WIP Warcraft IV : Return of The Burning Legion


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Warcraft IV : Secrets of the Titans

Warcraft IV : Secrets of the Titans​

Warcraft IV has a different gameplay from Warcraft III and some new features :
-Naval Battle in Melee Maps : Like Wc, Navals Battles are included in melee maps in Warcraft IV. It inludes Military Ships, Transports and Naval Builders
-Creeps Base : In Warcraft IV, there will be sometimes, depending on the map, a Neutral Hostile's base where it trains units and harvest ressources.
These will attack the main palyer base in late game but in early game, we'll attend to occupy Neutral Buildings and attack new expansions.
This base will be a serious problem in early game as it prevents you from expanding.
-More : There we'll be more features that you'll discover when playing the Beta...

Seven years have passed, since the events of the Frozen Throne, the Lich King locked himself in the Frozen Throne for a temprarly slumber, and there was no sign of the Scourge for these seven years.
Some thinks that the lich kings,is preparing his minions to a new attack, while other think they strangely retreated. While that time, the Alliance and the Horde were expanding in all Azeroth, new colonies where build. Throught, recents humans' villages in the Barrens leads the Orcs and Humans to a new war. And the Alliance was victorious. The last Orcs, leads by Thrall and Rexxar, have decided to reclaim their lands, but having failed, they decided to move out, to the South of Kalimdor. But that's not all, in a dark shadowy planet, strange humanoid beings are trying to flee their homeland due to the recent Legion invasion, when all these humanoids fleed, the planets was torn apart, throught, Kil'jaeden is fascinated by the possibility that the creatures can create portals so easily, so he decided to hunt them but he don't know that they landed in Outland...

The campaigns are in this order :

Campaign 1 : Fall of the Horde
Race : Humans
The Lich King was now sleeping for Seven Years, allowing the Alliance to expands in all Azeroth and restore from the destruction of Lordaeron. Throught, recents humans' villages in the Barrens leads the Orcs and Humans to a new war.
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Campaign 2 Part 1 : The Unknows Lands
Race : Orcs
With the humans advancing in to the Barrens, the Orcs have serious problems, and their troops are weakened, throught, leaded by Thrall and Rexxar, they decided to move to the South of Kalimdor...
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Campaign 3 : Druidic's Nightmares
Race : Nightelves
While that time, in the shadowy forests of Ashenvale, Malfurion, who returned sleeping in the Emerald Dream, had a nightmare which awakened him, he senses a dark evil devouring Azeroth itself...
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Campaign 2 Part 2 : The Temple of Titans
Race : Orcs
In the South of Kalimdor, in unknows lands, the Horde found an ancient temple, as they explore it, they discovered that it's a temple made by the Titans...
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Campaign 4 : Illidan's Betrayal
Race : Illidaris and New Race
In a dark shadowy planet, strange humanoid beings are trying to flee their homeland due to the recent Legion invasion, when all these beings fleed, the planets was torn apart, throught, Kil'jaeden is fascinated by the possibility that the creatures can create portals so easily, he decided to hunt them but he don't know that they landed in Outland...
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Campaign 2 Part 3 : Prison of Secrets
Race : Orcs, then Nightelves
As the Horde advances in the titans' temple, they found a dark prison, with horrific screams coming from it. Thrall thinks that it should be better to keep it closed, but some Orcs, thinking that the Titans' secrets could be useful to vainquish the Alliance, have opened the prison and freed destruction itself...
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Campaign 5 : The Last Hope
Race : Kul Tiras' Navy (Special Human), Orcs, Warsong Orcs (Special Orcs), Nightelves
With the evil beasts awakened, the Night Elves, lead by Malfurion, tried to re-unite the Kul Tiras' humans and the Horde to face the evil.
Thrall charged a group of the Warsong Clans to search for a way to defeat the beast in the depth of the temple...
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I'm not a very good story writer, but this is the best thing I could think of.
Races :
Fel Orcs
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The humans have a little changed, the ways they gather ressources is different too, and they now have a Ranking System :
Novice : 0 Kills : Grants Nothing
Aprentice : 3 Kills : Grants 50 Life Bonus
Armsman : 6 Kills : Grants 100 Life Bonus, 2 Damage
Fighter : 9 Kills : Grants 150 Life Bonus, 4 Damage
Experienced Soldier : 15 Kills : Grants 200 Life Bonus, 8 Damage, 1 Armor
Elite Captain : 30 Kills : Grants 350 Life Bonus, 14 Damage, 2 Armor.
The Ranking system doesn't apply to Casters/Workers units.

