Snippet Building Builder


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Hi there, it's me again.

This time I'm on the forums because I'd like to save you some time. The next snippet allows you to create buildings very easily and rapidly. It requires:
  • Newgen
which should come with ObjectMerger.


// This file was made by Prozix. 
// It contain's macros to facilitate building creation with object merger
// Example code is in the Example trigger and a more descriptive copyable example beneath the library code
// Fictional Example is only possible when textmacro's will be able to run other textmacro's, which was not possible at the time of creation of this library
// Couldn't have done this withoud Azlier's tutorial on ObjectMerger
// Enjoy

//do not touch this unless you know what you are doing
//please report any bugs or errors you may discover on the thehelper forums

//! i makechange(current, "ubpx", $BTNX$)
//! i makechange(current, "ubpy", $BTNY$)
//! i makechange(current, "uubs", "$GROUND_TEX$")
//! i makechange(current, "uico", "$ICON$")
//! i makechange(current, "umdl", "$MODEL$")
//! i makechange(current, "usca", $SCALE$)
//! i makechange(current, "ussc", $SELECTION_SCALE$)
//! i makechange(current, "ushb", "$SHADOW_TEX$")
//! endtextmacro

//! textmacro MakeChangeColor takes R, G, B
//! i makechange(current, "uclr", $R$)
//! i makechange(current, "uclg", $G$)
//! i makechange(current, "uclb", $B$)
//! endtextmacro

//! textmacro MakeChangeCombat takes DEATH_TYPE, DEFENSE_BASE, DEFENSE_TYPE
//! i makechange(current, "udea", $DEATH_TYPE$)
//! i makechange(current, "udef", $DEFENSE_BASE$)
//! i makechange(current, "udty", "$DEFENSE_TYPE$")
//! endtextmacro

//! textmacro MakeChangePathing takes COLLISION_SIZE, PATHING_MAP
//! i makechange(current, "ucol", $COLLISION_SIZE$)
//! i makechange(current, "upat", "$PATHING_MAP$")
//! endtextmacro

//! textmacro MakeChangeSound takes CONSTRUCTION_SOUNDSET, UNIT_SOUNDSET
//! i makechange(current, "ubsl", "$CONSTRUCTION_SOUNDSET$")
//! i makechange(current, "usnd", "$UNIT_SOUNDSET$")
//! endtextmacro

//! textmacro MakeChangeFood takes FOOD_PRODUCED, FOOD_COST
//! i makechange(current, "ufoo", $FOOD_COST$)
//! i makechange(current, "ufma", $FOOD_PRODUCED$)
//! endtextmacro

//! textmacro MakeChangeStatsBuild takes BUILD_GOLD, BUILD_LUMBER, BUILD_TIME
//! i makechange(current, "ugol", $BUILD_GOLD$)
//! i makechange(current, "ulum", $BUILD_LUMBER$)
//! i makechange(current, "ubld", $BUILD_TIME$)
//! endtextmacro

//! textmacro MakeChangeStatsRepair takes REPAIR_GOLD, REPAIR_LUMBER, REPAIR_TIME
//! i makechange(current, "ugor", $REPAIR_GOLD$)
//! i makechange(current, "ulur", $REPAIR_LUMBER$)
//! i makechange(current, "urtm", $REPAIR_TIME$)
//! endtextmacro

//! textmacro MakeChangeStats takes HP_BASE, HP_REGEN, HP_REGENTYPE, MP_INITIAL, MP_BASE, MP_REGEN
//! i makechange(current, "uhpm", $HP_BASE$)
//! i makechange(current, "uhpr", $HP_REGEN$)
//! i makechange(current, "uhrt", "$HP_REGENTYPE$")

//! i makechange(current, "umpi", $MP_INITIAL$)
//! i makechange(current, "umpm", $MP_BASE$)
//! i makechange(current, "umpr", $MP_REGEN$)
//! endtextmacro

//! textmacro MakeChangeStatsExtra takes HIDE_DISPLAY, SHOW_ICON, RACE, SIGHT_DAY, SIGHT_NIGHT
//! i makechange(current, "uhom", $HIDE_DISPLAY$)
//! i makechange(current, "unbm", $SHOW_ICON$)
//! i makechange(current, "urac", "$RACE$")
//! i makechange(current, "usid", $SIGHT_DAY$)
//! i makechange(current, "usin", $SIGHT_NIGHT$)
//! endtextmacro 

//! textmacro MakeChangeTechtreeItems takes ITEMS_MADE, ITEMS_SOLD
//! i makechange(current, "umki", "$ITEMS_MADE$")
//! i makechange(current, "usei", "$ITEMS_SOLD$")
//! endtextmacro

