot;)
            elseif LoadImageHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;IMAGE&quot;)
            elseif LoadUbersplatHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;UBERSPLAT&quot;)
            elseif LoadRegionHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;REGION&quot;)
            elseif LoadFogStateHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;FOGSTATE&quot;)
            elseif LoadFogModifierHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;FOGMODIFIER&quot;)
            elseif LoadAbilityHandle(Read,0,i)!=null then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;ABILITY&quot;)
            elseif HaveSavedHandle(Read,0,i) then
                //! runtextmacro AgentStats__Count(&quot;UNKNOWN&quot;)
        call SaveInteger(Count,CountInstance,-1,Sum)
        set Sum=0
    // Abstraction
    private function GetLastInstance takes nothing returns integer
        return CountInstance
    private function GetTypeCount takes integer whichInstance, integer whichType returns integer
        return LoadInteger(Count,whichInstance,whichType)
    private function GetType takes string typeNameLowerCase returns integer
        return LoadInteger(NameToType,0,StringHash(typeNameLowerCase))
    private function GetTypeName takes integer whichType returns string
        return TypeName[whichType]
    private function GetTotalCount takes integer whichInstance returns integer
        return LoadInteger(Count,whichInstance,-1)
        private integer array Sorted
    private function InitSort takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i=MAX_TYPE
            set Sorted<i>=i
            exitwhen i==0
            set i=i-1
    private function Sort takes integer whichInstance returns nothing    
        local integer i=1
        local integer j
        local integer val
            set val=Sorted<i>
            set j=i-1
                exitwhen j&lt;0 or GetTypeCount(whichInstance,Sorted[j])&gt;GetTypeCount(whichInstance,val)
                set Sorted[j+1]=Sorted[j]
                set j=j-1
            set Sorted[j+1]=val
            exitwhen i==MAX_TYPE
            set i=i+1
    private function CommandCount takes string subject returns nothing
        local integer t=GetType(subject)
        if t!=0 or subject==&quot;unknown&quot; then
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Number of &quot;+GetTypeName(t)+&quot;s: &quot;+I2S(GetTypeCount(GetLastInstance(),t)))
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Number of agents: &quot;+I2S(GetTotalCount(GetLastInstance())))
    private function CommandStats takes string subject returns nothing
        local integer t=GetType(subject)
        if t!=0 or subject==&quot;unknown&quot; then
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot; &quot;)
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot;  == &quot;+GetTypeName(t)+&quot; Stats ==&quot;)
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Currently: &quot;+I2S(GetTypeCount(GetLastInstance(),t))+&quot; exist.&quot;)
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Last Scan: &quot;+I2S(GetTypeCount(GetLastInstance()-1,t))+&quot; existed.&quot;)
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Post Init: &quot;+I2S(GetTypeCount(0,t))+&quot; existed.&quot;)
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Currently, &quot;+GetTypeName(t)+&quot;s make up &quot;+/*
                */+&quot;% of all agents.&quot;)
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Since last scan, &quot;+GetTypeName(t)+&quot;s have increased by &quot;+/*
            call Sort(GetLastInstance())
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot; &quot;)
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot;  == Agent Stats ==&quot;)
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Currently: &quot;+I2S(GetTotalCount(GetLastInstance()))+&quot; exist.&quot;)
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Last Scan: &quot;+I2S(GetTotalCount(GetLastInstance()-1))+&quot; existed.&quot;)
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Post Init: &quot;+I2S(GetTotalCount(0))+&quot; existed.&quot;)
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Since last scan, Agents have increased by &quot;+/*
            call Sort(GetLastInstance())
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Most common agents:&quot;)
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot;1. &quot;+GetTypeName(Sorted[0])+&quot;s - &quot;+I2S(GetTypeCount(GetLastInstance(),Sorted[0]))+&quot; in existance.&quot;)
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot;2. &quot;+GetTypeName(Sorted[1])+&quot;s - &quot;+I2S(GetTypeCount(GetLastInstance(),Sorted[1]))+&quot; in existance.&quot;)
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot;3. &quot;+GetTypeName(Sorted[2])+&quot;s - &quot;+I2S(GetTypeCount(GetLastInstance(),Sorted[2]))+&quot; in existance.&quot;)
    private function OnChat takes nothing returns boolean
        local string s=GetEventPlayerChatString()
        set s=StringCase(SubString(s,COMMAND_CHAR_LENGTH,StringLength(s)),false)
        if SubString(s,0,5)==&quot;count&quot; then
            call CreateInstance.evaluate()
            call CommandCount(SubString(s,6,StringLength(s)))
        elseif SubString(s,0,5)==&quot;stats&quot; then
            call CreateInstance.evaluate()
            call CommandStats(SubString(s,6,StringLength(s)))
        return false
    private function PostInit takes nothing returns nothing
        call CreateInstance() // Creates instance #0
        if GetTotalCount(GetLastInstance())==0 then
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot;AgentStats Error: Blizzard may have fixed the return bug, or else you are missing &quot;+TRACKER_PATH+&quot;.&quot;)
        call DestroyTimer(GetExpiredTimer())
    private function OnInit takes nothing returns nothing
        debug local integer i=11
        debug local trigger t=CreateTrigger()
        debug call StoreInteger(InitGameCache(&quot;Preloader.w3v&quot;),&quot;globals&quot;,&quot;hashtable&quot;,GetHandleId(Read))
        debug call InitTypeNames()
        debug call InitSort()
        debug call TimerStart(CreateTimer(),0,false,function PostInit)
        debug loop
            debug call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(t,Player(i),COMMAND_CHAR,false)
            debug exitwhen i==0
            debug set i=i-1
        debug endloop
        debug call TriggerAddCondition(t,Filter(function OnChat))
        debug set t=null

