AoS Twilight and Shadow


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Here is the list of my heroes.
Yes, its my own project..but since my teammates abandoned my..i could not continue it.
I post it here ..may someone find it useful.

The link:

The list:


-Sinister Strike:
A wicked strike that adds damage to your normal weapon damage and adds points to the unit's Combo.

Level 1 - [1 * your agility] damage.
Level 2 - [2 * your agility] damage.
Level 3 - [3 * your agility] damage.
Level 4 - [4 * your agility] damage.

Cooldown: 8 seconds
MP cost: 45/50/55/60

-Sneak Attack:
Finishing move that deals damage + (2 * Your Agility) damage as well as extra damage if the unit has combo points.
Combo point damage is as follows:

1 point = 80 extra damage.
2 point = 120 extra damage.
3 point = 160 extra damage.
4 point = 200 extra damage.

Cooldown: 14 seconds
MP cost: 65/70/75/80


Allows the Assassin to become invisible, and move faster for a set amount of time while creating an illusion of himself at his first position. When the Assassin attacks a unit to break invisibility, he will deal bonus damage.

Level 1 - 20% move, 145 damage, 20 secs.
Level 2 - 40% move, 190 damage, 40 secs.
Level 3 - 60% move, 280 damage, 60 secs.

Cooldown: 100/90/80 seconds
MP cost: 165/200/245



Your attack will cause damage and slow the enemy's movement to 50%. Best when used to prevent an enemy from quickly fleeing. Can also be used as an escape ability.

Level 1 - (35+STR) damage, 4 second slow.
Level 2 - (70+STR) damage, 5 second slow.
Level 3 - (105+STR) damage, 6 second slow.
Level 3 - (140+STR) damage, 7 second slow.

Cooldown: 15/14/13/12 seconds
MP cost: 50/60/70/80

Passive - Gives a chance to counter-attack any enemy that strikes you in melee, the less HP you have, the more chance. Melee attacks made from behind cannot be counter-attacked

Level 1 - 4% lost HP damage.
Level 2 - 8% lost HP damage.
Level 3 - 12% lost HP damage.
Level 4 - 16% lost HP damage.

-War Fling:
Throws an axe at the target, slightly stunning it and causing random damage based on the distance between it and the Gladiator. The further distance the more damage.

Level 1 - 0.4 second stun.
Level 2 - 0.6 second stun.
Level 3 - 0.8 second stun.
Level 4 - 1.0 second stun.

Cooldown: 10 seconds
MP cost: 70/80/90/100

Attempt to finish off a wounded foe, damage based on its lost HP. Only works on enemies that have X% or less health.

Level 1 - 60% lost HP damage.
Level 2 - 80% lost HP damage.
Level 3 - 100% lost HP damage.

Cooldown: 100/80/60 seconds
MP cost: 150/175/190


-Concussive Sting:
Shoots a poisoned arrow which deals large initial damage, and then deals damage over time. The poisoned unit has its movement speed slowed for a short duration.

Level 1 - 105 strike damage, 5
duration damage.
Level 2 - 145 strike damage, 10
duration damage.
Level 3 - 185 strike damage,
15 duration damage.
Level 4 - 225 strike damage, 20 duration damage.

Cooldown: 10/12/14/16
MP cost: 60/65/70/75

-Hunter's Mark:
Places the Hunter's Mark on the target, increasing the ranged attack power of all attackers against that target by +X for 10 seconds.

Level 1 - Target takes 20 more damage.
Level 2 - Target takes 40 more damage.
Level 3 - Target takes 60 more damage.
Level 3 - Target takes 80 more damage.

Cooldown: 10 seconds
MP cost: 65


Temporarily summons an Owl Scout, which can be used to scout the map.
Can see invisible units.

Level 1 - Summons an 100 HP Owl for 20 seconds.
Level 2 - Summons an 150 HP Owl for 40 seconds.
Level 3 - Summons an 200 HP Owl for 60 seconds.
Level 3 - Summons an 250 HP Owl for 80 seconds, has permanent invisibility.

Cooldown: 20 seconds
MP cost: 100/80/60/40

-Elven Instinct:
Passive - The Hunter blends into its surroundings, making it harder to see. Also increases E' lyana's movement speed and sight radius at night.

Level 1 - 30% movement.
Level 2 - 40% movement.
Level 3 - 50% movement.

