WIP Physics Wars


The DIY Ninja
Reaction score
By: Sevion


Physics Wars is a 3v3 massive unit battle map in which you can control the very forces of physics. The level of your hero determines the weight of your physics powers. If you and your opponent both attempt to affect gravity on the same unit, then the user with the higher level will have more weight in affecting the outcome. If you have an ally helping, your team's weight affecting the outcome increases exponentially. Along with your hero levels. The number of units being affected also affects this. The more units, the farther stretched your powers become and the weaker you are. The more focused your powers, the stronger it becomes. Range is another prospect. There are just so many factors in determining your power. Can you predict them all? Doubtful.

This game is a game of which will require micromanagement skills beyond those of the average Joe. However, you might survive, if you're lucky. Micro your troops and buff them with your physics powers to crush the forces of your enemy!


Your stronghold will spawn units over time according to the currently selected spawn-type.

There will be four races, each with four unit-types:

Humans: Footmen, Rifleman, Knights, Siege Engine
Orcs: Grunts, Headhunters, Tauren, Demolisher
Night Elves: Archer, Huntress, Mountain Giant, Glaive Thrower
Undead: Ghouls, Crypt Fiends, Abomination, Meat Wagon

Each unit will have its strengths and weaknesses.

Both races also have strengths and weaknesses:

Humans: 5% Increased Income, Age Development
Orcs: 5% Increased Health, Beast Alliances
Night Elves: 10% Increased Spawn Rate At Night, Night Bonuses
Undead: 5% Increased Attack Speed, Life Leech

*Subject to Change








Promotion System:

Have a footman whose survived many battles? Taken a liking to them? Now you can give them a promotion! However, you don't, moreover the system will automatically select units and give them promotions based on time alive and more!

Unlimited Selection System:

Ever felt that it was stupid how you could only select a maximum of 12 units? Wanted to order your ENTIRE army to attack? Well, in Physics Wars, you CAN. ;) In Physics Wars, you can select your entire army, set a low friction buff and speed across the land at your enemy and even split orders across the entire army! How cool would that be? How to do this? You'll have a bar with an icon of all of your units, and in that bar, you'll be able to click on a specific group (categorized by unit-type, but can be mixed :O) and order that specific group to do something. You will have controls to divide and combine groups as well as groups of different types ;)

Concept Image:

Current Draft:

If you can't read, it says:

Abom (Abomination), Archer, Ftmn (Footman), Add, Subtract, Divide, Separate.

Basically, you can select a group of aboms then divide it into 2 groups, then divide an archer group, select an abom group and an archer group, then add. Baboom! You got 4 groups: Abom, Archer, Abom+Archer, Ftmn! Then click separate on Abom+Archer to make Abom, Abom, Archer, Archer, Ftmn! And whatever!

Don't worry about concept image ugliness. It'll look better in the end o_o'

Projectile System:

That's right. All units with any special ability that have to do with projectiles will be controlled by a projectile system made by cleeezzz.

Camera System:

Custom Camera System. You ask why? DGUI requires it. However, it's not bad. Differences are noticeable between this camera and regular camera, but it's nothing serious. Speeds are about the same at 75 WC3 Units per 0.0325 timer seconds. It works by locking the camera to a unit and moving the unit via a timer at 0.0325 intervals to position of unit + 75 towards the correct angle.

And, yes, it does work with diagonal ;)

Physics System:

And last, but not least, a physics system to control Gravity, Friction, Inertia, Time & Space. Gravity to slow your enemies and increase damage on hits etc. Friction to increase or slow movements. Want to stop units in their tracks? Raise gravity and increase friction! Want to stop time in a specific area? Then do it! Because you can!


