[4 Spell Pack] Hero: Pyroblade


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Hello everyone! This is my best creation (til now). I just wanted to share with you this thing i worked on for a week (Note: I have a real life, so dont count college, homework, etc). I was inspired by (For thos who play Super Smash Bros. Brawl) Ike's Final Smash, It looks very good.

Plz warn me if there is any bug


  • Pyroblade.w3x
    47.5 KB · Views: 240


New Member
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Cool. The spells look good. They tend to lag a little bit, though. How's the coding?

Also, just a comment on the ultimate: If you are intending them for some kind of multiplayer game, it might help to make it a bit faster. I know Ike's Final Smash takes a while as well - you seem to make the timing pretty close to that - but I'm not sure how well it would fly in a Heroes map; the only thing I can think of that's comparable is something like Omnislash, but that only takes your Hero out of commission and not your targets as well.

edit: Sorry, the map's not protected, so I'll look into the coding myself when I have a chance.


New Member
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Really? its protected? It may be because im working on a mac computer, there's nothing i can do to fix it. And, ok, ill do my best to make it quicker. Originally the ability was made to only catch heroes, creeps are ignored to the launched axe.

PD: The Firewalk tooltip is incomplete


New Member
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Oh, shit, never mind. No, it's not protected. My World Editor just crashed when I opened it, probably because I was working on a campaign and sometimes that does funky stuff. Sorry. (Ironically, I'm also working on a Mac).


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Just checked it out. That ultimate spell is really awesome, I like how he drops down at the end. The fire dash was also cool.


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The Code

Actually there are 8 triggers for the final ability xD.

1st: Cast
Great Aether Cast
        Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
        (Ability being cast) Equal to Great Aether (3)
        Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
        Set AetherCaster = (Casting unit)
        Unit - Create 1 DummyAether for (Owner of (Casting unit)) at (Position of (Casting unit)) facing Default building facing degrees
        Set AetherDummy = (Last created unit)
        Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of AetherDummy using Doodads\Cinematic\FirePillarMedium\FirePillarMedium.mdl
        Unit - Turn collision for AetherDummy Off
        Unit - Move AetherDummy instantly to (Position of AetherCaster)
        Set AetherPoint = (Target point of ability being cast)
        Unit - Order AetherDummy to Move To (Target point of ability being cast)
        Set AetherDistance = (Distance between (Position of AetherCaster) and AetherPoint)
        Set AetherAngle = (Angle from (Position of AetherCaster) to AetherPoint)
        Trigger - Turn on Great Aether Dummy Move <gen>
        Trigger - Turn on Great Aether Touch <gen>
        Wait 0.60 seconds
        Unit - Pause AetherCaster
        Trigger - Turn on (This trigger)

2cond: Missile Dummy Skid
Great Aether Dummy Move
        Time - Every 0.03 seconds of game time
        Set Integer = (Integer + 35)
        Unit - Move AetherDummy instantly to ((Position of AetherCaster) offset by (Real(Integer)) towards AetherAngle degrees)
        If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            If - Conditions
                Integer Greater than or equal to (Integer(AetherDistance))
            Then - Actions
                Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
                Set Integer = 0
                If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    If - Conditions
                        AetherPicked Equal to No unit
                    Then - Actions
                        Trigger - Run Great Aether Touch No Target <gen> (ignoring conditions)
                    Else - Actions
            Else - Actions

3rth: Caster Move Skid
Great Aether Caster Move
        Time - Every 0.03 seconds of game time
        Set Real = (Real + (AetherDistance x 0.03))
        Unit - Move AetherCaster instantly to (AetherCasterPoint offset by Real towards AetherAngle degrees)
        If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            If - Conditions
                Real Greater than or equal to (AetherDistance - 120.00)
            Then - Actions
                Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
                Set Real = 0.00
            Else - Actions

