New Age of Warcraft

Summary work

Today I'm basically taking a break from working on the map, so I can work on the front page summary. A lot of people keep having questions, so I'm putting as much information as I can on the front page (and I can only pray people read it. Maybe I'll put a signature under my name for every post "Read the first page for information", or something) so that's what I'm going to be all day, ASIDE from helping on the forums! :)

omg lol i typed so much and then i hit refresh on accident...
anyways PLz dont make a stupid prisim tower from red alert (the ones that have light and bounce off each other intensifiying range+dmg) seriously we can think of something else right?
:eek:k heres my edit:
mirror towers are very well made (heat wall ability), however, the reflections might need an added twist such as spectrum spliting (the first bounce it is only red, the longest spectrum of light, and therefore slower, dodgible, etc)
Im sorry if i have offended you in anyway, and i will try to be nicer in the future
and heres the deleted towers...
can sacrifice a unit and spray its guts in a 180 degrees dealing its remaining life/8 to all units in the vincinity
has no REAL attack, but can cast terror and deals damage back to all melee that attacks it

-forest protector
its a normal tree that can be attacked
it has ability astro spirit which allows it to change trees at night
deals light damage, and harvests wood from the tree
about three times a wisps cost
First off, I'm going to state that you really don't get a choice.

Second off, I'm going to ask what is so wrong with the idea?

And lastly, if you have an idea you think is "better", feel free to post it. I don't turn down ideas.

However, please watch how you word your posts from now on. The Mirror Tower is mainly my idea (based off of a suggestion of a friend of mine), so I'll appreciate it if you have a bit more respect for my work, when posting about my project.

Thank you.

~Away from the sun~

-Edit after yours-

I'll think about the Mirror Tower's adjustment idea. I don't want to make it too complicated, so try not to get you hopes up.

I liked the Undead "Gratter" tower idea, very interesting. I might have it use corpses instead, just to stick to the idea of Undead's specialty is using the fallen to their advantage. But I deffinately love the "Thorns Aura" type thing. Very pratical.

Hmm, I liked the thought of an Ancient Protector that turns into a tree at night. Maybe make it a "hibernate" type thing. Interesting, I'll think about it.

Thank you.
Yes lol the mirror tower was alexanders idea --- he got the idea ( I think lol :D :p) from me; I got it from AoM, which is also an RTS, so dont go telling him that it isnt his idea lol :D :p
Balance Questions

The front page has been updated, finally. It holds all of the NAoW Beta changes.

While looking over some of the NAoW changes, I realized that some of these things may seem a little imbalanced. I, myself, have never been perfect with balancing abilities, so let's get a general opinion, shall we? The following are the questions I came up with. Please state your answers as follows:

X: <Answer> (Reason why)*
X = Number of question.
* = Reasons are optional. However, if you can come up with a really good reason, I will naturally see more sense in it, and will mostly likely use what you say.

1. Shock Bolts - How many bolts should there be? How much damage should each one due? (3 levels)

2. Summon Lightning Elemental - Should the Elementals have a permenant version of the Static Field?

3. Storm - Would it be too much if I had all the units (enemy and allied) within range of the Storm spell have slower movement, due to the rain?

4. Curse of Fear - How long should the unit's feel this spells effects?

5. Shadow Mist - How long should the unit's feel this spells effects?

6. Nightmare - Considering it can only be cast on sleeping units, should Dark Rests duration be taken down? What's a good amount of damage the Nightmare spell should do?

7. Play Magic - Should the songs have a longer casting time?

8. Veteran Skill - Should this effect other units then just Grunts?

9. See Invisible - About how big should the AoE be for this spell? How big of a cooldown should it have? How much mana should it cost?

10. Lightning Bolt - Should this very powerful spell take a toll on the caster, and deal some damage to him as well?

11. Dead Ward - Should this effect enemies AND allies, so that Orc players don't abuse the spell?

12. Unholy Aide - About how big of a range should the Skeletal Guard have to roam around in, before he's too far away and dies?

