Need 86 Hero ideas


Old Fogey ofthe site
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(if you like this idea, I am Peon_union


lightning(based off chain lightning, but can also hit allies if your not careful)

poison or paralyze: either poisons an enemy or parylizes him.

second cure: uses a curing ability on a target that cures 1 to 5 times

manifestation (ultimate) The gambler either turns into a guy with better hp and armor, or with better spells and mana


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My wc3 name is Septimus.

I would make more hero idea for you, but right now I had to fix all my 9 map. I think I would come out with at least 20-30 hero idea for you by tommorow. :p


Old Fogey ofthe site
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Hero idea: morpher:

1: Wolf- transforms the hero into a wolf, providing faster speed.
2: Bear: transform the hero into a bear, providing strength
3: Feral spirit: aura that increases attack and speed
Ultimate: Satyr: Transforms into a satyr, improving hp, armor,, speed and mana.

*The animals should also have 2 abilities each. Wolf should have bloodlust like ability and evasion, bear should have bash and hp regen aura. And satyr should have bloodlust, and bash.

Each ability should have 10 levels, being learned at the second level of transformation.

And the transformations ARE permanent(optional)

Beserker: (model should be beast tamer or something)
This hero is for dealing damage without recieving it
Rage: based off bloodlust: attacks faster but takes more damage
Charge: based off shock wave: Moves the beserker to the end of the shockwave
Magipurge: based off feedback: every attack destroys the opponents mana
Blood dance: The beserker goes into a temperary trance, allowing him to dodge all attacks.


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Hero idea: morpher:

1: Wolf- transforms the hero into a wolf, providing faster speed.
2: Bear: transform the hero into a bear, providing strength
3: Feral spirit: aura that increases attack and speed
Ultimate: Satyr: Transforms into a satyr, improving hp, armor,, speed and mana.

*The animals should also have 2 abilities each. Wolf should have bloodlust like ability and evasion, bear should have bash and hp regen aura. And satyr should have bloodlust, and bash.

Each ability should have 10 levels, being learned at the second level of transformation.

And the transformations ARE permanent(optional)

Beserker: (model should be beast tamer or something)
This hero is for dealing damage without recieving it
Rage: based off bloodlust: attacks faster but takes more damage
Charge: based off shock wave: Moves the beserker to the end of the shockwave
Magipurge: based off feedback: every attack destroys the opponents mana
Blood dance: The beserker goes into a temperary trance, allowing him to dodge all attacks.

Morpher seem to be more like a transformer.


Old Fogey ofthe site
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morphing: to change shape
transform: to change shape

so that is very true, but transform seems more mechanical than morph in my opinion


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Name: Juris Vadlaer
Ability 1: Rite of Vengeance
Description: Juris begins a ritual of vengeance. During the rite his body becomes immune to physical damage but takes extra damage from other forms. When completed he and allies nearby deal greater damage and have increased attack speed for an X amount of time. Afterwards they all unleash a final war cry lowering the defence of nearby enemies by X.
Ability 2: Souls of the Fallen
Description: Whenever an ally dies near Juris their souls are gathered by him. When Juris uses this ability he gains the skill of each fallen warrior (Max of X) increasing his defence and attack speed by (times amount of souls or something) for X seconds.
Ability 3: Gaurdians Zeal
Description: Juris takes a moment to concentrate and put himself in a state of self allowing him to become more aware of himself and his enemies. When completed Juris gains a X% chance to deal X times damage and less X% chance to stun his opponant for X seconds.
Ultimate: Gift of Vengeance
Description: Juris prays to the mighty god of vengeance to grant his warriors immunity for X seconds. When completed a tremor shakes the ground underneath Juris dealing X damage to nearby enemies.

Go ahead and change what you would like. I could make better spell ideas and such, but meh. These should do. Just remember he's an older Warrior and fights with Vengeance.


Liberty, Simply said; a lie.
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These 2 are heroes I gave Ideas to a different map, but they were declined, but you may have them if you wish.

OH, and you are welcome to edit any aspect. Please give credits haha..

Name: Tung Hung
Age: 47
Gender: Male
Race: Pandaren
Class: Druidic Warrior

Stat: Strength
Agility Start: 9
Intelligence Start: 13
Strength Start: 18

Nature's Rage:
The Quest of Harmony raging inside my Soul..