4th: Target Picking
Great Aether Touch
        Time - Every 0.03 seconds of game time
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Random 1 units from (Units within 150.00 of (Position of AetherDummy) matching (((((Matching unit) is alive) Equal to True) and (((Matching unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of AetherCaster)) Equal to True)) and ((((Matching unit) is A Hero) Equal to True) and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    If - Conditions
                        (Picked unit) Equal to No unit
                    Then - Actions
                        Do nothing
                    Else - Actions
                        Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
                        Unit - Turn collision for AetherCaster Off
                        Set AetherPicked = (Picked unit)
                        Set AetherPoint = (Position of AetherPicked)
                        Set AetherCasterPoint = (Position of AetherCaster)
                        Set AetherDistance = (Distance between AetherCasterPoint and AetherPoint)
                        Set AetherAngle = (Angle from AetherCasterPoint to AetherPoint)
                        Trigger - Turn on Great Aether Caster Move <gen>
                        Unit - Add Storm Crow Form to AetherPicked
                        Unit - Add Storm Crow Form to AetherCaster
                        Unit - Add Storm Crow Form to AetherDummy
                        Unit - Order AetherCaster to Move To (Position of AetherPicked)
                        Unit - Make AetherCaster Invulnerable
                        Unit - Make AetherPicked Invulnerable
                        Animation - Change AetherPicked flying height to 400.00 at 600.00
                        Animation - Change AetherCaster flying height to 400.00 at 600.00
                        Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units within 300.00 of (Position of AetherPicked) matching ((((Matching unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of AetherCaster)) Equal to True) and (((Picked unit) is A structure) Equal to False))) and do (Actions)
                            Loop - Actions
                                Unit - Create 1 Dummy for (Owner of AetherCaster) at (Position of (Picked unit)) facing Default building facing degrees
                                Unit - Add Stun  to (Last created unit)
                                Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Human Mountain King - Storm Bolt (Picked unit)
                                Unit - Add a 1.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
                        Animation - Change AetherDummy's vertex coloring to (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%) with 100.00% transparency
                        Unit - Remove Storm Crow Form from AetherCaster
                        Unit - Remove Storm Crow Form from AetherPicked
                        Unit - Pause AetherPicked
                        Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the weapon of AetherCaster using Abilities\Weapons\RedDragonBreath\RedDragonMissile.mdl
                        Set AetherEffect = (Last created special effect)
                        Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Position of AetherPicked) using Abilities\Spells\Human\ThunderClap\ThunderClapCaster.mdl
                        Unit - Set AetherPicked movement speed to 0.00
                        Unit - Set AetherCaster movement speed to 0.00
                        Trigger - Run Great Aether Splash <gen> (ignoring conditions)

5th: If there is no target
Great Aether Touch No Target
        Unit - Set AetherCaster movement speed to 0.00
        Unit - Turn collision for AetherCaster Off
        Set AetherPoint = (Position of AetherDummy)
        Set AetherCasterPoint = (Position of AetherCaster)
        Set AetherDistance = (Distance between (Position of AetherCaster) and AetherPoint)
        Set AetherAngle = (Angle from (Position of AetherCaster) to AetherPoint)
        Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Position of AetherDummy) using Abilities\Spells\Human\ThunderClap\ThunderClapCaster.mdl
        Trigger - Turn on Great Aether Caster Move <gen>
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units within 300.00 of (Position of AetherPicked) matching ((((Matching unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of AetherCaster)) Equal to True) and (((Picked unit) is A structure) Equal to False))) and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Unit - Create 1 Dummy for (Owner of AetherCaster) at (Position of (Picked unit)) facing Default building facing degrees
                Unit - Add Stun  to (Last created unit)
                Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Human Mountain King - Storm Bolt (Picked unit)
                Unit - Add a 1.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
        Unit - Add Storm Crow Form to AetherCaster
        Unit - Add Storm Crow Form to AetherDummy
        Selection - Remove AetherCaster from selection
        Unit - Make AetherCaster Invulnerable
        Animation - Change AetherCaster flying height to 400.00 at 400.00
        Animation - Change AetherDummy flying height to 400.00 at 400.00
        Unit - Remove Storm Crow Form from AetherCaster
        Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the weapon of AetherCaster using Abilities\Weapons\RedDragonBreath\RedDragonMissile.mdl
        Trigger - Run Great Aether Splash No Target <gen> (ignoring conditions)