//! textmacro MakeChangeTechtreeUnits takes UNITS_SOLD, UNITS_TRAINED
//! i makechange(current, "useu", "$UNITS_SOLD$")
//! i makechange(current, "utra", "$UNITS_TRAINED$")
//! endtextmacro

//! textmacro MakeChangeTechtreeUpgrades takes UPGRADES_TO, UPGRADES_USED
//! i makechange(current, "uupt", "$UPGRADES_TO$")
//! i makechange(current, "upgr", "$UPGRADES_USED$")
//! endtextmacro

//! i makechange(current, "ureq", "$TECHTREE_REQ$")
//! i makechange(current, "urqa", "$TECHTREE_LVLS$")
//! i makechange(current, "ures", "$RESEARCHES_AVAILABLE$")
//! i makechange(current, "urev", $REVIVES_HEROES$)
//! endtextmacro

//! i makechange(current, "uhot", "$HOTKEY$")
//! i makechange(current, "unam", "$NAME$")
//! i makechange(current, "unsf", "$EDITOR_SUFFIX$")
//! i makechange(current, "utip", "$TOOLTIP_BASIC$")
//! i makechange(current, "utub", "$TOOLTIP_EXTENDED$")
//! endtextmacro

//! i makechange(current, "uhot", "$HOTKEY$")
//! i makechange(current, "unam", "$NAME$")
//! i makechange(current, "unsf", "$EDITOR_SUFFIX$")
//! i makechange(current, "utip", "Build $NAME$ |cff$COLOR_HOTKEY$\($HOTKEY$\)|r")
//! i makechange(current, "utub", "$TOOLTIP_EXTENDED$")
//! endtextmacro

//! textmacro MakeBuilding takes BASEID, NEWID
//! i setobjecttype("units")
//! i createobject("$BASEID$", "$NEWID$")
//! endtextmacro

//! externalblock extension=lua ObjectMerger $FILENAME$
///! runtextmacro MakeBuilding("BASE_ID", "NEW_ID")
//! runtextmacro MakeBuilding("hhou", "hH01")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeArt("BTNX", "BTNY", "GROUND_TEX", "ICON", "MODEL", "SCALE", "SELECTION_SCALE", "SHADOW_TEX") //be sure to use \\ in file paths for \
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeArt("1", "1", "HSMA", "ReplaceableTextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNFireBolt.blp", "buildings\\human\\GryphonAviary\\GryphonAviary.mdl", "0.76", "1.0", "ShadowHouse")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeColor("RED", "GREEN", "BLUE") //RGB 0-255
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeColor("255", "50", "130")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeCombat("DEATH_TYPE", "DEFENSE_BASE", "DEFENSE_TYPE") //DEATH_TYPE 0-3, DEFENSE_TYPE normal, small, medium, large, fort, hero, devine, none
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeCombat("0", "50", "hero")

/// runtextmacro MakeChangePathing("COLLISION_SIZE", "PATHING_MAP")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangePathing("64", "PathTextures\\4x4SimpleSolid.tga")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeSound("CONSTRUCTION_SOUNDSET", "UNIT_SOUNDSET")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeSound("BuildingConstructionLoop", "Farm")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeFood("FOOD_PRODUCED", "FOOD_COST")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeFood("12", "0")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeStatsBuild("BUILD_GOLD", "BUILD_LUMBER", "BUILD_TIME")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeStatsBuild("200", "20", "10")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeStatsRepair("REPAIR_GOLD", "REPAIR_LUMBER", "REPAIR_TIME")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeStatsRepair("200", "20", "10")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeStats HP_BASE", "HP_REGEN", "HP_REGENTYPE", "MP_INITIAL", "MP_BASE", "MP_REGEN") REGENTYPE none, always, blight, day, night
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeStats("500", "5", "always", "2000", "20000", "100")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeStatsExtra("HIDE_DISPLAY", "SHOW_ICON", "RACE", "SIGHT_DAY", "SIGHT_NIGHT")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeStatsExtra("0", "0", "human", "700", "700")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeTechtreeItems("ITEMS_MADE", "ITEMS_SOLD")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeTechtreeItems("modt,ratf", "rde1")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeTechtreeUnits("UNITS_SOLD", "UNITS_TRAINED")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeTechtreeUnits("", "")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeTechtreeUpgrades("UPGRADES_TO", "UPGRADES_USED")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeTechtreeUpgrades("", "")

//! runtextmacro MakeChangeTechtree("", "", "", "0")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeText("HOTKEY", "NAME", "EDITOR_SUFFIX", "TOOLTIP_BASIC", "TOOLTIP_EXTENDED")
//You can use this one, but the next one does the same with some automatic stuff

