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  1. F

    Selling Units From an Upgraded Structure

    I've noticed that a number of people have had this problem, but I havn't found a proper solution. I have one base structure that upgrades into one of several other buildings. The upgraded structures are supposed to sell units, but the base structure isn't. No matter what I try, I can't even get...
  2. F

    Multiple Dialogs

    I'm working on an RPG that has a class-change system. At regular intervals, I want a dialog box to appear that will give a series of options to the player that will determine what class the hero will change into. I already have the trigger actions in place that will make the change (in theory)...
  3. F

    Quick Question: Roar Vs. Howl

    As we all probably know, the designers reused a couple of the same abilities and gave them varying stats for different units. Defend and Magic Defence, for example, have the same capibilities except the data having different numbers. Using them in-game, the units use them the same way, even down...
  4. F

    Change defense type with items

    I know that there are upgrades that can change defense type. Using "Unit Acquires item" events and "Set research level of [tech] to [#]" actions is the obvious solution. However, I want to be able to change back and forth at any time by switching out the items. I can't reset those researches...
  5. F

    Convert string to order

    I'm creating a unit that uses three items to fight. Each of these item weapons is supposed to be effective against a certain unit. I want a trigger to kill a certain unit type if using the correct item. But I can't seem to find the right combination of event/condition/action subroutines to use...
  6. F

    Giving a Dummy orders

    I'm trying to make an ability that poisons targets within a radius of a unit. I used "Fan of Knives" as a base, and am trying to use a dummy unit to do the poison damage. I added "Envenomed Spears" to the dummy unit, and tried using this trigger to make him attack the targets, thereby adding the...
  7. F

    Ability Help

    I'm trying to make an ability that poisons targets within a radius of a unit. I used "Fan of Knives" as a base, and am trying to use a dummy unit to do the poison damage. I added "Envenomed Spears" to the dummy unit, and tried using this trigger to make him attack the targets, thereby adding the...
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    A Very Simple Question

    I don't know if I'm revolutionary, or just really stupid, but a lot of the questions I ask here are responded with "That's not possible". Go look at my other posts and see for yourself. Anyway, that's not my question I have a custom Defend ability, but I want it to drain mana. I have a trigger...
  9. F

    Changing Core Ability Properties

    I'm trying to make a passive ability (specifically, Cleaving Attack) into a toggelable or autocast ability (i.e., Immolation or Searing Arrows). I tried making a trigger to damage units in an area whenever a unit that has the ability attacks, but it won't work the way I want. Can anyone think...
  10. F

    Armor boost variable

    I want to create an ability that can boost a hero's armor by some multiple of his own Agility. I can create a trigger to monitor his agility, but I can't think of any way to put it all together. I can't use a dummy ability, because the armor boost needs to be based off of a variable. Is there...
  11. F

    Raise Shield Animation

    I'm working on a hero with the Spell Breaker model file. During testing for a togglable ability, I noticed that putting the Defend ability on him actually caused him to raise his shield and keep it up as he moved around. I tried to remake this ability, but I based it off of Immolation instead so...
  12. F

    A quick question about triggers...

    I'm making a trigger to turn "Cleaving Attack" into an autocast ability. At higher levels of this ability, I want the Hero to do increasing amount of damage, just like the real Cleaving Attack. Here's my trigger to monitor the advancement of the ability: Events Unit - (Flame...
  13. F

    Strange Mirror Image

    I've been working on a custom hero, but I've been getting a very strange effect with my customized Mirror Image ability. Whenever I try to activate it, my hero turns into a Siege Engine. I even tried putting the actual unedited Mirror Image ability in it's place, but he still transforms...