Custom Hero Line Wars - |Mod's Pick|


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There is a multishot bug, which is strange because it should be just a copy of what was used in 1.41

Remember, multishot is an Orb effect, so it won't work if you have another Orb skill/item.

happened to me many a time.
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There is a multishot bug, which is strange because it should be just a copy of what was used in 1.41

Remember, multishot is an Orb effect, so it won't work if you have another Orb skill/item.

happened to me many a time.

Yes, multishot is broken, no matter what you pick or do, you won't get it to work... It will be fixed in the next version with a whole bunch of other stuff.

Speaking of which, if you guys want anything added, changed, fixed etc. tell me now so that it can be done, all ideas will be considered and hopefully most will be added.

Currently, the lay out will be reterrained to one big lane, so there isn't one stronger hero in one lane and 2 weaker ones if someone leaves in a 4v4 and will hopefully encourage a more team play style. There may also be a tile set change, any suggestions to which tile set are also welcome.
I'll try my best to fix all known bugs, multishot, mule shop, no incinerate damage etc.
A lot more abilities will be added along with recipe items and maybe another one or two game modes.
I haven't set a time frame for production and release yet, so if you're waiting for this don't hold you're breath :p
So once again, additions, changes and fixes are welcome :)


Everything is mutable; nothing is sacred
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I suggest having it so theres a 2 lane part and a 1 lane part. Its blocked off depending on a mode u pick in the beginning.
Maybe increase mule speed to 512?
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Could you explain more the 2 part lane? and I'm pretty sure the mule is at 522 speed already. It just runs retardedly for no obvious reason..


Everything is mutable; nothing is sacred
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Okay, you have 3 lanes on each side.
Depending on an option picked in the beginning, the 2 lanes or the 1 lane will be blocked.
Maybe give the mule 2 spells, "Goto Hero" and "Goto Shops"?


alright, I just registered here so I could post this, since I'm a huge fan of the map:

1. Balance long duration/long cooldown abilities. For example, if I'm doing a nuker build, I find it's smarter to keep Displace at level 1 because although it lasts shorter, the effect is constant and it allows me to space it better to get clumps of displaced creeps instead of using it and having new creeps overtake the old, slowed creeps while it's on its obscene cooldown. It's better for quick displace -> roots -> poison wave -> ele explosion things, so I think that maybe increasing the % increase in damage taken, if possible, while keeping a constant cooldown and a slowly increasing duration would be best. I'm actually not sure if there are any other moves explicitly like this (animate dead for example, but that's balanced by the increase in # of animated creeps) but displace just sticks out.

2. Make endurance aura more usable. In its current form, once you get to 400agi the bonus attack speed has no effect on your hero, and the DPS increase on your creeps is a pittance compared to getting trueshot/command on them, and as a bonus that buffs your hero and allied heroes as well. Too often I try to talk newbs trying to play physical DPS and getting endurance aura. The movespeed bonus is nice, but all in all it really is just a pittance. I don't have any real suggestions as to concrete solutions for it, but maybe include a little note or buff the AS so it's the clear-cut choice for DPS augmentation on summons (besides debil of course)

3. Lower the effect of each individual point of armor, and lifesteal %'s to compensate. With the way armor currently works, for any non-nuker build, debilitation and cleave are ABSOLUTELY necessary to score any kills. But with it, it allows a stacked hero to regain a couple million hp on average every time he swings. Meanwhile, cleave is horribly powerful due to its armor piercing. Basically, I just find it odd that increasing armor difficulty doesn't really have much of an effect on the game for any competent players because it only affects summoner builds and physical DPS, both of which should have debil aura if they're playing on higher difficulties anyway, while meanwhile increasing hp difficulty has the least effect on physical dps, because with -armor and lifesteal they can just indefinitely leech anyway, what difference taking 3x longer to kill a group of enemies matter when you're pulling hp regen far greater than damage taken per second?

