Future President

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You know, it's funny, I don't recall the last post that said which president might win the election in their books and why. All I hear is Iraq, terrorists... yadda yadda. I'm sorry if I am believed to have started that, I was merely pointing out, taking into account all those problems, I still support McCain because all said problems were flawed. Let's please, for Anman64's sake, get back on topic and write something like:
And not flame people... Thank you...


Because none of us are as cruel as all of us.
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I haven't read through the other posts, but

I don't really think they (people already in the gov.) would allow either a female, or a non-american/white person to be president. The people vote? Senate (or w/e) recounts.


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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I haven't read through the other posts, but

I don't really think they (people already in the gov.) would allow either a female, or a non-american/white person to be president. The people vote? Senate (or w/e) recounts.

Smaller states are overrepresented. That's the only reason that the popular vote can be overruled, and it would require a pretty small margin for it to happen anyway.

And if you're referring to 2000, Bush would have won if they did a recount anyway. And it hardly ever happens.

McCain should win because the biggest 'issue' is Iraq for some reason, and he's the only one that has any idea what he's actually talking about. Plus it will get all of the people that claim to be American because they aren't 'fascist' out and then they become Canada's problem, where they'll realize what a stupid plan it was once they get sick. Plus Clinton and Obama will probably downsize the military like good old Billy did, so then we'll have a huge issue regarding unemployment because most of the people that will get cut are worth like nine dollars an hour in the civilian world.

Clinton=Socialism. Obama=premature withdrawal from Middle-East=expensive re-entry into Middle East+Russia-British/French Support, and then possibly sending aid to Taiwan when China's had enough. And then we'll leave North Korea, who will then continue their nuclear program, which will be launched at South Korea. South Korea will blame Japan for not controlling them, and Japan will in turn blame us for leaving, and we'll blame Iran, Pakistan, and Al' Qaeda for making us leave and Russia for giving them stuff, and Russia will then get pissed and attack Poland and Czechoslovakia for letting us put missile defense system in their countries, which will require us to go save them, which will then draw France in (who will surrender shortly after), as well as Britain, and eventually possibly Canada. Israel will be screwed by this point, stuck between a war with the Palistinians, Syria, and Egypt, and the US will be arguing with Turkey because they'll start wanting us out. Iran will start losing the war and shoot off nuclear weapons at Syria, who they hate, and Iraq, where they're fighting. This will scare Russia, who will start shooting stuff off everywhere, and China's going to get pissed and invade Russia. Some of Russia's missiles hit us and Canada, so we start shooting shit at Russia and, between us and Russia, Europe is destroyed. The Middle-East is destroyed. Both Koreas are gone now, and Japan is too (N. Korea blew them up with nukes after they tried to save S. Korea). The world will hate us because we started this and we go to war with each other, which includes Canada so we go destroy them, and everyone hates France already. The UN is now COMPLETELY useless. China and the remaining Russian forces in Siberia will end up killing each other. Australia's like WTF is going on. But then they sink like Atlantis, so it doesn't matter.

So, you know, vote for McCain and save the world.


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How is that racist in any way? Terrorists bomb shit on countries that threaten their way of life (which currently doesn't really include Sweden, as far as I know), and the US needs a president that can take affirmative action against said terrorists. Perhaps Obama has a plan that may work better for the economy (which I really don't think will work), but his foreign policy sucks, and having a great economy will be completely useless if he refuses to take the action needed to defend the nation. In an ideal state, all we would have to worry about is domestic policy. But as we're not in an ideal state of time, the federal government needs a hard foreign policy and, for the time being at least, the local and state governments will have to deal with the domestic issues.

You should be old enough to know what a racism is. 20% of the US believes that the sun orbits around the earth. That's because of Christianity. So, doesn't Christianity say turn the other cheek? Why do you only believe half the things they tell you? If there are some idiots that bomb somewhere it doesn't mean you have to send troops to their country. Violence leads to violence. I understand that you want revenge, but don't you think the innocent people in Iraq will want revenge after this? You're just feeding them with more hate. And the world is reacting and it will even more. You're standing before of another world war, all for your greed and lack of understanding. I'd love to see a right-winged US in 10 years but now I don't think it'll work.


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Smaller states are overrepresented. That's the only reason that the popular vote can be overruled, and it would require a pretty small margin for it to happen anyway.

And if you're referring to 2000, Bush would have won if they did a recount anyway. And it hardly ever happens.

