Arena Robot Wars - |Map of the Week #3|

I just remembered another thing. There was an ability that had a manacost of 85 (by a mistake I guess). I do not remeber which one though.

Chaotic Fire is insane... people were playing pinball with each other, it was blasting them across the arena 2, sometimes even 3, times. Please reduce the knockback effect ^_^

Also, Charged Explosion sucks ass, it's nearly impossible to complete the charge (which is 4 or 5 sec long?) due to knockbacks, and the damage doesn't really make up for it (since it's exactly the same as all the other ultimates, which are much harder, if not impossible, to stop from following through), and the drag only helps the enemy, since it puts them in a better position to blast you :(
>Chaotic Fire is insane... people were playing pinball with each other, it was blasting them across the arena 2, sometimes even 3, times. Please reduce the knockback effect ^_^

Hm yes I noticed that it's extremely easy to hit with and even though the low damage of it, it's still worth it for the great knockback. I might lower it for that specific spell, also I'm thinking of adding a 0.5 second casting time to it.

>Also, Charged Explosion sucks ass, it's nearly impossible to complete the charge (which is 4 or 5 sec long?) due to knockbacks, and the damage doesn't really make up for it (since it's exactly the same as all the other ultimates, which are much harder, if not impossible, to stop from following through), and the drag only helps the enemy, since it puts them in a better position to blast you :(

Darn... Had hoped that it would be good, haven't been able to test it against others since my friends only go with chaotic fire and freezer from the no target spells... Any suggestions for improvement?
Version 1.5 is now released.

(Sorry, I know that it hasn't passed 24 hours yet, but an update of a map is always an update of a map. ^^)

Added some screenshots from in game battles between me and my school mates, check them out some of them are real cool.:thup:

Arcane Bolt now travels faster for each level. The knockback of Chaotic Fire has been reduced. Added two new levels on the Knockback Resistance Kit. Increased the knockback resistance on all robots except for Light Tank. Increased the health of Heavy Tank. Reduced the health of Light Tank.

Bugs fixed:
The kills and deaths should be fully working now. (Hope this is the last time I have to write this...)

Screenshots, the map itself etc are all in the first post.
Awesome, going to wait until Flare gets on so I can pwn him yet again.

One thing I noticed yesterday, you're using 'S' as hotkey for the rocket swirl thingie, which is the Stop order hotkey. This is somewhat annoying.
>Awesome, going to wait until Flare gets on so I can pwn him yet again.

>One thing I noticed yesterday, you're using 'S' as hotkey for the rocket swirl thingie, which is the Stop order hotkey. This is somewhat annoying.
Yes I wanted to make it easy for users to use the spells, the hotkeys are the same as their positions in the ability shops.

Why do you find it annoying?
Because if you're moving and pressing the S hotkey, you'll stop, then you have to press S again in order for the ability to fire, so you can't be moving if you want to use it.
Yeah, the "S" hotkey spell was annoying. It wouldn't work with stop! :(

Anyways, I love this map! :D

But as I was playing, I found that Iron Grip was too strong. No aim, no delay, just press an enemy and it's instant damage. Level two is already at 180 damage, so do it a few times and the person is dead. Maybe if it was like, you press Iron Grip towards a target angle, and if there is an enemy in front of you in like a 200 distance cone, then the effect happens; that's more fair because then you'd actually have to aim it.

Meteor is also too strong. It's relatively very fast, even if people are moving, and it kills enemies in like 1.25 hits of that. Also, Arcane Bolt is good, but its AoE for hitting is so small, you barely hit, even when you see it hit the unit.

I suggest making the knockbacks further and faster. Right now, the knock backs are mostly so little that it doesn't really serve its purpose to guide your enemies where you want them or get them away; instead it's more of a stun since it's a slow knockback and they can't do anything. It would be better if the distances were at least 200+ and the speed was also faster. The biggest knockbacks that I saw were from the spikes from the wall and Critical Jump, and Ram (btw, Ram is awesome :)). I mean, the knockbacks all got better towards the end, but that's quite some time.

