Project Orbitos


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Your right...

It really doesn't make sense for one lucky electron to cause that much damage.
How bout, when the unit is attacked, it gives it a buff. It slows it down alittle. Than there is a secondary buff which has a 1/5 chance of happening, if the previous buff is there, so it further degrade stats. Finally, if a lucky shot occures during this, than it does damage.


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Sigh...I can see now I should've done this at the beginning.
Weapon Specifications:
Unless otherwise noted I dont want any weapons to stun. Niether should these cost any mana. Only the cooldown times should effect when they can be fired.


Name: Bullet
Description: A single bullet that fires in a straight line of the facing of the firing unit.
Move Speed: 2000
Cooldown: 0.10
Range: 1000
Damage: 10
Dodgability: Easy
Look: Small white projectile
Effects: None.
Buffs: None

Name: Homing Bullet
Description: A single bullet that fires out in a straight line of the facing of the firing unit and homes on the nearest target.
Move Speed: 2000
Cooldown: 0.15
Range: 1000
Damage: 10
Dodgability: Easy
Look: Small white projectile
Effects: None.
Buffs: None

Name: Gatling Gun
Description: 10 bullets that fire one after the other in a straight line of the facing of the firing unit.
Move Speed: 2000
Cooldown: 2.00
Range: 1000
Damage: 10 (per bullet)
Dodgability: Medium
Look: Small white projectiles
Effects: None.
Buffs: None

Name: Rocket
Description: A single rocket that fires out in a straight line of the facing of the firing unit.
Move Speed: 900
Cooldown: 5.00
Range: 2000
Damage: 100
Dodgability: Easy
Look: Medium size Yellow projectiles
Effects: None.
Buffs: None

*Missile Deleted due to insufficient keyboard nodes. We can only have 7 of each type of weapon.

Name: Homing Missle
Description: A single missile that fires out of the facing of the firing unit, and homes on the nearest enemy. Has a small turning arc (can turn quickly). Can be upgraded to lvl 2 where you can target a specific enemy.
Move Speed: 1200
Cooldown: 6.00
Range: 1500
Damage: 60
Dodgability: Difficult
Look: Medium size Red projectiles
Effects: None.
Buffs: None

Name: Rocket Salvo
Description: 10 rockets that fire one after the other in a straight line of the facing of the firing unit.
Move Speed: 900
Cooldown: 15.00
Range: 2000
Damage: 100 (per rocket)
Dodgability: Medium
Look: Medium size Yellow projectile
Effects: None.
Buffs: None

Name: Homing Missle Salvo
Description: 7 missiles that fires out of the facing of the firing unit, and homes on the nearest enemy. Has a small turning arc (can turn quickly). Can be upgraded to lvl 2 where you can target a specific enemy.
Move Speed: 1200
Cooldown: 17.00
Range: 1500
Damage: 60 (per Rocket)
Dodgability: Difficult
Look: Medium size Red projectile
Effects: None.
Buffs: None


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Long Range Weapon Specifications:

Name: Sniper Cannon
Description: A single bullet that fires in a line at the targeted enemy. (Does not home)
Move Speed: 2500
Cooldown: 30.00
Range: 4000
Damage: 110
Dodgability: Very Difficult
Look: Small green projectile
Effects: None.
Buffs: None

Name: Magnetic Accelerator Cannon
Description: A double bullet that fires all at once in a line at the targeted enemy. (Does not home)
Move Speed: 2500
Cooldown: 38.00
Range: 4000
Damage: 150
Dodgability: Very Difficult
Look: Small blue projectiles - looks like > =
Effects: None.
Buffs: None

Name: Mass Driver
Description: A triple bullet that fires all at once in a line at the targeted enemy. (Does not home). Does damage and knocks target in the direction of impact a distance of 400.
Move Speed: 4000
Cooldown: 35.00
Range: 2500
Damage: 130
Dodgability: Very Difficult
Look: Small grey projectiles
Effects: None
Buffs: None

Ion Weapon Specifications:

Name: Single Ion shot
Description: Single beam weapon. Can be upgraded to level 3 - each level adds 1 beam
Move Speed: 9999
Cooldown: 10.00
Range: 1000
Damage: 70
Dodgability: Difficult - Impossible
Look: I prefer blue. Purple could work well. Supposed to look like this >----------- or >======= or three lines.
Effects: None
Buffs: None