6th: The Air animation and damage.
Great Aether Touch No Target
        Unit - Set AetherCaster movement speed to 0.00
        Unit - Turn collision for AetherCaster Off
        Set AetherPoint = (Position of AetherDummy)
        Set AetherCasterPoint = (Position of AetherCaster)
        Set AetherDistance = (Distance between (Position of AetherCaster) and AetherPoint)
        Set AetherAngle = (Angle from (Position of AetherCaster) to AetherPoint)
        Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Position of AetherDummy) using Abilities\Spells\Human\ThunderClap\ThunderClapCaster.mdl
        Trigger - Turn on Great Aether Caster Move <gen>
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units within 300.00 of (Position of AetherPicked) matching ((((Matching unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of AetherCaster)) Equal to True) and (((Picked unit) is A structure) Equal to False))) and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Unit - Create 1 Dummy for (Owner of AetherCaster) at (Position of (Picked unit)) facing Default building facing degrees
                Unit - Add Stun  to (Last created unit)
                Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Human Mountain King - Storm Bolt (Picked unit)
                Unit - Add a 1.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
        Unit - Add Storm Crow Form to AetherCaster
        Unit - Add Storm Crow Form to AetherDummy
        Selection - Remove AetherCaster from selection
        Unit - Make AetherCaster Invulnerable
        Animation - Change AetherCaster flying height to 400.00 at 400.00
        Animation - Change AetherDummy flying height to 400.00 at 400.00
        Unit - Remove Storm Crow Form from AetherCaster
        Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the weapon of AetherCaster using Abilities\Weapons\RedDragonBreath\RedDragonMissile.mdl
        Trigger - Run Great Aether Splash No Target <gen> (ignoring conditions)

7th: Spash on the floor if there is no target.
Great Aether Splash No Target
        Wait 0.60 seconds
        Unit - Remove AetherDummy from the game
        Animation - Play AetherCaster's slam animation
        Wait 0.70 seconds
        Animation - Change AetherCaster's animation speed to 0.00% of its original speed
        Unit - Add Storm Crow Form to AetherCaster
        Animation - Change AetherPicked flying height to 0.00 at 800.00
        Animation - Change AetherCaster flying height to 0.00 at 800.00
        Unit - Remove Storm Crow Form from AetherCaster
        Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
        Wait 0.10 seconds
        Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Position of AetherCaster) using Abilities\Spells\Human\FlameStrike\FlameStrike1.mdl
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units within 300.00 of (Position of AetherCaster) matching ((((Matching unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of AetherCaster)) Equal to True) and (((Picked unit) is A structure) Equal to False))) and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Unit - Create 1 Dummy for (Owner of AetherCaster) at (Position of (Picked unit)) facing Default building facing degrees
                Unit - Add Blade Ignite (4) to (Last created unit)
                Unit - Set level of Blade Ignite (4) for (Last created unit) to (Level of Blade Ignite (4) for AetherCaster)
                Unit - Cause (Last created unit) to damage (Picked unit), dealing (100.00 + ((Real((Level of Great Aether (3) for AetherCaster))) x 100.00)) damage of attack type Hero and damage type Normal
                Unit - Add a 1.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
        Selection - Add AetherCaster to selection for (Owner of AetherCaster)
        Wait 0.50 seconds
        Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Position of AetherPicked) using Abilities\Spells\Orc\WarStomp\WarStompCaster.mdl
        Unit - Set AetherCaster movement speed to (Default movement speed of AetherCaster)
        Unit - Make AetherCaster Vulnerable
        Animation - Change AetherCaster's animation speed to 100.00% of its original speed
        Unit - Unpause AetherCaster
        Unit - Turn collision for AetherCaster On

8th: Cleaning Up
Great Aether Finish
        Wait 0.70 seconds
        Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Position of AetherPicked) using Abilities\Spells\Orc\WarStomp\WarStompCaster.mdl
        Unit - Make AetherPicked Vulnerable
        Unit - Make AetherCaster Vulnerable
        Unit - Unpause AetherCaster
        Unit - Unpause AetherPicked
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units within 300.00 of (Position of AetherPicked) matching ((((Matching unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of AetherCaster)) Equal to True) and (((Picked unit) is A structure) Equal to False))) and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Unit - Create 1 Dummy for (Owner of AetherCaster) at (Position of (Picked unit)) facing Default building facing degrees
                Unit - Add Blade Ignite (4) to (Last created unit)
                Unit - Set level of Blade Ignite (4) for (Last created unit) to (Level of Blade Ignite (4) for AetherCaster)
                Unit - Cause (Last created unit) to damage (Picked unit), dealing (40.00 + ((Real((Level of Great Aether (3) for AetherCaster))) x 40.00)) damage of attack type Hero and damage type Normal
                Unit - Add a 1.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
        Selection - Select AetherCaster for (Owner of AetherCaster)
        Selection - Select AetherPicked for (Owner of AetherPicked)
        Unit - Set AetherCaster movement speed to (Default movement speed of AetherCaster)
        Unit - Set AetherPicked movement speed to (Default movement speed of AetherPicked)
        Animation - Change AetherCaster's animation speed to 100.00% of its original speed
        Unit - Unpause AetherPicked
        Unit - Unpause AetherCaster
        Set AetherPicked = No unit
        Unit - Turn collision for AetherCaster On


In need of sleep
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bugs that i found

Fire Walk tooltip is the tooltip for carrion swarm

For the on hit dps passive you have, the buff is nonexistant, the buff shown has the face of sammy and the tooltip of "no tooltip"

and plz, make a reset cooldown spell i want to use his ulti more often for the test map ^_^\

also as im looking though your codeing, the part where you give the units ignite for the firewalk... whats it for?