Level 1: Unit becomes enraged and encouraged, causing a temporary stat bonus of +4 to Strength, +5 to Intelligence, +10 Damage.

Level 2: Unit becomes enraged and encouraged, causing a temporary stat bonus of +5 to Strength, +7 to Intelligence, +13 Damage.

Level 3: Unit becomes enraged and encouraged, causing a temporary stat bonus of +7 to Strength, +9 to Intelligence, +22 Damage.

Element's Heart:
From Earth's Heart do I serve, to bring peace..

Level 1: Creating a Rift between time, between Natures Laws, The Pandaren Warrior Charges through any Obstacle, Through any Enemy, Through any Wall to stun the enemy unit for 2 seconds and poisoning it, with a max distance of (Very Close)

Level 2: Creating a Rift between time, between Natures Laws, The Pandaren Warrior Charges through any Obstacle, Through any Enemy, Through any Wall to stun the enemy unit for 2 seconds and poisoning it, with a max distance of (Close)

Level 3: Creating a Rift between time, between Natures Laws, The Pandaren Warrior Charges through any Obstacle, Through any Enemy, Through any Wall to stun the enemy unit for 4 seconds and poisoning it, with a max distance of (Very Close)

Eternity's End:
To Defend, to Survive, To Kill, to Never Surrender.

Level 1: At death the Pandaren Druid gives his spirit to the Watchers, causing it to implode, sucking in all enemy units and stunning them for 5 seconds, and causing them to be confused, reducing their speed and chance to hit by 5% for 10 seconds.

Level 2: At death the Pandaren Druid gives his spirit to the Watchers, causing it to implode, sucking in all enemy units and stunning them for 6 seconds, and causing them to be confused, reducing their speed and chance to hit by 7% for 10 seconds.

Level 3: At death the Pandaren Druid gives his spirit to the Watchers, causing it to implode, sucking in all enemy units and stunning them for 6 seconds, and causing them to be confused, reducing their speed and chance to hit by 15% for 10 seconds.[/color]

Divine Runic Slaughter:
Without the fear of death, without the pleasure of slaughter..
Inside only the words that I speak of matter most when in battle..

Ultimate: The Pandaren Druidic Master becomes fully covered with the elements of Life, Water, Fire, and Earth, with each attack he causes the enemy unit to become affected by the poisonous growth of nature, the breath of water, the pain of Fire, and the and the speed of the earth. As well as letting out a battlecry aiding enemies for +200 HP. Lasts 15 Seconds.

And this guy maybe..

Kel Phormus:

Air Furtiv- Kel has the ability to transform into an essence that sticks to the enemy causing it weakness and pain constantly.

The character is invisible (no control no visibility)
And the targeted enemy is given a debuff causing damage per level, slower reaction, and chance of ally attack. Later will be reborn at spot of disappearance.

Level 1.) 3 damage per sec, 20% slowed, 5% chance per 10 sec of attacking nearby unit (ally or enemy) lasts 17 seconds.

Level 2.) 7 damage per sec, 30% slowed, 6% chance per 9 sec of attacking nearby unit (ally or enemy) lasts 20 seconds.

Level 3.) 12 damage per sec, 45% slowed, 7% chance per 12 sec of attacking nearby unit (ally or enemy) lasts 25 seconds. :)

Furisho Notori- Kel Vanishes creating a symbol of his essence causing
his enemies to run, and scare the ones near them.

This character vanishes, creating a rune, or symbol which acts as a ward causing all enemies to run, and ones at a melee attack radius being debuffed causing loss of hp.

Level 1.) Create a rune for 15 sec, causing people of a 5 square distance (enemies) running away from radius and causing a -10% hp spell to any nearby units of a 1 square radius.

Level 2.) Create a rune for 15 sec, causing people of a 6 square distance (enemies) running away from radius and causing a -20 hp spell to any nearby units of a 1 square radius.

Level 3.) Create a rune for 15 sec, causing people of a 7 square distance (enemies) running away from radius and causing a -30% hp spell to any nearby units of a 1 square radius.

Im thinking of other spells.....

Ok umm
Spiral Nepenthe (translation is a spiral potion of the ancients)

Kel explodes into a thick liquid which stick on the ground about 6 squares around him, connecting and causing a barrier within the circle preventing all damage and a constant heal for 10 seconds.