13. Wink of the Hidden Demon - Should I try to make it so that the more mana the ability saps, the more damage it does?

On a last note, before you answer, please remember these are for BALANCING PURPOSES! Don't say you want Wink of the Hidden Demon to do enough damage to knock over a base, just so you can play Night Elves and win with one Faerie Dragon! As a warning, anyone who, even in jest, makes a stupid reply, suggesting obviously imbalanced things, will be disapproved, and I will ask for the post to be deleted.

Thank you for your time and thoughts.

-Waiting in a New Age-​
1 bolt per level. Level 1: 1 bolt, Level 2: 2 bolts, ect
Q: 1
Its a melee so you wouldn't want it to have it attack alot of units unless you make it a low damage but for a high amount of damage 1 bolt a level i think is good.

Both allies and enemies
Make both forces be effected by the storm so the owner of the caster would have to plan where he would want to put the storm so it doesn't effect his units.

175 damage per level.
When are you ever gona find a sleeping enemy unit except hostile?
I think it should have a little AOE around the target of the spell, but not damage the caster. Make it high mana and long cooldown.
It would make it more realistic, ever heard when lightning strikes in real life and u dont get hit but still feel alot of it if your close.
1100 range should be good I think.
So he cant wander to far but doesn't have to stay right beside the necromancer.

Thats what i think i didnt answer all your posts ill prob answer them later.
Im_On_56k said:
1 bolt per level. Level 1: 1 bolt, Level 2: 2 bolts, ect
Q: 1
Its a melee so you wouldn't want it to have it attack alot of units unless you make it a low damage but for a high amount of damage 1 bolt a level i think is good.

The point to this spell is to have a similiar effect of Forked Lightning. However, I wanted it to affect more units, but you obviously can't pump one attribute of a spell up without bringing something down a little. Just wanted to let you know the point, as what you suggested conflicts with it. You may want to change that.

Im_On_56k said:
175 damage per level.
When are you ever gona find a sleeping enemy unit except hostile?

I feel the need to point out that Nightmare is the Ultimate spell of the Shadow Mage, and has only one level. So, if you would be so kind, please edit that post. :)

Thanks for the input so far,

-Waiting in a New Age-​
reason: if you want something like a forked lightning make less dmg tho

reason-just too powerful

only enemies
reason-its a mass slow, if all units were effected, it would just b slowing the game speed down (unless storm then run units in). If more slow of enemys then makes more sense

reason-so no perma curse yet good enuff 2 b an ult

Make it a channeling spell, and affect an area
reason-so the enemies army doesnt get hanicaped in one shot, and they can move out of the mist as well

Dark rests should b sleep-5-10 seconds 2 make nightmare an effective ultimate
nightmare should do 35dmg -50 dmg a second while the unit is still sleeping, it cannot be woken up when affected by nightmare max duration is 6 seconds

You could make it a channeling spell... not many thoughts on this one

No, orcs have beserk or it would b WAY to fast/imba

lasts x seconds radius of 450 cost of 25 mana a second
reason-it makes it affordable, like casting slow in a battle

reason-can be used to suicide therefore denying exp, mayb make so it can hit allies as well and miss targets

reason-just make it non stackable and higher cooldown/mana

reason-its a bit more than the necro's attack range, so it makes sure its in the radius and the necromancer must be at risk

reason-you should put a cap on the max, because towers/intel heros might have lots of mana

Couple Questions I wanted to ask...
1. Do Undead "fear" spells stack? (- attack)
2. Do NE "roar" spells stack?
3. Should druid of the paw have inner wolf, allowing them to cast howl in wolf form like their other fellow druids
4. can skeletal guards change necromancer master? or are they linked to a specific one, so they cannot leave that special aura and dies if the necromancer dies regardless if there are other necromancers?
5. How many towers are there for each race (has it been updated from last post on like page 5?)