New Member
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idk why the buff is non-existance, im using this hero in other map and it has no problems, but whatever, maybe the importing is wrong.

And, blade ignite is applied to dummy units because i want the dot effect to be applied to the target.


In need of sleep
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yea but the dummys never attack the targets, thus not procing the DoT

if you want it to proc the buff you shuld make the dummys attack the target


Hippopotomonstrosesquiped aliophobia
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Can you post screenshots? :thup:


New Member
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Hmm If u target a hero with great aether it doesnt take the target up in the air only damaging it ;S is it only me or have anyone the same problem?


Working on a Map
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Actually there are 8 triggers for the final ability xD.

1st: Cast
Great Aether Cast
        Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
        (Ability being cast) Equal to Great Aether (3)
        Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
        Set AetherCaster = (Casting unit)
        Unit - Create 1 DummyAether for (Owner of (Casting unit)) at (Position of (Casting unit)) facing Default building facing degrees
        Set AetherDummy = (Last created unit)
        Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of AetherDummy using Doodads\Cinematic\FirePillarMedium\FirePillarMedium.mdl
        Unit - Turn collision for AetherDummy Off
        Unit - Move AetherDummy instantly to (Position of AetherCaster)
        Set AetherPoint = (Target point of ability being cast)
        Unit - Order AetherDummy to Move To (Target point of ability being cast)
        Set AetherDistance = (Distance between (Position of AetherCaster) and AetherPoint)
        Set AetherAngle = (Angle from (Position of AetherCaster) to AetherPoint)
        Trigger - Turn on Great Aether Dummy Move <gen>
        Trigger - Turn on Great Aether Touch <gen>
        Wait 0.60 seconds
        Unit - Pause AetherCaster
        Trigger - Turn on (This trigger)

2cond: Missile Dummy Skid
Great Aether Dummy Move
        Time - Every 0.03 seconds of game time
        Set Integer = (Integer + 35)
        Unit - Move AetherDummy instantly to ((Position of AetherCaster) offset by (Real(Integer)) towards AetherAngle degrees)
        If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            If - Conditions
                Integer Greater than or equal to (Integer(AetherDistance))
            Then - Actions
                Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
                Set Integer = 0
                If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    If - Conditions
                        AetherPicked Equal to No unit
                    Then - Actions
                        Trigger - Run Great Aether Touch No Target <gen> (ignoring conditions)
                    Else - Actions
            Else - Actions

3rth: Caster Move Skid
Great Aether Caster Move
        Time - Every 0.03 seconds of game time
        Set Real = (Real + (AetherDistance x 0.03))
        Unit - Move AetherCaster instantly to (AetherCasterPoint offset by Real towards AetherAngle degrees)
        If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            If - Conditions
                Real Greater than or equal to (AetherDistance - 120.00)
            Then - Actions
                Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
                Set Real = 0.00
            Else - Actions

