Cult Project


A day without sunshine is like, well, night.
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Brethren of the Old Order (Still under consideration)

Destroy enemy (Capture enemy temple and channel to destroy it)

The Guard​
the guard is the current established deity, a very noble order formed around the Iron Throne, with 7 ranks of soldiers, and many outposts scattered across the map they can effectively stomp out a cultist who isn't practicing caution, guards sleep at night, and forces are withdrawn from the city, so its ideal to get into secret areas or have a small fire-fight.

Accepting Ideas -​
The Unseen - nicknamed the protector, is a cult devoted to the 7, a group of legendary warriors who've made a following from stories of merchants and traders attacked by bandits and the band of 7 rescueing them, nobody knows where the rumors started, or if the 7 actually ever exhisted, but any man with a silver tongue for trade would swear on his life he'd seen them on a dark or misty day, trotting along in the distance ready to take arms up against those who would waylay the caravan..
Rituals -
Spell Set -
Level 1 - Turtle/tiger Stance (Defense/Attack)
Level 2 - Fervor (1/3 life = attack faster)
Level 3 - Vigilance ( Move Speed/Agility )
Level 4 - Greater Balance (Sets life/mana of target/caster to caster+target/2 over a period of time)
Level 5 - Faith ( +3 piety )
Level 6 - The Unseen Shield: Hero has X bonus armor. That armor is spread between the hero and all allied units nearby. For example: Hero has +10 armor. An allied unit comes within range of the aura. The armor is then split so the hero and the allied unit both have +5 armor.
Level 7 - Hasten to protect: For every non enemy unit that falls around you, non enemy units gain armor, and the hero gains armor and attack speed. As their fellows fall, a follower of the unseen rushes to the aid of those left standing.
Level 8 - 7th (All units surrounding dying unit, take damage)
All followers in this faith are granted greater success in melee combat

Peitha - Goddess of persuasion, Self proclaimed queen of mirrors, half-human half-snake, her vanity unrivaled for good reason, she uses her appearance and cold blooded mystical powers to influence those around her, in her wake an army of those who admire her, and those who wish to be granted with a sliver of her power..
Rituals -
Spell Set -
Level 1 - Allure (Aura (reduces enemies damage))
Level 2 - Skales of Stone ( + Defense/-move speed )
Level 3 - Petrify (Turn enemy to stone)
Level 4 - Charm (Changes teams for 16 seconds)
Level 5 - Reflect (damage takin in the period of 6 seconds is returned)
Level 6 - Lust (All women have 100% reaction for the duration)
Level 7 - Call of the Siren (Summons a phase-shifting siren that taunts units for the duration)
Level 8 - Dominate (if hero - damage, else - perm convert)
All reactions cannot go below 30%

Selene - Goddess of the Night Sky, the smile in the moon, selene's eerie caress fueled by the fury of her brother, god of the sun, all creatures of the night are watched carefully by her, to be seen and hidden according to her desires
Rituals -
Spell Set -
Level 1 - Conceal (Invis for the duration)
Level 2 - Tides (health regen aura)
Level 3 - Pull of the Moon: movespeed/armor based on time of night, highest buff being at midnight
Level 4 - Pull of the Sun: attackspeed/damage based on time of day, highest buff being at noon
Level 5 - Asteroid (AOE fire damage)
Level 6 - Hunter's Moon (move speed, attack speed, damage increase)
Level 7 - luminesce (Increased Sight + Range)
Level 8 - Astral Eclipse (mana regen, life regen increase Greatly)
All followers are masked at night, making persuit of them impossible

Heyte - Mistress of Mischief, all who worship her are worth their weight in gold, she's relatively unknown because all her followers heists are successful, the only rumors are spread by those within the guild willing to risk their neck for a bit of fame..
Rituals -
Spell Set -
Level 1 - Greed (all attacks have chance of gaining some gold)
Level 2 - Elusive (Evasion/Move Speed)
Level 3 - Maim (slow target/damage)
Level 4 - Hog Tie (Disables target/no cast spells)
Level 5 - Summon Familiar (Imp)
Level 6 - Disguise ( take the appearance of a rock or bush)
Level 7 - Money Catch (setup aoe trap/damage/steals money)
Level 8 - Grand Heist (Steal gold from all active players)
All followers gain a 5% bonus to pick pocket, and move speed