Units :
Peasant :
The Peasant is the basic human worker, he harvest ressources, repair and build structures.
Can be assigned to a Mining Camp, or a Lumber Mill for ressources gathering

Expedition Team :
Scout unit, slows but have extended line of sight when standing.
Surrounding your base with these can warn you from attacks.

Soldier :
Basic Infantry unit, very useful againt ranged units.Can learn Defensive Position, which reduces attack speed but gives the Soldier a chances to block an attack, higher chances to block ranged attacks.

Gunner :
Ranged Unit, very useful from afar.Have the Deadly Shot skill, which passively deal bonus damage depending on the distance. Can be upgrade to Rocketeers.

Rockeeter :
Ranged Unit, upgrade of the Gunner, have an AOE damage and deal bonus damage to buildings. Can learn Napalm Rockets, which causes targeted units and buildings to burn.

Heroes :

Danath Tyranion : Holy Crusader
Main Attribute : Strenght
Warrior Hero, adept at supporting allies. Can learn Redemption, Divine Protection, Holy Light, Sacred Ground and <Ultimate Undecided>

Divine Protection : Surrounds nearby units with a holy shield, increases armor by 2/3/4/5 for 10 seconds and giving 5/6/7/8% to regain 75/100/125/150 health.
(Crusader is shielded Too)

Sacred Ground : Bless the target area, units in the area are healed by 3/5/7/9hp/sec and receive 10/12/14/16% attack speed bonus when standing in the Sacred Ground.The effect is reversed againt Undead Enemies units. Last 25 second

Redemption : Causes nearby enemies to be stunned for 2/3/4/5 seconds. Also deal 75/100/125/150 damage.

Holy Light : A holy Light which can heal friendly living units for 150/250/350/450 or damage undeads enemies. If cast in an ally, grants 2 armor bonus
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Heroes :
Gurunt : Kodo Rider
Main Attribute : Strenght
Warrior Hero, adept at ranged combat. Can learn Drums of War, Orcish Rage, Shockwave, Charge and <Ultimate Undecided>

Drums of War : Increases the attack speed, or damage of nearby units, depending on the melody. A maximum of 5/10/15/20 drums is allowed.
Drums of Speed : Grants 1% attack speed and movespeed for each 1 drums
Drums of War : Grants 1% damage for each 1 drums

Orcish Rage : Increases the Hero's damage by 10/15/20/25% for 5 seconds. Effects if prolonged by 1 second for each 5 attacks the hero receive.

Shockwave : The kodo throws his upper body to the air, causing an enormous shockwave when his body crashes in the grounds, the shockwave deal 50/75/100/125 damage and knock units to a distance of 350/400/450/500.

Charge : Gurunt's kodo charges at the target, deal 50 damage to the target and toss it in the air, upon landing, the target stun nearby enemies for 1/1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds and deal 50/75/100/125 damage to them (as well as himself)
Night Elves
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Other Races : (Campaign-only/Creeps race)
Centaurs (Creeps Race)
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Update Archive :
This is the first update in this project.I'll expalin in thus huge update the gameplay mechanics of Warcraft IV, Humans Races, Orc and their units and what changed from Warcraft 3.
Gameplay :

Creeps Base : In Warcraft IV, there will be sometimes, depending on the map, a Neutral Hostile's base where it trains units and harvest ressources.
These will attack the main palyer base in late game but in early game, we'll attend to occupy Neutral Buildings and attack new expansions.
This base will be a serious problem in early game as it prevents you from expanding.

Multiple Construction Menu : Warcraft IV features multiples construction menus, including Economic, Military and Basics buildings.

Different Gold Mines : Players usually starts with a Huge Goldmine, which has a very large of amount of Gold. The other goldmine mines in the map are usually Tiny/Medium, throught some heavy guarded Goldmines are Large/Huge

Navals Battles : Like Wc, Navals Battles are included in melee maps in Warcraft IV. It inludes Military Ships, Transports and Naval Builders

More : There we'll be more features that you'll discover when playing the Beta...

