Huge Campaign Ideas - Need Help


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Campaign Idea - Need Editoring Help

Hey, I'm planning on making a large campaign for warcraft, following the storyline of the main story, the stuff that came after the Frozen Throne (around the time of WoW). I want it to be as good as the ones they give in the game its self: making it really special :) . I already got the ideas going, and beleive me I got plenty (enough for all 8 levels :D ). But my knowledge of the world editor is limited and I need help on making beautiful terrain and campaign like triggers (really good ones).
OK this is my idea:
The campaign will follow the Orcs (since they sorta got left out in TFT). The main hero, as usual is Thrall, yet at some levels you'll be Cairne Bloodhoof, Vol'jin and (a yet unnmaed) Chaos Orc Blademaster. The main plot is that the Horde goes to Outland (as the Orcs wish to make their race free of any previous damage they did to the world, and cause its to protect Azeroth) in order to defeat the remaining Burning Crusaders ( ;) ) there. (This also ties into the Burning Crusaders WoW game :D .) So the main thing will be them killing demons, and eventually discovering their burtal others the Chaos Orcs/Fel Orcs, and teaming up with them at first, but later destroying their 'evil twins'.
There's more where that came from but I need good map makers (includes trigger making, terraining and new model making) in order to pull this off. If your willing to help just tell me, anything will be appreciated and everyone gets credit :) .

So if anyone wants to help, got ideas, or any questions feel free to ask or give advice. Anything will be appriciated. I need the most talented people (is that you? ;) ) to make this whole campgain work so if your good with the editor, modeling, or got interesting ideas (that will add onto the actual warcraft time line: the whole purpose is to make a continuation of the actual events) then feel free to join the team. :D

Anyone willing to help?

hey its X

i can help you with triggering and hero naming, i know nothing about WoW, but i can learn lore off of the site, im also good at making abilities.

EDIT: i know how to make cinematics too


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Nice. Thanx. :)
I've started on the first map, and it'll take a while to terrain and put in some of stuff that I can (two/three days). I'll send it to you later and you could add the harder triggers and stuff. :D
Sounds good?


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im good at terraining and ok at triggering, I can get most things to work, but I'm not great. if theres any terraining that needs doing just tell me how you want it to be and what to include in the map.


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OK thanx to 'Mullit' and 'hey its X'. I'll make contact with you by the 23rd for specifics (since I'm not with a computer now for a day). :)
I still need more help from people. Since its gonna be basically the same as WC3 races, only with the same amount of additions made to it as in from RoC to TFT (meaning a 2 new units and a bit of upgrades and maybe a new hero), then if any one wants to make new models or abilities for the Orc race mostly and for Draenei, Burning Legion Demons, and maybe Blood Elves (if you really want to ;) ). Also if anyone has any ideas for these new units, upgrades and abilities please share them. :)
I nearly finished the terraining and some triggers of the first map, but it not the master peice at all yet; I'm gonna need your help for that. ;)


I played World of Warcraft since beta, and to add to that, I played Horde ^_^

(Kil'Jaeden Server [US] Kagz: Level 60 Orc Warrior, 31Arms/20 Fury, Highest PvP Rank: 10 Champion, Weapon: Zin'Rohk, The Destroyer of Worlds)

Anyway, I'm in A.I.T. at the moment, but I'd love to help work on this map- sounds like fun.

I'm best at designing Heros, conceptually speaking. If you want GUI/JASS enhanced spells I can design those aswell, although I don't know JASS, I have a decent grasp of what is capable.

Ask emjlr3 about the Heros I design. He's currently using 2 of the Heros I designed for his Hero Arena. (Geralt the Retributer and Tirion Fordragon the Myrmidon)

So lemme' know if you want me to help ya'.