The Nhuvasarim, an ancient sect of necromancers, although they worship no god, they believe they can gain great power from sacraficing and torturing their victims.
Rituals -
Spell Set -
Level 1 - Raise Dead
Level 2 - Symbol of Stunning (Stuns targeted unit/damage)
Level 3 - Blood Fuse (periodic damage, if unit dies it explodes doing damage to surrounding)
Level 4 - Symbol of Death (Kill target unit)
Level 5 - Decrepid (Slow/no cast/mana reduction)
Level 6 - Flesh of the Living (Souls are pulled from all corpses within range, the souls then charge target)
Level 7 - Touch of Death (Used on own units +health, used on enemy units damages)
Level 8 - ressurection (Reincarnation)
Sacraficing a follower will grant 5 piety instead of the normal 3.

Kayle, the strong northern wind, god of white snow, strong winds, and storm, no mountain or man tempts their fate by offending the northern wind..
Rituals -
Spell Set -
Level 1 - Whisper in the Wind (Damages enemy unit/gives vision of unit)
Level 2 - Knock Back (Throws enemy unit backwards)
Level 3 - Sister Winds (Random units are tossed about for the duration)
Level 4 - Tornado (Kicks units in its path up into the air and fall randomly within X range of where they started)
Level 5 - Iron Maiden (freezes enemy unit solid)
Level 6 - Lightning in a Bottle (creates item in inventory that can be used any time (instant damage)
Level 7 - Sacred Land (Sanctify the lands around you, all enemy units suffer, while allied gain bonuses, creates a protective wall)
Level 8 - Wrath of the Tempest (call down the fury of lightning around you)
Followers move 10% faster then normal.

Food = Amount of followers, followers can be sacraficed for 3 piety, or every night each follower increases your piety by +1
wood = piety/faith, used in rituals and casting spells
Gold = well its gold, you get it from doing certain tasks, gain a little bit from the "worldy" possessions of your followers when you convert them, can but used to buy artifacts, mercenaries, or pay off a poletician to clear your name of a crime..

All religions have an idol, statue, or object of great value that lies somewhere on the map, the idea is to keep this object safe, while hunting down and eliminating enemy objects, it takes a great deal of time to destroy one, so the more followers you have channeling on the object, the faster it will be destroyed, destroying such an object would gain you great favor with your chosen god

You run around the cities, villages, and farms recruiting for your selected religion, its in your best interest to avoid contact with the local guard, as you could be discovered and have a bounty placed on your head, avoid conflict with enemy cults as not to draw suspicion from the local guard, and when your confident make your attack on a neighboring holy symbol.

Important Locations:
Harbor - heist a warehouse, gamble with some sailors, get a boat ride, get ahold of someone who'll do some "shady" dealings
Forest - hit up a camp for supplies, raid caravans, consort with your cult
Cities -
villages - find small quests, easy followers (no nearby guard)
Mountains - another place to consort with your cultists, have a private dual, attack a local outpost, raid a mine


I've got a demo map of how things will work, so take a look at that..
updating as we go.. soo a little interest might spark a great deal of enthusiasm on my end, and maybe i could get out a playable version for Halloween..
tell me what you think of my idea guys :p

hey its X

heres a God/Diety thingy for you,


The god of destruction and evil, to gain favor, you must worship as much as possible and sacrifice non-believers :D


A day without sunshine is like, well, night.
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omg wtf awesome.. double post..
anyways, im not really lookin for "god of evil" im lookin for more of a "god of insight" or "god of the unseen"
not the usual "black, white, and pink" gods that everyone knows

hey its X

The Unseen Ones

The main worshiped ones in the world, they say that when all hope is lost, the 7 riders of the Unseen Ones, the greatest warriors that have passed away, will come to aid the world.
To gain favor, do good deeds, protect and help those in need, and honor the Unseen Ones. Also, gather piles of lumber and create Holy Pyres around statues to gain favor.