This is an overpowered handle counter. It scans the game and detects all handles of all types, and sorts them and counts them. It is only useful for debugging, leak monitoring and curiosity. It is set up to only work in debug mode.

- Version 1.2.0: Fixed compatability for Warcraft III patch 1.24c. Removed Preloader use.
- Version 1.1.0: Just provides simple text commands now (rework).
- Version 1.0.0 (ALPHA): Release.


  • AgentStats.w3x
    25.1 KB · Views: 405


Super Moderator
Reaction score
This is interesting. :p
A leaderboard or something would be nice though, showing the count of each major type.

The import is inconvenient, but I'm guessing that's to avoid syntax errors on that return bug?


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
Reaction score
I did not expect THAT approach, so good job for confounding me yet again Jesus.


Good Idea™
Reaction score
>The import is inconvenient, but I'm guessing that's to avoid syntax errors on that return bug?
Yeah, that. Also means if a map is produced with it and Blizz fixes things, then only the preloader file will fail syntax and the map won't break. :)

I need to do major updates to this, but it is already useful. I was originally even thinking of graphing the handles. I don't like a leaderboard/multiboard simply because this system is too costly to performance to reach a released map, and since many maps use leaderboards or multiboards, well, it would be lame to override them for a debug thing...


Super Moderator
Reaction score
Just have a boolean 'ENABLED' or something. o_O
Performance doesn't really matter with systems like this, which are used solely for debugging. For the final release, it'll simply be removed. If another board should be tested, then this can be disabled.


Good Idea™
Reaction score
>Performance doesn't really matter with systems like this, which are used solely for debugging.
Yeah. I'll probably debug out the whole library some time. :p

I hope to also make it self contained. Expose only text commands and stuff, so you can dump it in your maps and care more about useful things.

It's pretty nice at the moment, even though it is proof of concept kind of thing... you can see how many timers/triggers etc exist at any time during a map. Obviously cool for leak hunting.

Interestingly enough, the count function leaks an unknown agent. I'm pretty sure it's gamecache, though. <_<


Reaction score
Debug libraries are fun! I have a suggestion from a tiny one I made, just add [ljass]debug[/ljass] to the whole library. Obviously makes it work only in debug mode (as intended) and won't hurt if anyone leaves it in their map.

Edit: Nevermind, you said that. Well cool thing anyways :p


Current occupation: News poster
Reaction score
Pro as usual. ^_^

For lazy-asses:


Old World Ghost
Reaction score
So much better than a handle counter.

This potentially beats any leak checker.


Super Moderator
Reaction score
I'd still rather this have a leaderboard.
If you think it'd be too distracting, it could easily be enabled/disabled with a constant or something.

This is too inconvenient to use as it currently is, IMO.


You can change this now in User CP.
Reaction score
It's a pretty good idea.
I've a question.
Currently i don't see the usefulness of the constant SEARCH_DEGREE.
I know you need to create an handle in the function CreateInstance to get the handle id max, but 1 is not enough ?


