Tutorial Basic Terraining - Lesson 1 - Forests


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Basic Terraining - Lesson 1

(Note, this is VERY basic. This is meant for begginers.)

I. Cliffs
II. Methods of Tile Variation
III. Adding Doodads
IV. Shaping the Environment
V. Conclusion​

I. Cliffs
Yes, we've all seen them. We hate them. They are disgusting. Blizzard cliffs make any terrain look horrible. You want to use the "Raise" tool and "Lower" tool to make good looking terrain. The raise tool raises the terrain in a way that it doesn't create cliffs, but just raises the land up. Same with the lower tool, it smoothly lowers it down.

See? The cliffs just ruin the terrain.

II. Methods of Tile Variation

There are two major ways you can vary the tiles in terrain.
A. Realistically
B. Randomly

Both of them look good, so I won't recomend one.

If you choose to use this method, you will spend a little-alot more time than randomly, depending on the size of your map. Realistically is where you have dirt under trees, because less will grow under the shade. Or, you don't have thick grass right next to dirt. The doodads should also be placed according to tiles. I will give an example of things that can touch what.

Rough Dirt<--Dirt<--Grassy Dirt<--Grass<--Thick Grass

Rough dirt can only touch dirt, but dirt can touch grassy dirt and sometimes grass. Thick grass can only touch grass. Think of Grassy Dirt as the "middle man".

Here's an example of realistic tile variation:


If you choose to use this method, you will spend alot less time than realistically doing it. To do this method, choose a region you want to terrain. Then, start spreading "SIZE 1" tiles of dirt. After that, spread "SIZE 1" of grass, then thick grass. Now do it once again with grass. There is not much skill in doing this, just close your eyes and place the tiles. :D

Here is something you should get:


III. Adding Doodads
Now its time for the good stuff. Adding doodads. You should start by adding trees in a realistic way, because not one forest on this earth is so closley packed together you can't move through it. Trees should probably go on dirt tiles, because less grows under the shade. Now, start adding flowers in the grassy regions, and try placing them in little groups. After that is done, place shrubs where it looks nice, they look best under trees. I guess I shouldn't say forest, but more of a woodsy area. Try to make it easy to walk through with what will fit your purpose. May be for armies, or a single hero.

River rushes look nice under trees, but only using the bush-like variation of it. Add a few flowers in dirt, but mostly in the thick grasses. I added an archery target with a fence to make the terrain look a little nicer.

Next, add some props and birds:


IV. Shaping the Environment
Okay, now that you have the doodads down and the tiles varied, shape the terrain to look nice. Try raising some areas where trees are. Make hills and valleys. Be sure to use the smooth tool, if you are using the noise tool or not, and yes, use the noise tools sometimes. Using the noise tool along with raise and lower then smoothing can give a very nice effect. (The smooth tool makes extremly unrealistically high areas next to very low areas smooth out, so it appears that it goes "up hill" in a smooth motion, not just jutting up.)

Eventually you should get:


V. Conclusion
That's it, your done! You should have a pretty nice looking forest by now. Note that this was meant for begginers, and probably won't help you pros out there. If you think this tutorial helped you or someone else out there, give some feedback, I would really apreciate it. :D


Nice tutorial overall, +reputation for your efforts. However it is not new user friendly also it is intended to be, you need to add more explanations rather then examples.

> Note, this is VERY basic. This is meant for newbies.)

Begginers is a better word (in my opinion).

> I. Cliffs (chapter)

Why don't you explain more about the rasing and lowering tool? At the moment it's not clear, if you are making it to begginers, you should write this tutorial thinking they have very little knowledge.

> II. Methods of Tile Variation (chapter)

Again, this chapter might be allite unclear to begginers, why don't you talk more about the sets of variables and say what you are using?

> III. Adding Doodads (chapter)

There are many kinds of forests, dark, light, elven etc. You should say what forest you are doing, or give examples of few forests.

> Be sure to use the smooth tool

Explain more maybe?

> please give me some rep

Just that you will know people hate when you ask for reputation, and somtimes it makes them to the opposite, I don't care that much personally, just a note.


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Yeah I guess it is useful for starters. I just only hate that you do Lordaeron Summer, the worst tileset in WE. Forests look the best in Ashenvale tileset, but I guess you wanted to do it in LS.

