Snippet No Leavers


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No Leavers
By Romek

I'm sure nearly everyone here has been in a game which has been completely ruined by some idiot leaving for no reason, and 9 players following him... :rolleyes:
This was actually inspired by people leaving!

Well, now there's a solution. "No Leavers" stops players leaving by nearly any means possible, reducing the chances of people not being able to play your map because of leavers.

  • Stops players leaving in nearly every possible way.
  • If the player does leave, they'll most likely have to close wc3.

  • Disables the Quest and Log menus.
  • A Player can still leave if they have a way of pressing keys quickly (Such as a Gamers Keyboard with Macro Buttons) or by using CTRL + ALT + DEL.

The Code:
//                        -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
//                        -=-=-= No Leavers Function by Romek V1.5 =-=-=- 
// +-----------------=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-----------------------------+ 
// |                            >> REQUIRES A vJASS PREPROCESSER <<                                      |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | -=-= How to Use: =-=-                                                                               |
// |  - Create a new trigger or copy the Snippet into the map header                                     |
// |  - Change the Global REFRESH_TIME to whatever you want. 0.025 recommended =]                        |
// |  - Change the function "Exceptions" to whatever you need (If GetFilterPlayer() == true, then        |
// |    that player won't get effected)                                                                  |
// |  - The system can be Turned on/off by Enabling and Disabling the trigger "NoLeavers_T"              |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | -=-= How to Edit the Exceptions Function: =-=-                                                      |
// |  - Remove "False"                                                                                   |
// |  - Add a player related condition such as: "GetPlayerName(GetFilterPlayer()) == Romek"              |
// |  - GetFilterPlayer() is the Player the condition applies to. Don't change it.                       |
// |  - In this case, It won't effect a player named "Romek"                                             |
// |  - To add multiple conditions, add "or" between the conditions.                                     |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | -=-= PROS: =-=-                                                                                     |
// |  - Stops any player leaving using nearly any method                                                 |
// |  - Even if they do leave, They'll have to close Wc3                                                 |
// |                                                                                                     |
// | -=-= CONS: =-=-                                                                                     |
// |  - Disables the Quests and Log menus                                                                |
// |  - Players can leave using CTRL + ALT + DELETE or if they have a method of pressing keys            |
// |    extremely quickly (Such as a Gamers Keyboard with Macro Keys)                                    |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | -=-= Changelog: =-=-                                                                                |
// |  - As this didn't work on the > majority < of games, it can now be used as a 'punishment' by        |
// |    setting the "PUNISH" variable to true. The ADMIN_PLAYER will then be able to use NL_PREFIX       |
// |    on/off to own a player =]                                                                        |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Credit isn't needed if used.                                                                        |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
scope NoLeave initializer Init
        private constant real REFRESH_TIME = 0.025 // Edit here to set the Refresh time. Higher = MoreLag + Less Chances of Leaving
        private constant boolean PUNISH = true // Set to true to make this a punishment.
        private constant player ADMIN_PLAYER = Player(0) // This is the player which can use the "-noleave" commands
        private constant string NL_PREFIX_ON = "punish" // This is the command ADMIN_PLAYER uses to stop a player leaving
        private constant string NL_PREFIX_OFF = "unpunish" // This is the command ADMIN_PLAYER uses to let a player leave again
        // Use NL_PREFIX_## 1 to Punish player 1 (red)
    private function Exceptions takes nothing returns boolean // The Exceptions
        return false
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ \\
// |           >>> DO NOT EDIT BEYOND THIS LINE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING! <<<                   | \\                                                      |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ \\
        private boolexpr BOOL
        private force NoLeavers = CreateForce()
        public trigger T = CreateTrigger()
    private function Refresh takes nothing returns nothing            
        if IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), NoLeavers) then
            call ForceUICancel()
    private function CheckString takes string s returns boolean
        if S2I(s)/S2I(s) != 1 then
            return false
        return true
    private function PunishedOn takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer l = StringLength(GetEventPlayerChatString())
        local integer le = StringLength(NL_PREFIX_ON) + 1
        local integer i
        if CheckString(SubString(GetEventPlayerChatString(), le , l)) == true then
            set i = S2I(SubString(GetEventPlayerChatString(), le , l)) - 1
        debug call BJDebugMsg("Punish")
        debug call BJDebugMsg(I2S(i))
        if IsPlayerInForce(Player(i), NoLeavers) == false and Player(i) != ADMIN_PLAYER then
            call ForceAddPlayer(NoLeavers, Player(i))
    private function PunishedOff takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer l = StringLength(GetEventPlayerChatString())
        local integer le = StringLength(NL_PREFIX_OFF) + 1
        local integer i
        if CheckString(SubString(GetEventPlayerChatString(), le , l)) == true then
            set i = S2I(SubString(GetEventPlayerChatString(), le , l)) - 1
        if IsPlayerInForce(Player(i), NoLeavers) and Player(i) != ADMIN_PLAYER then
            call ForceRemovePlayer(NoLeavers, Player(i))
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        local trigger t2 = CreateTrigger()
        set BOOL = Filter(function Exceptions)
        set BOOL = Not(BOOL)
        call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(T, REFRESH_TIME, true)
        call TriggerAddAction(T, function Refresh)
        if PUNISH == false then
            call ForceEnumPlayers(NoLeavers, BOOL)
            call DestroyBoolExpr(BOOL)
            call DestroyTrigger(t)
            set t = null
            call DestroyTrigger(t2)
            set t2 = null
            call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(t, ADMIN_PLAYER, NL_PREFIX_ON, false)
            call TriggerAddAction(t, function PunishedOn)
            call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(t2, ADMIN_PLAYER, NL_PREFIX_OFF, false)
            call TriggerAddAction(t2, function PunishedOff)