Human Race :

The humans have a little changed, the ways they gather ressources is different too, and they now have a Ranking System :
Novice : 0 Kills : Grants Nothing
Aprentice : 3 Kills : Grants 50 Life Bonus
Armsman : 6 Kills : Grants 100 Life Bonus, 2 Damage
Fighter : 9 Kills : Grants 150 Life Bonus, 4 Damage
Experienced Soldier : 15 Kills : Grants 200 Life Bonus, 8 Damage, 1 Armor
Elite Captain : 30 Kills : Grants 350 Life Bonus, 14 Damage, 2 Armor and 1 Inventory Slot
The Ranking system doesn't apply to Casters/Workers units.

Units :
Peasant :
The Peasant is the basic human worker, he harvest ressources, repair and build structures.
Can be assigned to a Mining Camp, or a Lumber Mill for ressources gathering

Expedition Team :
Scout unit, slows but have extended line of sight when standing.
Surrounding your base with these can warn you from attacks.

Soldier :
Basic Infantry unit, very useful againt ranged units.Can learn Defensive Position, which reduces attack speed but gives the Soldier a chances to block an attack, higher chances to block ranged attacks.

Gunner :
Ranged Unit, very useful from afar.Have the Deadly Shot skill, which passively deal bonus damage depending on the distance. Can be upgrade to Rocketeers.

Rockeeter :
Ranged Unit, upgrade of the Gunner, have an AOE damage and deal bonus damage to buildings. Can learn Napalm Rockets, which causes targeted units and buildings to burn.

Another update, in which I'll inform you of the first heroes that the players will encounter in the Humans' missions, aswell the new story and some units.
Story :

Warcraft IV : Secrets of the Titans​

Seven years have passed, since the events of the Frozen Throne, the Lich King locked himself in the Frozen Throne for a temprarly slumber, and there was no sign of the Scourge for these seven years.
Some thinks that the lich kings,is preparing his minions to a new attack, while other think they strangely retreated. While that time, the Alliance and the Horde were expanding in all Azeroth, new colonies where build. Throught, recents humans' villages in the Barrens leads the Orcs and Humans to a new war. And the Alliance was victorious. The last Orcs, leads by Thrall and Rexxar, have decided to reclaim their lands, but having failed, they decided to move out, to the South of Kalimdor. But that's not all, in a dark shadowy planet, strange humanoid beings are trying to flee their homeland due to the recent Legion invasion, when all these humanoids fleed, the planets was torn apart, throught, Kil'jaeden is fascinated by the possibility that the creatures can create portals so easily, so he decided to hunt them but he don't know that they landed in Outland...

The campaigns are in this order :

Campaign 1 : Fall of the Horde
Race : Humans
The Lich King was now sleeping for Seven Years, allowing the Alliance to expands in all Azeroth and restore from the destruction of Lordaeron. Throught, recents humans' villages in the Barrens leads the Orcs and Humans to a new war.
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Campaign 2 Part 1 : The Unknows Lands
Race : Orcs
With the humans advancing in to the Barrens, the Orcs have serious problems, and their troops are weakened, throught, leaded by Thrall and Rexxar, they decided to move to the South of Kalimdor...
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Campaign 3 : Druidic's Nightmares
Race : Nightelves
While that time, in the shadowy forests of Ashenvale, Malfurion, who returned sleeping in the Emerald Dream, had a nightmare which awakened him, he senses a dark evil devouring Azeroth itself...
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Campaign 2 Part 2 : The Temple of Titans
Race : Orcs
In the South of Kalimdor, in unknows lands, the Horde found an ancient temple, as they explore it, they discovered that it's a temple made by the Titans...
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Campaign 4 : Illidan's Betrayal
Race : Illidaris and New Race
In a dark shadowy planet, strange humanoid beings are trying to flee their homeland due to the recent Legion invasion, when all these beings fleed, the planets was torn apart, throught, Kil'jaeden is fascinated by the possibility that the creatures can create portals so easily, he decided to hunt them but he don't know that they landed in Outland...
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Campaign 2 Part 3 : Prison of Secrets
Race : Orcs, then Nightelves
As the Horde advances in the titans' temple, they found a dark prison, with horrific screams coming from it. Thrall thinks that it should be better to keep it closed, but some Orcs, thinking that the Titans' secrets could be useful to vainquish the Alliance, have opened the prison and freed destruction itself...
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Campaign 5 : The Last Hope
Race : Kul Tiras' Navy (Special Human), Orcs, Warsong Orcs (Special Orcs), Nightelves
With the evil beasts awakened, the Night Elves, lead by Malfurion, tried to re-unite the Kul Tiras' humans and the Horde to face the evil.
Thrall charged a group of the Warsong Clans to search for a way to defeat the beast in the depth of the temple...
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I'm not a very good story writer, but this is the best thing I could think of something better, throught, if someone as an idea for Scourge/Forsaken campaign, I might take it.
Also, here two heroes, one the player plays in the Humans' campaign and the other is a Orc hero. Throught, camapigns heroes are more unique than melee heroes, the Orc Hero will also be played in the orcish campaign.