McCain should win because the biggest 'issue' is Iraq for some reason, and he's the only one that has any idea what he's actually talking about. Plus it will get all of the people that claim to be American because they aren't 'fascist' out and then they become Canada's problem, where they'll realize what a stupid plan it was once they get sick. Plus Clinton and Obama will probably downsize the military like good old Billy did, so then we'll have a huge issue regarding unemployment because most of the people that will get cut are worth like nine dollars an hour in the civilian world.

Clinton=Socialism. Obama=premature withdrawal from Middle-East=expensive re-entry into Middle East+Russia-British/French Support, and then possibly sending aid to Taiwan when China's had enough. And then we'll leave North Korea, who will then continue their nuclear program, which will be launched at South Korea. South Korea will blame Japan for not controlling them, and Japan will in turn blame us for leaving, and we'll blame Iran, Pakistan, and Al' Qaeda for making us leave and Russia for giving them stuff, and Russia will then get pissed and attack Poland and Czechoslovakia for letting us put missile defense system in their countries, which will require us to go save them, which will then draw France in (who will surrender shortly after), as well as Britain, and eventually possibly Canada. Israel will be screwed by this point, stuck between a war with the Palistinians, Syria, and Egypt, and the US will be arguing with Turkey because they'll start wanting us out. Iran will start losing the war and shoot off nuclear weapons at Syria, who they hate, and Iraq, where they're fighting. This will scare Russia, who will start shooting stuff off everywhere, and China's going to get pissed and invade Russia. Some of Russia's missiles hit us and Canada, so we start shooting shit at Russia and, between us and Russia, Europe is destroyed. The Middle-East is destroyed. Both Koreas are gone now, and Japan is too (N. Korea blew them up with nukes after they tried to save S. Korea). The world will hate us because we started this and we go to war with each other, which includes Canada so we go destroy them, and everyone hates France already. The UN is now COMPLETELY useless. China and the remaining Russian forces in Siberia will end up killing each other. Australia's like WTF is going on. But then they sink like Atlantis, so it doesn't matter.

So, you know, vote for McCain and save the world.

Wooooooow.... that's a bit much prediction on your part if I'm not mistaken. I mean I agreed with the first bit, and then you started going into Armageddon and shit so.... wooooooooow....

Off topic: About racism. I hate it. I mean people fire an incompetent black person and suddenly it's all lawsuit this and lawyer that. I read in this news article about a person, 40-50, who did nothing, no deadlines, no nothing. He was just lazy. Came to work, drank coffee, ate lunch, criticized people, and left. And when he was fired he successfully sued the company for millions because of discrimination against the elderly...

on topic: I remember seeing this speech Clinton made: "We need a president who knows that actions speak better than words! We need a president, who lead us, not talk to us like the scum of the earth. I offer actions. Obama offers speeches." And I found it funny, because Obama and Clinton have promised so many things that will obviously prove impossible, and McCain has done so much. I don't know the last thing Clinton did for us. Obama passsed a bill for a nuclear company to properly dump their toxic waste, and it failed... That's what I hate about politics.

BTW: Funniest word: politics: root word: Poly: Many/(-)tics: Blood sucking creatures. (I'm sure you all knew that)


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First off, Christianity isn't a fucking race, and it's racism not A racism. You should be old enough to know that, especially if you're going to tell me what it is... and you still haven't gotten anything remotely prejudice about the war, unless you mean the douchebags calling Arabs ragheads and all of that, which hasn't much to do with the wars.

20%? Yeah, whatever. I really don't care if they believe the sun revolves around the Earth that's completely irrelavent. I couldn't spell twelve until I was fourteen. Doesn't mean anything. Besides that 20% probably doesn't even vote so it doesn't matter.

Terrorists attack us. Said attack kills thousands. And that means we shouldn't invade them? Good logic. I'll take that to heart.

Iraqi's love us. When I was there they loved us, anyway. And yes, I am so VERY greedy, wanting to elect a president that will continue with the Iraqi and Afghani liberation. Good call there.

We've been standing before a third world war since 1947. It's nothing new, and I think it's pretty much inevitable anyway so we might as well get a President who will do something about it.

I don't really understand the rest of your post.

It was a typo, was going to write a racist, then changed my mind. Sorry, my bad.

The thing about the sun is me saying you're being lied to. If they lie to you about something like that, why shouldn't they lie about something else? I also had another point, that you really want to believe in this religion, and there's nothing wrong with that, but you've forgot all the stuff about how you should live.