The Old Code:
//                        -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
//                        -=-=-= No Leavers Function by Romek V1.0 =-=-=- 
// +-----------------=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-----------------------------+ 
// |                            >> REQUIRES A vJASS PREPROCESSER <<                                      |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | -=-= How to Use: =-=-                                                                               |
// |  - Create a new trigger or copy the Snippet into the map header                                     |
// |  - Change the Global REFRESH_TIME to whatever you want. 0.025 recommended =]                        |
// |  - Change the function "Exceptions" to whatever you need (If GetFilterPlayer() == true, then        |
// |    that player won't get effected)                                                                  |
// |  - The system can be Turned on/off by Enabling and Disabling the trigger "NoLeavers_T"              |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | -=-= How to Edit the Exceptions Function: =-=-                                                      |
// |  - Remove "False"                                                                                   |
// |  - Add a player related condition such as: "GetPlayerName(GetFilterPlayer()) == Romek"              |
// |  - GetFilterPlayer() is the Player the condition applies to. Don't change it.                       |
// |  - In this case, It won't effect a player named "Romek"                                             |
// |  - To add multiple conditions, add "or" between the conditions.                                     |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | -=-= PROS: =-=-                                                                                     |
// |  - Stops any player leaving using nearly any method                                                 |
// |  - Even if they do leave, They'll have to close Wc3                                                 |
// |                                                                                                     |
// | -=-= CONS: =-=-                                                                                     |
// |  - Disables the Quests and Log menus                                                                |
// |  - Players can leave using CTRL + ALT + DELETE or if they have a method of pressing keys            |
// |    extremely quickly (Such as a Gamers Keyboard with Macro Keys)                                    |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Credit isn't needed if used.                                                                        |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
scope NoLeave initializer Init
        private constant real REFRESH_TIME = 0.025 // Edit here to set the Refresh time. Higher = MoreLag + Less Chances of Leaving
    private function Exceptions takes nothing returns boolean // The Exceptions
        return false
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ \\
// |           >>> DO NOT EDIT BEYOND THIS LINE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING! <<<                   | \\                                                      |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ \\
        private boolexpr BOOL
        private force NoLeavers = CreateForce()
        public trigger T = CreateTrigger()
    private function Refresh takes nothing returns nothing            
        if IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), NoLeavers) then
            call ForceUICancel()
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local boolexpr B
        set BOOL = Filter(function Exceptions)
        set B = Not(BOOL)
        call ForceEnumPlayers(NoLeavers, B)
        call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(T, REFRESH_TIME, true)
        call TriggerAddAction(T, function Refresh)
        call DestroyBoolExpr(BOOL)
        call DestroyBoolExpr(B)
        set B = null

The Map:
Do you really need a map? It's so small and easy to import!


