Snippet Event

No idea, I don't see a readme or anything in the JassHelper folder, other than the LICENSE file.

Edit: Figured it out, updating now.
Hey I have a little problem with attaching a struct to an event using EventReg
here is what I do:


set t.i = 5 //just a simple integer var in the struct that I set to 5 for testing purpose
call SetEventRegData(,t) // is the EventReg in the struct and t is the structs var

Now this is what I use to obtain the struct in the trigger that goes when the event fires

scope test initializer tes

private function go takes nothing returns nothing
local TestStruct t = GetEventRegData(GetTriggeringEventReg()) //I think this line is wrong cus even when I do "integer i = 57" in the struct var list and leave the t.i=5 line out it says 0
    call BJDebugMsg("The integer is [" + I2S(t.i) + "]" //this displays: The Integer is [0]

private function tes takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
    call TestStruct.registerEvent(t) //teststruct is the struct I used for testing how this all works, registerEvent(t) simply registers the event to this trigger
    call TriggerAddAction(t,function go)

What am I doing wrong?
Well this was a quick example I made, but I'll give you the full code (it's a damage and crit detection system trying to expand my skills):
(There are a few structs like Unit and Playor, Unit refers to a unit's struct and Playor refers to a players struct)
library DDamage requires AIDS, ZTS, Event, UnitData

    Event OnDamage
    Event OnCrit
    boolean damageEventEnabled = true
    boolean critEventEnabled = true
    integer LastEventDamageIndex
//    DDamage LastDamageEvent
    constant integer NORMAL_DAMAGE = 0
    constant integer SPELL_DAMAGE = 1
    constant integer PURE_DAMAGE = 2
    constant integer NORMAL_DAMAGE_JASS = 3
    constant integer INPUTNAMEHERE_DAMAGE = 4

//enable and disable the events
function enableDamage takes nothing returns nothing
        set damageEventEnabled = true

function disableDamage takes nothing returns nothing
        set damageEventEnabled = false

function enableCrit takes nothing returns nothing
        set critEventEnabled = true

function disableCrit takes nothing returns nothing
        set critEventEnabled = false

