call somefunctionname.execute()


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My map fatal errors when I use a certain spell too much (Code found below)

I suspect that "call somefunctioname.execute() " causes this. Is it due to this or is it because of other reasons.

scope tornado initializer Init
        private constant integer spellid = 'A014'
        private constant integer spellid2 = 'A01O'
        private constant integer tornadodummyid = 'u009'
        private constant integer tornadodummyspellid = 'A016'
        private constant real tornadodummylifespan = 8.0 //Lifespan of Tornado
        private constant real periodicinterval = 0.02 //How often the trigger runs. Lower values for smoother movement. Higher values for less lag
    private function tornadomovementint takes unit tornado returns nothing
        local integer index = 0
        local real angle = GetUnitFacing(tornado)
        local real xoffset = 300*Cos(Deg2Rad(angle))
        local real yoffset = 300*Sin(Deg2Rad(angle))
        local group tempgroup
        local location temppoint
            exitwhen index > 50
            call IssuePointOrder(tornado,"move",GetUnitX(tornado) + xoffset,GetUnitY(tornado) + yoffset)
            call TriggerSleepAction(0.025)
            call SetUnitX(tornado, GetUnitX(tornado) + xoffset)
            call SetUnitY(tornado, GetUnitY(tornado) + yoffset)
            set index = index+1
        call RemoveLocation(temppoint)
        call DestroyGroup(tempgroup)
    private function tornadoactions takes nothing returns nothing
        local unit tornado
        local real x = GetUnitX(GetTriggerUnit())
        local real y = GetUnitY(GetTriggerUnit())
        local real angle = GetUnitFacing(GetTriggerUnit())
        set tornado = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()),tornadodummyid,x,y,angle)
        call UnitAddAbility(tornado,tornadodummyspellid)
        call UnitApplyTimedLife(tornado, 'BTLF', 3)
        call tornadomovementint.execute(tornado)
        set tornado = null
    private function tornadocondition takes nothing returns boolean
        return GetSpellAbilityId() == spellid or GetSpellAbilityId() == spellid2
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()    
        local integer index = 0
            call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t, Player(index), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT, null)
            set index = index + 1
            exitwhen index == 15
        call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function tornadocondition))
        call TriggerAddAction(t, function tornadoactions)


Visitor (Welcome to the Jungle, Baby!)
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It is this :
call tornadomovementint(tornado)

Inline the function in the action is better.
And, your function name is confusing. Just put Cond, Act, Effect is enough and easy to read.


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EDIT: Actually, it does seem like .execute causes the crash.
You can probably fix it by making 'tornado' a global unit. (And don't null it.)

I'm too lazy to read all your code. (Though I sugest you put a few spaces here and there for readability.)
This looks a bit faulty, imo:

local real xoffset = 300*Cos(Deg2Rad(angle))
local real yoffset = 300*Sin(Deg2Rad(angle))

Also, why do you set a tempgroup and temppoint, that you don't use?

What is inlining?

Inlining = when you put all values in the same line.
For example:


call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect("blabla.mdl", x, y))

-this is inlined.

Why is there the .execute part? remove it

.execute is there to do some magic, that allows the function to run by itself. -Very useful when using waits.
If you run a function, from another function, that has waits in it, both functions will wait, until the waits are done.
With .execute you can run both functions at the same time, independent of each other.


Visitor (Welcome to the Jungle, Baby!)
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I means :
You should inline it like this
scope tornado initializer Init
        private constant integer SPELL_ID = 'A014'
        private constant integer SPELL_ID2 = 'A01O'
        private constant integer DUMMY_ID = 'u009'
        private constant integer DUMMY_SPELL_ID = 'A016'
        private constant real DUMMY_LIFE = 8.0 //Lifespan of Tornado
        private constant real INTERVAL = 0.02 //How often the trigger runs. Lower values for smoother movement. Higher values for less lag
    private function Act takes nothing returns nothing
        local real x = GetUnitX(GetTriggerUnit())
        local real y = GetUnitY(GetTriggerUnit())
        local real angle = GetUnitFacing(GetTriggerUnit())
        local integer index = 0
        local real xoffset = 300.*Cos(Deg2Rad(angle))
        local real yoffset = 300.*Sin(Deg2Rad(angle))
        local group tempgroup
        local location temppoint
        local unit tornado = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()),DUMMY_ID,x,y,angle)
        call UnitAddAbility(tornado,DUMMY_SPELL_ID)
        call UnitApplyTimedLife(tornado, 'BTLF', 3)
            exitwhen index > 50
            call IssuePointOrder(tornado,"move",GetUnitX(tornado) + xoffset,GetUnitY(tornado) + yoffset)
            call SetUnitX(tornado, GetUnitX(tornado) + xoffset)
            call SetUnitY(tornado, GetUnitY(tornado) + yoffset)
            call TriggerSleepAction(0.025)
            set index = index+1
        call RemoveLocation(temppoint)
        call DestroyGroup(tempgroup)
        set tornado = null
    private function Cond takes nothing returns boolean
        return GetSpellAbilityId() == SPELL_ID or GetSpellAbilityId() == SPELL_ID2
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()    
        call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
        //Since there is a BJ simplifies your code, why not use it?
        //Plus, it will not affect performance because it is only loaded at map initialization
        call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function Cond))
        call TriggerAddAction(t, function Act)


