Battle Ship Xtrm

k from battlehips - a new world (my longer one) i have used these ships, wich are all settled in the time 14-18th century...
But they are only sailor !!

Those marked inverse and with // in front of them are no hiptype, but used in my game


//Haunted Frigate


So 9 shiptypes themselves...

And for Ship interior: We need other models. More wooden ones.
The clue about it is that they are damaged whenever the ship is damaged, and have each to be repaired. As oon as one of them is killed, the ship will sink.
We will have to change life of them corresponding to the ship.
We could remove that with the ship interior life and make it as normal, and use ship interior as combat place for units when they try to seize/defend it...
And as place for the crew.
> no hiptype

I didn' t find from dictionary what that word means I asume they are not real ship types but fantasy ? We could use them. I have suggestion what stats could give ship parts:
Framewrok - determines HP of ship and model file.
Wood type - determines ship wooden armor type
Metal type - iron armor
Sail - gives movespeed with ability
Paddle* - gives constant speed bonus against wind
Screw - gives constant speed bonus against wind
Steam Engine gives constant % bonus to movespeed

* Will we use Paddle steamers ?

I don' t know nothing about wood types what we could use. Some historical wood types what are used to build ships would be nice. Considerations are density, strength, durability, resistance to rot, resistance to marine bores and weight. In our game they just give you armor type and armor. Huh found web page with wood types:
> no hiptype

I didn' t find from dictionary what that word means I asume they are not real ship types but fantasy ? We could use them. I have suggestion what stats could give ship parts:
Framewrok - determines HP of ship and model file.
Wood type - determines ship wooden armor type
Metal type - iron armor
Sail - gives movespeed with ability
Paddle* - gives constant speed bonus against wind
Screw - gives constant speed bonus against wind
Steam Engine gives constant % bonus to movespeed

* Will we use Paddle steamers ?

Uh sry I meant shiptypes. My "S" button doesn't work right....
And I think y. Could be nice^^
And I know how to make the speed reduction againt the wind....
But we will have to check periodically^^
And did you ever sail?
I did
And depending on wich sailtype you have, you will have different speed decrease caused by the wind...

I don' t know nothing about wood types what we could use. Some historical wood types what are used to build ships would be nice. Considerations are density, strength, durability, resistance to rot, resistance to marine bores and weight. In our game they just give you armor type and armor.

And endurance. You should have -liferegen caused by corrosion. The higher the endurance is, the lower is the -liferegeneration
We have most things done now and everything else needs data from Object Editor. I will give asap full list of items available (exept weapons).

List of ship parts and their function in game:

Wood types - determines ship wooden armor type and endurance.
I Yellow Cedar, for a soft wood it' s quite heavy. But durable wood resistant to decay.

Armor type: wood
Armor bonus: 0
Bonus damage taken: 25 %
Endurance: 0 HP per second
Speed bonus from weight: +30

II Beech - a strong, hard and dense wood. Makes an attractive wood for framing and hull timbering.

Armor type: wood
Armor bonus: +2
Bonus damage taken: 10 %
Endurance: - 0.3 HP per second
Speed bonus from weight: -5

III Birch - the wood is very tough and flexible once bent it will hold its shape. Suitable for planking and hull timbering.

Armor type: wood
Armor bonus: +3
Bonus damage taken: 5%
Endurance: -0.3
Speed bonus from weight: -15

IV Osage Orange - very heavy, hard, tough and resiliant. It can be used for timbering and planking.

Armor type: wood
Armor bonus: +3
Bonus damage taken: 0%
Endurance: -0.1
Speed bonus from weight: -25

V Willow - light in weight but strong and shock resistant. Good for solid hulls, masting, deck and hull planking.

Armor type: wood
Armor bonus: +2
Bonus damage taken: 10 %
Endurance: 0
Speed bonus from weight: +40​

Iron types - determines ship iron armor (plating) type.

I Iron plating, because iron lacks carbon, it is very soft. Thus, it can be molded easily and even easier once it is heated. Still it' s superior compared to wooden armors.
Armor type: iron
Armor bonus: +10
Bonus damage taken: 5 %
Endurance: N/ A
Speed bonus from weight: -50

I Steel plating, steel contains iron and carbon. Depending on the amount of carbon, the firmness of the metal can be determined. The more carbon makes the metal harder.
Armor type: iron
Armor bonus: +20
Bonus damage taken: 0 %
Endurance: N/ A
Speed bonus from weight: -90​

Attack types
Wooden armor piercing attack - deals bonus damage to wooden armored ships (According to bonus damage taken). Deals 50 % less damage to ships with iron plating and 75 % less damage to steel plating.

