<Realms of the Genesis>

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So many apples
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ok now i really want to put meathook in my map (one of my favorite skills) but if i put it in my map then people will say that i copied meat hook from dota, what i want is another idea for meat hook...not just grab and damage, but another idea that fits meat hook spell

like if a unit is grabbed, slow it and stun, or if an allied unit is grabbed, do some sfx and some heal or damage, not just editing the range, damage and model but the whole effect

i cant think of something to modify meat hook so that it wouldnt look like meat hook....thats why i need ur help on giving me ideas on how to modify meat hook


oh yeah, i need a new model for my new hero

can i request from you? HateBreeder?
i need it to be low on file size, no portrait and no custom texture...

i like the keeper of the grove model to be black like a demon and has demonic effects like black fires and black spirits...

no animation will be added or removed

he need to look bad and demonic because his name is hades and called the Dark Ruler

or maybe u have something that will fit as hades the dark ruler (ranged and an agi type hero)

Yes, I'll work on it today =)

This is what I've got so far:

I am having Problems with some meshes :S
I hope you like what you see ^^

BTW, I made a Spell called Dread Coil, it's close to Meat Hook, just take a look at it in the Resource Forums :p
No Credits needed for the Model, and also no Credits needed for my Spells =)


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wow that model is cool, and best fit to the dark ruler of the underworld

so wheres the model now? in the resource section?

ill look into it, also ill look into the dread coil :D


ooo i cant +rep :(


So many apples
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wow that model is cool, and best fit to the dark ruler of the underworld

so wheres the model now? in the resource section?

ill look into it, also ill look into the dread coil :D


ooo i cant +rep :(

I didn't submit it yet...
I thought I'll send you this Model via PM =)
I am not 100% done with the Model yet :S


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well ok...
its up to you if youll submit it in the forums or not

but its better to submit it in the forums so that you can help people that needs model u made


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yep i checked it already

but i cant find the function on how did u damage the unit

the damage is depending on the distance...so whats the formula for that?


So many apples
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yep i checked it already

but i cant find the function on how did u damage the unit

the damage is depending on the distance...so whats the formula for that?

It's just Data.Distance.
I add Damage to that Variable. I also check with that Variable the Distance it Coil moves.


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oh ok...

now im out of hero ideas, thats why i need some personalize heroes from u guys
like the hero must be a character from you

like my personalized hero in the game is the Dark Ruler because, my zodiac sign is sagitarrius, so that means it must be half human half horse, or a centaur, so i used keeper of the grove model, because it looks like a demon when turned black, i like him to be agi because i love fast heroes, i like him to be ranged because, i played well on ranged heroes, i like to be a demon, because i love my yugioh fiend deck, i like him to have an auto cast spell because, i love heroes with auto cast spell...and bla bla bla

just like that

first of all the hero u want to make must not be imba....like all spells are imba
the hero u want to make must be unique, not plagiarizing heroes in other maps
also for the spells...they must be unique, not like importing spells from other maps, also the spell must be codeable
for the model, u can choose the model u want for the hero

for the stats, ill make them my self, just give me the main attribute, and the semi main attribute, like str agi hero, that means the highest stat is str, and the second highest stat is agi

for the items, this will be optional, if u want to have a personalize item for the hero u made, u can make one, one item per hero only
the item must be a recipe item
and again the item must not too imba combined for that hero u made

like the new item called black heart is a personalize item made just for the dark ruler, because the item gives attack speed, agility, armor, and an armor reduction, making the holder more demonic

i hope youll add ur hero here



So many apples
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I already have an Idea:
I'd personalize myself with Hatred.
The Model of my Hero is meerly a Skeleton, since they live their lives one more time, to spread chaos and disorder apon Human Kind.
I chose that Model because I am a very Skinny Person, and I really love Occultism, Stigmatism, Black Magic, Necropotence and I permanently walk around in black cloths.

