[Contest] Official Christmas Spell Contest


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wouldnt be quite the same since locust seeks out the enemies (homing) would be a bit imba with the stun. Gals "locusts" just move around and simply collide with nearby units.


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
Reaction score
>>you could use a normal carrion swarm and add bash to the locust and change the arts, couldn't you?
It was base on Entangling Roots and not Bash.
Basicly, the "faeries" don't attack the enemy but just frostening it when collided.


Change can be a good thing
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alternatively, 1.99 weeks of spell making time down the tube, or rather, procrastination is bliss

take your pick


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I wasn't going to sign up, but I had a last-minute great idea... So, I'm in! I'm done with the ability as of now, but I need to add levels and make it look pretty. Hopefully I'll get it done before midnight.


There are some who would use any excuse to ban me.
Reaction score
Ok.... It's done. Uploading now. Just give me a chance to edit this post.
I'll add a description and screenshot when I come back. I've got to go catch a movie right now.

Alright, here's the relevant spell stuff:

Borealis Beam

Consolidates water molecules in the air into a solid ball that is then propelled at target point or unit.

If this ball hits a unit, destructible, or terrain that is too steep, it will reflect off that object and continue on in a new direction. If a unit is hit, it will deal minor damage and slow the unit for a short while.

At the end of its trajectory, the ball will explode, stunning all nearby units for a short duration.

Level 1 - Deals 25 damage.
Level 2 - Deals 35 damage.
Level 3 - Deals 45 damage.​
Spell Code:
//                                Spell Name: Borealis Beam                                \\
//                                 Spell Author:  Pyrogasm                                 \\
//                                                                                         \\
//                                Follows the JESP Standard                                \\

//                                      Configuration                                      \\
constant function BB_AbilityId takes nothing returns integer
    return 'A001'

constant function BB_WaveUnitId takes nothing returns integer
    return 'h000'

constant function BB_CasterUnitId takes nothing returns integer
    return 'h002'

constant function BB_PathUnitId takes nothing returns integer
    return 'h001'

constant function BB_SlowAbilityId takes nothing returns integer
    return 'A002'

constant function BB_StunAbilityId takes nothing returns integer
    return 'A000'

constant function BB_SpawnOffset takes integer Level returns real
    return 100.00

constant function BB_Duration takes integer Level returns real
    return 5.00

constant function BB_Damage takes integer Level returns real
    return 15.00+10.00*Level

function BB_SoundCreation takes sound LoopSound, sound ImpactSound, integer Level returns nothing
    set LoopSound = CreateSound("Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\Flare\\FlareTarget1.wav", false, true, true, 10, 10, "SpellsEAX")
    call SetSoundParamsFromLabel(LoopSound, "Flare1")
    call SetSoundDuration(LoopSound, 3581 )

    set ImpactSound = CreateSound("Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\Flare\\FlareTarget2.wav", false, true, true, 10, 10, "SpellsEAX")
    call SetSoundParamsFromLabel(ImpactSound, "Flare2")
    call SetSoundDuration(ImpactSound, 1343)

constant function BB_MoveInterval takes nothing returns real
    return 0.04

constant function BB_MoveSpeed takes nothing returns real
    return 400.00

constant function BB_HeightLimit takes integer Level returns real
    return 50.00

constant function BB_CollisionRadius takes nothing returns real
    return 77.00

function BB_CollisionFilter takes unit FilterUnit, player CasterOwner, integer Level returns boolean
    return GetWidgetLife(FilterUnit) > 0.405

constant function BB_KillDestructibles takes integer Level returns boolean
    return true

function BB_DestructibleFilter takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetDestructableLife(GetFilterDestructable()) > 0.405 and not(IsDestructableInvulnerable(GetFilterDestructable()))

constant function BB_StunRadius takes integer Level returns real
    return 200.00

function BB_StunFilter takes unit FilterUnit, player CasterOwner, integer Level returns boolean
    return GetWidgetLife(FilterUnit) > 0.405

constant function BB_ExplodeEffect takes integer Level returns string
    return "Units\\NightElf\\Wisp\\WispExplode.mdl"

constant function BB_SafeSpot takes string Dimension returns real
    if Dimension == "X" then
        return 200.00
    elseif Dimension == "Y" then
        return 663.00