Iron piercing attack - deals 50 % more damage to wooden armored ships and bonus damage to ships with iron plating (According to bonus damage taken). Deals 25 % less damage to ships with steel plating.

Steel piercing attack - deals 100 % more damage to wooden armored ships, deals 25 % more damage to iron plating and bonus damage to ships with steel plating (According to bonus damage taken).

NOTE: 3 out of 7 attack types used. There can be 4 special attack types more (But dosn' t need to be). Used attack types right now are Normal, Pierce and Siege.​
Phoenix Fire weapons damage mehanics - do make illusion attack types apply even to bought weapons we have to reduce damage done by Phoenix Fire ability with item ability "Spell Damage Reduction". They give exactly same reduction as wood/ iron (armor) types. That reducing ability is given to player ship(s).

To keep bonus damage element with Phoenix Fire weapons we need 3 versions of each weapon (for wooden , iron and steel armor) they dosn' t work exactly like physical damage bonus instead they gain damage.

Here arises question how many weapons there are ? Because we would need max level * attack types versions of each Phoenix Fire weapon then.
What exactly means doubled ? Does it mean when you double weapon you have like 2 weapons in one (Would mean doubled weapon has one additional Phoenix Fire ability and they would shoot both randomly.) ?
Phoenix Fire weapons damage mehanics - do make illusion attack types apply even to bought weapons we have to reduce damage done by Phoenix Fire ability with item ability "Spell Damage Reduction". They give exactly same reduction as wood/ iron (armor) types. That reducing ability is given to player ship(s).
I know. PF deals magic damage. And with the "Magic defene" I wanted to express that.

To keep bonus damage element with Phoenix Fire weapons we need 3 versions of each weapon (for wooden , iron and steel armor) they dosn' t work exactly like physical damage bonus instead they gain damage. Here arises question how many weapons there are ? Because we would need max level * attack types versions of each Phoenix Fire weapon then.

Will be almost impossible... You have to register pf damage, and then increase damage dealt by it...

What exactly means doubled ? Does it mean when you double weapon you have like 2 weapons in one (Would mean doubled weapon has one additional Phoenix Fire ability and they would shoot both randomly.) ?

Doubled = merged. They do not fire "randomly" but at the same time. If you have 2 pf on your hero, both pf will fire at the same time, but have different targets (or the same, as targets are taken ramdomly)
> Will be almost impossible...

We have only register what type of ship (unit) player buys. When he/ she buys ship with wooden attack we give him only that type of Phoenix Fire items.
We have to make 7 types of each ship with different armor. Then 3 different types per armor (3 different attack types) and we could change ships with morphing abilities.
At start you got one captain (Hero) then we do each ability what morphs captain (Hero) to ship. When player buys new parts we morph ship back to hero and remove that morph ability and give new one and remorph. By doing that always base unit stays same and we don' t get these anoying morphing bugs (Like unit gets killed but not, etc.)

Or it goes too complicated and only "main cannon" aka your ship default attack has bonus damage and weaker damage all other Phoenix Fire items would do only reduced damage (What equals to "bonus damage taken" in most cases it is bonus damage.) It would keep everything nice and clean (Not many units nor messing with morphing abilities or other crazy things.

What is DoN doing ?!
> Will be almost impossible...

We have only register what type of ship (unit) player buys. When he/ she buys ship with wooden attack we give him only that type of Phoenix Fire items.
We have to make 7 types of each ship with different armor. Then 3 different types per armor (3 different attack types) and we could change ships with morphing abilities.
At start you got one captain (Hero) then we do each ability what morphs captain (Hero) to ship. When player buys new parts we morph ship back to hero and remove that morph ability and give new one and remorph. By doing that always base unit stays same and we don' t get these anoying morphing bugs (Like unit gets killed but not, etc.)

Or it goes too complicated and only "main cannon" aka your ship default attack has bonus damage and weaker damage all other Phoenix Fire items would do only reduced damage (What equals to "bonus damage taken" in most cases it is bonus damage.) It would keep everything nice and clean (Not many units nor messing with morphing abilities or other crazy things.

What is DoN doing ?!

What do you want???
I thought You want to do the PF damage depending on the armor type of the target - not of the user!

And I think Players should start with wreck... or some smaller boat...
And when you have the items you need, you can click on "convert to ship", then you get the money back you needed for the ships items * 0.75
Or if you buyed it the normal way 0.75 * the money you paied for the ship
And get the new ship

And the PF items - Bships only uses them!
You have to keep in mind that this will be a Bship MOD, not a completely new game!