Level 1.) 6 square radius, preventing 90% damage, healing 5hp per sec to everyone allied within barrier, 10 sec.

Level 2.) 6 square radius, preventing 100% damage, healing 8hp per sec to everyone allied within barrier, 12 sec.

Level 3.) 6 square radius, preventing 100% damage, healing 12hp per sec to everyone allied within barrier, 15 sec.



Ill list three of my element ideas.
(DESC = Description)
Lightning Master
Ability 1: Lightning Nova
DESC: Casts a lightning nova on a targeted enemy that will deal X damage and shocks the enemy that if nearby enemy units gets near to him, they will shock, dealing X damage. (The first damage should be moderate and the shock damage should be minor.) Based on: Pudge (the shaman's ability)
Ability 2: Lightning Speed
DESC: The master goes on berserk, giving him X% movement speed, and X% attack speed, but he takes more damage. (The movement speed should be moderate and attack speed should be minor.) based on Berserk (Troll berserker ability)
Ability 3: Lightniline
DESC: The lightning are in the master's bloodline, giving him X damage. Based on Command Aura (Make the target only to self, DO not make it to nearby allies.)
Ultimate: Lightning Explodition
DESC: The master casts a ball of lightning on the area, then the ball will explode into lightning, slowly shocking and damaging nearby enemy units.

Ice Explodingan
Ability 1: Ice Ball [Based on Firebolt (or an ability that shoots the ball, needs triggers.)
DESC: The Explodingan creates a ball of ice, then throwing it to a unit, forcing it to move back away for 2 feet, damaging him. If the unit hits to a tree, wall, or other doodads, the ice ball will explode, damaging the unit.
Ability 2: Ice Clones (Water Elemental (needs trigger to create ANOTHER clone for that.)
DESC: The Ice Explodingan creates two clones of him, can attack, and has normal HP of the hero, but don't have same primary abilities. Instead, they have the ability to explode themselves, damaging nearby enemy units and the clone that exploded dies. Lasts 60 seconds.
Ability 3: Ice Eye (PASSIVE)
DESC: The eye is icy - it improves his detection, damage, and more. Increases the Explodingan's damage by X. Also, gives a X% chance to do triple attack. (Based on: (Idk maybe its more like Critical Strike, but damage is by Command Aura.)
ULT: Iculear Strike
DESC: This ability effects to Explodingan - when began to cast, he will fly up to the mid-air. Once that happen, the Explodingan will hit onto ground, doing a huge explosive area, doing X major damage to all, but X moderate damage is happened to the Explodingan.

One more hero to go! :D


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Xapphire and IceWarrior98 can you also say on wich ability you're abilities are based on.

someone a new idea?


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Little Kid 
Ability 1: Revange Description: The Little Kid throws an spell on the once that hurt him wile he was a kid it deals damage over time Based on:Shadow Strike
Ability 2: Playground Description: The Little Kid Throws things in the air and makes the nearby enemys stunned and deals damage. Based on:Volacane[or how it spells]
Ability 3: A+ Student Description: The kid takes hes smart brain and makes him absorbe attack after that he throws his nollage on a target enemy unit and it gives (X) armor bonus Based on: I dont realy know
Ultimate:Grow Up! Description: The Little kid decides to grow up and gets strong powers from nowhere o.O Based on:Berserker

Ability 1: Self-Explode Description: The Terrirorist target an enemy and blastes him in the air with him self! Based on:Any Point-Target Spell Just trigger that and Dummy comes and kills the terrorist 
Ability 2: Bomb Expert Description: The Terrorist places a bomb in the place he wants it any unit that comes (X) range ofthe bomb gets killed Based on:Goblin Landmines
Ability 3: Gun Expert Description: The Terrorist Shows hes skills in guns and shoots evry unit nearby the caster Based on:Fan of Knives
Ultimate: Bomb ahead! Description: The terrorist orders hes comrants to blow evrything up! Based on:Starnfall

50 cent
Ability 1: West(Passive) Description: Since 50 has been shoot 9 times he dicieds to pick up hes west Based on:Devolition Aura
Ability 2: Diss Description: 50 cent Disses hes enemys makes there armor go down.. Based on:Fearie Fire
Ability 3: Highstage Description: 50 disceids to take it on the stage so he summons hes old friend The Game and starts to kill people Based on:Infernal or any summon thing
Ultimate: Sing Description: 50 starts to sing he sings so good hes friendly units gets healed Based on:Tranquallity

