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A fawk, I whrote for 10 minutes and deleted it by mistake... well heres it comes agin ;) but less details :p

The ranks are:
The Holy Band Ranks (Humans)

Master Sergeant
Sergeant Major
Field Marshal
Grand Marshal

The Green Legion Ranks (Orcs, well maybe some more races but mostly orcs)

Senior Sergeant
First Sergeant
Stone Gaurd
Blood Gaurd
Commander Champion
Lietueant General
High Warlord

ok. When you start you start as a Villager or something (For humans) Peon or something (For orcs) when you reach lvl 10 you can chose youre path. for orcs: Blood Hunter a hunter that constantly need blood, he's spell will cost ''Blood Pouces'', wich he gets by killing so to kill he needs to kill, he will get some kind of pet that i'll add and if it's possible for the save / load I will make the pet able to lvl like in WoW, otherwise I will just upgrade the summon skill. Warrior a aggresive fighter that dosent care much about defend, he will have skills like charge and some berserker based spell and much more ofc ;)
Shaman he can heal some, but is specilized in the paths of Elementals and can also call forth totems to he's aid. for human: Fighter (Instead of healer the humans got a fighter that is good on taking hitts, but not invurnible ofc :p) He will have mostly defending skills, but ofc some dmg stuffs or no one would wanna play him :( Ranger a high range hero type that will have a minimum range of 200 or something lets say 100, he will have a slow shot so the monsters wont come to him emidetly and a draw sword or something like that skill that allows him to fight even if they come to him ;) Mage he will use the most magical spells, fireballs, frost balls, and I was thinking to add some aoe skill, so he can lvl by aoe farm. While lvling you get quests or something that gives you higher ranks and maybe I add so you get a little group of units under youre command, not sure :p well, skills will improve, stats, new skills, you can wear better items. (The skills I said, is not all we got up got loads of suggestions that I add the best of, for example the Blood Pouch was a suggestion from NiKaNoRoU_GR) The gold will be harder to gain in the most other rpgs... it's so boring when gold is nothing ;) and I will try to figure out something so you always need gold (Not to hardcore tho, so you gotta spend 50% of time to grind gold, but some times maybe :p) well, that was all I could get on my mind atm. where we are grimmy? Agentpaper is doing the terrain atm I think :p . I dont wanna stress him... the terrain makes the feeling, and I want a good feeling while playing this RPG. I got a picture of a city he made tho, reall great! What we would need help with Stavius? Well, as I checkt this forums I saw that you where hell of a storry whriter :p Maybe you wanna make the storry if you got time? It's something The humans has been under attack of the orcs for years. the horde has some camps etc.. if you would like tho write a storry then please, do it =) More help will be needed futuret I guess :) Oh and ofc we will have proffesions... taloring, something with runes, crafting, mining, fishing enchanting will be added I think and more if anyone got a good suggestions (I hope the map wont be to big now :D) That was all I think! thanks for taking time

Edit: even with that 'original' title haha :D


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Well, keep suggest ;) When we get to that part while we will make the heros, you can explain, btw got any other ideas about the game aswell?


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Private suggestions:
43.Enchanced HP regen-increased line of sight
Scout suggestions:
43.Enchanced damage-increased line of sight


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Thanx for the complement Saiza :rolleyes: ; story writting, yeah I love that I could make a storyline for you :D . The classic Human vs. Orc story, shouldn't be too hard. I'll come up with something in the next few days and post it here (I have little time now :eek: ). Do you have something written though, or something concerning the story that you'd like me to consider while making one for you? (just so you don't get one that totally won't suit your map :p ).
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stavious said:
Thanx for the complement Saiza :rolleyes: ; story writting, yeah I love that I could make a storyline for you :D . The classic Human vs. Orc story, shouldn't be too hard. I'll come up with something in the next few days and post it here (I have little time now :eek: ). Do you have something written though, or something concerning the story that you'd like me to consider while making one for you? (just so you don't get one that totally won't suit your map :p ).
Pandaren Adventures Forum
Saiza, you would do perfect to rely storyline on this one, I've seen him in action and, believe me, he's astonishing! :eek: (with the positive meaning)


I posted a reply earlier on suggestions extra stuff they receive for each rank. Yeah, give them bonus abilities as well. I have some suggestions for the villager (the following not for rank):


Level 1

Increases movement speed by 25% for 6 seconds. 15 seconds cooldown. 25 mana cost.