Good Idea™
Reaction score
>I know you need to create an handle in the function CreateInstance to get the handle id max, but 1 is not enough ?
There can be gaps where handles have been freed already. The DestroyGroup(CreateGroup() stuff occupies a handle id for the duration of the function call, basically (until 0 second wait or something). So if there are gaps, it will fill up to x gaps before accepting the next handle as the max handle (hence the constant).

>I'd still rather this have a leaderboard.
And run the scan periodically? It can be done. What a pain. :(

Would make your map thoroughly unplayable in debug mode, I expect. I might not do it, but I might (optional if I do, of course)...

>So much better than a handle counter.
>This potentially beats any leak checker.
That was my opinion. :)


You can change this now in User CP.
Reaction score
Believe me or not i thought about that before you answered.
Hmm, in fact 20 should be not enough, but unless you hook/define all functions which create/destroy handles, and that should be really lame lol, i guess there is no safe way to do it.
Personally i would use 100 or so.

Also, i'm wondering how ghost handles are detected ? (handle which was destroyed but the variable associated to it was not setted to an other value, so the handle id wasn't recycled)
I mean they are detected as their native type (unit,triggerevent...) or as unknown ?


Good Idea™
Reaction score
>I mean they are detected as their native type (unit,triggerevent...) or as unknown ?
Unknown. (Pretty sure.)

>Jesus, any chance to get the origin of the handle leak?
The line of code that created it? Lol, sorry. No chance.
It is possible to destroy the handles, but it is silly. I was thinking of adding a text command to destroy every handle of type x on the map, but it really is useless... :)


So many apples
Reaction score
I've got this in my map for debugging =)

made approx 200 leaks less (from things that i thought shouldn't have leaked).


Super Moderator
Reaction score
This is approvable as it currently is, though A leaderboard would certainly make this much, much more usable.

Efficiency, speed, space, etc are not a problem when debugging.

Edit: 8,000 posts. :eek:


So many apples
Reaction score
This is approvable as it currently is, though A leaderboard would certainly make this much, much more usable.

Efficiency, speed, space, etc are not a problem when debugging.

I think it's fine like this.
Since I use multiboards and leaderboards. It would fuck up with my current leaderboard, no?
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  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    Signatures can be edit in your account profile. As for the old stuffs, I'm thinking it's because Blizzard is now under Microsoft, and because of Microsoft Xbox going the way it is, it's dreadful.
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  • Monovertex Monovertex:
    @tom_mai78101 I must be blind. If I go on my profile I don't see any area to edit the signature; If I go to account details (settings) I don't see any signature area either.
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  • Varine Varine:
    Crazy how much 3d printing has come in the last few years. Sad that it's not as easily modifiable though
  • Varine Varine:
    I bought an Ender 3 during the pandemic and tinkered with it all the time. Just bought a Sovol, not as easy. I'm trying to make it use a different nozzle because I have a fuck ton of Volcanos, and they use what is basically a modified volcano that is just a smidge longer, and almost every part on this thing needs to be redone to make it work
  • Varine Varine:
    Luckily I have a 3d printer for that, I guess. But it's ridiculous. The regular volcanos are 21mm, these Sovol versions are about 23.5mm
  • Varine Varine:
    So, 2.5mm longer. But the thing that measures the bed is about 1.5mm above the nozzle, so if I swap it with a volcano then I'm 1mm behind it. So cool, new bracket to swap that, but THEN the fan shroud to direct air at the part is ALSO going to be .5mm to low, and so I need to redo that, but by doing that it is a little bit off where it should be blowing and it's throwing it at the heating block instead of the part, and fuck man
  • Varine Varine:
    I didn't realize they designed this entire thing to NOT be modded. I would have just got a fucking Bambu if I knew that, the whole point was I could fuck with this. And no one else makes shit for Sovol so I have to go through them, and they have... interesting pricing models. So I have a new extruder altogether that I'm taking apart and going to just design a whole new one to use my nozzles. Dumb design.
  • Varine Varine:
    Can't just buy a new heatblock, you need to get a whole hotend - so block, heater cartridge, thermistor, heatbreak, and nozzle. And they put this fucking paste in there so I can't take the thermistor or cartridge out with any ease, that's 30 dollars. Or you can get the whole extrudor with the direct driver AND that heatblock for like 50, but you still can't get any of it to come apart
  • Varine Varine:
    Partsbuilt has individual parts I found but they're expensive. I think I can get bits swapped around and make this work with generic shit though
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Heard Houston got hit pretty bad by storms last night. Hope all is well with TH.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Power back on finally - all is good here no damage
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