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeTextAuto("HOTKEY", "NAME", "EDITOR_SUFFIX", "TOOLTIP_EXTENDED", "COLOR_HOTKEY")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeTextAuto("F", "Heavy Farm", "", "Provides food for heavy peasants. ", "ffcc00")

//! endexternalblock

An example script which creates 4 buildings:

//GOAL: we are going to create 4 farm like buildings that can upgrade into each other

//This needs to be added before using the Building textmacro's
//! externalblock extension=lua ObjectMerger $FILENAME$

//base heavy farm
//! runtextmacro MakeBuilding("hhou", "hH01")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeArt("0", "2", "HSMA", "ReplaceableTextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNFireBolt.blp", "buildings\\human\\GryphonAviary\\GryphonAviary.mdl", "0.76", "1.0", "ShadowHouse")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeColor("255", "0", "130")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeCombat("0", "50", "hero")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangePathing("64", "PathTextures\\4x4SimpleSolid.tga")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeSound("BuildingConstructionLoop", "Farm")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeFood("6", "0")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeStatsBuild("200", "20", "1")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeStatsRepair("200", "20", "1")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeStats("500", "5", "always", "2000", "20000", "100")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeStatsExtra("0", "0", "human", "700", "700")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeTechtreeItems("", "")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeTechtreeUnits("", "")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeTechtreeUpgrades("hH02", "")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeTechtree("", "", "", "0")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeTextAuto("F", "Heavy Farm lvl 1", "", "Provides food for heavy peasants. ", "ffcc00")

//heavy farm lvl 2
//! runtextmacro MakeBuilding("hH01", "hH02")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeColor("255", "50", "160")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeFood("12", "0")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeTechtreeUpgrades("hH03", "")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeTextAuto("F", "Heavy Farm lvl 2", "", "Provides food for heavy peasants. ", "ffcc00")

//heavy farm lvl 3
//! runtextmacro MakeBuilding("hH01", "hH03")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeColor("255", "100", "190")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeFood("18", "0")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeTechtreeUpgrades("hH04", "")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeTextAuto("F", "Heavy Farm lvl 3", "", "Provides food for heavy peasants. ", "ffcc00")

//heavy farm lvl 4
//! runtextmacro MakeBuilding("hH01", "hH04")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeColor("255", "150", "220")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeFood("24", "0")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeTechtreeUpgrades("", "")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeTextAuto("F", "Heavy Farm lvl 4", "", "Provides food for heavy peasants. ", "ffcc00")

//and this line ends the external block
//! endexternalblock

of course, I have included a demo map.

Beware that I haven't tested everything thoroughly so there might be some minor errors I haven't discovered yet.
Please let me know if you have an idea or if you discovered something that doesn't work correctly.

Greetz, Prozix


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Vastly intelligent whale-like being from the stars
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It's not a bad idea. But needs better documentation, for starters.


New Member
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Should I write that someone who wants to use this should copy this


//! externalblock extension=lua ObjectMerger $FILENAME$
///! runtextmacro MakeBuilding("BASE_ID", "NEW_ID")
//! runtextmacro MakeBuilding("hhou", "hH01")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeArt("BTNX", "BTNY", "GROUND_TEX", "ICON", "MODEL", "SCALE", "SELECTION_SCALE", "SHADOW_TEX") //be sure to use \\ in file paths for \
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeArt("1", "1", "HSMA", "ReplaceableTextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNFireBolt.blp", "buildings\\human\\GryphonAviary\\GryphonAviary.mdl", "0.76", "1.0", "ShadowHouse")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeColor("RED", "GREEN", "BLUE") //RGB 0-255
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeColor("255", "50", "130")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeCombat("DEATH_TYPE", "DEFENSE_BASE", "DEFENSE_TYPE") //DEATH_TYPE 0-3, DEFENSE_TYPE normal, small, medium, large, fort, hero, devine, none
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeCombat("0", "50", "hero")