BTW, have you ever been to a forest? If you have, you should have noticed that there is grass under the trees. (Well I don't know where you live, so I can't tell how the forests look there.)
I personally don't think there should be any dirt in FORESTS.

To be honest, I don't think that the cliffs look always bad. They can be quite nice when used correctly.

But thanks for doing this tutorial, I think someone will need it. :)

//BTW, you posted this to the wrong forum.


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> I personally don't think there should be any dirt in FORESTS.

My forest has dirt in it.

If there was no dirt in a forest, then how would the forest even be a forest? It couldn't grow.


Good tutorial by the way, useful for novices, ametaurs :)


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I addressed everything you mentioned. :D

EDIT: Whoa, looks like people posted while I was typing. I addressed everything Kenny mentioned.


The Silent Pandaren Helper
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It looks chaotic.

The trees are too separated and the tiles are placed so randomly. Forests should be calm. More variety!


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BTW, you posted this to the wrong forum.

Everything says post in World Editor Help zone, and this is it. Unless something changed that I didn't notice...o_O

This is meant for begginers, and I couldn't really think of how to explain exactly what I wanted. I am a good terrainer, and I have done terrains 50x better than this but I didn't want to describe everything.

I did this at 3:40 in the morning. Never try to do that. o_O


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Why does everyone think that cliffs are the bane of all terraining?

Sure, they look bad when you make it a prefect square.

But with more natural edges, and lots of ramping, cliffs look fine and add much-needed variety.


We are all noobs! in different states of Noobism!
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Good Tutorial!

  • The trees are too sparse. I don't know of any forest that have trees so separated. I know plenty of forests that are very tightly packed.
  • The realistic method of tiles is quite good. Im impressed.
  • If done correctly the cliffs can add something nice. There are also cliff doodads that can spice up cliffs if you think it's too plain. If you don't use cliffs you have to use pathing blockers of some sort.
In any terraining there are different methods and practises. If people are going to do something "realistically" then its a good idea to do research on what "realistic" actually looks like. And if your doing imaginary terraning then there still can be research done on the lore and look of certain types of terrain. A good example of this can be seen in the Terraining Thread by 2-P.

Anyway, getting on topic again, good tutorial, there's some littte things that could be looked at, but overall a good tutorial for beginners.

"...there should be no dirt..." @SnowCrow: Then I guess you've never been to redwood forests, or New Zealand. There are very many different forms of forests. His example is fine.


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"...there should be no dirt..." @SnowCrow: Then I guess you've never been to redwood forests, or New Zealand. There are very many different forms of forests. His example is fine.
...there should be no Lordaeron Summer dirt...
That's what I meant. :rolleyes: Of course there can be dirt, but that Lordaeron dirt doesn't even look like dirt.
And you can guess if I've been to those forests you said by looking at my location.




I think this tutorial could be used as a basis for something bigger but not a tutorial on its own. Cliffs, cliffs why do they hate them so?:D There is nothing wrong with cliffs. For example if you want to make a hill or an area of land were you cant simply walk up onto you cant make that with the raise or lower tool only cliff. Also i have been near forest's that i cant actually see much of a way into, maybe the odd little path or two that i can squeeze through but not much of a path. I expect that some forest's are as spaced out as that but i guess they arn't really forest's are they? more of a woody area. Before anyone says anything I live in Britain. I think you should get rid of the part that says there isn't a forest on this earth that is that closely packed because......well there are:p Good effort anyway but you need to make some changes.:)

Edit: We dont want the beginers to get the wrong ideas do we?:D


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1. I guess you skipped it over, but I said in the tutorial, "I guess I shouldn't say forest, but more of a woodsy area."

2. I was going to add this, but I saw your post. Thanks to Maerlyn, I'm back to using cliffs. ( http://www.thehelper.net/forums/showthread.php?t=22938 )

3. "I think you should get rid of the part that says there isn't a forest on this earth that is that closely packed because......well there are" Get me a picture of a forest so tightly packed together you can't even walk into it.

4."For example if you want to make a hill or an area of land were you cant simply walk up onto you cant make that with the raise or lower tool only cliff." Not true, you can use pathing blockers and doodads.