You really should try a normal Bships on Bnet - or against me
DL HERE, one of the best Bships...

Try it in singleplayer, I think it even has Ai....
Not sure though

Play it, afterwards we can see futher.

You can just replace a unit. Items and stats will be the same afterwards
If that was best battle ships ever made then... we already got better one. I found cool models for our game:
Medieval Trebuchet:
3 awsome beta Warcraft III ships:
Trireme (ship):
Viking Longboat:
Shark !

Ship interiour (How to spell it ?):
Steel grating of a spaceship (Can be used for iron and steel interiour.):
A wooden skin for the cityhouse, quote from Daelin: "WOW! This is incredible...":
Pirat ship skin (Used in Crossfire):
Night Elf Fishing Ship:

Human Hunters Hall:

* I checked all available skins. Didn' t download nothing but chooced these which looked good.

Wood Elf Ship:

Of course we can' t add all (Maybe we can) but you could pick out your favorite skins/ models or give a link to your own.

> You have to keep in mind that this will be a Bship MOD.

That mod sucked hard (Crossfire) it isn' t so hard to make one good map, 1-1 dmg, 1 str, agi, int anoyed me.
If that was best battle ships ever made then... we already got better one. I found cool models for our game:
Medieval Trebuchet:
3 awsome beta Warcraft III ships:
Trireme (ship):
Viking Longboat:
Shark !

Ship interiour (How to spell it ?):
Steel grating of a spaceship (Can be used for iron and steel interiour.):
A wooden skin for the cityhouse, quote from Daelin: "WOW! This is incredible...":
Pirat ship skin (Used in Crossfire):
Night Elf Fishing Ship:

Human Hunters Hall:

* I checked all available skins. Didn' t download nothing but chooced these which looked good.

Wood Elf Ship:

Of course we can' t add all (Maybe we can) but you could pick out your favorite skins/ models or give a link to your own.

> You have to keep in mind that this will be a Bship MOD.

That mod sucked hard (Crossfire) it isn' t so hard to make one good map, 1-1 dmg, 1 str, agi, int anoyed me.

Isn't the best one ever made. And all these models but water are used there too -.-
One of the sites you posted just has the normal models xD
So did you play it?
I would like to have a match.. : )

>That mod sucked hard (Crossfire) it isn' t so hard to make one good map, 1-1 dmg, 1 str, agi, int anoyed me.
Um - annoying. I see you never have played Bhips b4...
He could of course delete that 1-1 damage thing, but how do you want to hide the stats O.O??
It is a real balanced mod... but has 2 mali: The dodo of extinction, and there are 3 gold coins hidden....
> One of the sites you posted just has the normal models.

Which one ?

> So did you play it?

Then how would I know this:
Sooda said:
That mod sucked hard (Crossfire) it isn' t so hard to make one good map, 1-1 dmg, 1 str, agi, int anoyed me.

> I would like to have a match...

Maybe after 2 weeks when my school ends.

Do you want to say these models are in TFT ? Sry but I' m confused.

Second thoughts on Phoenix Fire weapons lead me to solution - we gonna trigger weapons ! Why ? Because it would perfectly work with wood/ iron armor types and would add strategic to game.

If we want accurate result we have to use 72 timers what is really lag friendly. If we want smooth, lag free and awsome weapons we use only one timer, yes one ! That will be periodic timer what fires every *second. It loops through every player **ships weapon list and creates units and orders them to damage enemies.
"Unit takes damage" trigger detects that damage and gets unit type who did damage (loops through array and gets corresponding damage and damages unit.). Dummy units are there only for accurate damage point (time) and effects (missile effect, arc with speed what gives true result when used with "Unit takes damage" trigger").

* can be pushed to 0.4 or even lower for really fast weapons. To keep lag from that minimal we can have many timers (One with 1 sec, 0.5, 0.2, etc) When nobody has bought so fast weapon what fires with cooldown lower than 1 sec we use 1 sec timer. When somebody buys weapon what has cooldown 0.5 seconds we switch to timer with faster time. That way we keep performance on its best any time. If nobody has so fast weapon anymore we switch back to timer with more time.
** ships weapon list is updated when unit acquires/ loses weapon.

Guys don' t throw away this idea. I wait feedback !
Omg.. i got absent for 5 days... i have to read all your post! :eek: ! it will be that long to read them.. anyway, i will sned the map to whoever wants it.. after i finished reading all thos (GIGANTIC) posts!!! :banghead: !