    return 0.00 //Safety Return; do not touch

//                                    End Configuration                                    \\

function BB_CastConditions takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetSpellAbilityId() == BB_AbilityId()

function BB_UnitConditions takes nothing returns boolean
    return BB_CollisionFilter(GetFilterUnit(), bj_forceRandomCurrentPick, bj_meleeTwinkedHeroes[44])

function BB_StunConditions takes nothing returns boolean
    return BB_StunFilter(GetFilterUnit(), bj_forceRandomCurrentPick, bj_meleeTwinkedHeroes[44])

function BB_GetDestructible takes nothing returns nothing
    local destructable D = GetEnumDestructable()
    local real DX = bj_meleeNearestMineDist-GetDestructableX(D)
    local real DY = bj_randomSubGroupChance-GetDestructableY(D)
    if DX*DX + DY*DY <= 110.00*110.00 then
        set bj_elevatorNeighbor = D
    set D = null

function BB_Callback takes nothing returns nothing
    local real Period = BB_MoveInterval()
    local real Speed = BB_MoveSpeed()
    local real Radius = BB_CollisionRadius()
    local boolean KillDestructibles
    local real X
    local real Y
    local real X2
    local real Y2
    local real TX
    local real TY
    local real L
    local real P
    local real XDir
    local real YDir
    local unit Target
    local boolean None
    local boolean Terrain
    local integer I = 0
    local string TTable = GetAttachmentTable(udg_BB_Timer)
    local integer End = GetTableInt(TTable, "BB Number")
    local integer Countup
    local integer ArrayIndex
    local unit U
    local integer Level
    local sound ImpactSound
    local integer WaveId = BB_WaveUnitId()
    local real SafeX = BB_SafeSpot("X")
    local real SafeY = BB_SafeSpot("Y")
    local rect R = Rect(0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
    local unit DummyCaster
    local integer DummyId = BB_CasterUnitId()
    local integer SlowId = BB_SlowAbilityId()
    local integer StunId = BB_StunAbilityId()
    local real StunRadius
    local group G

    local real MinX = GetRectMinX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
    local real MaxX = GetRectMaxX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
    local real MinY = GetRectMinY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
    local real MaxY = GetRectMaxY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)

        set I = I+1
        exitwhen I > End

        set ArrayIndex = GetTableInt(TTable, "BB Array "+I2S(I))
        set Countup = GetArrayInt(ArrayIndex, 2)+1
        set Level = GetArrayInt(ArrayIndex, 9)

        if Countup <= R2I(BB_Duration(Level)/Period) then
            call SetArrayInt(ArrayIndex, 2, Countup)
            set U = GetArrayUnit(ArrayIndex, 1)
            set Target = null
            set None = true
            set Terrain = false

            call StartSound(GetArraySound(ArrayIndex, 7))
            set XDir = GetArrayReal(ArrayIndex, 5)
            set YDir = GetArrayReal(ArrayIndex, 6)
            set X = GetArrayReal(ArrayIndex, 3)+Speed*Period*XDir
            set Y = GetArrayReal(ArrayIndex, 4)+Speed*Period*YDir

            if ((X>MaxX) or (X<MinX)) then
                set XDir = -XDir
                set None = false
            if ((Y>MaxY) or (Y<MinY)) then
                set YDir = -YDir
                set None = false
            if not None then
                set ImpactSound = GetArraySound(ArrayIndex, 8)
                call StartSound(ImpactSound)

                call KillUnit(U)
                set U = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(U), WaveId, X, Y, Atan2(YDir, XDir)*57.2957795)

                call AttachSoundToUnit(ImpactSound, U)
                call AttachSoundToUnit(GetArraySound(ArrayIndex, 6), U)
                call SetArrayObject(ArrayIndex, 1, U)

            set bj_forceRandomCurrentPick = GetOwningPlayer(U)
            set bj_meleeTwinkedHeroes[44] = Level
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_BB_Group, X, Y, Radius, Condition(function BB_UnitConditions))
            call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_BB_Group, U)
            if FirstOfGroup(udg_BB_Group) != null then
                set Target = FirstOfGroup(udg_BB_Group)
                set X2 = GetUnitX(Target)-X
                set Y2 = GetUnitY(Target)-Y
                set None = false
                call GroupClear(udg_BB_Group)