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Very nice! :)
'WoW_Error' and 'smith_s9' you're both in of course. :D

To Wow_Error:
I'm surely going to need your abilities here. I've read the forum about that Arena map, and it certainly deserves respect. I have been considering adding a new Orc Hero into the campaign, but since I myself don't make them, haven't given it too much thought. As in the real campaigns, the Hero should probably connect to the storyline. I'll think of something maybe, but if you got your own ideas they're always welcome. :) If you know JASS that's great, cause I don't know the first thing about it (never ventured that far). Actually I don't even know what you use it for :p , but I know it can only means a better map. :)

To smith_s9:
Good. If you can think of some items that can be connected with the demonic beings in Outland that would be great. I'd like to make a lot of new items to match the story line more directly. For example I made an item called 'Wildkin Claws' which you pick up after killing a Wildkin, and gives you bonus attack. Well that's basic, but if you can make cool stuff please do. :D

To all:
I'll try finishing the last touches to the storyline and writing it all out: missions, levels, heroes, units etc. But since even the first level ain't too done yet of course anything can be changed/added/removed, depending what you think. :)


stavious said:
Very nice! :)
To Wow_Error:
I'm surely going to need your abilities here. I've read the forum about that Arena map, and it certainly deserves respect. I have been considering adding a new Orc Hero into the campaign, but since I myself don't make them, haven't given it too much thought. As in the real campaigns, the Hero should probably connect to the storyline. I'll think of something maybe, but if you got your own ideas they're always welcome. :) If you know JASS that's great, cause I don't know the first thing about it (never ventured that far). Actually I don't even know what you use it for :p , but I know it can only means a better map. :)

I could give you a Hero that I abandoned awhile back. It was an Orc Hero i designed for "Eternity's End" (A Hero Siege I was working on that was based on the final Night Elf Mission from RoC.)

Urkal Blood-drinker, the Centurion

Model: Grom (normal)
Strength: 25 + 3.0 growth
Agility: 17 + 1.75 growth
Intelligence: 15 + 2.25 growth

Description: (Melee-Style Hero Description, I'll write up a story if you'd like)
Warrior Hero. Incredibly powerful tank hero, adept at absorbing and dealing physical damage. Can Learn Culling Strike, Tactical Mastery, Enrage and Fury of The Warsong Clan (Ultimate).

Abilities: (Assuming Level cap for Heros is 20)


Culling Strike
Deals a powerful attack using the Centurions' massive battle axe. The attack is so powerful, infact, that it causes the target to bleed heavily for a short duration. The more that the target moves during the duration will directly effect how much damage it suffers. Effect lasts 6 seconds. 10 second cooldown.

Level 1: Deals weapon damage +25 to a target. 25% of distance moved as damage.
Level 2: Deals weapon damage +50 to a target. 35% of distance moved as damage.
Level 3: Deals weapon damage +75 to a target. 45% of distance moved as damage.
Level 4: Deals weapon damage +100 to a target. 60% of distance moved as damage.


Tactical Mastery
Although among Horde military ranks Centurion is not very high, Centurions still command respect on the battlefield. The presence of a centurion can inspire even lowly Grunts to die willingly for The Horde, vastly increasing the damage of nearby units. If a unit dies while under this effect, their is a chance that they will refuse defeat and be ressurected with 20% health and mana. 400 AoE Radius (Aura). Only effects self & friendly/allied ground units.

Level 1: 12% increased damage, 2% chance to refuse defeat.
Level 2: 24% increased damage, 4% chance to refuse defeat.
Level 3: 36% increased damage, 6% chance to refuse defeat.
Level 4: 48% increased damage, 8% chance to refuse defeat.


The Centurion has the ability to Enrage himself based upon the wounds he has suffered. Upon activation, the Centurion will deal bonus damage proportionate to a percentage of life he is missing. Enrage lasts for 15 seconds. 30 second cooldown.

Level 1: deals 10% of his missing life as bonus damage.
Level 2: deals 20% of his missing life as bonus damage.
Level 3: deals 30% of his missing life as bonus damage.
Level 4: deals 40% of his missing life as bonus damage.


Fury of the Warsong Clan
Urkal may come from the Frostwolf, but the death of Grom Hellscream left an undeniable mark upon the entirety of The Horde. In an eruption of pure, unbridled rage, Urkal moves with blinding speeds to uttery destroy any unlucky nearby enemy. During this state of pure rage, Urkal deals Chaos damage to effected targets. 2 minute cooldown.