Do you want to say these models are in TFT ? Sry but I' m confused.

Second thoughts on Phoenix Fire weapons lead me to solution - we gonna trigger weapons ! Why ? Because it would perfectly work with wood/ iron armor types and would add strategic to game.

If we want accurate result we have to use 72 timers what is really lag friendly. If we want smooth, lag free and awsome weapons we use only one timer, yes one ! That will be periodic timer what fires every *second. It loops through every player **ships weapon list and creates units and orders them to damage enemies.
"Unit takes damage" trigger detects that damage and gets unit type who did damage (loops through array and gets corresponding damage and damages unit.). Dummy units are there only for accurate damage point (time) and effects (missile effect, arc with speed what gives true result when used with "Unit takes damage" trigger").

* can be pushed to 0.4 or even lower for really fast weapons. To keep lag from that minimal we can have many timers (One with 1 sec, 0.5, 0.2, etc) When nobody has bought so fast weapon what fires with cooldown lower than 1 sec we use 1 sec timer. When somebody buys weapon what has cooldown 0.5 seconds we switch to timer with faster time. That way we keep performance on its best any time. If nobody has so fast weapon anymore we switch back to timer with more time.
** ships weapon list is updated when unit acquires/ loses weapon.

Guys don' t throw away this idea. I wait feedback !


we might need 0.01 seconds.
0.05 we need in each case, 0.01 might be possible
What I would do was regiter the damage of pf and then just compare damagetype with armortype. Still far too complicated. Why do you want such a complicated game?
I think DoN should say what he thinks of it ~ externalizing responsibility xD ~

I do not think this to be a good idea. we can have a try, sure, but we have to make a backup - to be on the save side xD

sry cannot have map right now, give it sunday : )
> We might need 0.01 seconds.

:eek: what weapons fire with that rate ?

> What I would do was regiter the damage of pf and then just compare damagetype with armortype

There aren' t natives for damagetype nor armortype. Finding them each 0.01 seconds would be waste of time and PC power. There are functions made what can return these values but they need dummy units or something.

> Why do you want such a complicated game?

In game it looks like paper, scissors, rock game. It isn' t complicated I tell you, belive me.
The idea works like 1 + 1, it is so simple. periodically we create dummy units according to weapon list ( 90% of game time it' s constant value, changes only then when you buy/ remove item. It periodically loops each player list created units and orders to attack.
Second trigger detects damage and uses native to do real damage (Before loops to find attacking unit type then does same ammount damage.) Everything works with variables and they are so fast that you even don' t imagine how fast is fast.
Nothing to do with that slow Game Cache, global variables can do miracles you know ?

> We have to make a backup.

Of course (I even have always backups of all versions what I ever have gotten.).

DoN good to hear you are ok and back.
>There aren' t natives for damagetype nor armortype. Finding them each 0.01 seconds would be waste of time and PC power. There are functions made what can return these values but they need dummy units or something.

Why don't we create types representing armor type and damage type xD

And lasers will fire on 0.05 minimum.
If we have a weapon that fires 0.38, and the laser, we need .01 -.-

>In game it looks like paper, scissors, rock game. It isn' t complicated I tell you, belive me.

In game it will be very complicated becoue you will have to learn rules!
How strong does my weapon damage?
Wich boni/mali will affect my weapon?
And as soon as an opponent changes ship to one with different armor type, you might have to change weapons becoue your weapons do no longer deal the damage to kill him -.-
I think PF is the best solution, when we register damage dealt by it.
WHy should we do that every 0.01 sec?
I do not want to check but to register the damage. For damage types, we can use different buffs.
For armor types we can use abilities / stats ( agi, int & str).
(as each of them represents one armor type, the armor is %. 100 str could mean 0 damage by elemental weapons)
Should be most efficient way...
(timers to check 12 boats every 0.01 seconds.... means 12*6*100 = 7200 checks PER SECOND!!! And this means more than 5G bits per second, my cpu only can handle 3,7 G...)
At last i've read all those posts. I had some ideas 200 posts ago but i totally forgot them :rolleyes: I would've liked to help, but I see theres no space for me. I would also like to have a copy of the map to look on the terrain, but I know its secret, got an own map edited and published :( Anyways Keep up the good work, and please can you pm me the link to the website when it gets done.
well, i dont know what mizuo ken is doing but actually, i dont even know more about the site than you!!! for the map... no problem, just say it (make a post with it) and you will have it!...
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    Yeah I'm not sure what the deal is with the pagination.
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