            if None then
                set bj_elevatorNeighbor = null
                call SetRect(R, X-Radius, Y-Radius, X+Radius, Y+Radius)
                set bj_meleeNearestMineDist = X
                set bj_randomSubGroupChance = Y
                set bj_elevatorNeighbor = null
                call EnumDestructablesInRect(R, Condition(function BB_DestructibleFilter), function BB_GetDestructible)
                if bj_elevatorNeighbor != null then
                    set X2 = GetDestructableX(bj_elevatorNeighbor)-X
                    set Y2 = GetDestructableY(bj_elevatorNeighbor)-Y
                    if BB_KillDestructibles(Level) then
                        call KillDestructable(bj_elevatorNeighbor)
                    set None = false

            if None then
                call SetUnitX(U, SafeX)
                call SetUnitY(U, SafeY)
                call SetUnitPosition(udg_BB_PathabilityUnit, X, Y)
                set TX = GetUnitX(udg_BB_PathabilityUnit)-X
                set TY = GetUnitY(udg_BB_PathabilityUnit)-Y
                call SetUnitX(udg_BB_PathabilityUnit, SafeX)
                call SetUnitY(udg_BB_PathabilityUnit, SafeY)
                call SetUnitX(U, X)
                call SetUnitY(U, Y)
                if TX*TX+TY*TY > 100.00 then
                    call MoveLocation(udg_BB_Location1, X, Y)
                    call MoveLocation(udg_BB_Location2, X+XDir*Radius, Y+YDir*Radius)
                    if (GetLocationZ(udg_BB_Location2)-GetLocationZ(udg_BB_Location1)) > BB_HeightLimit(Level) then
                        call MoveLocation(udg_BB_Location1, X-Radius, Y)
                        call MoveLocation(udg_BB_Location2, X+Radius, Y)
                        set X2 = GetLocationZ(udg_BB_Location1)-GetLocationZ(udg_BB_Location2)
                        call MoveLocation(udg_BB_Location1, X, Y-Radius)
                        call MoveLocation(udg_BB_Location2, X, Y+Radius)
                        set Y2 = GetLocationZ(udg_BB_Location1)-GetLocationZ(udg_BB_Location2)
                        set None = false
                        set Terrain = true

            if not None then
                set L = SquareRoot(X2*X2+Y2*Y2)
                set X2 = X2/L
                set Y2 = Y2/L
                set TX = XDir*Speed
                set TY = YDir*Speed
                set P = TX*X2 + TY*Y2

                if (P > 0.00) or Terrain then
                    if Target != null then
                        call UnitDamageTarget(U, Target, BB_Damage(Level), false, true, ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS, DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL, null)

                        set DummyCaster = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(U), DummyId, GetUnitX(Target), GetUnitY(Target), 0.00)
                        call UnitAddAbility(DummyCaster, SlowId)
                        call SetUnitAbilityLevel(DummyCaster, SlowId, Level)
                        call IssueTargetOrder(DummyCaster, "slow", Target)
                        call UnitApplyTimedLife(DummyCaster, 'BTLF', 2.00)

                        set DummyCaster = null
                        set Target = null

                    set TX = TX-(X2*P*2.00)
                    set TY = TY-(Y2*P*2.00)
                    set L = SquareRoot(TX*TX+TY*TY)
                    set XDir = TX/L
                    set YDir = TY/L

                    set ImpactSound = GetArraySound(ArrayIndex, 8)
                    call StartSound(ImpactSound)
                    call KillUnit(U)
                    set U = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(U), WaveId, X, Y, Atan2(YDir, XDir)*57.2957795)
                    call SetArrayObject(ArrayIndex, 1, U)
                    call AttachSoundToUnit(GetArraySound(ArrayIndex, 7), U)
                    call AttachSoundToUnit(ImpactSound, U)

                    set ImpactSound = null

            call SetArrayReal(ArrayIndex, 3, GetUnitX(U))
            call SetArrayReal(ArrayIndex, 4, GetUnitY(U))
            call SetArrayReal(ArrayIndex, 5, XDir)
            call SetArrayReal(ArrayIndex, 6, YDir)

