Arena Robot Wars - |Map of the Week #3|


Let the game begin...
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Robot Wars 2.1d
It is finally here, the map were you can challenge your friends in an epic battle with war everywhere! Grab a robot, some abilities and your ready for battle! Beware of the many traps that are all over the arena! Also the most dangerous of all, the pit!


There are 12 target point spells and twelve no target spells. 6 of these are ultimates meaning that there are 3 target point ultimates and 3 no target ultimates. Most of the spells have knockback, this can be used to knock enemies down into the pit or just knock them away for the fun of it. The less health you have, the more knockback you will receive.

Knockback Resistance:
This is not what it may sound like the first time you hear it. Knockback resistance controls how much you will become knockbacked, the more resistance the less knockbacked you will become.

There are currently 6 different robots to choose from. Some are small, light and fast but have none or a very small amount of knockback resistance. Some are bigger but slower but have a greater amount of knockback resistance. They also have more health which also provides into less knockback.

Currently there are 17 random events that occur every minute in battle. These are all dangerous in different ways. It's all from a storm trying to drag you down into the pit to bombs falling down from the sky, so be careful as you battle.

The pit:
The famous pit is of course also in this game. It is in the center of the map and can be activated by pressing the four switches that are placed out across the arena. When activated, you can fall down and face an instant death.

Game play:
In Robot Wars it's not the amount of kills that counts, it's how much destruction you create. Meaning the more you damage other's, the more gold you get to buy items.

After each round everyone receives a power crystal which can be used to buy a new ability or upgrade one that you already have. This means that even though someone wins round after round he will still have as many skills as you do. The winner of each round is granted 200 extra gold which can be used to buy more powerful items.


The items are pretty simple, there are some items that you can attack with such as land mines or the explosion kit. But there are also items which can heal you or increase your maximum health.

Aiming for in the future:

More deadly traps.
Team choosing system.
More robots.
More items.

I would like to thank everyone who has helped me make this map come true.
Special thanks to:
My school mates who helped me test the map looking for bugs etc.
Flare for he's lightning system.









Thank you for reading, I will see you in the arena.;)

Version History:
1.0: Released the map.
[B]1.1:[/B] Fixed some bugs and added a new random event. Also nerfed some spells.
[B]1.2:[/B] Fixed some bugs and tool tips, also added a new item.
[B]1.3:[/B] Some major bugs fixed, you can now buy items again.
[B]1.4:[/B] Charge no longer damages yourself, Boomerang now works once again. Magnetic ball and Mystic net are no longer based on the same ability as the ones in row three (Charge, Critical Jump, Boomerang). Added a new command for player one.
[B]1.5:[/B] Arcane Bolt now travels faster for each level. The knockback of Chaotic Fire has been reduced. Added two new levels on the Knockback Resistance Kit. Increased the knockback resistance on all robots except for Light Tank. Increased the health of Heavy Tank. Reduced the health of Light Tank.
[B]1.6:[/B] Edited Iron Grip so it's a target point ability, it now picks a random enemy unit in front of you at 200 range instead of actually selecting the enemy. The casting range is set to 200 so you don't cast too far away.
Added a new game mode, you can now choose to have the pit permanently open.
Fixed the Houserobots Mystic Net again.
The small energy balls that comes from the big Energy Ball now really dies after three seconds or on collision as the tooltip says.
You are no longer granted kills from yourself when falling down the pit.
[B]1.7:[/B]Nerfed Rocket Twirl’s damage.
Bouncing Glaive and Suicide Bomber now damage 
their correct value each level.
Fixed the Multiboard, you can now keep empty
spots between players without it bugging.
Fixed some bugs in overall.
Added one new command:
“-damage”, shows the current round damage dealt
for all players.
Added a new event, when there is two robots left
a two minute countdown timer will start. When it
ends the one with the most round damage wins.
[B]1.8:[/B] New item: Bomb Detector, reveals nearby land
bombs in the area.
Land bombs now have permanent invisibility.
Fixed Flamethrowers damage.
Fixed some leaking issues, the game should be
a lot less laggy now.
[B]1.9:[/B] Sorry about Flamethrower, it’s the last time I say that it’s fully
working now beacause it really is. Fixed the leaver bug. Fixed the
spawning Magical Pen bug. Fixed the revive bug. You can no 
longer cast spells in the shop area. Lowered Iron Grips damage 
a lot, it’s still good though, not just overpowered anymore.
Added a new random event. Ultimates now require atleast three
spent Power Crystals.
[B]2.0:[/B] The new version is finally here! A lot of balancing, bug removing etc! A new item and two new random events! Health kits now give health in percent. Bouncing Glaive now bounces on the pit if it's not opened. And much much more!
[B]2.1:[/B] New items, 1 new ability, new random events and a lot of bug fixes.
[B]2.2[/B] A lot of new items, replaced rocket rain, team mode added.
[B]2.1[/B]The latest versions was lost because of corruption, therefor I have jumped back to 2.1. Some new items has been added, two new abilities, new game modes (possible to remove the houserobots) minor bugs fixed, some balancing in the spells.


