Custom Hero Line Wars - |Mod's Pick|


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yeah there a lot of spells, but still HLW is crap, because it is resume to just agi max and stuff.

Also, you can survive tier 2 with some crappy 35k items that enhance defense, as well as using potions, you just didn't play the game thinking bout that.

Bug report: fix quick snipe's tooltip.
Request: make so that skill hotkeys are made the way you get them

You get quick snipe as first skill, hotkey = Q
and so on, q w e and ultimate 's' :)
Amount of work required would be annoying, each ability would need to be copied four times.


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well... the skill order we get is the order we get the skills, so if the first skill we ever get is uhm... let's stay with quick snipe, then it'll be the first one in the skill sequence, then let's say we get endurance, it'll be place on its side.

So... if it's already place like that, then just put some order like 'skill placed *here* has hotkey *q*' o.o'

I forgot to add something, is there anyway to make a 'fast mode', because we always start with 20 gold, it takes like 15 minutes only to get creeps in a constant spawning rate, then more 5 to do the flood we all like. As soon as we update the summonner, the spawn rate slows down again, but soon starts to rise, I just wanted the beginning of the game to be like that, with mobs spawning faster.

I found myself at some 1x1s and 2x2s today, and it takes unnecessary time to get the quick spawning, which isn't needed for the veterans ^^
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I would still need to make 4 copies of each ability, because I don't know the order in which you will choose them. Hotkeys are all preset and cannot be changed ingame.

Thats the way all line war games work? its kind of part of the mechanic... But anyway, I suppose I could cut the timer to 10s or something...


Wow, I new about this board for ages but thought it was a dead topic.
I didn't know you were stiull woriking on Custom hero line wars, Baka.
This is one of me and my friends all time faverate LAN games.
(Used to be wintermoor wars but that gets boring once you work out hte ultimate defence with 5 or so back tacks, but this stays good cos you just say that everyone has to make a new type of hero)
We play 1.5 but i read that we shouldn't be...?

Overall wonderfull!
we've had some great times witht this.
for example. we had a 2:1 match agaist one of my better friends.
In the end He was standing in the middle of 1000's of eneemies, liek the eye of a storm he was a wirlwind of death, just the one clear spot where enemies ragewd arround him.
I could go on and one about how much glorous good this is.
but i'm sure you know so i'll get on to the problems/questions. (This is for 1.5, i would play 1.41b but not at lan (only have dialup so online no option) right now so can't test. i'm very sorry but i want to report anyway just incase).
*When you say orb effects don't stack that means that if you have 2 orb based items only one will work, the other might as well be on the ground for all the good it does, right?
I was playing a friend and had Nightfire (5% instant kill) and Flambeu, he just had night fire. i was higher lvl. but I couldn't kill Tree's and He could. so it's a choice between having them, right? having both just doesn't work.
*Shrine powers work on enemy hero summons. Eg i can forked lightning my foe's army of Car. Beatles.
*some recipies - longer ones - don't show ingredient when viewed form invertory, but still show at shop.
*Is the dragonlace worth the effort? not sure.
*at higher Ll of summoning palace your hero lvl becomees almost irelevent (health doesn't matter, regen rate is much more important). eg i repickem my hero at start of second last palace being built by my enemy, and since i had good items i could take them on even at lvl 1.
It would be nice though if when you repicked you stayed at the same lvl. and had all those point to spend on your skills/abilities
* having a cease fire stuffs everything up, you have too much money. nothing you can do about that though. We've just made a rule that no ceasefires.

*We used to think that car. bettles were very over powered at low lvls and they are, but they die out at highter lvs pretty quick, so it's not to bad. It used to be almost a rule at lans that everyone has to have Car. Bettles, or it was assumed you would die.
I found tha Black arrow minions were almost as good and lasted longer at high lvls sommoning palaces, although the timer is kinda anoying. maybe it could be removed once you lvled that skill up to 11? (though by that time the creeps would possiblky be to powerful for them. anyway) maybe double thee lifespan at all levals? cos beeetles live for ever, but then again it's hard to get a huge hoard of them.
* how abou ta warning that you don't have enough maximum Mana to cast a spell be for you chose it as your first ability just after spawn. eg my streght hero at lvl 1 has 120 mana but i keep forgetting that and taking my first abitlity as quick learn, wich was useless untill i levaled, so i should have chosen an aura first then taken quick learn at the next leval. know what i mean?
*You can have 2 or more flying fortresses at the same time when the ability is lvl 11 and they don't die before you get your use of them again. but this isn't really a problem. ultimates should be ultimate.
* at high levals the nuker forked lightning isn't strong enough.
*Could do with more high rate of fire guys in each catagory - if you want to have
a high fire agility hero yo uhave to be space marine. high fire rate can be quiet poputlar type of hero at our lans (eg high fire rate + incineration= verynice kill time)

