TD Tower Idea Thread


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Ok, i've searched through the forums for TD towers, found all 5 contests, and i got some ideas but i need more. I'm in need of TD Towers ideas.

Exceptions: I don't want any "insta-kill" tower or % damage tower.

Tower Name:
Description of the tower:

You do not have to specify damage done, but you can
Ideas must be as creative as possible.
+rep will be rewarded to good ideas

Tower Name: Seagul Keeper
Description of the tower: When built the tower spams 4 seaguls that fly around it, seaguls attack enemies that pass nearby, then they go back to the tower.


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Shiver me Timbers!
Shoots a slow speed Water Effect wave towards an enemy unit, will fly for X range and any unit it comes in contact with will be Slowed for Y duration (due to slipperyness) and while the attack effect is over the unit it is effectively immobile (Soo slippery!).
Edit: Oh wait Nautical, one sec
Edit2: Mmkay
Edit3: Names bad but whatever


Previously known as giv_me_rep
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WELL... If the units passing by are all going to be swimmers (ships or creatures) i guess you could have:

Tower One: Sharp Rocks
Deals periodic damage to units passing over
Or/ And(upon upgrading)
slows units above
% chance to deal damage when units are passing over... <-- That would be best i think

(An idea would be to deal damage on % of speed of units)

Tower Two: Leviathans Passage
Disable this towers ability to 'stop' or 'target' specific enemies, instead give it an AoE skill it casts when first built at a target of the players choice. This AoE is then periodically attacked by Leviathan dealing large damage in the area. I would use the soul steal animation for the effect...
Upgrade would just increase the rate of fire or AoE?

Tower Three: Damned Shores
This is an idea i once used reapplied now for a TD
Building this is building two different units (point one and point two)
Ghost travels between both points as long as both stand and has either pheonix fire skill or perm locust to damage nearby ships. The effectiveness of this tower is limited by both range of skills and damage of skills. I think this idea is cool because i havnt seen it applied in a TD and you could branch it between two sides of the maze... If you make the ghost a locust unit you can order it to patrol between both points - have a trigger that destroys this ghost and the other tower if the initial tower is destroyed.

Tower Four: Strange Tides?
Push-back type skill tower. Blasts units with a wave of water that pushes them back x distance every time period for y seconds.

Tower Five: The Fog
for this tower you would use the smoke screen animation for either the tower itself or its attack projectile (or a buff the attack leaves). Would either slow/stop units, decrease armor, poison/burn or if you think of something better it could do that :)

Tower Six: Spirit of Mutany
Can periodically take control (charm) units passing through if they are boats or whatever

Towers that compliment each other are always nice
Tower Seven: Oil (rename)
soaks ships in oil reducing their speed or whatever...

Tower Eight; Ring of Fire
Burn damage, if ship has oil buff deal more damage and for longer duration...

That's all i have for today. I used to play a few TD's and i think a GREAT idea is the boss waves where they attack. Now i may have been completely wrong but if you DO have ships as the 'runners' i would suggest giving the boss waves ships a pheonix fire ability so it appears that they are shooting as they are running down. This can be hard to balance but it keeps the game fresh and makes it much more challenging.

Hope this helped... Just burning time while my next uni class starts.

- Zenith


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If you wer like me and didn't know what nautical meant, here's the definition:

nau·ti·cal? ?/?n?t?k?l, ?n?t?-/
[naw-ti-kuhl, not-i-]
of or pertaining to sailors, ships, or navigation: nautical terms.


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NoNameYet-Tower :D :

attack : none
Specials : it has no attack but if you build 2 or more of them you can "link" them. means if the 2 towers are in 600 (or whatever you like) range you can link them and a line of water is thrown between them.

so for understanding you build one nothing happens. you build a second one in X range and use an ability of the tower you link them. from that moment a ball of water flies from the first to the second tower and then back again and back to first and so on. and this ball deals damage to units in his way. maybe add slow. and you cant use the link more than 2 times on the same tower. means you can have 4 balls flying between 2 towers.

i hope you got the idea and like it :D


Swim, fishies. Swim through the veil of steel.
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Built in-lane. The first unit that enters it gets trapped and becomes unable to move, but has increased regeneration.

Storm Cloud
Built in-lane. Can be walked under. Slows and deals periodic damage to enemies in a small area around it. When taking damage, units have a 15% chance to become stunned for 1 second.