Well, how many percent of their population are terrorists, honestly, what do you think? There are idiots all around the world. Not only there.

The greed is; you're only there for the money. It's all you care about now. You're economy's failing so you've decided that you're going to stay there just a little longer. Here your Christian country has committed another sin. I think you know the seven deadly sins.


if (OP.statement == false) postCount++;
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We've been standing before a third world war since 1947. It's nothing new, and I think it's pretty much inevitable anyway so we might as well get a President who will do something about it.


We have been standing before nothing that is even close to WW3.
Ever since Little Boy and Fat Man, every country that came close to a decision which could result in WW3 has crapped its pants and backed down.

Face it, nukes are out there and noone wants an all-out nuclear war, since that will most likely mean the end of our planet.
(We have enough nukes on Earth to make it spin up to X times slower/faster if all were to be detonated at once, causing severe gravitational errors, resulting in everyone being squished on or launched off of the earth.)

What happened during the "Cold War" has always been carefully planned ahead and would never, ever be able to end in a real war between America, Russia e.a. because of this fear for nuclear warfare.

As for the US presidential campaign:
Barack Obama is said to have the same charisma and faith in his social plans that F. Roosevelt had back in the days with his New Deal.

Since the Republicans have never bothered to seek out a decent follow-up for Bush during his legislation, it took them several months and a dozen of candidates before they finally were able to push forward some "final" candidates.

Meanwhile, the Democrats already had their two voting cannons, namely Clinton and Obama, who are more likely to win (even though they both stand for a "first X to become president").

As for Clinton vs Obama, I'd go for Obama because America has already seen too much of the Clintons and is desperatly screaming for the new, young breeze that Obama represents.

Just my Belgian 2c...


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Alright guys first and last warning: One more flaming comment, insult, or even the slightest hint of agressivity and this thread will be closed.

Discuss this maturely. I know I'm asking way too much, but do it. Else I'll be handing over -reps as well.

Thanks for your understanding.


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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It was a typo, was going to write a racist, then changed my mind. Sorry, my bad.

Why does it have anything to do with race?

The thing about the sun is me saying you're being lied to. If they lie to you about something like that, why shouldn't they lie about something else? I also had another point, that you really want to believe in this religion, and there's nothing wrong with that, but you've forgot all the stuff about how you should live.

Okay, tell me what I've been lied to about that's really a big deal.

Well, how many percent of their population are terrorists, honestly, what do you think? There are idiots all around the world. Not only there.

What are you talking about?

The greed is; you're only there for the money. It's all you care about now. You're economy's failing so you've decided that you're going to stay there just a little longer. Here your Christian country has committed another sin. I think you know the seven deadly sins.

I'm not seeing much money coming from it, and staying in Iraq's going to help the economy? Perhaps you should think that over a little....

We have been standing before nothing that is even close to WW3.

Berlin Airlift; Cuban Missile Crisis; Korean War; Suez Crisis; False US and false Soviet first strikes; Norwegian Rocket Incident; Pristina Airport. All of those could have easily caused World War III. When the War on Terrorism is over that may be considered a world war, making it the third, much like World War I wasn't considered a world war until 1918 shortly after it had ended. Would you like me to explain them?

Doesn't even vote? That ignorant 20% is the evangelical republican base.

And the other 30% is are the people that complain about who won the election.

Since the Republicans have never bothered to seek out a decent follow-up for Bush during his legislation, it took them several months and a dozen of candidates before they finally were able to push forward some "final" candidates.

Uhh... okay....


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With the Democrats, your choice is between one Socialist or another Socialist.
I like neither.
I despise Socialism because it squashes liberty and free choice, and allows the government control of far more than it should have.

On the Republican side, it comes down to which piece of Conservatism you want, since none have all three parts. Those being the military, economic, and social.
Ron Paul has economic, McCain has military, and Huckabee has social, if I remember right.

Where's Teddy Roosevelt when you need him....


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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Ron Paul has economic

Ron Paul has nothing. Even if he did have a good idea, he's not smart enough to carry it out. As I recall, he thinks that the IRS should be abolished because taxes are unconstitutional....


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> Ron Paul has nothing.

I agree he has no chance of winning. But he is amazing.

> he's not smart enough to carry it out.

Technically, I think he is Dr. Paul, so he's not dumb....

> he thinks that the IRS should be abolished because taxes are unconstitutional....

I'm not sure about the IRS part. It could be he supports the Fair Tax, which would abolish the IRS. I also support the Fair Tax.
But he does not think taxes are unconstitutional. He thinks they should be lower.