4. Ideally I'd like to see two moves recoded to allow for experience gain: Degen Aura and Lullaby/Dream Eater. Degen aura, which I sometimes get on my nuker build if the situation calls for further disable, will sometimes extremely obnoxiously get a kill on an enemy with the -hp regen, but no experience or gold is given for it. It happens enough earlygame to be annoying, at least, if not a setback. More significant though is dream eater. If you use lullaby/DE to control a pack of creeps, then when they die and explode, you get no xp or gold for them. This is a HUGE gimp for the build throughout the entire game, which is sad because otherwise it would be possibly the only summoning build that has potential late-lategame, conventional summons being too weak even with devo/vamp/debil to put up a good fight and animate dead working best as a supplement to L/DE. L/DE IMO without this gimp would be an extremely viable build because it has the ability to stop big pushes in their tracks, and with Devo/Debil which also works great as a supplement for allies the converted creeps can even go toe to toe with Impossible enemies. I have yet to really explore different ultimates that could go with this, but it seems that there's a lot of potential: Heavenly Grace if Impossible proves too difficult for them, Offensive Aura and replace Debil with vamp or something similar, Animate Dead for more of the same... the list goes on. Okay, I'm rambling.

5. More defensive spells! Spiked Armor / Devo / Thorns / Conc or Stonewall / Avatar is mad boring, but it's one of the very few varieties for tank-type characters to play. Coupled with a cleave melee DPS to take out the ranged it's a little too good. IMO return damage ought to take a hit (trees kill themselves in 2-3 hits with no life buff and full dmg buff), and more "OH LOOK HIT ME NOT THE SQUISHY" spells should be added. Personally I'd like to see an ultimate that does damage in an aoe, very minor but increasing based on how many enemies it's hitting, that also lowers their attack speed and makes the hero magic immune for the duration... or something. I'm just throwing out ideas here. It's just kinda boring playing a defensive character, I'd like to see more pizzazz.

6. As for the "one big lane" concept, why bother? It would make more sense just to retool the XP distribution to go to all heroes on the team. That way, except for time spent dead, all the heroes will receive the same amount of xp, and although the gold that one hero receives through bounty in his lane will be greater, that's offset by the fact that soloing a lane causes an intrinsic greater risk and therefore should carry a greater reward. Besides, the way the income system is setup, bounty won't cause an amazing discrepancy between the heroes in both lanes. Likely, if all the heroes summon in a similar, effective fashion then even by the end-game summoner the 2-to-one-lane heroes will be no more than a few incomes behind the first guy, if that. A one-lane system would remove a lot of challenge from CHLW, overpower the ability of heroes to "round up" a big push and wipe them out in an AoE salvo, and personally the most epic fights in CHLW occur right where the two lanes meet. I like the system, and I don't see much of a reason to change it.

7. Last one, I promise: Balance the difficulty modifiers. It's just a bit of a pet peeve of mine, and I think it would make more sense if not to make them all equivalent then to make them all equidistant instead of (base 100), 175, 200, 225, 250. HP and damage could be 150, 200, 250, 300, and speed and armor could be 125, 150, 175, 200. Simple, and if someone picks all greens or all yellows or something it's giving you an accurate representation of all of them.

tl;dr: Make Displace useful to level, rebalance Endurance Aura, retune the way lifesteal works with physical DPS, make degen aura award kills, un-gimp lullaby/dream eater, diversify defensive spells, don't kill the two-lane layout, space the difficulty modifier %'s more intuitively. That's all.

Oh and P.S, if anyone wants to play on US east hit me up at C4_tuna. My school network blocks hosting and I can't find a way around it, so sadly I've been mostly CHLW-deprived for the past couple of weeks, so if you're hosting /f add me and throw me a PM.
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I use all the space on the map already so its a bit hard to fit 6 lanes...

1. Will do. In fact I do that as well, I can't increase the effect of displace because it is a constant, so I'll adjust accordingly.

2. I never for the life of me, take endurance aura and now that you bring it up, I've actually bothered to go and look at it. Lol, I never noticed how bad the bonus is.. I'll give it a buff.