Level 1: Hits upto 4 targets, dealing 75 chaos damage to random targets near him.
Level 2: Hits upto 8 targets, dealing 125 chaos damage to random targets near him.
Level 3: Hits upto 12 targets, dealing 200 chaos damage to random targets near him.

This is a variant of Blinkstorm/Omnislash whatever you want to call it.


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To 'WoW_Error':
Your hero is very nice. And I might use him, but let me just explain better (should've done that before :p ).
In the campaign Thrall meets a fel orc blademaster in Outland. Originally I was thinking of using the Grom (corrupted) model (the red Grom), though that may likely change. So that Hero type is taken. We need an extremly new hero, meaning a new model. But your abilities are great (just make them a 3 level ones, and a 1 level ultimate like in the normal game) :D . I'll definatly use the abilities. But if you want to create a new orc hero, (something like never seen before. You can make it like a cool challange for you: to create a new Orc Hero that can actually help the Horde (meaning that it has something to give to the group, but is still balanced with them well ;) )) (example, is the Shadow Hunter added in TFT: he has a healing spell that was really neccissary but because of that his other spells are terrbile), and use those attack for it, that would certainly be the best. :)

To 'hey its x':
I've already started making some small cinematics, though I'll leave the biggers one for you ;) . But I need names now. :) It would be great if you could list a couple of Orcish names for me to use for talking Grunts/Peons/Raiders and etc.

Thanx for helping. :)


Let's just say I'm an idea powerhouse.

Orc Names:
Gar'dal Grimsight
Negal Firetounge
Kazil Darkbringer
Gorr Grimwolf
Tun'drahk Frostwolf
Vanir'kuhz Bleakbane
Kagz'narok Warhowler
Hazgrel Rockbiter
Fahz'grim Doomhammer
Durotaurak Grimhammer
Grok Tooth-Gnasher

I have 2 (possibly Orc Heros, either Thralls' Horde Orc or Burning Crusade Orc) which you can choose from. Or hell, if you like them I'll start on both.

First Hero:

Kazil Demoncaller, the Doombringer

model: Twilight Hammer Warlock (Hermit model)
Strength: 17 + 1.5 growth
Agility: 10 + 1.5 growth

Intelligence: 27 + 3.00 growth

Description: (Melee Style Description, again if you'd like a story lemme know.) Spellcaster Hero. Adept at decimating single targets and instilling fear in his enemies. Can Learn Mark of Armageddus, Reave Soul, Unholy Howl and Nightfall.



Mark of Armageddus
Places the Mark of Armageddus upon a target enemy, slowing their attack speed and movement speed moderately for a medium duration (something like 20 seconds). In addition, if a unit dies will under this effect, it will summon Armageddus to do the casters bidding for 1 minute. Armageddus is a power demon with perm-immolation, unholy aura, rain of chaos and war stomp.

Level 1: 10% (MSPD/ATKSPD Reduction) 30 second cooldown. 90 mana.
Level 2: 20% (MSPD/ATKSPD Reduction) 30 second cooldown. 120 mana.
Level 3: 30% (MSPD/ATKSPD Reduction) 25 second cooldown. 150 mana.


Reave Soul
Blasts the target units' soul with powerful Shadow magics, dealing heavy damage. Damage suffered by the target unit will restore 50 hit points x Level of Reave Soul to the caster. If a unit dies to Reave Soul, the caster will gain 50% Hit point regeneration for 15 seconds.

Level 1: 100 damage, will restore 50 hitpoints. 10 second cooldown. 75 mana.
Level 2: 175 damage, will restore 100 hitpoints. 10 second cooldown. 95 mana.
Level 3: 225 damage, will restore 150 hitpoints. 10 second cooldown. 115 mana.


Unholy Howl
The caster releases a horribly demonic howl, causing all nearby enemy units to flee in terror for X seconds. Units effected by Unholy Howl cannot be controlled by their owning player during the duration. If a unit afflicted by Unholy Howl is attacked, the effect will be cancelled and control will be returned to the owning player.