Stone Throw
Throws a stone at the enemy for 50 damage a stuns enemy unit for 2 seconds. 75 mana cost. 8 seconds cooldown.

Fling Sand
Flings a handful of sand at enemy units in 200 AoE, causing them to miss 10% of the time for 5 seconds. 12 seconds cooldown.

Level 2

Kicks an enemy with great force, dealing 75 damage and pushing it back by 200 range. Stuns for 1 second. 50 mana cost. 7 seconds cooldown.

Level 3

Bottle Shards
Breaks a bottle on the ground, causing enemy units walking into it for the next 5 seconds to receive 15 damage per second. 60 mana cost. Requires 1 bottle. 15 seconds cooldown.

Loots an area over 3 seconds to look for leftover items of war. Has a 10% chance to get a HP Potion (heals 120HP), 10% chance to get an MP Potion (recovers 75MP), 30% chance of getting a bottle, or 50% chance of getting nothing. 25 mana cost. 45 seconds cooldown.

Level 4

Increases attack damage & attack speed by 15%, but decreases movement speed by 10%.

Decreases attack damage by 10% but gives the Villager a 550 Ranged attack. On/Off.

Level 5

The Villager is loyal to the Crown. He/She gains 2 bonus armor within 400 Range of a town/village/city and 1 bonus armor around 600 Range of any sentry/guard towers or outposts. Passive.

Level 6

War Torn
When a fellow villager dies within 600 range, the Villager becomes angry and gains 10% increased attack damage and 20% increased movement speed for 5 seconds. Passive.

Level 7

The Villager decides to train himself in ways of defending himself, gaining +5 bonus damage & 1 bonus armor. Passive.

Level 8

The Villager can wield weapons after his training until his stamina runs out, gaining 15% bonus damage and 1 armor for 10 seconds. 125 mana cost. Cooldown of 30 seconds.

Forceful Blow
The Villager puts all his force into one blow, damaging an enemy unit for 200HP, regardless of armor, & stuns enemy unit for 3 seconds. The Villager will be immobile for 1 second due to all the force he put into the blow. 150 mana cost. Cooldown of 15 seconds.

Level 9

Throws a dart at an enemy unit, dealing 125 initial damage, and bleeds for 25 damage per 2 second over 6 seconds. Enemy unit is slowed by 10%. 115 mana cost. Cooldown of 18 seconds.

Level 10

The Villager enrols for training to become a full fledged defender for the Holy Band.

Allows choosing of specialization.


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Okey, I start up and goes down.

Private suggestions:
43.Enchanced HP regen-increased line of sight
Scout suggestions:
43.Enchanced damage-increased line of sight

I really like these suggestions, they are not like the ''main skill'' wich is good, specialy I like having a passive skill, maybe we should keep going on this line with +hp regen and +dmg, but increase it whole the time... well, maybe maybe not, since the hp regen will be crazy if it keeps expand :p

stavious, nope... youre the artist with storrys, so I leave you free hands, just stick to the ''Human vs orc tema'' :p

grimtooth, I really liked those, I guess many of them will be added to the table for the villagers :) (These villagers will be imba :D)


Haha. Well, I thought the villager would be low on everything, HP, MP, damage, armor. At around Level 10, they would have about 600HP, 350MP? Wait till you see the Peons. XD


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Well, I thought the villager would be low on everything, HP, MP, damage, armor. At around Level 10, they would have about 600HP, 350MP?, yeah... something like that. I will first make the basic starting atributes, and then what they will get and then see what it reaches... but something in that area, ye.