3. Cleave should be a must and is a must, in melee builds, basically because it is the only aoe effect skill, aside from apocalyptic strike, for them. I see so many people go in without some sort of aoe skill, and they just get swamped. Ideally I'd like to add another skill to counter this, else, cleave was up for a nerf anyhow. In my experience, debilitation isn't all that necessary. Sure it helps, but late game, it only helps on to kill the creep you're hitting. How did you get "couple million" life steal? The most damage I've seen is just over 1 million, and thats in critical damage with avatar packed to the brim with items. Counting the +71% -armour bonus, thats just short of 2 million, 50% of which is lifesteal, unless of course if you have vamp aura, which gives 100%... Ever noticed how armour is set in green? It's basically part of the learning curve, it doesn't make things noticably harder, but it does in some way. While life is set in black because it in fact does make more of an impact than you say. Life+ basically makes it harder for all builds to deal with, nukes are less effective and tank builds take more time to take something down. Although you may say that it doesn't make a difference if you life steal, that additional time required to kill, allows other creep to gain ground which more often than not gets people killed.

4. Degen aura has given me enough crap as it is, I'm just going to take out the negative health regen completely since it's so minimal any how. Dream Eater on the other hand, worked out half and half. On the one side, its synergy with Lullaby was only really useful late game where experience isn't so much of an issue, but on the other, Dream Eater in itself was a successful disable in most higher skilled games that I've played. I completely agree, that the experience lost is a big disadvantage, but having them die and still give bounty and experience is too much of an advantage. So how to fix it? Turn them back to original owner?

5. Damage return, in my opinoin, works fine as it is, my only real irk with it is that trees kill themselves on it. The solution I've been thinking of? Make trees uneffected by it. However doing so effectively kills off any strategy to kill trees. As for more defensive skills, suggestions?

6. It was just a suggestion :p If no one else has a say about it, it'll be left as is.

7. Lol, Damage is 250% at black, because I figured, 300% is a bit much, while 200% is a bit low, and well 150 doesn't divide by 4 too well :p I'll wait and see what other people say about this, but if people want it, I'll bump it up to 300% on black.

Thanks for the feedback, any other comments/suggestions etc are most welcome :)


Everything is mutable; nothing is sacred
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Would you mind buffing up Incenerate at the lower levels?
I used to play with it until I found out that cleave isn't effected by armor, but at lower levels unless theres like 10+ enemies by you it doesn't really do much.


4. Degen aura has given me enough crap as it is, I'm just going to take out the negative health regen completely since it's so minimal any how. Dream Eater on the other hand, worked out half and half. On the one side, its synergy with Lullaby was only really useful late game where experience isn't so much of an issue, but on the other, Dream Eater in itself was a successful disable in most higher skilled games that I've played. I completely agree, that the experience lost is a big disadvantage, but having them die and still give bounty and experience is too much of an advantage. So how to fix it? Turn them back to original owner?

Actually yeah, I like the idea of just turning them back to the CPU... maybe to kick things up a notch even make them immune to dream eater again (if that's possible to be triggered, i think it might be able to work according to my extraordinarily limited mapping knowledge if you make DE on lullaby'd targets only work on units with an arbitrary counter at 0 (what they start at) and add 1 to the counter... or something). The reason I think it would make sense to make them uncontrollable a second time is because it would be possible to just accumulate a huge group after not too long... and besides, you're going to want to be using it on greater quantities of more expensive creeps as the game progresses anyway. You might want to put a failsafe of some sort in (a debuff on the returned creeps that prevents them from taking a life for 20 seconds or something) to prevent people from being dicks and leaving them on the circle or even accidentally telling the creeps to follow them and then being too close to the base or w/e. I like dream eater as far as stuns go, but since there are other more viable disables on a nuker build (which would really benefit from an AoE stun) i.e. hoof stomp, roots, poison wave, i've never really gotten it outside of with lullaby. It might work well with a summoner build perhaps, because that's not limited by the combined DPS of its nukes. Or even with a support healer build (which I really want to try out as soon as I can find another game being hosted).