Danath Tyranion : Holy Crusader
Main Attribute : Strenght
Warrior Hero, adept at supporting allies. Can learn Redemption, Divine Protection, Holy Light, Sacred Ground and <Ultimate Undecided>

Divine Protection : Surrounds nearby units with a holy shield, increases armor by 2/3/4/5 for 10 seconds and giving 5/6/7/8% to regain 75/100/125/150 health.
(Crusader is shielded Too)
Sacred Ground : Bless the target area, units in the area are healed by 3/5/7/9hp/sec and receive 10/12/14/16% attack speed bonus when standing in the Sacred Ground.The effect is reversed againt Undead Enemies units. Last 25 second
Redemption : Causes nearby enemies to be stunned for 2/3/4/5 seconds. Also deal 75/100/125/150 damage.
Holy Light : A holy Light which can heal friendly living units for 150/250/350/450 or damage undeads enemies. If cast in an ally, grants 2 armor bonus

Gurunt : Kodo Rider
Main Attribute : Strenght
Warrior Hero, adept at ranged combat. Can learn Drums of War, Orcish Rage, Shockwave, Charge and <Ultimate Undecided>

Drums of War : Increases the attack speed, or damage of nearby units, depending on the melody. A maximum of 5/10/15/20 drums is allowed.
Drums of Speed : Grants 1% attack speed and movespeed for each 1 drums
Drums of War : Grants 1% damage for each 1 drums
Orcish Rage : Increases the Hero's damage by 10/15/20/25% for 5 seconds. Effects if prolonged by 1 second for each 5 attacks the hero receive.
Shockwave : The kodo throws his upper body to the air, causing an enormous shockwave when his body crashes in the grounds, the shockwave deal 50/75/100/125 damage and knock units to a distance of 350/400/450/500.
Charge : Gurunt's kodo charges at the target, deal 50 damage to the target and toss it in the air, upon landing, the target stun nearby enemies for 1/1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds and deal 50/75/100/125 damage to them (as well as himself)
The Current Team :
MSAKNI: Msakni is the leader of the project.He does terraining depending on the tileset, basic modelling, create the units,items,upgrade etc...He also does triggering and some spells.
Currently Doing : Terraining
JOCCAREN: Joccaren is one of the member of the project.He is a very good cinematic maker and helped me with ideas and spells.
Currently Doing : Spells

I'd like to get some more helps if possible, especially a good terrainer


Super Moderator
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Miz and I have been thinking of making Warcraft V for a while now.
Warcraft IV just isn't original any more. :p


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Yours is kinda... you know.
Well they maybe have more prgressed but that's not a big matter.I'm motivated enough, even if there was 100 warcraft IV's running :)
Miz and I have been thinking of making Warcraft V for a while now.
Warcraft IV just isn't original any more. :p

Well maybe, but it's the ideas that will make it Original.
It's not because there is lot of Warcraft IV's project that it's non-original, every Warcraft IV can be different you know? :)


don't expect anything, prepare for everything
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I'm so sick of Warcraft 4s that I'm gonna puke when Blizzard releases it

anyway, good luck on this


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You have to have a huge drive to finish an entire game of campaigns. Let alone, one campaign.

Well good luck


is now a game developer :)
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Well they maybe have more prgressed but that's not a big matter.I'm motivated enough, even if there was 100 warcraft IV's running.
motivation is just half of it.