Edit: Wait till you see the Peons. XD
I guess they will have machine guns and bomb plans xD


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Here are Item suggestions mainly:
For starters, I believe we should include Cursed items, which are powerful but-well-cursed upon the beholder.
Also, Legendary items dropped from extremely powerful monsters is an idea...
And finally, my original idea of MASTERY!!!!
In a shop, some items can be upgraded, to a certain max level (e.g 5) increasing their benefits.And don't forget fusion items.
Also, forgeable materials such as stones, used to forge weapons from a blacksmith is a good idea, too.


That would be a good suggestion for a profession.

Try these.

Jewelry & Artisan
Bookbinding & Lore Keeping
Poisons & Herbs
Forging & Smithy
Enchantment & Runes


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Here are Item suggestions mainly:
For starters, I believe we should include Cursed items, which are powerful but-well-cursed upon the beholder.
Also, Legendary items dropped from extremely powerful monsters is an idea...
And finally, my original idea of MASTERY!!!!
In a shop, some items can be upgraded, to a certain max level (e.g 5) increasing their benefits.And don't forget fusion items.
Also, forgeable materials such as stones, used to forge weapons from a blacksmith is a good idea, too.
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Yeah... that gives the players something to do.
I playd a EXTREMLY well made wc3 RPG, but it suckt since it wasent anything to do... a high lvl gave me an armor with 60 armor and I had a heal that healed me full with low coldown... so basicly I could kick the highest boss ass :p Means that it was really nothing to do.

At the bosses, they aint just gonna be ''Hit - Take hit - Heal'' bosses, some should teleport around the rooms, casting stuffs, make dummys rund around the room with Thunder clap, so you gotta be carful, if you enter those you die very fast. Well, since there are no healer or no tank at the same race I wont make them all to hard. but anyway some movment shit etc :p

And about that legenadry, I agree. Well, also we add some other lets say Artifact that has like 0,01 % drop chance from random mobbs :) Becouse, in other rpgs the best items is so easy to get, since all the bosses have around 10% on the best items, the point here is that you should NEVER be able to get _everything_ :p so if we add some really rare shit, it will be cool ^^

Edit: Keep coming with rank suggestions I like them :)
Aswell, if you got other suggestions is always warmly welcome

Grimmy, I liked specialy ''Book Binding'' it's something orginal I never heard about ;) It could be strange books full of random spells and other things. hehe GJ


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Saiza, besides the map, you should learn to quote:
On the lower right corner of a post, there's the quote button.With this, you quote that post.It may look like this:
Saiza said:


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Ahhh ;)
I always whondered but I diddent wanna sound like an idiot xD
Thank you dear :p

Oh LOL! It was next to edit whole the fawking time and I diddent see it... damn I gotta get new glaces, oyeah sunglaces :cool: ah, I feel sexy already ;)


I would edit the post above, but it's too far. Anyways:

Cooking -
Cookery skills. Includes removing meat (from bones), crushing bones, cooking food. Bones can be used by Forging & Smithy & Jewelry. Crushed bones can be used by Poisons & Herbs & Alchemy. Food can be... eaten.

Tailoring -
Makes clothes. May work together with Forging to create armor.

Jewelry & Artisan -
Mines for ores & jewels. Makes accesories like rings, etc. Jewels & ores can be used by tailoring & forging & smithy.

Bookbinding & Lore Keeping -
Makes books. Spell books, scrolls of spells. May have to work with Runes & Enchantments.

Poisons & Herbs -
Self explanatory.

Forging & Smithy -

Alchemy -
Potions & unstable concoctions. Bombs. Grenades.

Enchantment & Runes -
Helps other professions. Can also provide direct support on unit.


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Engenering would be cool to ;)

Otherwise. Great :) I like the cooking becouse i'm hungry and it makes me fell filled with food :D

Soo, I eat and then sleep. see ya tomorrow guys! I reply to all you said tomorrow.

Sweet dreams everyone :)



REBELLIOUS PEON - (rebellious cause peons are supposed to work, but he doesn't want to!)

Level 1

Underdog Tactics
The Peon is an underdog of his clan. He has no honor, and will do anything to rise in ranks. When he attacks an enemy from behind, there is a 5% chance of stunning the enemy for 0.5 seconds. Passive.