Reaction score
I'm all for this kind of thing (check out my VoteOwn system ;)), but I think this would just piss people off. My system that I'm shamelessly plugging forces a player to close WC3 after they've been "owned", but it's through a voting process, it's not always there.

But, that's not the coder's responsibility is it? :thup:

Hmmm...I have a mind to make a really annoying map that plays sounds and swings the camera around and things like that. Then, put this in and go on B.Net and host as "DOTA new version!! PROS ONLY". Bound to catch a few..

Oh by the way, I think this would make a great compliment to my Talkative chat system, check it out..


Super Moderator
Reaction score
This is meant to annoy people (Who would otherwise annoy others by leaving)
You can always add a victory trigger to your map or something :p

Also, "Owning" completely isolates a player from playing.
You can play the map perfectly fine with this. (Except for quests)


Reaction score
Also, "Owning" completely isolates a player from playing.
You can play the map perfectly fine with this. (Except for quests)

So you've seen it, eh? ;)
And you're right, but I was only comparing the two because they both take a certain amount of control away from the player. Yours prevents them from leaving, mine does the same, as well as preventing them from playing any further.

Let me explain what I meant by "pissed off", in a quote: "All the other players are idiots, I'm leaving to find a new game. What?! I can't leave?! This map sucks..." and this person never plays again. Of course, the reaction may be the opposite, I can't say for sure. Either way, nice little snippet :p

I would change "higher" to "smaller":
        private constant real REFRESH_TIME = 0.025 // Edit here to set the Refresh time. Higher = MoreLag + Less Chances of Leaving

Any further conversation should take place on B.Net using my Talkative chat system, I think. It would only be appropriate.


Super Moderator
Reaction score
So you've seen it, eh? ;)
And you're right, but I was only comparing the two because they both take a certain amount of control away from the player. Yours prevents them from leaving, mine does the same, as well as preventing them from playing any further.

Yeah. I read through the thread :)

Let me explain what I meant by "pissed off", in a quote: "All the other players are idiots, I'm leaving to find a new game. What?! I can't leave?! This map sucks..." and this person never plays again. Of course, the reaction may be the opposite, I can't say for sure. Either way, nice little snippet :p

Mm.. Maybe. Well, you don't HAVE to put this into your map!

I would change "higher" to "smaller":
        private constant real REFRESH_TIME = 0.025 // Edit here to set the Refresh time. Higher = MoreLag + Less Chances of Leaving

Ahh. Thanks.

Any further conversation should take place on B.Net using my Talkative chat system, I think. It would only be appropriate.



Reaction score
I know I suggested we should continue any further communication using my useful and awesome chat system (the Talkative chat system, check it out), but:

Mm.. Maybe. Well, you don't HAVE to put this into your map!

Yes, exactly! That's all you have to say to nay-sayers (I had a few nay-sayers commenting on my leet and uber VoteOwn system).


Super Moderator
Reaction score
I know I suggested we should continue any further communication using my useful and awesome chat system (the Talkative chat system, check it out),

I've seen it. :p
I suggest we talk (If it's on-topic) here, and if not, then over PM.

Yes, exactly! That's all you have to say to nay-sayers (I had a few nay-sayers commenting on my leet and uber VoteOwn system).

Well.. Maybe :p


Reaction score
I've seen it. :p
I suggest we talk (If it's on-topic) here, and if not, then over PM.

I'm just doing some shameless plugging...I've just bumped my thread from about a month needs some help ;)


It's not the wintercold that's killing me
Reaction score
Does this stop people from leaving completely? I mean, if the game is over or something, do you have to close your wc3 down too?