4th: Target Picking
Great Aether Touch
        Time - Every 0.03 seconds of game time
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Random 1 units from (Units within 150.00 of (Position of AetherDummy) matching (((((Matching unit) is alive) Equal to True) and (((Matching unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of AetherCaster)) Equal to True)) and ((((Matching unit) is A Hero) Equal to True) and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    If - Conditions
                        (Picked unit) Equal to No unit
                    Then - Actions
                        Do nothing
                    Else - Actions
                        Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
                        Unit - Turn collision for AetherCaster Off
                        Set AetherPicked = (Picked unit)
                        Set AetherPoint = (Position of AetherPicked)
                        Set AetherCasterPoint = (Position of AetherCaster)
                        Set AetherDistance = (Distance between AetherCasterPoint and AetherPoint)
                        Set AetherAngle = (Angle from AetherCasterPoint to AetherPoint)
                        Trigger - Turn on Great Aether Caster Move <gen>
                        Unit - Add Storm Crow Form to AetherPicked
                        Unit - Add Storm Crow Form to AetherCaster
                        Unit - Add Storm Crow Form to AetherDummy
                        Unit - Order AetherCaster to Move To (Position of AetherPicked)
                        Unit - Make AetherCaster Invulnerable
                        Unit - Make AetherPicked Invulnerable
                        Animation - Change AetherPicked flying height to 400.00 at 600.00
                        Animation - Change AetherCaster flying height to 400.00 at 600.00
                        Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units within 300.00 of (Position of AetherPicked) matching ((((Matching unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of AetherCaster)) Equal to True) and (((Picked unit) is A structure) Equal to False))) and do (Actions)
                            Loop - Actions
                                Unit - Create 1 Dummy for (Owner of AetherCaster) at (Position of (Picked unit)) facing Default building facing degrees
                                Unit - Add Stun  to (Last created unit)
                                Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Human Mountain King - Storm Bolt (Picked unit)
                                Unit - Add a 1.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
                        Animation - Change AetherDummy's vertex coloring to (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%) with 100.00% transparency
                        Unit - Remove Storm Crow Form from AetherCaster
                        Unit - Remove Storm Crow Form from AetherPicked
                        Unit - Pause AetherPicked
                        Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the weapon of AetherCaster using Abilities\Weapons\RedDragonBreath\RedDragonMissile.mdl
                        Set AetherEffect = (Last created special effect)
                        Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Position of AetherPicked) using Abilities\Spells\Human\ThunderClap\ThunderClapCaster.mdl
                        Unit - Set AetherPicked movement speed to 0.00
                        Unit - Set AetherCaster movement speed to 0.00
                        Trigger - Run Great Aether Splash <gen> (ignoring conditions)

5th: If there is no target
Great Aether Touch No Target
        Unit - Set AetherCaster movement speed to 0.00
        Unit - Turn collision for AetherCaster Off
        Set AetherPoint = (Position of AetherDummy)
        Set AetherCasterPoint = (Position of AetherCaster)
        Set AetherDistance = (Distance between (Position of AetherCaster) and AetherPoint)
        Set AetherAngle = (Angle from (Position of AetherCaster) to AetherPoint)
        Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Position of AetherDummy) using Abilities\Spells\Human\ThunderClap\ThunderClapCaster.mdl
        Trigger - Turn on Great Aether Caster Move <gen>
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units within 300.00 of (Position of AetherPicked) matching ((((Matching unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of AetherCaster)) Equal to True) and (((Picked unit) is A structure) Equal to False))) and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Unit - Create 1 Dummy for (Owner of AetherCaster) at (Position of (Picked unit)) facing Default building facing degrees
                Unit - Add Stun  to (Last created unit)
                Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Human Mountain King - Storm Bolt (Picked unit)
                Unit - Add a 1.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
        Unit - Add Storm Crow Form to AetherCaster
        Unit - Add Storm Crow Form to AetherDummy
        Selection - Remove AetherCaster from selection
        Unit - Make AetherCaster Invulnerable
        Animation - Change AetherCaster flying height to 400.00 at 400.00
        Animation - Change AetherDummy flying height to 400.00 at 400.00
        Unit - Remove Storm Crow Form from AetherCaster
        Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the weapon of AetherCaster using Abilities\Weapons\RedDragonBreath\RedDragonMissile.mdl
        Trigger - Run Great Aether Splash No Target <gen> (ignoring conditions)

6th: The Air animation and damage.
Great Aether Touch No Target
        Unit - Set AetherCaster movement speed to 0.00
        Unit - Turn collision for AetherCaster Off
        Set AetherPoint = (Position of AetherDummy)
        Set AetherCasterPoint = (Position of AetherCaster)
        Set AetherDistance = (Distance between (Position of AetherCaster) and AetherPoint)
        Set AetherAngle = (Angle from (Position of AetherCaster) to AetherPoint)
        Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Position of AetherDummy) using Abilities\Spells\Human\ThunderClap\ThunderClapCaster.mdl
        Trigger - Turn on Great Aether Caster Move <gen>
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units within 300.00 of (Position of AetherPicked) matching ((((Matching unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of AetherCaster)) Equal to True) and (((Picked unit) is A structure) Equal to False))) and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Unit - Create 1 Dummy for (Owner of AetherCaster) at (Position of (Picked unit)) facing Default building facing degrees
                Unit - Add Stun  to (Last created unit)
                Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Human Mountain King - Storm Bolt (Picked unit)
                Unit - Add a 1.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
        Unit - Add Storm Crow Form to AetherCaster
        Unit - Add Storm Crow Form to AetherDummy
        Selection - Remove AetherCaster from selection
        Unit - Make AetherCaster Invulnerable
        Animation - Change AetherCaster flying height to 400.00 at 400.00
        Animation - Change AetherDummy flying height to 400.00 at 400.00
        Unit - Remove Storm Crow Form from AetherCaster
        Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the weapon of AetherCaster using Abilities\Weapons\RedDragonBreath\RedDragonMissile.mdl
        Trigger - Run Great Aether Splash No Target <gen> (ignoring conditions)