Grammar Check: when you fall into the pit, it says "<name> has fallen to he's doom". I think you meant "<name> has fallen to his/her doom".

QUESTION: Can you upgrade your health and stuff. Late game, Iron Grip and other spells like Meteor and Lightning can kill you in 1 hit.

But awesome game anyway!
>Yeah, the "S" hotkey spell was annoying. It wouldn't work with stop! :(
Hm... Have always worked out for me... Got any suggestion for hotkey change?

>Anyways, I love this map! :D
Thank you, so do I. ^^

>But as I was playing, I found that Iron Grip was too strong. No aim, no delay, just press an enemy and it's instant damage. Level two is already at 180 damage, so do it a few times and the person is dead. Maybe if it was like, you press Iron Grip towards a target angle, and if there is an enemy in front of you in like a 200 distance cone, then the effect happens; that's more fair because then you'd actually have to aim it.
Ah, a great suggestion. I will make sure that this is fixed for the next version. Even though no one of my friends choose Iron Grip I know that it's damage is enormous and it's quite easy to use it.

>Meteor is also too strong. It's relatively very fast, even if people are moving, and it kills enemies in like 1.25 hits of that. Also, Arcane Bolt is good, but its AoE for hitting is so small, you barely hit, even when you see it hit the unit.
I could add some more delay on it, but the thing is that I reduced the delay some while ago because no one could hit with it at all. Any idea of how much delay I should add?...

>I suggest making the knockbacks further and faster. Right now, the knock backs are mostly so little that it doesn't really serve its purpose to guide your enemies where you want them or get them away; instead it's more of a stun since it's a slow knockback and they can't do anything.
The thing is, if they are to be longer then they would become too powerful. It would be far too easy to knock someone down the pit in the beginning of the round. Also you fly pretty far already when you are low on health, sometimes I feel like a pinball flying between the spikes across the map.^^

>Grammar Check: when you fall into the pit, it says "<name> has fallen to he's doom". I think you meant "<name> has fallen to his/her doom".
Darn, I always mix these small grammar things up... Will be changed to the next version. :) Thanks for pointing it out.;)

>QUESTION: Can you upgrade your health and stuff. Late game, Iron Grip and other spells like Meteor and Lightning can kill you in 1 hit.
Yes there are Health Kits that you can buy and upgrade. You can only wear one but the increased health at rank 4 is more than enough to survive.

>But awesome game anyway!
Thanks. ^^
I think Meteor is good as it is. It has huge damage but not a very large AoE. It takes some skill to actually hit it (unless you have the Freezer+Meteor combo).
Yes there are Health Kits that you can buy and upgrade. You can only wear one but the increased health at rank 4 is more than enough to survive.
You gaves me an idea (purely aesthetic though) - make the fact that you upgrade the health kits by clicking them more obvious. I made about 1500g yesterday from selling second/third health kits that others had bought :D

I suggest making the knockbacks further and faster
Knockbacks are fairly strong at the moment - if you're low on health and/or fairly low KB resistance, you will get a fairly big shunt from spellls (Charge gives a fairly nice push I think, regardless of health, but it's not overpowered amount of knockback)

Also, I agree with Larcenist - Meteor is fine as it is, and certain tanks (particularly the 0 KB resistance green one) do make it really obvious when they are launching it, and it's relatively easy to judge it's target (well, the general direction at least) from there. I've seen very few people get hit with it, even though it does look quite difficult to say wheere it will seemingly land, due to the angle it flies at.

Other than that angle thing, it's quite an obvious spell (due to the animation/sound, and the fact that it's one of the few spells that don't have an instantaneous effect) and it's strength does get balanced (to an extent) by its predictability, which would make it ultimate material
>make the fact that you upgrade the health kits by clicking them more obvious.
Done and done. It now says "Click me to upgrade" at the end of the tooltip.

>I made about 1500g yesterday from selling second/third health kits that others had bought :D

Version 1.6 is now released.
You can find the map, updates etc at the first post.