            set U = null
            if End == 1 then
                call PauseTimer(udg_BB_Timer)
            elseif I < End then
                call SetTableInt(TTable, "BB Array "+I2S(I), GetTableInt(TTable, "BB Array "+I2S(End)))
                call SetTableInt(TTable, "BB Array "+I2S(End), 0)
                set I = I-1
            set End = End-1
            call SetTableInt(TTable, "BB Number", End)

            set U = GetArrayUnit(ArrayIndex, 1)
            set X = GetArrayReal(ArrayIndex, 3)
            set Y = GetArrayReal(ArrayIndex, 4)
            set bj_forceRandomCurrentPick = GetOwningPlayer(U)

            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(BB_ExplodeEffect(Level), X, Y))

            set DummyCaster = CreateUnit(bj_forceRandomCurrentPick, DummyId, X, Y, 0.00)
            call UnitAddAbility(DummyCaster, StunId)
            call SetUnitAbilityLevel(DummyCaster, StunId, Level)
            call UnitApplyTimedLife(DummyCaster, 'BTLF', 2.00)

            set bj_meleeTwinkedHeroes[44] = Level
            set G = CreateGroup()
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(G, X, Y, BB_StunRadius(Level), Condition(function BB_StunConditions))
                set Target = FirstOfGroup(G)
                exitwhen Target == null
                call IssueTargetOrder(DummyCaster, "thunderbolt", Target)
                call GroupRemoveUnit(G, Target)
            call DestroyGroup(G)        

            call KillUnit(U)
            set ImpactSound = GetArraySound(ArrayIndex, 8)
            call StartSound(ImpactSound)
            call KillSoundWhenDone(ImpactSound)
            call StopSound(GetArraySound(ArrayIndex, 7), true, true)
            call DestroyArray(ArrayIndex)

            set ImpactSound = null
            set G = null
            set U = null
            set DummyCaster = null

function BB_Cast takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit U = GetTriggerUnit()
    local integer Level = GetUnitAbilityLevel(U, BB_AbilityId())
    local real X = GetUnitX(U)
    local real Y = GetUnitY(U)
    local location L = GetSpellTargetLoc()
    local real X2
    local real Y2
    local unit U2
    local real Angle
    local real SpawnOffset = BB_SpawnOffset(Level)
    local integer ArrayIndex = NewArray(10, false)
    local real XDir
    local real YDir
    local sound LoopSound = null
    local sound ImpactSound = null
    local integer Index = GetAttachedInt(udg_BB_Timer, "BB Number")+1

    if L == null then
        set U2 = GetSpellTargetUnit()
        set X2 = GetUnitX(U2)
        set Y2 = GetUnitY(U2)
        set U2 = null
        set X2 = GetLocationX(L)
        set Y2 = GetLocationY(L)
        call RemoveLocation(L)
        set L = null

    set Angle = Atan2((Y2-Y),(X2-X))
    set XDir = Cos(Angle)
    set YDir = Sin(Angle)
    set X2 = X+XDir*SpawnOffset
    set Y2 = Y+YDir*SpawnOffset
    set U2 = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(U), BB_WaveUnitId(), X2, Y2, Angle*57.2957795)

    call BB_SoundCreation(LoopSound, ImpactSound, Level)
    call AttachSoundToUnit(LoopSound, U2)
    call AttachSoundToUnit(ImpactSound, U2)
    call StartSound(LoopSound)

    call SetArrayObject(ArrayIndex, 1, U2)
    call SetArrayInt(ArrayIndex, 2, 0)    //Because it's not initialized
    call SetArrayReal(ArrayIndex, 3, X2)
    call SetArrayReal(ArrayIndex, 4, Y2)
    call SetArrayReal(ArrayIndex, 5, XDir)
    call SetArrayReal(ArrayIndex, 6, YDir)
    call SetArrayObject(ArrayIndex, 7, LoopSound)
    call SetArrayObject(ArrayIndex, 8, ImpactSound)
    call SetArrayInt(ArrayIndex, 9, Level)