Name: Multi Directional Ion
Description: Double beam weapon. Can be upgraded to level 3 - each level adds 1 beam. See picture below.
Move Speed: 9999
Cooldown: 20.00
Range: 1000
Damage: 70
Dodgability: Difficult - Impossible
Look: I prefer blue. Purple could work well. See picture below
Effects: None
Buffs: None

Name: Flowing Ion Targeted Stream
Description: Channeling ability. Locks onto the targeted unit, and fires a stream of Ions at the target
Move Speed: 9999 / Instant
Cooldown: 60.00
Range: 500
Damage: 70 per second
Dodgability: Impossible
Look: Modulating between blue, purple, green
Effects: Channel stream between the two ships - preferably the center or origin
Buffs: None

Name: Partical Projection Cannon
Description: Weapon from Battletech universe. Fires an orb of blue energy which travels slowly (comparitivly) at the target. Can be upgradable to lvl 2 - homes on target
Move Speed: 500
Cooldown: 30.00
Range: 4000
Damage: 500
Dodgability: Easy
Look: Blue Sphere, Wispy, Electric look (the stormbolt model with something else mixed in might be good for this)
Effects: None
Buffs: If used three times in a row put slow on the firing ship. "Your ship's systems have overloaded, due to excessive heat from firing the PPC. The ship's safety procedures have shutdown some critical systems to allow your ship to recover."


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Being edited:...

weps to defend against:

Direct Line Firing Lasers - Absorption Shield, Diffusion Shields
Auto Targeting Lasers - Absorption Shield, Diffusion Shields

Single shot projectiles - Armoured Plating (basically adds to your hp)
Gatling Guns - Armoured Plating, Plasma Sheilds
Long Range - Armoured Plating, Plasma Sheilds
Tracers - Armoured Plating, Plasma Sheilds
Homing Bullets - Armoured Plating, Plasma Sheilds

Rockets - Armoured Plating
Magnetic Accelerator Cannon - Armoured Plating (not that it would DO much against a MAC)
Mass Driver - Armoured Plating
Missiles (fast versions of the rockets and will target nearest random enemy) - Armoured Plating
Homing Missiles (Faster, targeted onto one specified enemy) - Armoured Plating
Guided Missiles (medium speed, guided) - Armoured Plating
Salvos - Armoured Plating

Single Ion shot - Recombination Shield
Multi Directional Ion - Recombination Shield
Flowing Ion Targeted Stream- Recombination Shield
Partical Cannon - Recombination Shield (but the PC having a bigger burst will give more damage)

Defense against mines depends whats IN the mines.
Friend or Foe Mines - Armoured Plating
Proximity Mines - Armoured Plating
Homing Mines - Armoured Plating
Stealth Mines? - Armoured Plating
Acid Mines - Plasma Shields

Acid cloud - Water Containment Shield
Nuke - DeFusional Shield
Gamma Radiation - DeFusional Shield
Flashbangs - Polarized HUD

Passive Defensive Specifications:

(hmm, I just struck a little problem. If we use mana for the shields we're gonna have to change the mana amount each time a shield is equiped. I haven't looked at how to do this yet, so I have no idea if it can be done.)

Name: Standard Shield
Description: A Standard Shield that takes damage (using mana) instead of the hull (HP). Can be upgraded 3 levels.
Weapons Defended: Bullet, Homing Bullet, Gatling Guns, Rocket, Rocket Salvo, Missile, Missile Salvo, Mass Driver, Sniper Cannon
Cooldown: undecided if shields should have cooldowns
Mana Usage: 300
Mana Regen: 2 mana a sec
Range: This Ship
Look: blue ish circle or dome around the hero.

Here's a possible Shield List (Thanks Master_Maste)
Extra Hull: Just an ordinary cheap extra hull to keep your ship slightly more protected.

Beta Shield: Still in the early levels of development, but available to defend you from small scale attacks.

Ion Shield:

Energy Shield:

Plasma Shield:

Fusion Shield: Uses fusion energy to power this great shield.

Deflector Shield: Attempts to deflect the weapons fired at your ship.

Reflector Shield: Turns your opponents weapons back on themselves.

Galactic Shield: Drawing power from space itself it is quite possibly the greatest shield in the galaxy.


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Reserves ...yet again... for specs of some description


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All the above are abilities that we need for this map. I am open to us changing the specs of them only after they have been created and tested.

master maste

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wow we certainly have our work cut out for us:) , well do you want to devide the abilitys/weapons etc and we can all work on different parts. . .:D

edit: just so we understand just how powerful these weapons are. . . (just estimates)
1) movement speed for spaceships.
2) armour of ships.
3) health and mana of ships.


