Campaign Warcraft IV: The New Age - |Map of the Week #10|

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- JASS Abilities

I said earlier I would work on these Wc3Shady. I've been waiting on a request for what you need done...
wc3shady, let me give u a little hint: Make 3-4 items for each race that are racial, meaning that they fit the race and they help the race. THey are going to help from start. Don't make a special shop. You can add them to the upgrade building ;) But, items are vital, atleast in my opinoin though.

Well, yeah I guess I could put about 3 or 4. Just racial ones (i.e. the Night Elf Moonstone, changing day to night).

- JASS Abilities
I said earlier I would work on these Wc3Shady. I've been waiting on a request for what you need done...

Maybe I missed a post? Anyways, last time I messaged you you said you were busy at the time. That was also quite a while ago.

Anyways, thanks! I'll send you a PM.
Well, yeah I guess I could put about 3 or 4. Just racial ones (i.e. the Night Elf Moonstone, changing day to night).

Maybe I missed a post? Anyways, last time I messaged you you said you were busy at the time. That was also quite a while ago.

Anyways, thanks! I'll send you a PM.
Don't forget things like the Sacrificial Skull for the undead and the ivory tower for humans. Maybe a tiny great hall for orcs...things like that.
Will do, captainrads, thanks for the reminder!

Anyways - I've redone the first post a bit. A bit of information was updated, and I added the Undead Scourge to the races. They don't have all their new units, just about 6 I think. Anyways, check it out. You can see there that I need ideas on the Scalefiend Crusher. Go to the main post, check what information I have about him.
Hmm...Crusher sounds like it was made from naga myrmadons. Assuming that:
Heavy melee tank unit, has the Blightwater ability, causing all nearby living units in the water to slowly lose health, which is given back to the Crusher. Also has the Frostwing ability, allowing the Crusher to target an enemy flying unit and lower its altitude to where it can be attacked by ground units. Units affected by Frostwing can still move, but much slower.

It's intended to be a unit that can last a long time in a water battle, if you're including that element to the game. Frostwing is a modified ensnare, workable over water since it would be cheating to ensnare a flying unit over the water, have it drown, and kill it instantly. Frostwing could be an AOE attack too, depending on how long you want it to last.
I like your ideas, but first of all water battles will not be big. I also don't want any water abilities because they are extremely situational. The first melee map to be released will not have water they can swim in, it will be cut off.

The thing about Frostwing is that it's anti air, and there is already plenty of anti air. With the introduction of Blightwings, more anti air is not need, especially sense Crypt Fiends have Web (even though, sometimes you wont have Crypt Fiends, because there is a path/choice upgrade between it and Skeletal Archers).

Maybe they could be some sort of tank-assassins, as in they have low damage/high health, but have high speed, and assassin-type abilities. Maybe, Spectral Passage (rank 1 windwalk), and also a siege attack?
Siege attack would be good, sort of like undead raiders, but if its a naga unit, without water how will it use windwalk? Maybe it could have some sort of ability where it creates a fog in the air, and units have a chance to miss while inside the fog. The Crusher could also deal extra damage to enemies on first strike. You could call it...Blightmist?
First of all, the Undead Naga don't swim, they walk on water.

Although, Blight Mist is interesting, and I didn't like the "Spectral Passage" idea much, anyways.

I think Siege attack, high health, low damage, can walk on water, can learn Blight Mist. So Blight Mist could reduce hit chance of all non-undead units in the cloud, and also slow them maybe? Sounds interesting.
Sounds good, glad you like it, any other ideas you need?

Instead of asking me for any ideas I need, ask yourself if you have any ideas. If you have any at all, I want to hear them. Feedback on my units. Any single idea you have, let me hear it.


Renedaru - i pmed you a few days ago, did you get it?
Instead of asking me for any ideas I need, ask yourself if you have any ideas. If you have any at all, I want to hear them. Feedback on my units. Any single idea you have, let me hear it.


Renedaru - i pmed you a few days ago, did you get it?
Alright, I checked out the front page and noticed a few things about some of your units.
For one thing, Arthas seems ungodly powerful as a hero. If you make a melee map, I wouldn't put him in there as is, tone his power down a little.
For the Scarlet Dawn, their workers lose health? That seems a little annoying since you'll have to replace them constantly. Its a cool idea to have them summoned, but once again, you may want to change that for the melee map if you make one.

Everything else looks great, can't wait to see how everything else plays out.
Alright, I checked out the front page and noticed a few things about some of your units.
For one thing, Arthas seems ungodly powerful as a hero. If you make a melee map, I wouldn't put him in there as is, tone his power down a little.
For the Scarlet Dawn, their workers lose health? That seems a little annoying since you'll have to replace them constantly. Its a cool idea to have them summoned, but once again, you may want to change that for the melee map if you make one.

Everything else looks great, can't wait to see how everything else plays out.

Oh yeah the Lich King is campaign only, and only takes place in one mission.