-k thanx
Sorry Alexander im feeling rather lazy today so im just going to post my ideas on whichever abilities I know enough about to actually give an opinion and whichever ones I feel strongly about AND whichever ones Iv been following along with and finally only the ones that fit all three categores above :)

2.) yes they should lol; otherwise, they would be like level one shadow wolves lol :p every element needs something special :D --- you know we need an earth one lol hehe : > )

3.) actually, this would probably make it unique; enemy units would also be hard pressed to escape, but if allies were caught in the 'eye of the storm' and the enemies on the flanks, the enemies could likely make a clean getaway, lending this spell some VERY interesting tactigies :)

9.) I assumed it was going to be a passive ability lol ... well, how will it compare to towers? They can get an upgrade that lets them see invisible units ALL the time, for now mana. Making this one overly expensive for a spellcaster that might get killed relatively fast anyway might not be such a good idea. Just my opinion, to make sure it is balanced in comparison to the tower upgrade, or else people will choose one over the other (which is fine but still lol :p :D) The AoE should be about the sorceress's LoS lol; it would be funny if you made it bigger lol ----- and SURELY you can think of a more creative name for it than see invisible lol : P

11.) damage allied units? well, the healing ward doesnt heal enemy units! Unless it stacks, this shouldnt be a very abused ability. True, players can just keep casting it, but wards are notoriously low on health lol :p just one hit will usually destroy it lol
if its not too late i have some tower ideas


Exorcism Tower
Can only attack undead units but does huge damage


Troll outpost
An outpost that can put in headhunters to raise its damage however, they are very weak in defence. (like burrow)


Deadlike Tower (cant think of name)
Has spell to make any enemy nearby unit undead making him unable to attack or move for 3 seconds. recharge is 60 seconds.


Shadow Tower
Can see invisible units and can make (if posible) friendly nearby units invisible if withen a range of 700.

This is my idea. the orc can use a little work but to me they are all a little unique.
why not call the undead tower death tower or sumthing like that
Doom Tower
Hell Tower
Death Tower (good one Bartuc)
{could use fort instead of tower}

Plz dont call me retarded :p
Couple Questions I wanted to ask...
1. Do Undead "fear" spells stack? (- attack)
2. Do NE "roar" spells stack?
3. Should druid of the paw have inner wolf, allowing them to cast howl in wolf form like their other fellow druids
4. can skeletal guards change necromancer master? or are they linked to a specific one, so they cannot leave that special aura and dies if the necromancer dies regardless if there are other necromancers?
5. How many towers are there for each race (has it been updated from last post on like page 5?)

1) I looked over the editor and realized that while the base of each spell is different, they ARE considered different spells, so I believe they do stack...I think I know your concern, that the units will be brought down TOO much, so I may have to do some balancing checks later on.
2) Same as above.
3) Druids of the Paw have an upgrade called Mark of the Paw, which allows them to have Claws instead of Howl. This was an attempt to make them better for combat then support, and also to set them a bit aside from the Druid of the Claw.
4) As long as the Skeletal Guard is within range of ANY Necromancer's Necromantic Aura (an aura they gain once you go up to tier 4, no upgrade needed) they will survive. I may have to find a way around this if people abuse it somehow...
5) All the towers are listed on Page 3. As I find ideas, I add to the page. This keeps me from having 10 posts, all about new towers, and keeps it all in one place, making it easier for everyone.

Looking at the new ideas...

-Looking over ideas-

Doom Tower
Hell Tower
Death Tower (good one Bartuc)
{could use fort instead of tower}

I like the names, and all, but you haven't told me what races the towers are for, and what makes them unique. What do they do? What type of attack do they have, and how is it rated? (crappy, good, great?)


When you submit ideas, you have to understand that a name is not enough. Tell me what type of attack it does, how good the attack and defense should be. Hell, tell me how much the things costs! I'll change what I feel needs changing to balance it out, but that doesn't mean I won't use it. The more information you give me, the better the idea will sound, and the better the result will be. Please keep that in mind the next time you post.

Thank you for your ideas and time
-Waiting in a New Age-

-A comment about ideas-

Exorcism Tower
Can only attack undead units but does huge damage

It's a nice idea, but try to shy away from anything that targets only a certain unit. The Humans already have the Paladin, who is an excellent anti-Undead Champion.

Troll outpost
An outpost that can put in headhunters to raise its damage however, they are very weak in defence. (like burrow)

As you stated, the Orcs already have Burrows. The Humans recently gained a similar tower (see "Sniper Tower" on page 3) and I may be creating a tower similiar to the Burrow for each race.

