What are YOU looking in an RPG game?


Formerly, Ban-Lord
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Okay, im working on an rpg but Im wondering what people are looking for in an average rpg, such as like a basic, but good storyline? Well made world? Whats YOUR opinion?


From the depths, I come.
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Gone but not forgotten
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a good inventory/equipment system with nice items to use
not too large map size
some challenging bosses
a good system that would allow everyone to get the xp/gold they deserve instead of giving both to the fastest player (usually the host)


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What makes me stay and play an rpg, and not leave after 10 minutes is many many quests around every corner, even if they are easy to complete.
I like also a nice looking starting town with friendly NPCs and some pathetic creeps nearby for building up my confidence :).
Also I love fighting smart bosses who know how to use the terrain and the surrounding to their advantage.
Oh, and include secrets, and respect your players, don't use your mapmaking powers just to insult them...

What makes me leave are boring areas with nothing to do or see besides more and more enemies of the same type(just like in most open RPGs, I hate open RPGs, lol).


What keeps me playing the same RPG over and over again is the tens of hundreds of choices of heroes. A good mapmaker should make like 40 different heroes.


Divide et impera
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a save/load code, enemy's that run away after there like under 10% hp, things that prevent people from powerleveling, no annoying camera modifyers, a pvp system, items that u cant just steal, the person who did the most damage gets gold (NOT THE PERSON WHO STEALS THE KILL)(and the items), and items that arent just improvements compared to others, a save/load code that saves exp not level, and balanced hero's, not mages who suck after the creeps get more then 1000 hp, and no spells like blink, wind walk, bash, and devine shield that just make the map gay or easy to get thru. also it needs creep area's that arent just squares, squares = very gay looking.


Ver 6 CREATE energy AS SELECT * FROM u.energy
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I will quit instantly if it is linear and boring (not mutually exclusive).

I like freedom, so don't make anything invincible (I enjoy killing everything else) :D.

I like cool and weird items, so no 200 of "Speed Demon +200 speed LOLOLOL!!!111" and similar items, but more "this will switch your position with another unit in the map!" or "this will make you look smaller" type items.

Boss should be balanced and fun to play with: not "200,000 HP invincible final boss that requires 20,000 hits to kill", but "20 HP 100% evasion boss that you'll need to use spell on to kill". Any boss that requires me to hit him more than 1000 times and/or use more than 100 potions (both on similar level bosses, not "level 1 me on final boss") will bore me out and cause me to type "whosyourdaddy" to end my/its suffering.

I don't mind walking that much, but if I have to walk across the 192x192 confusion map to deliver something, that will annoy me. Make good teleport portals to the main town (which should be near the center) after I explored the area and/or killed the boss that guards it.

Creep should be created relative to my level, not fixed across the map -- I have seen level 1 on 1 side of the road and level 15 on the other side, because I can't access the other side early on in the game.


-Challenging bosses that require unique tactics and teamplay

-Creative heroes with a lot of spells

-No need of farming

-Many areas with many different enemies (included in point 3 :) )

-balanced heroes with different roles (standard would be healer, tank and magic/physical single target/aoe damage dealer)


TH.net Regular
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My favorite kind of RPGs are....

I like ones with long storylines, a very detailed and creative storyline. Cinematic videos and camera angles with sound and all of it is good.
I love quests on RPGs it gives you something to do besides grinding off of killing stuff all day, (That doesn't mean killing the stuff isn't fun lol, it just means questing gives you something else to do) They need to be updated everytime the quest changes, I hate trying to figure it out myself lol. I really like it also when the quest tells you what your getting for doing the quest, like "Rewards: 100g, and 2000 exp", so that way I know I'm not doing this quest for nothing lol.
Bosses are alot of fun, I don't want no boss that does 10000000 damage where its basically a 1% chance of surrvival against it, now bosses with 10000000 health now that I can do :), the bosses need to be challenging, I don't want them to act like a normal unit where all they do is sit there and attack you over and over all day and if your strong enough you can easily win, I always like fighting bosses that seem like they actually know what they are doing for example they use AoE on random areas around you making you have to move around during the fight to avoid taking extra unneeded damage.
===Floating Text===
I like it when it tells me how much exp I get from killling something or how much gold (or whatever kind of money) I get from killing something.
I really like it when the text of an ability is readable, meaning propper grammer and such. Same goes for items and other readable things. I really like abilitys that have some special effects to them, simple abilitys like storm bolt is kinda plain and simple... now if it was a fireball that fires out after a few seconds and then blows up in an explosion around the target now that's what im talking about lol.
I like it when there is multiple items, like helms, chest armor, gloves, boots, a weapon, shields necklaces rings and potions. Possibly scrolls too. Also really text is just a huge thing for items, if they have a custom color for their name that always makes it look nice, and a good selection of the icons too.
Not cheats. But I do like it when any game has secrets to it, especially in RPGs for example like a secret quest that you can get by talking to some guy that you had to save a few quests ago and he says kill some strange boss and you kill it and get a secret item, kinda like that.

That's pretty much it for me, as a matter of fact I am making an RPG with all of the above lol.