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wow we certainly have our work cut out for us
Yes I know lol. Which brings me to something. While I was at work today I was thinking about what's happened so far on Project: Orbitos, my posts, your guys posts and blah blah. I feel I owe both of you an apology, but particularly you Lunarios. You've been coming up with lots of ideas, and I dont want to quench that by coming on strong about "what I want etc.."

I want you to keep coming up with all sorts of ideas and keep posting them. I'll keep on about the basic gameplay and hopefully we can mix it all up and come up with a very cool map. There is (hang on I'll just ... ) IS room for your ideas in Project: Orbitos. I just felt that we were starting to make a different game than what I have in my head and on the first post. I guess I was defending my "baby." But I shouldn't have ridden over you like it might have been taken. So, Sorry Bud.

@Master: I dont want weapons to stun (throws toys out of cot.:D) I also wanted to minimise additional special effects, because if we have a full house (i.e. 12 players), there are going to be a LOT of projectiles on the map.

edit: just so we understand just how powerful these weapons are. . . (just estimates)
1) movement speed for spaceships.
2) armour of ships.
3) health and mana of ships.

Good Idea. I realised when I was posting the wep specs that .."mm, actually what IS the hp of the ships going to be?"

I'd like to make only one ship at the moment. Everyone will have the same ship up until we find out how big the map is going to be. Then we can consider race models. I dont really want to go above 1 meg if we can help it. I have no comparison to how much will take up what room.

Beta Version Ship Specifications
Name: ?
Base movement speed: 300. Can be upgraded 5 levels. Has Lunars throttle system (keybd access)
Armour level: 0. So the damage of the weapons does actual damage to the ship. We can add dice and armour levels later. Maybe when a specific shield is equiped or something.
Health (hull): 500 hp (more or less - the actual amount might need tweaking)
Mana (shields): 300 ish. Ditto above. Starts out with 50.
Inventory Slots: 6
Engines: 1 or 2 (depends on model)
Weapon Mount Points: n/a due to keyboard access we can have all ship weps. May change in the future for balancing.

well do you want to devide the abilitys/weapons etc and we can all work on different parts. . .
Sounds good. Let me get the other weapons up there before we divide it up.

I'd like a status report. What has everyone been working on? How far along are you? Need anything or can't find help on a particular thing?

I've just finished making a randomised sequential leak free starting position based on regions. (Thanks to AceHart.) So we can use that for the player base start positions. We'll need to modify the trigger and script cuz it is designed for a different map, but the idea is the same. Instead of Red player always starting at the top, we can have him start anywhere on the base circle and his adjacent opponents will be different every time. All of them will be evenly spaced though. So if there's only 3 players, there's only 3 bases spaced evenly around the moon. If there's seven there will be 7 evenly spaced bases.

PM me if you want it and I'll send you the other map that the random start trigger is in. (I don't want it getting out just yet.)

master maste

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alright, apology accepted:)
1) no stunning, and no eye candy (well not excessive amounts:p )
2) thanks for the specs, know we all know the emense power of these weapons.
3) question, how do we make it so a weapon is possible to dodge but not all of the time, because in the object editor it only lets you choose if its homing or not, would we need to make a trigger that gives the projectile a 30% chance to home or something. . , not sure if you can even work with projectiles in triggers as it is something I have not fully taken the time to do.
4) still working on a map with a few abilitys.:)
5) I will let you know if I have any problems, figured out the problem with the channeling spells (you gotta add an option).

thats all for me, btw I have a surprise for you guys in a few days.:D


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3) question, how do we make it so a weapon is possible to dodge but not all of the time, because in the object editor it only lets you choose if its homing or not, would we need to make a trigger that gives the projectile a 30% chance to home or something. . , not sure if you can even work with projectiles in triggers as it is something I have not fully taken the time to do.
How I would do it is like this:

  • Make a weapon ability
  • Turn on Homing
  • Set the Turning rate to ... maybe 40? The larger this rate is the slower it turns. (I think)

So when the player moves the homing weapon aims for the player. But because the turning rate is so slow, if the player moved at the last moment the weapon would miss and carry on it's trajectory, slowy turning to try and hit the player. We can't have the weapon flying around for infinity, so we'll add a kill timer so that the ability stops as well.


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Don't worry dude...I know alot about "protectiveness"

Further inquiry will be accepted.

Feel free to direct me. When you direct a fart, it becomes far stronger. Same thing here.