Pandaren Battlemaster

Quickly dash to the enemy unit's location, stunning them for 1.5 seconds and dealing damage.

Level 1 - 40 damage.
Level 2 - 80 damage.
Level 3 - 120 damage.
Level 4 - 160 damage.

Cooldown: 12 seconds
MP cost: 65/70/75/80

-Cyclone Attack:
Passive - gives the Pandaren Battlemaster a 15% chance to perform a cyclone attack, damaging all nearby enemy units.

Level 1 - [1.0*STR] damage.
Level 2 - [1.25*STR] damage.
Level 3 - [1.50*STR] damage.
Level 4 - [1.75*STR] damage.

The Battlemaster is a battle-loving warrior, his morale is momentarily boosted,
increasing his strength with every successful attack. Stacks up to 10 times.
Drains 8 MP per second.

Level 1 - 1 STR/hit.
Level 2 - 2 STR/hit.
Level 3 - 3 STR/hit.
Level 4 - 4 STR/hit.

-Mortal Strike:

A vicious attack that deals strong physical damage, any hero killed by it will give Kesha one bonus Strength.

Level 1 - Deals [4*STR] in damage.
Level 2 - Deals [5*STR] in damage.
Level 3 - Deals [6*STR] in damage.

Cooldown: 45 seconds
MP cost: 100/125/150

Royal Guard

Activates Vigor to gain a bonus to strength but drain mana per second.

Level 1 - 5% STR. 7 MP/second.
Level 2 - 10% STR. 6 MP/second.
Level 3 - 15% STR. 5 MP/second.
Level 4 - 20% STR. 4 MP/second.

Cooldown: 8 seconds
MP cost: 25

-Guard Arm:
Passive - Gives 10% chance to block one melee attack. In addition to reducing the damage taken.

Level 1 - Blocks 20 damage.
Level 2 - Blocks 40 damage.
Level 3 - Blocks 60 damage.
Level 4 - Blocks 80 damage.

-Heroic Strike:
Hit the target forcefully, stunning, reducing its armor and increasing the Royal Guard's next attack.
Lasts for 8 seconds.

Level 1 - 2 armor reduced, [1.5 * STR] next damage.
Level 2 - 4 armor reduced, [2.0 * STR] next damage.
Level 3 - 6 armor reduced, [2.5 * STR] next damage.
Level 4 - 8 armor reduced, [3.0 * STR] next damage.

Cooldown: 15/14/13/12
MP cost: 100
Stuns for: 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6 seconds

Passive - permanently gives some bonus strength to the Royal Guard.

Level 1 - Grants 10 STR.
Level 2 - Grants 20 STR.
Level 3 - Grants 30 STR.


-Healing Spray:
Sprays waves of healing mist that heal units in a target area.

Level 1 - 3 waves at 40 hit points healed each.
Level 2 - 4 waves at 55 hit points healed each.
Level 3 - 5 waves at 70 hit points healed each.
Level 3 - 6 waves at 85 hit points healed each.

Cooldown: 10 seconds
MP cost: 70

-Mechanic Bomb:
Throws a bomb at a target enemy unit which explode upon impact, dealing damage and stunning nearby foes.

Level 1 - 65 damage, 0.8 second stun.
Level 2 - 105 damage, 1.0 second stun.
Level 3 - 145 damage, 1.2 second stun.
Level 4 - 185 damage, 1.6 second stun.

Cooldown: 12 seconds
AoE: 250
MP cost: 60/65/70/75

-Chemical Rage:
The Alchemist causes his Ogre to enter a chemically induced rage, increasing movement rate by 50% and increasing attack rate.
Lasts 15 seconds.

Level 1 - 25% attack rate increase.
Level 2 - 75% attack rate increase.
Level 3 - 125% attack rate increase.
Level 4 - 175% attack rate increase.

Cooldown: 30 seconds
MP cost: 25/30/35/40

Lobs an explosive bomb towards the target point which explodes and fragments into multiple other bombs upon landing. Each bomb deals damage.

Level 1 - 200 damage per bomb, 2 fragment
Level 2 - 300 damage per bomb, 4 fragments
Level 3 - 400 damage per bomb, 6 fragments

Cooldown: 100 seconds
MP cost: 125/150/175


Gives a 10% chance to deliver a Critical Hit, damage based on the distance between Mephala and targets, the further, the more damage. Also increases the Amazon AS by 10% every 10 hits, max of 50% and lasts for the next 10 attacks.