In my experience, debilitation isn't all that necessary.
I disagree. Speaking only for melee DPS here (because obviously with summoner and ranged DPS the ways they distribute damage is different and debil is the obvious choice because almost 100% of their damage output is armor reduced) from my experience while cleave is still certainly a necessity for getting creeps other than the main target, debilitation makes it possible to kill the target creep and also increases your lifesteal by a huge amount, proportionally. maybe stacked enough that's not a problem, but I've always found that when trees roll around, without debil you're plain not dealing enough damage to take back the kind of HP damage that 3-4+ trees can deal to you. Of course I believe this is sans Devotion, so it could be different when you have that armor bonus, but still debilitation makes you able to handle way more trees than you'd be able to without it because of the individual target damage and the proportionally increased lifesteal. Beyond that, it helps all allies in dishing out the physical dps so it's very considerate as well. Oh, and a couple million stolen is when you've got a melee hero at a real peak: Stacked to the brim, concentration activated, crit, avatar, with command aura, inner fire, and vamp from allies hitting a debil'd creep.

Other suggestions:

1. Find a way to make serpent wards affected by auras (i assume they're unaffected just like they are in every other game with serps i've ever played). never got them because of that; if you make them aura-buffed then they'll be able to compete with beetles as amazing defensive summons if you just sock them behind your tanking heroes.

2. Buff infernals. I rarely get the ultimate, but from what I've seen, beetles are 9 times out of 10 a better choice for summons (although they lack the nuke and burst summon aspect, they do have a shorter cooldown to compensate). At least give them some cool abilities, lol.

3. Lower the inner fire cooldown / casting animation. It's really useful in its current form for just about everything other than summoners, and I think that making it even more spammable would make that more viable as well. I mean yeah that makes it patently more powerful than any of the damage auras because of its other functionality, but to counteract that there's the mana cost and the micro necessary to keep it up and running. Maybe increase the mana cost if there's a problem.

4. There should be some sort of pity spell in the shrine or something that you can use to help your enemies if they're getting swamped. It's kinda disappointing when an otherwise really good game gets cut short by one really good push on the enemies, especially really early on.

I'll have some skill suggestions later, especially defensive skills. But now, I have to find a game.

EDIT: speaking of which, is there a channel on US east where one can find a game?
EDIT2: Suggestion 5: Change the hotkeys on Heal / Chain Heal. That can get kind of annoying ;_; And a question, Unholy Aura's "%" increase in HP regen is statistically just a straight 1 HP/S = 100% on unholy aura, right? Same way that Brilliance Aura works? Cause that makes unholy aura even crappier than endurance aura. Trying brilliance aura next game.


Everything is mutable; nothing is sacred
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Maybe, to increase hero uniqueativity, give each hero a 1 level spell to increase damage of something or boost the bonus of something else.
Like a hero with an aura that only helps summons.


Yep, both Brilliance and Unholy auras heal/energize for a constant amount. 5 Mana a second for brilliance at max level i think.

Those two should get reworked as well, either to provide waaaaaay more regen than that, or trigger an actual % increase.


Everything is mutable; nothing is sacred
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1 lane kthxbai
Playing a game and having to run back....NOT FUN.
Also, larger creep agro range!
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I buffed incinerate's bonus damage per hit, it was pretty low before, even at level 10.
The whole idea of heroes being the same as one another is so that you can pick whichever model you like or is your favourite, it also stops everyone picking the same hero (not that it seems to matter since people always pick demon hunter anyways) because its better at something than another hero.
That is what the mule is for, if you want to buy items then you'll need to sacrifice a little experience for it, else spend that 20g to get a mule. As for teleporting mule, we can't have everything now can we?
Also the aggro range works as intended. If I made it any bigger then you wouldn't have to pay attention to creeps that slip by. You could just let your hero stand there and wouldn't have to do anything.
Your 1 lane vote is also noted ;)

I'll see what I can do about Dream Eater.
In my next sentence after the quote I say just that. Hitting up trees isn't the most efficient way of killing them in my opinion, which is why more often than not, I pack spiked/thorns. Besides, the only real place to kill trees just by hitting is under normal settings... As for couple million lifesteal, I worked it out to be roughly 3.6 million. The problem with that is, usually heroes only have about a few hundred hit points, so once there is enough creep to dish out more than the heroes life steal then it doesn't matter. Using % based passives usually have more trouble early game since the base values are low and low level % to work out well, so people have trouble on higher settings, so they just "own it up" on normal which is kinda sad in my opinion...