Ability 1: Death Arrows Description: The Revrant changes hes ammo to Death arrows making hes enemys easyer to kill and spawns new units from each kill he gets! Based on:Black Arrows
Ability 2: Convert to Undead Description: The revrant converts a living unit to an undead Based on:Charm
Ability 3: Running Shades Description: The Shades of hell comes up and attacks evryone near the revrant Based on:Stampede
Ultimate: Undead Description: The Revrant castes a spell that makes all hes friendly units invurable to attacks Based on:Big Bad Voodoo

Ability 1: Cocaine(Passive) Description: The drugdealer uses hes cocaine to boost hes attack speed and damage up! Based on:Endurance Aura
Ability 2: PSP Description: The Drugdealer castes PSP on hes enemys so the enemys will drain life over time Based on:Shadow Strike
Ability 3: Get High Description: The drugdealer uses hes own drugs so he gets so high that hes damage boost up Based on:Berserk
Ultimate: Cocaine Bomb Description: The drugdealer gets so mad that he throws hes cocaine on hes enemys and it reduces there armor and takes damage over time Based on:Acid bomb & Shadow Strike


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The little kid, Terrorist and Revrant i will use.... thanks for the heroes.
Sorry for asking but what means ''Revrant''
Someone more?

Im now creating with the Divine Exorcist


I am a WolfieeifloW fan.
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Tidal - Wave Walker​
The Model Is - (The Other Type of Water Elemental), Ranged - 425

Ability 1
Wave Rush
Description: The Wave Walker sends a strike towards the target opponnent, dealing X damage and slowing the target for X seconds.
Based On: Shadow Strike

Ability 2
Description: The Wave Walker relocates to the target point.
Based On: Blink, Change the Animation to (Naga Death)

Ability 3
Description: The Wave Walker adapts to his surroundings with ease, increasing his damage by X, and his movespeed by X.
Based On: Engineering Upgrade (I am not sure if it was Damage or Attackspeed)

The Wave Walker's intense source of water overflows, dealing X damage each X second. (You can make it deal 2 damage each 0.01, to be imba, lol)
Based On: Permanent Immolation


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For what my spells should be based on:

First, a channeling spell.

Second, a trigger to gather an integer for killed allies untill reached max amount. Once activated, has added def and attack speed for a time.

Third, another channeling spell.

Ultimate, Voodoo with some changes to cause an earthquake sorta dealy at the end.

Mostly it would be trigger though for each.


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The Invulnerable

Hero Description : This hero had a incredible life regeneration rate, high hitpoint and strong resistant to any damage. They are the holy defender of the Mayan City during the troll invasion. Legend had it there is none of them get killed during the war while several thousand troll had been slain by them. Although they had strong resistant, they are weak in combat.

Ability 1 : The Muscle
Description : Increase the max hp of the hero.
Based On : Item Life Bonus

Ability 2 : The Invulnerable Power
Description : Protect the users from all damage for a period of time.
Based On : Divine Shield

Ability 3 : The Iron Body
Description : Increase the life regeneration rate of the hero and give additional bonus armor.
Based On : Item Armor Bonus and Item Life Regeneration

Ultimate : The Living Will
Description : Increase life regeneration, max hp and armor drastically and give the hero the immunity against magic spell as well for a period of time.
Based On : Avatar


S.P.D Smoke Pot Daily, Legalize It!
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Elemental Summoner
  • Spell 1: Summon Fire Elemental
  • Discription: Summons a Fire Elemental to Aid in battle
  • Based On: Summon Water Elemental

  • Spell 2: Summon Ice Elemental
  • Discription: Summons a Earth Elemental to Aid in battle
  • Based On: Summon Water Elemental

  • Spell 3: Summon Electricity Elemental
  • Discription: Summons a Water Elemental to Aid in battle
  • Based On: Summon Water Elemental

  • Ultimate: Tri-Elemental Attack
  • Discription: Summons a Water Elemental to Aid in battle
  • Based On: Tri-Elemental Attack

P.S. You can find tri-elemental attack here. You should also use custom models for the elementals they can be found here. My warcraft 3 name is Fire-Wolf
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