Rituals: Divine Healing

when enough favor is gained, you may use this Ritual to heal in a large area.

hows about that? :D


A day without sunshine is like, well, night.
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i liked that, well the base anyhow, i made some alterations and spinned a little story, but otherwise it remains the same, thanks


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Peitha the goddess of Persuasion

this god converts people to your faith faster than other teams (if conversion takes xx seconds). having fatser conversion allows her minions to raise a huge army quickly.

there spell could be they convert a group of people in an area (bigger area for higher level) or possibly 1 enemy follower (lots of faith to use)

this team might be a little cheap but whatever...

got name from


A day without sunshine is like, well, night.
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if you play the demo map, its not much, but it shows how you'd convert people
you walk close to someone you'd say hello, good day, whatever it'll be random, they'll do the same, cept next to their greeting, will be a %, that % is the chance you have to convert them, if you like the %, you can click the skill "convert" then click on him, if you luck out he'll convert, if not, he'll turn hostile and run for it (usually to guards or something) you gotta kill him, and any guards he gets close to, or you'll be exposed and be hunted down like a rat :p
i think they'll just get a better chance of a higher percent, or no chance of a lower
it goes by 10's
10%, 20%, 30%...90%, 100%
i guess ill make it so that chosen faith can't get below a 20% or something
each faith gets a set of spells (things they can cast) based on the god, if there was a god of stone all or most of the spells would be like "throw stone" or "turn enemy target into stone" etc
they also get a faithful bonus, unique to every faith, like the 7 would get a melee bonus, like crit strike or bash or something, and your idea would get a persuasive bonus :p, ill add all this up to the first thread now


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ive got another idea :D it will probaly go better...

Selene the Goddess of the Moon. her followers get enhanced power at night. also do the guards fall asleep at night? if they do her followers can pass thourh the city unseen.

her abilities could be she can us reveal at night (if possible to use only at night). her super could be to change the time of day...

p.s. sorry for all the goddesses :D


A day without sunshine is like, well, night.
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its cool, im glad for the ideas :D goddess or god
also, thanks for the idea about making guards sleep!


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no to be annoying, but is the god selection like in tds or does the color decide the god?


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-Possible names:

Immortal Relm
Mount Glory
The Clash of the Gods
The Great Ones
The War of a Million Lives
The Power of the Gods
The Relm of Belief
The Relm of the Immortal Ones


A day without sunshine is like, well, night.
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kiren17 said:
no to be annoying, but is the god selection like in tds or does the color decide the god?

was thinking colors, that way all the ability tooltips could be color coordinated with the color of the player


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i would like an updated demo jst to see were the map is at if possible :)

also do you need any more ideas or help on the map?


A day without sunshine is like, well, night.
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kiren17 said:
i would like an updated demo jst to see were the map is at if possible :)

also do you need any more ideas or help on the map?

i want at least 6 gods, so those'd be good, i need a map name, can always use spell ideas, and little task ideas (to get a little more pocket change)
my pathing was all screwed up so i tried to reinstall warcraft, and guess what? i forgot i lent out my roc cd to my friend so he could play the campaign, so i wont be able to work on the actual map till tomorrow, im thinkin the demo will just be a very small scale with less details on what the big one will be, ill update that every time i make some head-way


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WastedSavior said:
i want at least 6 gods, so those'd be good, i need a map name, can always use spell ideas, and little task ideas (to get a little more pocket change)
i have another possible god you could use

Ate Goddess of Mischief

she can summon weak creatures to attack the enemy followers
(if this is possible) she can steal small amounts of resources from enemies
the more she steals from enemies, the higher chance the villagers start to follow her.

p.s. hope that helped. also if you want we could use aim (if you use it) to exchange ideas faster :)


A day without sunshine is like, well, night.
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NiKaNoRoU_GR said:
hmmm, after reading it carefully, I like it, and I will gladly help you ;)
on ANYTHING at all

thanks for the offer, ill find something for you to do xD lol
anyways, i added in the 4th god, but i need a story for her, cuz im drawing a blank.. read the other 3 to get a feeling for what it should be if anyone wants to take a crack at it :D


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other then the last gods story. wat do u need?

also wats ur warcraft username? and what section?


A day without sunshine is like, well, night.
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alright, i've got wc installed again, my user name is jesse_james on useast
sorry i haven't answered immediatly, i had to work all night to get out a new version of my werewolf map, which i think i needa pull another few hours to fix bugs i've already noticed and re-release it, im gonna start terraining the map soon, so not much head-way will be made on the demo map (as that is mainly about triggering) ill post screen shots of the terrain as i go
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