System ss--spellsystem


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I made this system to make spellmaking easier, and I think I succeded. Not much to say, uses structs and methods, easy to use.

Code: (for those who actually have the time to read.)
//                                        SS--SPELLSYSTEM
//                                           BY VESTRAS
//                                          ACTUAL CODE
//                                             v1.00

// History:
// This system was originally created by Vestras for the map Aeon of Souls. Please give credit to 
// me when using!
// Why?
// I made this so that spell making could be easier and funnier. I know I've accomplished one of
// the objectives: easier. 
// What does it support?
// Currently casters, damage, shapes and sounds. The struct names are: sscaster, ssdamage, ssshapes
// and sssounds. 
// I'm always looking for ideas for new structs and methods, so if you have some, please share!

    constant integer     ss_dummy           = 'e000'
    constant integer     ss_heightenabler   = 'Amrf'
    constant integer     ss_player          = 15
    constant real        ss_defaulttime     = 5
    constant attacktype  ss_attacktype      = ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL
    constant damagetype  ss_defaultdtype    = DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL
    constant damagetype  ss_armordtype      = DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL

// !!!! START OF SS--CASTER MODULE !!!! \\
struct sscaster

    //     Remember, that dummy casters are slow, so you might want to add a minus cooldown and 
    //     casting time to the dummy ability!

    static unit dummy      //
    // create method, if time is 0, a life timer won't be added
    static method create takes player p, real x, real y, real time returns sscaster
        local sscaster d = sscaster.allocate()
        set d.dummy = CreateUnit(p, ss_dummy, x, y, 0)
        if time != 0 then
            call UnitApplyTimedLife(d.dummy, 'BTLF', time)
            call UnitApplyTimedLife(d.dummy, 'BTLF', ss_defaulttime)
        return d

    method castXY takes integer abilityid, integer level, string orderstring, real tx, real ty returns nothing
        call UnitAddAbility(.dummy, abilityid)
        call SetUnitAbilityLevel(.dummy, abilityid, level)
        call IssuePointOrder(.dummy, orderstring, tx, ty)

    method castLoc takes integer abilityid, integer level, string orderstring, location l returns nothing
        call UnitAddAbility(.dummy, abilityid)
        call SetUnitAbilityLevel(.dummy, abilityid, level)
        call IssuePointOrderLoc(.dummy, orderstring, l)

    method castTarget takes integer abilityid, integer level, string orderstring, unit target returns nothing
        call UnitAddAbility(.dummy, abilityid)
        call SetUnitAbilityLevel(.dummy, abilityid, level)
        call IssueTargetOrder(.dummy, orderstring, target)

    method castInstant takes integer abilityid, integer level, string orderstring returns nothing
        call UnitAddAbility(.dummy, abilityid)
        call SetUnitAbilityLevel(.dummy, abilityid, level)
        call IssueImmediateOrder(.dummy, orderstring)

    // Removeing methods.
    method removeDummy takes nothing returns nothing
        call RemoveUnit(.dummy)

    method removeDummyTimed takes real time returns nothing
        call UnitApplyTimedLife(.dummy, 'BTLF', time)

    static method createAndCastXY takes integer abilityid, integer level, real timed, string orderstring, real x, real y, real tx, real ty returns sscaster
        local sscaster d = sscaster.allocate()
        set d.dummy = CreateUnit(Player(ss_player), ss_dummy, x, y, 0)
            call UnitAddAbility(d.dummy, abilityid)
            call SetUnitAbilityLevel(d.dummy, abilityid, level)
            call IssuePointOrder(d.dummy, orderstring, tx, ty)
            call UnitApplyTimedLife(d.dummy, 'BTLF', timed)
        return d

    static method createAndCastLoc takes integer abilityid, integer level, real timed, string orderstring, real x, real y, location l returns sscaster
        local sscaster d = sscaster.allocate()
        set d.dummy = CreateUnit(Player(ss_player), ss_dummy, x, y, 0)
            call UnitAddAbility(d.dummy, abilityid)
            call SetUnitAbilityLevel(d.dummy, abilityid, level)
            call IssuePointOrderLoc(d.dummy, orderstring, l)
            call UnitApplyTimedLife(d.dummy, 'BTLF', timed)
        return d

    static method createAndCastTarget takes integer abilityid, integer level, real timed, string orderstring, real x, real y, unit target returns sscaster
        local sscaster d = sscaster.allocate()
        set d.dummy = CreateUnit(Player(ss_player), ss_dummy, x, y, 0)
            call UnitAddAbility(d.dummy, abilityid)
            call SetUnitAbilityLevel(d.dummy, abilityid, level)
            call IssueTargetOrder(d.dummy, orderstring, target)
            call UnitApplyTimedLife(d.dummy, 'BTLF', timed)
        return d