Edited Iron Grip so it's a target point ability, it now picks a random enemy unit in front of you at 200 range instead of actually selecting the enemy. The casting range is set to 200 so you don't cast too far away. (When testing it, it felt better to go with it that way.)
Added a new game mode, you can now choose to have the pit permanently open. (Only if you choose to have the pit active of course.)
Fixed the Houserobots Mystic Net again, when I changed the ability Mystic Net was based on I forgot to change the order for the Houserobots.
The small energy balls that comes from the big Energy Ball now really dies after three seconds or on collision as the tooltip says. (They only died when leaving the arena or hiting a player before.)
You are no longer granted kills from yourself when falling down the pit.
OMG! MAJOR BUG! I died because of bug, lol. Some spells like Arcane Bolt can damage inside the waiting area, so when the battle started, I had 100 health! Ok, it bugged because I wasn't invunerable. Nevermind, but I still took damage, lol. (SO UNFAIR, I was AFK and they killed me! (because I was typing this lol)!

Anyway, it's a bit slow-paced. Either make the arena smaller, or make the pit bigger and make the events occur more of have a larget area of effect. Just my suggestion. :D

Make it like in Warlock. Reset all cooldowns, reset all health at start.

EDIT: Wow, so unbalanced. :( Missile Swirl killed me in 1 hit (well 1 hit of that + an arcane bolt). And it was only round 4!

EDIT 2: If someone leaves, then you can't win unless the winner suicides.
And I was never invunerable during the base time. Maybe pink doesn't go invunerable, lol. I DIED BEFORE GAME STARTED!
So to sum it up in all those edits:
-Fix those invunerable bugs
-Make all the tanks have like an extra 50 health
-Fix some of the spells so they aren't as strong
-Fix the Leaver bug
-Add Reset health and cooldown at start
>-Fix those invunerable bugs
Added a timer that sets the tanks health to 100% when your not battling. Your also becoming invulnerable.

>-Make all the tanks have like an extra 50 health
I just nerfed Light Tanks health by 50 and 100 health added Heavy Tank. There are also items that you can buy and improve to:
A: Increase your total health.
B: Heal yourself.

>-Fix some of the spells so they aren't as strong
There are 24 spells in total, how am I supposed to know what spells to nerf and how much I should nerf them if you tell me to nerf some of the spells? ^^ I'm not God. :)

>-Fix the Leaver bug
It works when I tested with my friends in school, did it happen more than once or just one time? Did it lag when the player left? I might add a timer that checks instead of only when someone dies. (By the way, when someone leave he's tank is killed meaning that he do die so I can't see why it shouldn't trigger it.)

>-Add Reset health and cooldown at start
Cooldown are now reseted at start.

The new version will be updated soon, trying to fix the darn Multiboard...
A tip would be to add a time limit for the rounds. That way you wont be able to delay it as much when it's heads up between two players. Just split the winnings if there's more than one winner of the round.
>-Health Issue
Ok, 50 health to light and 100 to heavy... I was thinking more about Medium and Destroyer. :D They were the ones dying constantly but, Ok, that's still better.
A. Yeah, well I was bugged at start and: you need money to get money. :)
B. Yes, I had to constantly heal myself, which wasted my money from buying items that were needed i.e. Health Boost items, Regeneration Droids, etc.

>-Spells Issues
Yeah, that would be hard. But here, a simple way is this: any spell that deals over 200 damage with multiple hit chances needs to be nerfed, meaning spells like the Missile Swirl - In 4 rounds, you can get it maxed even if you are the loser - it deals 500 damage if you hit, and it's pretty easy.

>-Leaver Bug
Well, I only played it online once so... The thing was that the leaver's tank would stay in the base so it counted as alive?

SUGGESTION: Coming from all of that "you need money to get money", I have a suggestion inspired from emjlr3's Unholy Arena, which is similar to your map which is similar to Warlock (basic choose spells that have knockback/damage/effects with maybe lava/pit). The loser will basically never have a chance to win ultimately. He might kill a tank every few rounds from luck or from saving up a lot to last another round, but the overall guy(s) who die a lot won't get better. So as in emjlr3's Unholy Arena, the last place should get compensation for sucking. :p Like the last 3 in place would get extra gold or something - not so much that people would want to be last place, but just enough so that they can keep up if they spend it wisely. (Yes... I was that loser...)