/// runtextmacro MakeChangePathing("COLLISION_SIZE", "PATHING_MAP")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangePathing("64", "PathTextures\\4x4SimpleSolid.tga")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeSound("CONSTRUCTION_SOUNDSET", "UNIT_SOUNDSET")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeSound("BuildingConstructionLoop", "Farm")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeFood("FOOD_PRODUCED", "FOOD_COST")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeFood("12", "0")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeStatsBuild("BUILD_GOLD", "BUILD_LUMBER", "BUILD_TIME")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeStatsBuild("200", "20", "10")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeStatsRepair("REPAIR_GOLD", "REPAIR_LUMBER", "REPAIR_TIME")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeStatsRepair("200", "20", "10")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeStats HP_BASE", "HP_REGEN", "HP_REGENTYPE", "MP_INITIAL", "MP_BASE", "MP_REGEN") REGENTYPE none, always, blight, day, night
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeStats("500", "5", "always", "2000", "20000", "100")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeStatsExtra("HIDE_DISPLAY", "SHOW_ICON", "RACE", "SIGHT_DAY", "SIGHT_NIGHT")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeStatsExtra("0", "0", "human", "700", "700")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeTechtreeItems("ITEMS_MADE", "ITEMS_SOLD")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeTechtreeItems("modt,ratf", "rde1")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeTechtreeUnits("UNITS_SOLD", "UNITS_TRAINED")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeTechtreeUnits("", "")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeTechtreeUpgrades("UPGRADES_TO", "UPGRADES_USED")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeTechtreeUpgrades("", "")

//! runtextmacro MakeChangeTechtree("", "", "", "0")

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeText("HOTKEY", "NAME", "EDITOR_SUFFIX", "TOOLTIP_BASIC", "TOOLTIP_EXTENDED")
//You can use this one, but the next one does the same with some automatic stuff

///! runtextmacro MakeChangeTextAuto("HOTKEY", "NAME", "EDITOR_SUFFIX", "TOOLTIP_EXTENDED", "COLOR_HOTKEY")
//! runtextmacro MakeChangeTextAuto("F", "Heavy Farm", "", "Provides food for heavy peasants. ", "ffcc00")

//! endexternalblock

and then adjust it to his needs in the documentation? I know this doesn't have one of those beautiful headers but it doesn't need it. If you want to know how to use the ObjectMerger and understand it's commands: tuntuntun. I don't know what you would like too see.


Hey Listen!!
Reaction score
I don't like much the [ljass]//! textmacro[/ljass] but if I use some "rmk" mode in my map, of course I'll use it.


Back for now.
Reaction score
> How is this in any way faster than using the object editor?

Indeed. You still have to go and change everything that you would in the object editor. Plus most users will have to reference the editor just to use this.

Seems like it would be a fair bit slower, unless you are willing to memorise the majority of the fields in the object editor for units.


Super Moderator
Reaction score
Very good idea in theory.

When I`m going to be making lots of very similar things, like ten pieces of armor, I will use object merger. But for this? No.


New Member
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Well, I personally hate searching for values, waiting untill I've got a copy of a unit and doing the same stuff over and over again.
So if I wan't to create a map which has about 500 upgradeable buildings, I'd want to use something like this. For small amounts of buildings that aren't similar at all, I wouldn't use this either ofcourse because you can do it in the object editor.
Aditionally, using the object merger's normal new unit command is a lot slower than using the lua thing. So instead of having to search for the same
//! i makechange(current, "ubpx", $BTNX$)
//! i makechange(current, "ubpy", $BTNY$)
//! i makechange(current, "uubs", "$GROUND_TEX$")
//! i makechange(current, "uico", "$ICON$")
field value codes every single time untill you remember them (or get mad and quit editing), you can use the textmacro's.


Old World Ghost
Reaction score
This would have real uses if textmacros could run other textmacros...

But sadly they can't. Unless you're Jesus4Lyf and spend your time abusing vJass, of course.


New Member
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Hahah, if you download the map there is an example trigger: fictional example
It tries to do what you said, I discovered that having textmacro's run other textmacro's wasn't possible at this time.

I solved it by making a base unit that has most stats set correctly, and then base other units on that so that you have to change only a couple of things. That is why I split the textmacro's in several parts, so you can adjust only what you need to. (or a tiny little bit more)


Super Moderator
Reaction score
I`m just going to throw this out there, when developing a TD, this could be extremely useful.

Edit: That gives me an idea, you could create a system for creating Towers quickly, and find a way to make it easy to code the towers attacks with a custom event type thing.
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    They also were digging threw old shit at the sheriff's office and I tried to get them to give me the old electronic stuff, but they said no. They can't give it to people because they might use it to impersonate a cop or break into their network or some shit? idk but it was a shame to see them take a whole bunch of radios and shit to get shredded and landfilled
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    Signatures can be edit in your account profile. As for the old stuffs, I'm thinking it's because Blizzard is now under Microsoft, and because of Microsoft Xbox going the way it is, it's dreadful.
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    @tom_mai78101 I must be blind. If I go on my profile I don't see any area to edit the signature; If I go to account details (settings) I don't see any signature area either.
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    You can get there if you click the bell icon (alerts) and choose preferences from the bottom, signature will be in the menu on the left there
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