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I means :
You should inline it like this
scope tornado initializer Init
        private constant integer SPELL_ID = 'A014'
        private constant integer SPELL_ID2 = 'A01O'
        private constant integer DUMMY_ID = 'u009'
        private constant integer DUMMY_SPELL_ID = 'A016'
        private constant real DUMMY_LIFE = 8.0 //Lifespan of Tornado
        private constant real INTERVAL = 0.02 //How often the trigger runs. Lower values for smoother movement. Higher values for less lag
    private function Act takes nothing returns nothing
        local real x = GetUnitX(GetTriggerUnit())
        local real y = GetUnitY(GetTriggerUnit())
        local real angle = GetUnitFacing(GetTriggerUnit())
        local integer index = 0
        local real xoffset = 300.*Cos(Deg2Rad(angle))
        local real yoffset = 300.*Sin(Deg2Rad(angle))
        local group tempgroup
        local location temppoint
        local unit tornado = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()),DUMMY_ID,x,y,angle)
        call UnitAddAbility(tornado,DUMMY_SPELL_ID)
        call UnitApplyTimedLife(tornado, 'BTLF', 3)
            exitwhen index > 50
            call IssuePointOrder(tornado,"move",GetUnitX(tornado) + xoffset,GetUnitY(tornado) + yoffset)
            call SetUnitX(tornado, GetUnitX(tornado) + xoffset)
            call SetUnitY(tornado, GetUnitY(tornado) + yoffset)
            call TriggerSleepAction(0.025)
            set index = index+1
        call RemoveLocation(temppoint)
        call DestroyGroup(tempgroup)
        set tornado = null
    private function Cond takes nothing returns boolean
        return GetSpellAbilityId() == SPELL_ID or GetSpellAbilityId() == SPELL_ID2
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()    
        call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
        //Since there is a BJ simplifies your code, why not use it?
        //Plus, it will not affect performance because it is only loaded at map initialization
        call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function Cond))
        call TriggerAddAction(t, function Act)

remove call RemoveLocation(temppoint) and the variable itself

same with the group variable, your basically doing call RemoveLocation(null) and call DestroyGroup(null) which is bad

get a local unit and set it to trigger unit because your calling to way to much and it could be much faster with a local


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The remove location and groups were leftover from previous code. I must have missed them. The thing still hangs when many tornadoes are spammed. I am no longer using .execute. Could it be the loop?


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call IssuePointOrder(tornado,"move",GetUnitX(tornado) + xoffset,GetUnitY(tornado) + yoffset)

whats the point of this function call when you already set the unit to that x and y?

it may be because its not "mui" then again you are just using locals here

edit: honestly remove that loop and use a timer instead, because waits are horrid because of inaccuracy, my solution to your problem is using a timer, if you need this to be MUI then use structs with a timer attachment system


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Hmm, any link to a tutorial on timers? I see people mention them, but can't seem to understand how they work


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I understand structs now, but can't follow his tutorials. Is there any example that uses timers in spells that I can refer to. I learn better from example.


REP: Respect, Envy, Prosperity?
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scope StructStack initializer Init
    private keyword Data
        private constant integer ABIL_ID = 'A000'
        private constant real TIMER_PERIOD = 0.03125
        private Data array D    //Could be added in a global block below the struct declaration, which removes the use of the keyword.
                                //Can also be an integer variable with a little altering rather than struct variable.
        private timer T = CreateTimer() //Our global timer that'll handle all instances running.
        private integer N = 0   //Instance counter
    private struct Data
        real elapsedtime = 0.  //Example member
        real maxtime = 2.  //Example member
    private function TimerCallback takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = N //Looping backwards is a lot easier than looping forwards imo
        local Data d
            exitwhen i <= 0
            set d = i<img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" /> //This is the same as &quot;set d = D<i>&quot;
            set d.elapsedtime = d.elapsedtime + TIMER_PERIOD
            if (d.elapsedtime &gt;= d.maxtime) then    //Some condition that tells when to remove the struct instance from the stack.
                call d.destroy()
                set i<img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" /> = N<img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" />   //Recycles the struct stack, moving the top instance to the location of the removed instance.
                set N = N - 1
                if (N == 0) then
                    call PauseTimer(T)
                //Do actions
            set i = i - 1
    private function Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
        return GetSpellAbilityId() == ABIL_ID
    private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
        local Data d = Data.create()
        //Set whatever data that needs setting in the struct, either here or by using a create method.
        set N = N + 1
        set N<img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" /> = d //Same as &quot;set D[N] = d&quot;
        if (N == 1) then
            call TimerStart(T, TIMER_PERIOD, true, function TimerCallback)
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger trig = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(trig, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
        call TriggerAddCondition(trig, Condition(function Conditions))
        call TriggerAddAction(trig, function Actions)

This is basically how to deal with a simple struct stack. With a little experimentation you'll learn these methods in no time at all as long as you put some effort into it. Might not be very well explained, but some parts should be self explanatory. Do ask if something's very unclear.
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