Version Update!
1.7 is now released!
(Map etc is as always in the first post.)

Version updates:
Nerfed Rocket Twirl’s damage.
Bouncing Glaive and Suicide Bomber now damage
their correct value each level.
Fixed the Multiboard, you can now keep empty
spots between players without it bugging.
Fixed some bugs in overall.
Added one new command:
“-damage”, shows the current round damage dealt
for all players.
Added a new event, when there is two robots left
a two minute countdown timer will start. When it
ends the one with the most round damage wins.

Thanks to Flare for helping me with the damage issue check.

>-Leaver Bug
>Well, I only played it online once so... The thing was that the leaver's tank would stay in the base so it counted as alive?
He was still alive...? How is that even possible...?
Player leaves
        Player - Set name of (Triggering player) to (|cFFCCCCCC + ((Name of (Triggering player)) + |r))
        Game - Display to (All players) the text: ((Name of (Triggering player)) +  has left the game for some reason.)
        Set KilledYourself[PitInteger] = True
        Unit - Kill Tanks[(Player number of (Triggering player))]
        Set Tanks[(Player number of (Triggering player))] = No unit
And before you say "Wait, that trigger doesn't even have any event!", take a look at this:
For each (Integer GameInteger2) from 1 to 8, do (Actions)
    Loop - Actions
        Trigger - Add to Player leaves <gen> the event (Player - (Player(GameInteger2)) leaves the game)
It's in the Initialization trigger.

About your suggestion Thewrongvine, I don't really think that you do need money to get money in Robot Wars. Items helps you a lot yes but everyone receives the same amount of power crystals to buy spells with. The items isn't enough to become ultimately powerful. You can only have one health kit, and there is only four upgrades on it. No matter how much gold you gain you will never become that powerful from items alone that you can't be killed.

In difference to the Warlock maps were the winner/winners of the first three rounds becomes so much stronger than the others that you can't do a thing against them. Also there it's the kills that matters, not the damage or skill. Meaning that you can easily run around not attacking to then receive the final blow on people you haven't even damaged before.
Version update!
1.8 is now released.

Not much new, I reduced the lag by removing some leaks. Found some in two anti bug periodic timers.
Also there is now a new item, Bomb Detector. Reveals land bombs around you allowing you to avoid them.
I gave all land bombs permanent invisibility.
Flamethrower now works correctly. (I know it's the second time but somehow I messed that one up again...)
The Knockback Resistance Kit upgrading now works fully.

Well, at least this taught me something. Always keep an extra original version copy of your map and update it often... Had to remake 1.7 after corrupting the original... Well, enjoy. ^^
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    News portal has been retired. Main page of site goes to Headline News forum now
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    I am working on getting access to the old news portal under a different URL for those that would rather use that for news before we get a different news view.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Easily done
  • The Helper The Helper: is a link to the old news portal - i will integrate it into the interface somewhere when i figure it out
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    Need to try something
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    Hopefully this won't cause problems.
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  • Ghan Ghan:
    I have converted the Headline News forum to an Article type forum. It will now show the top 20 threads with more detail of each thread.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    See how we like that.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I do not see a way to go past the 1st page of posts on the forum though
  • The Helper The Helper:
    It is OK though for the main page to open up on the forum in the view it was before. As long as the portal has its own URL so it can be viewed that way I do want to try it as a regular forum view for a while
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Yeah I'm not sure what the deal is with the pagination.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    It SHOULD be there so I think it might just be an artifact of having an older style.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I switched it to a "Standard" article forum. This will show the thread list like normal, but the threads themselves will have the first post set up above the rest of the "comments"
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I don't really get that article forum but I think it is because I have never really seen it used on a multi post thread
  • Ghan Ghan:
    RpNation makes more use of it right now as an example:
  • The Helper The Helper:
  • The Helper The Helper:
    What do you think Tom?
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    I will have to get used to this.
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    The latest news feed looks good

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