New game, like rpg like nothing youve ever played


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Well, as most of you know, there are more rpgs out there than grains of sand on a beach, but I want to make one that isn't really an rpg. I want to make one that is insanley realistic, not counting non-existing things such as monsters, magic, etc.
For instance, there is no such thing as an invulnerable shopkeep, if you feel like killing the shopkeep, and making all the other players hate you, go ahead, if you wanna kill the quest givers, and just take the reward, go ahead,
all these things have punishments howevor, you get caught attacking people in the town, you'll get arrested, and actually be locked in a prison, you can escape of course, but your items, weapons, etc, are teken, and escaping a prison full of guards, while weaponless, is hard. Also, unless you find ur items, there gone for good. Of course you can serve your time, and be free, items and all.
You can get diseased, become cursed, become a vampire, werewolve, and all sorts of other contaigous transormations.
Also, instead of just picking from five abilities when you level up, you pick from five skill sets, each with about ten abilities. Also, with a slew of magic items and spellsbooks chock full of magics, there is no limit the the customizability of your hero.
Instead of your stats going up a specific amount every time you level, you get skill points each level up, allowing further customization.
There are tons of quests, guilds to join, wars to be fought. With no limit to what you can do, anything is possible,
you can pickpocket other players items, or replace their potions with poison, assassinate important people,
take over kingdoms, or start your own. Actually build your own castle, placing walls, towers, etc wherever you please.
Forge weapons, create potions, enchant items, and hire mercenaries.
There are caves to explore, monsters to slay, and dungeons to plunder.

Yeah thats a lot, but if yu guys like it, i can do it, i have a seroius devotion to map making, i map 5-6 hours daily, so i could do this. Any ideas would be greatly appriciated, and please, if your gonna say sumthin abut hw this is impossible, or nobody could do it, then just dont reply, because i can do this, i wont if you all hate it, but i could... i could.


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I say first start it. I bet there are many things you said you want to do that you couldn't do, but I won't underestimate you.

Once you start it, you will get an idea of how much work it will be, to make like enough classes for it to be interesting, with 5 skill sets of 10 each. That is 50 spells each class, and most good ORPGs have over 15 classes. That is 750 abilities.

Not even the best mappers could think of that many abilities, let alone have them be good.

As for the rest of it...sounds good.

Knights :cool:


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not all classes have unique skill sets, for instance, there is just basic, combat skills, which is given to just about every melee hero, also, you have no idea as to the extents of my imagination, mostly because there isnt one, bit trust me, i can do this!


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btw, i have started, from the moment i posted it, i had started making it, and i am as i write this. and i know, yeah its a lot, but i can do it.


well you know the idea is least to me..but there are stuff that you didnt say and really matters to me and gameplay..
what theme will the game have...warcraft theme?...
and multiplayer or single player?
would it have save code?
if you need ideas look trough the game can inspire you greatly..
i dunno what to suggest now...


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I have a lone wonder...why by making an AoS that will 'probably reach DotA' you also make another project?


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Bunnyburn said:
Well, as most of you know, there are more rpgs out there than grains of sand on a beach, but I want to make one that isn't really an rpg. I want to make one that is insanley realistic, not counting non-existing things such as monsters, magic, etc. For instance, there is no such thing as an invulnerable shopkeep, if you feel like killing the shopkeep, and making all the other players hate you, go ahead, if you wanna kill the quest givers, and just take the reward, go ahead, all these things have punishments howevor, you get caught attacking people in the town, you'll get arrested, and actually be locked in a prison, you can escape of course, but your items, weapons, etc, are teken, and escaping a prison full of guards, while weaponless, is hard. Also, unless you find ur items, there gone for good. Of course you can serve your time, and be free, items and all. You can get diseased, become cursed, become a vampire, werewolve, and all sorts of other contaigous transormations. Also, instead of just picking from five abilities when you level up, you pick from five skill sets, each with about ten abilities. Also, with a slew of magic items and spellsbooks chock full of magics, there is no limit the the customizability of your hero. Instead of your stats going up a specific amount every time you level, you get skill points each level up, allowing further customization. There are tons of quests, guilds to join, wars to be fought. With no limit to what you can do, anything is possible, you can pickpocket other players items, or replace their potions with poison, assassinate important people, take over kingdoms, or start your own. Actually build your own castle, placing walls, towers, etc wherever you please. Forge weapons, create potions, enchant items, and hire mercenaries.
There are caves to explore, monsters to slay, and dungeons to plunder.