7th: Spash on the floor if there is no target.
Great Aether Splash No Target
        Wait 0.60 seconds
        Unit - Remove AetherDummy from the game
        Animation - Play AetherCaster's slam animation
        Wait 0.70 seconds
        Animation - Change AetherCaster's animation speed to 0.00% of its original speed
        Unit - Add Storm Crow Form to AetherCaster
        Animation - Change AetherPicked flying height to 0.00 at 800.00
        Animation - Change AetherCaster flying height to 0.00 at 800.00
        Unit - Remove Storm Crow Form from AetherCaster
        Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
        Wait 0.10 seconds
        Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Position of AetherCaster) using Abilities\Spells\Human\FlameStrike\FlameStrike1.mdl
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units within 300.00 of (Position of AetherCaster) matching ((((Matching unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of AetherCaster)) Equal to True) and (((Picked unit) is A structure) Equal to False))) and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Unit - Create 1 Dummy for (Owner of AetherCaster) at (Position of (Picked unit)) facing Default building facing degrees
                Unit - Add Blade Ignite (4) to (Last created unit)
                Unit - Set level of Blade Ignite (4) for (Last created unit) to (Level of Blade Ignite (4) for AetherCaster)
                Unit - Cause (Last created unit) to damage (Picked unit), dealing (100.00 + ((Real((Level of Great Aether (3) for AetherCaster))) x 100.00)) damage of attack type Hero and damage type Normal
                Unit - Add a 1.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
        Selection - Add AetherCaster to selection for (Owner of AetherCaster)
        Wait 0.50 seconds
        Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Position of AetherPicked) using Abilities\Spells\Orc\WarStomp\WarStompCaster.mdl
        Unit - Set AetherCaster movement speed to (Default movement speed of AetherCaster)
        Unit - Make AetherCaster Vulnerable
        Animation - Change AetherCaster's animation speed to 100.00% of its original speed
        Unit - Unpause AetherCaster
        Unit - Turn collision for AetherCaster On

8th: Cleaning Up
Great Aether Finish
        Wait 0.70 seconds
        Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Position of AetherPicked) using Abilities\Spells\Orc\WarStomp\WarStompCaster.mdl
        Unit - Make AetherPicked Vulnerable
        Unit - Make AetherCaster Vulnerable
        Unit - Unpause AetherCaster
        Unit - Unpause AetherPicked
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units within 300.00 of (Position of AetherPicked) matching ((((Matching unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of AetherCaster)) Equal to True) and (((Picked unit) is A structure) Equal to False))) and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Unit - Create 1 Dummy for (Owner of AetherCaster) at (Position of (Picked unit)) facing Default building facing degrees
                Unit - Add Blade Ignite (4) to (Last created unit)
                Unit - Set level of Blade Ignite (4) for (Last created unit) to (Level of Blade Ignite (4) for AetherCaster)
                Unit - Cause (Last created unit) to damage (Picked unit), dealing (40.00 + ((Real((Level of Great Aether (3) for AetherCaster))) x 40.00)) damage of attack type Hero and damage type Normal
                Unit - Add a 1.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
        Selection - Select AetherCaster for (Owner of AetherCaster)
        Selection - Select AetherPicked for (Owner of AetherPicked)
        Unit - Set AetherCaster movement speed to (Default movement speed of AetherCaster)
        Unit - Set AetherPicked movement speed to (Default movement speed of AetherPicked)
        Animation - Change AetherCaster's animation speed to 100.00% of its original speed
        Unit - Unpause AetherPicked
        Unit - Unpause AetherCaster
        Set AetherPicked = No unit
        Unit - Turn collision for AetherCaster On
Your Code leaks, alot. Whenever you want to make reference to a point, you should always set a temporary point variable and make reference to that. After you finish making reference to the point and you do not need to use the value in the variable for the remaining of the spell which is in another trigger, add a custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_yourvariable).
Or read the memory leak tutorials for a better explanation.
EDIT: http://world-editor-tutorials.thehelper.net/cat_usersubmit.php?view=27219. This tutorial is not written by me and all credits go to the author of this tutorial (lol, its fun saying that).
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