Level 1: 350 Radius. 4 second fear duration. 15 second cooldown. 100 mana.
Level 2: 450 Radius. 8 second fear duration. 15 second cooldown. 125 mana.
Level 3: 550 Radius. 12 second fear duration. 15 second cooldown. 150 mana.


Grants the Caster double effcieny of Unholy Howl, Reave Soul and Mark of Armageddus. During the duration of Nightfall your abilities will be enhanced as such:
Mark of Armageddus: Duration is doubled.
Reave Soul: Deals x2 damage.
Unholy Howl: Duration is doubled. Effect cannot be cancelled by attacking the afflicted units.

Level 1: Nightfall lasts 5 seconds. 60 second cooldown. 200 mana.

Second Hero:

Grok'thal Tooth-Gnasher, the Blood Guard

model: Rexxar (Beastmaster) NOTE: if you plan on using this model for Rexxar, then I'll look for an appropriate model.
Strength: 25 + 3.00 growth
Agility: 16 + 1.5 growth
Intelligence: 14 + 1.5 growth

Description: (again, melee style) Warrior Hero. Adept at overpowering foes in single combat, a master of single combat. Can Learn Overpower, Flurry, Execute and Recklessness.



The Blood Guard will cleave deeper into his enemies with every successful melee attack, increasing the damage that the effected unit recieves per attack. (5 the first strike, 10 the second, 15 the third.)

Level 1: 5 bonus damage per strike.
Level 2: 7 bonus damage per strike.
Level 3: 10 bonus damage per strike.
NOTE: This is a modified Incinerate. Works fine, as I've used it before in Hero creation.


The Blood Guard gains a chance on a successful melee attack to enter a frenzied state, increasing his attack speed greatly. Lasts 5 seconds at all levels.

Level 1: 10% chance to increase attack speed by 15%
Level 2: 15% chance to increase attack speed by 30%
Level 3: 20% chance to increases attack speed by 45%


The Blood Guard attempts to finish off a badly wounded foe, deals light damage. However, if the target is near death, it will instantly kill the target. Can only be used on enemy Heros.

Level 1: Deals 150 damage. Will kill the target if it's health is below 15% health.
Level 2: Deals 175 damage. Will kill the target if it's health is below 20% health.
Level 3: Deals 200 damage. Will kill the target if it's health is below 25% health.


The Blood Gaurd focuses purely on destroying his enemies, whilst losing all concern for this own well-being. Recklessness grants the Blood Guard a 100% chance to Critical Ctrike for 3 times his normal damage. However, in doing so he recieves a -15 armor penalty.

Level 1: Lasts 15 seconds. 45 second cooldown. 250 mana.

So, let me know what you think.


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To 'WoW_Error':
You are in fact an idea powerhouse. ;) If all those attacks which you wrote about really work that's great.
So far the Doombringer will probably be the new hero :) , since the WC3 Horde is in fact low on spell casting units, and so far focuses on mainly melee units. I was also thinking of a 'warlock like' class myself just yesterday, and it makes the most sense since it ties into the story well (which I will write on this forum when I return home from travel on Sunday/Monday. Thanx for waiting everyone :D ). This hero could also tie into the two new units added to the Horde, which now I'm thinking might actually even come from a new building (if a good enough model is found). One of them should also be a 'warlock like' orc (using the models of the Stormreavers creeps). :)
The only thing now to do is to try more to 'balance this hero', since its really strong now, and after all, it should fit in with the existing heroes (not overtake them ;) ). For example, Mark of Armageddus is way too strong, since the demon's attacks are good, so maybe they could be taken off. Also I didn't understand the model you were going to use for this hero so if you could just send a screenshot that would be great (remember it should have the glow around it, like all heroes) :D .
Thanx so much for all your ideas.

If people still have ideas about heroes, units, upgrades, items, story or anything at all feel free to share them (Everyone that helps gets credit of course :) ).

Zero R.

I could try and help with story elements, a few heroes and stuff.

Now, First off, This part I'm gonna 'impart' has nothing to do with WoW. I figured that if we stray from the story, it'll be more original.