Deadlike Tower (cant think of name)
Has spell to make any enemy nearby unit undead making him unable to attack or move for 3 seconds. recharge is 60 seconds.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by that. It SOUNDS like you want the tower to have a stunning ability? Hmm, maybe. I'll think about it, and if it appears in the Towers post on page 3, you'll know I've used it. Don't worry, you'll be credited.

Shadow Tower
Can see invisible units and can make (if posible) friendly nearby units invisible if withen a range of 700.

I already have an Ancient like this. See the Towers post, page 3.

Thank you.

-Waiting in a New Age-

This is just an update (and a bump for the thread)

The Orc towers are coming along, slowly. Sorry guys, but towers BORE me! :p Anyway, this is another little thing I've decided to tack onto Beta 3.0:

Upgrades for the food buildings.

I already did this with the Humans, having them able to upgrade Farms to Plantations where they get 10 food instead of 6, but I've realized that ALL the races need a boost. It's so annoying to have 15 Burrows, or Ziggurats, or Moon Wells all over the place! -.- So, the changes are going to be as follows:

Human Farm(6) -> Plantations (12)
Orc Burrow(10) -> Dwellings (15)
Undead Ziggurats (10) -> Catacombs (15)
Night Elf Moon Wells (10) -> Well of Eternity (15)

They'll all retain their abilities (Catacombs will upgrade to towers, Wells of Eternity will heal/replenish mana, and Dwellings will still have the ability to house Peons) However, they'll be a bit more resistant, and their abilities may be adjusted, to endear people to upgrade.

Another thing that's taking so long is I didn't realize I'd have to set up a "Tower TechTree" for each race! The Human's were easy, I just made 4 types out of their original 4 towers, and built onto them. The rest of the races will be a tad more complicated, but I'll live! ;) Anyway, that's the update. The food part will be posted on the front page.

-A New Age Awaits-
Hehe, lets not even THINK about the naga lol youll have to build that entire race almost from scratch lol ;) :p

As for the abundance of lesser food buildings ---- they get in the way and provide ballista fodder LOL! :p

That sounds great ----- but how will the catacombs fit into the undead tower techtree lol? Will they be a single upgrade from the ziggurat that provides a little defense but mostly food, or an entire techtree base? Lol :p

Shadowy Fear​
-Being tortured by goblin fanatics-​
Great minds think alike, Shadowy.

Like so many things (one of which is on this site, but I'm not going to say more -.-), the Undead Towers are going to be a pain in my arse. (Yes, I just said ARSE) See, if I make it so that the Ziggs have to upgrade to the Catacomb before they become Towers, I rob the Undead of Towers for the early part of the game. However, I don't see too many other ways around it that won't confuse the hell out of most people. So Undead players might be getting the shaft, if you know what I mean...

And I BEG you, don't talk about the Naga! :( Damn race is already giving me nightmares about techtree's...Ooh, it shall not be fun. Not fun at all...But hey, that's the challenge, right? And anything worth doing, is hard...Sadly ;)

Damn Naga so and so's!
Tower TechTrees

Ta da! I did this in Excel, copied the screen, pasted in Paint and cropped it a bit. These are all 4 Tower Techtrees, so you know what upgrades into what. I'm sure you can figure it out, you just look down to see the next level! :p You'll get what I mean when you look.

Keep the tower ideas coming! That CAN be modified, ya know ;)
Tower of Crimson Chaos Fire and Fury (name may need some work, lol)
Basically a tower that has the incinerate (i think?) ability that the FireLord has in the main game. Each attack does extra damage than the last, and upon death explodes dealing extra damage. Also, I think a firecat should spawn, that dies in about 15 seconds but has immolation and fast move speed.
Lol, actually, this is similar to the Blaze Tower, but the "Firecat summon"ing ability is deffinately something to think about :) After all, it IS a totem to the Elemental of Fire...If it so feels like it, who's to stop it from creating a few cats to aid it's worshipers? ;)

Interesting, towers that summon?! :D Cool.

how bout this...

Ancient Chinese Pig Flinger

change the art of the tower so its a pig then change the hitting damage so its the bloody explosion (from the meat grinders, is that what theyre called?) and add a sorta poisen blob (the green gas that comes up from some units when they die, undead team i think) it would be awsome to see and not to mention brigns a little bit of fun to the game
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