Do you have any ideas/suggestions for the map? Feel free to post them here. Critics are more then welcome too. Don't be afraid to ask if there is anything you wonder over.

Currently searching for:


Let the game begin...
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Huh? Lags? I haven't felt a thing and I have played it with 3 friends at the same time.

When did it start lagging? What did you do before it started lag? Have you tested to restart the computer and check again? Did you play alone?

It shouldn't lag and no, there are no leaks. Also if there were leaks it still takes 10-15 min before you notice them.


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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He could have a crap comp... it's a possibility, the comp im on now lags with alot of war3 maps and it's only 3 years old. On my good one it runs like a charm.

BTW, map seems interesting Keep up the Good Work.


Let the game begin...
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Well me and my friends are sitting on our one and a half year old laptops, they were worth somewhere around 5000kr - 7000kr (714$-1000$). They can't handle much but wc3 works well on them.

By the way, if anyone by any chance can host and is willing to host this map please contact me, I would love to test this beauty online!

Screen shots will come soon, I have to play it with my friends again so that I get real in game battle pictures.


Working on a Map
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This map is great :)
However, Irongrip seems too powerful. It does alot of damage and if someone decides to max it that guy would pawn everything. I suggest reducing the damage slightly, to say 85, 170, 255, 330 and so on.
Also, I think if someone dies because of the pit, the message should be "(Player Name) has fallen to his/her doom!" or something. Now it shows "(Empty String) has killed (Player Name). The kill function does not credit anyone for the kill, thus the case.
The spikes are pretty good too :). However, the beam ultimate is crazy ATM, it does insane damage and has less cooldown then the elemental thingy and maybe some other normal skills.
Overall, its great, but there should be more traps and you don't really need a custom model for a side-cast (house robot at the bottom). Try to watch the filesize.
Some trap suggestions:
Crazed Driver- A car (use one of those hidden models which blizzard used in azeroth grand prix) appears at a random point and starts driving around randomly, it will damage and knockback anything it hits.
Obstacle Course- Obstacles appear around the arena, each has certain effects. E.G. Steel Fence-> Prevents units from moving past it. Net-> Slows units moving through it. etc.
Portal of Randomness- A few portals appear around the arena. Whenever someone enters one, that person will be teleported to a random point of the arena.
Good Luck!


Stops copies me!
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Woah, I think you leak somewhere, because it lags every 2 seconds or something.

Unless Kazuga is intentionally leaking, it'd be impossible to get lag every 2 seconds (assuming you mean lag from around the beginning of the game :p) - perhaps you should look into preloading some stuff (either do it all during the loading screen, or have an intro cinematic and preload there, where it won't be noticeable).

But, that's assuming you're using alot of special effects, additional abilities (such as dummy caster spells), and dummies :p

Must give this a go sometime, might try it tonight if I can rope someone into hosting it for me :)


Let the game begin...
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Ah, finally some feedback. ^^

>However, Irongrip seems too powerful.
Hm you might have a point there... I will see what I can do.

>Also, I think if someone dies because of the pit, the message should be "(Player Name) has fallen to his/her doom!"
Great suggestion, I will make sure to fix that. :)

>The kill function does not credit anyone for the kill, thus the case.
Darn, thought I fixed that... Will look into it...

>The spikes are pretty good too :).
Thanks, I just love to knock people into them just to see them fly away with extreme speed towards the other side. ^^

>However, the beam ultimate is crazy ATM, it does insane damage and has less cooldown then the elemental thingy and maybe some other normal skills.
Hm it's possible I forgot to fix it's cooldown, all ultimates should have a cooldown of 30 seconds while normal abilities (except for shield) should have 15 seconds. I will look into the damage and see if I can lower it some.

>Overall, its great, but there should be more traps
Have any suggestions? ^^ I'm currently all out of ideas at the moment.
Edit: More than those you suggested, missed those. :p

>and you don't really need a custom model for a side-cast
Well, it looks so ugly having to identical houserobots.

>Try to watch the filesize.
Well it's only 2MB at the moment so I don't think it's calm for now.:)

>Good Luck!

>perhaps you should look into preloading some stuff (either do it all during the loading screen, or have an intro cinematic and preload there, where it won't be noticeable).
Hm good idea, though a lot of people becomes real pissed when you have an unstoppable cinematic in the beginning, but I guess I can try to make it as painless as possible. :)

>But, that's assuming you're using alot of special effects, additional abilities (such as dummy caster spells), and dummies :p
Not really no, well one spell uses 32 dummies instantly but it's for a nova and I haven't felt any lag from it yet.


Super Moderator
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Post screenshots?

If you have a lot of custom models, skins, or sounds, I suggest preloading them.


Let the game begin...
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As I said earlier, I need to play the map with my friends so I can get some in game real battle screen shots. Unless someone hosts it, it has to wait until tomorrow or the day after.

Currently I'm working with version 1.1. It will be released shortly.