Flying Dutchman
Mobile, uncontrollable. Deals damage to units upon contact, periodically releases ghostly spirits that slow nearby units for 6 seconds.
Basically it flies around the lane.


You can change this now in User CP.
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Low light damage tower. There is 5% chance to do x3 critical damage. Every Linker tower built increases all other Linkers critical chance by 3% in 600 Radius. So 3 linkers that have maximum distance 600 together have 11% chance to critically hit their targets.

A wood based tower with the powers given by Ogun. Creates up to 5 orbs circling the tower at 500 unchangeable distance. Each orb has 1350 health. When an orb makes a full circle increases its health by 32% of its current hp. Every orb deals DOT damage over a 250 radius.
Damage is based on its current health, it deals 7% of its max hp per second to a target every second losing the same amount of life at the same time.
If the orb dies increases the life of other living orbs by 50% of their max hp and respawns after 6 seconds. Then the remaining orbs are repositioned to have the same angle difference. (5 orbs 72 degrees difference, 4 orbs 90 degrees difference ....etc)

Magic Tower
Releases projectiles towards target, making them stronger every time they hit the same target. The damage increases by 15%. The buff that indicates the unit to get bonus damage fades after 3 seconds. Uses mana as a resource to attack. has normal mana regeneration.
(Note: Using jesus4lyf's BuffStruct will make it a piece of cake)


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Bump this thread.

I want very creative / hard to code towers (if your idea isn't nautical, post it, ill adapt it to the theme), Ex:

Fisherman's Outpost
Creates a net between 2 fisherman's outpost towers, whenever a unit goes through the net it will stretch and slow the unit down until it breaks, the net lasts 3 seconds.\

Good ideas will be taken into account and will receive +rep


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This tower fishes for creeps. its slow but strong. Whenever it fished a creeps the creeps is lifted into the air (you could trigger the fishing rod to make it look intresting ^^) moved a bit to the fisherman and afterwards its cut off the rod and fall down instandly dying (or if you like it more deals high dmg) and deals medium damage to enemiies in 250 range of the point it was thrown at.



Built in lane. Slows creeps running through it by 25%.


does nothing without puddle. the snowman freezes all creeps in the puddles every X seconds for 2 seconds. X is (10 x number of puddles) - (2 x level of upgrade). you can upgrade this freezing up to 3 times.


Swim, fishies. Swim through the veil of steel.
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Plants kelp at the target point, which grows into its active state after 5 seconds. When active, any units that come into contact with it become hopelessly entangled. Lasts until 2 seconds after the 5th unit gets entangled in it.


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Can only target units on either side of it (as ship's cannons). Targets that enter the target zone get pummeled by cannon balls, causes slight knock back.

Having the admiral near a building increases its morale and damaging potential. Increases towers damage, speed, can give bash, etc depending on which upgrades are active which individually cost.

A monstrous beast able to devour its targets whole. Grabs the closest enemy and begins eating it until its finished then grabs the next.


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Boarding Party (Possible renaming to Captain's Grove)
Creates 1 boarding party ship with a Captain[captain] and X sailors (depending on structure level, hero-based (players spend money to crease the boarding party), possibly 2 per level) at the location of the tower at the beginning of every wave. Boarding Party is a ship that moves to the closest enemy target, which then boards them.

This slows down both ships movement for [mathematical equation depending on tower level and Captain level]. Does X damage every second to the boarded ship, doing less as the boarding party ship itself is hurt (coded by the damage of the other ship, possibly a wavelevel-based damage) due to the defensive parties. This however works both ways.
The Captain gains levels per kill the ship gets. Each level the captain gets increases the boarding party by 1 and the ships boarding damage by X amount.

During waves of non-ships the ship shoots a ballista out the side of the ship into the creature, slowing it down and dealing little innate-damage. The ship can not maintain the stress and does X damage to it per second based on creature speed. The higher the level of the Boarding Party structure the more stress the ship can take. The Captain Level divided by Y means how many targets the ship can hit at once (optional, just an idea to factor in Captain level).