Drains 5 MP per second.

Passive - an aura that gives friendly nearby units bonus damage to their ranged attacks.

Level 1 - Increases base ranged damage by 15%.
Level 2 - Increases base ranged damage by 20%.
Level 3 - Increases base ranged damage by 25%.
Level 3 - Increases base ranged damage by 30%.

-Multiple Shot:
Magically split one arrow into many. Each arrow deals 10 damage. Number of arrows increases with level.

Level 1 - Shoots 5 arrows.
Level 2 - Shoots 10 arrows.
Level 3 - Shoots 15 arrows.
Level 4 - Shoots 20 arrows.

Cooldown: 10 seconds
MP cost: 65

-Arrow of Rage:
Continuously fires a volley of flaming arrows at the target area, causing damage to enemy targets within AoE. The more enemies in an area, the more arrows.

Level 1 - 60 splash damage.
Level 2 - 80 splash damage.
Level 3 - 100 splash damage.

Cooldown: 100 seconds
MP cost: 125/150/175


-Flash Heal:
Calls forth a bolt of light that heals a target and bounces to nearby friendlies or undead enemies. Each bounce heals/deals half damage.

Level 1 - Heals 140 damage, jumps 3 times.
Level 2 - Heals 200 damage, jumps 4 times.
Level 3 - Heals 260 damage, jumps 5 times.
Level 4 - Heals 320 damage, jumps 6 times.

Cooldown: 12 seconds
MP cost: 80

Passive - Slowly increases the life regeneration rate of nearby friendly units and power of Divine Touch.

Level 1 - 40% life regen rate.
Level 2 - 60% life regen rate.
Level 3 - 80% life regen rate.
Level 4 - 100% life regen rate.

-Power word - Shield:
The target is surrounded by a ghostly nimbus of light that grants spell resistance.
Lasts 25 seconds.

Level 1 - Adds 250 points to Shield life.
Level 2 - Adds 300 points to Shield life.
Level 3 - Adds 350 points to Shield life.
Level 4 - Adds 400 points to Shield life.

Cooldown: 20 seconds
MP cost: 70/80/90/100

-Divine Touch:
The blessed power instantly heals and removes all negative buffs of allied units around the Cleric. Undead units must take the same amount of divine damage and have all positive buffs removed.

Level 1 - Heals 300 HP.
Level 2 - Heals 400 HP.
Level 3 - Heals 500 HP.

AoE: 500
Cooldown: 120/110/100 seconds
MP cost: 200/225/250

Divine Touch receives bonuses from Prayer:
100 points/level


-Purity of Nature:
The Druid can summon the power of nature to heal a target friendly unit for a certain points of HP and MP over 10 seconds.

Level 1 - 200 HP/100 MP healed.
Level 2 - 300 HP/150 MP healed.
Level 3 - 400 HP/200 MP healed.
Level 4 - 500 HP/250 MP healed.

Cooldown: 14 seconds
MP cost: 65

-Thorn Aura:
Passive - an aura that gives friendly nearby units a damage shield, which returns a percentage of a melee attacker's damage back to it.

Level 1 - Returns 15% damage.
Level 2 - Returns 20% damage.
Level 3 - Returns 25% damage.
Level 3 - Returns 30% damage.

Burns the enemy for direct damage and additional damage over 10 seconds.

Level 1 - 105 direct damage, and 80 damage over time.
Level 2 - 105 direct damage, and 120 damage over time.
Level 3 - 105 direct damage, and 160 damage over time.
Level 3 - 105 direct damage, and 200 damage over time.

Cooldown: 8 seconds
MP cost: 80

-Poison Weeds:
The Druid summons the powers of nature, creating such a devasting and poisonous force, dealing 20 damage/sec for 20 seconds.

Cooldown: 140/120/100.
MP cost: 280/240/200.
Cast range: 400/500/600.


-Lay on Hands:
A holy light that can heal a friendly unit or deal half damage to a target foe.

Level 1 - Heals for 140 - 240 HP.
Level 2 - Heals for 180 - 280 HP.
Level 3 - Heals for 220 - 320 HP.
Level 4 - Heals for 260 - 360 HP.

Nearby friendly units gains extra life regeneration according to how many life they had lost. The Paladin also gain bonus life regeneration when standing still.