Super Moderator
Reaction score
I'm just doing some shameless plugging...I've just bumped my thread from about a month needs some help ;)

Oh.. Ok :p

Does this stop people from leaving completely? I mean, if the game is over or something, do you have to close your wc3 down too?

No. Only using the Menus.
Victory/Defeat conditions will still work.

Hmm.. I guess I should make it a global trigger so that it can be enabled / disabled :p

Will change ASAP.
Done :)


It's not the wintercold that's killing me
Reaction score
What about games that doesn't use victory/defeat? I mean, some games are AoS, and then someone get disconnects etc. Then you're like "I'm not going to play 2v1, I go play another game", do you have to close your wc3 down and then restart i


Stops copies me!
Reaction score
This is meant to annoy people (Who would otherwise annoy others by leaving)
Taking after ol' quraji, eh? :D

Anyway, if/when someone does leave, you have the problem of

"omg leaver i rmk"
(5 minutes later once they realise that something isn't right :p)

Nice idea, but the cons do outweight the pros (since you won't be able to prevent anyone leaving if there isn't anyone joining :rolleyes:)

"GetPlayerName(GetFilterPlayer()) == Romek"
:p Perhaps you could add a string array and an array setup (that, by default, sets 5 or so of the arrays to "") function to make it as simple as possible for name exceptions (which is pretty much all you're gonna name)


Super Moderator
Reaction score
Taking after ol' quraji, eh? :p

Anyway, if/when someone does leave, you have the problem of
This is meant to prevent that...

"omg leaver i rmk"

Nice idea, but the cons do outweight the pros (since you won't be able to prevent anyone leaving if there isn't anyone joining :rolleyes:)

Well.. You can always disable the trigger Anyway :p


Stops copies me!
Reaction score
This is meant to prevent that...
But, as you said yourself, 'they' could have a gaming keyboard macro or just use CTRL-ALT-DEL (or, if they are fast enough, Alt F4 then X) or just switch off their PC if they can't figure out the other options

If it could be set up to something where a person could only leave under certain conditions (like, they can only say 'offensive' words X times in the game if they want to leave), then it'd be awesome (then everyone gets to leave and the annoying c*nt gets stuck on his own :D)


Let the game begin...
Reaction score
I have to say that I love it. This would do perfectly in the Warlock maps since people leave in the first round because they don't have the patience to wait for the other's to get done...


Without Intelligence
Reaction score
I tested this out. It made me wonder if you did that yourself. ^__^

Well, first of all, with REFRESH_TIME being 0.025 I was unable to choose units. That kinda sucked.

I put it to 1.00, and then I was able to choose units. But when I trained a unit, it stopped (as ForceUICancel does the same as pressing cancel there, doesn't it?). Also when I tried to cast a targetable spell it canceled. The same with ordering the units to move (by first pressing M) or attack (by first pressing A). :p

The pros was that it indeed made it harder to leave. :D


Super Moderator
Reaction score
But, as you said yourself, 'they' could have a gaming keyboard macro or just use CTRL-ALT-DEL (or, if they are fast enough, Alt F4 then X) or just switch off their PC if they can't figure out the other options

If it could be set up to something where a person could only leave under certain conditions (like, they can only say 'offensive' words X times in the game if they want to leave), then it'd be awesome (then everyone gets to leave and the annoying c*nt gets stuck on his own :D)

Most people would rather simply kick people who are like that.
Game: You now have permission to leave

I have to say that I love it. This would do perfectly in the Warlock maps since people leave in the first round because they don't have the patience to wait for the other's to get done...

Yeah :p

I tested this out. It made me wonder if you did that yourself. ^__^

Well, first of all, with REFRESH_TIME being 0.025 I was unable to choose units. That kinda sucked.