Independently, there can be a Phoenix Fire effect per crew member (Guns!) on the ship or based on the amount of cannons (Bigger Guns!). Can have the Captain's Level be special and be Guns instead of crewmembers, with every 5 being an additional cannon. Or have that for the Tower^_^ Whichever sounds more appealing

When the ship dies the Captain swims away from the destroyed ship (small pathing blocker?) and heads to (land?) where it'll get back into the Boarding Party structure. If level has begun since then, head off with new ship (or wait until next one, or have a ship-building cost).

Tips n' Tricks: Use some floating text above the structure to show Captain's Level and Boarding Party crew. and Ballistae damage.

Possible Cool Features: Seagul Friendly, Seaguls follow the ship if nearby (See: Seagul Tower)

Well, there's my idea.

Many possible addons could be based on the structure, like a better-ship, and have towers react to the Ship, IE the Seagul Friendly idea. Possibly make it so Damned Shores (see Give me Rep's post) could follow the ship itself and then default to another location. Even Admiral from Inevitable's post could assist.

Hell, could even upgrade the tower, thereby resetting it all (even the Captain) and then give it different pros. Of course, some of the aspects would change if your ships attack.

Another is:
Giant Squid
Constructs a unit that instantly turns into an angry Squid thing that patrols the lanes, attacking whoever it gets near. Includes Boarding Party. May ignore certain unit types, like if other Squids come.


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Moves in a systematic process around the map causing various effects which changes periodically.
Lightning storm - Zaps units within range randomly dealing damage
Tornado - Throws a unit up into the air disorientating it and making it "dizzy" (slowing) and causes minor damage on impact
Whirlpool - Flings units in aoe in a circular motion sucking them in to a central point then once they each the center they are blasted outwards in all directions (stun-like effect)
Sunshine - Gives bonus attack speed and damage to towers but also increases creeps movement speed
Gail Force Winds - Every X secs it knocks creeps slightly and gives towers a slight change to miss


I didnt slap you, i high 5'd your face.
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Tower name: Kelp Forest
Tower Description: This tower deals little damage but has strongly disabling effects, its abilities include: Entanglement - this tower has a chance to create a winding kelp vine that entangles enemies it touches for 1 second, bouncing to nearby enemies (max of... 5? u choose); Restricted Flow - Stops the tide of movement in the nearby area, the closer you are the slower you move (3 abilities based off whirlwind aura, all a % of your choice but with smaller ranges than the previous because it stacks)

Tower name: The Black Pearl
Description: A ship piloted by swarthy pirates. They steal and plunder and kill and drink while piloting the fastest ship in all the 7 seas. (this is an extremely fast attacking ship) It only has 1 ability: Drunk and Disorderly - This tower has a small chance to do 1 of several effects on every attack (ie: cause drunkeness, large slow and causes units to zigzag while they walk 3% chance; Dubloons!, steals gold based on the (health of the unit/damage done/level/your choice) 3%; plunder, causes items to drop instantly (chance on attack to give the owner an item) 3%; Walk the plank, has a chance to instantly kill its target, 1%) this totals a 10% chance to do one of these effects

Tower name: Captain Nemo and the nautilus
tower description: Captain nemo is one of the technological wonders of the world, piloting his pride and glory, the nautilus. This tower has amazing versatility, based on the user's decision (will have 2 abilities to go 1 way or the other). They can choose to use captain nemos ingenious and quick thinking to increase attack speed and reduce crit damage but increase crit chance, or they can choose to use the nautilus's destructive but uncontrollable power and increase damage and crit damage but decrease crit chance, the max any of these values can get to is 75% (crit damage starts at 2x but can get to 3.5x [75% increase])


I didnt slap you, i high 5'd your face.
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The god of the ocean. Controls the eb and flow of everything in the area. Abilities: each of these has a global cooldown, thus only 1 can be in effect at a time per poseidon. Calm winds - Causes all towers nearby to be temporarily hasted; Tsunami - Causes crushing waves all around poseidon to destroy his enemies, however this disables nearby towers causing them to slow their attacks by 50% (best used on mass enemies with high armor); Trident Gaugue (gow-j idk how to spell it) - causes a single enemy to begin to bleed, causing it to have a chance to take extra damage every time it takes another blow.

Red October
A soviet war machine that destroyed it's enemies underneath the sea with torpedos and sonar. Abilities: Mass torpedos - causes this ship to hit everything in range; Sonar - allows the user to see all enemies in a large area (truesight)
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