Hi. well here's my reply to that:

1. I did say woody area in my post.

2. im not sure if you want me to reply to that one.

3. Can you walk into that hmmmmm?



4. I ment with only terraining tools and besides using pathing blockers take too long.

Please dont try to win a lost battle.:D


I will work hard tomorrow
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>"If done correctly the cliffs can add something nice."

Definitely. For example not placing them, works good for me.

>"Cliffs, cliffs why do they hate them so? There is nothing wrong with cliffs."

Lies. 85% of the world wide eye cancer is caused by cliffs. That's how much they suck.

>"3. Can you walk into that hmmmmm?"

Yes. There are just a hell lot of plants. It's about the tree trunks, and they don't stand so close together.

>"4. I ment with only terraining tools and besides using pathing blockers take too long."

That's a poor excuse. :p

>"Please dont try to win a lost battle."



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>"If done correctly the cliffs can add something nice."

Definitely. For example not placing them, works good for me.

>"Cliffs, cliffs why do they hate them so? There is nothing wrong with cliffs."

Lies. 85% of the world wide eye cancer is caused by cliffs. That's how much they suck.

>"3. Can you walk into that hmmmmm?"

Yes. There are just a hell lot of plants. It's about the tree trunks, and they don't stand so close together.

>"4. I ment with only terraining tools and besides using pathing blockers take too long."

That's a poor excuse. :p

>"Please dont try to win a lost battle."


Thanks for I guess semi-defending me. :D

And I guess no, I could not walk through that. But, not because I can't, but because I can't. I would be creeped out with entering that forest. Honestly, it would scare the **** out of me.



>"If done correctly the cliffs can add something nice."

Definitely. For example not placing them, works good for me.

>"Cliffs, cliffs why do they hate them so? There is nothing wrong with cliffs."

Lies. 85% of the world wide eye cancer is caused by cliffs. That's how much they suck.

>"3. Can you walk into that hmmmmm?"

Yes. There are just a hell lot of plants. It's about the tree trunks, and they don't stand so close together.

>"4. I meant with only terraining tools and besides using pathing blockers take too long."

That's a poor excuse. :p

>"Please don't try to win a lost battle."



Hi well this is a reply to the last 2 post's:

1. Yes works well for you. But know this your maps are only half the potential they could be if you use cliffs.

2. We are talking about warcraft III here not the real world and eye cancer isn't in warcraft.

3. To me it looks a lot more like a load of tree's but you cant see there trunks.

4. But it is a reason none the less and it works.

5. Really i mean it only post with a point your sure i cant reply to.

This is to Turnips post:

Yeah it would scare me too.:(


I will work hard tomorrow
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>"1. Yes works well for you. But know this your maps are only half the potential they could be if you use cliffs."

The potential of looking bad? I guess that's ok, I don't want to fulfill every potential.
I get your point, you're not the first one to say this. Every once in awhile someone comes along and claims that if you can handle cliffs well they will enhance your terrain and make it look better. Well, no.
See, I've seen dozens of awesome terrain screenshots and in none of them were cliffs. Pure coincidence? Doubtful.

>"2. We are talking about warcraft III here not the real world and eye cancer isn't in warcraft."

Why do you think that the Demon Hunter has a blindfold? Nah, I was just kidding, don't take everything serious.




1. Well if they work for the person who uses them there ok. If you have those screenshots of these landscapes i would very much like to see them. Also might i enquire how you do waterfalls without cliffs?.

2. lol run out of ideas did you? Anyway i though that iliidans was blinded by a demon he slew.

Im just wondering how long this is going to go on for.....hmmm forever? lol i doubt it:p


I will work hard tomorrow
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>"1. Well if they work for the person who uses them there ok."

Of course they work, but they look worse.

>"If you have those screenshots of these landscapes i would very much like to see them."


Go through the whole gallery if you feel like. Or take those two for example:


They would look horrible with cliffs.

>"Also might i enquire how you do waterfalls without cliffs?."





1. heh depends on how they are used if you ask me

2. Might i ask on the helm deep pics they arnt just using terrain tools and not cliffs are they (for the castle) I mean the battlement syou cant get a straight down edge without using cliffs.

3. That landscape is using cliffs.
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