struct DDamage
/*    private boolean damageEnabled = true
    private boolean critEnabled = true */
    unit target
    real damage
    boolean crit
    unit source
    real realdamage
    real threat
    real dmgmultiplier = 1.0
    integer dtype = NORMAL_DAMAGE
    EventReg er
    integer i = 67
    //global methods like the unit used in the event
    method getTargetUnit takes nothing returns unit
        return .target
    method getSourceUnit takes nothing returns unit
        return .source
    method getTarget takes nothing returns Unit
        return Unit(GetUnitId(.target))
    method getSource takes nothing returns Unit
        return Unit(GetUnitId(.target))
    method getTargetOwner takes nothing returns Playor
        return Playor(GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(.target)))
    method getSourceOwner takes nothing returns Playor
        return Playor(GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(.target)))
    //the Damage and Crit Methods (You can use all these methods for both)
    //dunno if everything resets it's a just incase
    private method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
        set .dtype = NORMAL_DAMAGE
        set .target = null
        set .damage = 0
        set .crit = false
        set .threat = 0
        set .dmgmultiplier = 1.0
        set .er = 0
        set .source = null
    //creating the events
    private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
        set OnDamage = Event.create()
        set OnCrit = Event.create()
    //you can check using this if the damageevent is enabled
    method isDamageEnabled takes nothing returns boolean
        return damageEventEnabled
    //register the event damage using this                           
    static method registerDamage takes trigger whichtrigger returns nothing
        call OnDamage.register(whichtrigger)
    //unregister the event damage using this
    static method unregisterDamage takes trigger whichtrigger returns nothing
        call OnDamage.unregister(whichtrigger)
    //enable the damage event for a specific instance
    //check if the crit event is enabled
    method isCritEnabled takes nothing returns boolean
        return critEventEnabled
    //register the crit event
    static method registerCrit takes trigger whichtrigger returns nothing
        call OnCrit.register(whichtrigger)
    //unregister the crit event
    static method unregisterCrit takes trigger whichtrigger returns nothing
        call OnCrit.unregister(whichtrigger)
    //enables the crit event for a specific instance
    method getDamageMultiplier takes nothing returns real
        return .dmgmultiplier
    method setDamageMultiplier takes real multiplier returns nothing
        set .dmgmultiplier = multiplier
    method getDamage takes nothing returns real
        return .damage
    method isCrit takes nothing returns boolean
        return .crit
    method getRealDamage takes nothing returns real
        return .realdamage
    method getThreat takes nothing returns real
        return .threat
    method getType takes nothing returns integer
        return .dtype
    method isNormal takes nothing returns boolean
        if .dtype == NORMAL_DAMAGE then
            return true
        return false
    method isJass takes nothing returns boolean
        if .dtype == NORMAL_DAMAGE_JASS then
            return true
        return false
    method isNormalJass takes nothing returns boolean
        return .isJass()
    method isSpell takes nothing returns boolean
        if .dtype == SPELL_DAMAGE then
            return true
        return false
    method isPure takes nothing returns boolean
        if .dtype == PURE_DAMAGE then
            return true
        return false
 /*   method isINPUTNAMEHERE takes nothing returns boolean
        if .dtype == INPUTNAMEHERE_DAMAGE then
            return true
        return false
    endmethod */
    method doDamage takes unit source, unit target, real damage, boolean applythreat, real threatbonus, real critchance, real critmultiplier returns nothing
        set .damage = damage
        set .source = source
        set .target = target
        call .normaldamage(critchance,critmultiplier,applythreat,threatbonus)
    method doSpellDamage takes unit source, unit target, real damage, boolean applythreat, real threatbonus, real critchance, real critmultiplier returns nothing
        set .damage = damage
        set .source = source
        set .target = target
        call .spelldamage(critchance,critmultiplier,applythreat,threatbonus)
        method doPureDamage takes unit source, unit target, real damage, boolean applythreat, real threatbonus, real critchance, real critmultiplier returns nothing
        set .damage = damage
        set .source = source
        set .target = target
        call .puredamage(critchance,critmultiplier,applythreat,threatbonus)
    method normaldamage takes real critchance, real critmultiplier, boolean applythreat, real threatbonus returns nothing
        local real rand = GetRandomReal(0,100)
        local Unit u = Unit(GetUnitId(.source))
            set .dtype = NORMAL_DAMAGE_JASS
            if critchance > rand then
                if critEventEnabled == true then
                    set .crit = true
                set .damage = .damage * critmultiplier
             call UnitDamageTarget(.source,.target,.damage,false,false,ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS,DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL,WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
            if applythreat == true then
                set .threat = .threat * u.getThreatMultiplier() + threatbonus
                call ZTS_ModifyThreat(.source, .target, .threat, true)
        call .destroy()
    method spelldamage takes real critchance, real critmultiplier, boolean applythreat, real threatbonus returns nothing
        local real rand = GetRandomReal(0,100)
        local Unit u = Unit(GetUnitId(.source))
            set .dtype = SPELL_DAMAGE
            if critchance > rand then
                if critEventEnabled == true then
                    set .crit = true
                set .damage = .damage * critmultiplier
            call UnitDamageTarget(.source,.target,.damage,false,false,ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS,DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL,WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
            if applythreat == true then
                set .threat = .threat * u.getThreatMultiplier() + threatbonus
                call ZTS_ModifyThreat(.source, .target, .threat, true)
        call .destroy()    
    method puredamage takes real critchance, real critmultiplier, boolean applythreat, real threatbonus returns nothing
        local real rand = GetRandomReal(0,100)
        local Unit u = Unit(GetUnitId(.source))
            set .dtype = PURE_DAMAGE
            if critchance > rand then
                if critEventEnabled == true then
                    set .crit = true
                set .damage = .damage * critmultiplier
            if GetWidgetLife(.source) > .damage then
                call SetWidgetLife(.source,GetWidgetLife(.source)-damage)
                if damageEventEnabled == true then
                call SetWidgetLife(.source,GetWidgetLife(.source)-damage+1)
                call UnitDamageTarget(.source,.target,.damage,false,false,ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS,DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL,WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
            if applythreat == true then
                set .threat = .threat * u.getThreatMultiplier() + threatbonus
                call ZTS_ModifyThreat(.source, .target, .threat, true)
        call .destroy()    
     static method onDamage takes nothing returns boolean
        local DDamage d = DDamage.create()
        local unit un = GetEventDamageSource()
        local Unit u = Unit.create(un)
        local real dmg = GetEventDamage()
     //       set d.i = 5  */
        if damageEventEnabled == true and dmg != 0 then
            set d.damage = dmg
            set = GetTriggerUnit()
            set d.source = un
            set d.realdamage = dmg
            set d.threat = d.damage * (u.getThreatMultiplier())
            call SetEventRegData(,d)
            call SetWidgetLife(,GetWidgetLife(
        set d = GetEventRegData(
      //  set LastDamageEvent = d
        return false
  /*  static method CCreate takes integer index returns DDamage
        local DDamage d = DDamage(index)
        return d
    endmethod */


//I copied this from your DD system
private struct Detect extends array
        //! runtextmacro AIDS()
        private static conditionfunc COND
        private trigger t
        private method AIDS_onCreate takes nothing returns nothing
            set .t=CreateTrigger()
            call TriggerAddCondition(.t,.COND)
            call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(.t,.unit,EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED)
        private method AIDS_onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
            call DestroyTrigger(.t)
        private static method AIDS_onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            set .COND=Condition(function DDamage.onDamage)


function to check if it works
scope test initializer tes

private function go takes nothing returns nothing
//local Event evs = ev.GetTriggeringEventReg
local DDamage d = GetEventRegData(GetTriggeringEventReg())

    call BJDebugMsg("The integer is: " + I2S(d.i)) //this displays The integer is: 0


private function crit takes nothing returns nothing
    call BJDebugMsg("A crit occured")

private function tes takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
    call DDamage.registerDamage(t)
    call TriggerAddAction(t,function go)
    set t = CreateTrigger()
    call DDamage.registerCrit(t)
    call TriggerAddAction(t,function crit)


The code is probably really messy I first wanted to get the main things done before cleaning up:p
In the onDamage method I use this to set the data

call SetEventRegData(,d)

Shouldn't that work?