After the Death of Grommash, Orcs that are under him felt that his death could have been avoided if not for Thrall. If Thrall wasn't there, Grom couuld have killed Mannoroth by himslef. In short, they are blaming his death on Thrall, thus giving them a good reason for rebellion. Currently, they have set up an encampment in the borderlands of Ashenvale, led by Grom's trusted Lieutenant, Morgan Dread-axe.


Gork Skull-Basher, The Drill Master
Model: Grunt with a bigger scaling value and maybe colors.

Strength - 23 with 3.20 growth
Agility - 16 with 1.90 growth
Intelligence - 15 with 1.50 growth


Dying Blow - The Drill Master would use his remaining energies as rage, and would damage the enemy with damage porpotional to lost life.

Level 1 - 1/4 of Lost HP x2
Level 2 - 1/2 of Lost HP x3
Level 3 - Lost HP x4

The Spirit of Grom - Grom might be dead, but his legacy lives in the minds of his men. The Drill Master remembers this, and it inspires his men to fight. This also gives units a chance to get Enraged when hit, which dramatically increases Attack speed, Damage, and Movepseed, at the cost of Health.

Level 1 - 15% Attack Speed, +2 Armor, 10% to get Enraged.
Level 2 - 20% Attack Speed, +3 Armor, 15% to get Enraged.
Level 3 - 25% Attack Speed, +4 Armor, 20% to get Enraged.

Bleeding Heart - Strikes the enemy so hard, that it bleeds for a few seconds, slowing movespeed and HP for a few seconds.

Level 1 - -15% Movespeed, -15 HP per second, lasts 3 seconds.
Level 2 - -20% Movespeed, -25 HP per second, lasts 4 seconds.
Level 4 - -25% Movespeed, -35 HP per second, lasts 5 seconds.

Grom's Rage [ULTIMATE] - Attacks the enemy with suck fury, that it stuns the enemy for 15 seconds, and multiplies the damage by 5. If the dying unit dies after that hit, then the Drill Master would get +5 damage. Lasts 30 seconds, Cooldown: 300 seconds.


Descriptions could use some work. I'm tired, gonna make another one later.


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OK here it is finally :D : The Story for the Orc Campaign - The Ancient Homeland (all names are subject to change)
Chapter 1 - The Dimensional Gate:
Thrall meets with Cairne in the Barrens, discussing their campaign of war to Outland, in order to destroy the Burning Legion. Cairne informs Thrall that the Tauren still need time to prepare for war, and that the Trolls have not yet arrived. Though his forces aren't fully mastered, Thrall decides to strike quickly, even if it means only with his Orc troops, for he fears that the Burning Legion may gain strength soon, and waiting for them to improve their ranks would mean losing the battle. It is the Orc's task in the first chapter of this campaign to find a Dimensional Gate, which they know to exist in the Barrens, leading to Outland. They need though to defeat the Burning Legion's base which currently protects the Gate.
Chapter 2 - Outland Revisited:
Now at Outland the Orcs must build their superior base on this land. The problem is that the Draenei tribes (the Broken, as seen in TFT) who live in the area hate Orcs and continuly attack their base. So the mission would be to build a large base and fight the attacking tribes at the same time. The units are still only Orcs. After the base is built, Orc scouts inform Thrall that they have spotted fellow Orcs also fighting with the Draenei (these are, of course, the Fel Orcs/Chaos Orcs). These willingly going Thrall's forces (and the Fel Orc Blademaster hero is added to the forces, along with the tribe - yet they are computer controlled). Just before the Draenei are killed their hero master casts a blast that send the two Orc heroes flying onto another crater in the broken lands.
Chapter 3 - Brothers in Arm
This is like the style of game in the level where Arthas has been burried under a rock slide in TFT. The two Orc Heroes (Thrall and the Fel Orc Blademaster) must used team work and co-operation in order to solve the mysteries and tricks in the land and return to their base.
Chapter 4 - (unnamed)
Having finally prepared their forces and come to join the Horde Volijin (possibly in the Shadow Hunter model) and Cairne have crossed the Dimensional Gate to Outland, and joined Thrall's forces (only without Thrall for he has not yet returned after the explosion). Their mission now is to defend their base against the Burning Legions waves until Thrall and the Fel Orc Blademaster return. Finally when they do return the Horde is ready for their strike against the Burning Crusaders of Outland in a massive attack.
More to come... (only to those helping in the campaign)

So far I have begun working on Chapter 1 and will post it shortly on the forum. :)
I have no idea how to make Chapter 2's ideas possible, but I know they are and if someone can do it they will surely be greatly thanked and appricated. :D
If anyone has ideas, don't forget to share.