Yeah thats a lot, but if yu guys like it, i can do it, i have a seroius devotion to map making, i map 5-6 hours daily, so i could do this. Any ideas would be greatly appriciated, and please, if your gonna say sumthin abut hw this is impossible, or nobody could do it, then just dont reply, because i can do this, i wont if you all hate it, but i could... i could.

Please, Please. Improve your spelling or atleast check it. And if you want to list a number of content you can use bullets. Like this:

  • Bullet 1
  • Bullet 2
  • Bullet 3

You could use that where you had the warewolves/vamp things. But other than that good map. Rep if I see screenshots.


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as i said, i cant jst work on one map, unless i work on at least three (im also making brotherhood, a 2 player coop rpg) i will run out of inspiration, youd be durprised how many ideas you can get if your making three different maps at once, because they all seem to carry over. And my spelling, sry, i rush my typing, and bullets, ha, like im organized.


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i though of a real good idea for talking and stuff, would it be possible to have jsut a dialog box, with the title being all long, like what the npc is saying, and then a single dialog button thats like, "OK", then when clicked and it closes the dialog box, plz answer?


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here is the minimap so far, i started this in a 96X96, and im enlarging as i go, so its small, and highly undetailed. And a screenshot of the picnic area overlooking a river and graveyard. Another screenshot is of a riverside lounging area overlooking a militia training area (weird views huh :D )


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i was wondering if weapon making/potion making should be limited to one class eg. armorer/alchemist, or if any1 can d it, provided they have materials, etc.
I want YOUR ideas. Shoot.


Death is Not the End
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You know how you said about mutation right? That sounds quite interesting. For example: (May may already have this in but...)

Vampire: At day or night, you have the power to transform into a vampire. During the day, you burn until you die, or revert to your human form. As playing a vampire, you control the night, you can ambush those in your way, you are invisible, and you use the creatures of the night into your favor. Posses them to use their sight as yours. You may fly by changing into a bat. The way to live: KILL for BLOOD! You are allied to night mutants, but sworn enemies to day dwellers.

Werewolf: At 12:00 (midnight), you automatically change into a werewolf. As a werewolf, you are slick, swift, sly, stealthy, silent, deadly, and ferocious. The most delicious thing you can ever have was HUMANS! Hunt them down with the night dwellers and kill!

Werebear: Much like a werewolf, you change into a werebear at 12:00. Problem is, you must kill those who endanger the wilds. You power is off the charts, but you speed sinks to a speed of 22 MPH. Humans for example have razed the forests and used animals for their own. All a werebear thinks about is: REVENGE! Night creatures are also enemies so be aware!

Falcon: At will, you may change into a falcon. You have a large radius of sight and protect the humans. You feed on roaches, spiders, or anything for that matter except humans. Your sworn enemies are the night rulers.

Demon: Unlike any mutant, you have the power to change into a demon. Randomly, it occurs and you can't control it. The higher level you are, the less often you change into one. However, you are enemies to everybody but others of your kind: other Demons. You control chaos and wreak havoc to anyone who stands in your way. Demons have destructive powers enough to leave a army of 500 men helpless.

Zerg Hydralisk: Though rarely found on the planet, 1 out of a hundred billionth people have this amazing power. As a Zerg, you can shoot anything whether the police, or players. You are neutral but can get into some serious trouble. For example, if you are caught and have escaped, the police will send helicopors to find you. Zerg are terrifing especially when allying in multiplayer games where they own others quick.


Bunnyburn said:
as i said, i cant jst work on one map, unless i work on at least three (im also making brotherhood, a 2 player coop rpg) i will run out of inspiration, youd be durprised how many ideas you can get if your making three different maps at once, because they all seem to carry over.

