Spellpack Holy Light & Divine Hammer


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Hi, I just made my 2 first GUI spells (I redone 1 with some Jass), and since both are triggered and work fine, I'd like to share them.

My first one gives a healing alternative to Holy Light (%heal + hp regen/dmg/armor for a short amount of time, castable on enemy, for a stunning-only effect).

The second (Divine Hammer) is a completly different alternative to Divine Shield (Based on same icon, but slightly modified to make it passive), which passively gives a chance to heal the Paladin and his friendly units around the him.

Both spells use 1 dummy unit, are MUI and MPI, and are leakless. I guess I should say "Easy/Medium" at import difficulty (import variables, then abilities, then buffs, then triggers and you shouldn't have much problem, unless changing some UnknownAbility to the good ones).

Holy Light :

Based on stormbolt (dummy cast Inner Fire (friend) OR stormbolt (enemy)).
Normal Holy Light icons.

Divine Hammer :

Based on command aura.

Divine Hammer icons were based off "DivineIntervention" ("Divine Shield" in game) made by Blizzard Entertainment, then worked by me (changed border).

If you wanna use give credit.
Please report any bug or thing that need to be changed or is useless.

Thanks :
Ghan04 for everything he's doing.
Shvegait from clan TDG for helping me with the JASS part.

"Holy Light" and "Divine Hammer" spells Changelog in "Spoilers !".
Spells' Changelog :
Version 1.0.0, August 30th : Initial public release.
Version 1.0.1, August 30th : Removed a trivial use of a point variable in the spell Holy Light, thx to Squll2.
Version 1.0.2, September 1st : Removed a trivial condition in the spell Divine Hammer.
Version 1.0.3, September 1st : Added another version based on 1.0.2 with some JASS that can prevent having too much event on Divine Hammer (not really dangerous). When I'll change something, it'll be in both version, unless said otherwise.
Version 1.0.4, September 1st : Fixed issue letting other units else than the Paladin trigger the spell Divine Hammer (Some "Attacking Unit" are now "Damage Source"); Divine Hammer should now be MUI.
Version 1.0.5, September 2nd : Changed a minor important detail (a small "Player 1" to Owner of (Triggering Unit)) to the spell Holy Light so now it is truly MUI.
Version 1.0.6, September 2nd : Changed Divine Hammer, it's now more simplier to copy (Put a simplier formula being effective at every level, due to Dextreme proposal).
Version 1.1.0, September 2nd : Remade Holy Light so it can stun enemies. Holy Light can still be cast on allied unit to heal for the same effects.
Version 1.1.1, September 2nd : Added small condition to Divine Hammer, it should now be fully MUI+MPI.
Version 1.1.1b, September 3rd (C) : Changed the last added condition (Attacked unit --> Triggering unit in Divine Hammer trigger), now MUI+MPI for sure.

Legend : (C) = Current
Things in mind for newer versions (I'm open to suggestions):
Nothing. Please gives suggestion.


  • [Spells]Holy Light (GUI) & Divine Hammer (GUI).w3x
    32.4 KB · Views: 537
  • [Spells]Holy Light (GUI) & Divine Hammer (GUI w+JASS).w3x
    34.2 KB · Views: 437
congrats on your first two spells ^^ im going to go look at them now (=.
>congrats on your first two spells ^^ im going to go look at them now (=.

Thx =D, plz be honest with your description and tell everything u think needs to be changed (telling why if it's not obvious).
u know that holy light works on enemies right?

