Pimp My Peon Strategy


The DIY Ninja
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I've taken a liking to Pimp My Peon lately. I decided to make a thread about strategies for everyone to share and use. Anyone else willing to join me in sharing strategies is welcome.

Strategy #1:

I like to call this one Attack of the Spartans Because the Spartans could deal a lot of damage and were very very versatile. This strategy will do you well in both Offense and Defense.

        Get about 20 food. (540 Gold if I calculated right)
        Once you have 20 food upgrade the Spawn Speed to about level 5. (1500 Gold)
        Get about 30 food.
        Now get your peon's life to 100. (605 Gold)
        When you get that start getting Pulverize, Poison, and Spiked Carpace Level 3. At Level 1 Pulverize you should have level 5 Weapons and Level 1 Wings.
        And once you have that and still alive, get Stun and Evasion Level 3
        Now with the rest of your gold and for the rest of the game get Level 10 Spawn Speed and from then on as much food as you can get.

        Start with getting level 5 Weapons. (200 Wood I believe)
        Now get Level 1 Wings (100 Wood)
        By now you should have at Least level 1 Pulverize.
        Now get maxed Weapons.
        Now get Wings Level 2. (325 Wood)
        Now you should get Maxed Shield and Helmet alternating between each upgrade. (Shields, Helmets, Shields, Helmets etc.)
        When you have maxed everything get Wings Maxed out too.

        Start out getting Devotion Aura and Endurance Aura. Alternate like this: Devo, Devo, Endur, Devo, Devo, Endur, Devo, Devo, Endur. Until you have level 50 Devotion and level 25 Endurance.
        Now get Command Aura and Unholy Aura. Alternate like: Unholy, Command, Command, Unholy, Command, Command.
        When you have level 50 Command and a reasonably high Unholy Aura, get more Endurance, at least 40.

By the time you have maxed Shields and Helmets, Half way to Starting Endurance for the second time, and Level 10 Spawn Speed you'll probably have won or lost. Unless someone else is very very good and holding you from sweet sweet victory. Good Fun and Have Luck in PMP!


No one else has strategies they'd like to share? Well, comments on mine? :p
Less is more

I started to play PMP just few weeks ago and i created a line of evolution that was very effective until now.

Start getting more 3 foods to complete one army. Get level 2 weapon and level 1 helmet. Use your "F1 pimpage" in defense. Attack anyone to get gold and lumber. Raise your life with the money and get level 3 weapon and level 1 shield. Use your "F1 pimpage" all in attack until you get level 10.

Save lumber for level one wings, keep investing your money in life. Qhen you reach level 10 attack, use your pimpage in defense, until level 10 again.

After you get wings, upgrade weapon, shield and helmet, in this sequence. F1 pimpage now is used to get level 10 speed and after this, upgrade in this sequence:
Attack 5x, defense 2x, speed 2x.

Use your money to build and expressive army with 20 or 30 peons and upgrade your spawn peons level.

This is very funny and get some results really good !

Now start to use your money to to upgrade Pulverize, Poison, Spiked Carpace, Stun and Evasion
Jesus, this is an old thread lol. It has 1.5k views and 2 replies :p
Because people spam the Refresh button :D

I've only ever played PMP twice. I've won both times, don't know by what miracle as I hardly know what to do. (I just micro-managed my units and upgraded randomly)
Yep. I can't micro-manage. I end up getting caught up on one part and forgetting on anything else. I once tried monopolizing damage and endurance aura. It actually worked. Like. I just massed weapons with lumber and every now and then thew in a wings upgrade with all endurance aura skills. I actually won. Though, I was hard pressed against some other dude who was really good.
Though, I was hard pressed against some other dude who was really good.

That might've been me. :D
Did you lose? :rolleyes:

Nvm, you won. Wasn't me :)
Just won with the strategy up above :D (The Spartan.) I played with my good friend and we winzored >=D

If your WC3 username is Romek, it wasn't you :p
PMP is... okay. You don't see it out there on the list every day.
If you ever want to play it, whisper me:
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