Lol, your like me :D . I get bored of one map and start working on another, until I get bored of working on that one, and start on another. Then I consider how cool my original was, and go back to that. Its an endless cycle :rolleyes:

Speaking of which, Thanatos here gave me a few good ideas :shades:

But enough about that.

I like the idea of command and conquor. I like to have a hero whos relativly weak, but relys on his powerful army to command the world, making all fear. Problem is, most games make it so the hero gets too strong for the units. Please, make them vulnerable. I don't want a dude with 9 auras, 3 of which I have no idea what they do, come at my entire army only to slaughter all of them with attacks that seem to move quicker then at all possible.

Whenever you make a map like this, is always seems that 256x256 just isn't enough...

One question though: What happens upon death?


Death is Not the End
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Demongo55 said:
Lol, your like me :D . I get bored of one map and start working on another, until I get bored of working on that one, and start on another. Then I consider how cool my original was, and go back to that. Its an endless cycle :rolleyes:

Speaking of which, Thanatos here gave me a few good ideas :shades:

But enough about that.

I like the idea of command and conquor. I like to have a hero whos relativly weak, but relys on his powerful army to command the world, making all fear. Problem is, most games make it so the hero gets too strong for the units. Please, make them vulnerable. I don't want a dude with 9 auras, 3 of which I have no idea what they do, come at my entire army only to slaughter all of them with attacks that seem to move quicker then at all possible.

Whenever you make a map like this, is always seems that 256x256 just isn't enough...

One question though: What happens upon death?

1. Lol, your like me :D . I get bored of one map and start working on another, until I get bored of working on that one, and start on another. Then I consider how cool my original was, and go back to that. Its an endless cycle :rolleyes:

Same here :D....I started working on the Twisting Nether RPG, then Feudal Japan, and now New Projects. The two maps have to wait a while. My personality too.

2. Speaking of which, Thanatos here gave me a few good ideas :shades:

Well, I have a mind of ideas and not art :D!

3. Whenever you make a map like this, is always seems that 256x256 just isn't enough...

Yeah, I wish Blizzard would add another one like: 512x512 or 1024x1024 :(.

4. One question though: What happens upon death?

Hmmm.....a very good question's probably obvious that you lose the game or you pay to revive.


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im an thinking of making death a big deal, not the end of course, what kinda game is that. But at least a 2-3 hero level reduction and loss of al your gold, to pay the priests.


Bunnyburn said:
im an thinking of making death a big deal, not the end of course, what kinda game is that. But at least a 2-3 hero level reduction and loss of al your gold, to pay the priests.

Alright. That makes sence.

Keep us updated :eek:


wow, this looks cool, if you actually do it, id play it all way fast.


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Bunnyburn said:
i though of a real good idea for talking and stuff, would it be possible to have jsut a dialog box, with the title being all long, like what the npc is saying, and then a single dialog button thats like, "OK", then when clicked and it closes the dialog box, plz answer?

Do you know how to edit? You are triple posting some times. Thats agiast rules?


Thanatos_820 said:
1. Lol, your like me :D . I get bored of one map and start working on another, until I get bored of working on that one, and start on another. Then I consider how cool my original was, and go back to that. Its an endless cycle :rolleyes:

Same here :D....I started working on the Twisting Nether RPG, then Feudal Japan, and now New Projects. The two maps have to wait a while. My personality too.

2. Speaking of which, Thanatos here gave me a few good ideas :shades:

Well, I have a mind of ideas and not art :D!

3. Whenever you make a map like this, is always seems that 256x256 just isn't enough...

Yeah, I wish Blizzard would add another one like: 512x512 or 1024x1024 :(.

4. One question though: What happens upon death?

Hmmm.....a very good question's probably obvious that you lose the game or you pay to revive.

Actually, i played a map set on 540X540 or sumthin like that, i think the guy used the WEU, or sumthin like that


Death is Not the End
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PooEater said:
Actually, i played a map set on 540X540 or sumthin like that, i think the guy used the WEU, or sumthin like that

WHAT THE... :eek: :eek: :eek:!!! You got to be kidding me. I need that system for my World of Naruto RPG map!!! Where can I find it :D!!
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