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  1. Matemeo

    US News South Carolina Permits Dogs to Attack Bears for Sport

    QFT. The barbarism people show other humans is disgusting.
  2. Matemeo

    Sci/Tech Software tool helps tap into the power of graphics processing

    According to research I devour while not working at work, anything over 72 FPS is overkill. 72 FPS is considered the perfect FPS for how our eyes and brains interpret motion. Then again research is mostly inconclusive, though most agree anything above the threshold of say 75ish FPS is absolute...
  3. Matemeo

    World Noah's Ark Found in... Turkey

    Unless you think enough water appeared to flood the entire earth for an amazing 150 days and then it disappears without going to an outside source (space as he stated) then you believe in magic. Oh wait, that's precisely what you believe in.
  4. Matemeo

    Gaming Canada: We’re Number Three

    Most companies would recommend you do not take a Game Design major. Emphasis on it with a very strong backing in either Software Engineering or Computer Science is recommended. A lot of people pigeonhole themselves into Game Design and don't have the technical knowhow to back it up.
  5. Matemeo

    US News CBS Sued Over Penis Surgery Show

    Why would you undergo surgery to get rid of those bumps? Everyone has them and they're 100% natural. They just are what they are . . . I'd mess with a friend if he got this done, it's just plain stupid.
  6. Matemeo

    Report Study proves conclusively that violent video game play makes more aggressive kids

    You can't take one case and use it to attempt to completely discredit something learned in a study. There are always outliers and things that don't fit into the norm. This study was incredibly stupid for using the words, "prove" and "conclusively" as in any good psychology any kind of black and...
  7. Matemeo

    General Umami -- The Next Giant Food Trend and Why Bacon Tastes Good

    Umami has been known in Asian cultures for awhile, and it is indeed referred to as savory in the United States at least. MMMM UMAMI
  8. Matemeo

    Sci/Tech The First Test That Proves General Theory of Relativity Wrong

    We should be glad he was proven wrong. Building on and improving existing theory is the most important tenet to good science.
  9. Matemeo

    Weird TSA Worker plants bag of white powder on Passenger as a Joke

    I'd be pretty pissed. It's not something you mess around with, though her reaction might have been a bit strong.
  10. Matemeo

    US News More Marijuana Stores than Starbucks In Denver

    Pot > Starbucks. Surprising? No.
  11. Matemeo

    Health Synthetic Alcohol Gives Drinkers a Buzz Minus the Hangover

    Great support for this guy. Isn't afraid to post the truth and is apparently brilliant. :thup::thup:
  12. Matemeo

    US News BREAKING NEWS: California Lawmakers To Debate Marijuana Legalization Tomorrow!

    Source on overdosing on Marijuana, please. "You would have to consume 40,000 times as much marijuana as you needed to get stoned [to overdose]." I know I've read this multiple times, this is the first site I found with the exact numbers.
  13. Matemeo

    UK News Government drug adviser David Nutt sacked

    QFT. And please before you attempt to debate tobacco & alcohol vs Ecstasy/LSD do a little bit of research.
  14. Matemeo

    US News BREAKING NEWS: California Lawmakers To Debate Marijuana Legalization Tomorrow!

    Are you even remotely implying that second hand Marijuana smoke has even the remote possiblity of directly causing the death of someone? :nuts:
  15. Matemeo

    US News BREAKING NEWS: California Lawmakers To Debate Marijuana Legalization Tomorrow!

    I'm not the one who made this into a debate ;). And your main point involving the tazer was you might hurt yourself if you get really high. Even though you just said it was a "cheap little toy." :cool:
  16. Matemeo

    US News BREAKING NEWS: California Lawmakers To Debate Marijuana Legalization Tomorrow!

    And hopefully when legalized it'll still be illegal to drive high, so it's a moot point. Don't drive when high, it's a responsibility issue. There is a difference between having fun, and being childish. And for your information I do a large variety of things high, the usual is to get friends...
  17. Matemeo

    US News BREAKING NEWS: California Lawmakers To Debate Marijuana Legalization Tomorrow!

    On the issue of laced marijuana: this is another argument for legalization! If you regulate it and control it you only ship out clean marijuana. As in marijuana having the ability to become as bad as cigarettes...please explain your thinking here as an any parallel between the two drugs...
  18. Matemeo

    US News BREAKING NEWS: California Lawmakers To Debate Marijuana Legalization Tomorrow!

    It most certainly is! If you don't think that you are truly ignorant.:nuts::nuts:
  19. Matemeo

    US News BREAKING NEWS: California Lawmakers To Debate Marijuana Legalization Tomorrow!

    Marijuana is non-habit forming. Thousands are put away every year (to the governments expense!) due to marijuana-based charges. The amount of money the government would save from a) not jailing people based on marijuana, and b) not spending money to enforce marijuana laws is reason enough...
  20. Matemeo

    Crime College Student Shot in Chest by Cops in Drug Raid

    Just remember, students smoking weed fuels terrorism in Afghanistan! The police's resources spent cracking down on kids enjoying some Marijuana is making the world a safer place. [/sarcasm]