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>Why does it have anything to do with race?

Well, I never said that the racist and the part of Christianity was connected. Sorry if my typing mislead you.

>Okay, tell me what I've been lied to about that's really a big deal.

A lot. The last years republican's has been telling a lot of lies and most people believe in them. Don't tell me that you actually believe in everything that Bush has said the last years. Of course, it's not all lies.

>What are you talking about?

I'm telling you that innocent people suffer.

>I'm not seeing much money coming from it, and staying in Iraq's going to help the economy? Perhaps you should think that over a little....

Tear down your ignorance and open your eyes, that's the main reason you're there.


Анна Ахматова
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I don't "remember" Kennedy, being 14, but yes I understand that he is kind of like Obama. With the young, change message.

I don't think so. You should really read up on him.

The Helper

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Ron Paul wants to abolish the IRS and pay for it by withdrawing all of our troups from overseas. If you listen to Ron Pauls says on this with an open mind and analyze the facts of the situation you would see as many other have that it is not a crazy idea. However, it is not going to be mainstream anytime soon so you cannot really bring Ron Paul into it - but don't start calling him names and quoting his policies incorrectly - If you are going to start talking Ron Paul you better have your facts straight first.


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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>I agree he has no chance of winning. But he is amazing.
Perhaps you can fill me in on why?

>Technically, I think he is Dr. Paul, so he's not dumb....

Just because he's a doctor doesn't mean he is capable of leading the country, especially in a time of war. The most impressive thing that I've ever heard him say was he's delivered over 4000 babies. And I'm sure that will be useful.

>But he does not think taxes are unconstitutional.

He said it in an interview I watched.

>Well, I never said that the racist and the part of Christianity was connected. Sorry if my typing mislead you.

Then your post made no sense. Please clarify.

>A lot. The last years republican's has been telling a lot of lies and most people believe in them. Don't tell me that you actually believe in everything that Bush has said the last years. Of course, it's not all lies.

I've not seen anything he's lied about that's of any importance or concern of the general public. I know that there are things the public doesn't know and things I don't know, but every president has done that. At least he didn't lie under oath to the Supreme Court....

>I'm telling you that innocent people suffer.

Innocent people are suffering everywhere. The large majority of Iraqi's aren't suffering. They probably were when Hussein was in charge, but the ones that told me that were probably lying weren't they?

>Tear down your ignorance and open your eyes, that's the main reason you're there.

The main reason I was in Iraq was to defend the Iraqi people and help them establish a working and effective system of government and a military capable of defending them without foreign aid, and I have no expectation of listening to someone tell me that I was there for another reason. Tear down YOUR ignorance and don't try and tell me what I was doing in Iraq.

>Ron Paul wants to abolish the IRS and pay for it by withdrawing all of our troups from overseas. If you listen to Ron Pauls says on this with an open mind and analyze the facts of the situation you would see as many other have that it is not a crazy idea. However, it is not going to be mainstream anytime soon so you cannot really bring Ron Paul into it - but don't start calling him names and quoting his policies incorrectly - If you are going to start talking Ron Paul you better have your facts straight first.

I'm not misquoting him, he said "I believe that taxes are unconstitutional and should be abolished." And when asked where we would get money from, he said, "We would borrow it like we used to." Something similar to that anyway. His policy has probably changed now because even he probably realized how idiotic that is, but that is definately what he said. I've not paid any attention to him really ever because I think he's a complete idiot, but that's just me.
But yes, immediately bring home the troops so that you can abolish the IRS, and then we'll just go right back in there. Good waste of money that will be...


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> Perhaps you can fill me in on why?

Ron Paul has always been a strong proponent of a limiting of the government through a return to more constitutional policies. Paul wants increased civil liberties and free markets. This is something you will not find with any of the Democratic candidates, nor in great amounts with the other Republicans.
Basically, Ron Paul is for lower government and bigger economy.

> (interview with Ron Paul)

I would love to see that.
However, whether or not he said that, the fact remains that his policy if he became president would be to lower taxes, not abolish them.
And I'm betting that this unconstitutional part is directed more toward the individual Income Tax rather than taxes as a whole.


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The reason I don't like Ron Paul's ideas of little or no taxes is because it just isn't fair. Some people need more help than others, and if there aren't taxes then there won't be any help for those people. Ron Paul is better than other conservatives though; they still have taxes, but they don't help people with them.
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