    static method createAndCastInstant takes integer abilityid, integer level, real timed, string orderstring, real x, real y returns sscaster
        local sscaster d = sscaster.allocate()
        set d.dummy = CreateUnit(Player(ss_player), ss_dummy, x, y, 0)
            call UnitAddAbility(d.dummy, abilityid)
            call SetUnitAbilityLevel(d.dummy, abilityid, level)
            call IssueImmediateOrder(d.dummy, orderstring)
            call UnitApplyTimedLife(d.dummy, 'BTLF', timed)
        return d

    string os
    integer aid
    integer lvl
    real time
    real x
    real y
    static sscaster adata                 //
    static group grpg = CreateGroup()     //
    static method AOE_Callback takes nothing returns boolean
        local sscaster a = .adata
        local unit d = CreateUnit(Player(ss_player), ss_dummy, a.x, a.y, 0)
        call UnitAddAbility(d, a.aid)
        call SetUnitAbilityLevel(d, a.aid, a.lvl)
        call IssueTargetOrder(d, a.os, GetFilterUnit())
        call UnitApplyTimedLife(d, 'BTLF', a.time)
        return false

    static method createAndCastAOE takes integer abilityid, integer level, real timed, string orderstring, real x, real y, real radius returns sscaster
        local sscaster d = sscaster.allocate()
        local unit s
            set d.os = orderstring
            set d.aid = abilityid
            set d.lvl = level
            set d.time = timed
            set d.x = x
            set d.y = y
            set sscaster.adata = d
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(.grpg, x, y, radius, Filter(function sscaster.AOE_Callback))
        set s = null
        return d

    string xos
    integer xaid
    integer xlvl
    real xtime
    real xx
    real xy
    static sscaster grpdata
    static method Group_Callback takes nothing returns nothing
        local sscaster a = .grpdata
        local unit d = CreateUnit(Player(ss_player), ss_dummy, a.xx, a.xy, 0)
        call UnitAddAbility(d, a.xaid)
        call SetUnitAbilityLevel(d, a.xaid, a.xlvl)
        call IssueTargetOrder(d, a.xos, GetFilterUnit())
        call UnitApplyTimedLife(d, 'BTLF', a.xtime)

    static method createAndCastGroup takes integer abilityid, integer level, real timed, string orderstring, real x, real y, group g returns sscaster
        local sscaster d = sscaster.allocate()
            set d.xos = orderstring
            set d.xaid = abilityid
            set d.xlvl = level
            set d.xtime = timed
            set d.xx = x
            set d.xy = y
            set sscaster.grpdata = d
            call ForGroup(g, function sscaster.Group_Callback)
        return d
    // SetSource methods
    method SetSourceX takes real x returns nothing
        call SetUnitX(.dummy, x)

    method SetSourceY takes real y returns nothing
        call SetUnitY(.dummy, y)
    method SetSourceFlyHeight takes real h returns nothing
        call UnitAddAbility(.dummy, ss_heightenabler)
        call SetUnitFlyHeight(.dummy, h, 0)
        call UnitRemoveAbility(.dummy, ss_heightenabler)

// !!!! START OF SS--DAMAGE MODULE !!!! \\
struct ssdamage
    unit damager
    unit target

    static method DamageUnit takes unit damager, unit target, real damage, boolean armor returns nothing
        local ssdamage d = ssdamage.allocate()
        set d.damager = damager
        set = target
        if armor == false then
            call UnitDamageTarget(damager, target, damage, false, false, ss_attacktype, ss_armordtype, null)
            call UnitDamageTarget(damager, target, damage, false, false, ss_attacktype, ss_defaultdtype, null)

    unit xdmgr
    real xdmg
    boolean xrm
    static ssdamage dpedata               //
    static group grpg1 = CreateGroup()    //
    static method DPE_Callback takes nothing returns boolean
        local ssdamage a = .dpedata
        local ssdamage d
        if IsUnitAlly(GetFilterUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(a.xdmgr)) != true then
            call ssdamage.DamageUnit(a.xdmgr, GetFilterUnit(), a.xdmg, a.xrm)
        return false