    call AttachInt(udg_BB_Timer, "BB Number", Index)
    call AttachInt(udg_BB_Timer, "BB Array "+I2S(Index), ArrayIndex)
    if Index == 1 then
        call TimerStart(udg_BB_Timer, BB_MoveInterval(), true, function BB_Callback)

    set U = null
    set U2 = null
    set LoopSound = null
    set ImpactSound = null
function InitTrig_BB takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_BB = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(gg_trg_BB, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
    call TriggerAddCondition(gg_trg_BB, Condition(function BB_CastConditions))
    call TriggerAddAction(gg_trg_BB, function BB_Cast)

    set udg_BB_Location1 = Location(0.00, 0.00)
    set udg_BB_Location2 = Location(0.00, 0.00)
    set udg_BB_PathabilityUnit = CreateUnit(Player(15), BB_PathUnitId(), BB_SafeSpot("X"), BB_SafeSpot("Y"), 0.00)

Download the Spell Here! (It has the code inside the folder)


  • Borealis Beam By Pyrogasm.zip
    144.5 KB · Views: 238

The Helper

Necromancy Power over 9000
Staff member
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I believe this one is over - it is after 12 Central time for me anyway so it is the 27th for me


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Here's my submission, probably the best spell I've ever made:

Should be leakless, lagless, MUI and MPI.

Note: I submitted this at 10:39 my time. >.>


Basic description (without fancy verbage):
Periodically creates orbs of ice around the caster, then --when casting stops-- the orbs can be commanded to fly towards a point. The orbs move until they come close to an enemy, at which point they attack and detonate, dealing damage and having a % chance to stun.

Edit: attached map removed. However, it --and more detail-- can be found here: http://www.thehelper.net/forums/showthread.php?t=78659 .


Ueki Fan (Ueki is watching you)
Reaction score
That means 01:39 AM for emjlr3
Hopefully emjlr3 tolerates your one-and-a-half-hour-over-the-deadline-submitted spell :)

The Mapmaker

Oh crap, I forgot that emjlr3 was Eastern Time. :banghead:

Here's my spell anyways: I've been working on it for a 3 days now and I got stuck on a problem for 2 of the days:


The user concentrates on the rain above to freeze it and use it for his own will. Unleashes ice from the ground to freeze enemy units within a 500 radius and then sends out massive tremors of ice and water to damage them.

View attachment Frost Tremor.w3x


There are some who would use any excuse to ban me.
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Well, to any of you who downloaded my spell earlier: you might want to re-download it if you wanted to look at the code. The ZIP file I just uploaded contains both the map and a .RTF file containing the spell's code.

Oh, and I made my post pretty with a screenshot.


Change can be a good thing
Reaction score
Pyrograsm's was a few minutes over the deadline, the Devils in the Details

however, an hour + is a bit much, anything after TH's post is not accepted, sorry guys

in anycase, 20 submissions, same as last time if I remember correctly

voting will be similar to last times, keeps your eyes peeled for the new thread some time today


There are some who would use any excuse to ban me.
Reaction score
When you make the voting thread this time, can you remember to unzip my file and then put the map and code with the others in the big .ZIP file this time? :p

Last time you did not and some people had no idea why my spell wasn't showing up in the game list.


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
Reaction score
Just why dont you upload your map instead of zipping? Along with the code. ;)

The Mapmaker

That's alright. Thanks for letting me try though. Good luck to all participants who have submitted their spells.


There are some who would use any excuse to ban me.
Reaction score
~GaLs~ said:
Just why dont you upload your map instead of zipping? Along with the code.
Because when people running Windows XP/Vista open my map in the World Editor to look at the code, every linebreak (the space between a line) is replaced with a weird character that looks like this: ⌷.

If I just upload the map, people might download it, not be able to read the code and say "WTF?!?!?!?!? i cant read teh codez lololol!111!onoeneon!!One" and then just decide they won't vote for my spell. By attaching the code in the .ZIP file I have a foolproof method of making sure people can view my code.

Also, it makes it easier on emjlr3 because he doesn't have to keep referring to my post here, etc..


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> however, an hour + is a bit much, anything after TH's post is not accepted, sorry guys

I was 20 mins after TH, and it was 10:39 PM over here at the west cost. :(

But I understand... I'll get my tower contest submission in extra early. ;)
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