For the Scarlet Dawn, you have a point about the Servants. Possibly I could make a trigger that makes the Prior of Servitude automatically summon Servants whenever they die? I'm not sure how I could do this though, any ideas? Or maybe I should just remove that function. Hmm I have an idea - seeing as how "Worker" is a classification, Priors of Servitude could have an aura ability called "Dominion of Servitude", that only effects allied worker-type units. If the Servants have -.5 regeneration, the aura would have 1 regeneration, so a Prior of Servitude has to stay near them. This would force the Scarlet Dawn to defend early-game.

My god I haven't even begun to create the Scarlet Dawn. That's like two months of hard work right there.

Any progress?


Yes, there has been. Although that list of progress on new units and such seemed small, a lot more has been done with the pre-existing Scourge units (i.e. Ghouls, Abominations, Crypt Fiends, etc etc). For example now I'm trying to work out an ability where Crypt Fiends can burrow to different areas with a blink-type spelled while burrowed.
Oh yeah the Lich King is campaign only, and only takes place in one mission.

For the Scarlet Dawn, you have a point about the Servants. Possibly I could make a trigger that makes the Prior of Servitude automatically summon Servants whenever they die? I'm not sure how I could do this though, any ideas? Or maybe I should just remove that function. Hmm I have an idea - seeing as how "Worker" is a classification, Priors of Servitude could have an aura ability called "Dominion of Servitude", that only effects allied worker-type units. If the Servants have -.5 regeneration, the aura would have 1 regeneration, so a Prior of Servitude has to stay near them. This would force the Scarlet Dawn to defend early-game.

My god I haven't even begun to create the Scarlet Dawn. That's like two months of hard work right there.


Yes, there has been. Although that list of progress on new units and such seemed small, a lot more has been done with the pre-existing Scourge units (i.e. Ghouls, Abominations, Crypt Fiends, etc etc). For example now I'm trying to work out an ability where Crypt Fiends can burrow to different areas with a blink-type spelled while burrowed.
The aura thing is a pretty good idea, and it kinda limits the number of expansions since you have to have Priors with servants to keep them from dying. Too many would stretch forces thin. But, if the Priors make the servants, will the town hall just be for teching? That might actually give the Scarlets an advantage; they don't need to make workers, they can power tech and possibly gain a big advantage over other races.

For the burrow it Tunneling? Sounds like a good idea, if all units can use it the ability could replace the need for town halls and be a great way to get units around the map fast. Could be a good harassing technique too. But it might get too imbalanced if its an instant thing, you might want to make it so that the Crypt Fiend has to "build" the tunnel before it can be used.
The aura thing is a pretty good idea, and it kinda limits the number of expansions since you have to have Priors with servants to keep them from dying. Too many would stretch forces thin. But, if the Priors make the servants, will the town hall just be for teching? That might actually give the Scarlets an advantage; they don't need to make workers, they can power tech and possibly gain a big advantage over other races.
The town hall will make the priors. You start with one prior. I'm actually thinking that making the Slaves' negative regeneration balance out with the aura, so the Slaves have 0 regeneration. Also, to hurry up production, Priors can auto-cast "Whip", which whips the Slaves, dealing damage and increasing attack speed.

For the burrow it Tunneling? Sounds like a good idea, if all units can use it the ability could replace the need for town halls and be a great way to get units around the map fast. Could be a good harassing technique too. But it might get too imbalanced if its an instant thing, you might want to make it so that the Crypt Fiend has to "build" the tunnel before it can be used.

Oh, it's called "Sinkhole" and only Crypt Fiends can use it. It's like a blink they can use while burrowed. And it's not map-wide. It has blink's normal range. Not only is it good for harassing, but say the Scourge attack someone, but their army loses, the Crypt Fiends can Burrow, then use Sinkhole to get away from the enemies base.
The town hall will make the priors. You start with one prior. I'm actually thinking that making the Slaves' negative regeneration balance out with the aura, so the Slaves have 0 regeneration. Also, to hurry up production, Priors can auto-cast "Whip", which whips the Slaves, dealing damage and increasing attack speed.

Oh, it's called "Sinkhole" and only Crypt Fiends can use it. It's like a blink they can use while burrowed. And it's not map-wide. It has blink's normal range. Not only is it good for harassing, but say the Scourge attack someone, but their army loses, the Crypt Fiends can Burrow, then use Sinkhole to get away from the enemies base.
So how many slaves will be made per "cast"? That could also give you some balancing problems if its too high or too low. I like the whip thing, sort of like the humans ability to put multiple builders on one building.

Sinkhole sounds good, sounds pretty balanced too. Are there gonna be any other units that can move underground? Could be a new battlefront.
So how many slaves will be made per "cast"? That could also give you some balancing problems if its too high or too low. I like the whip thing, sort of like the humans ability to put multiple builders on one building.

Probably 3. Most races start with 3 builders, and if you start with 1 prior, it makes sense. With the whip thing, what do you mean human ability to put multiple builders on one building? It damages allies and increases their movement speed.

Sinkhole sounds good, sounds pretty balanced too. Are there gonna be any other units that can move underground? Could be a new battlefront.