I love mass-devastation, blood baths and epidemic diseases, so I'd proberby have a AOE damage Spell that lays a curse on opponents.
I am a uncomplicated guy, and I like to keep things pretty simple. I tend to become aggessive once someone really annoys me, so my Second skill would be an aggressive passive (On attack).
I dare myself to the most stupid things. It's do or die for me ^^ So I'd have some risky Ability such as Beserk.
As for the Ultimate, I'd have something rather passive-ish, since long waits for active skills are just not my thing ^^

My Hero is Strength based, followed by agility. I guess my Hero doesn't need much intelligence, does it? :p


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Hey, My post disappeared due to internet down last time! lol

Yeah, due those meat hooks from before, maybe you need to make a hero called hooker.

My meat hook idea : (this isn't really mine; my friend did tell it to me some while ago)

Meat Whip
The hero throws a whip in a circle movement, and it will stop after completing 3/4 of the circle. Then the hero will pull the whip back (make this by moving the whip one by one periodically, and not all whip locust at once but from behind so it'll give a pulled look), pulling and damaging every units near the whip.

The whip has 2 actions: pull(throw the whip) and push(pulls the whip).
When it's creating the circle, units got hit will be moved to the next locust's place and damaged just like it's stabbed and pushed behind.
After the hero pulls the whip, the whip lost it's pushing ability and replace with a new pulling ability. Locusts that haven't moved didn't give any effects.

Now this is my idea :
Meat Chain
The hero shoots a hook that will stop at the first target it hits, and chain off the target. Chained units can't attack nor cast spells. The chain will remains as long as the distance of the hero and the hit unit still below x or it'll last after x seconds. Caster still can move after the target is hit, and it can pull the target to the caster's place anytime as long the target is still chained, but this action will break the chain right after the target stopped (hit an unit while pulled of got in front of the caster)
Locusts are forming the path between the hero and the target unit.


So many apples
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Hey, My post disappeared due to internet down last time! lol

Yeah, due those meat hooks from before, maybe you need to make a hero called hooker.

My meat hook idea : (this isn't really mine; my friend did tell it to me some while ago)

Meat Whip
The hero throws a whip in a circle movement, and it will stop after completing 3/4 of the circle. Then the hero will pull the whip back (make this by moving the whip one by one periodically, and not all whip locust at once but from behind so it'll give a pulled look), pulling and damaging every units near the whip.

The whip has 2 actions: pull(throw the whip) and push(pulls the whip).
When it's creating the circle, units got hit will be moved to the next locust's place and damaged just like it's stabbed and pushed behind.
After the hero pulls the whip, the whip lost it's pushing ability and replace with a new pulling ability. Locusts that haven't moved didn't give any effects.

Now this is my idea :
Meat Chain
The hero shoots a hook that will stop at the first target it hits, and chain off the target. Chained units can't attack nor cast spells. The chain will remains as long as the distance of the hero and the hit unit still below x or it'll last after x seconds. Caster still can move after the target is hit, and it can pull the target to the caster's place anytime as long the target is still chained, but this action will break the chain right after the target stopped (hit an unit while pulled of got in front of the caster)
Locusts are forming the path between the hero and the target unit.

I could make Meat Whip =)


New Member
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cool! I never tried it but I encountered a serous problem at making meat chain : the breaking chain when it stopped due to hit another unit. Can u fix it?


Have a drink of a nice cold mellowberry juice!
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Me, right now I COULD, uhm..... read the posts XD Anyway wait, maybe you would prefer making your own mini site for your map.


So many apples
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cool! I never tried it but I encountered a serous problem at making meat chain : the breaking chain when it stopped due to hit another unit. Can u fix it?

In GUI it might be problematic ^^ But I recently learned vJass ^^ That makes things muuuuuuuuuuuuch easier ^^


Have a drink of a nice cold mellowberry juice!
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I think that skill should be in JASS, it sounds a bit complicated when done in GUI.


New Member
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Nah, someone did post. Now I can give my hero idea.

Of course, a dragon. I'd love it to be an electric dragon; make the model form the bronze dragon and give it blue static effects... (if you can)

Main attribute is agility, followed by strength. Thunders are fast yet powerful aren't they?

Nah, 1st skill... the dragon should be able to change its attacks from melee and ranged. At melee, his attacks cause his second skill to be 'bleeding (scratches, and I need another animation for this one)'. At ranged form, his attacks caused his second skill to be 'static'. Normal form : ranged form.