1. Serpent wards are effected by Auras.

2. I thought I did, but as it turns out I forgot to swap in their custom permanent immolations... So now they should be stronger, if they need a further buff I'll do it in the next one.

3. It's 3 seconds constant... At level one it lasts 30seconds and costs 50mp, each level increases duration by 5 seconds and mana cost by 30. You could cast it on 10 things in the time of one duration? Even at level 1 with an intelligence hero you could do it.

4. I've toyed with the idea, but haven't thought of anything that wouldn't put the other team at a serious disadvantage...

5. Yes, I will fix Unholy and Brilliance Aura accordingly.

There WAS a clan CHLW on US East, but it seems that it was disbanded... Probably because the chief was inactive for so long :rolleyes: And no I wasn't the chief on East, because I'm in Aus, I get less lag on West, so I'm chief on West.


oh man, the two games i played today the host did Impossible, and first game I did a healing/support build and we destroyed (heavenly grace is AMAZING @_@). Second one, I did Wards/Beetles/Devo/Debil/Heavenly Grace (because someone else already got FF) and we did alright but i was dying in 2-3 hits and couldn't even get enough time to drop a grace after rezzing before long. An interesting strategy that worked surprisingly well early was dropping wards and just running around them. The enemies would target me, and my wards could kill them in peace. Sadly once the enemies sped up, I got killed pretty easily. I'm considering investing in Degen over beetles, since although they helped they die too easily since they have to be up close and personal to deal their damage. Gamble might even be a better ultimate than heavenly grace for impossible because of how good it would be for clearing with summons. How much range does it get, anyway?

EDIT: Here's some skill suggestions. I'm gonna try to classify them

(physical DPS) - Energize: Grants the hero X bonus damage (a good amount) that goes down by Y every time he/she attacks. Basically it would be a pretty damn high increase in damage, but without any sense of sustainability--It would drop like 10% every attack at level 10, and then there would be a pretty significant chunk of cooldown before it could be used again. Good in conjunction with lifesteal for tough encounters (i.e. barges, wyverns) that need to be cleared out ASAP.

(Ranged physical DPS) - Splash attack: Simple enough, a variation on cleave. I don't believe it takes up an orb effect or buff placer (IIRC in DotA, Dragon Knight's splash attack could be used in conjunction with lifesteal) and it would give an alternative (although definitively weaker than multishot, since I couldn't see justifying placing it as an ultimate with cleave as a reg. skill) for ranged DPS who want something like Avatar or Brawler as an ult without gimping their multi-target DPS, because frankly melee DPS has cleave, it has apoc strike, and it has a much wider selection of ultimates. I think balancing the two would be a wise idea, though I could be wrong.

(Healing) - Living Essence: The hero combines his own life force with his mana in order to expel health to his allies, keeping them alive at the cost of shortening his own life. His mana multiplies the force of his healing, costing X mana and Y health per second to maintain and healing allies for Z health per second (much greater than the health spent). I believe this could be based off of immolation, set to target allies and deal negative damage with HP cost triggered (?). (I noticed when playing a healer build that, if heavenly grace is on cooldown, it becomes extremely difficult to keep multiple allies alive. This ability would allow you to passively keep allies around you alive during big pushes and then focus on needing to heal one person, yourself.)