New Member
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i enjoy rpgs that have a storyline but also enough content that you don't always have to pursue the storyline if you get tired of it.


suga suga how'd you get so fly?
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i reckon EVERYTHING but a better story line is always good and interestin and puttin it on a poll is a good idea :D


Aerospace/Cybersecurity Software Engineer
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-Storyline - Should be either the main part of the game, or not in the game at all. For example, don't just say that the murlocs are an old race of bad guys that want to kill you, add in a storyline, and possible points in for more plots, to leave the player wanting to play more, and see more of the storyline. If you don't have time to make a storyline, then you can't have anything less than awesome for any of the other parts of the game:

-Unique strategies and abilities. (Please don't use the regular abilities, most of them are used waay too much, like critical strike).

-Constantly changing game, but without ruining the sense of "accomplishment" for the player. In other words, you can change my hero, and you can remove my abilities. Just don't decrease my level/experience, don't remove my other units, don't remove my items, and don't decrease my resources.

-Give enough lives to where I will actually lose, and want to play it again, but to where I won't beat everything before I actually lose them all. Make it so that the game will be rehosted, but so that it lasts long enough to where I won't think that hosting is too much of a bother. This includes adding too many custom models, and skins that are useless. 1.5 MB is usually too much for a map, and takes too long to download.

-Interesting terrain

-Make stuff repeatable, and constantly getting harder, but have enough stuff in it to where it's fun to go through everything again.
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--Randomness! Everything should be a bit random, including the storyline (randomity adds replay value, too!)

--Not so much fighting! I want to use my brains, not wait for a boss to die and use my hyperactive fingers to consume 14 potions and click on boring abilities.

--Fun! Add weird little things in your map, they are always nice :)

--Changes! A game that doesn't change it's idea even one time is kinda boring, we don't want to just fight trough the whole game (or atleast I don't).

--Ideas! Something that we haven't seen before is ALWAYS a good thing. Always. Even if it is crappy (okay, then it's not, I'll take the "always" back :p)


You can change this now in User CP.
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If I wanted to play a RPG I would play World of Warcraft. But for Warcraft I'm looking for a RPG that is open but has some sort of story to follow. There should be a Save/Load Code Funtion. Next is not to have dungeons with 10,000 creeps that look exactly the same. Another thing is to be able to atleast Pretend that you live a normal life... Please no urber heros or bosses. And another thing is let a person have a job like... Blacksmith or Farmer and stuff like that. Adds Flavor and stuff. Also have a few custom model's here and there and maybe Change the UI. And the last thing I would like to say is DO NOT make a RPG like Defiances PLEASE.



New Member
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Spells, i hate to see a whole hero fileld with stuff that they call "inferno storm"

and im like whoa that must be cool, when i get there i find that its a piece of shit non triggered ability based on locusts... No. 1 rules of spell making, thunder bolt pisses people off... U don't own u dipshit! I OWN!!!! AND REP MEEE


New Member
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i generaly like single player rpg's more because all multiplayer stuff always tends to have atleast 1 tome stealer or the equivalant thereof

what i like:
fun abilities
easter eggs
challenging bosses
side quests

what i dont like:
a hero with 4 modificaion based on stormbolt
bosses with 10000000health and 10000000 armor and 1000000 attack and spell immune
linearity(u start here, u walk there, kill a boss, u follow the path, kill another boss, follow the path again, kill another boss)
heroes with 2 health and bosses with 3 health
a mutiplayer style that allows ppl to steal, ruin other pls stuff(warchasers and tomes :banghead: )


Divide et impera
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1. tombes
2. ez powerleveling
3. bosses with 10000 hp and 500 damage and no ability's, no micro, anything
4. square regions (put the extra effort in and dont make them square)
5. basic spells with modified stats (change the art atleast)
6. non % spells sucking later on (make them do damage based on stats/level)
7. imported models are cool, even though they take up room
8. do a decent job terraining, not just a maze with 1 path
9. make some sort of bounty system so people cant steal shit
10. save/load code
11. story
12. quests that arent just go pwn a boss and bring back his head
13. spell immune bosses = bad
14. bosses with little or no hp regen = bad (suicide 50 times and kill them?)
15. dont make "secret hero's" that are extremly unbalanced compared to the rest, make all of them playable and not just get this hero - the rest suck
16. pvp system
17. no game - breaker spells (bash, wind walk, blink, etc.) dont make the game like dark lineage where u can blink off the map and steal items from the "shops" or permabash like some hero arena's or legendary hero's
18. make sure your new players dont go fight level 25 creeps and get owned as the first thing they do
19. upgrades
20. make unique abilitys for items, not just damage and stat bonuses
21. no annoying camera modes. they fucking piss me off.
22. floating text showing stats (damage, exp, gold, etc.)
23. id suggest makeing random quests avalible, and not in any prearranged order (5 quests - level 3 quest, level 10 quest, level 20 quest, level 25 quest, and level 40 quest = bad)

i just summed up what some others said 2


What really grinds my gears, is when RPG's have items that increase stats by a hell of a lot. Such as in CoT RPG, the Penguin Orb in the second one. I can sorta see these items more towards end game with really powerful heroes and you need to tackle really tough bosses. However, to get the Penguin Orb all you got to do is kill a weak nerubian boss and then boom, you have +2000 damage and a slowing attack. Mostly people covered what i think is good within an RPG game but this grinds my gears the most.

Also, in Angel of Death RPG, I played for maybe 20 minutes and was able to kill ridiculously overpowered monsters with ease after receiving uber items that increase my damage and life by huge amounts.
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