I don't think so. The Crypt Fiend would be the only logical unit that could burrow, but with Sinkhole, there's not much more point to making them move while underground. Plus, Sinkhole is more balanced like you said.

Also, I'm thinking the Dragoon needs better ideas:

1. Information
Dragoons are the strongest soldiers of the Scarlet Dawn and defenders of humanity, and so the Red Dragonflight gave them dragons to ride.
2. Purpose
All Around Great Aerial Unit
3. Cost
385 Gold, 120 Wood
4. Statistics
Hit Points: 1350 Armor: 1 Damage: 76-98 Range: Medium Cooldown: 2.5 Sight: 180
5. Upgrades
Scald or Holy Flames
6. Abilities
Scald (Passive; damage over time to the target and all other enemy units the target is near) or Holy Flames (Ignites an area with holy flames, healing allied passerby units over time or damaging undead passerby units over time)
7. Concept/Model
Helmet-less human riding a red dragon and holding the red dragon's reigns
Probably 3. Most races start with 3 builders, and if you start with 1 prior, it makes sense. With the whip thing, what do you mean human ability to put multiple builders on one building? It damages allies and increases their movement speed.

I don't think so. The Crypt Fiend would be the only logical unit that could burrow, but with Sinkhole, there's not much more point to making them move while underground. Plus, Sinkhole is more balanced like you said.

Also, I'm thinking the Dragoon needs better ideas:
Most races start with five builders...except for the undead, but the ghoul and acolyte thing is special.
I meant whip is a way to make things build faster, the human thing was just an example.

I thought there was talk of a dwarven digging machine...maybe that was on King's project.

As for the dragoon, I see a knight riding a dragon with a big ass sword...but that does sound a bit like a dragonhawk. For the abilities, how about:
EDIT: Charred Remains - Any enemy the dragoon kills is charred to ashes. When charred remains are walked over, they create a small cloud of dust, causing a small amount of vision reduction(10% curse).
Consume Ash - The dragoon lands to consume charred remains, healing 30 hit points per second.
Most races start with five builders...except for the undead, but the ghoul and acolyte thing is special.
I meant whip is a way to make things build faster, the human thing was just an example.

I thought there was talk of a dwarven digging machine...maybe that was on King's project.

As for the dragoon, I see a knight riding a dragon with a big ass sword...but that does sound a bit like a dragonhawk. For the abilities, how about:
EDIT: Charred Remains - Any enemy the dragoon kills is charred to ashes. When charred remains are walked over, they create a small cloud of dust, causing a small amount of vision reduction(10% curse).
Consume Ash - The dragoon lands to consume charred remains, healing 30 hit points per second.

Well, I'd say three builders + defender = five builders.

That was kings project about the digging machine, but I actually was going to put it in on early plans of the humans, but then I couldn't see how it would really fit.

And the dragoon... I see a helmet-less knight riding a dragon with a big ass hammer. Dragonhawks are long haired blond guys riding slightly dragon-like hawks. With lances. Anyways..

I like charred remains! But I think I am going to change the curse, maybe to periodic damage? Or lowered armor? And Consume Ash is going in.

Thx, +rep


I almost forgot!

So, right now on the project I have a couple things holding me up. One, is some triggered abilities I'm needing help on. And two, is that I'm trying to finish up my submission for the wc3campaigns Race Building Competition #1. But, that's coming together well, so expect some in game screen shots of the Undead by the end of the weekend.
(Sorry For Double Post)

Well, I've decided for one of the missions in "the Scepter of the Dark Titan" campaign, the Undead Scourge campaign, it will feature a new type of TD.

Well, I assume its a new type of TD, I've not seen it before.

OK, so in it you are defending a keep. On top of the keep, on the keep walls, are "towers", well, just ranged units that work as towers. I.E. Necromancers and such. Also, you can build buildings inside your base, that you can use to spawn defenders. Defenders are free, and have fairly quick build times. But, the build times range. You have a food limit, so you have to make synergy between the units you spawn. All of the units you spawn are melee.
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    Easily done
  • The Helper The Helper: is a link to the old news portal - i will integrate it into the interface somewhere when i figure it out
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    Need to try something
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    I have converted the Headline News forum to an Article type forum. It will now show the top 20 threads with more detail of each thread.
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    See how we like that.
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    I do not see a way to go past the 1st page of posts on the forum though
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    It is OK though for the main page to open up on the forum in the view it was before. As long as the portal has its own URL so it can be viewed that way I do want to try it as a regular forum view for a while
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    Yeah I'm not sure what the deal is with the pagination.
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    It SHOULD be there so I think it might just be an artifact of having an older style.
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    I switched it to a "Standard" article forum. This will show the thread list like normal, but the threads themselves will have the first post set up above the rest of the "comments"
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    I don't really get that article forum but I think it is because I have never really seen it used on a multi post thread
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    RpNation makes more use of it right now as an example:
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  • The Helper The Helper:
    What do you think Tom?
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    I will have to get used to this.
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    The latest news feed looks good

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