(All-purpose aura) - I dunno if this would even be possible, but... Intimidation Aura: Nearby enemies are reluctantly drawn to the hero's intimidating stature, though weakened by their cowardice, something compels them to try their hand and attack the hero. Enemies from a further range are drawn to attack the hero if they are not currently focused on anyone, and suffer an attack damage penalty. (Since I agree, making enemy acquisition range would be too much of a gimme for lane defense, how about making it a passive skill? Not only does it take up another skill slot, but to get the most out of it, you're required to sacrifice another skill entirely for it earlygame. Although on the surface it looks like it's only useful on tank heroes, it would actually be good for just about everyone other than healers. It keeps you from having to chase runners on physical DPS and lets you pull enemies towards your location if they're close to the circle, essentially making you more mobile since instead of running to them you make them run to you. On nukers as well, it brings them closer for being hit by AoEs. Especially something like hoof stomp, it's useful to be able to get enemies to come to you instead of having to try to position it between two different creep groups attacking your physical dps or whatever.)

(Summon) - Parasites: The hero forcefully embeds a parasite in the heart of the target enemy, which slowly damages (as in, not very much DPS) the enemy until it dies (no duration, lasts indefinitely). When the enemy dies, a parasite is spawned. Higher levels increase the damage per second, the number of enemies hit with Parasites (think Forked Lightning, probably up to a max of 5 targets or w/e) and the strength of the parasites. Some potential abilities for them: At higher levels, they can cast lower levels of Parasites as a modified Black Arrow or something instead of a spellcast, creating parasites of similar strength but without the ability to replicate. Slow Poison of some sort, maybe a cleave or something, and what I think would be cool and make them last, an increase in damage and armor for every enemy killed around one of them. They wouldn't be able to get strong enough to rival ultimate summons and whatnot, but they could outdo beetles if you time them right and let them absorb a few kills in the back before you send them into the fray.

(Defensive) - Adaptation: Every time an enemy attacks you, you gain (.25/.5/1/2/4/8/16/32/64/128) armor for 5 seconds. This ability stacks. (essentially, if you're attacked by an enemy, you gain X armor for 5 seconds. If, 2.5 seconds in, you're attacked again, your armor goes up to 248 at level 10 for 2.5 seconds, then drops down to 128 for the remaining 2.5 seconds. the numbers would probably need a huge balancing though, lol. maybe increase the duration up to 5 as it levels and lower the growth to 1.5x or something.)

(Nuker) - Deafening Blast: (Hero) lets out a screech, damaging and silencing all enemies in a cone (based on carrion swarm i guess, or it could just do an AoE although i think we're all bored of Wrath Poison Wave Ele Explosion Hoof Stomp etc. etc.), for X damage and preventing all abilities, including passives (I believe a triggered Soul Burn would silence passives) for Y seconds. (This would make a very useful disable against some lategame creeps with powerful passives, namely barges but it would still be very good for preventing certain unfortunate circumstances, chain-Inferno and chain-Sheep to name a couple. silence in its current form has almost 0 functionality and cripples DPS on spellcasters.)

(Nuker 2) - Mana Burst: Activated spell like Immolation, but a dummy so it doesn't actually try to immolate any enemies. When active, whenever the hero reaches maximum mana, he/she releases the excess in a wave of pure energy that damages and cripples all enemies in the AoE (comparable in range to Ele Explosion I would say). This ability can not be triggered more than once every 5 seconds (or so). So basically, it takes 0 mana to activate and 0 to maintain, but whenever the hero's mana is at 100%, it takes off 10% of that or something and then deals damage as a factor of the amount of mana lost. Or, maybe it should deal it as a factor of int or something, whatever's necessary for balancing. It's activated so people don't waste mana when they don't want to, and there's a time buffer so that people can't just spam cheap mana potions for massive damage. But I think that it would give int heroes more reason to get items like claws of the battlemage and other items that are otherwise completely unnecessary lategame, as well as take a more creative approach towards the typical click and kill nuking style.

Well, that's what I got. Feedback, etc? I'd be glad to help if i had ANY idea how to code this shite.
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Gambles range ends up at about a lanes width.

Energize: Seems kinda pointless? Only the first few hits would really count.. After that it's basically down to hero damage?

Splash Attack: It was put in in the latest version (v1.42) but broke multi shot completely... So I need a way to reimplement this. And I don't play dota, well only socially, and even then rarely. So isn't dragon knights splash only in his dragon form?