I put it to 1.00, and then I was able to choose units. But when I trained a unit, it stopped (as ForceUICancel does the same as pressing cancel there, doesn't it?). Also when I tried to cast a targetable spell it canceled. The same with ordering the units to move (by first pressing M) or attack (by first pressing A). :p

The pros was that it indeed made it harder to leave. :D

Damn.. I didn't bother testing it with units.
I'll try adding a function or something which disables the trigger when a player orders a unit to do something :p


Super Moderator
Reaction score
Hmm.. This might as well be scrapped. I don't think there is a way of detecting when a player presses a "Button" (For a spell, or w/e)

I did try though :p

//                        -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
//                        -=-=-= No Leavers Function by Romek V1.2 =-=-=- 
// +-----------------=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-----------------------------+ 
// |                            >> REQUIRES A vJASS PREPROCESSER <<                                      |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | -=-= How to Use: =-=-                                                                               |
// |  - Create a new trigger or copy the Snippet into the map header                                     |
// |  - Change the Global REFRESH_TIME to whatever you want. 0.025 recommended =]                        |
// |  - Change the function "Exceptions" to whatever you need (If GetFilterPlayer() == true, then        |
// |    that player won't get effected)                                                                  |
// |  - The system can be Turned on/off by Enabling and Disabling the trigger "NoLeavers_T"              |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | -=-= How to Edit the Exceptions Function: =-=-                                                      |
// |  - Remove "False"                                                                                   |
// |  - Add a player related condition such as: "GetPlayerName(GetFilterPlayer()) == Romek"              |
// |  - GetFilterPlayer() is the Player the condition applies to. Don't change it.                       |
// |  - In this case, It won't effect a player named "Romek"                                             |
// |  - To add multiple conditions, add "or" between the conditions.                                     |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | -=-= PROS: =-=-                                                                                     |
// |  - Stops any player leaving using nearly any method                                                 |
// |  - Even if they do leave, They'll have to close Wc3                                                 |
// |                                                                                                     |
// | -=-= CONS: =-=-                                                                                     |
// |  - Disables the Quests and Log menus                                                                |
// |  - Players can leave using CTRL + ALT + DELETE or if they have a method of pressing keys            |
// |    extremely quickly (Such as a Gamers Keyboard with Macro Keys)                                    |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Credit isn't needed if used.                                                                        |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
scope NoLeave initializer Init
        private constant real REFRESH_TIME = 0.025 // Edit here to set the Refresh time. Higher = MoreLag + Less Chances of Leaving
    private function Exceptions takes nothing returns boolean // The Exceptions
        return false
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ \\
// |           >>> DO NOT EDIT BEYOND THIS LINE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING! <<<                   | \\                                                      |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ \\
        private boolexpr BOOL
        private boolexpr True
        private force NoLeavers = CreateForce()
        public trigger T = CreateTrigger()
        private trigger DisT = CreateTrigger()
    private function XprTrue takes nothing returns boolean
        return true
    private function Refresh takes nothing returns nothing            
        if IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), NoLeavers) then
            call ForceUICancel()
    private function Disable takes nothing returns nothing
        local player P = GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit())
        if GetLocalPlayer() == P then
            call DisableTrigger(T)
        if GetOrderTarget() != null then
            if GetLocalPlayer() == P then
                call EnableTrigger(DisT)
        elseif GetOrderTarget() == null then
            call TriggerSleepAction(0.1)
            call EnableTrigger(T)
    private function ReEnable takes nothing returns nothing
        call EnableTrigger(T)
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local boolexpr B
        local trigger trig = CreateTrigger()
        local integer i = 0
        set True = Filter(function XprTrue)
        set BOOL = Filter(function Exceptions)
        set B = Not(BOOL)
            call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(trig, Player(i), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER, True)
            call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(DisT, Player(i), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER, True)
            call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(DisT, Player(i), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER, True)
            call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(DisT, Player(i), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_UNIT_ORDER, True)
            set i = i + 1
            exitwhen i > 11
        call TriggerAddAction(DisT, function ReEnable)
        call ForceEnumPlayers(NoLeavers, B)
        call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(T, REFRESH_TIME, true)
        call TriggerAddAction(T, function Refresh)
        call DestroyBoolExpr(BOOL)
        call DestroyBoolExpr(B)
        set B = null
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