(and not on your hero) :p hold on.. will update this with a full review

(u dont need the bolded lines)

Holy Light
        Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
        (Ability being cast) Equal to Holy Light 
        Unit - Set life of (Target unit of ability being cast) to ((Percentage life of (Target unit of ability being cast)) + (5.00 + (10.00 x (Real((Level of (Ability being cast) for (Triggering unit)))))))%
        Set Temp_Point = (Target point of ability being cast)
        [B]Set Temp_Point2 = (Position of (Triggering unit))[/B]
        Unit - Create 1 Dummy Unit for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at Temp_Point [B]facing Temp_Point2[/B] ([I]why not just make it facing default degrees?)[/I]
        Unit - Add Holy Light (The Buff)  to (Last created unit)
        Unit - Set level of Holy Light (The Buff)  for (Last created unit) to (Level of Holy Light  for (Triggering unit))
        If (((Target unit of ability being cast) belongs to an ally of Player 1 (Red)) Equal to True) then do (Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Human Priest - Inner Fire (Target unit of ability being cast)) else do (Unit - Set mana of (Triggering unit) to (((Real((Level of Unknown (A00E) for (Triggering unit)))) x -5.00) + 80.00))
        Unit - Remove (Last created unit) from the game
        Custom script:   call RemoveLocation(udg_Temp_Point) 
        Custom script:   call RemoveLocation(udg_Temp_Point2)

why is divine hammer in two triggers, cant it be in one (didnt look throughly.. might of missed something why it cant)

none the less i like the divine hammer idea and these spells arnt that bad for your first, so, +rep
>u know that holy light works on enemies right?

I did know, and that's why I said "Healing alternative" to Holy Light, maybe if I've the courage I'll make it for enemies too, but I doubt, because Holy Light was made to heal =D (I mean mine)

>(and not on your hero)

I wanted it so, the hero would be rigged with it, the spell can be casted on others hero though, and I did want this.

>(u dont need the bolded lines)

Meehhh I wasn't sure, thx for telling me, I just hope that "(facing) Default building facing degrees" doesn't leak.

>why is divine hammer in two triggers, cant it be in one (didnt look throughly.. might of missed something why it cant)

Because you there is no generic way to say "a unit takes damage" =(. It makes me mad because events keep making and ain't getting deleted, and sometimes I'm trying to find a way to remove events/reset triggers to remove the mass of events.

Thx for replying to my topic Squll2.
> (Unit-type of (Attacking unit)) Equal to Paladin

Remove this line. If the unit has the buff "Divine Hammer", then it must be a Paladin.

> Trigger - Run Divine Hammer <gen> (checking conditions)

Don't run it right away. The event will fire.

> (Level of Divine Hammer for (Attacking unit)) Equal to 1

Use a formula based on any level, including level 1.

Otherwise... Fine spells! ;)
>Remove this line. If the unit has the buff "Divine Hammer", then it must be a Paladin.

You're right, thx.

>Don't run it right away. The event will fire.

That's false, I tryed without in 2 differents situation, none worked. I need a "Run Trigger" or it doesn't run in any way, since after hitting a foes with my paladin, a footy doesn't trigger it (strange, because trigger are triggered to do so).

>Use a formula based on any level

Is it possible to make an increment that isn't always the same, (like 10+5 increment mean 10/15/20, but with custom increment it is 10/15/15), without 2 formula ?

>Otherwise... Fine spells! ;)


Thx for replying to my topic Daxtreme.
Nice spells man

The Holy Light isn't too catchy, but the Divine Hammer spell rocks.

+rep :D
> Is it possible to make an increment that isn't always the same,

Just make it the same ;)

> That's false, I tryed without in 2 differents situation, none worked. I need a "Run Trigger" or it doesn't run in any way

Do you still have this non-working trigger?
>Do you still have this non-working trigger?

EDIT : Not anymore for the full-GUI version, I still need it in the one with some JASS, since the Divine Hammer trigger is in a trigger-variable.

And by the way, what does I need to add/change more so it can be approved ?
> Unit - Set life of (Target unit of ability being cast) to ((Percentage life of (Target unit of ability being cast)) + (5.00 + (10.00 x (Real((Level of (Ability being cast) for (Triggering unit)))))))%

This is not good.

Set life, if it kills, will not give credit for the kill.

Use Unit - Damage Target.
>Set life, if it kills, will not give credit for the kill. Use Unit - Damage Target.

I'm not damaging, so it's normal it can't give credit, isn't it ?
True, true :)

I'm sorry, I must've had a distraction while reading.

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