Living Essence: I like this idea, and will put something to this effect in.

Intimidating Aura: I already have something like this (even of a similar name), but severely under-powered. I've been wanting to buff it in some way, but not sure how... Anyway I'll see what I can do with this.

Parasites: I've been wanting to put in lava spawn as a summon xD which is similar to this except doesn't require a unit to die..

Adaptation: Might be good early game, but would be a throw away skill late game, since items will give you enough armour to reach "100%" damage reduction. I think the limit is about 4k? Not too sure...

Deafening Blast: Seems rather plausible, I'd need to do some testing on this one...

Mana Burst: Had something similar to this in mind. Basically its a tag on skill with brilliance aura, as in, you pick brilliance aura and it comes with this active. Anyhow what my idea does is sacrifice a portion of your mana and deal the sacrificed portion (to be determined) multiplied by a factor of the characters intelligence stat (to be determined) to nearby enemies.


You can change this now in User CP
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Well for ranged splash damage the unit must have the correct attack type. Called missile splash I think. So you had to trigger this or use some kind of morph spell, which probably wouldn't apply to you.
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I know, but multi-shot or barrage or whatever you want to call it no longer works with that weapon type.
An obvious solution would be to have 2 types of heroes, one with the splash weapon type and the other without, then just replace them when the pick it. But I don't think the effort is worth the end result.


Gambles range ends up at about a lanes width.

Energize: Seems kinda pointless? Only the first few hits would really count.. After that it's basically down to hero damage?

Splash Attack: It was put in in the latest version (v1.42) but broke multi shot completely... So I need a way to reimplement this. And I don't play dota, well only socially, and even then rarely. So isn't dragon knights splash only in his dragon form?

Living Essence: I like this idea, and will put something to this effect in.

Intimidating Aura: I already have something like this (even of a similar name), but severely under-powered. I've been wanting to buff it in some way, but not sure how... Anyway I'll see what I can do with this.

Parasites: I've been wanting to put in lava spawn as a summon xD which is similar to this except doesn't require a unit to die..

Adaptation: Might be good early game, but would be a throw away skill late game, since items will give you enough armour to reach "100%" damage reduction. I think the limit is about 4k? Not too sure...

Deafening Blast: Seems rather plausible, I'd need to do some testing on this one...

Mana Burst: Had something similar to this in mind. Basically its a tag on skill with brilliance aura, as in, you pick brilliance aura and it comes with this active. Anyhow what my idea does is sacrifice a portion of your mana and deal the sacrificed portion (to be determined) multiplied by a factor of the characters intelligence stat (to be determined) to nearby enemies.

Well, I was thinking that energize would be a rather huge buff while it's active, like if your enemy sends a bunch of spirit wyverns at you or something you activate it and it'll make it relatively easy to take them out. You said that one of the big problems for dps is that even if you can out-lifesteal the enemy's damage, when more enemies show up, you get overwhelmed. Energize basically takes this and applies it to a skill, so that you can hold your own against small packs of creeps fine, but against bigger packs it'll let you take them out quickly and neutralize the threat.

Didn't realize splash would be such a hassle to code. Although to be fair, I think that multishot shouldn't be an ultimate then because cleave is still superior to it in most ways.

I like lava spawns actually, much more than parasites lol.

And I wasn't even aware there was a cap on actual armor damage reduction. I thought even if it said 100% it would still continue to increase as your armor did, at a similar rate, just because the difference between 99 and 99.5 is the same as 99.5 and 99.75 it becomes so minimal it doesn't show up on your char.


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So, I'd first like to say....DAMN! C4, u must have been working this out in your head for a long time.... wow.

Next, I'm kinda interested in the 1 lane concept, but maybe just make it one huge one, spanning the area both originally had so you'd still have to move around a bit to get the creep.

I'd also like to add that I'm willing to test, and help, if I can. Im neophytic at the Editor, but I have it at hand and am willing to assist! Give me the pratice with it I've been considering, and I might be able to hit up a couple friends who are at the very least demi-gods with the Editor, and are fans of CHLW.

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