Stops copies me!
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Just played it - public game, ~6 players, great fun. First round was a bit ¬.¬ because was didn't buy any abilities, and had to suicide :(

Second round, the fun began. And there was alot of it :D
Lovely abilities, knockback resistance is a cool feature. Laser beam was <3

Sadly, a few problems I saw
1) Those lightning wards are pretty overpowered, 50DPS in a fairly large AoE, along with slow at higher level? >_<
2) Freezer ward is also pretty lame, especially combined with lightning wards
Larcenist abused that combo to own me, except once when a house robot saved my ass and I owned him ^__^
3) No items :(
4) For some reason, I wasn't shown on the leaderboard, I think
5) End of game is pretty... empty? Screen goes black, and absolutely nothing happens
6) Healing ability FTL (Thunder, or something, especially considering it has large damage as well)
7) Either the damage display is bugged, or Magnetic Ball is only doing 50 damage at all levels (the drag power is definitely increasing, but the damage doesn't seem to be)

All in all, apart from those issues, it was great fun, gonna have another game now :)

+<3, and +rep, I wanna see MOAR!


REP: Respect, Envy, Prosperity?
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1) Those lightning wards are pretty overpowered, 50DPS in a fairly large AoE, along with slow at higher level? >_<
2) Freezer ward is also pretty lame, especially combined with lightning wards

Just because I'm more awesome than you and noticed this awesome combo :D.

This was probably one of the funnier maps I've ever played lately, and that's even with no items and Flare outside the leaderboard (whether or not this was a loss can be discussed :p).

Bring me more carnage, and do it fast! ^^


Stops copies me!
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Flare outside the leaderboard (whether or not this was a loss can be discussed ).
Don't be jealous just because I shooped everyone's ass :D

However, the beam ultimate is crazy ATM, it does insane damage and has less cooldown then the elemental thingy and maybe some other normal skills.
Well, considering how close the laser is to actually start firing, it's not that bad - people have 2 or 3 seconds to get out of your LoS, then your safe, and the shooter has no mana left over to fight back

Charge causes self damage, is that intended?
Bouncing glaive doesn't seem to bounce, it shoots out from your back, and the casting clashes with Magnetic Ball
Flamethrower does 5 damage per hit at level 2 (should be 10), not sure about anything beyond that


Let the game begin...
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Sorry sorry, I accedently created some bugs when I was messing around in the map trying to fix some others. The bouncing glaive etc is working fully now, there are items but I somehow managed to remove the sell ability from the shop... Etc. A lot of bug fixes fixed now.

Thanks for testing the map, would love to join you myself. ^^
I will look over Thunder etc for the next version, yes Charge damages you the first time you use it. (Have no idea of why, will have to have a check on that.) But the rest of the times it doesn't. (So I suggest you use it while your invulnerable in outside the arena.)

Here is a link to the new ver.

Bouncing glaive doesn't seem to bounce, it shoots out from your back, and the casting clashes with Magnetic Ball
Flamethrower does 5 damage per hit at level 2 (should be 10), not sure about anything beyond that
Those are all fixed now.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Looks pretty cool, I will try it out when I can. :thup:

NOTE: Also put the download link in the main thread.


Stops copies me!
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yes Charge damages you the first time you use it. (Have no idea of why, will have to have a check on that.)
First time you use it in the whole game, or first time in each round? I was able to kill myself with only Charge one round (much to Larcenist's annoyance :D), which was about 4 times (since I think someone got a hit on me)

And, I think the leaderboard deaths column is messed up - player 1 had 3 deaths before the first round had ended (in a full-house game) :p


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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I tested it out for like 3 minutes, lol. Me likey! :D

Nice, fast game with interesting spells. But the Boomerang spell doesn't work I think. It creates a boomerang where you targeted, the boomerang does a semi-circle to the caster and then like another semi-circle slightly out, and then it just blasts back in to the caster really fast. It's hard to hit anyone with it, and I don't think it does damage. :confused:

But good job and good luck! :thup:


REP: Respect, Envy, Prosperity?
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One minor thing I noticed trying to oneshot Flare with level 2 Meteor (since he did nothing but suicide with the damn charge if I didn't oneshot him :( ) was that it seems to have less AoE than the one it's supposed to have. I aimed it at someone who were just inside the target circle, but it did no damage at all.


Let the game begin...
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Version 1.4 is now here, check the first post for link and more info.

Bugs fixed:
Charge no longer damages yourself.
Boomerang is now fully working again.
Mystic Net and Magnetic Ball are no longer based on the same abilities as in row three (Charge, Critical Jump, Boomerang).
You should now receive the correct amount of deaths/kills in the Multiboard.

Not fixed:
The Multiboard isn't fixed yet, so when you play it make sure there isn't any hole between each player.

Player 1: Carl
Player 2: Lenny

Does not work:
Player 1: Carl
Player 2:
Player 3: Lenny

I'm working on this and I will try to have it fixed as soon as possible.
Note: All abilities should be fully working now! (Yes finally!^^)

Larcenist, Meteor has a 200 area of effect both in the trigger and in the spell object editor. It might be that if he's on the edge of it he might now be grouped in the code.
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