Now...since I have no direction, my weak little farts will go on.

Ability (Other) Deploy Turrel

Deploys a small turrel behind you, which has a small shield disabling attack (sucks up mana), and auto-nets. Easily destroyed.

Ability (Other) Deploy Tractor

A tractor is a small, shielded sphere with a tractor beam. When a unit gets too close, it deploys a tractor beam, which disables attacking and movement capabilities. Can be broken out of by Thrust, or a Heavy Shield (Shield that grants spell immunity). Cannot be cast upon a unit that has Ionic Shielding.

Ability (Other) Hack

You deploy a virus into a ship, which gives the ship several bogus command (Might be move to here, flip arround or cast ability, etc.) A useful trigger for this would be...

Game - Force (Owner of (Target unit of ability being cast)) to press the key A

There would need to be a selection system and such, but this gives unlimited options...


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Ability (Other) Deploy Turrel

Deploys a small turrel behind you, which has a small shield disabling attack (sucks up mana), and auto-nets. Easily destroyed.

Whats a Turrel? Do you mean Turret? Or is it like a mine?
Ability (Other) Deploy Tractor

A tractor is a small, shielded sphere with a tractor beam. When a unit gets too close, it deploys a tractor beam, which disables attacking and movement capabilities. Can be broken out of by Thrust, or a Heavy Shield (Shield that grants spell immunity). Cannot be cast upon a unit that has Ionic Shielding.
So this would be like a tractor mine? How about breaking out of it by "Cruise."? Of course, this mine wouldn't have any effect if the targeted ship had any anti-tractor...if thats possible.

Ability (Other) Hack

You deploy a virus into a ship, which gives the ship several bogus command (Might be move to here, flip arround or cast ability, etc.) A useful trigger for this would be...

Game - Force (Owner of (Target unit of ability being cast)) to press the key A

There would need to be a selection system and such, but this gives unlimited options...
DUDE! I love this idea!. But we wouldn't select what the virus does. I think the best way would be to give the virus options using a variable array (Maybe called Virus_hacking [1] or something), then tell the ability to pick a random action out of all the options.


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I mistyped turrel on purpose. It can't really be considered a turret, since its pretty weak.

I agree with the cruise thing, but the mine would be than displaced to a minor function of distraction. With a quick person there would be no delay at all
How bout you cane break out of it with cruise, but it does damage.

So with the virus idea, your suggesting different versions of the virus, that do different things? I like it :p

"Wtf man, you nuked me!"
"Lolz, Haxored"

Now for the new ideas.

Shield Pulse: Drastically expands the shields of your ship, causing all nearby (500 range) ships to take heavy damage. Uses up shield points extremely fast.

P.S: I'm working on some space terrain, it could be used for orbitos. Its geometrically marked, and has exact center points and such.


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Tractor :
I agree with the cruise thing, but the mine would be than displaced to a minor function of distraction. With a quick person there would be no delay at all
How bout you cane break out of it with cruise, but it does damage.

Ok, What if the tractor sphere did no damage at all, and the only way to get free from it is to destroy it? That's how tractor beams work in many space moveis. I think we could use Stasis trap for this and just change the model to a sphere of some sort...

After thinking about the turrel I like the idea of it, but i dont like the "auto-net" bit. That seems too much like the tractor sphere.


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Black hole. Volley. Energy blast.
I love these Abilities! Test them out! We could modify these to suit our needs in Orbitos.

Domino Theory
I could modify this Ability for the ChronoGrip ability I was talking about. Every one else gets the after images and slows down. I'd make the images have no collision, do no damage and follow the original at the same speed and a set distance.

Good Thread for Points and co-ordinates. Useful for creating the Multi Directional Ion Stream

master maste

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back again, stupid windows yet again for the 4th time locked me out asking me to activate (with the same problem of not finding the internet conenction (I am going to take it to the shop and get pissy at the dick who said the activation code would work)).

Lol electon I was working on many of the ideas you just posted, the tractor beam and the virus.

my idea of the virus was to make the ship do random move functions. e.g. when the player asks the ship to move somewhere a trigger sends it to a their destination then offsets it by a random number (lol).


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I have no idea why, but when I saw that post I said Bullshit lol.

Don't ask why o_O. But I do agree they are common ideas.

Since your clearly catching up to my superb lead in ideas, I need to make some more. Yes, I said make.

--Pulse Scan:
*Description: A ability that temporarily increases your line of sight 3 fold.
*Actions: Increases sight by 3 times.