..have you got the skills?...

you got some ideas running but
i mean in terms of coding, and actually making the map WORK?

or will you be another "ok, i have these ideas i need a team of you expert dudes to make it for me now.. i'm just gonna organize."...

just a piece of my thought.


Super Moderator
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> It's not because there is lot of Warcraft IV's project that it's non-original, every Warcraft IV can be different you know?
Of course, my statement was about the fact that there are so many Wc4 projects around now. :p

Well, good luck with this. You've got some competition! :thup:


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motivation is just half of it.

..have you got the skills?...

you got some ideas running but
i mean in terms of coding, and actually making the map WORK?

or will you be another "ok, i have these ideas i need a team of you expert dudes to make it for me now.. i'm just gonna organize."...

just a piece of my thought.
I can actually do coding,basic modelling and terraining .But for other things, I need help :) (Voice acting,Music,Modelling,Skinning,MPQ editing...)


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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Urghh, another one. No offence to you dude, I really hope you actually come through with this so that we have competition. Competition keeps people motivated on both sides. It is just that I see SO many of these it actually makes me feel sick inside.

Good luck though, you have my full attention and support! Give me a heads up if you need help. I'm quite experienced in modding the game itself and have had a few years experience with World Editor. :)


Super Moderator
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> I really hope you actually come through with this so that we have competition.
Last time you had competition, you decided to merge with them. ¬_¬


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Last time you had competition, you decided to merge with them. ¬_¬

anyway, how far from completion are you? I'd like to see if this is like less than 1% or something.


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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> I really hope you actually come through with this so that we have competition.
Last time you had competition, you decided to merge with them. ¬_¬

I don't wanna go off-topic but I will at least explain that to you. You see before we merged I was about to announce that the project was dead due to lack of motivation. Shady had the same problem, so we merged to create something big and full of life. While we may not be as strong today as we were before, we are still motivated and plan to release it one day or another. The huge problem is Shady. While I have had some great ideas and plans in the past, I'm hardly as good as Shady in terms of organization. Plus me and Shady always helped each other greatly in our projects, so it was kinda like we were merged already but our ideas got split into two projects.

I have no intention to merge again, and beta is heading to release this year.

thus proves it you cant beat em, join em.

He joined me :nuts: We would have both died anyway if you looked at our progress from last projects...


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anyway, how far from completion are you? I'd like to see if this is like less than 1% or something.
I'm not very sure of the progress percentage but I'm focusing on making all the Fel Orcs units and the Illidaris.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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There's something odd when people post their ideas in the members section and 99% of the information is "come back later" :p
Good luck, :thup:

Update Archive :
Posted the Thread

lulz. You're gonna need to work hard every day, la.



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This theme now is very repetitive, I'm starting to feel like every week, or least 3 times a month someone will announce a new wc4 project... Then they drop it later on...

I really wish people would only announce projects if they have a lot done... Thats what I do...

I also wish people would stop using this theme, I remember when once in a blue moon someone would start a wc4, now, its as common as lordaeran maps... And those are VERY common.

Since lot of wc4 projects are relatively the same, they should all just team up and make one, rather then every person making a wc4 slightly different...


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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This theme now is very repetitive, I'm starting to feel like every week, or least 3 times a month someone will announce a new wc4 project... Then they drop it later on...

I really wish people would only announce projects if they have a lot done... Thats what I do...

I also wish people would stop using this theme, I remember when once in a blue moon someone would start a wc4, now, its as common as lordaeran maps... And those are VERY common.

Since lot of wc4 projects are relatively the same, they should all just team up and make one, rather then every person making a wc4 slightly different...

While it doesn't seem so at the moment, my Warcraft IV is VERY unique in every way. The lore is different (a lot of people use a lot of Fel Orcs and generic ideas, and I don't) and the races are probably the most unique ones ever created in a Warcraft III project. Romek can confirm this, I believe.

Please try not to go off-topic by saying "Wow another one" though, do we want to make this person feel bad about his project or do we want to encourage him to finish it? :thup:


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A great tip is to never announce something unless you have a lot of progress in it, otherwise they barely start it, and either start a team for them to do it, or spend all there time on ideas and not actually get much done. This is extremely common. However I hope this guy succeeds where most fail :)

Btw king I never said yours wasn't unqiue, by theme being repetitive I mean making a wc4
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