How about an ultimate "Big Bad Voodoo" Or something. where damage against one unit of a certain type is done to all enemies of that type. as you lvl it it could last longer. unlike many ultimates it would still be very usfull at end game, where as ultimate like infernal meteor become useless.
so if i did damage to a spirt wyvern while it was active than all enemy spirt wryvens onj the board would take that damage. if he was at full health and i continued daaveing him whil the power was active, untill he was dead then enough damage would have been deleivered on to all spirt wyverns so they would all die. or if i night fired one of them, they would all die, but it wouldn't be too crushing as they would have been part of a large diverse attack force.

stratergry (sp?) stuff...
Rangers at high lvls it's often imposible to get close enough to kill a ranger with dehabitiation (i think - the slowing down one,) aura.
Combat this by sending ranged creeps like goblin war barge, they will beat the **** out of him, as rangers normally have low health once you can get to them.
Combat this with the ghost walkers robe - 70% chance to dodge ranged attacks.

another thing, if you have Beetle and you and your allys have each taken a side up the front near the creep spawn point send a couple back to base incase chance stealers get through.

My current hero:
Str ranged, dehabitiation (i think - the slowing down one,), eagle eye, quick learn, black arrow, flying fortress.
Needs mana pots/mana regen rate incressers, so long ads you keep black arrow out of the blue, hords appear fast, and with night firethis become quiet awsomely fast.

sorry for the long post.
I love this game


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I read some of the ideas of the post above...

Some of them were really bad and beginner lvl stuff. Like... cmon, forked lightning isn't supposed to KILL the creeps, it says 'deals LOTS OF DAMAGES' only o.o

Also... Level IS required, HP IS required and also is DRAGONLANCE o.o

Can you think of a build that doesn't have dragonlance as primary item?
It's mandatory to survive the last lvls.

If you don't get it, you'll probably be worrying more about your overall combination of damage health and regen than keeping the creeps out.


Yeah, I definately like the idea of a 'fast mode' or another modifyier at the bounty on/off thingy.

There you'd modify the income cooldown, 20 would be max, 5 the minimum :)
Forgot to mention but, to anyone wondering.

You're not meant to be able to easily survive end game level creeps, because... it's END GAME o.o
You're just supposed to hold them better than the other team does with loads of teamwork, cooperation and use of each one's abilities to hold them as the other team gets slain trying to solo the beasts out.
Ghost walkers wall reduces to 70% de damage from ranged attacks, and not gives you 70% chance to dodge ranged attacks. That would be imbalanced o.o


cmon, forked lightning isn't supposed to KILL the creeps, it says 'deals LOTS OF DAMAGES' only o.o
Yeah, your right, i guess that was a silly comment.

Also... Level IS required, HP IS required and also is DRAGONLANCE o.o
No lvl's hardly required, compaired to very good items.
A lvl 150 (via quick learn) with only a couple of items (eg godly plate of the whale + nightfire)
vs a lvl 100 with great items - Executioners blade, Golden ax, godly plate of the whale, nightfire, and importle helm.
The Lvl 100 will pwn the 150.
hp hardly matters when you consider the damage output of say just the full 31x4 of the weakest end game line.
They will be hitting huge amount of damage before they all die, and if your health isn't restoring fast then they will eventually finish you, of eventually.
THe goal of the defencive side is to hold out forever, esp if you are playing 1vs1, cos if you fall it...

The Goal is not to win, the goal is to enjoy the game.
it doesn't matter who wins what matters is who had the most epic hero, eg the one who takes down 20/30 trees, who stands there a wirlwind of death, who's hordes number in the thousands doing a battle agaist the inumerable souls of chaos
*goes and gets kind erikson refency* It doesn't matter that colatiane Died, because he did the impossiable and will never be forgotten. In a Hero the winner is not t'lan imass who sold there soul and win be number not skill, it tis the jaugut who destroyed army's befor being whiped of the face of the earth, it is the forkul Assail who lies dead on top of a mound of corpeses 10m high (even if he failed to protect his king)

Dragonlace is not maditory to suvie at latter lvls. I've seen heros take down 5 or more trees without it.
I think dragonlace is not much better than the some of it's parts.
I no longer doubt i's usefull ness (it means you can free up invetory slots)
But it's complicated to make, very hard if your doing a hero that required lost of micromanagment already.
But i'ld say worth it, as you can use the items that it's made of anyway untill you have them all.
much easier to get if you start buying pointed sticks and, comphy runners before even thinking about making it.

keeping the creeps out isn'hard if you don't die.
Most hero's can be left alone once lvl 51 and you then have the time to concetate on items like dragonlace. esp as there isn't much room for pots if you already have fill up with lesser items.
Any way dragonlaces regen isn't that great and in my belief regen and chance to do instant kill is most important.
anyway thats my 2c other stratergies work to i'm sure


There are a number of strategies. A ranged bounce skill would be useful however, as it is the only one I am unable to find. (unless it's in the ultimates).


I meant a skill so the number of bounces increase with level. elsewise its generally a better idea to take multishot. A bounce skill would balance that. The bounce skill is an orb effect though.


