See ya there.Distant island...I have 7101 too choose from.
You are moronic.
Grabbing a sword may sound cool. But guess what? It wont do crap all on a horde of zombies that know no fear or pain.
So all you will be doing is walking into your death.
I would personally get lots supplies, grab a boat, and sail away to a island far off shore.
Go underground, make a very large underground base for me only. I would have the walls made of titanium, enforced with other hard materials, possibly carbon fibre, or lined with kevlar. I would have 90% of the area contained hydrophonics for the growth of plants as food, and the other 10% for ammunition stockpiles, storage, living areas, and miscellaneous areas.
I would have solar panels at the top to power the underground base as well.
To get in and out of the base, i would have a ladder, with a door somewhere in the middle, camoflagued quite well, with spikes at the bottom, to prevent anyone finding the entrance. The entrance to the base will be keypad encoded, along with retina scan.
This base would preferably be in a warmer climate, near a river. I would have multiple water purifiers and salinations inside the base, to eliminate the risk of airborne, and waterborne, diseases from the water. (I hope anyway.)
I would also conduct experiments to deduct how the zombies spread their disease, and will always carry an air-filtration mask, until i have clarified whether the disease is airborne or not.
...Yeah, i have way too much time on my hands. I've thought about the whole plan already >_<
I would do something just a little bit different. Get some kind of boot, preferably one that does not need gas to operate. Then I would try to find a place where seafood is plentiful and when I need food, just try to catch it. The only problem with this idea is finding a way to cook the food, but otherwise I would just stay around the shore area and just kind of relax away. If the need for important supplies arise, I can go to shore and hopefully get what I need before I'm eaten. I'm hoping I would find a good source of fresh water that I could come back to if necessary. Otherwise, I would just be sure to carry around a good amount with me as well.
On a different but somewhat related note...
Edit: Annddd the video won't work. I'm probably doing something wrong <_<.
Bombs and nukes solve everything.
Canadian Researchers What else do you expect them to do?
Did they seriously do this study?
Damn crazy canadians...
I would windwalk and kill their workers. <3