    static method DamagePointEnemies takes unit damager, real x, real y, real radius, real damage, boolean armor returns nothing
        local ssdamage d = ssdamage.allocate()
        set d.xdmgr = damager
        set d.xdmg = damage
        set d.xrm = armor
        set d.damager = damager
        set ssdamage.dpedata = d
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(.grpg1, x, y, radius, Filter(function ssdamage.DPE_Callback))

    static method DamagePointEnemiesLoc takes unit damager, location l, real radius, real damage, boolean armor returns nothing
        call .DamagePointEnemies(damager, GetLocationX(l), GetLocationY(l), radius, damage, armor)

    unit xxdmgr
    real xxdmg
    boolean xxrm
    static ssdamage dpadata               //
    static group grpg2 = CreateGroup()    //
    static method DPA_Callback takes nothing returns boolean
        local ssdamage a = .dpadata
        local ssdamage d
        if IsUnitAlly(GetFilterUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(a.xxdmgr)) == true then
            call ssdamage.DamageUnit(a.xxdmgr, GetFilterUnit(), a.xxdmg, a.xxrm)
        return false

    static method DamagePointAllies takes unit damager, real x, real y, real radius, real damage, boolean armor returns nothing
        local ssdamage d = ssdamage.allocate()
        set d.xxdmgr = damager
        set d.xxdmg = damage
        set d.xxrm = armor
        set d.damager = damager
        set ssdamage.dpadata = d
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(.grpg2, x, y, radius, Filter(function ssdamage.DPA_Callback))

    static method DamagePointAlliesLoc takes unit damager, location l, real radius, real damage, boolean armor returns nothing
        call .DamagePointAllies(damager, GetLocationX(l), GetLocationY(l), radius, damage, armor)
    unit xxxdmgr
    real xxxdmg
    boolean xxxrm
    static ssdamage dpalldata             //
    static group grpg3 = CreateGroup()    //
    static method DPALL_Callback takes nothing returns boolean
        local ssdamage a = .dpedata
        local ssdamage d 
        call .DamageUnit(a.xxdmgr, GetFilterUnit(), a.xxdmg, a.xxrm)
        return false

    static method DamagePointAll takes unit damager, real x, real y, real radius, real damage, boolean armor returns nothing
        local ssdamage d = ssdamage.allocate()
        set d.xxxdmgr = damager
        set d.xxxdmg = damage
        set d.xxxrm = armor
        set d.damager = damager
        set .dpalldata = d
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(.grpg3, x, y, radius, Filter(function ssdamage.DPALL_Callback))

    static method DamagePointAllLoc takes unit damager, location l, real radius, real damage, boolean armor returns nothing
        call .DamagePointAll(damager, GetLocationX(l), GetLocationY(l), radius, damage, armor)


// !!!! START OF SS--SHAPES MODULE !!!! \\
struct ssshapes

    static method DistanceBetweenCoords takes real x, real y, real tx, real ty returns real
        local real dx = tx - x
        local real dy = ty - y
        return SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy)
    static method AngleBetweenCoords takes real xA, real yA, real xB, real yB returns real
        return Atan2(yB - yA, xB - yB)
    static method line takes real x, real y, real tx, real ty, unit c, string fx, integer n, real dmg, real dmgaoe, boolean armor returns nothing
        local ssdamage d
        local integer i = 0
        local real dx = tx - x
        local real dy = ty - y
        local real dist = SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy) / n
        local real angle = Atan2(ty - y, tx - x)
        local real px
        local real py
                set i = i + 1
                exitwhen i > n
                    set px = x + (dist * i) * Cos(angle)
                    set py = y + (dist * i) * Sin(angle)
                    call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(fx, px, py))
                    call ssdamage.DamagePointEnemies(c, px, py, dmgaoe, dmg, armor)

    static method circle takes real x, real y, real radius, unit c, string fx, integer n, real dmg, real dmgaoe, boolean armor returns nothing
        local ssdamage d
        local integer i = 0
        local real angle
        local real px
        local real py
            set px = x + radius * Cos(0 * bj_DEGTORAD)
            set py = y + radius * Sin(0 * bj_DEGTORAD)
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(fx, px, py))
            call ssdamage.DamagePointEnemies(c, px, py, dmgaoe, dmg, armor)
                set i = i + 1
                exitwhen i > n
                    set angle = i * (360 / n)
                    set px = x + radius * Cos(angle * bj_DEGTORAD)
                    set py = y + radius * Sin(angle * bj_DEGTORAD)
                    call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(fx, px, py))
                    call ssdamage.DamagePointEnemies(c, px, py, dmgaoe, dmg, armor)
    static method triangle takes real x, real y, real radius, unit c, string fx, real dmg, real dmgaoe, boolean armor returns nothing
        local ssdamage d
        local real angle = GetUnitFacing(c)
        local real px
        local real py
        local integer i = 1
                set i = i + 1
                exitwhen i > 4
                    set angle = angle + (90 * (i - 1))
                    set px = x + radius * Cos(angle * bj_DEGTORAD)
                    set py = y + radius * Sin(angle * bj_DEGTORAD)
                        call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(fx, px, py))
                        call ssdamage.DamagePointEnemies(c, px, py, dmgaoe, dmg, armor)