*Notes: In reality this would be more like a radar or thermal scan. In space you can see for a near infinite distance, so this ability is actually taken from recon in terra warfare, the thermal gogles, radar, binocs etc.

*Description: Creates a pulsar, which periodically sends out an energy pulse. damaging all units in 1000 range. Is invisable unless scanned.
*Actions: Creates a invisable unit that casts a war stomp based ability every 2 seconds.

*Notes: A real pulsar is a rotating black hole that constantly jets out ionized gas from its acceleration ring. It is called a pulsar because it "pulses" when earth is in the path of the radiation from the emissions. Artists rending of quasars (A position of the pulsar that best displays its structure) are pretty dam cool.

--Gravity Well:
*Decription: Deploys a gravity well around you. The Gravity Well disturbs units around it, slowing them down considerably and doing damage to close by units.
*Actions: During 3 second charge time it creates a distinctive special effect. When charged it does heavy damage at 300 range, medium damage at 600, and low damage at 1000. Has a 2000 area of affect for unit slowing.

*Notes: Gravity wells are the term used in the light curve explanation. Heavy masses have a deeper gravity well, thus meaning that planets may more more likely to orbit around the rim of the well, or how comets may be unfected by staying out of the well. Gravity wells are also used in the black hole explanation.

And finally, an interesting idea that won't take effect, but still is dam nice in my opinion. Perhaps a follow up project.

Module System: The space craft would be divided into 4 sections, which would be accessed by the arrows keys. Each module controls a certain aspect of the ship. There may even be massive team games where a player takes control of a module each. Each module has a set amount of ultility and major slots. Major slots are used for more important functions, Ultility are abilities set into spell books used for more minor functions.

Mobility Sector: This section would be in charge of movement and basic controls. It has control over speed, direction, line of sight. This is the only module with a speed limit, since the other modules stalk this one. This module occupies the north position in the formation. Speed, Line Of Sight occupy the major slots.

Deployment Sector: This sector is the sector in charge of repair, summoning, and the basic other. It can repair the ship when damaged, repair work can reapir the most damaged sector, choice sector, or entire ship. It can summon robots, turrets, and such things. Finally, it is in charge of other things such as viruses. Major slots filled by energy and repair systems. Occupies South section.

Weaponry Sector: Has weaponry and such. Controls offensive. Simple position Occupies West. Major slots filled with energy and major weapons. Has additional shielding.

Defense Sector: In charge of defense. Is on east wing. Has control over shields and armor. Slots occupied by energy and armor.

When a sector dies, the ship loses the ability to do what ever that sector did. The ship consists of 4 seperate units. When 3 sectors die, the ship explodes. Each sector can relatively back each other up. All sectors have small weapons capacicties, small repair, small defense (very small). However, none of the ships besides mobility can control movement.

To bad its a tottaly useless idea :/

master maste

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working off my dads comp at the moment, btw I am working on the short range weapons ok.:D

edit: btw for short range weapons I was wondering what the keyboard nodes for that would be. (and if you are separating everything into spellbooks then what order do you want them to be in, e.g. movement, short range, long range, shields etc.


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New potentially good idea.

Transformer System: There could be a node devoted to Transformations. A transformation would really be a high end thing. You can have up to 3 ships. Each ship would be of a certain class type (Hellion...). For each ship you would individually purchase weapons and armor and stuff. To transform, it takes 5 seconds. When you transform, you switch to that ship. You could have armor ships, for doing travel, weaponry ships, seige ships for base smashing, etc. When you transform, you stay in your previous form right until the spell is completed.

A ability could be researched called speed transititions. It cuts tranformation time down to one second.

Just a little scenario to drive this idea home.

"Hello, I am captain Dirk von Sliigeer. I am the captain of the French Man, The Petard, and The Biscuit. I recently encounter my counter-part Pirate Duchen Von Driken. When I saw him on my radar on the Biscuit, my fast scouting and travel transformation, I immediantly switched to my heavy cruiser, the Petard. He had fired several round of Ion beams at me, which were tottaly deflected. I than circled around, deploy my shield nanobots, and switch to the Frenchman, my battle ship. I did not even look at explosion when I has struck home with several rockets. That was my down fall, because I had failed to see a far more massive explosion that englufed me and destroyed me. Apparently he had been carrying several Nova Bombs. Sly Bastard wasn't even in his ship."-Former Captain Dirk von Sliigeer, Skipper of the Petard, Frenchman, and The Biscuit.
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