  1. Sevion
  2. Infinitegde
  3. cleeezzz
  4. Renendaru
  5. Nitheral


  1. Frozenhelfir


Here is a snippet from the last updated item ;)

If you feel like some parts of the code seem to be missing, that's because it is. I cut the code only to show you a single part of it ;)

    private function MoveCameraR takes nothing returns nothing
        call SetUnitPosition(LOCK[GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())], GetUnitX(LOCK[GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())]) + SPEED * Cos(0 * bj_DEGTORAD), GetUnitY(LOCK[GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())]))
    private function MoveCameraL takes nothing returns nothing
        call SetUnitPosition(LOCK[GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())], GetUnitX(LOCK[GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())]) + SPEED * Cos(180 * bj_DEGTORAD), GetUnitY(LOCK[GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())]))
    private function MoveCameraU takes nothing returns nothing
        call SetUnitPosition(LOCK[GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())], GetUnitX(LOCK[GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())]), GetUnitY(LOCK[GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())]) + SPEED * Sin(90 * bj_DEGTORAD))
    private function MoveCameraD takes nothing returns nothing
        call SetUnitPosition(LOCK[GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())], GetUnitX(LOCK[GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())]), GetUnitY(LOCK[GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())]) + SPEED * Sin(270 * bj_DEGTORAD))
    private function MoveCamera takes nothing returns nothing
        if GetTriggerEventId() == EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_RIGHT_DOWN then
            call TimerStart(TIMER[0], 0.0325, true, function MoveCameraR)
        elseif GetTriggerEventId() == EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_LEFT_DOWN then
            call TimerStart(TIMER[1], 0.0325, true, function MoveCameraL)
        elseif GetTriggerEventId() == EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_DOWN then
            call TimerStart(TIMER[2], 0.0325, true, function MoveCameraU)
        elseif GetTriggerEventId() == EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_DOWN_DOWN then
            call TimerStart(TIMER[3], 0.0325, true, function MoveCameraD)
        elseif GetTriggerEventId() == EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_RIGHT_UP then
            call PauseTimer(TIMER[0])
        elseif GetTriggerEventId() == EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_LEFT_UP then
            call PauseTimer(TIMER[1])
        elseif GetTriggerEventId() == EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_UP then
            call PauseTimer(TIMER[2])
        elseif GetTriggerEventId() == EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_DOWN_UP then
            call PauseTimer(TIMER[3])

    private function ini takes nothing returns nothing
        set t = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(t, GetLocalPlayer(), EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_RIGHT_DOWN)
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(t, GetLocalPlayer(), EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_LEFT_DOWN)
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(t, GetLocalPlayer(), EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_DOWN)
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(t, GetLocalPlayer(), EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_DOWN_DOWN)
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(t, GetLocalPlayer(), EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_RIGHT_UP)
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(t, GetLocalPlayer(), EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_LEFT_UP)
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(t, GetLocalPlayer(), EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_UP)
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(t, GetLocalPlayer(), EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_DOWN_UP)
        set TIMER[0] = CreateTimer()
        set TIMER[1] = CreateTimer()
        set TIMER[2] = CreateTimer()
        set TIMER[3] = CreateTimer()
        call TriggerAddAction(t, function MoveCamera)









So, as you can probably see, I've really got my work cut out for me ;) But, I believe, that if I do this right, it can be a really really challenging and fun game ^_^

I just gotta hope I pull through ^_^'

I think that's everything, if there's any questions, feel free to ask.

When I release Physics Wars, it will be ENTIRELY OPEN SOURCE!


The DIY Ninja
Reaction score
Is this for TFT? IF not, I wanna help...

Sorry, tis for TFT :(



Race revision:

Now have all 4 races with 1 Melee Unit, 1 Ranged Unit, 1 Tanker Unit, 1 Siege Unit



Map size revision:

I currently had a 96^2 map. Way too small. Resizing to 256^2

Sixth House

New Member
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Really interesting stuff. Something different for sure, and physics is something I'm really interested in and good at, therefore I could help you in the process if you need it.

General Ideas

(Quote) "Info:
Your stronghold will spawn units over time according to the currently selected spawn-type.
There will be four races, each with four unit-types:
Humans: Footmen, Rifleman, Knights, Siege Engine
Orcs: Grunts, Headhunters, Tauren, Demolisher
Night Elves: Archer, Huntress, Mountain Giant, Glaive Thrower
Undead: Ghouls, Crypt Fiends, Abomination, Meat Wagon
Each unit will have its strengths and weaknesses.
Both races also have strengths and weaknesses:
Humans: 5% Increased Income, Age Development
Orcs: 5% Increased Health, Beast Alliances
Night Elves: 10% Increased Spawn Rate At Night, Night Bonuses
Undead: 5% Increased Attack Speed, Life Leech"

I would like to give some constructive criticism.