Level 1 - 0.20 life regen for every 10% life lost, 1 bonus regeneration when standing still.
Level 2 - 0.35 life regen for every 10% life lost, 2 bonus regeneration when standing still.
Level 3 - 0.50 life regen for every 10% life lost, 3 bonus regeneration when standing still.
Level 4 - 0.65 life regen for every 10% life lost, 4 bonus regeneration when standing still.

-Blessed Hammer:
Summons 3 magical hammer that swing around Paladin; the longer the hammer swing, it will cause greater damage to any enemy unit that it hits, stunned that unit for a moment.
Undead unit will takes double damage.

Level 1 - 15-25 damage, 0.50 second stun.
Level 2 - 15-35 damage, 0.65 second stun.
Level 3 - 15-45 damage, 0.80 second stun.
Level 4 - 15-55 damage, 0.95 second stun.

Cooldown: 14 seconds
MP cost: 80/100/120/140

-Blessing of Might:
Calls upon the power of the God to increases attack power of Lionel and all allied heroes on the map.
Lasts for 20 seconds.

Level 1 - Plus 40% damage.
Level 2 - Plus 80% damage.
Level 3 - Plus 120% damage.

Cooldown: 100 seconds
MP cost: 280/240/200

Tidal Lord

Ensnares enemy unit and causes it to be bound to the ground so that it cannot move for certain time seconds. Air units that are ensnared can be attacked as though they were land units.

Level 1 - Ensnares for 3 seconds.
Level 2 - Ensnares for 4 seconds.
Level 3 - Ensnares for 5 seconds.
Level 4 - Ensnares for 6 seconds.

Cooldown: 14 seconds
MP cost: 65

-Frost Attack:
Passive - Gives Raiken a 10% chance to sweep nearby enemy units, damaging and slowing them.
Lats 4 seconds.

Level 1 - 60 damage, 10% slow.
Level 2 - 80 damage, 20% slow.
Level 3 - 100 damage, 30% slow.
Level 4 - 140 damage, 40% slow.

-Crushing Wave:
Sends a gigantic wave which deals damage to each enemy land unit in a line.

Level 1 - 60 damage, 10% slow.
Level 2 - 80 damage, 20% slow.
Level 3 - 100 damage, 30% slow.
Level 4 - 140 damage, 40% slow.

Cooldown: 12 seconds
MP cost: 80/100/120/140

The Caster creates water in lungs of a target creature, any drowned creature takes a percent of its current hit points as damage. Golems and other nonliving creatures cannot be drowned.

Level 1 - Targets take 30% max HP as damage.
Level 2 - Targets take 40% max HP /as damage.


-Wolf Companion
Summons 2 wolfs to be faithful and loyal companions.

Level 1 - 280 HP, 16 to 22 damage.
Level 2 - 460 HP, 20 to 28 damage.
Level 3 - 640 HP, 24 to 30 damage.
Level 4 - 820 HP, 30 to 40 damage.

Cooldown: 20 seconds
MP cost: 65/70/75/80

Passive - Permanently increases the life of you and your companions.

Level 1 - Adds 100 to life.
Level 2 - Adds 200 to life.
Level 3 - Adds 300 to life.
Level 4 - Adds 400 to life.

-Feral Rage:
Go into a frenzied rage, gaining a bonus to movement speed and causing attacks to steal life from your enemies.
Lasts 20 seconds.

Level 1 - 15% MS, Steal 1.0% of enemies current life.
Level 2 - 20% MS, Steal 1.5% of enemies current life.
Level 3 - 25% MS, Steal 2.0% of enemies current life.
Level 4 - 30% MS, Steal 2.5% of enemies current life.

Cooldown: 20 seconds
MP cost: 85

Attack one target multiple times at extremely fast speed, stunning and damaging it dramatically.

Level 1 - 20 damage/Hit.
Level 2 - 40 damage/Hit.
Level 3 - 60 damage/Hit.

Cooldown: 100/80/60 seconds
MP cost: 150/175/190
Level 3 - Targets take 50% max HP as damage.

Cooldown: 120/100/80.
MP cost: 150/200/250.

Cooldown: 10 seconds
MP cost: 65/70/75/80


Reaction score
I like how much inspiration you got from my AoS map :)
Now, you should give some credit to the people who created skins, icons, models, that stuff, and I really think you should finish the map.

Overall a really nice map, but you need to fix those hero tooltips :p
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