2nd skill : 'Static' or 'Bleeding' (passive)
Ranged second skill --> Static : This will allows the dragon to stun the target opponent every x attacks, and deals bonus damage. More fearful, after x seconds the thunder will jump to another unit that came in 100-200 range. if none, it ends there.

Melee second skill --> Bleeding scratches : This skill will deals damage over time and it's duration will be increased if your opponent moves. Normal duration = 1 seconds, every 100 range move duration + 0.25 seconds.

3rd skill : The thunder dragon should conjures electric everytime he wants. This skill allows him to shoot a ball of thunder to an unit, slowing the unit for x seconds + damage over time and finally explodes into a large static dealing damage in an AoE and stunning more units around.

Ulti : Calls thunder to himself. allowing him to have static in melee form along with bleeding for a set duration. Also, it'll damage units around when called and slowing those units around for x(same as the skill effect to self) seconds.

Special item :
Ball of electricity. Slows units around every x seconds for x duration. Also grants attackspeed and movement speed.


So many apples
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Nah, someone did post. Now I can give my hero idea.

Of course, a dragon. I'd love it to be an electric dragon; make the model form the bronze dragon and give it blue static effects... (if you can)

Main attribute is agility, followed by strength. Thunders are fast yet powerful aren't they?

Nah, 1st skill... the dragon should be able to change its attacks from melee and ranged. At melee, his attacks cause his second skill to be 'bleeding (scratches, and I need another animation for this one)'. At ranged form, his attacks caused his second skill to be 'static'. Normal form : ranged form.

2nd skill : 'Static' or 'Bleeding' (passive)
Ranged second skill --> Static : This will allows the dragon to stun the target opponent every x attacks, and deals bonus damage. More fearful, after x seconds the thunder will jump to another unit that came in 100-200 range. if none, it ends there.

Melee second skill --> Bleeding scratches : This skill will deals damage over time and it's duration will be increased if your opponent moves. Normal duration = 1 seconds, every 100 range move duration + 0.25 seconds.

3rd skill : The thunder dragon should conjures electric everytime he wants. This skill allows him to shoot a ball of thunder to an unit, slowing the unit for x seconds + damage over time and finally explodes into a large static dealing damage in an AoE and stunning more units around.

Ulti : Calls thunder to himself. allowing him to have static in melee form along with bleeding for a set duration. Also, it'll damage units around when called and slowing those units around for x(same as the skill effect to self) seconds.

Special item :
Ball of electricity. Slows units around every x seconds for x duration. Also grants attackspeed and movement speed.

Hehehe :p I have made a Static SFX pack, maybe you'd like them ^^
Oh, Good News, I'm done with the Model. Bad News: It's about 400kb big :p Which is just too large for normal Play :S

Finished annother Model, this one will be for my Hero:

Cool huh? It's also very light on kb (80kb to be exact ^^)
Also has some realy cool Particle Action =)


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ok now the problem is, i havent tested making hooks yet, because they are so confusing
thats why i only need a simple modfication of the original meat hook to something neat and simple

i have a simple idea on the hook....its called the lightning hook, meat hook with lightning effects, still pulls the first unit it encounters but doesnt deals damage to the single target, instead dealing area damage and slowing units nearby the hooked unit

things i cant make from dota is, hook and toss, which are my favorite spells

im not so good at spellmaking even though im already 1 year old at mapping because im a dependent guy, meaning i dont do things i havent made or made by other people

like i dont want to test on making hooks because i know i cant make it, but some says, try and try until you die...but still i cant follow that saying because i want my work to be done fast

to improve my spellmaking skills, i dont need to stop any of my projects then submit spells...instead ill make more projects without systems and make spells using vjass of my own...im planning on RotG v2...like i want to start RotG again because the map is kinda messy, full of systems just to make spells, and maybe ill only import a system for recipe items, because there will be lots of recipe items in RotG v2

but now im not aiming on that v2, im aiming on 4 taverns full of heroes each team, 2 upgradeables, and 3 recipe shops, and last will be the balancing of heroes and gameplays

then after making the map perfect..ill move on to v2

for all of the hero ideas, ill make them all...and thank you

and yeah, wheres the model now?
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