Instead of using Human, Orc, Elves and Undead, why not create your very own races?

To start with, the creation of your very own race allows you to drift off into idea land because you can do absolutely anything you want to that race you've imagined. Instead of Humans where I know a footman whose wearing thick armor and wielding a sword can somehow fly through space and cast all kinds of gravitational, and friction like spells.....what? :nuts:. People are going to look at you funny when a grunt, whose using an axe, and a tauren, who's using a big fat log is going to some-how time travel and kick your ass with a his super gravity axe and omega gravity log. :p

Secondly, if you created your own race, such as a race of Sheep-o-roids who come from the planet Cotton, then no one can say that they can't cast a Black Hole because it's a made up race. Humans are not a made up race, so logic and common sense would be involved, while orcs, elves and undead are made up, but its too generic. If you absolutely want to use Human, Orc, Elves and Undead, then try to come up with a different name for the race and change the unit names as well. :eek:

The point is: Try to use something else other than the basic Warcraft III races. They're a lot of creatures so I'm pretty confident you can create a imaginary race of your own. Think about.

Here's an example race:

Name: Sheep-o-roids
Units: Fluffy Sheep, Moo-Sheep, Wearing-his-fancy-new-pajamas Sheep, Standard ol' farm Sheep.
Benefits: 5% decreased build time of all Sheep-o-roids. All Sheep-o-roids have a 50% chance of exploding upon death causing gravity to go up or down but drastically reducing friction at the point of explosion.


Overall I really like this map idea and can't wait to try this out.
I would like to help in the Hero Development/Story/Lore/Hero-Lore etc if you require that. I'm pretty confident with my writing abilities, and I'm rarely busy, if ever.

Best of luck on your map. :)
"I am confident that if anyone actually penetrates our facades, even the most perceptive would still be fundamentally unprepared for the truth of The Sixth House."


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Keeping the Warcraft races are fine.
I see no "weaknesses" with the races, :D Except for maybe Age Development.
Can you control the phsyics in the whole map? Or only to like your units and your territory? Because if you could affect enemy places too, that'd be rigged. ^^

Good luck, :thup: Seems awesome.



Now officially a Super Lurker
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Wow. I must say, I've never seen an idea like this before. This in my opinion is a completely unique idea.

I'm so eager to play this already!

But you realise it's going to be flippin difficult to do all the triggers and physics systems by yourself! I wish you luck, and I would offer to help you if my skills were better.


The DIY Ninja
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Well, I'm not completely on my own ;)

I've got cleeezzz and Renendaru, however, what I'm going to have them do, I don't know.


The DIY Ninja
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Bump, and update:

Canceled idea about trackable use for unlimited selection, and instead... why don't you read the first post ;)


Working on a Map
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Bump, and update:

Canceled idea about trackable use for unlimited selection, and instead... why don't you read the first post ;)
Read the first post. Really interesting concept 0_o What's the maximum unit limit, or is there even one :0


The DIY Ninja
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With my current idea, there will be none ;)

Except that your computer will probably lag with anything more than 300 units. It's currently capped at max spawned units 250. ;) However, if I find a higher limit, I will use that. It used to be 5000. But there was major lag and model vertex bugs (if spawned at the same spot and within close proximity).

Quick Update:

Physics Wars now uses a custom camera movement system ;)

Utilizing Camera (because DGUI requires it), I have created a custom camera movement system. Read more on first post (when I get it up). It is up, along with the new Snippet section ;)


The DIY Ninja
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I don't have time to worry about desync right now -_-'

I need to fix 1.24 compatibility.


You can change this now in User CP.
Reaction score
I wish you the best of luck with this, the idea sounds really cool and I can't wait to play it.


No Marlo no game.
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That thing creates a different event for each player, so it might indeed desync, depending of what you do with it.

Also this sounds pretty neat.


The DIY Ninja
Reaction score
That thing creates a different event for each player, so it might indeed desync, depending of what you do with it.

Also this sounds pretty neat.

Locks the player's camera to a unit.

Er, wait, come to think of it, it actually moves the unit >_< DUH THAT'S why it desyncs. Bleh I'm retarded XD
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