Bites the enemy for 50 damage. 60 mana cost. 6 seconds cooldown.

Hurl Boulder
Hurls a boulder at enemy units, dealing 25 damage & stunning enemy units within 200 AoE for 2 seconds. 80 mana cost. 16 seconds cooldown.

Level 2

Hooked Chain
Hooks an enemy with a crudely made chain for 75 damage and drags the enemy 200 Range towards the Peon. 75 mana cost. 12 seconds cooldown.

Level 3

Hordorov Cocktail
Mixes a vile concoction that explodes upon impact. Requires 1 bottle. Casting time of 7 seconds. 55 mana cost. Gain item Hordorov Cocktail.

Hordorov Cocktail
Deals 25 damage upon impact, and burns the enemy for 10HP per second over 3 seconds. Slows the enemy by 15% for 3 seconds. Stacks up to 5 max. Cooldown of 5 seconds each.

Work, Work!
Dig an area over 5 seconds to look for items. Has a 10% chance to get a HP Potion (heals 120HP), 10% chance to get an MP Potion (recovers 75MP), 30% chance of getting a bottle, or 50% chance of getting nothing. 45 mana cost. 45 seconds cooldown.

Level 4

Increases attack damage & attack speed by 15%, but decreases movement speed by 10%.

Roar! Me Peon! Me Crush!
Decreases 15% attack damage of Peon, but allows its attacks to splash 20% damage to all enemy units in 200 AoE. On/Off.

Level 5

Huh? What?
The Peon is a very blur creature. Very often, he knows not what is happening to his surroundings. Has a 10% chance of cancelling 50 damage, but stones (standing there doing nothing aka blurring aka stun) for 1 second.

Level 6

Fresh Meat
When the Peon kills an enemy unit, he has a 25% chance of gaining 25% increased attack damage, attack & movement speed.

Level 7

Subclan Tactics
The Peon is slowly making his mark in his subclan and this recognition from others make him proud, gaining +10 damage but -1 armor due to his srrogance.

Level 8

For the Horde!
Increases base damage of Peon by 30% for 10 seconds. 125 mana cost. Cooldown of 30 seconds.

Mass Death Plan
The Peon likes to plan, but his plans never always work. The Peon sets up a trap of 450 AoE which deals damage after an enemy unit is in the area for more than 2 seconds. Has 50% chance of dealing 50 damage, 25% chance of dealing 100 damage, 15% chance of dealing no damage, and 10% chance of dealing 150 damage. Lasts 120 seconds. Cooldown of 30 seconds. 125 mana cost.

Level 9

The Peon crushes his poor enemies, dealing 100HP damage, regardless of armor. If the enemy dies, the Peon receives 10% damage bonus for 3 seconds. Cooldown of 15 seconds. 150 mana cost.

Level 10

Clan Mark
The Peon is given a clan mark of his choice, initiating his life as a true warrior of the horde.

Allows choosing of specialization.

PS: For both Villager & Peon, the mana cost of the skills must assure that they cannot spam any skill. For example, if they use 3 or 4 of the skills above in conjunction, their mana pool must already be depleted. Well, uh, Peons are supposed to spam Hordorov Cocktails, but the time it takes to make a set of 5 is insanely long.


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Theyre great maN!

Before reading this, I havent decided how they should be like...but you just made it for me ;) But, aint like all these spells triggered? wont the map be very big if we have loads of triggered spells?

Edit: Pfff... no machine guns :p


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Yeah, I thought of this too, if you put soo many things into your map (as you are planning to do) then it might just be a bit (more like a lot :p ) too large. Try making minializing plans before starting. For example say that you'll have 5 PROFFESIONS, and only five, not more added later (so the map won't be too large and therefore lag).
Otherwise, the proffesions grimtooth gave are OK. They are a bit of a copy of WoW, but that's fine :p . Only Runing sounds interesting, maybe you should combine it with the book making proffesion to get a totally original new proffesion that has a lot of depth to it :rolleyes: .
PS. Lore Under Construction :D .
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