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I've played CHLW for a long time, and I think I've become pretty good at it. I am pretty sure I have come up with some of the best builds, so here they are:

Melee Hero (Strength or Agility)
Concentration (For ridiculous damage and armor bonuses)
Cleave (For AOE)
Debilitation (To lower armor, do more damage, and leech back more health)
Critical Strike (More Damage)
Avatar (Spell Immunity, damage, hp, and armor)

Concentration should be learned first to kill early creeps. Get a cheap potion of mana, and use it a lot to have active concentration whenever needed.
Endgame items should include:
Executioner's Blade, Dragon Lance, Immortal's Helm, Godly Plate of the Whale, Ghost Walker's Wall, and Claws of the Battle Mage.

Burna Boy
Typhoons (Kills enemies early in game, slows them later in game)
Debilitation (To lower armor, do more damage, and leech back more health)
Critical Strike (More Damage)
Endurance//Filler (Faster attack speed for higher chance to activate Night Fire)
Avatar (Spell Immunity, damage, hp, and armor)

Get Critical Strike first because Typhoons take more mana than he has at level 1. Get Typhoons at level 2. Typhoons alone should take this hero well into Mid-game, when he can survive with his items & other skills.
Endgame items should include:
Executioner's Blade, Dragon Lance, Immortal's Helm, Godly Plate of the Whale, Ghost Walker's Wall, and Night Fire.

Gambler//Mind Controller (Any Hero... I usually prefer ranged for Night Fire)
Lullaby (1st Part of Mind Control, also can be used to stun before a gamble)
Dream Eater (2nd Part of Mind Control, also can be used to stun before a gamble)
Debilitation (So the monsters you took control of can kill the other monsters)
Typhoons (To finish off gambled monsters & slow monsters down)
Gamble (Sets Monster HP to 1 and lets Typhoons kill)

Use Typhoons early on, because they are amazing. Avoid using Lullaby & Dream eater together when leveling up, because you don't get experience for creeps that are Mind Controlled. Be careful when using Lullaby with Typhoons near, because Typhoons will wake the monsters up. Near the end of the game, when there are mass trees, this hero requires frequent use of stasis traps to survive.
Endgame items should include:
Executioner's Blade, Dragon Lance, Immortal's Helm, Godly Plate of the Whale, Ghost Walker's Wall, and Night Fire.

So... there you have it... my favorite builds... The third is by far the hardest to play & level up, but if used properly, it can be very effective.

Here are some little tricks I've found:

If a mule is carrying a Skull Shield, he gets Degeneration aura, and monsters are slowed without taking up an inventory spot. I'm not sure if this is a glitch or not.

Use tornados on the other team frequently! They cost less mana than stasis traps or blizzards. If a monster gets past them when they're thrown up into the air, they either must use their shrine to kill it, or lose a life. They have to use more mana than you to kill the monster, so it's a win-win situation.

Some things I'm wondering:

How does Night Fire work on trees?
Does Night Fire work with multi-shot? critical strike? bounce? splash (from Burna Boy)? executioner's blade? Flambeau?
Sorry, I'm just confused & don't understand orb effects.

Oh, and thank you, Baka-Ranger, for an amazing game.


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Hey could anyone help me out with some item problems...
Ok well at the beginning of the game im pretty good... im fine...
but when it comes to the point where you need items... i cant find the time between sending in creeps and keeping my hero alive... like i always get a mule but i can never find time to use it... AND IT DRIVES ME AND MY ALLY CRAZY!
thanks for the hlp

EDIT: oh and i dont no all the recipies and crap... but im starting to learn and remember them


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well since i usually grab a dps and all passives and summon fortress i can leave my guy for an easy upward of 10 or miutes and i have builing on hotkey so spam creeps shop then check hero spam creeps shop*loop*


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So, for you asking for itens, it's simple

If you're a DPS attack hero, get killmaim and ring of protection +125 right at the beginning, if you cast spells, just stick with the ring +125 and a sobi mask

Then you'll be doing recipes, try upgrading those 3 '1 wood' itens, which add strenght, agility and intelligence, put them to their last levels.

Then you'll do boots of mercury, that magus staff and heroic battle claws.

So, you'll have the itens for dragonlance and will only miss the recipe, in between do Ghost Walker's Wall for defense and you're ok

Later then just do itens that increase your dps in some way, since hp and defense are kinda useless in the end :)


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*bump time*

Am I the only one waiting patiently for this map's new version ;P?
I really look forward to it


Stronger Than Normal Intellect Hero

One of the melee intellect heroes (the demon hunter 1) is stronger than any of the other melee intellect heroes.


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So does anyone else run into problems with CHLW creating a "Fatal Error"?
Ive gotten it almost every time I get a game going, like hit about tier 2 or earlier.
But then i did DotA, *shudder* and didn't have any problems.

On another note, does anyone have a good ranged build?
Ive got a fairly solid melee:
Vamp Aura
Endurance Aura
Apocalyptic Strike
Drunken Brawler

Vamp first, then incinerate, then as you like, pretty much.
Higher lvl difficulty vamp is challenged to keep up, at first. Once you get incinerate your pretty well safe.


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Isn't Vamp aura only for melee heroes?
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