I am the Conduit of Change
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nice campaign. DO you have sound on it? I also am pretty good in cinematics but I can't use the editor now since I need to use my bro's PC which i can't install the game in :(. BTW have you thought of a name for Thrall's allie?


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All who have said that they will help, the true start of the campaign is tomorrow (26/06/06). I will have the terrain of the first map done, along with some of the triggers, and will give more specific instructions to those willing to work hard for a good cause. :D Thanx for all who'll help. :)

To Battlemapsta:
No sure name yet, but as you can see in this forum 'WoW_Error' has given some, and it would probably be one of those. I haven't given music a thought yet, but I don't think its too important; I'll just use the music from the game, since I know imported music is really heavy (and in this case I find it unnecessary). If you got ideas or preferances then please share them. :)

To Zero R.:
Thanx for you help, but I don't see how this fits in at all. Straying from the story is original, true, but it isn't too realistic. I am trying to build up a continuation for the Warcraft series that may actually fit in with the history and make sense. Though your hero is good :eek: the stroy behind it has nothing to do with the plot (of Warcraft and of my campaign; the Orc will not betray Thrall, since he has led them to thier new home, and those living there and still alive are the ones that fought against the demoniuc invasion, and still are, and knew that what Grom did was wrong, though he saved them later. No one was ever heard blaming Thrall). No hard feelings though, ideas are always wanted and appriciated. :)


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Site, Help and Progress

I'm creating a site for the campaign, so everything becomes clearer, and people can see what it's going to be about. :) Visit the site's thread here.


So far I have a couple of helpers (and thank them all ;) ). The list of helpers can be found on the site's thread.
More help though is still needed. Right now these are the people I need:
- Terrainer (good one, making Outland maps)
- Triggerer (a real expert, who can do nearly anything :p )
- AI Editorer (someone who can handle the AI editor perfectly, and knows how to control the computer players as done in a normal campaign map)
- And many more with their suggestions and ideas ;)
Anyone is welcome to join the team. (Do worry if there is more than one person for a job, the more the better ;) ).


Progress so far: (can be seen in the site, under the category of Activities)
Chapter 1 Completion:
Terraining -- 95%
Triggering -- 20%
Units and Creeps -- 80%
Chapters 2 and 3 are just beginning to being constructed now. :)


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I will help you create the game if you wish, but i would preafer to talk to you somewere else other then fourms or PM'S. If you would reply to the PM i sent you ASAP.

Thanks, ^^


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OK Shadows is on the team too. :D


The campaign is going well so, far, but we still need some more people :) .
The main issue now is the AI. In normal campaigns, the enemy attacks, but it's not a huge attack, like many done in the melee maps, but small, and easy to counter. Also their base is always populated, and they don't go creeping around. I know this can all be done through the AI editor in Warcraft (and maybe some triggers), but have no personal experience in it. This is crutial for the campaign to work.
Also, someone with many ideas for optional missions would be a good addition for the team. Since most of the campaign occurs in Outland (a tileset rarely used in maps) we need someone to come up with suitable optional quests. For ideas, you can either join the team, or just post your ideas for quests here.

Needed People:
- AI Editorer
- Optional Mission Brainstormer


If you have any questions concerning this campaign please ask. :D


Dragon lullaby makes me dizzy!!!

I'm the optional mission-er :D .Here are some ideas:
1.there could be some choices for the hero to become a god by achieving some optional missions
2.There could be a mission (optional, of course) very hard to find and complete, but worth the time and tire

how about these? :D
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