Also what do you mean by the last line? Could you give me a little example of it:p
Hmmmm maybe I got it all wrong from the start, but what I'm trying to do is bind a struct's instance to a specific instance of the event so I can retrieve the values from the specific struct's instance when the event fires. (so I can get the damage dealt and all other values at the time the event fires)
//I got some random struct set up and an event etc..
function bla ....
//some instance of the struct is created here lets say number 276 and when this reruns there is a new instance 277
//some values I set in the structs instance

//here this function runs when the event I set up before fires
function run ...
//here I want to retrieve the values of the structs instance number 276, when the event fires first, not 277, I want the values from 277 when it fires for instance 277
//I hope this makes it a little bit clearer
//I left most things about but imagine I made them (the event,struct,the function to trigger this trigger, which is linked to the event created etc..)
Yep like that only can I still set values to the struct stored in the EventReg?
Like when I check if I need to fire the event or not?

function fireevent takes.....
local mystruct m = //dunno what goes here then don't think MyStruct.create works here in this case as it's already created?
if /* something for ex. dmg != 0 */ then
//and here I still want to do stuff with the struct
set m.i = GetRandomInt(1,100) //some random integer that's on the struct as example so in the later trigger actions I can retrieve the correct random value chosen here
Yea, I just thought you should know that I think this is done pretty badly for trigger events-

method registerTrigger takes trigger t returns nothing
        call TriggerRegisterVariableEvent(t,SCOPE_PRIVATE+"q",EQUAL,this)

Turning the firing method into this-

method fire takes nothing returns nothing
        set q=0
        set q=this
        call TriggerEvaluate(e[this])

And ofc, the variable event firing is much, much, much, much faster than what you are doing right now.

You managed to turn like a 24 line script into a 100 line script
Hey guys, let's break maps using the optimizer!
Sorry for the bump, but Frotty is on the verge of creating a new optimizer (The Froptimizer)
Nestharus' Event is perfect. I don't think it should be deprecated only because Vexorian's
Failtimizer breaks NATIVE warcraft III features.
Plus, TriggerRegisterVariableEvent only breaks with concatenation.
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  • Varine Varine:
    Turns out it wasn't me and it wasn't E Coli, which I was sure it wasn't. But still very stressful. Do not recommend fucking with the CDC.
  • Varine Varine:
    I think the worst was the IRS. We got audited once and they show up with like guns and shit, because I guess the IRS is technically a police force?
  • Varine Varine:
    They had a gun and it was very unnerving.
  • Varine Varine:
    I looked up why and it does make sense though. I forget they are the ones that deal with like mafias and shit, and not everyone is going to be very considerate about being told they need to explain and prove where their money comes from. We'
  • Varine Varine:
    We are pretty good about it I think. Not my job, but the people that do it are pretty one top of it.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    yeah I dont like the government. I am a total libertarian and what you are describing is what I am totally against when it comes to governing
  • Varine Varine:
    I mean I don't really like the government. But I would also prefer to have one than... not have any government. Like we need to have police forces and national welfare systems, but I don't think the cop that is pulling you over for speeding is the same cop that should also be responding to active terror events.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am talking about federal.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    State and local elections I believe in when it comes to governing. Of course the military
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Federal should do military
  • The Helper The Helper:
    The federal government should do the military not the police. I hope Trump gets rid of the income tax
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I hold no hope of Trump getting rid of income tax though.
  • jonas jonas:
    Trump is a wildcard, but in the end, it's the republican party that makes the laws, Trump can only do exec orders
  • jonas jonas:
    I don't think the Republicans will get rid of income tax, at most lower it a little, mostly for people with 6 figures+. But that's just my opinion
  • The Helper The Helper:
    one can dream
  • Ghan Ghan:
    FairTax would be nice.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    But the electorate would have to demand it and vote people in to do it.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Government spending, foreign policy, and the southern border are all bigger issues than the income tax right now I'd say.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    For you those are the bigger issues. Cannabis legalization and get rid of Income tax are mine.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    We have so much cannabis up here in Oklahoma. Can't go a block without running into 3 dispensaries. xD
  • The Helper The Helper:
    if the demand is there
  • jonas jonas:
    I think the biggest issue in USA is how divided the country has become
  • Ghan Ghan:
    There's a big split happening in fundamental values that is very worrisome.
  • jonas jonas:
    I think there's always been a split in values. But now there's a split in what reality is. No matter whom you ask, they think a third of the country is insane and wants to destroy the country
  • The Helper The Helper:
    pretty big split

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