// !!!! START OF SS--SOUND MODULE !!!! \\

struct sssound

    static sound snd   //
    static method create takes string str returns sssound
        local sssound s=sssound.allocate()
        set sssound.snd=CreateSound(str,false,false,true,12700,12700,"")
        return s
    method PlaySoundEx takes nothing returns sound
        call StartSound(sssound.snd)
        call KillSoundWhenDone(sssound.snd)
        return sssound.snd
    method PlaySoundCone takes real inside, real outside, integer outsideV returns sound
        set sssound.snd=.PlaySoundEx()
        call SetSoundConeAngles(sssound.snd,inside,outside,outsideV)
        return sssound.snd
    method AddSpecialEffectWithSound takes string fx, real x, real y, string str returns sound
        set sssound.snd=.PlaySoundEx()
        call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(fx, x, y))
        return sssound.snd
    method AddSpecialEffectTargetWithSound takes string fx, widget target, string attach, string str returns sound
        set sssound.snd=.PlaySoundEx()
        call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(fx, target, attach))
        return sssound.snd

// !!!! END OF SS--SPELLSYSTEM !!!! \\

- Fixed minor method stuff.

- Initial release.

Enjoy, and give credit to me if you use.
I Personally don't like SpellCasting Systems because they are make Spell creating TOO easy... It is like taking a shortcut (And yes, whenever you take shortcuts, you will regret something).
can u say that this system is better than vex's caster system? and his latest fucki** awesome xe system?

im just asking
can u say that this system is better than vex's caster system? and his latest fucki** awesome xe system?

^Pwnt^ ^_^

But anyways:

Why use this over the other systems out there? Tell us why we should use this over CS or xe.
This is beginning to look like spam...

There's already a thread.
And it's not that busy either...

It's not. I just decided to post it as a resource when I already had posted that.

> I Personally don't like SpellCasting Systems because they are make Spell creating TOO easy... It is like taking a shortcut (And yes, whenever you take shortcuts, you will regret something).

Well, that's opinions. And I don't regret anything so far. :p

> can u say that this system is better than vex's caster system? and his latest fucki** awesome xe system?

im just asking

No, I can't. Because it's a matter of opinion. There's a lot of struct attachment systems too, but those are also for opinion, even though they all in all does the same thing.

> Why use this over the other systems out there? Tell us why we should use this over CS or xe.

As above. You can use this if you in some crazy way like it more than other systems.

EDIT: Updated.
i think DamagePointAllLoc function is useless, while there is a GUI action for that
Gj but as for me I don't like such a systems at all.
I personally think that spell have to have all needed in 1 scope without extra systems, etc...

And there is already vex' xe

+rep still!!!
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    News portal has been retired. Main page of site goes to Headline News forum now
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    I am working on getting access to the old news portal under a different URL for those that would rather use that for news before we get a different news view.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Easily done
  • The Helper The Helper: is a link to the old news portal - i will integrate it into the interface somewhere when i figure it out
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    Need to try something
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    Hopefully this won't cause problems.
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  • Ghan Ghan:
    I have converted the Headline News forum to an Article type forum. It will now show the top 20 threads with more detail of each thread.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    See how we like that.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I do not see a way to go past the 1st page of posts on the forum though
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    It is OK though for the main page to open up on the forum in the view it was before. As long as the portal has its own URL so it can be viewed that way I do want to try it as a regular forum view for a while
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Yeah I'm not sure what the deal is with the pagination.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    It SHOULD be there so I think it might just be an artifact of having an older style.
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    I switched it to a "Standard" article forum. This will show the thread list like normal, but the threads themselves will have the first post set up above the rest of the "comments"
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I don't really get that article forum but I think it is because I have never really seen it used on a multi post thread
  • Ghan Ghan:
    RpNation makes more use of it right now as an example:
  • The Helper The Helper:
  • The Helper The Helper:
    What do you think Tom?
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    I will have to get used to this.
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    The latest news feed looks good

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